Please let's concentrate our efforts on these projects separately.

Where Imperial Palace needs to be a mountain of guns, and soldiers, which also flies (card games on motorcycles!), Ritual Site needs be an impenetrable facility, which even orbital bombardement won't break through instantly.
Two very separate goals, imo - and as such, better be focused on separately as well.

Or just cannibalize one project for the other once the former has served its purpose.

Edit: With that said, making the flying fortress just literally an actual ship design might be best.

A battleship could anchor a defense better than a fixed structure anyway.
Then put the fortress somewhere it will be useful no matter what it's used for... how is that so difficult to understand? Is it the "it is in a remote location" part?

The location won't be perfect, pick one where the ill effects on a full-scale assault by a planar power can be mitigated if not avoided entirely, then evacuate the locals if you have to. We can afford to do that, you know?
A fortress at the tip of Valyria's southern edge would be insanely useful. Not only is that another base to delve into Valyria, it allows us to utterly dominate the Summer Sea and enhance our power projection. The Basilisk Isles under Saan are one thing, but that fortress is basically "This is mine forever".
Interlude in beta.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jun 30, 2019 at 11:39 AM, finished with 102 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Outer Valyria.
    -[X] (South eastern tip of the island south east of of Aquos Dhaen.)
    -[X] The fortress will be used to make excursions into the depths of the ruins after this project, the location is likely to provide unique opportunities for those prepared for them.
    [X] Build on the ruins of Borash
    -[X] Close enough to sea and mountain for all purposes
    -[X] After the ritual the fortress can guard the Demonroad, first against attacks from the slaver cities, secondly as a waypoint to patrol from against less concentrated threats, bandits, undead, seamonsters and such.
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A fortress at the tip of Valyria's southern edge would be insanely useful. Not only is that another base to delve into Valyria, it allows us to utterly dominate the Summer Sea and enhance our power projection. The Basilisk Isles under Saan are one thing, but that fortress is basically "This is mine forever".

It also is near the zone where Valyria is mixed with the Plane of Fire, giving the Efreeti an insane advantage
Name: Zherys
Human (Dragonblooded, Medium)
Class: Sorcerer (Blood of Siberys) 7/ Loremaster 5/ Incantifier 3
Flaws: Grudge Keeper,
Feats:Draconic Heritage(Red), Skill Focus (Knowledge History), Draconic Aura (Energy Fire), Invisible Spell, Searing Spell, Craft Wondrous Item, Fire Casting, Practical Metamagic (Searing Spell) +1 Metamagic from Incantifier
Skill Trick: Swift Concentration
Class Features: Blood of Siberys, Lore, Secret (Inner Strenght, Stamina, Avoidance), Arcane Body, Spell Eater, Spell Resistance, Spell Leach, Spell Eater 2

HP: 12d4 +3d6 +15
Armor Class:
Movement: Ground (30ft)
Initiative: +0 (DEX)
Base Attack Bonus: +6/+1
Spell Save: DC: 10 + 5(CHA) (+3 for Fire) + spell level
Weapon Proficiency:
Immunities: Aging
SR: 23

8 (-1) Strength
10 (+0) Dexterity
13 (+1) Constitution
20 (+5) Charisma
14 (+2) Intelligence
12 (+1) Wisdom

SAVES (+1 against Sleep, Paralysis and Fire)
FORTITUDE: 4 + 1(Con) +2 (Secret) = 7
REFLEX: 4+2 (Secret) = 6
WILL: 11 + 1 (Wis) +2 (Secret) = 14

Diplomacy: 16 +5 (CHA) +2 (Syn) = 23
Concentration: 18 + 1 (CON) = 19
Knowledge (Arcana): 16 + 2 (INT) = 18
Knowledge (History): 10 +2 +3(SF) = 15
Sense Motive: 10 + 1 (WIS) = 11
Spellcraft: 18 + 2(INT) +2 (Syn) = 22

Spells Known (Caster level 15):
Level 0 (9):
Level 1 (5):
Level 2 (5):
Level 3 (4): Dispel Magic, Air of Nobility, Ancestral Awakening , Battlemagic Perception
Level 4 (4): Assay Spell Resistance, Dimensional Anchor, Heart of Earth, Black Tentacles
Level 5 (3): Draconic Polymorph, Arcane Fusion, Firebrand
Level 6 (3): T Greater Dispel Magic, Greater Shadow Enchantment, Hellfire Ray
Level 7 (2): Arcane Spellsurge, Kiss of Draconic Defiance

Blood of Siberys

You possess a deep bond to Siberys, the Dragon Above, which shapes your sorcerous powers. Many believe the Dragon Above is the source of all arcane magic, and the first dragons were born from the blood that fell when Khyber slew Siberys. Your bond to the Dragon Above enhances your ability to channel magic.
Level: 1st.
Replaces: If you select this class feature, you do not gain the normal list of class skills, nor do you gain a familiar.
Benefit: The following are your sorcerer class skills: Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (the planes), Profession, Spellcraft.
In addition, you add +4 to your effective Charisma for purposes of determining bonus sorcerer spells and the maximum level of spell you can cast. For example, even if your natural Charisma is 14, you can still cast up to 8th-level sorcerer spells. This bonus does not affect saving throw DCs, skill rolls, or provide any of the other benefits dependant on Charisma.

Arcane Body (Ex): An incantifier's body ceases to function as most living creatures' do, coursing with unbridled magical energies. While he is not undead, elements of his existence are fundamentally warped by the arcane energies he relies upon to sustain him.
An incantifier does not heal naturally, nor can he be healed through normal magical means. Only through draining magic using his spell eater ability can an incantifier replenish his physical health.
An incantifier no longer has any need to eat, drink, or sleep and does not take penalties from neglecting these needs. In addition, an incantifier no longer takes any negative effects from aging and has no maximum age. Instead, he must replenish his body by absorbing spell levels equal to his character level every month, using his spell eater ability (see below), or he permanently loses a level. For example, an 11th-level wizard/5th-level incantifier has to consume 16 spell levels within one month's time or permanently lose a level (see Energy Drain and Negative Levels in Appendix 1: Special Abilities in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook). Levels lost in this manner can not be restored by any means.

Spell Eater (Su): An incantifier depends on magic to live and must absorb arcane magic to heal. If an arcane spell or spell-like ability does not beat an incantifier's spell resistance, the incantifier absorbs the magic and heals 1d4 hit points per spell level. Spells that ignore or overcome the incantifier's spell resistance affect him as normal. The incantifier decides whether or not his spell resistance affects spells he casts on himself, either benefitting from the spell or healing as he chooses.
When an incantifier uses this ability to absorb his monthly requirement of spell energy (see arcane body, above), the incantifier does not gain hit points.
When a spell is negated by the incantifier's spell resistance, he may choose to use either the spell eater or spell leech ability, but not both.

Spell Leech (Su): At 3rd level, an incantifier can channel absorbed arcane energy back into his own magic. If an arcane spell or spell-like ability does not beat the incantifier's spell resistance, the incantifier regains a spell of the absorbed spell's level or lower that he has already cast that day or regains a used spell slot of the appropriate level or lower. If the incantifier has his full compliment of spells, and thus has no cast spells or used spell slots, he cannot benefit from this ability. For example, if a wizard incantifier's spell resistance negates a lightning bolt, he can restore a single 1st-, 2nd-, or 3rd-level spell he had previously cast, regaining it as if he had never cast it.
When a spell is negated by the incantifier's spell resistance, he may choose to use either the spell eater or spell leech ability, but not both.

Spell Eater 2 (Su): At 3rd level, the incantifier can heal himself using arcane magic drained from single-use or charged magic items. This ability requires a full-round action and can only be used on an item the incantifier is holding. Using spell leech on a potion or scroll destroys the item but heals 1d4 hit points per spell level of the item destroyed. Using this ability on a charged magic item drains 5 charges and heals the incantifier of 1d4 hit points per spell level of the highest-level spell the item possesses. The incantifier cannot be healed more than his maximum number of hit points. This ability has no effect on multiple-use items without charges, like magic weapons, armour, or rings.

Very raw version again, but how about it?
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[X] Build on the ruins of Borash
-[X] Close enough to sea and mountain for all purposes
-[X] After the ritual the fortress can guard the Demonroad, first against attacks from the slaver cities, secondly as a waypoint to patrol from against less concentrated threats, bandits, undead, seamonsters and such.
Interlude DVI: Dance Macabre
Dance Macabre

Seventh Day of the Tenth Month 293 AC

Ser Justin Massey was beginning to wonder if he was in over his head. Mayhap a more forethoughtful man would have realized it was so when a Witch Princess showed up unannounced in his father's study, or when they found a tunnel the likes of which he had never heard of leading under the keep with bones stacked below by a childhood horror proving ever more real, but it was hearing those same bones speak that sent a chill down his spine.

"Seaman's bones cast on the shore, sinking, rotting, and lost..." the voice of death whispered, coaxed by the questions of the girl who was no child. "No wizard here to face the Sons of the Storm, no gold on this lost shore. Only the hall under the hill, only the Watcher eyes gleaming bright. Fortune paid in blood where the Raven's eyes could not see."

The Princess and the Knight of Skulls and Kisses shared a look, almost like they were talking without words, which for all Justin knew they could have been.

"Bones are not usually so free with their secrets," the girl explained. "Does any of that make sense to you, Ser Massey? I have some ideas, but I'd rather hear from you first since you would know of your family history better than I."

Though far indeed from a scholar, something itched at the back of Justin's head, the memory of the old maester's creaking voice and the whack of a stick over his knuckles. "Maldon Massey who built Stonedance and established lordship over Massey's Hook was a vassal of Durran the Ravenfriend, but it was only later under the reign of his grandson... or great-grandson... or something like of the sort that Beric Massey proclaimed these lands free of Storm's End as many others did in those days." Justin did not add the part of the story that had made him remember that even now. It was said Durwald the Fat only held sway over lands as far as a man could piss off the walls of Storm's End, something he'd found endlessly funny as a boy of four-and-ten.

"Alright, that's something. Let's see if there are any more answers to be found in dreams," the Princess said. "Let's see what Beric may have found in the dark."

With the swiftness of one who had been doing that many times before, she laid on a brazier where the skull had once been and poured strange eastern herbs upon the fire, the smell turning from bitter to sweet and back again as she spoke words half in song, the tongue of which she was uttering just as strange. After a while, though, it turned to Common again, though dark and twisted was the meaning:

Joined were bones and spirit cold
Then was darkness most alluring.
To the foolish and the bold
Once for raising, twice for glory,
Thrice for vengeance most enduring.

"What the fuck does this all mean?" Justin asked, unable to keep the anger from his voice at the implication to his family honor.

"Ser, I am personally descended from slaving murderous lunatics who would turn the stomach of any right-thinking person," the Princess replied, laying a hand on the Hound's arm to keep him from answering in her stead. "That does not make me any of those things. If your distant ancestors did indeed have something to do with the horror we must face today then that is their sin. They have doubtlessly long since paid for it before whatever gods they held to."

The words struck Justin like a hammer. Here he was fresh from seeing a mound of unconsecrated bones buried beneath his family home and he was worrying about the good name of men and women thousands of years in their grave before the living breathing people who looked to his house for protection. "What do you think it means, Your Highness?"

It was not the Princess but the red-haired warrior woman who answered: "Three great deeds, three pacts, raising the keep, glory that would be the rebellion from the Storm Kings... and vengeance which I confess I do not know enough of the history of the land to guess at."

"Qarlton's fate, not by my Andal 'husband's' blade but older powers..." A voice cold as the bitterest winter nights rose from the mouth of the tunnel and with it a dreadful blue glow. Brittle bones suspended in a chill blue mist arose clinking and clanking, but it was the face that was most terrible, like a mummer's mask made of rotting skin stretched over bones, the mouth set forever in a silent scream, and eyes blacker than pitch. In her hand the thing bore a twisted staff of rotted wood dripping some nameless filth.

The blood seemed to freeze and curdle in Justin's veins, not merely at the sight of the thing, but the bone-deep knowing that some way, somehow, this thing was kin. "The pact will be upheld!" Then it screamed, and the sound tore at him like claws of iron, pain turning to numbness. Darkness closing in...

"No!" The little witch's voice came as though from some great distance, but hear it he did, and it pulled him back to himself shivering and weak but still alive to see the Hound rip his sword free of its sheath to strike the specter.

A moment later the Princess dove over the cask, flinging lantern and skull out of the way, heedless of the fire catching in her hair. The bone of the thing's arm flared blinding gold, then Lonmouth struck, flaming sword dancing through the blue light, but the dead woman only laughed unharmed: "Mortal fire has no power here!"

Then the red-haired woman struck, the shadow of great wings seeming to gather around her shoulders in Justin's flickering vision. This time the blade caught and sparked, shards of bone flying. It still didn't die.

Justin's hand tightened around the hilt of his borrowed sword, motions drilled into him since boyhood stronger than the weakness or fear. He struck once, twice, the blade catching the monster's skull.

A boom like soundless thunder shook the room... Why am I staring up at the ceiling? Ser Justin wondered blearily.

"Is he still alive or do we have to raise him?" the cool voice of the warrior woman asked.

A small hand reached around his wrist, he heard faint incomprehensible words of magic, and then his strength surged back and the confusion waned. "Is it dead?" he asked urgently.

"Properly dead, yes," Lonmouth answered as he helped Justin to his feet. "You are a braver man than most to have killed something like that on your first time facing magic."

"That was battle?" the Massey knight asked, still a little bleary. "It barely took a moment."

"That's usually the way of it," Lonmouth replied. "If you don't kill it in a moment it will kill you in the next. Now let's see what it was guarding, and make sure those bones are set to rest."

Sandor and Mereth gains progress to next level
Ser Richard and Dany gain 2,200 XP

  • Twilight Seer's Sword and Armor
  • Staff of the Baleful Will
  • Manticore Figurine of Wondrous Power
  • 85,000 IM worth of gold, gems, art, and common magic items

Armor of the Twilight Seer

Description: Wrought of Aszite-vained True Silver this armor shimmers like the last rays of sunset in the light and it is lost utterly in shadow gives the wielder the power to use his ability to hide in the shadows far beyond the boundaries of the mundane, though any mortal who bears it must struggle against the constant clinging touch of the Shadow Plane.

Base Enchantment: Feycraft +1 Twilight Mithral Chain shirt

Special: The wielder may attempt a metaphysical hide check 3/day, with the following results:
  1. DC 20: Nondetection
  2. DC 40: False Vision
  3. DC 60: Veil
On a failure to attain the attempted DC the caster exerts less power upon reality. His spells and attacks only have a 80% chance to affect material beings.

Caster level: 15

Blade of the Twilight Seer

Description: Seeming a shard of nigh ripped from the heavens above this blade moves though the air with a keening wail of misfortune, sowing terror as easily as it draws blood.

Base Enchantment: +2 Ominous sword

Special: A creature struck by the blade may not benefit from any positive luck altering magic for 1d3 rounds (DC 22 Will save negates)

What treasure do you claim and how do you reward Ser Justin Massey?

[] Write in

OOC: Congratulations to @TotallyNotEvil for recognizing the monster, one of the few high level monsters that can get hit by a level 6 fighter with a +2 sword, though by the same token powerful enough to kill Companions on a bad roll. That wail has no tags, it just kills you dead if you fail the saves.
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@DragonParadox, Hermetia's character sheet on the front page is missing all of the gear she bought on her latest trip off-plane
I'm pretty sure that there was a Shadow Cloak in there, but I can't quite remember the rest :(
was a third or a tenth what used to go to kings as their due? I'd suggest we take the magic items, let him keep what we gave him and take I guess 1/4 of the treasure.
What treasure do you claim and how do you reward Ser Justin Massey?

[] Write in

OOC: Congratulations to @TotallyNotEvil for recognizing the monster, one of the few high level monsters that can get hit by a level 6 fighter with a +2 sword, though by the same token powerful enough to kill Companions on a bad roll. That wail has no tags, it just kills you dead if you fail the saves.

[X] The Reward for a Job Well Done
-[X] "Lord Justin Massey,
-[X]"I hope this missive finds you whole in body and mind. After hearing the report from my sister of your valor in battle, I am of a mind to see you properly equipped for future encounters of a similar sort, since you appear to be so eager to launch headlong into danger, best you be best prepared as is possible for the matter. I will submit the order to my enchanters before long, though I hope the twenty thousand Imperial Marks retains its value ahead of gold and gems and serves as a balm against the mementos recovered beneath your Keep--that belongs to a dragon. Well, another dragon. That's a story for another time."
-[X] "Good fortune in the wars to come,"
-[X] "Viserys Targaryen"
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