I think the most immediately beneficial option would be to sacrifice it. We can send a letter or kick off the propaganda efforts next, but disposing of an Other-tainted Fey who has a limited shelf life (storage wise, at least) seems more pressing, IMO.

The question is, who should we sacrifice her to? Yss had a great track record for extracting information from sacrificed enemies, but the OG are probably licking their weirwood lips at such a tasty morsel being available.

[X] Try to get more information out of Robert's killer
-[X] Sacrifice it to a god (risk that any information will be lost since it is recent and not intrinsic to the spirt)
--[X] The Old Gods
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So, we can give it a shot to try and recruit the Fey?

Winter Fey that are not true Others are insanely rare right now, I would be willing to accept almost any deal that involves:
A: Revoking any allegience to the Void and getting remaining connections removed by Genie-cryomancers
B: Telling us all she knows

For that a lot can be offered.
Yeah. No. I have zero interest in void tainted stuff.

@DragonParadox, what kind of contamination would mental intrusion entail?
Metaphysical or only memetic?
Also, we need to see if Bloodraven can confirm what kind of magic Cersei has access to. I'm thinking something Daemon-related.
I kinda want to know. Is it possible to purify this thing? Could the Old Gods swing that?

Edit: I am asking if we can do what we did to Rina.
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I kinda want to know. Is it possible to purify this thing? Could the Old Gods swing that?

Edit: I am asking if we can do what we did to Rina.

Rina was an undead human which had been under the thrall of the Void for months, this is an ageless fey who has been under that same thrall for ages of the world. That said considering the insane smith in Thennhold and what he was trying to do it should be theoretically possible, just don't expect it to be as easy as Rina.
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Rina was an undead human which had been under the thrall of the Void for months, this is and ageless fey who has been under that same thrall for ages of the world. That said considering the insane smith in Thennhold and what he was trying to do it should be theoretically possible, just don't expect it to be as easy as Rina.
...We don't have nearly enough in the vault for this. We spent all of it smiting the fey.
[X] Try to get more information out of Robert's killer
-[X] Bargain, perhaps with Rina's aid

--[X] Hear her out what she might want. Something like soul-death with no chance of the Void getting her soul in exchange for information would be an option (if it comes to that, Yss helps permakill)
--[X] If she has less nihilistic desires she could join your Empire in Rina's service, contingent on her swearing off any allegiance to the Others/Void and letting any remaining risks be checked over and removed by Genie-mages and if necessary divine aid.
--[X] This does include secure imprisonment with her word that she does not attempt to flee or harm anyone until the seperation has worked.

She is still Fey, her word will still bind her.
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I'm really sick of the villain decay of the void, but I guess I have to give this up.

I mean this thing could literally eat Viserys' soul and spit out an corrupted abomination, I don't think it has decayed that much

Would Yss be able to create a new being out of this? @DragonParadox. A new Winter fey perhaps?

No, the Void is anathema to Yss' rebirth thematics, if he eats something touched by it, that is styaing digested. This will not be as easy as outsourcing to a God.
[X] Azel

All right. Fuck that. Once we figure out the purification process we can go from there but way too much of a risk right now. The fact that the void actively eats away at all prisons makes this supremely difficult.
I mean this thing could literally eat Viserys' soul and spit out an corrupted abomination, I don't think it has decayed that much
You are largely treating it as a souped up Negative Energy template these days and the players now act as if it's just... something like an extra-fiend that corrupts other fiends, and can be renounced at will. That people think that just talking to it to make it get a more positive outlook on life will be enough to have it renounce the Void and convert to a happy little minion is proof of the latter part.

There's just... nothing that makes this Fey more scary then any other random dark fey. Hence people treating it as they would any other dark fey.
That's villain decay.
You are largely treating it as a souped up Negative Energy template these days and the players now act as if it's just... something like an extra-fiend that corrupts other fiends, and can be renounced at will. That people think that just talking to it to make it get a more positive outlook on life will be enough to have it renounce the Void and convert to a happy little minion is proof of the latter part.

There's just... nothing that makes this Fey more scary then any other random dark fey. Hence people treating it as they would any other dark fey.
That's villain decay.
I mean, was it ever different?

The Void was always just another enemy, maybe harder to destroy than any other, but not stronger than Tiamat, not smarter than Asmodeus, not more knowledgeable than Abraxxas, not more alien than the Deep Ones.
In a way less insidious than even the Court of Stars, because the Void is very obvious about being an enemy of all that is and has had difficulty decieving people from the very beginning of the quest onwards, as seen with the Stark-related Sorcerer.