A Song of Rings and Men (ASoIaF/LotR)

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The Elder King

A shield protected this vestige of Arda, this Middle-earth, from the maddened...


The White Tree
Minas Tirith
The Elder King
A shield protected this vestige of Arda, this Middle-earth, from the maddened guardians of Adanardhon, the world in which it was stranded. The shield was failing.

This had been a long time coming. Heedless of all the signs Manwë sent to warn them away, 1500 years ago the Númenoreans had set their hearts on war. Clouds took the shapes of Eagles and unleashed storms upon the isle of Númenor, and lightning struck the Temple they built to worship Melkor. Aule shook the earth, but the Númenoreans hardened their hearts and sailed to invade Aman.

The "Castle of the Sea", Ar-Pharazon's monstrous Alcorondas, headed a Numenorean fleet so large it surrounded Tol Eressëa on its journey to Valinor. When they landed, the sight of the Elder King's palace atop Taniquetil struck the Numenorean king in awe, wavering in his resolve to attack. But this wisdom was short-lived and he strode ashore, claiming the Undying Lands as his, if none should do battle for it.

It was then that Manwë called out to Eru, the Father of All, asking him to intercede, laying down his guardianship over Arda. A great chasm opened in the sea, between Aman and Númenor, drawing into the fleet of Númenor, releasing smoke that reached into the heavens and shaking the earth as the fleet sunk into the abyss. Hills fell onto those Númenoreans who had set foot on the Undying Lands, imprisoning them until the Battle of Battles prophesied by Mandos, when Morgoth would escape from the Doors of Night and throw down the sun. Dagor Dagorath, the day men would rise from death and fight once more against the Enemy.

Menelmarta erupted and the earth shook, destroying the foundations of Númenor. A great wave washed over the island, sweeping it into the sea along with the men, women, children, and even Tar-Miriel the queen who had been forced to marry Ar-Pharazon.

Sauron also was destroyed as Morgoth's Temple fell into the sea. Yet the Deceiver was a Maia, and upon the destruction of his fair body his spirit rose and fled to Middle-Earth.

The Elendili who were on the ships Elendil had prepared were rushed away from the land by a great wind that destroyed their sails and masts until the arrived in Middle-Earth.

Aman was removed from the world, even as Númenor was destroyed. Iluvatar bent the world so that Valinor could no longer be reached, but for the Straight Road which would stay open to the Elves.

Yet Manwë sensed this was not all. Two large lands now accompanied Middle-Earth. One lay north-south, going from the far north to center of the bent world. The other lay at a right angle to the first, and south of Middle-Earth, where the Hitherlands south of Harad had once been.

As the lands settled, he felt Eru's presence,
"Manwë, you have laid down your guardianship of of Arda, and now I lay upon you the guardianship of Middle-Earth and Adanardhon. When you descended upon Arda, others descended upon other worlds. Adanardhon was one of these worlds, a world made for Second Born. Alas, those who had claimed guardianship of it have not been good stewards of it. They have become petty, each believing themselves to be gods. They have fought amongst themselves marring the world even more than Morgoth had to Arda. Their seasons now last for years on end and they each have their own followers who worship them. I task you with restoring a balance to the world, though you can interfere no more in the affairs of men than you did in the Years of the Sun of Arda. But you must still guide and protect Middle-Earth within Adanardhon."

Now he stood upon Taniquetil once again, looking out to the world, seeing the word he had slowly been attempting to balance with the help of the Ainu who had come from Arda. He had seen many things happen in the millenia and a half that he had resided above this world.

He and the others had weaved an enchantment akin to the Girdle of Melian to protect what was left of Arda by preventing the People of Middle-Earth from venturing out into the twisted world in which they now lived. More importantly, it prevented those from this world, both mortal and Ainu from reaching Middle-Earth. Without it, the seasons would become those of Adanardhon, and the peoples of Middle-Earth would suffer, unprepared for winters that lasted years. The Ainu of Adanardhon would bring their religions, and the suffering they caused to Middle-Earth. Thankfully, the Valar had prevented any of that from happening, but it had cost them.

They had not been there to prevent the battle between the Ainu of this world that had destroyed Valyria. The Valyrians had worshipped many Ainu, including Balerion, Meraxes, and Vhagar. Unknown to the other Ainu, the Valyrian Ainu had long ago bound the power of all Ainu of Adanardhon to the dragons of Valyria. They had ruled over much of Essos until the other Ainu, who had called themselves gods, had united to destroy the Valyrian gods and people. They attacked the gods of Valyria, killing them and destroying the once great empire, leaving only a small family and its few dragons. The Valyrian Ainu bound the power of their enemies to the dragons of Valyria as a final act of vengeance.

Yet Manwë still tried to mend the world, occasionally calling upon the 'gods' of this world to establish some order. There was an uneasy peace between the different Ainu for many years even as occasional fights erupted between the various gods, but he felt that some wished to undermine the Valar, for he felt many forces work their will upon the shield, slowly breaking it down. It almost seemed that their worship empowered them to damage it.

In Middle-Earth itself, evil was growing. The kingdoms Elendil and his sons had established were falling apart. Arnor had fractured into three kingdoms. Rhudaur was now ruled by followers of the Witch-King, Cardolan was in ruins, and only Arthedain remained. Gondor had fallen into civil war, casting out its King, Eldacar, in favor of his second cousin, Castamir. Eldacar was now in exile, attempting to gather forces to him to take back his throne.

The Istari he had sent to Middle-Earth were doing what they could to protect it both from the returning Sauron and from the gods outside. Curumo helped the Elves and Men preserve their knowledge, Olorin advised and guided northern Dunedain against Angmar, Aiwendil tended to the beasts and birds, Allatar attempted to unite Rhun, and Pallando guarded the southern part of Middle-Earth, that which was closest to Essos.

Manwë looked for Pallando to see the state of the warding, for Eldacar was now attempting to sail westward, in hopes of finding new allies in the rumoured new lands. The protection would lead him in a circle, until he returned to Mithlond if it held. But now was a trying time, with R'hllor beginning to exert his influence in the realm of the Seven, the gods who were most willing to assist the Valar and the Great Stallion of the Dothraki attempting to extend his influence.

Manwë saw Pallando struggling against the horse god, but holding his own within the protection of the Valar. Then he saw a face that seemed to shift and change. The face seemed to whisper something and Pallando fell. Manwë quickly added his strength from afar to the protection. The gods would not pass, but he could no longer divert the power of the Valar to preventing mortals from crossing the barrier. He realized what the words of the face had been: Valar Morghulis.

Many thanks to Sol Zagato for beta-ing. If you recognize this from SB or elsewhere, note that the chapters are being edited with the help of Sol Zagato and will be posted after being edited
Daenerys lip stung as she drank water from the horse skin bag. She didn't know what to feel about Viserys now. He was stupid to have struck her, stupid to have made a scene. Stupid to have made her humiliate him. Were the Dothraki still making him walk? She wouldn't check. It had only been a day, so he would still be too full of rage to think.
Now the khalasar traveled northwards from the Forest of Qohor. Daenerys rode with Jorah and Doreah. "Ser Jorah, Irri says that we are nearing the Lost Land. I have never heard of it."
He thought it base superstition, but he answered anyway. "It is said that that there is a land in the Sea of Madness, a land that disappeared during the Age of Valyria. One day people found that they could not travel near the forbidden coast north of Qohor. They would find themselves veering away from the coast when they tried to follow it. Ships would lose all their speed when nearing it, or they would also find themselves turning away. The same is said to happen when men travel that direction on foot. I've met Ibbenese that swear to what the Sea of Madness does to their wits, but the Lost Land itself is only a rumor."
Irri objected, "It is not rumour, it is real."
Jhiqui affirmed, "It is known."
Jorah shrugged. Even cautious, well-read men would make up fascinating stories when they found something they couldn't understand, and his Dothraki hosts were illiterate and hot-blooded. Too, as a whole, the Dothraki were as isolated and superstitious as a people came, and he had seen many peoples. Dothraki would not set foot in the "poison-water" and not many other peoples ventured into the Dothraki Sea willingly. "Princess, do you know why we ride north? I thought we were going southeast to Vaes Dothrak."
"My lord husband says he and his bloodriders spotted a great stallion galloping northwards. They wish to follow it, it may be a sign of their god."
Jorah nodded. Up ahead the Khal had halted to let everyone pass. When he rode close, he saw why. The horse he'd found was indeed greater than any horse he had seen before, standing at over two dozen hands high. The stallion stood in front of an old man, dressed in blue holding a long staff. Khal Drogo watched impassively from atop his horse, ten paces away.
The air shimmered between the two of them. The stallion reared and brought its hooves down towards the old man, only to be deflected at the last second. The man struck the ground with his staff, forcing the horse back.
A gasp came from behind Jorah, "It is a sign. The man fights the gods."
"It is known."
Jorah sighed at the the handmaiden's comments, "Princess, it is a man struggling with his wayward horse. A magnificent horse, but a horse nonetheless."
But Daenerys was enraptured.
The old man had been brought to his knees, struggling against the horse which began to attack him. The man struck out with his staff, forcing the beast back. The horse in turn kicked at the man knocking him down.
"I may have been wrong about that horse, it is not just wayward, it is mad."
The old man locked eyes with the young Princess, and struck the ground once more, pulling himself up and throwing down the horse. Then a man stabbed him in the back, the sword point emerging out of his chest. The air flashed, and then shimmered once more, but fainter.
A man appeared, somehow he had approached the battle without being seen, and his face was difficult to recognize and his entire appearance was irremarkable, except for his action.
The man tried to cross the shimmering barrier, only to be pushed back. An eagle cried in the air. Startled, the man mounted the stallion and galloped away.
Then everyone seemed to start moving again. Daenerys rushed to the old man with Jorah close behind. The old man was dead, and Daenerys had tears in her eyes. "You've seen men die before. Why does this man's death affect you so?"
She looked up, "You did not see it?"
"See what?"
"He was not just a man, he appeared both regal and noble. When I looked him in the eye, I saw the people he fought to defend."
"Defend from what? The mad horse?"
"It was not a mad horse, it was a demon. Did you not see how shadows came from it to attack the shining light of the man?"
Jorah kneeled beside her, "Princess, Khaleesi, you are not well. I saw no shadows, no light. Just a man killed by a mad horse."
"The man killed him, didn't you see? He stabbed him in the back"
"What other man? There was only the one, the old man killed by the horse."
Daenerys's eyes began to tear once more, "There was another man, but the old man; he spoke to me, he told me that we must not let the khalasar near here, the Lost Land was hidden for a reason."
Jorah put a hand to her hand, "You have a fever Princess. You must rest." He would need to write to Varys soon, between this strange event, Daenerys's sickness in the mornings and this sudden mania, he suspected that she was with child.
Doreah began to tend to her. "Khalessi, the man said nothing."
Daenerys ignored Jorah, instead looking into Jorah's eyes, "He spoke within my head Ser Jorah."
Irri and Jhiqui arrived. "That is dark magic."
"It is known."
Jorah waved for the handmaidens to care for her, "If you wish, I will look into this to assure you that nothing is wrong."
Daenerys nodded.
Jorah mounted his horse, "I will meet you at Vaes Dothrak in two moons time."
He watched Daenerys being carried to her tent where her fever would be treated, and went to the shimmering air. He tentatively touched it and, feeling only a mild feeling unease, passed through it.
Leaving the khalasar, he rode northwards for the rest of that day and did not reach the coast as he had thought he would. Neither had he reached it on the second day. It was not until the end of the week that he finally saw the coast and alongside it, a city.
Jorah gazed in wonder at a city which should not be there. It was a built in an inlet, with many ships docked all around the port. The city was only a little smaller than Lannisport. Large. But the city's fortress rivaled that of Casterly Rock. The solidity of the construction indeed appeared to be beyond anything in Essos, maybe even matching Winterfell. It looked like something that Bran the Builder might have made.
He made his camp outside the city, reluctant to go into a place that he knew nothing of. That no one knew anything of, apparently. The next day, he tentatively scouted one of the small villages that lay outside the city, hoping to learn what he could of the city. Seeing men going about their business calmly, men that looked much like him, and not dressed outlandishly, did a little to calm his nerves. Jorah walked his horse into the town.
The women were handsome, clean and unusually tall. The men here were clean, neatly dressed and huge, most being nearly a half a foot taller than he. They gave him strange looks, but let him pass on his way. Jorah tied his horse at what seemed like a tavern and entered. Inside, it was crowded and dim compared to the cloudy day outside. When he did not approach the bar, his eyes still adjusting, one of the men in the crowd there approached him. Most of the other men there turned away to ignore him again. The man who approached him spoke.
Surprisingly, he spoke the Common Tongue, "How is it that a northman finds himself down in Umbar?"
Jorah stood facing the man."I come from the south."
The other man crossed his arms, "South of here is a jungle populated only with kin of the Haradrim, and you aren't speaking their tongue, nor do you have their dark skin."
"I came to the south of here from across the sea."

The man began to crack his knuckles, "What, are you an envoy of that half-breed Eldacar. Is he come to attack us?"
Jorah realized that he was in a room of hostile people for an unknown reason. "I'm sorry Ser, I know not who this Eldacar is, I came from Westeros, across the Shivering Sea."
The man appeared confused, "Shivering Sea, the only Sea hereabouts is the Belegaer."
"In Westeros we call it the Shivering Sea."
"Westeros? You mean to tell me that you come from another land?"
Jorah sighed, "Aye, the Seven Kingdoms? Iron Throne? Do you not know of the most powerful realm around?"
The man's eyes flashed, "Gondor is the greatest realm." His eyes widened in realization, "Sit down, drink with us, tell us of your home and we'll tell you of ours. What do you call yourself?"
"Jorah Mormont. And your name?"
"Elumir, son of Castamir."
Dammit that's what I get for following links in signatures and not noticing the dates.
Sorry about that.
The King in Exile
"Land ahead!"

Startled, Eldacar started. He had not expected to find land, not when so many others had sailed west, only to return, claiming that their ships had been turned back by a mysterious force. This force was said to be the Valar's way of preventing a second invasion against Aman. The world had been bent when Aman fell and this new force was in place ever since Eldacar's forefather, Elendil sailed from Numenor with the remnants of the Faithful.

Not daring to hope that he would succeed, he asked, "We still sail west?"

The ship's captain, Nenrandir, answered, "We do."

"Nenrandir, mellon-nin, do you know if the Ban has been lifted? Do we sail to the Undying Lands?"

Nenrandir shook his head, "Eldacar, Aman is no longer part of Arda, you know that. Iluvatar set it apart when he cast down Numenor. Only the Firstborn are permitted to follow the Straight Road that leads to the Undying Lands." He gazed ahead, "We sail to a new land, one I know not."

"Then we sail for help against the usurpers. I should not have doubted Lady Galadriel's advice, her foresight is famed, even among your brethren."

"Did Lady Galadriel tell you anything of the land?"

A chuckle, "No, she was as mysterious as always. I am gladdened that Cirdan allowed me to sail forth with you."

"You understand that I cannot return you to Ennor? From here, I sail for Aman with my kin."

"I do, I wish you well in your journey, though I do not understand why so many of you leave Middle Earth in its time of need."

Nenrandir sighed, "It is difficult for us who cannot die to live in a land of death. We grow weary and in the Undying Lands we can enjoy our long lives. Do not misunderstand me, our souls are ever calling us to cross the sea and return to Valinor. We do not leave at the merest feeling of discomfort."

"I would not believe it of you. I have met enough Elves to know how the sea-longing affects your people." Eldacar gestured to a point on the shore. "I can see a city, leave me there."

Nenrandir nodded, setting course for the city. "Eldacar, remind me once more: Why did you not bring any of your men with you? Surely they would be willing to accompany you."

"This is something I must do myself. My men must care for my people. My sons, Aldamir and Minardil, will lead them in my absence,"

"Are you certain this is a safe venture? Could you not have brought even a few men to guard you?"

"Nay, this is my duty and mine alone. I believe it as much as I believe anything else."

The ship was docking and Eldacar gave his farewells, "Nenrandir. I leave you now. Go to the Undying Lands and, if you can, ask the Valar to help us or at least explain. We have never been so lost."

Eldacar set foot on shore and noted that many of the people were staring at him in wonder. He supposed it was indeed a strange sight to these strangers, a man a foot taller than them disembarking from a ship in the shape of a swan. For ones not accustomed to the Men of Westernesse or the Elves, the tale of his arrival would be a thing of curiosity.

Eldacar was quickly approached by man, likely a guard, dressed in mail, with a shield emblazoned with blue eyes atop a blue sea with white waves. Eldacar looked into the man's eyes, and through them his heart and mind. The man felt like an outcast, in need of a friend, and more importantly he had an honest heart.

The guard spoke and Eldacar braced himself for a new tongue which he would need to learn, "Who are you? Where do you come from?" A pause, then hesitantly, "Surely not the Summer Islands?"

The Valar had at least granted that both peoples spoke the same tongue. He let out a small prayer of thanks and responded, "Call me Thorongil." Even as far away from Castamir as he was, he would not risk the recognition of his name. Castamir did have control of several Palantiri. "I come from Middle Earth, known also as Endor or Ennor. I am not familiar with these Summer Islands. What is your name?"

The guard shook his head, murmuring something about swan ships. "I am Rodrick Snow."

"Snow? Forgive me, where I come from, most only go by a single name." Eldacar paused, "Or we go by the name of our father."

Rodrick smiled softly, "Only a single name? That'd be like the wildings up North, beyond the Wall. Those of us that go by Snow..." He shook his head, "Most of us. don't know our fathers."

"You have my condolences for your loss."

Rodrick looked bewildered, "Ah..." He shook his head. "Nevermind that. I must ask, why have you come? Not many come this far north."

"I was told to sail west to find help."

"Help with what?"

Eldacar rubbed a hand across his chin. "I fear the matter is not one I can discuss openly"

"In any case, I believe you should speak to the Lady Lyessa."

"Lady Lyessa? Who is she?"

"She's the head of House Flint of Widow's Watch."

Eldacar gestured to the city, "I take it that this is Widow's Watch."

"Aye, follow me."

As they walked, Eldacar asked Rodrick of this new land, learning of the Seven Kingdoms. When they arrived at the keep, Rodrick spoke to Lady Lyessa, telling her about the 'giant from the swan' as the crowd was calling him.

Eldacar bowed before Lady Lyessa, "Rodrick tells me you are a great leader for the people of Widow's Peak."

"What is it that you need? By your arms and armor, you are no common knight."

"I must apologize, it is a matter of which I do not feel comfortable discussing in the open."

She tilted her head, "Follow me, we shall discuss your predicament away from prying eyes."

If anyone thought it strange that these people were so readily accepting the word of a stranger, they were unfamiliar with a Dunedain's ability to influence the minds of weaker men.

Once they were alone, Eldacar spoke. "Lady Lyessa, my words will be difficult to believe, but I urge you to consider them."

"My true name is Eldacar, son of Valacar, heir to throne of Gondor."

Lady Lyessa raised an eyebrow, "Oh? You are a prince?"

Eldacar ignored the disbelief that emanated from her, "No, I was a king, but my rule was overthrown by my cousin, Castamir."

"Ah, I see. You are like Viserys, a Beggar King, fighting to reclaim his home. Only...his story is known to world. Why is yours not known?"

"As I said, I come from Gondor, which was previously kept apart from your world."

"Gondor is the Lost Land?"

"It may be, I am not yet familiar with the geography of this part of the world. I have come to seek aid for my people. Castamir may hurt them grievously."

"I thought your cousin took your throne, why would he attack his own people?"

"Not his own people. He usurped my throne because he claimed I was a half-breed, as my father took a woman of Rhovanion as his wife, and the Gondorians consider them lesser people."

"Lesser people?"

"Yes, the people of Rhovanion are not as long-lived, nor as tall as the Dunedain. They believed that I was lesser than them, although I have lived one hundred and ninety years as healthily as any Dunedain."

The disbelief was apparent, "One hundred and ninety years? You mean to tell me that you lived before the dragons died? This is surely a mummer's farce."

Now Eldacar was confused, "No, the dragons still live, far in the north of Middle Earth, in the Withered Heath." Granted, the great dragons were dying out, but some still lived,

"Your stories are difficult to believe: a near two hundred year old man who looks to be no more than forty, dragons living, and a kingdom usurped." Eldacar imposed a bit of his will on the woman, only enough to make her ignore the fantastical things he had divulged.

She sighed, "Southerners would claim you tell tales of grumpkins and snarks, but in North, we know of other great dangers. Go to Winterfell, Rodrick will show you the way. Lord Stark may be able to help you where I cannot. Lord Stark will be able to introduce you to the King. The King is visiting Winterfell soon, and it is a month's journey from here to there."

"Thank you my lady."

"Do not thank me, I cannot help you. Rodrick!"

"Yes m'lady."

"Escort Thorongil to Winterfell. Teach him what you know of our lands and customs."

"Yes Lady Lyessa."

As Eldacar left, Lady Lyessa rubbed her head, feeling light-headed.
Ho! Poor Westeros, though his blood is not as strong as pure Numenor itself he's still very much a super man. I doubt he could pull a steel bow well but I certainly wouldn't want to fight him.