[X] Quickly store the imprisoned Daemon and it's former host in Viserys' cloak, then the group will move to investigate the chamber the Olethrodaemon was heading for.
-[X] Viserys uses Wild Arcana to cast a Maximized Summon Monster VIII spell to Summon 5 Janni to invisibly scout the manse and gather up any documents or arcane paraphernalia. They will Telepathically communicate with the group if they run into trouble or find something they can't retrieve themselves.
-[X] Malarys and Dany will each use Inspired Spell to Summon a group of Devils, and Zherys will expend an 7th level spell slot to do the same; 1d4+1 Bone Devils for Malarys and 1d4+1 Bearded Devils each for Dany and Zherys. They will command them to round up residents and lingering guests, subdue guards, and then barricade the manse using Wall of Ice SLAs, all while taking care not to cause serious injuries. They too will use Telepathy to apprise the group of anything of interest they may encounter or to ask for additional orders should it prove necessary.
While the Jannis loot the rest of the manse and the Devils carry out their orders, the group will clear out the chamber.
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The gear is all on its host, which you guys have to decide to actually dig for.

The daemon itself is a Olethrodaemon who exchanged five of its HD for Fiend of Possession Levels. It also has two epic feats. I would call it CR 22 20 HD
Oh, damn, that's a dangerous PRC. Some very neat abilities packed in there.
@Goldfish, aldo summon some low-level Daemons as a distraction in order to torment, but not to kill.

There's no way that this kerfuffle didn't cause an alarm and it's much more useful when the guards will talk about Daemon incursions then hostile strike teams from the Imperium.

Edit: On a second thought, make it Devils. A few imps to cause havoc and some Merregons who will fight to delay the guards. It will be obvious that the summons are a distraction, but with Devils, they will be more inclined to look for the presence of other fiends trying to false-flag this, thus hopefully having them stumble over the traces of Daemon taint.
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So, on one hand I don't really care about the meatsuit. On the other it would probably be politically wise to heal him and explain what just happened to make a point on how useful we could be to the Ibbenese in this new dark world where Daemons possess their people.

The new book will keep in its prison for now so the guards and anyone else can see what had been among them.

On the other hand.. Just book it, we can conquer these louts anytime.

I am torn.

Edit: We were never here, all demons or devils fault works too.

[X] Goldfish
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@Goldfish, aldo summon some low-level Daemons as a distraction in order to torment, but not to kill.

There's no way that this kerfuffle didn't cause an alarm and it's much more useful when the guards will talk about Daemon incursions then hostile strike teams from the Imperium.

Edit: On a second thought, make it Devils. A few imps to cause havoc and some Merregons who will fight to delay the guards. It will be obvious that the summons are a distraction, but with Devils, they will be more inclined to look for the presence of other fiends trying to false-flag this, thus hopefully having them stumble over the traces of Daemon taint.
Done. I've got Bone and Bearded Devils plugged into the plan for now. On top of being tough and capable, the Bone Devils can use their Wall of Ice SLA at will. They can barricade the manse in order to slow reinforcements, since the spells will last long after their Summoned duration expires.
So the current plan has 5 Jannies, 1d4+1 Bone Devils, and 2d4+2 Bearded Devils serving as lootbots and distractions. We might end up accidentally convincing Ibben that they've got a serious Devil problem.
So the current plan has 5 Jannies, 1d4+1 Bone Devils, and 2d4+2 Bearded Devils serving as lootbots and distractions. We might end up accidentally convincing Ibben that they've got a serious Devil problem.

Yes... That would be a shame. Especially if just because we are such good samaritans we offer to take care of it for them. Pointing out that our realm don't have such issues.

Then we solve their "devil" problem and offer them the protection of the realm all the possible trade and benefits to them.

And the best part being that this wasn't so much a plan as oh we gotta capture that Daemon and this is just happy coincidence.
So wait, you guys are planning to summon up a bunch of minor devils and unleash them on the local populace as a distraction when you could just as easily teleport out? I thought Viserys was Lawful Neutral, not Chaotic Neutral?
Turn it into a book, extract the knowledge(and the plans) and then maybe use it for the sacrifice? Using the Void concept to ruin the Fey sounds fun albeit extremely dangerous
We already have a Deamonic Grimoire, guys.
We looted it after it got smuggled out of Tyrosh.
It's not gonna be special enough.

Better feed the Daemon straight to Yss and ask for something more... unique.
Shadow!Tor-grade unique, I think.
We already have a Deamonic Grimoire, guys.
We looted it after it got smuggled out of Tyrosh.
It's not gonna be special enough.

Better feed the Daemon straight to Yss and ask for something more... unique.
Shadow!Tor-grade unique, I think.
It's not exactly comparable. That's a mid-level Black Book vs a CR 22 Olrethodaemon that has unique necromancy knowledge.
So wait, you guys are planning to summon up a bunch of minor devils and unleash them on the local populace as a distraction when you could just as easily teleport out? I thought Viserys was Lawful Neutral, not Chaotic Neutral?
They're not going to leave the mansion and their purpose isn't to kill anyone, just to serve as a distraction to cover for our short-lived fight with the Olethrodaemon and for our subsequent looting. Remember, the Olethrodaemon is a Gargantuan-sized, so when it left its host and assumed corporeal form, it made a hell of a lot of noise, along with damaging the structure. The Daemon has been working in Ibben for at least a short while, and it's been riding around in someone with no small amount of wealth or power within the city, so muddying the waters here with Surprise!Devils is to our advantage in that it covers for potential Daemon shenanigans and provides a convenient excuse for why the Daemonhost is missing, if we can't fix him up and return him for some reason.
We already have a Deamonic Grimoire, guys.
We looted it after it got smuggled out of Tyrosh.
It's not gonna be special enough.

Better feed the Daemon straight to Yss and ask for something more... unique.
Shadow!Tor-grade unique, I think.
I would also prefer to sacrifice it sooner rather than later. It's a CR 22 Daemon, and those aren't easy to come by. Yss would probably appreciate it, but the Ferryman is more likely to give the better boon due to his Death aspect and how much Daemons in general and the Void-tainted Others in particular fuck around with that.
It's not exactly comparable. That's a mid-level Black Book vs a CR 22 Olrethodaemon that has unique necromancy knowledge.
Ideally, we could extract that and still sacrifice the Olethrodaemon. It's better for everyone if this thing gets the True Death treatment, IMO.

Can the devils do all that with the spell duration time in rounds/level?
Most of them will last for at least 2 minutes, give or take a couple rounds depending on who did the Summoning. It's not that we want them to accomplish much, but rather that we want them to be seen in the mansion in non-trivial numbers on an apparent mission while distracting everyone from our looting efforts and those of our Jannis.
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So wait, you guys are planning to summon up a bunch of minor devils and unleash them on the local populace as a distraction when you could just as easily teleport out? I thought Viserys was Lawful Neutral, not Chaotic Neutral?

Just think of the benefits... To us, of course. Why if Ibben believes they have a devil issue they might be more open to say some dragon somewhere that can help protect them from those dastardly devils.

And besides its not like we are setting them out to murder half the town. Just to delay so we can loot, interrogate, etc etc.
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But aren't we employing devils, and isn't that kind of common knowledge to people with the right contacts?
But aren't we employing devils, and isn't that kind of common knowledge to people with the right contacts?
That's the point. Since they are summons, not called, everyone with a marginal amount of arcane knowledge will see that they were a distraction. Thus, by using Devils, we make it look as if someone was trying to blame us for this.
Ideally, we could extract that and still sacrifice the Olethrodaemon. It's better for everyone if this thing gets the True Death treatment, IMO.
We could bookify it, tear out the relevant pages and sacrifice the rest.