[X] 281 AC, The Year of the False Spring. The Mad King reigns, in the midst of the Tourney of Harrenhal. This is the eve of the Targaryen dynasty, where the seeds of the Rebellion take root.
You descend back beneath the canopy, thoughts alight with half-formed plans and ideas on how to proceed from here.
You now know that you are in the 'Riverlands', for all the good that does you. Whether it's a nation, a region, or one of those Seven Kingdoms, you do not know. You did however manage to spot some manner of ruined castle on the lands opposite the Isle, which might be worth looking into. Not like you have all that much options anyway, aside from just wandering in another direction. Besides, even if the wreck of a castle is completely abandoned, you saw tents, meaning it might be a sort of tourist locale or what not.
As the stone lightly impacts the ground, you hop off and with a leisurely pace set off towards the shore, far more at ease now that you have a wand in hand.
The trees and the faces that adorn them are your constant companions as you trek through the woods, all the while flicking, swishing and twirling your new-made creation, the movements coming easily to you even after all this time. In spite of your growing hunger and exhaustion, you've honestly not felt this good in a long, long time, as if you've somehow managed to recapture a hint of the levity that so defined your youth. A touch of white on the fringes of your vision catches your eye, knocking you out of your retrospection.
A weirwood stands before you, though its expression is different than the one from before, a face full of boundless mirth and unrestrained laughter, so different as to be near opposites to the macabre horror you so vividly remember.
You reach out to run your hand on the familiar bone-white bark as you near it, when your foot bumps into something hard... metal? A legit suit of Muggle armor lies scattered around on the ground beneath the weirwood, the shield itself emblazoned with a caricature of a smiling weirwood, ironically enough. You kneel down to get a feel of the metal, the weight of it, as you realize it is truly genuine, not a prop of some kind as you at first suspected. How odd.
A familiar presence makes itself known then, bringing your focus back to the gregarious carved visage.
You stand back up, locking eyes with the weirwood as you did once before, though this time you don't push onwards. You hold the gaze for just a few moments, and then with a wink, you're off. A half hour or so later you reach the lake at last.
It's quite the view, all told, but you're not really all that interested in sightseeing, not after you've had the Atlantic as the backdrop to your prison cell. Instead, you levitate a pebble from the bank, transfiguring it into a decent-sized, sturdy rowboat.
You could have simply apparated, but honestly, you could use the rest, and some time to think wouldn't hurt either. The sun has long since peeked over the horizon, so you dispel the false light you've conjured way back when, just as you let your rowboat plop onto the water. You then wade through the cool murky water, heaving yourself deftly onboard. A tap of your wand against the frame sends you gliding over the water, as you find yourself a comfortable position to lie back and look up at the nostalgic morning sky. You don't truly fall asleep, you just let your mind wander, to acclimate to the situation you've found yourself in. Your daydreams are of eerie green light, of your rebirth, of the Hallows, and all the while your imagination runs wild with all that you might find in this new world, of the magic you've only but gotten a taste of.
A slight rumble jolts you out of your reverie, which you surmise is likely the rowboat running aground. The sun has also changed position somewhat, though you're not all that adept at deciphering how much time passed from that alone.
You stand to stretch out whatever kinks have built up, as you look up at the main attraction. It's still a ways away, but you're close enough to make out the details now, and truly, it's quite impressive for a ruin. The state its in only serves to give it a more intimidating feel, rather than the ramshackle wrecks abandoned castles generally tend to look like. You also spot smoke over the hill that comes up from the lakefront, the source of which is likely the array of tents you were only vaguely able to make out before.
Stepping out onto the grassy shore, you absently revert the rowboat back into the pebble it was, whereafter you start to make your way up and over the slight hill.
The sight that greets you takes you aback somewhat, you'd think it was some kind of Muggle reenactment fair if it wasn't for how real it all looked. Men bedecked in armor, in leather, chain or plate, some outright in rags, move to and fro the tents, which you only now realize is quite the vast encampment. You stow away your wand in your sleeve before you commence with exploration, frankly hoping that you're not actually stuck in what appears to be a medieval wonderland. Fortunately, no one seems to pay you much attention as you wander about, the language just as nonsensical as before.
A ways in, you spot a basket on a stool, filled with apples, peaches and pears, truly a treasure to your eyes. You glance about, as you subtly summon an apple to your hand, all red and supple.
A cough interrupts your humble feast, as you turn around to see... a knight, who looks like he just jumped out of some fairy tale. To his side is a man in rags that look ready to fall apart, reeking of fish.
He honestly looks quite spooked as he mutters in hushed tones to the knight, who himself looks more bored than anything. He holds up a hand and the whispers peter out, which is when he babbles out what's likely a question directed at you.
You respond in your mother tongue, not even bothering to hide your blatant amusement, "Sprechen sie Deutsch?"
The knight frowns at you, clearly not getting the joke. His eyes meet yours then, though whatever it is he sees there only sets him on edge, made obvious when his hand settles on the hilt of his sword. He stares at you for a moment more before he beckons you to follow.
[] Cooperate. He'll likely just lead you to whoever he answers to, presumably some form of nobility. On the off chance that he actually tries to 'interrogate' or attack you, well, let's just say that you're about as frightened of a sword as you are of a feather.
[] What are language barriers to a master of Legilimency? It wouldn't give you perfect fluency, but it's not like you'll be debating the finer points of philosophy.
[] The Knight. (DC ??)
[] The Fisherman. (DC ??)
[] You'd rather not be beholden to some Muggle that looks like he's just stepped out of the pages of history. Besides, what would be the point when you don't even understand the language? Leave, in style.