A story about fashion design?

Pittsburgh PA USA
I've been drawing a lot of fashion designs lately, and I've had one person say I should find a writer who wants to write a story about a mc who does fashion design (probably in an isekai or litRPG story), while a second person has said I should write the story myself and make it be about a dungeon core (The fashionable dungeon!) Anyway I'm kind of confused. Does anyone here like fashion design and want to bounce ideas about this kind of story? If you are interested in writing it or co-writing it, even better! But not required for participation in this thread. What I most want to hear ideas about is: how could fashion become truly important to a fantasy world? Stats are NOT a good answer, this isn't about combat. Some kind of theme about performativity and self-actualization would be ideal, but I don't know how to make a plot showing that.
Uuh idk same way fashion is important IRL? As a way to show wealth, as an in-group marker and a way to influence perception?
What I most want to hear ideas about is: how could fashion become truly important to a fantasy world?
It was sci-fi not fantasy, but I recall an old short story about a top tier designer who was recruited by the government to design formal wear for a centauroid alien whose species didn't wear clothing. With the key requirement: Do NOT make the Ambassador from a powerful alien civilization look stupid, which is why they grabbed the best designer they could find. It's easy enough to imagine similar situations in a fantasy setting.

Another way it might be important in a fantasy setting is magical taboos, blessings or ritual requirements for dealing with magical entities. I can just see for example somebody whose area of expertise is advising people on how to dress when dealing with the Fair Folk; don't wear this or it'll offend them, don't wear that because it means taking sides in one of their internal political struggles, don't wear the other because it symbolizes allegiance to a particular fey and so on.
Hmm, perhaps something like Restaurant to Another World? Like... there could be a powerful witch or wizard in the fantasy world who can create magic items or enchant cloth but they don't know enough about actually designing clothes that people would want to wear. Or particularly, they need help making fashionable items that rich nobles with disposable income would want to buy. Your average vagabound adventurer might be content to mix and match whatever gear gives the best bonuses, but that tends to result in them looking like fashion disasters that doesn't win them any favors.

Soo... there is a fashion designer character who doesn't have much skill in magic or combat, a few witches, wizards, clerics, etc who can provide the magic or materials to make enchanted garments, and then there are clients that range from rich nobles who want fashionable items that will impress their peers to various adventurers who mainly want the magical effects but begrudgingly have to put some effort into having a cohesive outfit. And then there are clients on a budget.

Also, it might be amusing to have a fashion blind fairy godmother or magical girl mascot who needs help designing the magical outfits they conjure up for their magical girls or godchildren. Imagine a magical girl activating their transformation trinket for the first time only for the dress that appears to be decades out of fashion or just really gaudy or poorly made, so their patron has to take them to the fashion designer's place to get a new dress design properly made up.

So, themes could involve dealing with customers and their needs, interacting with suppliers, the various issues of running a business or being an artist, etc.

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Mmmm, actually it could be a lot of stuff.

Hear me out:

Idea 1: Every fashion design becomes an avatar(or personificiation), of that fashion design and the fashion maker can use them as construct for prestige, and other stuff, like power, fighting and money. Etc. The more popular, and astounding the design the better.

Idea 2: It could be that warriors and people like to look nice during battles and nowadays, so they develop in the fantasy setting the technology to add above their armors and protection, the clothes as a skin. People only see them wearing fashion clothes but, but in reality they are wearing high armor, and defende tools. You could go that this began as an strategy of some offshot army tot rcik theenmy and have evolved trough the years in some sort of culture stuff, and fhasion stuff.

Idea3: Another idea is that the clothes can be something more like clothes, so the fashion deisgners in that world have the power to turn their clothes into other stuff, so gloves can became knifes to cut food. Scarf can be used to cut branches, and hats can be used to termodinamically change the temperature of the user,so they dont get too cold or to hot. You could also make the clothes some sort of communication centes, like they can write in their wrist a mesage and this message will appear in the cloth of someone somewhere else.

Idea4: Same idea as above, but every fashion design cloth have the functionatedly to work as a pocket dimmension, so the people can store their stuff there or use them as a mini dungeon, of small dimmension, with a diferent ecosystem following the themew of the deisgn or overall the design itself.

Idea5: All fashion design clothes, are alive in the fantasy seetting, but they can exaclty express themselves, unless they are beign weared by someone worthy, or their creator see them as a living thing, or they are put in a doll, or mannequinn.

Idea6: All fashion clothes have the power to interact with an element, any element beyond the ocassional, fire, water, air, earth. Things like grass, butter, beer, etc, count as an element, this helps because this is the only way to interct and have peace talks to people of other regions that live in places with these themes. So people of the fantasy world, force people to end there, because they need someone tlaented to design this types of clothes.

So thre are my ideas for now. Hit me by dm or here later if you want help or something, i wouldnt exaclly like the burden to be a co-writer, but i can participate as consultant in the little knowledge i have of fiction, and ideas. My only condition is that because of my work schedule, is probably i will stop interacting at times. Or have to abandond the project. But if you are ok, i can help you with this. Also my english is my second language so expect a lot of typos. A LOT.


Lol lol ok hear this one out.

Idea7: How about the world is at disaster and the wars have caused a lot of problem to the fanasty setting so the nations across the globe have make and accord, to substitute wars and conflicts that affect cityes and countries with fashion designs and beaty pageants. So this become like the best diplomatic way to resolve settings. But because some people are bad at design, they kidnap people of earth *cof* i mena recruit people from eart, to make the designs for them and be their forced consultant in this area. Wil, be interesting because this being an isekai world, they could have like dram like materials, gattered for fanasty beast an animals. And the isekaid person, will have to use his knowledge, and the new materials to make astounding stuff. To resovle all posible conflicts, and all the drama.
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Ooh, some great ideas getting sparked here! Now I'm thinking that fashion is mostly about geometry and color, so it could easily be related to things like summoning circles, or the fantasy version of feng shui. Fashion might even include architecture, depending on how you think about it, so that would be an interesting point for the dungeon core story possibility.

Fashion being worn is also kind of a performance art, so that would make it similar to bards doing... whatever magic they do. Usually buffs on other party members and debuffs on opponents, I guess.

Fashion statements could easily include elements that might strengthen someone's affinity to that element, or the clothing could convey kinship to a type of animals, or a slightly more abstract concept like sharp edges or restraint or stealth. In Xianxia if you have a dao you can use appropriately themed stuff to strengthen your identification with that dao, which could certainly include clothing.