Turtling? We didn't do that the last few battles, right?

Everyone's reaction to this update: "Viserys, what the fuck..."

Viserys' reaction to this update: "That was a neat trick."
Relath: "Best decision I ever made - not to eat them in our first encounter ..."
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Ah, decerebrate. Sweet memories!
Last time it was used against us, we took a bite out of the caster. Shall we do it again now?
@DragonParadox, Dany should have already cast her prepared Mind Blank spell on Relath, so he will be protected from the effects of End of Strife, too.

EDIT: Also, I assumed that the damage inflicted by End of Strife would be lethal by default, just in case it becomes relevant. Viserys didn't choose the non-lethal option.
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Turtling? We didn't do that the last few battles, right?
It's a dragon however debased, it deserve better than to become a turtle, an Amber prison is far more dignified, being encased in precious material, is the least humiliating way to capture a dragon, after all that's kind of like being hugged by a Hoard.
Faerex was fortunate to be able to avoid the Sphere the first time, but it will keep trying to touch her for another 21 rounds. It's not fast, but it is persistent.
Also can someone remind me how we have so many different spell options? Or was that all Miracle?
That was Wild Acana, which uses Mythic power. Viserys currently has 7/day, and he just used three of them.

He can also use Miracle and Blood Wish, of course, for duplicating lower level spells.
It's a dragon however debased, it deserve better than to become a turtle, an Amber prison is far more dignified, being encased in precious material, is the least humiliating way to capture a dragon, after all that's kind of like being hugged by a Hoard.
{That thing} is to {a dragon} what {the result of leaving a pizza for three weeks on the compost heap} is to a {delicious pizza fresh out of the oven}.
So would now be a good time to use Draconic Suppression since she's so close?

also we could always go with Pup Shape for extra humiliation. :V

edit: that last was a joke, but thinking on it just trying might piss her off enough to encourage mistakes regardless of whether or not it works.
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