So more spells to base items or rituals on to help with this shit show:
Detect Fiendish Presence: level 0, concentration up to 10 minutes/CL, and shaped like a 60 ft cone. It works like detect evil except that it only effects evil outsiders
but also picks up lingering traces of their gifts, presence and spells. They can probably block this, but I'm betting it's annoying to needs to clean up after every single worthwhile servant.
Detect Charm: level 1, concentration up to 1 minute/CL, and shaped like a 60ft cone. Works like detect magic, but only picks up charm, compulsion and possession effects. It does give position and strength instantly though, and some bonuses to finding the caster.
Devil Blight: This is more for casters than for rituals or items since it's level 3, but it has some fun effects. It lasts 1d6 rounds and effects a single living target. For that duration it does 2d6 damage per round to lawful evil creatures with no save allowed. For baatezu it also requires they make a fort save or be stunned for the duration of the spell.
For our minions that's a great edge to have against low to mid grade devils.
[X] egoo