Oh bother. Someone actually listed out several of the worries I had about weirwood. Now I feel obligated to choose a more sensible option. >_>
I would rather Grindelwald have a wand before he goes hunting for animals to make a better wand.
[x] Walnut. A wood of innovation and invention, of versatility and adaptability.
[x] You will take some water from the stream, no doubt imbued by the ambient magic of this place. You will further imbue it with your own magic. The wand will be feeble and feel a tad hollow, but it will be stable and far less prone to flights of fancy.
inb4 Wandmaker Quest - I'm totally ok with spending half of this quest hunting better and better wand wood and wand cores. After all, if Grindelwald acquires magical proteges to start a magical revolution, they'll need properly matched wands too. ^_^