[x] The Dancer

Name: Karen

Weapon of choice: Shawl

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Trait: Hypnotizing Hips: You can use your dance to hypnotize(or some other status effect) someone.

Health: 4


STR: 1

END: 8

AG: 16

CHR: 20

ETH: 1

LUC: 14
nuuuuuuuuuuuu the assassin is winning now :(
Adhoc vote count started by san on Feb 26, 2018 at 8:50 AM, finished with 32 posts and 14 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by san on Feb 26, 2018 at 8:51 AM, finished with 32 posts and 14 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by san on Feb 26, 2018 at 11:15 AM, finished with 34 posts and 15 votes.
[x] The Bastard

Character concept for Assassin looks good, but alignment is a turn off.
thank you :D thats my biggest problem with it too

(the only other one is the appearance, I dislike the style a bit too much for me too vote for it even if it was an evil alignment.)
Just being a bastard - maybe not. Being a bastard for sweet sweet superpowers? I have faith in SV! :V

The Bastard's shtick is having to balance the number of people who hate her with her ability to fend them off. I find it an interesting enough mechanics to give it a try. Normally, an evil character wouldn't leave grudges to fester, but here we have an incentive to not go all the way, just most of it.
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Just being a bastard - maybe not. Being a bastard for sweet sweet superpowers? I have faith in SV! :V

The Bastard's shtick is having to balance the number of people who hate her with her ability to fend them off. I find it an interesting enough mechanics to give it a try.
exactly and worst comes to worst we can be trolls to literally everyone :D we can't make people fear us so much as make them hate us first and foremost so like a lighter version of the joker :D
I'll note that while her trait isn't the most powerful, the Prism is most likely going to be a pretty powerful battlemage, and, as long as we're willing to sacrifice the health, we can shred through large groups of enemies even if we are unsupported.
First job - 2
[X] The Bastard

I flip through my papers, making sure all the paper were there. Lets see, my magic license, list of previous jobs, my preferred working conditions, pictures of all the guys I killed, a misplaced comic book... Yeah that's about everything. "Here you good, keep the pictures if you want. Miss Tapenade."

"Please just Tapenade and what's this about pictures? Oh... uh... yeah..." She doesn't seem too grossed out by it. In fact she seems for fascinated by it.

"I'll just uh... put this in my uh... drawer...." She whipped her hand into the air, pulling out a drawer from her own man made space.

After depositing it there she went back to looking through my resume. "Hmmm... It certainly checks out all right... Though you seem to have a habit of leaving behind a bloody mess..."

"Hey, if it doe the job than it does the job. Besides it helps build the reputation."

"Well reputation is something you have in spades. I knew I recognize the name Sam from somewhere. Though..." She adjusted her glasses as she squinted her eyes at me. "I thought you'd look more demonic, with razor sharp teeth, hideous smile, demonic eyes and a bad sense of fashion."

"Hey, that's completely and utterly out of my control. Anything that enters the grapevines officially becomes the property of the grapevines. They can morph it, stretch it, and all sort of other verbs that I can't think of at the moment. But hey, none of that is important. What's important is that are you going to hire me or not?" Though I will find out the fucker who says who dares proposed that my sense of fashion is quote on quote 'bad.' He can go fuck himself.

"Well, I just have one question for you is all."

"And that is?"

"Why do you want the money for?"

"Well, I'm looking to get into this prestigious fashion school over at Ontario."

"You mean the Vraie Mode?" She nodded her head. "I have to say that it's quite an ambitious endeavour. Only twenty people have been able to get into that institution and only the best can enter."

"Correction, only the richest can enter. Even if the the most talented amateur fashion designers get a highly coveted scholarship it'll barely make a dent in the mountain that they dare call a entrance fee."

"How much is that entrance fee by the way?"

I shrugged. "Eh... About 15 million or so credits."

Her lens cracked even further. "Well that's great. Just my luck."

"What? Will the contracts be not enough to pay off that fee?"

"Nah... Nothing special. It's just that that's exactly the same amount of money I owe in debt."

"You're shitting me right?"

"Nope, made one mistake. Agent dies in a freak elevator accident and now the Canadian Mafia wants me to make up for the mess."

"Oh... explains all the papers."

"Well since I had no agent I've been trying to keep my head bullet free for a while with no plan of how to get myself out of this mess. Well, that's before you came along however."

"Oh?" I smiled cutely as I leaned forward on the desk. Propping my elbow to support my head. "Does that mean you have a plan now?"

"A bit of a long shot. Heard of the Shadow Contract?"

I raised an eyebrow. "No, never heard of it. What is it?"

"Well, it's been circulating around us Cleanup Managers for a while. It seems like someone's been sending an odd advertisement for a job. No one knows what it is but apparently the dough they're throwing out is worth about 60 million credits for anyone who gets in on the job."

I frowned a bit. "That sounds too good to be true."

"Well, there is a catch. Seems like there's no way to contact them or to ask to be on the job. Seems like you'll only be hired if you got a reliable service record and have cultivated a far reaching reputation."

"Oh? I'm reliable and I got a reputation."

"Oh no, I meant reliable as in the 'Best of the Best' and while yes many people know you. You're only known amongst us Canadians and not even all of Canada. Just here in the North West Territory. What you're gonna need is a reputation that spreads across the planet."

"Oh, that's what you mean." I smugly told her. "That'll be easy. Just give me a few jobs and I'll be in on that contract in no time."

"While I would normally say that attitude would get you killed. I'm currently a very desperate lady who desperately needs some cash to save her own ass and I'll take anyone I can get. Who knows, maybe the only people who'll take the Shadow Contract are those who have as much confidence as you."

"So," I sweetly smiled. "I'm hired, is that it?"

"Yep, and you can start right now even. There's a contract that someone wants to fulfill. No one has taken it yet but that's due to all the political baggage it has. We'll take it though, if only to starve off the debt shark for a while longer and to get some traction in the market again."

"What the contract if I may ask?"

"There's a politician from The Independent State of Alaska who's bringing with him some important documents. The contractor doesn't say what it is but that doesn't matter. What matters is that they're important and the guy is paying us 80,00 credits to get it, preferably with no witnesses left behind. Kill a town if you have to just make sure that no one thinks that there was an assassination."

"Easy peasy. Just tell me where and I'll go."

"Wait, I'm just gonna go call the contractor to get the job. I'll be back in a few."

She got off and walked off the island and into the waters. Wonder if that'll help clean out the stench she has. "Eh, nothing to worry about. I got a job, a contract coming up, things are going my way. Gonna be easy street all the way."

After a while Tapenade walked out of the water. Looking more clean, blue hair all down and wearing a rather adventurous scarlet coloured one piece swimsuit, she even gotten a new set of glasses. "Sorry that took a while. I just needed to change my clothes a bit, like my casual wear?"

"Casual huh? Not bad if I say so myself." I raised my eyebrows a bit. "Though it does bring up some questions."

"Nah, nothing bad. It's simply personal clothing preference. That turtleneck and pants was my working over time outfit. Oh I almost forgot, here's all the details." She gave me a paper that showed where I should go and where they're currently taking lodging at and everything I need. Seems like they're at a hotel at a town about 100km up north.

"Well, I'll be going now," I said heading towards the door.

"Good luck, and don't die."


Walking in a light snowfall at about -43 degrees Celsius. It wasn't too hard to find the Free Ocean Hotel. In fact you can't get into this town without seeing and hearing about the hotel. At about a population of 12,400 people, the small town of Song is a popular tourist location that was formed 7 years after the One World, One Truth Act. There are tourist flooding the town from all over the world and it's not hard to see why.

It has one of the five best indoor beach hotels as well as being the location of the annual World Ice Sculpture competitions. That's not my concern at the moment. What is my concern is the fact that the Free Ocean Hotel is right in front of me and I need to figure out how to approach this. What should I do?

[] Sneak in, make sure no one sees you.

[] Sneak in disguised as a employee

[] Go in as a guest.

[] Write in


I'll go write her profile later. It'll have all the list of spells she has. Though for starters she has a disguise spell that kills the target, condense them into string to let Sam take their form.
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[X] Sneak in disguised as a employee

Though, Left, is there a chance that the other PC options show up as NPC's later on?