Huh, can we negotiate with the Eldritch entity? I'm sure we can build something to house it's nature, while allowing them to "live".
Or more terrible considering what damage is being done in the name of simply observing (if that is all it is). It's like one of those physics experiments that is altered by simply having an observer, except in this case the alteration is 'death, madness and cosmic horror'.
So basically normal reality TV then.

You know it's probably just because I've been reading Ow My Sanity but I want to find some way to add Shub-Niggurath to our stable of pokemon pantheon of gods.
...I am getting weirdly interested in trying to bribe Black Goat with the feeds to TV system we are building.

Too bad it looking even with several degrees of separation is gonna cause horrible, horrible damage to everywhere.

"Diplomanced an Eldritch God into cooperation" would've looked crowning on our ridiculous set of achievements :V
Any attempt to communicate is sure to be dangerous to the sanity of those involved. How you go about it determines the degree of danger. What the entity might say in consequence is impossible to guess.
I want to do this so badly now, after all when have stupid levels of danger stopped us from doing anything.

So DP what would research actions for this sort of thing be like anyway?
Viserys: *successfully diplomances Black Goat and offers to make a body for it in the Fleshforge in return for it not driving every mortal around insane*

Urak the Forgemaster, fresh outta Eldritch-contamination rehab with Yss:
One thing for sure -- we need to add the Black Goat and her worshipers on the Inquisition Watch List if they weren't already.

[X] Goldfish
Sorry for the complete tangent, but I just saw this and had to share. It's obviously a fancy prop with no actual combat potential, but holy shit, it made my inner 12 year old cry tears of nerd joy.

...I am getting weirdly interested in trying to bribe Black Goat with the feeds to TV system we are building.

Too bad it looking even with several degrees of separation is gonna cause horrible, horrible damage to everywhere.

"Diplomanced an Eldritch God into cooperation" would've looked crowning on our ridiculous set of achievements :V
Any attempt to communicate is sure to be dangerous to the sanity of those involved. How you go about it determines the degree of danger. What the entity might say in consequence is impossible to guess.

Hubris is a coward's word. We got a Xor!

[ :V ] Look into the Serpenstone project, Ishmagnis' stuff, and try to delve in recording memories
-[ ] Get Xor into contact with the cultists, and sell stuff
-[ ] Drown in tentacled currency! Eat that, Elder Brain!
[X] Goldfish

Honestly not overall surprising, Far Realm done right has its denizens mostly not care and only doing things out of personal desires that most mortals can't even understand. No malice in this case, but still dangerous.

Want to check out Forge beforehand just in case.
Sorry for the complete tangent, but I just saw this and had to share. It's obviously a fancy prop with no actual combat potential, but holy shit, it made my inner 12 year old cry tears of nerd joy.

I had already seen it, and was utterly disappointed at the fact that it is actually a decorated building rather than an autonomous robot.
It's less dangerous to Xor, but not safe. Compared to the sheer conceptual weight of an Elder God Xor is a dust mite. Dust mites that try talking to people might just get blown away by and exhalation.
Yeah but getting blown away, seem like something that's more reversible than having your sanity shattered, so even if that happen, it would probably just mean a quest to restore Xor, not having to find a way to cure a mind shattered by the Far Realm.