[X] Plan Gardening
-[X] Get Soft Strider, Reva, Liset, and that Minotaur Oracle to witness it and learn what they can.
-[X] Speech for the Tyrosh Tree in note format:
--[X] We came to save this city from the creatures of the pit
--[X] We are greatly saddened by the losses during the fighting that was needed to remove the cancer, especially those poor souls who were enslaved to the wills of those creatures.
--[X] Great is our wrath at those who permitted this cancer to grow under their nose and a reckoning will come for those magisters and officials who failed in their duties.
--[X] We hold great disgust at those who pledged themselves to these dark things, making pacts with beings that desire nothing but to destroy and despoil.
--[X] The noose isn't enough to remove the stain brought to the city by these people and since they have chosen their side, they will know die along with their daemonic masters.
--[X] The Old Golds will cleanse the taint, heal the wounds on body and soul, by taking the fell powers and turning them towards wholesome goals.
-[X] Grow the Tree of Tyrosh
--[X] CL 20 Hallow Effect
--[X] "A young man of indistinct heritage with mended scars in his face, defiance in his gaze."
--[X] Secondary Effect 1: Heart's Ease
--[X] Secondary Effect 2: Magic Circle Against Evil
--[X] Secondary Effect 3: Panacea
-[X] Use the cultist champion, the Thanadaemon, two cultists, and two of the six Lacridaemons for a total of 59.05 HD
-[X] Gather a few trustworthy people who will "spontaneously" take the blessings of the tree once it is grown.
-[X] Dany and Malarys will prepare for a scrying session to hunt down Rohar.
--[X] Lya casts Owl's Insight on each of them and uses Harmonic Chorus to enhance their casting. Dany and Malarys also cast Owl's Wisdom on themselves to further enhance their casting.