A Storm of Dragonflies - (Worm x ASOIAF/GOT) (Spoilers All) (Wards!Dany) (DEAD)

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Daenerys I

Dany held fast to her mount, peering through the flying lenses into the winds that...
Moon 1.01 - Daenerys I


Daenerys I

Dany held fast to her mount, peering through the flying lenses into the winds that whipped across her face. The airflow cast the fat droplets of rain into a rippling pattern of rivers that flowed down her cheeks as her children left wakes in the clouds. I should have listened to Tyrion, Dany thought, he warned me not to take the risk. Yet when the seas south of Valyria had soured, she couldn't simply stand on ship and wait. Not if she could scout a way through the storm. A rider can see to the ends of the earth, from atop the back of a dragon. Why should I not lead my people to safety once more? What is water to a dragon?

Now she was drenched, her dark cape heavy on her back despite the gusts, and her ornate black steel and red ruby armor was soaked all the way through. Only Drogons great warmth kept her from shivering, as steam trailed from the saddle around her to rejoin the storm. Another thing to thank the bloodthirsty Imp for - without his knowledge of dragons for this design I'd l have been thrown off already. Though the flying lenses, fashioned from Myrish glass and strapped to her face, hadn't proven nearly as useful under the conditions.

The elements had conspired against her, and she continued to look fruitlessly though the hurricane for the fleet she had lost sight of more than an hour ago. She was loath to leave them behind, but her dragons could not fight natures wrath forever, as the fury had descended until one could scarcely tell where the sea ended and storm began. Rhaegal had already been struck by high waves as he flew low into the winds, and gales had tossed Viserion about such that she'd lost sight of him twice. Perhaps she should have brought a glass candle to see beyond, except I'd never be able to light it here, as it was all she carried besides what she wore were a purse of coin and two concealed daggers.

I'll never find the fleet like this, Dany thought again, and finally urged Drogon upwards, his two brothers quick to follow his lead and escape this torment. What now? Dany couldn't think of any way to reach the fleet like this, but the only path that left was abandoning them to their fate. To fly off elsewhere and take refuge until the storm passed. She emerged through the clouds, into crisp peace and sudden stillness. The night silence sung in her ears after the assault of the winds, save only for the great, rhythmic beats of dragon wings beneath the waning moon. Rhaegal broke out of the clouds to her right, and she worried for a moment before Viserion arose from the depths below as well, mists spiraling around his tail as it left their cold grasp.

The peace gave Dany time to think about why she was here, as she glided amongst familiar constellations over a much calmer sea of silver. Westeros awaited in front of them, but who knew what she would find there? Ser Barristan and Lord Quentyn had, genuinely so far as she could tell, promised that she would be welcomed with open arms. On the other hand, so had Viserys and Illyrio, far less sincerely. Her experiences in breaking the Meereenese Wheel lead Dany to believe it would not be so easy. But she would earn their loyalty, as she had done with so many others already.

And how many of her people would survive to see it? If I look back, I am lost, Dany cast the thought aside. Lights flickered in the corner of her eye, off to her left, as the silver sea below briefly parted. Fire? My fleet? She steered Drogon leftwards, and though the break in the clouds had closed, she could still see a glow from below. A large glow. No, no, NO!

Drogon descended quickly into the dark, followed faithfully by his brothers, but this time only calm mist rushed past her face. It was as if the gods had forgotten their rage in a matter of moments, and all too quickly they broke through into clear air. What lay below her caused her to hesitate in shock, as there was no storm, no ships, and as much land as sea.

Moonlight shown faintly through the clouds, giving a clear view of a calm bay below, and glowing hills beyond. As they flew, she turned her head to see a large tower arising from the waters, as tall as any of the Great Pyramids of Meereen, and illuminated by some great magic flame as steady as the sun. What people are these?, Dany thought, did Valyria not fall completely to the Doom, as everyone believes?

The city beyond was even more inexplicable, as it covered more ground than Vaes Dothrak, while housing more structures than Qarth. These were not small structures, either, but many towers, possessed of windows all clad in glass, and partially lit from within by the same steady flame as the great tower. As they flew lower still, she saw black streets with lights on posts lining them, glowing to reveal well paved roads, along which traveled horseless carriages casting their own light. None of these lights were fire, however, though the sky above was dim.

No, not none, Dany thought as she saw flickering. There's some flame, and she steered Drogon to the right, towards a part of the city with noticeably darker than the rest. Are these slave quarters? Could this be Volantis? Dany did not think that possible, as nothing here looked at all like what she'd seen in Essos so far. This place was as if she had flown out of the clouds into another world. She struggled to come up with other possible answers, and headed towards that she could recognize, the flames ahead, just as they exploded outwards.

She was braced for the impact, as even gentle landings could rattle her bones, and so it proved this time as Drogon touched down in the middle of one of these strange streets. She held herself from flinching as loud clangs came from the dragons tail knocking down some of the posts lining it. At least I'm nearly dry by now passed through Danys head as she brushed aside short strands of silver hair that had come loose, giving thanks for Drogons heat as he raised his head to see atop the building with the fire, while her other children circled above. What have we here?

Below her, standing on the roof of a brick building several stories high, was a tall thin girl in grey silk, with a fierce insect mask that reminded Dany bitterly of the locusts of the Brazen Beasts, and she appeared to be retreating from… well, Dany couldn't quite tell what the other figure was. Is that a man? A dragon? A… a… what?

"Who argh you?" The beast spoke, then. Well, that's an easy one.

"I am Daenerys Stormborn, of House Targaryen. Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Queen of Meereen, Queen of Dragons Bay, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons." This was punctuated by Drogons brothers coming to ground on either side of him, causing short lived screams from below, as more light posts were knocked over and flickered out. "And who are you?"
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Moon 1.02 - Taylor I
Taylor I

Taylor held her breath, and tried to hold her entire body still, while Lung lit the roof looking for her. What can I do? She wracked her brain, searching for an answer. The pepper spray in her hand had delayed him, and nearly gotten her burned already in retaliation. If she used it again or yelled for help he would stop trying to burn the entire rooftop and focus on her. He wiped at his eyes again, and paused, as loud whooshing sounds filled the air.

She recoiled at the clash of steel and glass as a dragon, a true dragon large enough to swallow Lung whole, came to land in the street that had just been a battleground. Lungs flames illuminated the black creature as it raised its head, causing glints of red to sparkle between scales bigger than her hands.

Atop its back sat a saddle, in which rode a young caped woman in black scaled armor, a red burst of gems blazing in her chest against the fire in the dark. A hand raked back strands of short silver hair, and she saw a pretty pale face, appraising them with a slight frown from behind large aviators goggles.

Taylor had researched the local capes before going out, but hadn't read of anything of this. Neither had Lung apparently, as he had turned to face her, wary but not attacking. "Who argh you?" Why is he hesitating?

The uncertainty on the womans face vanished as swiftly as she had appeared, and a minor smile graced it before she replied.

"I am Daenerys Stormborn, of House Targaryen, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Queen of Meereen, Queen of Dragons Bay, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons."

She paused momentarily, and two more dragons, each large enough to engulf Taylor's house with their wings, landed from the darkness in the street below with crashes and screams. "And who are you?"

She doesn't know? Taylor wasn't certain what caused her to move, but if this woman, Daenerys, was a hero and didn't know who Lung was, she needed to know. And if she was a villain… Taylor refused to believe her luck could be that bad, and words rushed from her mouth while the bugs left in the area raced to meet her.

"His name is Lung and he's here to kill kids!" she shouted.

Lung reacted, but this time she was prepared, lunging aside into the coarse rooftop. She heard a growl of "you little shit!", and a cry of pain was forced out of her when she landed roughly, her costume saving her from getting worse than bruised as heat scorched the ground she'd stood upon.

The dragon rider more beautiful than Emma seemingly had an attitude just as far beyond, as she shouted, "stop! I command you in the name of your queen!" Is she insane? Does she really think that will stop him!?

"You're not my queen!" Taylor watched as Lung used both hands to sent blasts of fire towards Daenerys, engulfing her completely, causing flames to lick at the saddle she sat in. Taylor was braced for screams, but none came, only gloom as the glow from the fire lessened. Sitting in a saddle still lightly aflame, the woman chuckled, apparently as unharmed as the dragon she rode. No, not quite unscathed, Taylor thought, standing slowly as she ran a hand through her own hair to make sure it was unburnt.

"Don't you know? Fire cannot burn a dragon." Daenerys adjusted her posture, and the dragon rose to a greater height, as the necks of the other two snaked up to look at Lung. "Rhaegal, Viserion," the two smaller, but still very large, dragons tilted their heads as she spoke. Were those their names? "Kisalbar."

The dragon to Daenerys right struck so fast she could scarcely see it. It's great jaws came down on Lung, and she could hear crunching and shouts as teeth bit, and scaled skin cracked. In the brief glimpse she got, it looked like it might be more green than black, but she couldn't quite tell in the darkness.

The dragon pulled back from the rooftop and tossed Lung high into the air, a pillar of fire emerging from open jaws that made Lung look like a cigarette lighter in comparison. She raised a gloved hand to shield her eyes, seeing spots, just as the other dragon roared, pale in the firelight, and stretched out it's head to catch Lung in it's teeth.

The green dragon did not take kindly to this, striking out to latch onto the bits of Lung hanging from mouth of the white one, and they both fell back to the ground fighting. She heard more sounds of metal and glass from below, but the screaming died mercifully fast.

They just ate Lung, Taylor thought. Ate him. They ate him! She was staring at what she could see of the two dragons as they jostled one another, her thoughts so caught in a loop that she jumped and screamed when she heard a voice beside her.

"I would have your name." Daenerys spoke, as she undid the half burnt straps from her harness and began to climb down to the roof.

Taylor just stood there, speechless, as the woman pushed her goggles up her head. They ate him. Dark eyes stared directly at her, more piercing for the lack of any mask. They ate him. Up close, the woman looked to be younger than on dragonback, perhaps even her age. They ate Lung! If she was another villain, Taylor would not be going home tonight, she knew. Heroes don't eat people!

"Are you alright?" the girl asked her, the sharp lines around her eyes softening. "Drogon, kisalbar," she spoke again, patting the black dragon so lightly Taylor didn't see how the enormous animal could possibly feel it, before it pulled back from the rooftop and joined the other two in the street. Daenerys walked towards to edge of the roof to peer over, and Taylor followed cautiously, but not far enough to see below. The girl turned towards her again.

"My name is Daenerys. Could you tell me your name?", was shortly followed by, "and what lands these are?" That question Taylor could answer.

"This is, um, Brockton Bay. Are you a hero?" Taylor needed to know. Heroes don't kill people! warred in her mind with but what were your widows trying to do?

Daenerys costume of metallic onyx scales showed pieces of scorched scarlet underneath, and this close Taylor could see that the gems on the front were set into a the shape of a three headed dragon. The emblem shimmered dimly in the nights light, seeming animated with its wearers breaths. From her shoulders hung a large black cape, which looked to be smoking, or maybe steaming. The whole outfit appeared very well made, but not exactly heroic. Not that I can judge, Taylor thought ruefully.

The girl laughed before answering, the lightness of it soothing in contrast to the ongoing sounds from beneath. "I've been called a hero by some. A breaker of chains, a promised princess. Mother, by many." She doesn't look old enough to be a mom, passed through Taylors mind as Daenerys continued.

"I suppose hero is a fair enough title as any other I bear. Though, as queen, I am usually addressed as 'your grace'." Queen? Like the Faery Queen? Please don't let this be another insane cape. She already showed me her face! And name!

The slight smile that was left over shaded into uncertainty. "But this isn't one of my Realms, or any I know of. Would you tell me where in Essos this 'Brockton Bay' is? And I would hear your name, as I have given you mine." Not one of her Realms?

"I, uh, haven't chosen a name yet." Taylor replied dumbly.

Daenerys frown grew. "Chosen? You are not called by your birth name?" What.

"No. I mean yes! It's just, I haven't chosen a cape name yet. Do you know how hard it is to think of a bug-themed name that doesn't sound villainous?" Taylor laughed nervously, fleetingly.

"Cape name? I'm not sure I understand you." How could she not? "What should I call you?"

"You don't know what a cape name is?" Taylor asked with disbelief. She's really not from around here.

Violet eyes held fast yellow lenses, as the sounds from below, which had quieted, began to rise again with the roar of an approaching engine. A loud bang was followed by several shuttering clanks, and suddenly there was a third person on the rooftop, clad in blue armor, with a grey visor logo across his chest. And this time, Taylor recognized the arrival. Yes yes yes!

A hero in blue power armor stood on the corner of the rooftop, and the goatee exposed by his helmet twisted into a grimace as he surveyed the scene. Drogons head rose up again, and Daenerys rested a hand on its massive side as all eyes turned to the newcomer. The mans halberd settled to rest beside him, with its blade pointing towards the sky.

"Why aren't you wearing a mask?" Armsmaster asked.
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Moon 1.03 - Armsmaster I
Armsmaster I

Armsmaster examined the two capes in front of him cautiously. Two young females, powers likely corresponding to insects and dragons, based on the mask and logo. Well, and on the swarm and dragons mulling about. The arc of his leap had sent him straight over the pale dragon in his haste to reach the rooftop, and the presumed Master he'd seen standing atop it.

At least, Armsmaster hoped she was a Master. The way those dragons moved wasn't quite right, his suit informed him as it attempted to model them, and infrared required recalibration. Possible Shaker effect, similar to Labyrinth? All the same, just like the mercenary cape, the collateral they left behind was real enough. If they wouldn't fall with their controller, and the regeneration-inhibiting serum he'd developed for Lung didn't work on them, it was possible he might have to call in backup.

He grimaced as he focused his visor on the assumed Master, the dragon cape, who watched him out of deep violet eyes. Utter recklessness, Armsmaster thought, showing her face like that. No matter how strong her dragons are, she can't be out of high school.

Her costume consisted of a black scaled armor over red silk, a black cape draped across her back. Rubies lay embedded in the front, rather expensive, impractical, and... yes, that's it. Steel alloy, higher carbon content than expected in good steel. Reflectivity is off, heat dissipation is off, movement doesn't correspond to calculated mass. Maybe not a Master. A tinker?

Addressing the first issue, "why aren't you wearing a mask?", he demanded. Her answer would tell him whether she was a hero or a villain, whether she was gonna fight him.

The dragon cape had ceased her appraisal of him, and her expression cooled at his words. She was looking at him as if she didn't know who he was. That can't be true.

"I have found that the only people who hide behind masks are those who have something to hide. What need would I have to mask my face, sir…?" the girl answered, sounding genuinely confused. Someone gave her the cash for such a costume and didn't tell her?

Not recklessness,
Armsmaster decided, foolishness. But at least she probably wasn't a villain.

"You're a new cape?" he asked. Every word he wrung from her improved the accuracy of his social software. But it appears she doesn't even understand the question. He saw the pale dragon rising up to better observe him, and his visor detected bugs coalescing around the tall girl. He adjusted the grip on his halberd. Should combat be necessary, he came prepared for the worst, he could handle these two.

"I am not sure I know what you mean. Who are you? And whose lands are these?" She didn't know who he was?

"You don't know who Armsmaster is?!" exclaimed the third person there, speaking for the first time. The crawling swarm coalescing around the insect cape rippled across her form, the girl seeming to withdraw sight as all eyes turned toward her.

"I, uh, don't think she's from around here," she said, before turning towards the girl in black, "you didn't know this is Brockton Bay, right? I mean…" she trailed off, and didn't start up again. Well, if she didn't know, he would have to tell her.

"I am Armsmaster, leader of the Protectorate East-North-East, based here in Brockton Bay. I was in transit to check out reports of Lung in the area. I need to know who you two are, whether you're heroes, and whether you've seen him?" he directed his questions towards the taller girl.

She shifted again and glanced towards the other, whose thin, scorched silver eyebrows furrowed slightly before shrugging. The girl in the insect mask answered.

"We're heroes," TRUTH, read his lie-detector, "I haven't chosen a name yet and she said her name was… uh…" No-name looked towards the dragon girl again.

"I am Queen Daenerys Stormborn, of House Targaryen." TRUTH. Wait, what? "Truly, neither of you have heard of me?" This 'dragon queen' looked as if she couldn't decide to be amused or insulted. He knew which he would be, were such a thing ever to happen to him.

"And Lung?" he queried.

The girls shared another look, before Daenerys shrugged again. "The beast? I fed him to my dragons." TRUTH.

A moment of not quite silence settled between them, excepted only by the slight movements of said dragons. Armsmaster looked at the dragons, and the dragons looked right back at Armsmaster. Through the visors false-color, he could see splatters of blood around their jaws, most prominently on the pale one which was eyeing him closely. The black one held steady beside Stormborn, mouth slightly open showing teeth larger than his leg, while the green dragon had turned and was gazing at a building in the distance.

"Um," the taller girl began, "he said he was going to kill kids, so, I tried to attack him with my bugs, but…" TRUTH. The bug cape stopped, and turned towards Daenerys, who once more shrugged and this time spoke.

"He tried to slay her, and he tried to slay me." TRUTH. "What would you have me do? And would one of you please be so kind as to tell me where in Essos this Brockton Bay is?" Daenerys words were correct enough, but Armsmaster could detect irritation in them.

"Brockton Bay is not in Essos, it is on the east coast of the United States of America." He paused, but she showed no signs of recognition. "And if what you just said about Lung is true, I'm going to need you to come with me to answers some questions."

"United States" she repeated him, tasting the words. "If this 'United States' isn't in Essos, then where are we? Sothoryos, perchance then? I believe sir Barristan would have informed me if there was this much magic in Westeros." TRUTH.

"Ms. Stormborn, the United States of America is on the continent of North America." Nothing. How? "On planet Earth." Could it be… "Earth Bet, to be specific."

As Armsmaster explained, he activated a wrist-light and projected a spinning globe on the ground between them. At the same time, a brush of his finger across his weapon fine-tuned the spectrometers to search for radioisotope ratios and began scanning…

She studied the image, and as she did, her face twisted. "I'm not sure I should believe you, sir. Even with the magics in this realm, I have seen the lines between worlds walked before. The warlocks showed me such, and when my sun and stars..." the girl trailed off as she looked at the sky. Carbon ratios from subject-Stormborn tell of a world without the nuclear catastrophes of Behemoth, or any history of atomic exploitation at all.

Overhead, wisps of cloud were breaking up, leaving dark gaps speckled with faint twinkles, through which shone a waxing moon. Stormborn drew in a breath, and her face calmed, before she began to speak. Anomalous isotope derivatives from solar and cosmic rays show…

"I believe, sir, that I may be more lost than I know. I was leading my people west, away from the continent of Essos, to retake my realms in Westeros. These continents reside upon my world, which is known simply as the Earth, not this 'Earth Bet'." TRUTH. …analysis does not correspond to any known Earth

"I am not sure what has happened, but for a land with such great magic, laying only a short flight away, to be unknown to my advisors, for the stars themselves to leap across the sky, and…" she trailed off.

Her eyes refocused on him and she asked, "Do you possess a means to travel between worlds? To return me to mine?"

Not likely, Armsmaster thought as he turned off the map. The scanner having confirmed the situation to the best of his abilities, he signaled for backup, and began activating contingencies put in place after the Simurgh opened an interdimensional gateway in Madison. If this were true

"Such a thing may be possible. Ms. Stormborn, if what you say is true, then I'm going to need you and your companion to follow me and do as I say. There are protocols in place for interdimensional travelers, and we cannot risk any chance contaminations, or hostile transients. We-"

"Hey," the insect girl broke in, "I'm not a, um, transient, or whatever. I'm from Brockton Bay!"

"No matter, you may have been exposed by now by proximity. It's not terribly likely, to be honest, but nether is it a risk we can take, given past experiences." Armsmaster remembered, monsters raining down upon them, his fellow heroes ripped apart, or worse. "And if what Ms. Stormborn said about Lung is true," one of the dragons chuffed softly, "we're going to want you to give your statement on that as well. I have PRT units en route to secure and quarantine the site. Ms. Stormborn-"

"Your grace," she interrupted. "I am Queen, the proper way to address a queen is 'your grace'. And I do not believe quarantine will be necessary, " the foolish girl continued, "dragons do not take ill. All I require is guidance home, and you shall be rewarded and left to conduct your affairs in peace." Little chance of that, now that Lung is gone, he thought. She has a lot to learn about Earth Bet.

"You might be a queen where you came from, but not here. As for going home, there's only one interdimensional portal active at the moment, and no travelers are allowed." Armsmaster knew, he'd tried to work with Dragon to get approval… "If you come with us, we have specialists who might be able to make something, in time." And you might finally get me that approval. Not to mention...

"We can also protect you. You may have handled Lung on your own, but there are greater threats out there, which you know nothing about. Thinkers who can spot any weakness, no matter how small, and Masters that could take control of you, or even your dragons."

She did appear to be considering it, and the green dragon turned its gaze from the distance back in their direction. Sirens of PRT squads began to rise from beyond.

"And Oni-Lee will be wanting revenge for what you did to Lung. So will Bakuda, she's the new tinker of his gang, and if she gets word of this, it could put you in real danger. You really do need to come with us, now." He turned to the insect cape. "You as well-"

"She may be of this world," Daenerys proclaimed, "but I am not. I may not be a queen of any realms here, but I am a queen, and I will not be treated as a mere subject, nor commanded as such. I did not choose to come here, sir, but here I am, and I would have you show respect to the titles I have earned, as I would show you if you ever found yourself in my kingdoms."

Armsmaster glared at her. He didn't have time for this.

"Maybe we could talk about this somewhere else?" The insect girl suggested. "That's not, like, a rooftop?" Residential units weren't as dense in the docks as downtown, but he could still see noticeably more lights on around them, as shadows danced in the windows, and the PRT sirens grew louder.

Daenerys watched him as he worked his jaw, clenching his teeth. Worse than Myrrdin, another Fae Queen in the making. But Armsmaster had trained in dealing with difficult capes.

"Your grace," he ground out, "would you be so kind as to accompany me to a location better suited for a discussion of this nature?"

The dragon queen inclined her head slightly, and asked, "Very well, sir, so long as it is as a guest, and not a prisoner. Where is this location?"

He lifted his halberd and pointed south-south-east. "Approximately 12 miles on that bearing, there's a small airport, a large paved field, for exclusive use of the PRT. It's right on the coast, and they should have emergency lighting on, so you can't miss it. Understand?"

"I do," TRUTH, Daenerys spoke as she stretched to climb back aboard the largest dragon.

"Alright. Know that we will be tracking you from the ground, and that if you deviate significantly from the indicated bearing we will respond." And he might have a chance to test the new anti-air defenses on the Rig. "Do you understand?"

"Of course," TRUTH, she answered. "One could not expect such a threat, or such dishonestly, to go unanswered," she replied with a smile, as she finished fastening straps and cinching belts.

"So," Daenerys spoke as she looked down at the bug girl from her mount. "Are you riding with him, or with me?"
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Moon 1.04 - Brian I
Brian I

Brian watched and waited, before he turned to Tattletale, and asked, "how much longer?" His voice resonated deep from within the black motorcycle helmet, and his leather jacket stretched as he crossed his arms. Their crew had already run off Oni-Lee tonight, and he was uneasy about challenging Lung, but now he'd been told to wait. Tattletale mostly knew her stuff, but 'mostly' was slippery word.

The wild haired blonds green eyes beamed at him from under her domino mask and answered, "just a few more minutes, Grue," she replied. "The boss wants us to keep a lookout for a new hero, and I don't think we're going to want to miss this." Then she went back to watching a run down brick building a few blocks over. If there was anything special down there, he couldn't see it.

"If some rookie wants to take the heat instead of us, let em', I say." Regent drawled. Waves patterned his ruffled shirt, its white adding to the white of the mask he wore making him the most visible of the group, as he twirled a golden scepter in the air. Bitch grunted her agreement as she tended to her monstrous dogs, though not with much enthusiasm.

Brian wasn't particularly interested in any new heroes, he'd had enough close calls with the ones here already. There weren't many capes in town who wouldn't fight him if given the chance, and he didn't need any more to watch out for. Gotta play it safe, he thought. I'm not in this to get myself killed.

Firelight abruptly lit up half a block of buildings in the distance, coming from a street beyond the rooftop Tattletale was squinting at. Lung.

"Looks like the party's started," Regent observed.

"Yep!" Tattletale replied, as they watched the shadows rise and fall. Slowly, a figure in flames began to climb over the side onto a rooftop blocks away. "And if I'm not mistaken, I think that's our-" she cut off suddenly, turning her head to the sky, causing him to tense and follow her lead.

Dragons, was Brian's first thought. Oh, fuck was the second. Three massive dragons flew through the air, in from the Bay, their silhouettes black against the pale dark clouds above. Regent's shirt rippled with the rhythm of their massive wingbeats, and Bitch's dogs crouched, alternating between whining and growling as she worked to calm them.

The largest of the three dragons descended, wings beating slowly as it settled down into the street they'd seen flicker with firelight earlier. Even blocks away, he could hear the sound of the impact when it landed, and darkness began to flow from him to wash gradually over the rooftop.

"Tattletale?" he asked, as the other two dragons glided over them. Banking and turning above the flames, they passed overhead three times prior to settling on either side of the big one, before silence fell with them.

"Uh, Tats, please tell me that's not the hero we're looking for." Regent spoke, as it became clear to them there was a rider atop the back of the first, clear in contrast with the smaller ones.

Fire exploded on the rooftop they were watching again, and the dragons moved, grabbing a figure in flames Brian guessed was Lung and tossing him high in the air. Then the dragon spat fire, and he couldn't see Lung anymore. His eyes narrowed behind the tinted plastic of his helmet, and the brightness was such that even the dark purple-on-black eye motif adorning Tattletales skintight costume was plain to see.

"Hoooly shit." Regent drawled, as they all watched Lung torn to pieces before the gruesome spectacle descended beyond their line-of-sight. Brian had had enough, and gave the order.

"Everyone, on the dogs," he said pacing towards the trio of dog-monsters that was their rides, "now."

"Waitwaitwait!" Tattletale begged, quietly. "Not yet!"

"No. We just saw Lung get eaten by whateverthefuck those things are. We're out of here." He was wary about possibly facing one dragon tonight, he wasn't waiting around to get noticed by three.

"Yeah, now that Lung ate it, our job here is done." Regent agreed, for once in his life. "He is dead, right?" he asked, looking towards their Thinker.

"I think. Yes. But! That's not the point we have to-"

"Nothing," Brian broke in. "There's nothing here worth the risk, the boss will have to accept that." No bonus would matter if he wasn't around to see it spent right, he knew. It's not about the money.

A bang drew his attention back to the scene beyond, where he could now see two shadows standing on the rooftop, and one on it's corner, recognizable even in the distance from the outline of his power armor and trademark weapon.

"Okay, okay," Tattletale said, "let's get on the dogs, but just give me a little bit longer."

"You ready?" he asked Bitch, grabbing onto the side of one of her four-legged followers of walking gristle. Her stocky form stilled beneath a worn hoodie and jeans.

"Been ready," their fourth member growled lowly, not even bothering to turn her cheap dogs-mask his way as she climbed aboard her mount. "Waiting for you to make up your minds."

"Fine," he said. With one hand gripping a bone spur, Brian stepped onto another and threw his leg over the dogs back. It wasn't the most comfortable way to travel, but the dogs were fast runners and good climbers. He'd even mostly gotten over the way the wet flesh of the beasts had stained his riding leathers, if not their smell.

Once the team was mounted, the dogs stood up. As they did, the head of the nearest dragon turned aside and looked straight at them.

"Fuck" he breathed out.

"Don't move." Tattletale cut in quickly.

"No problem," Regent said, "I got this," and began raising an arm, before it was yanked behind his back by Tattletale.

"You fucking idiot!" she hissed sitting behind him. "Are you trying to get us killed?"

Brian stayed still upon his mount, waiting, watching, and being watched. The three capes on the other rooftop looked to be speaking to one another, and were briefly illuminated by a light from the tinkers wrist. The dragon rider looked to be short, maybe female, but he couldn't tell as their cape obscured most of the outline, and the other was tall and thin, with long hair. Both wore some sort of armor.

"You sure it can even see us?" Regent asked.

"Yes," was the curt reply from Tattletale.

"Then why isn't it doing anything?"

"Because it's not hungry." A pause. "And its Master doesn't want it to, at the moment. Let's keep it that way, okay?"

"If you say so."

A short while later, vehicle sirens began to wail in the distance, sounding as if they were headed their way, and the dragon finally turned its attention back towards its rider.

"That's the PRT, time for us to leave." Tattletale spoke up. Finally. He squeezed his legs gently, steered his ride off the side of the building, and towards their hideout. I'm coming back tonight, Aisha.

"I gotta say," Regent grunted as the dog bounded along, "I used to think this was cool, but now?" He scoffed. "Why do we get the dog girl, and they get the dragon princess?"

"If you want to try ride one of those things, do it on your own time" was the response he got from the rider behind him. "I'm not going anywhere near anything that takes down Lung because it annoyed them."

"You're sure Lung is dead?" Brian asked, with doubt and hope, thinking, it would solve one problem, if true, since a dead man isn't likely to take revenge for his burglarized casino. "Absolutely sure? We won't have to prepare for him gunning for us again in a few weeks time?" As well as one less monster in the Bay to worry about when his sister was out skipping school.

"He was poisoned, so badly even these," she patted the dog she rode, "could have put him down with ease. That was the plan, before he went and got his skull squashed, his lungs punctured and heart shredded, roasted in fire hot enough to blister steel, drawn, quartered, and submerged in super acid. Yeah, I'm sure." He let that pass through his mind for a moment.

"And I'll tell you one more thing I'm sure of," Tattetale said, pulling out her phone. "That was no hero."

Brian rode in silence for a while at that thought, disturbed further only by the swift overflight of three dragons heading south.
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Moon 1.05 - Danny I
Danny I

Danny was startled awake by the metallic ringing of the phone. It took him a moment to realize where he was, in the early hours of the morning, but he slowly sat up on the couch and ran his hands over his face, before resetting his glasses to better see. The phone rang again, and he picked up the remote and turned off the muted television, last nights old show on Scion long over.

He walked over to the phone, slowly, and eyed it with trepidation as it rang yet again. Last night he had called the police, after discovering his daughter Taylor missing, only to be told she hadn't been missing long enough for them to care, try back later, maybe. Was this them? Was this her?

Did he want to know? He remembered another phone call, once upon a time.

He picked up the receiver. "Hello?"

"Good morning. Am I speaking to Daniel Hebert?" came a womans voice over the line, bright and crisp.

"That's me," he answered, thinking to continue, before stopping. Though he had just woken, he could feel his chest pounding, and the beat of blood rushing through his ears.

"Excellent! My name is Samantha Wagner with the Brockton Bay Police Department." His heart dropped as his hand tightened on the phone. "We picked up your daughter a few hours ago, wandering in the docks." He knew it! The bullies-

"Don't worry," the woman went on, "she's doing just fine." His heart leapt with the same speed it had dived as he internally cursed the woman on the phone. "We just need you to come in and pick her up. Can you do that?"

"Yes! Yes, I can." The question was dragged from him, "she's not in any trouble, is she? She's really okay?" There were those handful of detentions, since she started high school., and as much as he hated to think of the bullies fooling her, there were far scarier possibilities for a parent.

"No trouble, she's perfectly alright, we just need you to come in and get her. Are you ready for the address?"

"Yes, I'm ready," he answered, picking up the pen and notebook next to the phone. Anne's doing, that.

"Good. The station is at 21014 East Sandstone Drive." The pen made fierce scratching noises as he hurried to keep up, to not miss anything. "If you head south down Boardwalk, it will be on your left, a few miles after the road narrows, and just after the turnoff for Sandy Beach. Did you get all that?"

Danny knew the area. It wasn't anywhere close to the docks. "Yeah, I did. Officer… Samantha, right? Could I speak to my daughter?"

"I'm sorry, sir, she's currently in our holding facility awaiting your arrival. You'll be able to see her as soon as you get here. Just be sure to bring your photo ID, and let the officer at the gate know why you're there. Understand?" No, he didn't understand anything.

"Yeah. I'll be there as soon as possible," he said. I'm on my way Taylor, he promised, hanging up the phone.

He brushed down the clothes he was wearing and ran his fingers through what was left of his hair. Doesn't matter, doesn't matter. Moments later, his shoes were on and he was out the door and on the road.

A hand flipped the old trucks visor down, as the rising sun crested the horizon, but the glare soon passed as he turned to the south. Danny drove at the speed limit down roads light with traffic. Probably going to work. Or going home, ran through his head as he yawned, and tried not to think of how his daughter ended up where she was.

He turned on the radio. Something to keep him awake, focused.

"-gons! Three of them, I'm sure of it!"

"Can you tell us what they did? More of what you saw?"

"Well, now, I didn't see much. Only, I was watching this special on capes, and had about fallen asleep when my entire living room was lit up like the fourth of July! I thought Legend was passing through town for half a second, heh."

"And then?"

"Well, and then I went and looked, of course. Couldn't see nothin', thought may be now some damn tinker thing blew up again, but I waited, and you know what? Dragons! Great, big ones. I swear. Don't know where they came from, but I seen em' take off and fly downtown. Lost track of em' behind some buildings, but that's where they was going alright."

"And we appreciate your time with us today, thank you for calling in. As you've just heard again, Brockton Bay has been alive this morning with tales of dragons. Reports started arriving in the early hours, mostly from the north side, and while the PRT have so far refused to comment on claims beyond a general reassurance to the public , or whether the road closures in the docks have anything to do with reports Lung was involved in the incident, we can spec-"

Danny changed the station. There, that's better, he thought, as guitar came out of the tired speakers. He didn't need to hear any more cape news, he heard enough at work. Losing workers to the gangs, as the same fish fought amongst themselves in an ever shrinking pond for the same evaporating jobs. And if that wasn't bad enough, the docks had seemingly been hit the hardest. And that was where the officer said-

Taylor had been the only thing keeping him going. He didn't know what he'd do without her, and he didn't much know what to do with her. She'd pulled away after her mothers death. Understandable, so had he after all, perhaps moreso. But years had passed, and they hadn't been drawn back together. He didn't know how to get things back in the right place, or even where the right place might be. Without his wife… I needed you Anne. I don't have a clue what to do with a daughter.

The drive passed uneventfully, stopping occasionally for lights, and he yawned as four lanes turned into two. Getting close now, as the beach pulled away from his left and turned to crabby grass, which itself rapidly gave way to towering construction panels, of the type used to cover active work sites. A few loud sounds like large, rusty gates came in on smokey wind through his open window.

Way too early for a barbeque, guys, Danny though as his stomach growled. He blinked his eyes, wiped the sleep from them once more and straightened up as he neared a police roadblock. Two cop cars bestrode the road, lights flashing.

An officer in a yellow POLICE vest stepped away from one of the cars as he pulled up.

"I'm sorry, sir" the policeman said as he rolled down his window, "this road is closed. You'll have to turn around and head back."

"Um, officer," he fumbled as he pulled out his driver license, "I was told to drive here to pick someone up? Do you know if there's another way around, or…"

The man had pulled out his phone and was using a stylus to swipe at it. "Your name Daniel Hebert?"

"That's me."

After confirming that, he was told to carry on, and take the entrance to the small airport down the road. "The airport? I was told to go to a station…"

"Yes, the airport. Just show your ID to the troopers there and they'll let you through."

Danny found it was as the man said, though he noticed ominously the troopers in question were PRT, not BBPD. Once inside, he was directed through a maze of dividing panels, passing a few armored cars going the other way, and even what looked like a horse trailer, until he finally reached an enclosed grass parking lot beside a small grey hanger with a blue roof. Parking next to at least as many state vehicles as civilian, he got out, and was hailed almost immediately.

"Daniel Hebert?" asked a tall, thin PRT trooper in full gear, minus the helmet. An officer, if he read the uniform right.

"That's me." He replied.

The mans pale skin pulled tight on his face as he smiled. "Good. My name is Commander Calvert with the PRT ENE, and I'm going to have to ask you to come with me."

"I was told my daughter was here," he said, not moving.

"She is. I'm sorry, but you will have to sign a bit of paperwork first though. Please, walk with me, and we'll do our best to get her back to you as fast as we can," he motioned with his arm.

He followed, asking, "paperwork?"

"Non-disclosures, medical releases, liability waivers, that sort," Calvert replied, leading him through what looked like an airlock into the hanger. Medical releases?

"At the very least," he went on, "more, if she chooses to become a Ward." A Ward? No…

Inside, the hanger floor appeared to be partitioned into a series of makeshift cubicles and hallways, set on the concrete. "I've been assigned to your daughters case, temporarily, but it's mostly pretty simple. A case of wrong-place-wrong-time by the look of it. Far from the most exiting thing to deal with at the moment, but not entirely outside of my experience," he continued, while they walked past other troops, doctors, people in suits and labcoats and more. "If things go well, we should have you both out of here before the end of the day." The end of the day?

"In here, if you would," the Commander told him, holding an arm out to motion him into a cubicle. Inside he saw a couple of metal folding chairs, a laptop on a wooden desk, and a safe. He took the seat in front of the desk, while Calvert went over to open the safe. A moment later his guide had turned around, with his hands full of forms.

"We've already had your daughter sign a fair share of her own," the man said as he sorted through the pile. What?! "But of course we'll want you to go over them as well, as her legal guardian." Damn straight! "She's a rather sharp girl, from what I've seen. And here we are," Calvert said, laying a stack in front of him as thick as his finger, in several stapled groups.

Danny eyed the stack like a snake. "Is all of this really necessary?"

"I'm afraid so, Mr. Hebert. In fact, normally under these circumstances we would be needing far more, but as the breech looks to have been a minor one, and has so far been entirely contained…" the man let off, looking at him.

He wasn't stupid, but with Taylor involved in whatever was going on here… He bit, "what breech?"

Calvert didn't smile, lips turning up slightly as he answered, "sign the papers, and we'll tell you."

"Do I need a lawyer?"

"If you wish. Though, that could take a while, and Taylor is just a few hundred feet that way," the man pointed vaguely behind him, "waiting for you."

Looking at the papers once more, he began to work through them. They basically said that he couldn't talk (without saying much specific about what it was he couldn't talk about), couldn't sue, if anything happened while he was here it was his own fault, and if he failed to comply they'd bankrupt him, lock him up, and throw away the key. Rather harsh, he thought, but I'm not likely to infringe, and the more onerous the terms the more difficult it is to enforce them. In the end, he signed, with clarification from Calvert on a few clauses that didn't come up at the union, and a couple pages he was able to convince the man really were unnecessary, as he wasn't planning to reside on this site.

A short while, and all too long, later, and he'd reached the end of the pile. And nearly cramped his hand doing so. "Can I see my daughter now?"

The man finished reviewing the documents before he retrieved a briefcase from beneath the desk. He began to load papers as he answered.

"Yes, all looks to be in order," he stood, and Danny did as well. "I apologize once again for the delay, of course, but i's must be dotted and t's crossed, the Director was very clear on that. Especially in this particular case. In any event, if you'll follow me one more time?" Calvert directed him out of the cubicle, and down a long hall towards a larger partition in the corner of the hanger, this one with a door.

Calvert slid a keycard into a slot on the door, and a red light beside it began flashing. "Since she's not a Ward yet, only a few people are cleared to know her identity," he explained.


"Oh, the Director, myself, and two medical officers." The flashing red turned to solid green, and he was led into a room with plush couches, full bookshelves, tables with a variety of foods and beverages, and a large TV that looked to be showing some sort of fantasy show. "And her friend, of course." Friend? Is Emma here too?

"Dad!" He knew that voice, and turned in time to catch Taylor as she ran into him, hugging her tight, though she was wearing something that dug into his skin.

"Taylor," he sighed. "You had me so worried-"

Danny's words caught in his throat when he pulled back and noticed what had been digging into him, and what she was wearing. A dark silk bodysuit, with panels of what looked like plastic armor over knees, elbows, and vial areas. And a compact backpack of the same materials running down her spine, with a scrap of grey and yellow tucked in. No. Please, god, no.

His daughters smile was big, but her eyes projected worry, before she turned around, calling out "Daenerys?" and he looked behind her to see another girl walking towards them. Black leather boots belted on, with scarlet patterns, and pieces of metal hanging off them, giving way to hints of red silk legging disappearing under a long black skirt of scaled armor, leading up to a scaled chest surrounding a logo of rubies. With purple eyes and extremely short silver hair, he didn't need the cape framing her appearance to complete the picture for him. She stopped before them and glanced between him and his daughter, appraising.

"Well," he broke the silence, also looking between them. Kids, cops, capes, dragons- "Are you going to introduce me to your friend?"
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Moon 1.0I - The Soiled Knight
The Soiled Knight

Gallant shifted in his seat, gunmetal grey of power armor scraping the painted white of the folding chair he sat in, trying to find a comfortable position. He'd just arrived, and already he didn't like the direction this meeting was going in- the way tension thickened the air as he and the only other hero his age tried to catch up with the discussion.

"You think she triggered when her husband was killed?" their stocky, greying director clarified. The emotional atmosphere of not-quite-yellow was interspersed with reddish and blueish clouds, the subtle fear moving as the gathered capes briefly recalled their own triggers. He could see all their reactions, all save his own. And thank god for that.

"As best we can surmise from what she's told us, yes. She said that's when she 'hatched her dragons'," Armsmaster answered from the opposite end of the table. Gallant had heard this new cape, Stormborn they were designating her, had almost gotten into a fight with the tinker. That was a worrying sign, but having met the new girl, he could sympathize. Armsmaster was enough to give anyone indigestion.

"And she's being honest?"

"She is," came the answer from across the room. "At least, my software has yet to catch her in a direct lie. We know there's things she's not telling us, though." Armsmaster went on, a sickly green leaking into the room with his words. "When we gave her the monitor to keep watch on her pets, she asked us for some obsidian. Dragonglass, she called it. And she wouldn't tell us why." Reds swirled.

"You didn't give her any," she spoke as if that would make it so.

"We told her we're working on it," was the response. "But there's a lot that isn't true, even if she believes it. The 'magic' stuff, for example. Or how she says she comes from a family of dragonriders going back thousands of years. Powers may be somewhat hereditary, but given that their appearance in the 80s in the few worlds we do know about, it would be one more anomaly, if it were true." Attention in the room shifted when a girls voice spoke out on his left.

"Add it to the list, then," the words sighed from under a white robe marked with red crosses, darkening an orange aura. "Along with the fact that I can't find her corona potentia, which isn't unique with Case 53s, except I'm not even sure that's what she is." Blue and green sparkles glowed through her words for a moment. "Her biology is weird enough for it. Take the fact that she seems just fine with a permeant fever. Probably part of why she claims she never gets sick." Purple projected from her words.

"The problem is the lack of any identifying tattoo or disfiguration. Unless you count her unique coloring. Based on her genetic makeup, and that of the dragon drool you gave me," her eyes narrowed through her veil, "some of her ancestors might have been actual dragons for all I can tell. And that might even be a good thing, considering…." Panacea trailed off, with paling hues of strawberry lemonade, looking about the room.

"Considering…?" The Director prompted, impatiently.

"Well," she began once more, with darkening shades, "her parents were siblings," she stated bluntly, as her aura swirled in agitation, the shade of the room transitioning with pale greens. "No, actually," hope crested in the room, maybe she misspoke, "it's worse than that." He could feel it as the wave broke.

"I can't tell you exactly how many, say, great-great-great-great-great grandparents she has, except that it's not nearly enough. Oh, and she's already had at least one child herself, though since she never mentioned her kid while she was rambling on and on about her armies and dragons, I'm not even sure that's correct. Or maybe she just doesn't care, I don't know," Panacea ended as slumped back, with an emphasis of finality.

The Directors focus was then turned in his direction. "Gallant?"

He sat up straight while trying to organize his impression of the girl. It didn't help that what he didn't-see were actually not-colors, left for him to interpret as they inhabited his awareness. Sometimes the PRT seemed to forget his powers didn't come with an instruction manual. Or at least, not a very useful one.

"Everything she said to me has checked out." Not that he'd spent more than a few minutes with the dragon cape, but she was charming enough. And she called him sir, until he told her he wasn't actually a knight.

"Anything we need to know?" Stormborn's never not afraid. Is she even aware?

"She's impatient. She wants to go home..." Gallant considered…

"She can join the club. Home. Back to this, Earth Dalet, we're calling it." The currents of dark clouds swelled, and stormed. "Where by her own admission, after triggering she immediately began setting herself up as a local warlord, using her monsters to burn out all resistance. And she was on her way to start yet another war when instead she had the great misfortune to land right in our laps," Piggots fist clenched on the table as spoke.

"I think we're losing track of the point here," came a slightly softer voice from Armsmasters left, where Battery sat, circuit patterns tracing her blue bodysuit. "This isn't Moord Nag we're dealing with. She's a 16 year old girl who triggered in a world without a Protectorate." Miss Militias thoughts pulsed across the table from Gallant, green and blue, red and black, mixing like her camo fatigues as green and black energy danced about her hip..

"A 16 year old queen, don't you mean," remarked Assault from where he sat next to Battery, opposite Panacea. The wash of colors lightened some, as attention gathered around Assault. Eyes searched the room past his red visor, and his bright red body armor shifted as looked around the table. "What? I'm just saying, she's not just a girl, not if what she says is true. Say, has she asked for diplomatic recognition?"

"On what basis?" the Director barked. "She has no territory, no resources, no subjects."

"She's still a head of state somewhere," Assault argued. "And she's not stupid. I know she's asked about local traditions. Has she been seen by a lawyer yet?" A gold coiled within the red hue.


"Why not?"

"She hasn't asked for one," the Director defended.

"And since she's not under arrest, she hasn't been read her rights. Right." Yellow darkened as shades of red snaked through it.

"Assault is right." Miss Militia spoke up at last, words rising through the scarf that masked the bottom half of her face, as she looked around the table. "She needs a lawyer. And more importantly, she needs a councilor."

Armsmaster quickly joined in with, "I concur." Cloudy tones lightened in surprise.

"The last thing this city needs is some traumatized teenaged girl who thinks she's a queen running around with three knock-off Endbringers. Especially since she doesn't even possess direct control over them."

"She doesn't? Are you sure?" Gallant asked.

"As sure as we can be," the tinker told him. "She told us that they didn't always obey her, that she 'tamed' them, whatever that means."

He thought on that a moment, on what little he'd seen of them, before Piggot asked, "Do you have something to add, Gallant?"

Deep breath in, "Yeah. The dragons."

"What. About. The dragons?" the Director practically spat fire, lightning colors flashed within her psyche as red and yellow warred.

The words, "I think they're intelligent," cast a silence upon the room once more. At least, he had never seen animals with such depth of emotion. "I'm not a hundred percent sure, but that's the feeling I got from them." Greater than dolphins, greater than primates... "And they have at least some level of empathic connection to her. It's easiest to see with the biggest one, but they all share more or less the same mix of emotions. If she stood beside it, I'm not sure I could tell their feelings apart."

"Ha. Hahahahaha," Assault laughed, and continued laughing, even after Battery nudged him. "So they're big, they're smart, and they're mean enough to solve our little dragon problem for good. We'd better hope they're not hungry, eh? Wouldn't want anyone here to end up on the menu." And the yellow of the room deepened at the thought.

Armsmaster flatly stated, "They're not. Again, according to her. She says they were well fed," Gallants thoughts turned along with those of the room, "before they began their latest journey, and that they can travel for months across thousands of miles between meals. That said, we've had several trailers of livestock brought in just in case, and they haven't declined so far."

"And the girl herself, Stormborn?" asked Battery.

"We've been treating her more or less as we would a new Case 53, in conjunction with the statutes on interdimensional travel." The tinker went on. "This is complicated both by the fact that she possesses her memories, and didn't technically cause the transit to occur, so far as we can determine. The lawyers are working through the minutia, but since this is going to be a case of setting rather than following precedent…"

Piggots brows dropped with her colors, a mood Gallant didn't think could go lower. "And the media is going to be all over this before lunch. The roadblocks and the no-fly-zone over the bay won't hold forever, and the second news breaks this city is going to be full of people looking to whip up a panic. And that's not even considering what the gangs will do when they hear of this. The ABB will be out for her blood, and the rest aren't going to stand still now that Lung is out of the equation. We need this fixed." Red and black.

"Make her a Ward." Assault suggested, as greens and blues grew out of his reds. "The people will be happy to hear the only dragons left in town are on their side, the gangs won't be so afraid they'll get desperate, and she gets citizenship to make our army of attorneys lives easier."

"She would have to agree to follow our laws." Armsmaster countered. "From what I've seen of her so far, she thinks she is the law." Blues and yellows combined into sickly greens.

"Well, why not ask her ourselves? Let's bring her in. Where is she anyways?" Assault looked around the room, observing the consensus that Gallant could feel building around him, before settling his gaze on Piggot, who glared back at him. A moment later she motioned to one of the guards at the door, and he left the room, causing a slight breeze as the door opened and closed behind him.

"She's in a room with the bug girl and the bug girls father." The Director told them. "She refused to be separated from her monsters at first, but she came around when we got a monitor she could watch them though." Dark, yellow. "Oh, and she's asked for salt and bread, so we had an assortment of food brought in for them too." Pale blue tinted the red for a moment. "Though she needed to be told we won't serve her any wine anytime soon."

"And the one she was found with?" Miss Militia questioned. "The bug girl? What are we calling her…" papers shifted and blues shuffled. "Dragonfly?"

Armsmaster replied to her question. "That one's a local, some new hero on her first night out. She got lucky, considering. We've had her checked out and assigned someone to manage her case, with the eventual goal of recruitment."

"You think that's likely?" she asked, and Gallant wasn't entirely sure which answer he wanted.

"She wasn't jumping at the chance to join, but she did take the offer seriously." Gold ran with blue. "And our liaison with her has a good record. We've started processing the paperwork to expedite matters, just in case, though right now her ID is on a need-to-know basis. She didn't even want us to contact her father, but was cooperative enough once informed it would help us to get her out of quarantine faster. In-"

Armsmaster cut off as the trooper returned, and then the subject of their discussion strode in, cape trailing behind with her back straight and head high, while yellow ran under it all.
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Stone 2.01 - Taylor II
Taylor II

Taylor tried to calm herself, pulling off her mask as she walked back to sit on the large, black couch. I can't believe I just met Panacea!, she thought with glee.

"Do all the witches here hide their face?" Daenerys queried from her right, as they reclaimed their respective bowls of ice cream from the table. "Mmm," she went on after a mouthful of frozen strawberry, "this is really good."

Dad answered from her left, as she was too busy with her own melting mound of chocolate. I should be burning fat right now, not eating it. "Not a witch, a hero."

"A hero," the short haired cape repeated, eyes distant, her metal spoon scraping against the glass bowl. "I think that word holds a different meaning here than in my world. What precisely are you speaking of?"

"A hero's someone who protects others!" Taylor explained. "Like Armsmaster, or Gallant, or Alexandria." She hesitated, then tilted her bowl up to try and get the last drops of sweet darkness.

"Protects others from what?" was the reply, armor scales jingling as the silver headed girl set her bowl back on the table, returning her attention to the screen before them.

"From bad guys! I mean, um, villains. Like last night, with Lung." Eyes shifted as her dad tensed within his rumpled clothes. Oops. "Except, heroes don't usually kill people…" she went on, her volume falling in synch with her confidence. Is she a hero, though? At first her otherworldly beauty and haughtiness had sparked thoughts of Emma, though she'd been unfailingly polite since. At least to Taylor. Besides, Emma would never sacrifice her hair like that.

"That thing tried to slay us both," now her father was really looking at her, eyes wide behind round lenses, while shapes shifted about on the screen. Daenerys continued curiously, "what would you have done?"

"Well… I mean, I couldn't do anything at the time, really," she remembered being trapped, thinking this was it. "But I'm sure Armsmsaster had something that would work. And then we could send him to the Birdcage, and he wouldn't be able to hurt people anymore."

"If things happened like you say," her father ventured, hesitantly, "then I'm not going to shed a tear for the guy."

"See?" Daenerys asked. "To keep him was no gain, to eat him was no loss." Both Heberts glanced at the television. "Besides," she went on, "I tried to spare such people in the past. I should never have let Xaro Xhoan Daxos live, and the Yunkish repaid my mercy by slaying my blood rider Jhogo. And sir Barristan." Violet eyes shone with anger. "The likes of them know nothing of justice, or honor, or nobility, and I will not see a crown forfeit on the alter of such ever again." Faint roars echoed from beyond the walls.

"No, abominations such as him have no place in this world," she concluded. Silence reigned for a moment, "Are you so sure your master of arms would have prevailed? He was the smaller of the two, and truthfully I was most concerned with your abilities."

Taylor couldn't believe that. "You thought I was scarier than Armsmaster?" And then, "hush you," towards her father, who had mumbled something about a mask.

"Of course." The black armored cape stated , as if it were obvious, "Why wouldn't I? As I said, he's merely a knight." Sir Armsmaster, she chuckled internally. "You're a witch."

"I'm not a witch!" she complained. "I told you, I'm a hero. I have superpowers. See?" Her father flinched, as she brought over some of the flies she was currently keeping away from the food, having them dance in the air before them. Though she didn't bother with those circling the scorched cow carcasses outside.

"That's what magic is," Daenerys explained. "Power, or powers. Power that doesn't come from kings, or swords, but is instead gifted from the fickle gods. Prophecy is magic. Dragons, are magic. How is that," she gestured to the orbiting fly circus, "any different?"

Taylor struggled to respond, before her dad sold her out by saying, "I think she's got you there, kiddo. It's all magic to me."

"Precisely. Besides, if not magic, then how could my mage make such as this?" came the question, as the capes hand passed over the three headed ruby dragon to run down black scales.

"These cannot be forged in any common fire, such as this requires magic. Magic and blood." Blood? "Were there truly no spells in the creation of your armor?" Daenerys asked, eyes roaming her grey silk.

"I'm kind of curious where you got that costume myself," her dad threw in, his tone as casual as his eyes weren't.

"From spiders," she explained. To raised eyebrows, she continued. "Black widows, actually. I had to redo it at first, but once I got the pattern I just had them weave it for me in the basement whenever I could." Mixed expressions of worry and intrigue, yeah, dad, spiders in the basement. "I looked it up, and their silk is, like, ten time stronger than normal silk," she went on, eyeing the bits of scarlet she could see beneath Daenerys scales. "It might even be bulletproof. Um, I mean I've seen it compared to kevlar, on the internet." She really hoped she never had find out, and her dad looked like he agreed.

"Oh! And I made the panels from layers of silk and beetle shells. But that's just keratin, like hair and fingernails…." With a thought her eyes caught something. "Hey… why didn't your fingernails get burned when your hair did? If it's all the same stuff…"

Her father chuckled, and Daenerys smiled. "You see? It's magic. It flows through me, like the flight of dragons, or the changing of the seasons." What? "You'll only drive yourself mad, puzzling such mysteries. I've granted enough time to following nonsense. Subjects as those should be left for the maegi and maesters, if anyone."

"But-" Taylor cut herself off as a tone chimed and a red light by the door began flashing, scrabbling at her backpack for her mask. By the time the door opened, she was viewing the world through yellow lenses, and her companion was watching her bemusedly.

A faceless PRT trooper walked in and spoke. "Stormborn? If you'll please come with me, the director will see you now." Metal clinked as the cape stood, and turned to address her.

"It has been a pleasure conversing with you, Lord Hebert, Lady Taylor," Lady!, before Daenerys smirked and remarked, "but it seems the Lady of Brockton Bay has finally decided to grant me my audience. If you'll excuse me," she said, glancing at the screen one last time before facing the trooper, "lead on, sir."

When the door shut, she and her father were left in silence. They glanced at each other, before she pulled off her mask, turned it around, and set it in her lap to look at. Her dad browsed the food atop the table without interest, eventually grabbing a plate of cut sandwiches with toothpicks in them, and began to pick at them.

"So," he started, and after a moment, ended. He sighed, before speaking once more, "you're a cape."

Taylor's hands fiddled, a silken thumb running smoothly over a yellow lens, and then again. "Yeah." What else was there to say?

"Were you planning to tell me?", he asked, his hand tightening on the plate.

Was she? "Yes," she said. "Eventually. It's just…" You know.

Another sigh. "Taylor, I know things haven't been… well, as they should, lately." I know too, dad. "I'm sorry I haven't been able to do very much about the bullying." If only sorry were enough. "But I just can't let you go out, and almost get yourself killed. Like you almost did last night. I just can't," Taylors eyes watered as she gripped the silk, and her father set the plate back down and went on, "I can't lose you too."

"But you're not going to lose me!" she burst out. "I'm going to be a hero, and, and-"

She was shaking as he overrode her, "it's not that simple, Taylor. Going out, like you did…" he grasped, "without telling anyone, without backup or support or even a phone to call anyone if you got in trouble…" You know why I don't like phones, she thought, as they looked at each other through watery eyes.

"Were you trying to get yourself killed?" he asked at last. She looked back to her lap. No! Of course not! I'm not suicidal, I just needed some space. She couldn't answer him, and the silence dragged on.

A chime sounded, the blinking light began again, and she hurried once more to wipe her eyes, she was not crying, and put her mask on again. Tall and thin, a PRT trooper without a face shield entered the room. As he closed the door behind him, she could see this one carried a briefcase, and she recognized him. Thank you!

Calvert pulled out a chair and took a seat at the table, nodding to them, "Mr. Hebert, Dragonfly." He put his briefcase on the table and opened it, pulling out papers and giving them a wan smile.

"I was wondering if you had perhaps given any more thought to joining the Wards."

She looked at her father, but didn't remove her mask. "I think it would be a good idea," he said. No!

"Think about it, Taylor." He grimaced, "you would have people to watch your back, and you wouldn't have to be out there fighting monsters like Lung." But I'm FINE!

Her dad looked to Calvert, "and she'd get a scholarship too, right? Full tuition, healthcare, trust fund, everything?" But-

"Indeed she would., Mr. Hebert." Traitor! "Proper mentoring in her work hours," her dads mouth tightened, "and as for her education, Wards are permitted the option of attending Arcadia, if that might be something that would interest you..."

"Very," he replied immediately, and for once she agreed.

"Although she would have to get her grades in order, and keep them that way, but I don't see that being a problem. In fact," he looked to her, and his lips whitened as they snaked up his face, "did you by any chance make your costume yourself?"

Taylor looked down at her right kneepad, before meeting his eyes and answering hesitantly, "yes."


"Um, spiders. That is, out of spider silk," she explained.

"As I thought," he went on, shifting even more forms around. "I believe that might qualify for you for a tinker budget as well. In addition to a little extra in your trust, you'd have access to workspace," well, "technical support," I mean, "and even restricted materials, or in your case, exotic species." Okay, if I could get my hands on some-

"You might even be able to collaborate on projects with Kid Win, or Armsmaster. And it's not limited to just them," he went on, "loans and transfers happen all the time. Legend himself is going to be here soon, for a week or two."

Wow. Taylor weighed her options. "Gallant seemed nice enough, didn't he?", her father nudged her. Yeah, but…

"Is Daenerys going to be there?" She needed to know. She couldn't be alone on the team.

Calvert nodded as he said, "nothing is finalized yet, any more than it is in your case, but that does appear to be the direction things are headed." Okay.

"Okay," she said. "I'll join the Wards." It seemed like the decision merited more than a breath of words.

"Congratulations, Taylor," her father offered her. "You're going to make a great hero." I am, she thought. I'm going to be a hero!

"I'm sure she will," Calvert joined in, eyes bright, "and I'm sure she'll make wonderful friends."
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First fic! Already posted at SB, where updates will happen first. After Game of Thrones happened, I thought I'd send Daenerys somewhere less cruel. So here we are!

I know I need to do some major editing (Daniel -> Danny), but if I stop to fix everything I see wrong this fic will end up on top of a large pile of stillborn docx I already have.

It's not meant to be more than mediocre, or have an ending, or be any literary 'thing'. It's just something some of us can use as a break, and use to give Daenerys a much needed break too. Hope you enjoy!
Well. This is a great start to this story. I was a bit worried at the beginning aboot it being a story of a cape going to westeros, but this seems great.

Are you going to upgrade her intelligence from the show, to 'remotely sensible'?
Wasn't planning to. That's kinda the plot I was aiming for TBH, to bring her somewhere without such a harsh learning curve so she actually has a chance to catch up a bit. I mean, Bet isn't a cakewalk, but damn has Planetos been rough to her.
The grey font is difficult at best to read on the site's light theme. Please don't do that.
The grey font is difficult at best to read on the site's light theme. Please don't do that.
Sorry, I didn't know I even did that? I just c/p'd from SB. One more thing to the edit list I guess.

You're keeping her as dumb as she is in Season 7 and 8? Why? I thought you wanted to give her a break?
Haha, not quite, I suppose. Notice how the ISOT took place pre-S7? So she didn't have a chance for D&D to get her a cosmetic lobotomy yet.
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Stone 2.02 - Armsmaster II
Armsmaster II

Armsmaster tracked Stormborn as she walked into the room, while a guard closed the door behind her. Though she entered confidently, once inside, the cape paused, seemingly waiting. Gallant caught on first, standing quickly, before he pulled out the seat to his right and offered it to her.

"Thank you, Gallant," she granted him a nod as she sat down. As her fingers crossed in front of her, she turned her gaze towards the director, expectantly. The girl knows enough to read a room, Armsmaster granted her, but she has no idea how well the room's reading her, he concluded. He was ready to signal, if he detected anything that made it necessary.

"Now then," director Piggot began bluntly, "Stormborn. Or would you rather I call you Ms. Targaryen?", the director asked, looking the dragon cape in the eyes.

"I would rather we address one another by our titles," Stormborn answered, "that is, if we're speaking in our roles as leaders." What does a teenager know about being a leader, Armsmaster questioned.

Piggot grunted, informing her, "that's precisely what we're here to discuss. What, if any, titles are appropriate here. And what to do about it going forward." Stormborn furrowed her wispy brows as the director continued. "Since you're so interested in titles, I'll tell you mine is Director Emily Piggot. I know you've met my Protectorate Team Leader, Armsmaster," the director motioned in his direction.

"Sir," she allowed him. At least the girl knows respect, Armsmaster thought, wishing some of his subordinates possessed such composure.

"Stormborn," he acknowledged her, then went on to complete the introductions, "You already know Gallant, a member of our local Wards team, and Panacea, of New Wave," Stormborn indicated she did, so he continued. "On my left, sits Assault," who waved at her, and received a smack from the cape beside him, "Battery, and Miss Militia."

"It is well to meet you all," the cape in black said, giving them a glance before returning to the head of the table, "but if I might ask, what is it you direct, director? And why would my titles be in question?"

"What I 'direct', is the East-North-East division of the Parahuman Response Team. Any law enforcement relating to parahumans, which as you'll discover includes yourself, falls under my jurisdiction. I am the one in charge of keeping the peace in this city. A peace your little show this morning has threatened to destroy," Piggot informed her with a glare.

"I see," LIE, Stormborn acknowledged. Armsmaster sat forward as he thought, no need to tell everyone what they already know.

"Do you?", the director challenged her.

Stormborn took a breath before answering, "Director, I did not come here to put on a 'show' for you people." The girl raised her voice as she continued, "in fact, I did not come here intentionally at all. I still struggle to accept what has happened, except that it has happened, and so must be dealt with," she concluded.

"On that one point, we can agree," Piggot conceded. "Which is why when it comes to titles, there's only two I concern myself with at the moment – hero, or villain. Which are you going to be?", she demanded.

"I am not sure I understand your meaning," the girl spoke slowly, clearly, "I am a queen."

The director snorted, and Armsmaster agreed, "and if whatever short lived screw up our monitors observed had brought a court and an army with you, then we might be speaking as such. As it is, you're just a lost little girl with delusions of grandeur, and the misfortune to have stumbled upon a great deal more power than you deserve. But not," the director informed her, "more than we can deal with, should it become necessary. You should know that you're not even the only girl in this city with pet monsters," Piggot needled her. Referring to Hellhound, Armsmaster thought, still frustrated at how she'd continued to elude capture, but at least dragons can't disappear into a crowd.

Stormborn took a deep breath, "Director, I may be just a young girl who has spent little time in your land, but Lady Taylor," a breath of air escaped from under Miss Militias scarf, and the room shifted at the unknowing breaking of the rules, "has told me that, to you, a hero is one who brings justice to those deserving of it. Was I wrongly informed?" She paused briefly, and Piggot let her go on, "because by such a way of thinking, I am a hero." If she wants to make such claims, Armsmaster thought, she's going to have to learn the rules fast.

The dragon girl went on to explain, "when I sailed to Slavers Bay, I could not bear to see the peoples of the land in such a state of servitude, and so with Fire and Blood I set them free. I was the one who united the Dothraki in peace, stopping their raids and pillage of the Lhazar forever." TRUTH, Armsmasters HUD read, though he wondered what exactly went into such a truth.

With her voice now rising, "when the Yunkish sought to return my people to chains, I saw them burnt to ash and returned to the earth from which they came. Even the slaves of Old Volantis seethe with rebellion, awaiting only my arrival to cast off their own chains." Stormborn took a breath, concluding, "I have been called a villain by some, but they have reaped what they have sown, and none amongst them now would call me any but hero. Or queen," she finished pointedly.

Assault blew out a breath and smiled before he said, "see folks? We've got ourselves a regular Abe Lincoln here," before being nudged by Battery.

"Sounded more like Robes-Pierre to me," came a low voice from the white cloak on Armsmasters right.

"Your grace," Assault nodded at Stormborn, grinning, as he broke the building tension. "Pardon me, for intruding, but I hope you've been enjoying our hospitality? The refreshments were good, the couches comfy?"

"I have found little to complain of so far," she told him, with a glance towards the head of the table, "though I'm assuming the accommodations are temporary? I do hope you've found a way to return me to where I belong," her desire to leave clear even to Armsmaster.

"That's complicated," Armsmaster answered her, "we only maintain a single interdimensional portal, and nothing but information is allowed to pass." Because of short sighted, small-minded, cowardly-

"I thought you said you knew how?", Stormborn queried as her eyes narrowed. No, Armsmaster thought, I didn't. If you were paying attention

"No one alive knows exactly how the portal functions," he explained. Armsmaster thought Dragon might be able to comprehend the device, but she hadn't been willing to work with him on it, and though he knew the reasoning, it frustrated him nonetheless. He knew that its very creation had nearly ignited an interdimensional war, and that wasn't even considering the s-class threats. Or the Endbringers. But the things we could do, Armsmaster imagined, while designs bloomed in his awareness.

"We do have some tools left over from the inventor, a tinker who went by Professor Haywire, but he died years ago, and the PRT has so far refused to authorize further research into the area," he concluded, now looking at his director, who ignored him to keep her focus on the dragon cape.
The cape in question ignored Piggot in turn, directing her question to him. "Is that so? And have you had any luck in finding some obsidian?"

"Is that relevant?", Armsmaster needed to know. Violet eyes defocused with thought, but this time Stormborn told him.

"With dragonglass, I can see far, to the edges of the earth." TRUTH. "Perhaps beyond." TRUTH. He tapped his right index finger silently on the table, to signal said truth. "I do not recall all of what my maester taught, but I may be able to use a piece to locate my fleet." Armsmaster had been right, the girl was some sort of tinker. Or this 'maester' of hers was, at least.

"That may be," the director broke in. "And if we can assist in returning you to your world, and removing you from ours, we will." Finally, he thought, perhaps now- "But in the meantime, I have hundreds of thousands of people about to wake up only to discover three monsters intruding in their front yard. Do you have any idea of the impact your little vacation will cause?", Piggot interrogated.

Scaled shifted as the dragon cape straightened, saying "my dragons are not monsters. They are my children, director," TRUTH, a tap of the finger, eye narrowing, "and I would have you to remember that."

"Do your children," the directors face twisted over the word, "eat people?" Piggot demanded.

"No," LIE, a tap of the left index finer, and Stormborn went on, "they've eaten only those I've commanded them to." LIE, Armsmaster noted again. Gallant shifted in his seat as he studied the dragon cape, but the director didn't react.

"Can you keep them from doing so again? With certainty?" the director pressed. "Because if you can't..."

"Yes." TRUTH, came her answer, along with a soundless tap of his right index. "But truly, as I have told you before, they are fed well, and should they need to hunt, they are more than able to roam the wilds for their own meals."

The director disagreed. "Not here they're not. We cannot afford the cost that would entail, either in the expense, or the fear it would produce," Piggot told the girl, though she didn't seem to care. "And you should know there's more than a few capes out there that would jump at the chance to claim themselves dragonslayer."

"Fine," Stormborn answered, frustration clear to him, "then if you cannot provide, they shall hunt whales and krackens from the sea." TRUTH, tap.

Assault started chuckling, his head in his hand, and muttered, "whales, she says."

The director took a deep breath, "you might find the oceans to be emptier than you expect. But that's all beside the main point here," Piggot told her.

"Then please, pray tell, what is the point of this?" Stormborn demanded. "Because so far I have faced little but demands and accusations, and I'm not seeing why I shouldn't try my chances in another city."

Miss Militia addressed her for the first time, stating plainly, "the law."


A slow nod from Miss Militia was the answer, before she went on. "The country you find yourself in probably seems strange and foreign, but you have to understand that it's the most ordered, lawful, good nation in this world. We the people are the ones who make the laws in America, and we're also the ones who enforce them." The weapon her power manifested jumped from her hip to her shoulder, briefly taking the form of a man-portable surface-to-air missile launcher.

"And while your dragons are powerful, make no mistake, at least half the people in this room could enforce the law, if need be." Armsmaster wasn't sure his anti-Lung serum would take them down, but he hoped he got the chance to experiment. Miss Militias weapon dematerialized into a flash of green and black energy that returned to her side as an ornate sword, and she continued to explain.

"America is also a large nation, with good relations with our neighbor to the north. While you could fly elsewhere in this country, you wouldn't find the laws there are much different than they are here," his second in command pointed out.

Armsmaster took up the thread, "and if you traveled to another country, your chances of making it home wouldn't be nearly as high. Nowhere else has the resources or stability to take on such a task," he told her, "and that's assuming you're not killed or drafted by the first villain with a power suited to countering your own."

"Hey," Assault interjected to ask, "if I was in your kingdom, queendom, whatever, would I be Lord Assault?" Stormborn appeared surprised at the seeming non-sequitur, and Battery elbowed him this time, but he didn't stop. "Hey, hey, I mean, I'm not expecting a castle, but would I be treated as a subject, if I washed up on your shores? Or a citizen, a Lord, or whatever you call them?"

The would-be queen considered, with a glance at Piggot, before answering hesitantly, "yes…" LIE.

Looking back to Assault, she replied less hesitantly, "If you found yourself in my realm, I would call you Lord, if that was your title, and treat you with the respect such a title deserves." TRUTH.

Battery spoke up, seeing where this was going. "But that wouldn't get him out of trouble if you caught him breaking the law, would it?"

Stormborn saw now as well, but didn't back down. "No. It would not."

"We're not asking much more than that," Miss Militia told her. "Only that, if you intend to stay here with us, you follow our laws, and take on some of our titles. If only to help make it easier for us to help you, and for our people to feel more comfortable. One of these titles is 'citizen', another is 'Ward'."

The dragon cape did not seem thrilled at the idea. "I have heard mentions of these 'wards', and I tell you now, a dragon is not a hostage."

Miss Milita held up her hands, "not quite what I was saying, I'm sorry. Ward here might mean something close to 'warden', where you come from. We serve to protect people, and not just from direct attacks," she explained. "Many people find powers themselves frightening."

The girl seemed to understand. "Like magic."

"You got it," Gallant jumped in, "one of the things we protect people from is fear. Fear that a woman can bring a building down on them in a flash, or that a pile of garbage beside the road could force drugs into their veins."

"Fear that they'll be eaten by a dragon," the director bluntly stated.

"And it's not just them," Assault threw in. "There are gangs in town, villains, and if they think you're here to threaten them, upset the apple cart…"

Armsmaster felt the need to remind her, "and you've already made an enemy of one when you removed Lung."

Stormborn thought before speaking, "so you're offering to, what, protect me? And what would you demand in return, for such generous assistance?"

"Only that you live up to the responsibilities those titles entail," the director told her.

"Which can be flexible, depending on the circumstance…" Assault trailed off at a look from Piggot.

"How could I trust you to protect me, when I cannot even trust you to show me your faces?", she asked.

A silence followed her question, before Gallant reached up behind him, and unfastened his mask, revealing a serious face with blue eyes and parted brown hair. You'd better be right about this, Armsmaster thought, and he could see the director agreed with the sentiment.

"My name is Dean Stansfield, and it's nice to meet you for real this time, Ms. Targaryen," he said, removing a glove and offering a hand. The dragon cape took it slowly, before he shook it, and turned to his left to look at New Waves healer.

"Fine," Panacea stated after a moment, as she pulled down her hood to reveal a plain freckled face under mousy brown hair. "Amy Dallon, at your service" she stated, before mumbling, "not that it matters."

Assault moved his hand, but Battery grabbed it and held it in hers at a look from Piggot. Stormborn waited, and when it was clear that was all she was going to get, spoke.

"I cannot say here, now. I need to learn more of this world." Stormborn told them. "I am not opposed to all parts of the suggestion, but let me be clear, I will not subordinate myself or my dragons to a city watch. I require time to think on this, and more information…" she trailed off. "Perhaps I could consult Lord Hebert and his daughter?"

Armsmaster spoke up, relaying an email his visor had received a few minutes previously. "Dragonfly will be joining the wards as well, so you wouldn't be going in alone. We do need to make the announcement soon though," he informed her. "News of your arrival is already spreading, and it would be a lot better if they heard it officially from us, instead of whatever rumor the press gets a hold of."

The director exhaled through her nostrils, "or makes up. And no doubt Wilkins is wondering why I haven't called to notify him of a new a-class falling from the sky," Piggot said, referring to the head of the New York PRT, who oversaw all of eastern America. Armsmaster himself didn't see the necessity, this was ENE business, and they were more than capable of handling it themselves.

"If you're willing to work with us, I'll contact him and begin preparations, while you may consult with Dragonfly and her father," Piggot said, gesturing at the guard to escort her once more. "We will need an answer within the hour, to decide how we go forward."

"Then you shall have it, director." TRUTH, Stormborn told her as she stood up.

"Gallant, Panacea," the director got their attention, "you're dismissed as well. And I'll have your reports no later than 5PM today, understand?"

"Yes, mam," Gallant told her, the girl at his side simply nodding her assent before they left the room.

The room was quiet, before the director made an effort to stand, and the assembled capes followed suit.

Assault spoke up on their way out, "You know, Triumph wanted time off soon, since his girlfriend was going to be in town. Think Legend will come with her?", he asked his wife, who had worked under the head of the New York Protectorate.

"I think a lot of people will be coming to see this," Battery replied. "I just hope we're ready for it."
Stone 2.03 - Danny II
Danny II

Danny read the next question on the form, 'Do you give permission for your child to Participate in Endbringer defenses?', when a tone sounded, followed by the light above the door blinking. That's a solid 'No', he thought, checking the box with perhaps a bit too much force, before he looked up to see Stormborn had entered the room.

"Ah, Stormborn," Commander Calvert greeted her, "welcome back. Still in one piece, I hope?" Danny and his daughter, still wearing that cre-e-eative mask, he supressed a shiver, watched as the girl walked up to review the television screen, then began pacing in front of it.

"I swear, that woman may be one of the most unpleasant individuals I've ever met who doesn't actually own people." She stopped, and covered her mouth as she yawned. Looking around to see three sets of eyes watching her, she apologized. "I am sorry, it is simply…" she paused again.

Danny suppressed a yawn. He winced internally as he imagined the directors response upon being awoken to the news that not only was Lung gone, but three much larger dragons had arrived to take his place. And one smaller one.

"No need to apologize," Calvert spoke up quickly, "it's been a long night for all of us, I expect. There should be some coffee somewhere in here," he gave the room a glance before pointing, "if you find it would help."

"Well," Danny spoke up, "it would sure help me. I wish someone had pointed that out hours ago." He put the paperwork on the pile, stood, and walked over to the table along the wall. Looking around, he finally saw a cheap coffee maker behind a large box of muffins. Looks brand new, he thought, and reached for the pot.

"Is she really that bad?", his daughter asked from behind him. Crap, cold, he thought, feeling the glass. Probably here before I was. He grabbed a cardboard cup. Nothing for it.

"If I took her meaning, she threatened my dragons, unless I would use them against her enemies. Was I mistaken?" Stormborn looked between them.

"Not entirely," the commander answered. "At the moment, I expect she's looking for reassurance that you won't use them on any more of her enemies. At least, not without our permission." I wouldn't mind such reassurance either, to be frank, Danny thought as he retook his seat.

"The city is truly as unstable as she suggested?" Stormborn asked, from beneath furrowed brows.

"If not moreso. Lung was the leader of the Azn Bad Boyz, one of the two strongest parahuman gangs vying for control of this city. The other gang styles themselves the Empire Eighty Eight, and under their current leader Kaiser, they're not going pass up the opportunity you've given them," Calvert explained.

Danny sighed, she has to understand, and elaborated himself, "and then there's the minor gangs, like the Merchants, who will take whatever leavings they can. And under all of them are the smaller players and independent villains, like Uber and Leet," he continued, before taking a sip of his coffee. Not too small to afford luring some of his own to hench for them, the thought bitter as the brew. "Probably no one for you to worry about, though," nodding towards the screen.

Stormborn still didn't get it. "Your city is full of gangs who would break your laws so openly? If what you told me of your fighting strength is true, how is it you haven't driven them from your land already?"

"What would you suggest?" Calvert raised an eyebrow her way. "Fire and blood?"

"If that is what it takes, then yes," the girl decreed. The Bay's seen enough of that, these past years, Danny thought, downing the last of the cup, and his daughter apparently agreed.

"Some of us have to live here, you know," Taylor spoke up. "I want the gangs gone as bad as anyone, but even Alexandria can't beat everyone. Or, there wouldn't be a city left afterward, if she did."

"Fine," Stormborn said, "than don't fight them in the city. Don't fight them at all. A dagger in the dark can do what armies cannot. Send your Arms Master after them, in the night, alone. Even the usurpers brother was capable of that much."

"That would be breaking the rules," Calvert told her. Looking to Danny and his daughter, "you might have wondered, for example, why we haven't simply followed Purity home and apprehended her while she slept?"

"Yeah!" Taylor said. "I did. I even think that maybe if I could get some of my bugs on them…" The coffee sat like lead in Danny's gut. One more reason she needs proper supervision.

"Taylor, it is very, very good you didn't do that." She looked at him, and her fierce mask with it's frozen expression tilted slightly when he spoke. A paper cup clenched in his fist, he looked towards the PRT commander. "Something to do with Marquis, right? And New Wave?"

"Yes," Calvert nodded, "those are probably the most publicized cases from this city, but far from the only ones. Simply put, the parahuman community generally makes a distinction between cape identities, and civilian, or 'secret', identities. When you take off the mask, there's an expectation of anonymity, of safety." Please, Taylor, listen to him. "If you hunt someone all the time you can make them desperate, so that they feel cornered, afraid even for their friends or family. And if they no longer have a home, or anything to lose…"

"I see," Stormborn said, and it sounded to Danny as if she did. "Without a part to play in the city, they would feel no loss burning it to the ground. You said these were rules," the dragon cape pointed out. "They are not laws?"

"Well, they are rules for villains," the commander said, "and infamously unwritten ones, at that. The PRT generally restrains from forcing such dangerous situations. Which isn't to say we'd ignore information if someone handed it over on a silver platter." Don't get any ideas. "And as you can imagine, we don't spend much resources on the crimes villains commit between themselves, compared to those against the public, except where such conflict appears likely to escalate." Danny wished that they would, and hoped Taylor would have better luck at pushing change than he did.

Calvert went on, "most villains are smart enough to avoid breaking them even so, though. Doing so makes others desperate in turn, and being ostracized from the community is a genuine risk." Stormborn nodded. "So unless they see a reward worth the risk, or possess the power to ignore repercussions, the rules are more or less abided by." Which is exactly why she needs backup.

"No," the man continued, leaning forward, "laws are for heroes, such as our newest ward here, Dragonfly." Tay-Dragonfly set up straighter at that. "Were you to share her identity without approval, you could face prosecution, perhaps even imprisonment. Strictly speaking, you shouldn't even know her identity, not without at least an NDA."

Stormborn looked about to speak up before he went on, "but as she told you herself, and did so before joining the wards, it's something of an exemption. At least until your particular case is settled." He sat up a bit, leaning back. "We do take our heroes identities very seriously. For instance, they're not even required to share them with their teammates. Though everyone has signed all the forms, and it's not always avoidable, we do endeavor to keep unmasking strictly voluntary."

Dragonfly looked thoughtful at that. Or her shoulders did, if he could still read her under that costume of hers. At least she'll be able to ease in, and make friends at her own pace.

"So that is why all your sorcerers disguise themselves. I did ask…" the silver haired girl looked at his daughter.

"Capes," Dragonfly corrected, and Danny smiled. "Maybe you're right about the magic and everything," though she didn't sound convinced, "you're not the only hero who thinks that." And the girl's as theatrical as Myrddin too, he thought, at least if the Protectorate Pals depiction was anything to go by. "But we're called capes. You're even wearing one!"

Stormborns lip curled, and her eyes gleamed, "yes, I am, aren't I? I had wondered at that, as I seemed to be the only one who was." She leaned back before continuing, "so perhaps you people do have something to hide. I can understand, in a way. I spent much too long wearing floppy ears of my own." 'Floppy ears'?, Danny wondered, but she went on.

"I'm not sure the rules apply to me, though. I am not one of your wards," Dragonfly sat up straight, "nor am I a villain. I know no one in this world," she stared at the wall beyond them, "I have no friends, no family and what petty enemies I may have made here do not cause me fear."

"Don't be so sure," Danny tried to council her. Someone needed to. "You got here somehow, right? If anyone here is able to open a, a," he stumbled for the word, "door. A door to your world," he guessed, "Earthos-"

"We've been calling Stormborn's homeworld 'Earth Dalet' for now," Calvert broke in.

"Earth Dalet, then." Better name, anyways. "If we can send you back, then it's not out of the question that others might follow the same path, right?", he asked her.

"No," she answered hesitantly. "Though I'm not even sure such a path exists. No one I've met thus far appears eager to assist me in finding it, or even in granting me the simplest of tools that I may search myself."

"What do you need?", Dragonfly volunteered.

"To start? Dragonglass," came the answer. "Your people know it as obsidian. Twice now have I made the request, and I was told some time ago you were working on it." Looking towards Calvert, "with your horseless carriages, I expected better."

"Cars, we call them," the commander explained. "And I do wish to apologize if there's been a delay with any requests. Paperwork waits for no man, unfortunately," he said, tapping the piles of forms layering the table as he stood. Danny knew that – it was his handwriting on most of the forms. "In fact, I'll go see if any of our inspectors may have held anything up. The caution is understandable, but I see no harm in allowing a simple piece of stone."

"You have my thanks," Stormborn inclined her head, "that would be most helpful."

"I'll be back in a moment then," he promised while he left the room, and its occupants, in silence.

Danny's daughter shifted in her seat, before she ventured, "you're not joining the wards?"

The other girl looked at her, "I wish to return home. That does not appear to be a wish that will be granted today, so I must come to some sort of terms. However, your people must know that a dragon is not a servant."

He was proud when Taylor followed up, her mouth motoring like he hadn't seen in years. "Isn't that what heroes do? Like, protect and serve? If you're a queen, you serve your people, right?"

The dragon queen was watching her with interest. "I haven't heard it worded quite so before, but that's not far from the truth. A queen serves for her people, perhaps." A wry smile came across her face, as if she'd just remembered something. "I serve the realm. But I am not it's servant."

"Okay," she accepted, though Danny was unsure of the distinction. "But how can you best serve here? Now?"

"By returning to my people," Stormborn stated. "They are about to enter a war for their very survival, and I cannot protect them whilst I sit here, awaiting answers."

"But think of what you could take back, if you just stayed here a little while." Danny agreed, the girl had a lot to learn. "If cars and lightbulbs are magic to you, and you've never even tasted ice cream, and you don't even know how seasons work-"

"This place fascinates me," Stormborn interrupted, gesturing to the television, "and it may be that I should return for a time, once I've retaken my throne, to learn your arts. But not until. I will not lose my path again," she finished thoughtfully.

"But you have to-"

"Tay-Dragonf…" Danny stumbled. "Taylor, sweetie, would you please take off the mask?

"Oh, uhm, okay?", she reached behind her head, and began to peel back the silk, revealing a mess of dark curls.

"It would make me feel more comfortable as well," Stormborn admitted. "I believe I now see the reasons, but that doesn't mean I do not find them… unsettling."

"Right. Okay. Taylor. Stormborn. Daenerys?," he looked her way, and after a slow nod, "Daenerys might not be with us for long. But!," he spoke before she could interrupt, "I agree that it wouldn't hurt for her to learn at least something of our ways before she leaves." A foreign policy or criminal code beyond 'fire and blood', for starters.

"I admit," Daenerys smiled as she grabbed a plate housing a frosted cinnamon roll nearly as large from a side table, "I would find it delightful if you could tell me what went into making treats such as this."

Taylor gave a small laugh, and picked up a doughnut to nibble at.

"Careful now," he warned his daughter, "with all the sugar you've eaten tonight, you'll have to brush your teeth twice when we get home." He knew he would, the coffee still bitter in his dry mouth.

"Dad! That's not how it works!", she informed him, and he just smiled.

Daenerys seemed confused. "Why would your teeth need brushing?" Two sets of eyes behind lenses stared at her, and Danny thought she'd never looked younger. She gestured at Taylor and explained, "I could see why your hair might, but-"

A chime sounded, and the light above the door flashed. His daughter kept eating her doughnut.

"Not going to put on your mask again?", he asked her, though he was grateful.

"No need!" she told him. "It's just Commander Calvert." At a look, "what? I put a fly on him so I'd know when he got back. I got the idea from what he was saying." Danny took a breath.

"You mean from how he was saying you shouldn't do that?"

"He said not to do it to villains! And he's not a villain, so there." She had him there, Danny admitted. And if she left it there, she might be okay, he hoped.

A few second later, she was proven right, as Calvert walked into the room carrying a purple cloth bag that clinked lightly with his steps. As he took a seat, he unfastened the black string binding the top, and poured shards of black stone out onto the table. They were a variety of sizes, from the size of Danny's hand to that of his fingernail, and they shone in the reflected fluorescent light.

"Was this what you requested?", Calvert asked.

"Yes," Daenerys said, quickly licking the frosting from her fingers before wiping them on the tablecloth. "You have my thanks."

She examined the array before her, eventually picking a sharp shard not much larger than his thumb. Then she looked around, grabbed a bowl still sticky with the remnants of the ice cream it held, and set it before her. Finally, she glanced at the other occupants at the table, who were all watching her.

"Do not be alarmed," Daenerys warned them, before she used the shard to draw a cut into her left thumb. Danny felt queasy at the sight of a girl as young a Taylor bleeding herself, as he watched her began to squeeze droplets of blood onto the stone, mostly covering the bottom half, with stray drips of red falling into the bowl below. When she deemed it sufficient, she held the bloodied part in a closed fist, and spoke.

She spoke so softly, he could scarcely hear the whispers, and though he couldn't make out the words, they sounded foreign, repetitive. Whatever she was attempting, she succeeded after only a few tries, and the candle came alight. It burned within her grasp with a ghostly-pale blue-white flame, whose shadows flickered lightly in a non-existent wind that sent chills down his spine. If this is how her powers work, Danny thought, she could be forgiven for calling them magic.

"Marwin, mage hen dāria, rȳbagon nyke", Daenerys said to the flame, in a language he couldn't understand. Like something out of Tolkien. She tried again, louder. "Urnēptre nyke, Marwin, mage hen dāria", though he could see no changes in the otherworldly fire. She looked aside briefly to the screen showing her dragons at rest, one twitched slightly, before turning back to the stone.

"Urnēptre nyke, se jelmāzma", she spoke a third time, and this time, Danny could've sworn he saw something in the flickers. Something falling, like ash, or snow, or perhaps a light drizzle, cast in a beam of light. He couldn't tell what, and it was gone almost as quickly as it appeared, when she dropped the stone into the bowl and the flame went out.

"Did it work?", Taylor asked breathlessly.

Daenerys looked at the black and red in the bowl before her. "No," she told them. Without meeting their eyes, Danny noticed, seeing a bit of Taylor in moment. "I shall need to try again. Mayhaps with a larger piece, when I am better rested." She looked up to the commander, "am I free to keep these?", motioning to the stones obscuring the paperwork with one hand, while sucking the blood off the thumb of her other.

"Yes, you can. Consider them a gift from the PRT ENE," he told her, and she began returning them to the bag. "Although we would appreciate it if you informed us before attempting to use any. And I know Armsmaster would be very interested in knowing how you did whatever it was you just did." Danny remembered what Stormborn had told them of magic, that way madness lie, and after what he'd just seen, he thought he agreed,

"Just as I would be interested in knowing more of this gateway between worlds he has spoken of," she told them. "But your director did not appear to give the idea much thought," she looked to Calvert for an answer.

"That's probably because she can't get approval for that, not with the various national and international laws in place. At least, not by herself." The commander leaned back, as he explained. "She has done well in holding this city from further decline, but her policies haven't made her as many friends higher up the chain. So when it comes to the resources devoted to the Bay, she's less likely to see increased funding, compared to other regions. And the prospect of jumping on a sinking ship doesn't appeal to a lot of capes, at least not those without a particular drive."

Danny could sympathize, "that sounds a lot like what we see at the union, to be honest. If the walls are shrinking, just trying to hold on to what you have is going to rub a lot of people the wrong way." Mayors of all stripes had declined his proposals for years.

"Should I not go to her overlord then?" Daenerys asked. That had seldom worked well for him, he thought.

"You could," Commander Calvert admitted, "but there's no guarantee you would find a better reception with them. Some of our directors are more likely to shoot first," he nodded towards the TV, "and investigate later. And the farther up the chain you go, the more likely the matter is to be decided by committee." She didn't look as if the idea appealed to her, and Danny agreed. "The Chief Director is likely to be sympathetic, but her region of interest is on the other side of the continent, which could put you some distance away, on the off chance your fleet were to somehow follow you here."

Nether of the girls looked happy at the prospect. "Your warrior woman, Miss Militia. She said the people of the land make the laws here. I am unsure as to her meaning, but could I not appeal to the people myself?"

Danny wasn't sure that was the greatest of ideas, given the last young girl the public saw proclaim herself a magic queen. Granted, her reign of fire and blood seemed limited to her Earth, but he knew something of public relations… Fortunately, Calvert fielded the question.

"That might have been a bit of a simplification. It would be more accurate to say that the lawmakers are selected by the people. And when it comes to larger-than-life dangerous individuals, who don't make a show of playing by their rules, there's a sentiment known as Not In My Back Yard."

The commander then threw her a question, "tell me. Were the people of your Earth happy at the idea of your children," holding a hand out towards the monitor, "roaming the same backyards as their children?"

"They were not," she admitted, but didn't back down. "But it is not the place of the smallfolk to make demands of the dragon." Yes, Danny could see how such an appeal might go.

"Perhaps not in your world," he told her, "but in this world some of those smallfolk could level large sections of the city by themselves. There are flying blasters who could probably outrun and outrange your dragons, on both sides of the law. Even where you come from, they're not entirely invulnerable, are they?" She didn't answer, looking towards him and his daughter instead.

"Dragons are awesome!" Taylor assured her, before conceding "but, in a fight, I'd bet on Alexandria any day." When the look didn't change, "I mean, I saw what you did to Lung, but she fights all the Endbringers, all the time. We wouldn't stand a chance. And this place isn't all bad… we have the best tinker in the Protectorate! If anyone can get you home, Armsmaster can."

"Ms. Hebert is right on that score," Calvert confirmed. "The only other heroic tinker who might stand a better chance is Dragon. She has a global mandate though, given her work with The Guild, meaning less time to devote to any single project. And since she's known to collaborate with our lead tinker on a regular basis..."

The pitch continued, "and given the cape density of the city, the PRT is known to be somewhat more flexible in their response. You're flying to war, and have made no promises we won't be involved, or even that you'll follow our laws while you're here. But we can give materials, sustenance and accommodation to you and yours. Or allowing access to books and outside individuals, in spite of the ongoing quarantine. Not all of whom see us in the best of lights, unless I miss my guess?" the commander looked towards Danny.

"You could do better," he agreed. "If two teenage girls can do what the Protectorate has failed to for years…"

"Most of that is in her interest," Daenerys pointed out. "As is attempting to place herself as my liege. That did not end well for the last women who tried, and at least they showed a proper respect to my dragons. Can you tell me why this one seemed incapable of even that?"

"Ah, well," Calvert admitted, "the director and I do have something of a history with unusual animals."


"Yes. We both served on another case, years ago, where we faced some unusual, and rather formidable, animals controlled by a madman. Ellisberg is some years behind us now, but-"

"You fought Nilbog?," Taylor asked. Danny wouldn't have known either. Perhaps he should show a little more respect to this apparent pencil pusher.

"Who is Nilbog?"

"The Goblin King," his daughter answered. "He, uh, made a bunch of monsters," looking towards Daenerys, "or something! I'm not sure what, exactly. But he killed everyone and took over the town and declared himself king. And even the Protectorate couldn't stop him, so now it's just like one of those walled off cities where no one can go, like Madison."

"Vaes Tolorro," Daenerys muttered. "So your director was there. That might be the response, if I don't play your game? By your rules?"

The commander hedged, "well, matters might be different if there was a permanent portal open between our worlds. As it is, diplomatic policy with Earth Aleph is tricky enough, and that's something the suits have struggled for years with. Even now, the portal remains in the hands of the PRT. If you're unable to even 'phone home', as it were…" he looked to her. The dragon cape shook her head.

"Then, in the meantime, given your powers, you're liable to remain under parahuman jurisdiction. That of the PRT. Which also means you're unlikely to receive official diplomatic recognition, or the immunities that might grant. To be honest, in their eyes you're something of a stateless shipwreck."

She countered, "I have recognized lesser claims. The Tattered Prince is allowed his title, though Pentos is held in the grip of a traitorous cheesemonger."

"But even that is on your Earth, and regardless of its leader, you do presumably recognize the existence of Pentos." A nod. "The land you claim to have arrived from wasn't even known to us, until this morning. I'm afraid that unless the goings on of Dalet come to directly impact events here, a lot of individuals are going to conveniently pretend it doesn't exist. Or at least act in that manner, if not officially."

Daenerys sighed, appearing as tired as he about the formalities. "Commander Calvert, all I wish is to return home…" she trailed off. "Mr. Hebert, Taylor," she addressed them. "Do you believe that end would be best served by taking on the titles they demand? Of 'citizen', and 'ward'? Do they speak truly of a ward not being a prisoner? I have played along with this 'quarantine' because these walls," she motioned, "are nothing to my dragons. But I have seen some of this worlds magic…"

"Yes! You have to join!" Taylor told her. "You can't be a villain, and the ABB will be after you, and you could work directly with Armsmaster, or Kid Win to get home."

"I think Taylor's right," Danny added. Seeing Daenerys face twist, "the gangs aren't something to underestimate, and the heroes will be a lot more likely to work with you if you return the favor. I really do think this is your best chance," he knew she could certainly use some guidance. "And the Bay could always use more heroes."

"What, exactly, are you asking of me, to wear these titles?", she asked, and Calvert answered.

"Today? Little more than a brief public appearance to reassure the city. There would be a few matters to address first, though. For instance, bringing you into our law is complicated by the fact that you've yet to reach the age of legal majority in this nation."

"I am a woman, grown and flowered. I have nursed three children, burned two husbands, and conquered a realm to rival any in the known world. Not many still call me 'girl'," the dragon queen reminded them. Burned two husbands? What has this girl- woman, been through?

"Nevertheless," Calvert reminded her, "you still aren't yet 18. And while you may be adept at navigating your own world, you will have significant catching up to do before juvenile emancipation is a prospect here." Man has a point, Danny remembered her questions about brushing teeth, and horseless carriages.

"This will mean appointing a legal guardian to cosign with you on legal matters. When it comes to your cape persona, Stormborn, someone from the PRT is likely to be assigned. It's your civilian identity that might not be so simple," he explained.

"You wish to give me a 'secret' identity?", she seemed amused.

Calvert nodded, "unless you want to attract attention wherever you go, and we've already explained how that can be dangerous. You've never walked among the 'smallfolk'?"

"Not I. At least, not unknown to them. Though, I wouldn't be the first dragon to disguise my scales. My grandfather, Aegon V, was known to have done so." It seemed as though the idea had some appeal to her. Danny could see how, since she already seemed to live a life of stories. And it didn't sound like a fairy tale, he considered. "What purpose would this 'guardian' serve? Besides satisfying your legal fictions."

"Part of finding you a guardian is finding you better accommodations than this hanger," the commanders wave encompassed the walls.

Daenerys frowned, "I had thought that if I was bedding down in this world, I would be granted rooms atop the glowing tower."

Danny stifled a chuckle, Taylor smiled, and Calvert responded wanly, "that's not terribly likely," he admitted. "Even if Armsmaster wouldn't have a fit about housing people near the shield generators, the tower is the Protectorate Headquarters for the East-North-East region. Usually wards would serve under the local Protectorate, but due to our directors proactive stance when it comes to jurisdictional squabbles, the team is currently based out of the PRT HQ."

"So I would be staying with them?"

"Possibly," he told her. "It's likely if you accepted you would be moved to more secure Master/Stranger quarantine, or possibly the wards dormitories. Until we could find a civilian to cosign, you would be in effect a ward of the state."

Taylor looked at him. No, he thought to her. She glared at him.

"Of course, we would work on finding you a foster family as soon as possible," Calvert told Daenerys. Taylor was raising her eyebrows at him now. We can't. "And there's no shortage of good people out there willing to provide homes for our brave wards."

"What about Alan?", Danny preempted his daughter with a more reasonable suggestion, when she seemed about to speak.

"NO!" Taylor yelled, startling him and Daenerys both. "No! She can't- this can't be-"

She broke off quickly, seeing all attention on her. Then she stated plainly, "She saved my life, dad."

"Taylor," Danny wanted to explain. It wasn't that he wasn't grateful. He couldn't handle one daughter, let alone two. "We can't afford-"

"The wards program does provide-", Calvert.

"Wait, I'm not certain-", Daenerys.

"What would mom do?", his daughter asked him, and for a second, Danny's anger reared its head. And then it was washed away just as swiftly by a flood of shame. Because he knew what Annette would do.

Annette, who had joined a group of women's activists, not just to protest, but to fight back directly against injustices like spousal abuse and sex trafficking. A girl widowed twice before adulthood. Annette, who had married a true and blue unionist, not in spite of his working-income workers-first ethic, but because of it. I serve the realm. Annette, who had let struggling students crash on their couch from time to time, before Taylor arrived. And a teenager without a place to call home.

Yes, he knew. I was never as good as you, Anne. I can only try… and so try he would.


Calvert hesitated, "well. If you're certain, it could be-"

"Yes," Danny said. "I am." He'd known he had to do more for Taylor. Once high school started. Once she was hospitalized. Once he heard her walk out into the night. If he couldn't step up for her, he may as well quit now, and he wasn't the quitting type. And if he was capable… I have to be.

"If you're willing to sign for Daenerys wards and citizenship papers…" the commander began trying to organize the mess of sheets before them. "Since your daughter is joining the wards, that means my case concerning her is over. I have temporary authority to sign on Stormborns case on behalf of the PRT, though, and we'll need to go over them with her, but…" more shuffling of paper.

"There is one other matter when it comes to citizenship. Constitutional law requires relinquishing foreign titles of royalty." The dragon queen looked about to speak before Calvert went on, "but only Daenerys Stormborn, daughter of House Targaryen has such a claim." Giving her a look, "and since we're not likely recognize her, what would you say to Dany Tarrigan, newly arrived parahuman immigrant to Brockton?"

Daenerys laughed, lowly, "this is beginning to sound more like the tale of the bastard Young Griff, than that of my ancestor Egg. And only family has ever called me Dany." Looking at her dragons, "and not for years at that…"

"Well," Danny spoke up, "if it makes you feel better, you can call me Danny if you want." Daenerys looked at him. "It's short for Daniel. And just to clarify, I'm not actually a lord."

She smiled at him, "I didn't think you were. It was meant as a sign of respect, to the man who fathered such a remarkable daughter." Danny wasn't sure he could feel more proud of Taylor tonight, but seeing her turn red behind her hair made him feel even more shame, for he knew he wasn't the one due praise. "If I can call you Danny, then, under the circumstances, I would wish you and her feel free to call me Dany as well."

"And my dragons?" Dany asked of the PRT commander.

"Will be well provided for, and well guarded." His eyes turned towards the image of the sleeping giants, gently smoking. "If you can keep them from preying on the population, we can keep curious cape fanatics out of their designated enclosure."

"And I would have access, at all times," she stated. "If I do not, they are more than likely seek me out. Viserion especially."

"Then we could label such as a requirement of your powers. As I said before," Calvert reiterated, "we've dealt with some fairly flexible accommodations in this city before."

"This all sounds like more than I should need for a short stay here.," Dany stated. "But I can do it, for the time being, in the interests of peace," the word sounded bitter from her tongue. "Know this, all this power you claim over me, on these papers," she lifted and dropped a stack from the table, "you would not find it so easy to force upon me. You cannot chain a dragon by ink any more than by iron. I know something of prophecy, and I am not fated to die in this strange land."

"Of course," Calvert allowed. "And if once returned to your dragons, you wanted to simply, say, fly away, there's little we could do to hold you." Dany's face lifted at the suggestion. "At least, not without a fight, which I don't think anyone here wants."

"And in the meantime," Danny added, "I can start working with lawyers. If we can get some outside representation on your side, it's possible we could force them into acting sooner to send you home." He wasn't sure about that, but it was something. "Or at least, they'll be able to put the brakes on anything you don't want, maybe long enough it ceases to be an issue." That sounded more accurate.

"So then," Calvert asked, "have we reached a tentative agreement?"

Dany nodded. "For the time being, we have. Until I steal some sleep, and learn more of this world. I will put on a show to calm the masses, you will provide me with safe harbor and the necessary supplies, as well as temporary protection." Smiling, "It is a shame you do not hold the title of Director, Commander Calvert, I do believe you would be better suited to the role. If ever I can assist you in that…"

He laughed, light and brief, "let's not get ahead of ourselves. Director Piggot has a rather impressive record, and I imagine there's quite a bit more to add before she decides to give it up. And, if the blinking on my phone has been any indicator, she wants to know if you're ready to make the announcement."

"Right now?" Danny asked. "Isn't that a bit fast?"

"It is," he told them, "but there are procedures in place for same-day-admittance. Usually for special circumstances, such as a villain who needs official protection, or sometimes with Case 53s. And since we've been basing some of our current efforts on that framework…"

"If it will ease your people, and assist my return to mine own, then," sighing, "I can don floppy ears once more." With a pointed look, "for a time."

"Excellent. Then that leaves one last thing-", everyone looked at him. "We need to find you a mask."
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Queen Daenerys, Lord Calvert and Lady Taylor working together? By the Seven, the Bay of Brockton is doomed!
Stone 2.04 - Brian II
Brian II

Brian hit the brakes gently, coming to a full stop before the stop sign. He tried to focus on the road, which was taped off straight ahead, and not the incessant questioning from his passenger. No left turn, said another sign. He checked the area, before turning the wheel counterclockwise. Four extra blocks going around to the right, he knew.

"C'mmmmmon bro," Aisha pestered. "There's no way you ain't heard. Everyone was talking about them." She poked him again.

"Yeah, talking." Brian moved to grab her finger next time it came near. "On the boardwalk." He kept ahold of her as she struggled, "when you should be in school," finally letting go once the car emerged from the one-way street.

Shadows were shrinking to their smallest point of the day, and he'd had only a few hours of sleep, before getting a call to pick up his barely-teenaged truant sister. It could be worse, he knew. Their mother might have answered her phone.

"Psh, like that's ever gonna matter." Brian hoped it would matter someday. He knew the odds of powers running in families. "For reals though. Dragons. Or not for real. That is the question, and you won't answer!" She crossed her arms, stretching scarce bits of cloth over a lithe black frame, and glared at him.

"I don't know nothing," he spoke honestly. Tattletale hadn't gotten off the phone when they got off the dogs. By the time he'd noticed she had, Lisa was out cold. Probably exhausted her power, trying to figure it out..

"Yeah, that's likely," Aisha sat back in her seat, and ignored him to look at the strip malls going by. Great, now she's pissed for some reason.

For a time, welcome silence reigned. The road rolled beneath, and cool air flowed from vents over skin warmed by sun. The moment didn't last though, and when it was broken by the vibrating of his phone on the console, Aisha was on him once more.

"That your side piece?"

"Christ, no," he answered, looking to see Lisa was calling. Not that she was unattractive, he knew, but dating on the job wasn't a smart idea. Besides, she wasn't his type. And even if she were, well…

Lisa's voice came through the phone as it reached his ear.

"Hey Brian, you gotta swing by the loft."

"Kind of busy, at the moment," he informed her.

"I know," she replied, "see you soon!" and hung up. Yeah, that.

"Well if we're not gonna talk about your booty calls-"

"We're not," he emphasized.

"Then you're going to tell me about dragons." Not this again. "Like is it true that Armsmaster beat up Lung last night?"


"That's what this dude was saying," which dude?. "That Armsmaster totally kicked his ass, and chopped him into little pieces with his staff. But then each piece grew into a new Lung and flew away, and that's why all those roads were closed and-"

Brian sighed and drove as she went on, while around them paint coating the buildings turned from that laid down this decade, to that laid last decade, and then before. At least that didn't happen, he thought, I wish I knew what did. Being ignorant of the situation wasn't a good way to last, in his line of work, and the sooner he got his sister to their father, the better. For now, at least.

He hadn't noticed Aisha had gone silent until she spoke up again. "So you're really not gonna tell me, huh?"

"There's nothing to tell," he spoke calmly. "I was working last night. Which is what I'll be doing again once I get you dropped off," he told her, pulling the car to the curb beside a gym.

She looked at him and scoffed. "Fine then, leave me here while you go party," then opened the door, when had she unbuckled her seat belt?, and got out. He turned off the car, better make sure she at least goes inside, and unbuckled his own.

As he got out, "I told you, I'm working-"

"Yeah yeah, just a joke, big bro," not even looking up from her phone, "duh."

Brian looked at her, standing on the sidewalk in black shoes that didn't meet her purple leggings. A grey hoodie was wrapped around her waist, below a torn white tank-top, that revealed straps and dark skin beneath. Her hair hung tightly braided and messy, with bits of color here and there.

Though his sisters stereotypical teenage-girl act annoyed him, it did warm him that she felt free enough to act that way. She should know better by now though, in this nazi-infested city, but Brian wasn't sure he knew how to teach her. When he motioned with his hand, she waited and sighed, before walking into the gym without looking up.

It was darker inside than out at this time of day, so his eyes took a second to adjust to the open layout as his ears caught sounds of dropping metal and leather on flesh. When he could see, he noticed his sister had taken a seat in a row along the wall, and was plugging earbuds she'd pulled out of nowhere into her phone.

Brian stood a moment and looked around, finding his father in a boxing ring against the opposite wall of the building. He watched for a time, as the man gave instructions to the other occupant of the ring, moving his arms this way and that. Finally the old man caught his eye, and Brian nodded in Aisha's direction. His father threw a glance her way, nodded at him, and went back to his work.

Well, Brian thought, at least the company here is better than moms place. Or the street. She would probably disappear as soon as he was out the door, but hopefully it would be a little while before she found trouble again. Or maybe not, but, at least I'm working on it.

He walked up to say goodbye, but she just waved, saying "laters then. Don't work yourself to death."

So, "I'll see you tonight," he said, and hoped it was true.

The drive to the docks left him too much time to think. Between keeping an eye out for cops, or cars with an Iron Cross hanging from the rearview, sometimes may as well be no difference, he found time to worry about how the changing field would affect the job.

Empire's gonna be pushing, Brian thought. The place he was looking at renting already saw black and yellow tags in the neighborhood, if they tried to tighten their hold… And then there was probably going to be increased trouble in their smash-and-grab MO, he thought as he steered the vehicle into a former industrial zone. If the white hats patrols were stepped up to match...

The sedan turned off the road, and wandered a maze of brick walls and alleyways, finally coming to rest on an isolated patch of concrete in a burned out building. Concealed as well as he could, windows up, doors locked, Brian stepped down a narrow walkway. Avoiding the puddles, he turned back onto a road, and came to a decrepit building with a weathered sign that read Redmond Welding. Wouldn't mind working here, if that's what this place still was.

Barking greeted Brian when he unlocked the door and entered, closing the door on well greased hinges gently behind him. He walked through rows of half-stripped machinery, reaching the bottom of the stairs at the same time as the dogs who'd run down from the top.

"Hey Brutus, Judas," he told them, holding out his hand. They walked around him, brushing against his leg while he stepped to the top.

When he pushed the door at the top open, Brian walked into a well furnished loft. The décor, such as the expensive black couch, modern entertainment system, and carpet flooring, was highlighted by the contrast of the pizza boxes and bits of dogs hair lying around. And standing in the center, two of his teammates, staring at each other. Lisa pointed at him.

"See? There he is now, no need-"

"I wasn't," Rachel ground out while dogs returned to her side, joining Angelica with their master, "I just told you not to-"

"What's up?" Brian broke in. "Alec around?", he asked after their fourth member. The girls looked at him. If it wasn't important, drop it, he thought.

Lisa stared, bags under her eyes, though she should've gotten more sleep than him. When she spoke, Rachel turned away to take a seat on the couch.

"No," she told him. "He's not." Strange, he thought, guy doesn't get out much.

"Okay," Brian said, walking around to take a chair before the coffee table, "then he'll have to catch up. What do you have?"

"Well, news hasn't broke quite yet, but just about everyone knows Lung isn't in the picture anymore." Damn, a little uncertainty could've been useful.

"Yeah," he said, "that seemed to be the word on the street."

"Right." A raised eyebrow. "Sooo, that means the ABB won't be coming after us again right away." She sat on the opposite end of the couch from Rachel, and pulled some papers from a small backpack.

"That's a relief. Oni-Lee-"

"Not Oni-Lee." Lisa interrupted him. "I think their new tinker is going to take over, and she's a real piece of work. Goes by Bakuda, and get this, her specialty?" Setting printouts and clipping on the table before them. "Bombs. Tried to blow up her school, before Lung took her in." Damn.

"No chance she'll forget about us?" he hoped.

"Not unless she gets eaten next. Maybe not even then, crazy bomber doesn't like to lose-"

Rachel's dogs perked up, followed by a door slamming below. Brian took a deep breath and waited, while Alec strolled in and sat right in the middle of the couch. The curly-haired pretty-boy picked up the remote, turned on the TV, and set his feet on the table, not quite touching the papers.

"Where have you been?" Brian demanded.

Blue eyes met his, followed by a smile. "The zoo," Alec replied flippantly. "You should see the reptile house these days."

A clenched fist, "fine." Can't take anything seriously. "Moving along," Brian looked back to Lisa, who turned her eyes from Alec and leaned back into the corner of the couch.

"So like I was saying," Lisa continued, "we're not forgotten, but Bakuda's got bigger fish to fry. I don't think she's going to wait for Kaiser to make the first move, and she's cooking something up for the heroes on Lungs behalf too."

"Think they'll take her down?"

Lisa shrugged, "if she makes a big enough mess, sure, but then we've got other problems."

"Like dragons?" Brian wanted to know. The reply was a waggled hand.

"I think those are gonna cause the PRT more trouble than us."

"I thought you said the girl wasn't a hero?" Brian had hoped Lisa was wrong. Powers as strong as what he'd witnessed didn't belong in the hands of villains. Though not even all heroes would take you in alive, he thought of Shadow Stalker with a phantom twinge to the gut.

"She's not, she's a psycho who sees us as just-" Lisa broke off. She looked to Rachel, who was glaring as Alec absentmindly flicked Judas' ear.

"Look, we all know how Rachel is good with dogs, right?" Lisa asked.

"Might as well be one," Alec drawled, snatching his hand back before it could be nipped.

"Yeah, well," the thinker continued, with a look at Rachel, "it works for her, her power. I mean, her power is dogs, and she's very good at… inhabiting the mindset." Rachel looked at her, eyes narrowed.

"So you're saying this new cape, what, thinks like a dragon would?" Brian asked for clarification.

"I'm saying, that they aren't domestic animals. They're apex predators. When they think, and they do think," Brian wondered how much, remembering the eerie gaze of the green dragon. She continued, "they think about us like we would think about ants. The paths they make on the ground might be vaguely interesting, and they might annoy you in the wrong circumstances, but..." He picked up the trail.

"But they only exist because we let them. Okay." Hands together. "So, we have to do something." He thought he had an idea. It wasn't an original one. "Any ideas?" he decided to get their input.

"The boss got us a new potential recruit to look at," Lisa snatched one of the papers.

"Don't need any more people here," Rachel put in.

"Yeah," Alec added, "and the last girl nearly barbequed me," he complained, now flipping through channels. Taking Bitch to meet Spitfire may have been a mistake, Brian admitted.

"I think this guy's more likely to roll with the punches," Lisa presented them a picture of a… train?

"He goes by Trainwreck, a kind of Case 53 tinker."

"Hah," came a pseudo-French accented laugh. "Sounds like he'd fit right in," Alec said without looking.

The thinker went on, "he's strong, he's fast, and he would give us more of the heavy hitting power we need to pull bigger jobs."

"What's he like?" Hard enough to babysit these three, on top of his sister, Brian thought.

"Mostly a loner. Drinks a lot, but he'll pull his weight when we need it." Lisa confirmed. It sounded promising, but they had before too. "And we could use some more backup if we're going to be active in the next few weeks."

"Thought the boss wanted us lie low?" Brian asked.

"That was before Lung. Now? Everyone will be too busy to worry about us, unless we're unlucky, and that's what I'm for!", she told him with a grin. She was right about that. Lisa went on.

"Like, Rachel, you were going to hit another dogfighting ring soon, right?"

A grunt, and a nod. "Don't need help though." Damn it, Rachel.

Brian hated that Rachel went picking fights without them, as if she wasn't part of the team. As if her actions didn't affect them when people came looking for revenge. But he knew who she was, and since it was going to happen anyways, he'd rather know about it.

"Well, maybe not for one." Pulling another paper, this one a map marked with colored spots. "But we can hit at least one a week till the end of the month while Hookwolf is busy taking territory. Get them after they're full. You grab the dogs, we grab the cash and stash from the office for the boss, and he'll match us dollar for dollar if we move fast."

"And if Hookwolf did show up," he ventured, and Lisa frowned at him, "we wouldn't be so outgunned. I think we could probably do this. Alec?"

"No skin off my back," he said, before sitting up straight. "Hey Tats, didn't you say that dragon chick wasn't a hero?"

"She's not. Why-" Lisa cut off, as Alec turned up the volume, the screen showing a group of capes assembled on a stage.

"-ents of last night, I am proud to announce the addition of not one, but two new heroes, who have stepped up to join our local Wards team."

The nondescript white man, of average height and weight, stepped aside from the podium and motioned.

"May I present to the people of Brockton Bay a true Lady Bug, the weaver of spiders silk, with a sting like a scorpion, Dragonfly!"

A figure who stood in glimmering colors suddenly became clear, as the hundreds of shining dragonflies leapt from her form take up aerobatic formations above the assembled. Standing in grey silk, with dark armored panels, long dark curls ran down the girls back, and she looked out of the screen from shimmering purple lenses in an insectoid mask.

"I, I'm honored to be here, in the company of people I've looked up to all my life. I hope to give the people of Brockton Bay as much hope and inspiration as they've given me over the years." A pause, "I won't let you down. Thank you."

Scattered applause came from the crowd, as the man in the suit retook the podium.

"And joining with her, the defender of the bay, protector of its peoples, and a true mother of dragons, Stormborn!"

A girl in black and red armor stepped forward, cape swirling behind her. A matching leather aviators cap sat her head, showing no hair, while large dark goggles obscured her upper face, with stylized points reaching towards the sky from the edge around her eyes and above her ears. It looked kind of like the spikes around the face of the large dragon that lowered its head to almost rest on the stage beside her. Or like a crown.

"I know my children may have made people here a little uneasy," she smiled, and some in the crowd gave her nervous laughter. "But rest assured, they are well behaved, and entirely within my power. Drogon? Why don't we say hello to the good citizens of this city?"

The black monster raised its head high, uncoiling to the length of a multistory building, and opened a mouth you could drive a car down.

A distant roar reached their ears, making it's way in with the breeze from the bay. A few moments later it was echoed by the roar from the televisions speakers, and followed by the loud applause of a wild crowd.
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Stone 2.05 - Daenerys II
Daenerys II

Dany relished the fresh air on her face, and caught the wind out cars the window, angling her hand against it like a wing. Cup held in her other hand, she sipped from a straw and watched glowing street lamps pass by. Maybe too sweet, and… tingly.

"Sorry it's not more," the driver apologized, "but I figured after getting out so late, you girls would rather eat now than wait for this old man to put something together."

"It's good," Dany assured, "although I'm not sure about the name," she said, reaching into a brown paper bag, adorned with the sigil of the Burger King for more fries. "It's just as well the PRT took their time learning my childrens personalities." Rhaegal and Viserion would likely cooperate, but Drogon… 'fly east,' she had told him, 'when you stretch your wings, fly east', and hoped.

"Others have forgotten, to their peril." After another handful of delicious salt, "what?" she asked the occupant in the middle seat, who was staring.

"Sorry," Taylor said, "I just can't get over how different you look." She grabbed a handful of fries from the bag between them, examined them closely before taking a bite. Leaning forward slightly as the car slowed, the girl glanced her way again.

In truth, the looks were striking not for their number, but for their absence. Dany found much freeing about travelling amongst the smallfolk without recognition, as Ser Barristan had told of her brother Rhaegar doing. But unnerving, she thought. Anyone could attack me at any time, and yet no one does. No one even spares me a second glance. Could she have done this in Meereen? Probably not, too pale, but in Westeros

Dany ran a hand through dark curls that ended at her shoulder, lit by the red lights of the cars around, and the one on the iron pole above. "The glamours of your people are nearly equal to those of my Red Priests," she admitted, looking at Taylor from behind unseen brown lenses. "And far more convenient."

"Well, I think they did pretty good work with your mask at short notice," Daniel, for she could not think of him as Danny, not when she thought of herself so, granted. The clothes they gave her to wear were dull grey 'sweats', but the mask… Better than the one her Lord of Lannister had fashioned, she agreed, though

On that subject, "your people have no Lords or Ladies, am I correct? Only smallfolk?", Dany sought to confirm. She had been told such before, but the idea still sounded nonsense. How could you have a ship without a captain?

"Yes," Daniel nodded, the car moved forward once more, "but I think some of those common folk would prefer you didn't think of them as so small. This one would at least. Why?"

"My Hand insisted, from personal experience," 'that should the urge ever strike you to do anything so foolish as to fight on the battlefield, rather than over it', "I wear a full helm if I may find myself in danger. Your PRT denied my initial design," the novelty in such denials wore off quickly, Dany thought, "stating that people wished to see me smile, not 'Lord Sauron and the Nazgul'." The people did like her smiles

"You've never- of course you haven't," came from Danys immediate left. "Dad, can we get some microwave popcorn next time you go to the store?

Instead of answering, he asked a question of her. "Didn't they say it was made of some kind of kevlar composite or something?"

"Yes," which may be superior to boiled leather, Dany supposed, though she had yet to see it demonstrated.

"Then I think that should be more than enough," he replied, gripping the steering wheel tight as he turned down darker roads. "The whole point of the wards program is to keep you away from danger in the first place."

"Truthfully, I'm not sure what dangers I face in this world." The people had screamed for her, shouting their welcome with joy as she had been declared their protector. Against the receptions she had faced elsewhere, and those she knew awaited her, it had been the greatest wind in her wings since her arrival.

That, and the sight of the storm ending. If it wasn't for that… Dany had seen only for an instant, misty rain in sun bright as summer, before dispelling the flame for fear others may share the sight. If only they'd gifted the dragonglass without requiring its purpose.

"And one of your, citizens," they had even cheered her children, "asking if he could pet Drogon did not cast your people as the most fearsome lot."

"No one asked me if they could pet…" Taylor trailed off into mumbling.

"Cheer up, kid," Daniel told her, turning off the street to rest before a blue house. "we're home. At last." Noise quieted, and lights illuminated the interior when he opened the door. "You want to hand me the trash?", he asked his daughter.

"Hold on," Taylor said, gathering food wrappings into the bag, "you done with your drink?", she extended it to Dany.

Dany sipped the last of the liquid audibly, and considered the ice cooling her hand. She had seen it before, but it was rare and expensive, brought down from the tallest mountains, and carried by caravan hundreds of miles though deserts and fields. And here I'm asked to throw it away, without thought. So she did, and turned to open her door.

"You weren't wearing a seatbelt!?" Taylor asked, the volume giving Dany pause.

"We weren't riding a dragon this time," she explained. "People don't belt their saddles, normally." Her twisted dwarf excepted, but then, what would they know of saddles when I have yet to see a horse in this land?

Daniel sighed, "this time," held his face, "anything else you want to share, Taylor?" he asked from the front of the car.

"Um, nope! Hey, it's kinda cold out here, let's get inside," Taylor replied, climbing out of the door Dany had just exited, and closing it to head towards the one set in the house.

"Well," Daniel said, after grabbing their bag of items from the PRT and meeting her at the front of the car, "home sweet home," and gestured ahead. She walked up the dimly lit path, following his daughters footsteps, taking his caution to 'mind the step, it creaks'.

On the porch, Dany stopped. Even in the moonlight, she could make out the pale blue of the old house. In front of her, in her way of entry to the house, stood a door, barely open. Under the age, and darkness, and peeling layers, Dany still saw, the door was red. Thunder crashed in a cloudless sky, startling her from her thoughts.

Softly, from behind her, "everything alright?"

"Yes," she answered, and pushed the door open to enter the light within.

Dany stood in the entry way, taking in the residence before her. In light from lamps these people insisted were mechanical, she saw a sort of dwelling that had been outside her experience since before she was wed.

"It's not much," Daniel said, closing the door behind them, "but it's ours. I know it's kind of a mess, we weren't really expecting to show it to anyone anytime soon."

Dany was spared the trouble of answering when Taylor emerged, bounding into view from up some stairs, carrying a red bag that appeared tightly stuffed.

"I figured you'd sleep in my room tonight. At least, until we get the old office cleared out." The girl in glasses paused. "Unless you wanted to sleep on the couch?", she walked around and held her hand out to the piece of furniture, in front of which lay a viewing screen.

Dany considered. Privacy would be best for what she had planned tonight. On the other hand

"We could share," she accepted, and turned to Daniel, "but first, I would see my dragons. I was told I could observe them at any time, through," a look towards Taylor, "the magics of your internets."

Watching the girls reaction to her mentions of magic hadn't failed to amuse, and she didn't disappoint this time.

Taking on a slight red hue, Taylor questioned, "shouldn't you just know?" Not always. Looking at her, "that's how it is with my power."

Daniel gave her her answer. "Yes, we have internet here. But it's pretty slow, I don't think you'd be able to get video through it." After a moments thought, "you could probably get it through the phone they gave you…" and looked at his daughter.

"I- don't know how," she admitted. Dany saw no shame in that. After all, she didn't know either. "But I can find out for you!" Headed towards an ascending stairway, "just after we get-"

"Not so fast," came Daniels voice, stopping them both. "I know everyone's tired, but we should talk about what we're doing tomorrow."

"No Winslow!", Taylor cheered, causing Dany wonder.

"No," her father agreed firmly, "no Winslow. But I'll be heading into Arcadia in the morning to finish signing you two up, and I think it would be a good idea if you came with."

They looked at each other, and Dany answered, "that is acceptable. I was expecting transportation to see my children tomorrow. We can do both on the same trip, perhaps?"

"That would be the plan," nodding. "I was also going to be looking at getting a lawyer for you."

"Forgive my asking, but what is a 'loy-yer'?" Dany had heard the term several times, but wasn't sure as to its meaning.

"Because why would she need a lawyer?", the man mumbled into his hand, scratching his face.

"A lawyer is a someone who represents people in matters concerning the law. A 'law-yer'. A person who can help teach you what you need to do and say to navigate those piles of paperwork they threw at us today."

Considering, "a position not unlike a Master of Laws, then?"

"Hopefully," Daniel agreed. "I know Commander Calvert said he might be able to help you with that, now that he's your permanent liaison," a demand she had made, and made firm upon seeing Piggots displeasure with the thought, "but I have a good friend in the business who I trust a heck of a lot more than the PRT. I was gonna give him a ring-"

"Dad," Taylor interrupted, fidgeting with the bag in her hands, "can't this wait till tomorrow?"

Glancing at a band on his wrist, he rubbed his face and sighed once more. "Yeah. Yeah, it can. It's gonna have to." Looking to them, "you got everything you need for the night?"

"My bag?", Dany asked.

"Right," he answered, "here," holding it out to her. "Taylor, you have clean clothes to share with her for the night?"

"Yeah... I, have some things that might fit," Taylor affirmed.

"Well, we can get some more tomorrow then." A grin. "And we can see what that expense card they gave us is really worth."

"You have my thanks." Nodding at him, "for the food and drink you have shared with me, assisting in my negotiations with the rulers of this city, and welcoming me into your home as one of your own." Looking him in the eyes, "should you ever find you would rather be a Lord in Westeros, than a… dockworker, in Brockton Bay…"

"Hah!", he laughed, shaking his head. "Nobility is not for me. Off to bed with you two now," motioning with his hands.

Frowning, she followed Taylor up the stairway. Who would not wish to be a Lord?, Dany thought. Most men she had met had been obsessed, be they lions or krackens or bears. She had known men who wished to be slaves, though for them the offer wasn't of a lordship, but an uncertain future.

"The bathroom is in here," her hostess pointed, and Dany peered into the room. "Right," stepping around her, and turning on the light, "the knobs are for hot and cold water," demonstrating with a sink set under a rich mirror. Dany nodded, she had seen as much at the air field. "And the shower is here," pulling back a checkered curtain to reveal a faded yellow tub below white tiles. Taylor showed her how to pull up the metal bit, to rain water down upon oneself. "Be right back, I'm gonna find you something to wear. You can start getting ready, I should be just a second."

Dany looked in the mirror, and scarcely recognized the girl staring back. Bag set on the counter, she retrieved the case for her false eyes, returning both them and the wig to the bag by the time Taylor reappeared.

After a look, she was handed a stack of cloth on a folded towel, "Sorry if the pajamas don't quite fit, but it's only for tonight, so…"

"You have my thanks," Dany told her, and handed her the PRT bag.

"Okay," Taylor said. "I'll, um, see you when you get out. My room is last one down the hall, so…"

"I'm sure I'll find it," she smiled, and closed the door. Alone, finally, Dany let out a yawn, feeling lighter, as she always did when putting away her floppy ears. She set the clothes on the counter, nearly fumbling them for a moment. Stretching and clenching her hand, she readied herself and took a shower.

Afterwards, Dany wasn't sure she preferd a shower over a bath. The facsimile of rain was pleasant, but either way, it felt awkward to bathe herself. Does everyone do it themselves, in a land without lords? That would one more display of rich fixtures and poor living, such were the pajamas that lay soft on her skin as any fur she had ever felt. A bit long though, she rolled up the sleeves and made her way to Taylor's room.

The girl sat abed, book in hand, and didn't notice her entry. "What are you reading?"

"Oh?" Looking up, "um, an adventure story. About going far from home, seeing great things, and making it back to write the tale."

"No romance?" Dany wondered. There was enough adventure in the histories she'd browsed, and those were dreadfully dull.

"Not really. But there's dwarves, and dragons. And magic." Taylor set the book down, "I thought you might like it. They were going to turn it into a film, before the Endbringers, well," and picked up a pile of clothes. "Anyways, feel free to make yourself at home," indicating the neatly made bed, "I can take the floor for the night."

They could both fit, but if she would rather, "Very well. My belongings?"

"Uh, the bag's on my desk," Dany saw. "I'll be back in a few," and Taylor left her alone.

Dany picked up her stuff, and sat on the bed with it. She flexed her legs, almost standing, before sitting again. Is there nothing familiar here? Having moved to the center, the bag was poured out, and she grasped a drawstring, thinking. No, Dany decided, I had best be certain I am alone this time.

She stored the goods under a pillow, and picked up the book beside her instead. Opening it to the beginning, the peculiar printing momentarily distracting, before she began to read.

'In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort.'

Entranced, Dany turned but a few pages, having just reached the bit with a wizard before the rooms owner returned.

"Do you like it?", Taylor asked, putting both of their sweats in a white basket.

"I am not certain I understood it all," she admitted. The idea of such tranquility appealed to her, but she had seen what it had brought the Lhazar. "Some of the words were strange to me, and I am not yet accustomed to your peoples way of writing. Tell me, what are fireworks?"

Receiving a look in return for the question, "well, maybe we can try something else." Taylor headed to the door, "anyways, I'm was going to brush my teeth, and I found a new toothbrush for you to use too, so…"

"A toothbrush." After everything else she'd seen, a brush for teeth almost wasn't worth mentioning. Almost. "Show me," she ordered.

Having seen, "you meant clean, not brush. I know how to clean my teeth when they need it." Brockton lacked the horses for bristle, and the grasses needed to wrap were different here, "though we chew, instead of brush." Eyeing the minty paste on a small brush in front of her, "is this necessary?"

"When was the last time you, uh, chewed?"

"When my Khalisar were still in the fields, before the Final Battle for Meereen. But saltwater-"

"Then yes." The freshness Dany felt as the girls went to lie down for the night was almost worth the awkwardness of poking at her teeth with a stick.

They lay down and covered up swiftly enough after Taylor put out the lights. It was only some time later, watching the moon through a glass window, that a whisper came from below.

"You awake?"

"Yes," Dany rolled over onto her other side, facing the room.

"Can't sleep either?"

"No." Not while I'm waiting for you to fall asleep. "Being entirely without guards has made me uneasy, mayhaps."

"You have thousands of guards," Taylor told her. What? "Tens of thousands, more. Every ant, every spider, every moth, they're all guarding me, all the time." Oh. Wow. "You too now, since you're here." After a moment, "did you always know going to be a queen?"

"Yes," Dany replied for a second time, "until my brother sold me. But it was only then I became queen in truth." That I began to learn of power, and its limits.

"You have a brother?" Until my sun and stars crowned him in molten gold.

"Had," Dany corrected her. "I had two brothers, and the families responsible for their deaths, and those of my entire House, still walk the very halls I should have played in as a little girl." Taylor didn't respond to that, though Dany heard movement on the floor. "Do you have any siblings?"

An intake of breath, "no," and a pause, "but I had a sister, once. Kind of."

"What became of her?"

Hushed, "a monster."

When the girl didn't continue on her own, Dany came to a choice. "My brother did as well, in the end. I spoke truth when I said Viserys sold me. He was supposed to protect me, and when we were little, he did." Memories of being sheltered from rain, under his shivering form. A firm arm to deter lustful glances. Even selling the crown gifted him by their mother…

"But after having everything taken… after not a moment of being left in peace in his life, as we were hounded by the usurpers dogs, he said he would let every warrior in Drogo's Khalisar fuck me if it would win him his crown." And all their horses, too, sweet sister. "And when my husband was not moving quickly enough for him, he threatened to cut my unborn son from within me," she moved her hand to her stomach, remembering what might have been.

Taylor failed to stifle a gasp, "He didn't."

"He did not get the chance," Dany told her.

"What happened?", she insisted.

"He was not the true dragon," and to cut off that line of inquiry, "what happened to your 'kind of' sister?" Imagining spiders, thousands of them-

"Nothing," came the bitter response. "Why do you think I'm so thrilled not to go back to Winslow? Even if it means letting them win…"

Now Dany was curious, "What did 'they' do?"

Scoffing, "what haven't they done at this point?" Taylor took a deep breath, "Emma used to be my sister in all but blood. I literally cannot remember not having her in my life. Our parents were friends, and we were best friends, and then…"

"Then?", Dany prodded.

"I don't know!" Taylor practically shouted. More softly, "oops, sorry. I mean, I don't know what happened. One summer, two years ago," this summer?, "I went over to her house like always. Except she had a new friend, and she was- her friend tripped me, and she laughed!" Now Taylor was laughing, nervously.

"Sisters in all but blood, and she laughs and tells me she doesn't want to hang out with me. That she hadn't wanted to in a long time. That I was lying to myself." Dany remembered when she had been told as much, 'you knew the price', and felt the Taylor's anger.

"And since we've been back to school, she's formed a little group, and they amuse themselves finding new ways to make my life a living hell. Madison spills juice on me and little stuff like that. Sophia's the physical one, she'll hit me whenever the teachers aren't looking. Or even when they are, it's not like they ever do anything." Dany knew, with Viserys, what it meant to 'wake the dragon', and find herself bloody, face on the ground.

"And Emma," Taylor almost spat, "she knows me. Or, knew me, and uses it all to make me feel… like, she says no boy would ever want me," 'she's too skinny', Viserys had said. That she was too young, her husband better have a taste for boys. "That I am a boy, and just pretending to be a girl," the girl below went on.

"Then, a few months ago, she collected a bunch of bloody, um, rags?"

"Yes?", Dany indicated she understood.

"And filth, and let it rot and get infested with bugs and locked me in a box with it. And when I came out," spiders descended from the ceiling, their black bodies walking over the girls red bedding in the moonlight. "I could do this."

Considering ,"that sounds like an evil spell if I've ever heard one."

A snorted laugh, "yeah, and she's the wicked witch of the east. Makes perfect sense." A chuckle, "you didn't really get your dragons from a spell, did you?", Taylor asked.

"Yes. In truth, I did." She couldn't understand why people denied what was all around them.

"Well that sounds easy."

"It was not. No power can be grasped without sacrifice," only death, can pay for life, "and for such great power…"

After a moment, Taylor ventured, "your brother?"

"My husband," Dany told her, and not alone. "And my unborn son. And even my mare, Silver, who had been gifted to me by him when we wed. We were all betrayed, by a woman I had saved from great suffering. She repaid my trust and mercy with madness. But she paid for her sins as well, I made certain of that."

Slowly, "what did you do?"

With satisfaction, "I burned her alive on his funeral pyre, and heard her songs turn to screams. Then I walked into the flames, and when the sun rose the next morning, I had lost almost everything. But I have found all the paths I traveled led me to my children, and I would not change that for the world." Dany wondered at her magical abilities, considering what she had done with merely the simplest of teachings.

She was curious, though, "You were gifted your, um, children, months ago? Why do you still fear these girls?"

"I don't," Taylor told her, "I'm better than them. I'm going to be a hero, that's what matters. That was just, you know, school. It wouldn't last forever."

"Your father doesn't protect you?", Dany wondered.

"He doesn't know. Not about everything. I just couldn't…" Okay.

"And you haven't made them fear you instead?"

"How?", Taylor asked her. "I can't use my powers," oh, right, "and I was always outnumbered." Still, with bugs in place of dragons...

"But couldn't you have-"

"Yes, maybe I could give them lice or something," Taylor admitted, "but then how am I any better than them? And if I started to decide that lice were okay, why not ticks too? Or… well…" Dany didn't see the problem.

"Besides, I'm never going back there, so I'll never have to see any of them ever again. Oh, unless dad decides to bring Alan over here. Do you think you could maybe do me a favor and tell him you want someone, I don't know, objective or something? For a lawyer, I mean. Someone not Emma's dad?"

"I don't believe secrecy to be the proper course here," Dany informed her, "but if you wish to keep such secrets I can oblige." Knowing the girl's father had only discovered her powers today, "would you keep one more, for me?"

"Yes!", Taylor said. Dany sat up, using pillows to lean on, and looked her in the eyes. Very well, it doesn't look like I'll be waiting to be alone tonight, she thought, and reached under the pillows.

"Then bring me a bowl." Taylor started to rise, "one larger than I used this morning. And the two largest bugs you have, if you would."

Dany untied the string, and opened the top wide to let moonlight inside. Barely able to make out the ovoid shapes, she reached around until she found one slightly smaller than her hand. When she held it up to examine, this should do, two large moths fluttered in the door, to land on either side.

"Will this work?", Taylor asked, returning with a bowl, towels, and some sort of brown, rectangular bottle, her moths taking off to join her.

"Yes," she scooted over, "sit."

Sitting next to each other, the bowl on a towel before them, she began using the stone to cut into her palm. Gently, Dany knew, there is no sharper stone, there will be no mark if done right.

Drip… drip… drip… fell over the stone, into the bowl, and she applied blood until only dark ridges of the piece shown through the scarlet.

"Your moths," she ordered, tapping the lower sides of the stone with sticky fingers. When they landed, struggling to stay on, she closed her fist around them. Almost, but not quite, crushing them. Mice would be better, she knew.

Dany began the ritual her mage, Marwin, had taught her. Carefully, she remembered words of Valyrian so old that even she, whose mother tongue was that language, did not understand. This time, the ghastly flame came alight on the first attempt, as she crushed the life out of the wriggling creatures in her hand. The shadows danced in the room when the larger blue-white fire moved this way and that, as if alive.

"Marwin, mage hen dāria, rȳbagon nyke", Dany intoned, calling to the man who had taught her this method. Colors swirled, and it was almost…. "Marwin, mage hen dāria, rȳbagon nyke", she repeated, louder, and was struck with lightheadedness she'd never felt before when the link tore itself into being.

Words came before images, going faster, then slower, "My queen! My queen, Daenerys," gaining stability sluggishly, and losing it with the flickers of the flame. "Is it you?" She heard a gasp beside her, and then-

"It had fucking better be her," a voice she recognized at once, as a shape limped into being. My old bear. "With how many men you burned to light that fire." In her hand, the candle was warming.

"Burned, drowned. Flayed and frozen. So very many ways to die," a face as dark as the night observed, "what better way than to burn in the service of our queen?"

Smiling at their success, "you are quite right, my lord." Dany told him. "Though I would have you live and fight for me, instead. Tell me, where are you? You haven't taken Volantis without me, I hope."

"Ha! No, your grace," mismatched eyes looked out of a scared face. Speech slurred, and not because of the fire, which was causing her hand to sweat. "We have been blown south! So far south it is still summer in these isles! And the wine, and the women...." Tottering, "if it weren't for your bloody magicians trying to leech me at all hours-"

Her mage broke in, "but without you, my Lord of Lannister, we may never have found her! It is true, your grace, the dwarfs blood was unusually potent. Mayhaps because both his parents descend from the Kings of the Rock?"

"It matters not," she told them. "I have been blown even further afar than you, and it may be some time before it is possible to return." Steam began to rise, and the fire flickered faster.

"Then what should we do, your grace?", the old bear asked. "We cannot let that pretender-"

"Let him!" The dwarf suggested. "Who cares? My dear sister is no doubt dead by now anyways. Let that boy king try to please the vipers nest of Kings Landing. Let him try to provide for them, with the Reach burning and the rest burnt."

The steam turned to smoke, and her hand began to burn as he went on, almost unintelligible. "In - years time they - crying out - king bread, you - sink the lot - neath rotten ice-"

Unable to hold on, "you are to remain where you are until I return!", she shouted. "Hold position! Hold-" and dropped the rock into the bowl, where it shattered into pieces, the blood still sizzling.

Taylor stared at her with wide eyes in the sudden dark, and jumped up to open a window. Dany looked at her hand. It was burnt. Not badly, she saw, but it shouldn't be possible at all.

"Taylor," a voice came from down the hallway, "is everything okay in there?"

"Fine dad!", she shouted. "Just a nightmare, everything's fine!", and he retreated.

Once they had cleaned up, it was some time before Dany slept, and even there, she was not left undisturbed.

Sprinkles fell on a spiderweb, causing it to shimmer with droplets as the dragon caught within struggled, binding itself until it didn't move at all. Rain fell upon Dany's head, dripping from hands and crown, as she picked up a snake to wrap around her neck, it hissed in her ear, and teeth and nails sharpened and lengthened. A storm fell and darkened a waving dragon banner, raised high in the claws of a raven with a single purple eye, who brandished it crowing "home! home! home!", until all was drowned beneath the flood, and Dany awoke in a chilling sweat, her heart racing.
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Stone 2.0I - The Captain of the Guards
Stone 2.0I – The Captain of the Guards

Aegis adapted his posture when the white PRT van hit another pothole, shifting in his rust-red armored costume to sit up straight. Can't expect the roads to be perfect, he thought on the way to welcome the newest wards, this close to the bay. The driver could use more training, though.

"You're never going to see them through all that," Shadow Stalker remarked, adjusting the crossbow in her lap from where she sat to his left, on the far opposite end of the bench seat. The Wards most recent 'successful' reformation of an overly violent vigilante, it was thought she might serve as an example for Stormborn to follow. Thought by who, Aegis didn't know, but he wished they were right.

"I know," Vista replied from behind her, green visor focused out the window. "I was looking at the fencing. None of this was here the last time I came by." It was impressive, Aegis saw through the open eye-gap in an otherwise sealed facemask. Two layers of chain link topped with razor wire preceded construction paneling, behind which rose an imposing brick wall, worked on by masons and electricians.

Scoffing, "sure you were," Stalker retorted from behind a dark mask in the image of a stern woman, beneath a darker hooded cape. If only criminally reformed meant socially reformed.

"I'm sure we'll all see them soon enough," Gallant, sitting on his six, attempted. As the team's leader, Aegis could count on the idealistic thinker to see and smooth tensions before they became real issues. Even if defending Vista can be awkward for him. And if the talk of their new member having a fiery temper were true…

Aegis asked him, "you're the only one of us who's seen 'them'." Which was why he was joining this after-school field trip. "Do you think that will hold them?"

"Not a chance," was the answer. "I'd guess it's more to keep people out," while their ride passed a checkpoint and steered into a labyrinthine dirt road.

"No way miss piggy can cage the new girl," Stalker spoke with certainty. "Not if she really took out Lung on her first night." Unbuckling, "this time we might finally get another hunter on the team," she shouldered her weapon.

"Director Piggot," Vista admonished. Their youngest member adjusted her teal-green skirt with white patterned gloves, "she's our boss, you should show respect." Matching armored boots swung as the vehicle parked, not quite reaching the floor.

Turning in her seat, "look tagalong, if you think-"

Interceding, Gallant assured, "no leader in a city like this gets to command capes without a good amount of real world experience. I think we can all respect that, even if we found ourselves incapable of respecting all her methods."

Vista smiled up at Gallant, Stalker snorted and elbowed Aegis, "c'mon, let's do this," as he shrugged at the grey knight.

Assembled in the salty breeze, on the grass outside, he signaled the trooper by the door to hold. "I know we've been briefed, but I wanted to make crystal clear," looking at Shadow Stalker, "we're dealing with a refugee, who's far from home, and not aware of the finer points-"

"Great, then they don't get to say she should've known better." Which is what they'll say when you get burned, Aegis thought. A look to Gallant, I tried, right? Hints of smoke wafted on the wind.

"Are we going to see her now?", Vista asked. "Them. See them, the other hero's here too. Dragonfly, right?"

"Yes," he answered both questions and motioned to their minder. The man unlocked a large airlock door to lead them into the sanitized air of a grey building. "She's from Brockton, actually," unlike the other, with a far more extraordinary origin, he thought, walking down the hall.

"No one cares about some local ladybug," Stalker said. "Piggy didn't make them wards faster than Browbeat, faster than me," thumbing herself, "because she's scared of cockroaches."

"Piggot," Vista corrected as they turned a corner, and this time Aegis took Stalkers arm as she stopped, to keep her marching forward.

"Don't fucking grab me!", she phased through his grip with her shadow form, and turned around. But Vista had used her power, stretching lifeless space, and was waiting at the end of the corridor ahead. "Better fucking run," Stalker mumbled and picked up the pace.

Aegis had retaken the lead by the time they'd reached the exit, which the trooper unlocked to reveal a large field of sandy grass, with parallel runways. Outside the door sat a massive saddle, and workers labored around the site. They paused to see the center was occupied by two capes. And, a few yards beyond them, two dragons.

"What are we waiting for?", the shadow cape asked, stalking ahead.

The quartet meandered along burnt patches of grass, and over blistered asphalt. Even the sand looks glassy and twisted, Aegis noticed. Ozone scents permeating his mask yielded before fouler odors of burnt hair and seared meat, and when they drew closer, a sudden crack sounded behind him followed by Vista's shriek.

"Nothing!" the middle-schooler insisted quickly, regaining her balance when they'd turned to look. "It's nothing. Just bones," laughing nervously, "see?", she kicked aside a scorched, broken skull. Bits of fur still stuck to the back, and the, sheep?, grinned at them with half a jaw, flies buzzing inside empty sockets.

"Hardcore," Shadow Stalker judged, nodding approval.

By now the two capes had seen them, and begun to make their way over. The left wore mostly grey and plates of black, with chromatic purple lenses in an insectoid mask, paced by flying creatures. The right was draped in almost all black, with a cape, except for red patterns. The largest being a glittering, three headed ruby dragon, set in a stylized circle taking the same prominence that the silver shield emblem on his costume held. Except mine isn't actual silver, but hers

"Welcome!," Stormborn announced, arms open, "to Dragon's Field."

Dragonfly turned, dragonflies over her shoulder mirrored the movement, "this is Hendrickson-"

"Dragon's Field, fuckin' right," their probationary ward agreed, marching up to shake the dragon capes hand. "I'm Shadow Stalker. You're the one that took out Lung, right?"

"And I'm Vista!", moving to shake Dragonfly's hand.

"Yes, I am," the scaled cape told her, "it is well to make your acquaintance, Shadow Stalker, Vista," shaking the younger capes hand. "And to see you again, Gallant," nodding slightly his way. She looked towards Aegis, and he stepped forward.

"Nice to meet you, Stormborn, Dragonfly," nodding at the two respectively. "My name is Aegis, and I'll be-"

Loud chuffing was followed by scraping noises, and a very large gold-white head arose behind her, then lowered slightly to examine him. Aegis backed up, rising off the ground, and Gallant froze. Stalker laughed, and Vista was a good thirty feet behind the group already, which had only served to further draw the green dragons attention.

"Viserion, Rhaegal" the dragon cape called, "we are amongst friends."

The pale, Viserion, lowered further, allowing himself to be pet by his master. He did not take his eyes off Aegis, who had landed on firm ground once more. Instead of listening, the darker moved, dragging itself around Dragonfly to better observe Vista, who herself had now circled around to Aegis' left.

"Rhaegal!", Stormborn shouted, and it turned to snarl at her, causing Viserion to snap his jaws in defense. Rhaegal rose up, and began to flap, sending great gusts to blast the wards with sand. Shadow Stalker went into her intangible breaker-state, and the two new capes huddled under a massive pale wing, while Rhaegal took flight and banked out over the water.

Uncovered, with an intake of breath, "you have my apologies," Stormborn spoke. "Rhaegal has been out of sorts today, and without Drogon here to ride herd on them…"

"Those dragons' Manton field is gigantic," Vista tiptoed, whispering in his ear, "way bigger than it should be, and they're already, you know…"

Hand on her shoulder, "right," he told them both. "That's alright. As I was saying, my name is Aegis, and-"

"You're the leader of the wards!", Dragonfly stole his line.

"We got Captain Obvious, over here," Stalker gave a sharp look towards her.

"Yeah," Aegis said, "that's me. As team leader, let me say I'm looking forward to working with you two. Hopefully we can get to know each other a little today, and see how you'll be fitting into the team." Or if. Dragonfly had stood straight, but Stormborn only wore an amused smile.

"We weren't informed of your coming until you had near arrived," she told him, "but it is a pleasure to meet you nevertheless," shaking his hand, under Viserions watchful gaze.

"Yeah yeah," Stalker broke in, "real nice. Tell me how you did it. Did you feed him to your pets? Or burn him and-"

"She saved my life," Dragonfly offered.

"That's something we can all be grateful for," Gallant cut across before the hooded cape could retort. "Too many new heroes never get a fair chance in this town."

Smiling still, "than I am glad to have given one to this hero," Stormborn lay a hand on Dragonfly's arm for a brief moment. "We were about to take lunch-"

"Finally," breathed Dragonfly with relief, to Vista's stifled giggle.

Looking to the girl next to her, "as I was saying." And back to him, "we are going to lunch, and you are most welcome to join us."

"If you don't mind, we'd be happy to," Aegis obliged, looking into flying goggles, and watching white on the periphery. Better to talk in there, than-

"Fine," Stalker gave, as they started walking, "but first you gotta tell-"

"Stalker," he warned.

"What?", she demanded.

"It is no problem," Stormborn explained, "they did eat him-"

"Fucking knew it!"

"-but there would have been no need, had he cooperated," she finished. Gallant coughed and Dragonfly sighed. It's not the worst we've dealt with, Aegis tried to remind himself. At least she gave them the chance to cooperate. We can work with that.

"Ha! Sure, sure," hood nodding. Reaching the saddle at the entrance, "all sorts are going to 'cooperate' now. Just bring those things," Stormborn furrowed small brows, "and the sheep will be pissing all over themselves to surrender. Shit, with you on the team," rubbing her crossbow, "we might not even have to fight anymore." The door closed behind, and they walked around the interior to a room with multiple tables, large couches, and a screen showing the Field.

"And what would be the fun in that?", Vista muttered behind her, looking contrite when he shot her a look.

Stormborn took a seat at one of the tables, and Aegis moved to sit on her left. He saw that water bottles and cans of soda sat in the center, surrounded by piles of salad, sandwiches, chips dips and doughnuts. Vista pulled out the chair to Stormborns right, when Stalker pushed her aside, saying "kids table for you, shorty," and set her crossbow down on the table.

Stormborn had removed her cap and goggles to look at Shadow Stalker. Aegis reached for his mask to join her, we're all wards here, and I gotta eat somehow, while the others were doing so at the second table.

"So you used your powers to make yourself queen of your world," Stalker grabbed a Pepsi, "right?", leaned her chair back, and popped the tab.

"Not the whole world," Dragonfly unmasked at the next table, and pulled glasses from behind to set before long, dark curls. "Just half of it, right?"

Throwing back her hood to turn a masked face, "nobody asked-," Stalker's chair slipped out from beneath her, sending her to the ground as her can rolled along the floor to hit a wall, fizzing. "Fuuu- what filthy rock did you crawl out from under?", she asked, picking herself up.

"Shadow Stalker." Carlos commanded loudly, firmly.

The dragon cape questioned slowly, softly. "What has taken hold of you?"

Vista demanded, "what's your problem?" Gallant moved to speak, but this time-

"Problem?" Mask met faces, one by one. "No problem. I just don't see why she's even here." Scoffing, "bugs, what a joke," she kicked the table, toppling catering, "that's gotta be the weakest-"

"Stop," he commanded, standing. "If you can't remain civil-", this was as bad as she'd been back when-

"Civil," grabbing her chair to slam it upright. "I can do civil. I'm just saying, that obvious villain is gonna get squashed the fi-"

The girl in question sat frozen, and Carlos ears hummed with blood as he spoke, calmly. "Console duty, three days. One more word and you're going home." He looked straight into Stalkers unmoving visage, and she backed down.

"Fine," retaking her seat. "fine. Doesn't matter." To the silver haired girl, "so you're queen of the world-"

"Let's start over," he asked, and she crossed her arms, "please. Stormborn, you already met me as Aegis, but without a mask I usually go by Carlos."

A second passed, before she returned her gaze to him, "And without my floppy ears, I suppose you can call me Dany." Gallant reintroduced himself as Dean, Vista was Missy, and the now quiet girl turned out to be Taylor.

When everyone looked at Shadow Stalker, "I don't need to eat," shifting in her seat. This was beyond impolite, but Aegis couldn't force the matter. "This is who we really are, anyways," gesturing to her stern, frozen facemask. "Anyone who can't see that-"

Changing the subject, "floppy ears?", he asked to his right, taking some chips as the other table began to converse. Aegis was glad to see Dean and Missy keeping the new girl engaged.

More comfortably, Dany explained, "a man with a drop of dragons blood," that can't be literal, "once told me that, 'if I were going to be queen of rabbits, I had better get some floppy ears'." She had taken a fork, and begun to pick at a salad.

"Queen of rabbits," Stalker nodded, "sounds like piggy alright."

Trying again, "and were you? Queen, I mean. I was told you came from another Earth, but," the story was frankly unbelievable. Carlos had done a little research, to try and prep for the situation. He had found… not much.

There were few juveniles who ruled instead of reigning, and those were almost exclusively male. The closest he could think of was Cleopatra, and even she was years older. Although Dany practically shone in comparison to Elizabeth Taylor. Still, with her powers, in what sounded like a medieval world…

"I am. Queen of Westeros, and half of Essos," she proclaimed, while he took a bite. "Perhaps the Summer Isles as well, by the time I return." Carlos hadn't heard anything of her going home.

"You're planning to return?", he reached for a water bottle.

"I believe I can find a way, given time." Dany set aside the salad, and took a sandwich thick with cold cuts. "My peoples are in no great danger, and I have seen much here that would serve them well, if I can master your arts."

Chewing, Carlos considered. The last he had heard, her people were lost in a storm. Having jogged his memory, he swallowed and told her, "Armsmaster would probably be your best bet for getting home. I know he was looking to talk with you about your armor at least," taking a sip of water.

The girl ate contemplatively, he used the moment to glance across the table, and kick Stalker under it. Focusing on Taylor again, for some reason. She glared at him beneath the mask, and Dany spoke.

"I shall have to discuss the subject with him at some point," she admitted. "But I had other questions to ask of you." Grasping a Coke, "do you know of any local villains that use a snake as their sigil? Or a crow?", she cracked the can.

"No snakes," the mask spoke, "but there is some dog bitch in town. Hey," leaning forward, "she's a straight up killer. Even goodie-two-shoes over here can't have a problem hunting-"

Interrupting, "she's right, as far as I know." Holding her attention, she kept quiet. "But I'm sure you can learn more at school. Do you know if you'll be attending Arcadia?" If they rushed her wardship so fast

"Yes, I was shown your place of learning this morn," Stormborn confirmed, sipping at the soda. "I will admit, it appeared impressive."

"Too bad they didn't send you to Winslow," Stalker ran a finger along her weapons string. "I have this friend-"

Carlos opened his mouth, but a tone sounded, and a light above the door began to flash. He took a last sip, and returned his mask to place with the others. Their minder walked in, and the trooper looked at Stormborn.

"Miss, you need to control your power." Everyone turned to the screen, to see Viserion lounging.

Standing, "what has Drogon done now?", they began to walk. He and Shadow Stalker fell into place beside her, while she followed the trooper who explained.

"Beyond frightening a few fishing boats, not much." Around a corner, "It's Rhaegal, he's getting too close to the Rig. We notified you of the-"

"Yes, yes, 'restricted airspace'," she took a breath. "I shall see to him. Do not interfere," she ordered the man.

"Now we see the difference between the strong and the weak," Stalker commented.

Pausing at the exit, "is that it? You believe Dragonfly to be weak?"

From beneath the hood, "I know Taylor's a fucking weakling. You saw-"

"What I have seen," door open, they walked beneath the sky, "is strength," past the saddle. The trooper halted at the exit, and Stormborn moved to walk beside Dragonfly, so Stalker took the lead once more. Aegis brought up the rear, best not to get too close this time, Gallant and Vista at his side.

Quietly, "you think this is gonna work?", Aegis asked.

"She's treating Dragonfly worse than she treated me when she joined," Vista threw in. "So I'm sure it'll work out just fine."

Gallant was observing the two new capes, who were whispering between themselves, before he tried. "I think Shadow Stalker has made a lot of progress since then," Vista huffed, "and I'm sure things will calm down if we can get to know each other."

Aegis watched Stormborn nudge her friend, then again. A moment later, two small groups of dragonflies, in dragon-shaped formations, sped past them to buzz by Shadow Stalker's head, causing her to start, and turn suddenly.

Dragonfly walked forward, nonchalant, Stormborn between them, and Viserion moved forward to greet the pair. When they pet the massive head, Aegis watched the dragon bask in the attention.

"Just a big lizard," Stalker muttered and moved forward, skittering back again when the beast hissed at her, and droplets of the predators rancid saliva dotted her costume.

Stormborn grabbed the animal's bony horns, and climbed the distance up to his back while Dragonfly stroked his scales. When Aegis flew beside her, Viserion turned to keep watch, and distance. "Not going to use the saddle?", he asked.

"Only fits Drogon," she explained, wriggling her way between spikes on scales. "I don't really need one, anyways." Aegis wasn't sure the Youth Guard would agree, but his Director had so far done an admirable job of keeping them at a distance.

Stormborn continued, "besides, Viserion," the dragon rose up, and Vista shortened the distance to the hanger, the group fleeing as the dragon spread its wings. "Would never let me fall." Aegis rocketed up far above, hoping she was right as they took to the sky.

She seems enamored with her powers, he saw, struggling to keep pace with the dragon flapping lazily along. Although, given the write up on them only covered half of what he'd observed himself, she may be right.

In no time at all, they were over the Protectorate Headquarters, a repurposed oil rig near the center of Brockton's Bay. Below them, the greenish dragon was circling the tower, sending occasional showers of sparks raining down when a wing chanced to meet the forcefield.

"Rhaegal!", Stormborn shouted down, punctuated by Viserions roar. "Rhaegal!", descending, "Naejot nyke!"

The green dragon turned away from the tower, and began to ascend. "Naejot nyke!", she repeated bringing the beasts up and away from the city.

When they turned out over the sea, Aegis tried to keep formation beside them, but the slipstream was strange and turbulent. Rising above, "everything okay!?", he shouted down.

"They're not happy on the ground!", the wind answered. "Dragons need space, freedom! Flight!," she grinned his way, "think you can keep up?!" Wings of scaled leather large as aircraft folded, and they dove to the east. Matching her expression, Aegis coasted up to flip in midair, and raced down to follow.

Wind in his face, sun on his back, maybe it will all work out, he flew with hope.
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Shell 3.01 - Taylor III
Shell 3.01 – Taylor III

Taylor watched bemusedly from the middle of the trucks bench seat, while Dany examined the zippers of her new red and black backpack once more. Ziiip, jingle, ziiiip. They had been late getting out the door to school, later still traveling a new route, and now with so many roadblocks going up…

"Got it all figured out yet?", her dad asked, eyes on the road and smile in his voice.

Realizing she'd been caught, zip, "I do," Dany confirmed. A black wig frizzed with last nights failed braiding attempt nodded, "the mechanism should prove no difficulty for my Hand. And equipped with-"

"Well, I suppose that makes one of us then," dad said, turning into the mostly empty parking lot. "Never could figure out how the damned things went together." Taylor's too-wide lips creeped up, seeing Dany's descend.

Bringing the truck around to stop at the front entrance, he looked between them, meeting her eyes. "You two gonna be alright?"

"We'll be fine," Taylor assured while they unbuckled, hoping it was true. Without Emma to poison the well, and, "after what happened Sunday-"

Inhaling, "Of course," he spoke. "On that subject, I'll be doing what I can today about getting your friend some representation. Even if I don't understand why-"

"He's a divorce lawyer, dad, and Dany-"

"Burns her husbands," jaw tense, "yes, I remember." Not what I meant Another breath. "So you'll be going-"

"Straight to the office, I know," she confirmed. I didn't forget in the 20 minutes since we left home. Taylor shrugged on the straps of her new grey and black pack, climbing out of the truck after Dany.

"Just making sure," he told her through the window when she closed the door. "I'm sorry I won't be able to chauffer you every day. But Arcadia's bus stop not far off route to work, and I trust you two to get a bus home without trouble."

"That is acceptable," Dany spoke. "I intend to possess a car of my own soon in any event."

Head shaking, "I'll see you two later. Love you. Try to have a good day at school." Yeah, that would be a first. Maybe it would, this time. No bullies, or at least not her bullies. Although I'll have to keep an eye out for Shadow Stalker. The wards attended Arcadia, she knew.

"You too!", Taylor replied without thinking. "Uh, I mean," and he smiled and waved, driving away. She turned to look up at her new high school.

Ahead lay a concrete path lined by cut grass, flowers in bloom, and further afield, solid trees fresh with spring. Broken only by small flights of steps, it led to a four story structure, where modern white paneling and large sheets of glass shone in the morning sun. No graffiti, Taylor noticed, or cigarette butts, or even gum or-

She saw a crack in the cement approaching the first set of stairs, and somehow felt better for it. This place already possessed a dreamlike quality, and the façade of perfection only served to amplify her pre-existing worries.

Taylor glanced back at her new, friend? is that presumptuous? Roommate, at least, now that she had taken the old office. Though stacks of moms essays still sat in boxes around the edges of the room. Dany's head was raised high, black and red backpack half-slung across a single shoulder, watching red white and blue flutter weakly atop a flagpole.

"Coming with?", Taylor reminded her, glad that was the case. Even if she hadn't joined in the morning jogs when invited.

"That is why I am here," Dany answered, sounding a question to her ears.

The two walked side by side, up the concrete stairs, past grass, flowers, flags and trees. And bees, her power informed her, busy at work. They stopped before blue and white doors, beneath a large silver and blue sign, that read:



Arcadia High
Taylor grabbed the handle, opened the door, and motioned inside, following Dany along the route they'd been led the day before. Passing the entrances to a large auditorium, she saw stairways, elevators, restrooms, and hallways leading to many classes.

And lockers. Lots, and lots, of lockers.

I am not alone, she told herself. And though her dragon of a teammate paced beside her, it was worms writhing under greens outside, butterflies fluttering between a rainbow palate, and spiders methodically weaving in the trees that helped center her. When they had walked the short way across the building, she opened the door to let Dany out into the glass enclosed walkways that connected the two longer buildings to the administrative center.

Taylor knew from the map she'd been given yesterday that the school formed a rough H shape, enclosing stone benches and tables, shaded by oaks and elms. More like a college, than the decaying industrial complex of Winslow.

Smaller outbuildings dotted the grounds, and beyond the offices stood the older part of the school. Smooth and bright and strong, the red bricks towered over the center complex. Standing with spite, they denied the passage of her homes golden years.

It housed four more floors of classrooms, the gymnasium, the cafeteria -it's not the same, she had to remind herself-, an exit to the students parking lot, and the track and sports fields beyond. Taylor had nearly reached their destinations entrance, when she noticed she'd left Dany partway behind once again.

"You okay?", she asked hesitantly. Taylor remembered her nightmare the other night, the one she'd refused to speak of.

"Even your bricks are finer than those of my people," Dany remarked casually. In a singsong refrain, she recited, "brick and blood built Astapor, and brick and blood its people." Brown eyes bright, "and yet my finest Astapori brickmaker could not craft such as that for my realms, no matter the gold or titles or threats I offer."

Turning to her, eyes tight, "but it wasn't your people that built these bricks, was it?", rhetorically. "More of your infernal machines. And those were built by other machines, which were built by yet more." Her dad had talked of his work over dinner, which Dany's inquisitiveness had turned to a discussion of tools. She had a finer understanding than Taylor expected, even if it all came back to her dragons.

"You could learn-"

"I could," Dany interrupted. "Is that not why I am here?" She did not sound enthused. "And then what? I bring back these fantastical goods, and render my peoples lives meaningless in the doing." Eyes distant, "what good are cars, to the Dothraki? I believed I had already destroyed their way of life, but mayhaps…"

Taylor had no answers. Her fear of encountering Shadow Stalker suddenly seemed petty by comparison. She had seen through the fire that Dany was a true queen, that lives depended upon the choices she made, or didn't make. And she had never seen a day of school in her life.

Taylor tried to process that, to imagine herself in Dany's place, and failed. It wasn't the first time. "I don't know," she was forced to admit. "But if there's anywhere we can learn," she opened the door.

The shadow flew from the dragon swiftly as it arrived, and brown eyes blazing with resolve she'd seen in violet, the queen marched into office. She walked past waiting students without notice and straight up to the receptionist.

"I am- Dany Tarrigan," she announced. Stepping by her side, "with Taylor Hebert. We are here to meet with your Principal Takamori."

Behind the counter and over glasses, the woman glanced between them, and pressed a button on the phone, "Vice Principal Howard? Our new gifted and talented students have arrived."

Gifted and talented?, Taylor wondered. I thought Arcadia had Honors Courses instead, though she wouldn't be able to attend any of those until her junior year. If they hadn't messed with my-

"Alright, I'll send them in," the woman motioned down a hallway behind her, to the third door on the right. Striding in, they were met by a fit school administrator in her forties sitting at a large desk. She wore a moderately severe blue dress suit, with salt and pepper hair pulled back into a neat bun, and didn't look up from her pen as she directed them to wooden chairs.

"Please, take a seat, Ms. Hebert, Ms. Tarrigan." Setting the paper aside, "you may address me as Vice Principal Howard. I know you were scheduled to meet with Principal Takamori, but he is handling another matter at the moment related to the recent spike in gang violence." Aegis hadn't mentioned anything about that to her yesterday, and she resolved to speak with him. "And that is on top of the waves of transfers from Winslow we've arranged to accommodate you," blue eyes met hers.

"I can let you know that we are aware of your general capabilities," looking from her to Dany, "and special circumstances," before attention returned to her. "Ms Hebert, I would thank you to keep the local wildlife outside of campus structures." Wrinkles surrounding her eyes multipled, "except the greenhouses. I'm not sure, you'll have to talk to Mr. Kohlmeyer, the head of our ag department about that."

The woman's gaze descended upon her friend. "Ms Tarrigan, I would thank you not to 'test the integrity of the schools structure'," raising an eyebrow in reference to a release the PRT had put out about yesterdays incident. Dany had got a talking to about that, Taylor knew, and would be meeting with Armsmaster later today. But she appeared less moved by the reprimand than Taylor had been, and Taylor wasn't even the one in trouble. Even with-

"We have gotten enough of that from previous GT students," Taylor finally made the connection, "over the years. And New Wave hasn't helped the situation." Head shaking, "I will admit, they've improved admirably, the Dallon girl in particular, but Mr. Pelham..." She searched their faces, "I will be expecting no less from you. I have been here nearly two decades now, and, god willing, I will see this school through two more. Do you two understand?"

"I do," Dany declared, meeting her examination while Taylor nodded, finding a fair warning a welcome change to Winslow and Principal Blackwell.

Having found whatever she was looking for, "good," she laid a stack of paper before each of them. "Here is a school map, a list of school rules, upcoming events, and clubs and teams you might join. And these," she set down yellow papers folded like brochures on the top, "will be your schedules and lockers for the remainder of this school year."

The girls unfolded their future while the Vice Principal went on, "Ms. Hebert, your core courses were based on junior high transcripts, not those from our colleagues at that other place. I expect you can keep up?" Taylor nodded. "As for you, Ms. Tarrigan, it appears we will have to 'wing it'. You won't be here long before summer's break, and we can reexamine what might be needed then, based on how you do in the meantime. Does that suit you?"

"It shall."

The VP paused, moving to Taylor again, "and I'll be expecting you to help your teammate with any difficulties she has transitioning to the course load. Do you understand?"

"Of course!" Taylor replied. I'm not-

"Good. On the subject of electives, Ms. Hebert, we were able to place you in computing and art, though how much overlap you'll encounter with your previous experience," her cheek twisted, "I cannot say. Ms. Tarrigan, as it was felt that computing would be inappropriate at this time considering your background, you will sit in ceramics and art."

"From time to time the PRT may call on you, although we do try to prevent that occurring during school hours. But we do have half days, and if anyone says it's time to go to GT classes, the office, or the guidance counselor..."

"I understand," Taylor told her.

"Excellent... Anything else? You two have your student IDs?" They'd gotten them yesterday, and seeing it was so, "now, do you two have any questions?"

"Many," Dany told her, lip curving. "But I suspect you are not the individual to ask," and for the first time, they saw Howard's eyes crinkle, though her face stood stern.

"Probably not. But- should either of you encounter any outstanding cultural issues, or anything remotely resembling what transpired at your former school, and your assigned guidance councilor cannot or will not handle it, do not hesitate to bring the matter directly to my desk. Solving such matters is quite literally my job, and I take it very seriously."

A terse nod, "so, as long as we understand each other," she received nods in return and placed a finger on the phone, "have Ms. Lewis sent in," and off. Explaining, "she's a senior here. I know she has a free period this hour, studying for her veterinarians license, and should be just the type to make you feel at home. Even if-"

"Hi guys!", a cheerful voice entered the room, with a shorter, stocky girl entered the room. Shoulder length, dark voluminous curls danced with her enthusiasm. "I'm Mindy! It's so awesome to meet-", she turned suddenly to face the VP, "these are some of the new girls, right?"

At an indulgent nod, "awesome!". The energetic girls lacy long sleeve grey top stretched over her form as she turned back, setting one hand on a dark jeans, "there's, like, a hundred of you this week, sooo…", she extended the other hand out to them. While Taylor stared, Dany stood.

"I am Dany Tarrigan," they shook. "It is good to meet you, Mindy," When the girl looked expectantly her way, she stood and introduced herself as well.

"Taylor Hebert. It's uh, nice to meet you."

Dark green eyes beamed at her, and a soft, warm hand enclosed her own. "You too Taylor. Dany. Well!", she announced, causing Taylor to start. "You're already late, so let's see where you should be right now," and snatched her yellow paper, running a finger down it.

"Looks like you girls have Biology," her finger found the right line. "I'm so jealous, Mr. Cunningham was totally the best. He's head of the science club and- hey! You should totally join! We neeed more girls in there. Like, badly." Taylor wasn't interest in joining any clubs, and-

"Ms. Lewis," the principal reminded.

"Oh, right! Sorry Mrs. Howard," then to them, "come on. Let's hurry up and get outta her hair." They moved out of her office, towards the door. Taylor was debating whether to ask for her schedule back when Mindy suddenly did an about turn, almost running into her.

"Gimme just a sec, gotta grab my bag," she picked up a large, faded grey shoulder bag from the line of waiting chairs, with rainbow tassels lining the side. Each had a pin clipped to it, some showing faces, animals peering out of others, while a dozen or so…

"Oh, you noticed, huh?" Holding them up, "check it out!" Armsmaster's visor dangled from one, reminding Taylor of her own unfortunate Protectorate merch. In others, she saw Miss Militia's gun, Aegis's shield, a black on purple crossbow, and…

"I made them myself! I can't believe they dropped two new wards with, like, the coolest costumes on the team on the same day and there was nothing in gift shop. Or even the website! Like, seriously, PR can come up with something that makes Glory Girl look like a two-" eyes glanced at them, "year old. A two year old playing princess, but can't give us any of that? Who dropped that ball, am I right?"

A hand drawn grey and black dragonfly with violet eyes spun in one circle, and the red-on-black that Taylor knew to be the sigil of House Targaryen rotated within another. Is this what it's like, being a hero? Bag over Mindy's shoulder, they moved to the door. Taylor glanced at Dany as they walked, but if she saw anything out of the ordinary, she wasn't saying. Just smiling.

"I know Challenger is still on there, but I felt so bad for the gal I just couldn't take it off yet." They began marching out of the office towards the red brick building. "Just think, I was gonna get Vista's one as a tattoo when I turned 18, cause she's like Brockton's own local girl, but now? No contest! Dragons are the best. And, can you believe no one around here likes bugs?"

No, Taylor couldn't believe that either. "Could I um, get-"

"What's that?", Mindy stopped short again again.

"Her paper," Dany volunteered with amusement.

"Oh, sorry! Wait up, lemme see yours first real fast," grabbing as well as asking. "Looks like you guys share Art, Biology, and US History," handing them back. "Hey, three outta seven ain't bad! And next year? You can choose your electives! But I won't be here for it, so you'll have to do it all without me!"

Before ascending a flight of stairs, Mindy handed Dany's schedule back, followed by Taylor's, pausing to add "although all I got with either of you is Algebra II." Climbing, "yeah, yeah, I know I suck at math. Can't even count to twenty most days, but you can help me with that, right?", she asked, eyebrows waggling, nudging Taylor while they passed the first landing.

"Sure," Taylor provided, reaching the second landing, and turning back out into the second story halls.

"Great! My dad would totally kill me if I flunked math again. I mean, for reals this time. No more summer school, yeah?" To nodded agreement, "here we are!", they turned into a classroom.

"Mr. Cunningham, I brought the new kids!", she announced in front of the entire class. Taylor froze when all eyes turned to them, and she looked to Dany, wondering how she did it. Queen, Taylor reminded herself.

"Thank you, Mindy," a tall, wiry man with rectangular glasses and a long, grey ponytail answered fondly. "Come on in you two, you're just in time. We're prepping for next weeks dissections-"

"Oh that is gonna be sooo-"

"Ms. Lewis," he reminded.

"Of course, sorry. I'll see you this weekend Mark! And I'll see you," Mindy turned to them, "at lunch," she concluded. "Ciao!"

"Come in, come in," he motioned. "Find a seat. If we don't have enough books, blame the principal. There's been five transfers so far into my classes," he stopped to look down at his desk, then back at them. "Ms… Tarrigan. And Ms. Hebert. Did they give me the right names this time?"

Taylor opened her mouth to answer the grey haired Mr. Cunningham-


"Does it have to be on Hero?", she asked red headed Mrs. Shelby, thinking of Alexandria.

"No," a slightly pregnant freckled woman in her 20s told the class, "I should've been clear. Any hero will do, what I meant to say was, that by hero, I do mean hero. No clever wordplay with anti-heroes. Two pages comparing and contrasting their journey, to the classical hero's journey, will be due next week. If you-" the bell rang, and she held up a hand to wait. "If you're having trouble with where to start, you can come see me at recess, or before class. Now, have-" the stampede began, "a good lunch," she finished, sitting down heavily.

Taylor hurried to close her bag and join the crowd. Dany had wondered at recess if they would take lunch in the cafeteria, and Taylor had reluctantly agreed.

Even if I run into... her. It's not the same as with Emma. Taylor ran through her reasoning again. She has no friends on the team. She has no back-up. She wouldn't have any special status over her here at school. Still, despite being warned, Taylor had tracked her teammate, and bugged several others besides.

There was reason to hope as she descended the stairs, however. When the masked cape didn't listen to her leader, she was promptly punished for it. And even if Taylor did encounter her again… well, she'd learned how to handle bullies with Emma, and seen herself after Dany had happily regaled her of the fear that 'harmless' flybys can inspire. Especially by dragons, Taylor didn't have to imagine.

Entering the crowded lunch room, Taylor braved the oppressive chatter and followed the fly to find her classmate in the sea of noise with ease. Only one in the room, the other heading this way from the larger building. Unlike Winslow, she actually bothered to keep this cafeteria clean. Not that they needed much help…

"Taylor!," Dany called to her. "I was wondering, do we just-", motioning to the other students lining up.

"Yeah," she guessed. It had… been a while, since she'd done this. "I think so." Seeing what others were leaving with, "at least the food looks… pretty edible," she remarked. Spaghetti and meat balls, a bit of garlic bread, with applesauce and milk on the side.

Dany saw, commenting, "it appears adequate to me." Picking at her fingernails, "how was your second class?"

"Good," Taylor admitted. She generally enjoyed English classes, ever since learning what her mom had done for a living. "What about yours?," she asked after a moment, as they made their way up the queue.

"I found it enlightening," Dany revealed. "Though the way the clay sticks between the nail-"

Taylor smiled, "they have you making bricks?"

"Without straw! If you can believe it. I-", she paused while they gave their IDs to scan, received their lunch trays, and moved to find a table.

Chuckling as they took a seat, "I shall have to add 'The Brickbuilder' to my list of titles." Dany's whole being seemed to rise with the idea, "and when I see Missandei's face-"

"Did someone say Mindy?", came a question from behind, and a tray was dropped between them, so they made room.

"No," Dany explained. "I was speaking of a good friend."

"Hey, you have friends who aren't me already?", sounding aggrieved, her crooked smile belayed the words.

"I will have you know," Dany used her fork to coil some spaghetti, and point it at the grin, "that I have more than you can imagine." After a short pause, "My ancestors were princes and princesses, after all."

"Weeell than, Princess Dany-" she was shouldered into silence, or at least giggles.

The laughter of friends sang in Taylor's ears, and as she leaned back to chew all she could think was, an hour's not nearly long enough for lunch.
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Taylor opened her mouth to answer the grey haired Mr. Cunningham-

"Does it have to be on Hero?", she asked red headed Mrs. Shelby, thinking of Alexandria.
Is there something missing here or is it meant to be a transition denoting the mindless blur of time that is high school education?

The laughter of friends sang in Taylor's ears, and as she leaned back to chew all she could think was, an hour's not nearly long enough for lunch.

I love the comparison and contrast you made here to the opening line of canon worm.
The second. I have don't have that many transitions so far in the fic, and have gotten away with not marking any. I was wondering if it was clear or not, and if I can think of anything to do to clarify it I will.

And thanks for the compliment! This is kinda an unbeta'd first draft, so I may not have laid quite enough groundwork for it to pay off at the moment. But I'm glad you liked what I was going for instead of finding it cheap. That means when I tighten things up it should be all the better.