A Song of Majesty and Magic (ASOIAF/Majesty)

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A Song of Majesty and Magic (ASOIAF/Majesty/Warlock)

It is said, that had not the Great Ruler...
A Song of Majesty and Magic (ASOIAF/Majesty/Warlock)

It is said, that had not the Great Ruler encountered two young ladies (with their pet direwolves! Amazing!) wandering aimlessly in the Forest of the Hunt one sunny morning when he had the mood to hunt some more… challenging game, then destiny might have taken another turn.

Not even the young ladies knew how they came to be, only that they were striding the Wolfswood of their home and then met the Great King.

Either way this was the pebble in the avalanche, that had seers and diviners truly vexed about changed destinies and sequels.

There were records that show hints that the Great King after the Three Great Deeds for Ardania, that ennui was becoming his greatest enemy. He was richer than a Diamond Elemental, no thanks to the wise investments he had done and cuts he had received from the Rogues' Guild (and the dungeon-diving, let's not forget the thorough looting), he had a loving wife in the form of the lovely Lady Velena Windstrider, a pureblood elf considered to be a peerless beauty even by her fellow elves, and his position as King of Ardania was secure as ever since felling down the Demon that was his father's foolishness in 505 AU.

Or in what the people of Ardania called the Kingmaker War, in which the Sovereign had proved his mettle time and time again as the goblin hordes returned with new allies and turned back their great invasion.

The Kingdom was at relative peace as monster attacks were at record lows and so were the plots of evil barons, dukes and princes of the Kingdom after the Battles of Ardania had exposed the corruption and rot that festered during the time of his father King Leonardo. Or that the goblin tribes, minotaurs, wildlife, undead, and other monsters had been reduced to minor threats for the time being.

Chroniclers would call his next action The Great Spring Cleaning of 522 AU.

Perhaps it was the novelty of the painfully-young ladies that had obedient and tame direwolves on their side, or that he saw great potential in their grey eyes and noble bearing, but nevertheless the then Stark ladies became royal wards of the King and Queen, learning all about Ardania and blossoming under the tutelage of the best money royal patronage can buy.

It was and still is a great interest throughout the continent when the Royal Mage had divined that they were not of this world. Imagine that! Great strides were made by the Supreme Council of Mages to find and create a portal to this Westeros, and everyone salivated on the possibilities of new worlds.
But the Conclave of Priests struck in 525 AU.

Whether it was the folly of hubris and arrogance, fearful that they were the next targets for another Spring Cleaning, or the genuine wish to avert a specific prophecy made long ago that heralded their end, they engineered the theft of the Crown of Kings and suborned the Great Spirit to their will, and ousted His Majesty thus setting a chain of events that would lead to the rise of the Stark ladies and the Great Return of the Rightful King.

The rest as they say, will be recorded here in my work.

- The Great Advisor, "Majesty Vol. 2: Monster Kingdom"


Life was not a song.

No, she amended that quickly. Life was a song, but not one excusive to prettiness and love. There were songs of tragedy and sadness, anger and hate, the bittersweetness that lay underneath the songs of triumph and gladness.

Yet she would not refuse to listen to those anymore. Never again.

Her direwolf Lady, a reminder of home walked by her side like her namesake, discounting that the horse-sized magical wolf could and would protect her pack-sister
It was far better that she opened her ears and heart to the different tunes of life, and that her eyes were opened to the realities of life, thanking the King and Queen that did their best but one that fell through.

By the Gods she was ashamed of her younger, naïve and stupidly vapid self!

Walking towards the Royal Magical Testing Center, the building pricked upon the senses and gave the feeling of otherness that even those of non-magical stature could feel, so saturated the area was with mana.

With practiced, almost instinctual ease she willed the mana into ready spells, her experience already showing itself. The Civil War was not in the tales and songs of a half-distant time of memories in Westeros, knights fought monsters to save maidens to live happily ever after.

The songwriters did not account for the maiden to help the monster beat back the cowardly knight.

Checking her enchanted robes to ensure she was presentable, she also checked her nevril brigandine shirt beneath it, ensuring that her enchanted leather trousers and boots also were ready. Unlike other mages that contented themselves with their trusty staff and the occasional dagger, she had an arming sword proudly displayed and a couple of daggers hidden in her person, no thanks to her young sister's insistence.

How prescient and thankful she had been when she had to face off a warrior that thought her easy prey when her old staff broke during a scuffle.
Shaking off those memories, the mage then arrived at the center of the clearing, where a couple of archmages and ancient liches were conducting the ritual in order to activate the custom-made stone portal back to home.

Once the aftermath of winning the war and punishing the appropriate parties were done, and that the dauntless task of integrating the loyal monsterkind and undead that helped her father take back his rightful throne, he spared no coin and resources to revive the stalled project to bring his two wards, now Princesses of the Realm home.


Her heart ached with half-remembered memories. Mother, Father, her brothers Robb, Bran and Rickon that seemed like blurry mirages. Winterfell.

Jon Snow.

Tears pricked at the corner of her eyes, yet by steely will held them back and took deep breaths.

Ten years. She had spent ten years with her sister here in the land of Ardania, learning so much and yearning for more, for she was a beautiful woman at the age of one and twenty in the tongue of her old life.

Her high cheekbones showed her vivid blue eyes and tresses of blood-red hair, as her robes deceptively hid her tall and graceful figure, hardened by training and war.

And now, the thought of going home filled her with sadness. Her sister too, expressive as she was felt subdued as the time to link Ardania and Westeros came closer to fruition.
What would Mother and Father think of her now, wielding legendary powers at her fingertips, meeting new and mythical races of a distant past, and have done things contrary to the notions of a proper lady should be that would shock them?

"Penny for your thoughts Lady Sansa?"

The corner of her lips quirked. She knows that voice with its burr. Despite great effort he would never remove that Highlander accent that made him famous in the entire continent. The Great Advisor as always, impeccably dressed in his purple silks. Though he looked like a fop, underneath the polite courtesies lay a hidden steely strength of will.
None took him as craven and soft, for he too was one of the architects that led to the victory of His Majesty time and time again.

"A lot of things. I know home should have myself smile with giddiness, but I feel that time has moved on for all of us. I am a Princess of the Realm, an illustrious Archmage, and the Duchess of Hawkesmoore. My father and mother might have already mourned for me and carried on with their lives. Bran and Rickon might have grown up and forgotten about us. My… my brother Robb might be the Lord of Winterfell for all I know."

She lowers her head in sadness. Yet the Great Advisor tips her chin upwards with a hand and looks at her in fierce pride. "Princess Sansa Stark, you may face the uncertainty beyond the world you know but remember… you are welcome here in Ardania."

At that moment she saw her sister come in alongside the King and Queen of Ardania. Talking and smiling for once with a silent Nymeria on tow, as they were free of public scrutiny and duties for a short time.

Like her, she too had blossomed into a beauty. Whereas Sansa took after their mother, Arya was all Stark in appearance. Brown hair that cascaded down to her middle back, which highlighted her grey eyes that missed nothing.

Truly the gangly and petite girl named Arya Underfoot was no more, and in her stead was the Warrior-Princess and Commander of the Ardanian Army. She may not deft with the intricacies of ruling like her sister was, but the Principality of Oakshield fiercely loved her all the same.

For both of them, the ethereal Velena Windstrider was their second mother. Though she and Velena were close, Arya was much closer to her, being free to learn without the restrictions she had at Winterfell. Though Velena was much amused when Arya described her as a 'pointy-eared Valyrian'.

But it was the presence of the Great King that caused a dull and familiar ache in her chest, for the ruler of Ardania was the spitting image of their father Lord Eddard Stark, had he been of blond hair and green eyes and born of House Lannister.

Yet for the startling resemblance between Eddard Stark and the Great King in appearance they were different as night and day. The Great King smiled and laughed while the Warden of the North was grim and serious all the time. The Ruler of Ardania would never hesitate to spend large amounts of money to solve problems while let others do the work for him. Eddard Stark would never even think about such things and do things personally when able.

She remembered that her father was renowned for honour. The Great King was renowned for using all tricks of the book to win. And to her, the Great King opened her eyes that bastards are not tainted at birth, being the last heir of the Great Kings and Queens of Ardania. Or that blood is end all and be all for ruling.

Yet she and Arya loved him as their own father, when he stood by them and took care of them and bled for them and fought for them, and he and his wife loved them as they were their own children, despite the fruitful union they have been blessed with.

The royal party saw her and they approached, Arya throwing decorum by the wayside as she dashed and hugged her sister. Nymeria just cocked her head and yipped at Lady.
"Today is the day that we will see Father and Mother again! The last reagents have been added with the runes etched in and it's only just the incantation to begin." Though despite exuberance shown, Sansa could see in her eyes that there was some sadness in it.

The Great King cleared his throat. "Archmage-Princess Sansa Stark, it is time for Ardania open the portal to your world." He approached the two sisters and enveloped them in a bear hug, his wife joining the hug fest while the Great Advisor respectfully stood on the side. "Know this my daughters, that all of Ardania will back you to the hilt and welcome you back should your return be less than welcome. And they will rue the day they caused harm to befall the Princesses of the Realm for I will show no mercy."

Tears were shed and it took some time but the Royal Family parted from that hug as Sansa joined the circle of magi.


Far away in another time and space, a raven with three eyes squawked in utter bewilderment as the Song of Ice and Fire became silenced.

A new merrier tune played, a Song of Majesty and Magic.
Chapter 1: Eddard
Chapter 1: Eddard

Ten days.

Ten horrible, heart wrenching days as he and his entire retinue had searched the entire Wolfswood alongside House Glover and their bannermen in search of Sansa and Arya. How could such a thing happen when he had been assured of their safety?!

No stones were left unturned, no patch of woods were left alone by woodsmen, trackers, and hunters eager and willing to help their liege lord find the lost daughter, taking it as a massive dishounour on their part that such had to happen in their place.

What made it worse was the howling of the wolves, long the main feature of the Wolfswood, had remained ominously silent these last ten days, not helping the situation at all.

His daughters gone into the wind, their fates unknown. He could not bear the thought of the fates that awaited them. Did the wildlings get through the Wall and encountered them, taking them as spearwives? Had they run afoul of bandits that roamed the North? He knew that the direwolves were with them, but could a mere pup do against determined and larger foes?

He had not slept for the last few days, his grim visage and silent cold fury increasing each day. Jory Cassel walked on thin ice, and his guards were careful not to garner his attention.

Right now he was at the godswood, taking time to clean his greatsword Ice as the mindless task kept him engaged. The solitude too, helped; for the atmosphere of the castle had become gloomy and unbearable.

It had all began with a simple request…

It was a simple and clear day at the hall of Winterfell, as the family had gathered together for breakfast. Lady Catelyn was exasperated again that Arya had to be late again in waking up. He was amused that his wild child once again enlivened the quiet mornings. Sansa as usual was poised and perfect, just like her mother. Her manners were impeccable and she made nary a sound. Rickon was on his mother's lap while Bran talked about his dream of being an equal with Ser Duncan the Tall last night. Robb meanwhile smiled and made agreeing noises as he listened to his younger brother's enthusiasm.

Though it pained him, Jon Snow was not with them on the family table, perhaps staying at his room to avoid Lady Stark.

Sansa then made an unexpected request. "Father, would you allow us to travel to the Wolfswood near Winterfell? It has been some time since I've rode my mare Gentle. I know that lessons with Septa Mordane have been well… but I believe that some fresh air would do." she turns her head down, cheeks aflame.

There is silence on the table. Eddard and Catelyn look at each other, conveying through their eyes and bond of this new development. While normally his lady wife would have voiced her objections regarding the duties of a lady.

Perhaps it was what the Old Gods had willed, or that it was Sansa that had made the request, but Lady Stark gave her assent with an imperceptible nod.
Looking at his embarrassed daughter, Eddard Stark gave a fatherly smile and said, "It seems that some Northern air would do some good to you my daughter. And I believe that that Arya should be accompany you, as sisters should."

This caused Arya to perk up and jump up and down on her seats. "Thank you father! Nymeria will run and frolic in the wilds. She has been restless lately though I don't know why." The youngest Stark daughter was puzzled over this.

Though they may have been newborn pups and newly given to the Stark children, the direwolves have been restless as of late. But Lord Stark had other concerns.
Keeping his stern expression that he was known for, he had one last advice The Wolfswood near Winterfell may be Stark lands, and patrolled by our guards, you and and Sansa should bring twelve guards with you. And under no circumstances you are to disobey the guard leader, whose authority is the same as mine. Understood?"

He knew that Sansa would obey, but Arya would be troublesome based on her put-out expression.

Three hours later, his descent into nightmare began.

Theo of Winterfell, a steady guard that had been one of the guards for his daughter's excursion was seen rushing to the castle like his life depended on it. The commotion was great that he had to descend to the courtyard and see the disheveled guard slump to his knees in panic and fear amidst the servants and staff watching and uttered a sentence that caused his world to crumble.

"Milord, the ladies are lost in the forest!"

The guards when questioned said that the Stark ladies decided to walk on foot and enjoy the fresh air. They saw some strange lights that caused Arya to be curious and go to them. Sansa objected and followed after her sister and that was when the guards lost them truly. They searched for three hours before sending back Theo to bring bad news.

And the days after that became unbearable.

Catelyn had kept herself to the sept for nearly two sennights, praying and crying to the Seven that her daughters be found and returned to her loving bosom. Robb had become grim and silent as of late, as he took his frustration in the training yard. Theon kept away from the castle and spent much more time at brothels to escape the gloomy atmosphere. Rickon and Bran, while young kept silent despite not understanding the situation, their childish innocence a shield to what happened.

Jon Snow kept to his rooms, but could be found in the godswood praying for hours for his half-sisters.

In private Ned despaired at the fates of his daughters, but any thoughts were wiped when he saw his Captain of the Guard Jory Cassel rush in with a serious expression.

"My Lord pardon the hurry but strange lights have been seen glowing in the Wolfswood. House Glover has sent a raven that they have sent in fifty men in force to ascertain the rumours."

Lord Stark then stood, his mind furiously thinking what could these things mean. "Assemble fifty more horsemen. I will lead the force myself and rally with the Glover men-at arms. Have the guards quietly prepare in any case."

Cassel bowed. "Yes, My Lord."

As he sheathed Ice in its scabbard he uttered a silent prayer. May the Old Gods return back my daughters.
Chapter 2: Arya
Chapter 2: Arya

She had expected that her homecoming would be grand, something that the bards and skalds would sing for the ages to the adoring masses. That the newest advancements in magic and technology have allowed a historical moment in the annals of Ardania of the ability to reach other worlds and unknown frontiers with a portal gate.

That their father the Great King Richard the Sharpe went to great lengths to ensure that the first world Ardania would connect to would be Westeros and exactly at the North.

She didn't have the great intellect that her sister had especially on the higher mysteries, as hers was much more focused on practical matters, Arya felt lost and had her eyes glazed in boredom when words such as "mana resonance frequency", "magical signature lock", "temporal fluidity" were bandied about.

But she would never begrudge her sister on this, not when Sansa had shown great potential to be one of the greatest mages and leaders of Ardania that was nurtured out of its shell, cultivated and tempered in the trials and tribulations the Royal Family had fighting the Conclave and the aftermath dealing with it.

While she focused on martial and practical matters, with both being taught by the Great King and the Great Advisor on ruling, administration, and political mastery of matters she would freely admit that Sansa was the better one of them in dealing with the lords and ladies of the realm.

Even then, while she was happy to also have another duchy to her name, the Duchy of Nordland in the North where she felt a pang of nostalgia and homesickness. In truth it was more of a militarized border principality (luckily prospering also) that guarded the realm in the North from those damned ice elementals wanting their Kingdom of Eternal Ice, stubborn prideful dragons that didn't get the memo that their destructive habits were the reason they were pushed northwards, and remnant terrors of ancient Ardania...

Thank the Gods for teleportal networks.

Looking at the ongoing chanting and well aware that it would take time despite the expertise and power every archmage brought to the table in order to make a stable portal to an unknown destination which isn't in the cosmology of Ardania, or so they say.

She remained skeptical also that it would be easier to create a stable portal at the end of the destination, when the link had already been connected and would require barely a tenth of the resources used in this project.

But it came from the word of Sansa herself, so she trusted that it would pull through.

Feeling a bit restless just staring at the chanting mages, she looked at her adoptive father who was chatting with Mama Velana with a smile on his face.

The Gods knew that he needed to smile more often, and she cursed the greed and selfishness of the Conclave for this.

Absently, her right hand swept to her amulet hidden beneath her adamantium plate armour. The amulet was just scythe on a background of a blood red diamond that pulsated with power, and she knew that this meant a debt to be payed to her in the future.

What do we say to Krypta? Not today, milady.

Sensing his daughter, King Richard made eye contact with her and nodded, which he then took the hand of his beloved wife and kissed it in farewell. The elven Queen smiled at Arya and nodded her assent.


Both were walking side by side and on the magical gardens reserved for the nobility and influential personages should they deign visit the Royal Magical Testing Center. The privacy allowed both to enjoy the silence before both would say their peace.

Arya was the first to speak. "Why of all things father when the Armed Forces Reforms are and still underway that the official designation of a military unit would be a warband but those units numbering 500 would be called a company?" This was her area of expertise and something that was in her mind, a good icebreaker.

Richard snorted. "Tradition my dear daughter. Tradition. In the surviving old records and oral traditions before the Sovereign united all of Ardania and ended the Thousand Kingdoms era that predated the Ardanian Unification calendar, when barbarians and tribes wandered the continent they said that the first 100 men called into war were called as warbands, and Krolm loved it that it was put into practice until now. As for the company, it was one of the famous acts of King Sydrian actually when he slew the dragon Gold Scales in order to rescue the Princess of Volencia, whom he later courted and married as his wife. It was said that when he asked for a company of volunteers, 500 men and women heeded the call and hence why it has been an institutional practice ever since."

The King had a knowing expression when he looked at her.

"But it isn't about the minutiae of military bureaucracy, isn't it?"

Arya exhaled. "No, father. It isn't. I know that that compromise was a sop to placate those worried about the integration of monsterkind that pledged its oath of allegiance to the Crown and Realm of Ardania. Krypta knows that we have a lot of support from the kingdom, but we cannot overlook the centuries-long hostilities between man, undead, and monster. And even then there are some monsters that need to be put down, even if some of them wear a human face to it."

She was then wrapped in the arms of her father in all but blood. The warmth, love, and comfort that exuded from the Sharpe had calmed her down.

"Damn the Conclave and damn bigotry! They are no longer with us, not after you and Sansa have proven yourselves to Ardania and the Gods. I and Velena are proud of you and Sansa no matter what."

Both father and daughter spent some time close with each other in comfortable silence, taking strength from each other and simply enjoying the hug.
"So, why an expeditionary force?"

"Again on this? I have told you again and again, I am not going to let you and Sansa just go back to your homeworld all alone and hope for the best. Your tales of Westeros does not inspire confidence, especially on the general conditions and mindsets of the denizens there."

It was the same old argument they had, and the king was firm in his decision. Privately, that magic was gone was inconceivable to him, or how worryingly, his adviser had summed it up as a 'grim and dark mirror of our fair Ardania.'

That would not do indeed.

"You will have the best of heroes and volunteers from the Royal Army alongside generous supplies and a very hefty warchest to help you and protect you as you establish yourselves back in your home. I believe that Mortanius and David agrees on this plan, given that both will be the first with their men and women to secure the area the exit gate will manifest. And I intend to make the connection between Ardania and Westeros permanent and under our control, because the thought of the two of you stranded there terrifies me, the advisor, and the Royal Court."

The Duchess of Nordland groaned. When David and Mortanius both agreed with their father, then perhaps the sisters were a bit too hasty in their homecoming plans.
"Where is the Royal Advisor?"

"Apparently he was finding refreshments and wanted to accompany the Queen. He was laos making some last-minute inspections on the expedition."

The Great King's face assumed a mischievous expression. "And even then, I doubt that you'd leave for good your duties and responsibilities in two of the Kingdom's most vital duchies."

Arya's cheeks flushed in embarrassment. Though sometimes she had pulled her hair in frustration dealing with obstinate Northerners and damned to the hells whoever created paperwork, but to see Nordland prosper and be home of the bravest and hardiest souls in guarding the North from the terrors was worth it.

Perhaps she should change the subject?

With the subtlety and grace as befitting a Princess of the Realm, she stood up and looked at King Richard. "Well, I think that it's time to return back to the testing area father. The protal might be done and ready." She extended her hand.

The king just shook his head in amusement.


When the father-daughter pair returned back, the shell of the gate portal had now materialised into the real word, as various expensive and rare reagents were used and tools to manipulate the ether winds of Ardania guided by experts had made it possible.

To Arya's eyes the portal gate was a ring-shaped device, being elevated on a dais with a raised tablet that was on the side of the ring.
She observed closely the ring's physical features, and noticed that on the entirety of the ring there were glyphs and runes embedded in it, broken by nine chevrons that surrounded the ring.

Not bad for an ether-made product. She then saw Sansa approach them, and was envious that the work she did had not ruffle her appearance nor her face and body gave a hint of exhaustion.

She looked at both of them and proudly said, "We have completed the first portal gate that has the ability to move to other worlds than within our plane of existence. I hope father that the scribes and historians you brought are recording this momentous occasion."

The magisters, warlocks, necromancers, and liches meanwhile where patting themselves in the back and congratulating one another for a job well done. Their prospects after this boded well for the future, given that they had completed a royal decree without fail.

But Arya didn't care about that her mind moved to practical matters. "I just hope that the reality anchors that hold fast the ether-made gate is sufficient to hold it in place. Don't look at me like that Sansa, just because I am not well-versed in arcane matters doesn't mean I listen and take notes from time to time."

Her elder sister was amused. "I know. The reality anchors were made of nevril, mithril, and adamantium sourced from the royal mines and what we could get from the market. We also had the expertise and help from the Koatl Warlocks and High Koatls who have apparently some experience with such things. They also added in tablets written in their strange hieroglyphs that could help us control reality and prevent mishaps from the other side."

The Great King joined in. "Is the worldgate separate from the portal networks we have here in Ardania? We do not need interference nor unwelcome surprises just like with that goblin shaman, pumpkin field, and a sheep."

Both the princesses turned green momentarily due to the memories of that incident. Sansa quickly shook her head negatively. "Great care was taken to ensure that such incidents would never happen again. The gate was built to connect only to other similar worldgates exclusively and not to other portal networks that exists. That's the reason for the runes and glyphs."

"And the chevrons?"

"According to the ancient lich Flemming and High Koatl Xmucane, they are the indicators that show an active connection is being made, and the higher the number of chevrons lighting up, the more stable and safe the connection is. They recommended that the minimum chevrons lit up to cross a worldgate without issue be five and no more."

Both the king and commander nodded at the care obviously taken. Arya then pointed out to the tablet at the side of the ring. "And what would be that for?"

Seeing their interested glances, and that the Royal Advisor and the Queen were approaching them, the Archmage-Princess "That would be the dialing device in order use the gate. I had been told that the tablet stores the addresses when the rune keys in it are used to access a world." A tinge of frustration entered her voice. "As usual, the Koatls refused to elaborate any more important information, just telling us that the device will do as functioned only."

The elf queen sighed. "Koatls are a very secretive race. And even if they show deference and eagerly render assistance to my husband as he is a 'Chosen Man' or whatever they would say in their beliefs… they are circumspect when it comes to specific matters, like their origins and arcane mysteries."

The Great King held his wife's hand in sympathy. "As long as they obey the laws of the kingdom and are productive tax-paying citizens, and do not do sustained and grievous harm to the realm, the Koatls and other races are rightful citizens of Ardania."

The Royal Advisor cleared his throat then. "Your Majesty, Your Highnesses, I believe that it's time to activate the worldgate and have the royal daughters come home."


And in the gathering of the Royal Family and other august personages of the realm in the magical testing center, Arya saw a few groups milling about in the worldgate, the chosen and volunteer men and women that would scout out and secure the premises of the area that the portal opened to before the princesses.
And the first wave looked promising.

She eyed a few veteran rangers and elven sharpshooters gathered together and amicably talking; no doubt about exploring new lands and making cartographic maps as it was their duty. There was always a friendly rivalry going in between the rangers and their elven counterparts in a game of one-upmanship, but they knew their job and we're professional when it counted.

And with them was Archmage Sansa's sworn man David the Fox, the greatest and sneakiest mercenary rogue of the land. The mercenary was distinctive with his eyepatch over his missing right eye, and that shoulder length hair tied by a single leather braid, with his famous studded leather and brigandine armour dyed all in grey-green as he stood vigil, with his chosen band of cutthroats and sneaks called the Foxhound Band followed their boss in his action.

Perhaps the most interesting were the band of elven women that were also going to be part of the first wave. Like their fellow Elven Sharpshooters they too held bows whose designs had made non-elven bowyers weep and gnash their teeth at such exquisite beauty, but the most eye-catching were the pair of curved bastard swords they called sabers strapped on their backs.

While most elven units in the Ardanian army preferred the bow above all, with a dagger for close-in defense as a last resort, these women had trained both in sword and bow to the extent that they could seamlessly switch to any weapon in combat conditions.

They were the famed and renowned Princess Guard, and they would be the versatile complement to the stiletto of the rangers and rogues accompanying them.

Their mother the Queen had raised them to serve as bodyguard units to the princesses, and their loyalty was unquestionable, having been forged in battle and conflict as both had shed blood for each other. A full warband of 100 bodyguards were ready to protect their liege lady.

The lead commander of the Princess Guard, Fiana Valenight, smiled and bowed at her when they made eye contact.

She knew that she wanted to bring the Death Knights of the Wolf Lady with her, but it was shot down by both Sansa and King Richard on the grounds of diplomacy and remembered legends about the Others and the Long Night back home.

She then saw then saw a couple of magister-scholars that would come in the second wave, no doubt wanting to see for themselves the magicless state of the princesses' homeworld.

Magic. The thought of it not existing in Westeros and being dead and gone had made the Stark sisters uneasy, for they had seen so much possibilities with it, and the way it helped and hindered their adopted land caused a lot of innovations and changes that they thought Westeros sorely needed.

She and Sansa had talked at length about revealing to their blood parents matters of the arcane when they would come home, and both after some soul-searching have decided to stand their ground and seek for closure no matter what.

It was a painful and heartbreaking thought, but they were their own women that had overcome trials and tribulations and become much respected and loved for their achievements and deeds throughout Ardania.

The supplies, engineers and additional Royal Army units would come in both the second and third waves when needed.

And there in the middle of the dais and standing beside the tablet was the ancient lich Fleming, who then began to clear (using a specially made choker powered by necrotic energies) his throat and garner attention.


The unfortunate part of the choker's construction, that while indeed it transmitted speech, the speaker sounded like a high-class aristocrat offering tea and crumpets in a refined but snobbish way.

"Now that I have your attention, I am going to activate the gates using this dialing device. We have divined the correct coordinates to the homeworld of the princesses and will now open the portal. Until the minimum five chevrons light up to maintain a stable connection the portal will be active for 38 minutes only and then needs an hour to recharge it's mana storage unit before using it again."

The lich looked around and interested audience. "Gentlebeings of Ardania, let us make history." And then inputted the code.

The worldgate flared to life, a swirling blue energy completely filling in the empty ring moments before as the chevrons one by one lit up.

To the pleasant surprise of the mates, it locked into steady seven chevrons as the first wave of the Ardanian Homecoming Expeditionary Force crossed the gate into history.
Arya and Sansa held each other's hands for comfort while the King and Queen laid a comforting hand on their shoulders.


The raven was confused.

The plans made in order to fulfill the Song of Ice and Fire was gone. All gone.

He tried to access the strands of the future beyond now and got gibberish and incomprehensible results. Things were now beyond his control and the distress he heard in the background from the children made the situation dire.

And he wished that the majestic song of pipes would cease and be silent!

When he extended his senses and used the sight beyond he saw a bridge of light coming from far beyond the darkness coming at an alarming speed to Westeros, the Raven squawked in alarm.

He watched in stupefied helplessness and the beam of light aimed at the Wolfswood, and when impact was inevitable he closed all three of his eyes at the end.

A seizure of violent proportions came over him, crying in pain as its sensations were overloaded with an overabundance of a familiar element he had hoarded like a miser.


Too much! Too much! It was pure, cleansing and too much!

The screams of shock jolted him for a moment that the Children of the Forest too was experiencing this.

Blackness came and the raven knew nothing more.
So confused, but still here.

Arya and Sansa were kidnapped to not-Narnia and forgot their home?

I think. Still good tho.
So confused, but still here.

Arya and Sansa were kidnapped to not-Narnia and forgot their home?

I think. Still good tho.

Arya and Sansa went to the Wolfswood and entered Ardania to see the Great King.

Cue 10 years in a High Fantasy swords and sorcery setting where they made a name for themselves they are going home to Westeros for closure.

Interesting intro.

Though could someone explain what Majesty is? Don't recognize it.

It's a fantasy kingdom sim that instead of being the adventurer, you are the King of the fantasy kingdom that gives the bounty rewards to remove the monsters.

Majesty 1 was released in 2000.

Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim - Wikipedia

The sequel is made by Paradox Studios released in 2009, and one where the story will be based on for the crossover part.

Majesty 2: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim - Wikipedia

Actually the browser game was fanmade after the first game. And it was given the blessing by the developer to use its images and properties in it.
That was a fun, but dead story on AH. Richard Sharpe and the British Army that are in France, meet Eddard, and Richard is adopted as a Stark.
Chapter 3: David the Fox
Chapter 3: David the Fox

A clearing in the Wolfswood

It was a quiet day at the Wolfswood.

Ominously so.

The forested area, which since time immemorial had been named for the incessant howling of wolves and its still mysterious nature was silent for the last ten days, ever since the disappearance of the Stark daughters.

Ravens had flown from Winterfell, their dark wings carrying dark words as all the North that received the information in a timely manner stood in shocked disbelief. The total silence of the forest had many whisper in low voices as an omen of ill-fortune and the disapproval of the Old Gods.

Yet the stillness was shattered when a beam of pure and bright light split the heavens in an instant and in a large clearing free of man and animal, flashes of light littered the area revealing a sizeable detachment of hooded archers, ethereally-beautiful women and professional cutthroats of another world along with their supplies procured for this task.

It was to the credit to their profession and elite status that their appointed commander of the first wave gave but a whisper that sharp ears heard it.

"Move out and secure the area."

The most fleet of foot in all the races that inhabited Ardania, the elven sharpshooters dashed with grace deeper into the forest with nary a sound throughout all directions, their fellow veteran rangers following behind with considerable speed (no doubt boosted by an Elixir of Rabbit Speed) to provide support and map out the new world as Royal Combat Cartographers.

Meanwhile the Princess Guard had the task of fortifying their area as they formed the defense unit of their exit area and started patrolling the expanding perimeter. They who were mistresses of glade and forest felt that it was too quiet. Too quiet.

With their instincts on high gear they worked on fortifying the clearing with a will. Killzones were quickly identified and set up accordingly, traps and shelters created from their supreme woodcraft skills, and fallback points scouted out and prepared to their specifications.

But for a magically-sensitive race, they felt the mana in the area to be… starved. Worryingly still they felt the faint winds of death unerringly from the direction of the north, a matter they would broach for the princesses and the king as soon as possible.

The Foxhound Band during these proceedings were carting off the locked strongbox into a carefully surveyed area as they carefully opened it in light of its content under the watchful gaze of their one-eyed commander and his elven deputy.

Seeing the package secure, the elf commander went on one knee and touched the object, a soft blue glow shimmering within to show its non-mundane status.

A prototype manastone beacon containing the essence of Ardania skillfully weaved inside by archmages, the glowing blue stone would serve as an anchor to "increase and strengthen the resonance connection" according to an arcane engineer. The manastone would keep the astral connection open and locked for the mages back at Ardania to hone in and make teleporting much more accurate.

But the biggest utility was that it could communicate astrally back to another paired manastone before a cooldown of half an hour.

This the first wave agreed, needed to be protected until the supplies and essential personnel from the third wave come in and build a Worldgate connecting back to their world.

David the Fox rubbed his bearded face, fingers lightly ghosting over his right eyepatch. His honed instincts were warning him of something imminent. "It's too quiet."

Fiana Nightvale agreed, her golden eyes narrowing in thought, and in her people's lilting musical tones she spoke. "Too quiet. When forests are absolutely silent like this it is a sign to our people that we are at the crossroads of destiny, heralding great change." She pursed her lips into a thin line, knowing the cost of such things.

Sansa's sworn man closed his eyes, momentarily lost in memories. The stink of smoke, the screams of pain, the shadows of the moonlight-

He forcefully exhaled. "So this is an omen already in effect, and the princesses have not yet stepped foot in their homeland. Wonderful."

The Guard Commander ran her slim fingers over her raven hair. "Life with the princesses has always been interesting, even when you became her man you know this. Remember the negotiations with the Golden and Red Dragonflights?"

A sigh. What is it with the Royal Family to go on such adventures?

Just then, a sharpshooter zipped into the clearing. "Commanders, two rangers have detected a force approaching from the northeast, estimated half a warband three kilometers from our position."

David shifted mental gears. "Identifying banners? Composition?"

"A gauntlet on scarlet field, the force are men-at-arms on foot armed with spear. Sword and shield; they wear chainmail and leathers of varying quality. The two commanders as usual are noble lords in a riot of colours on horseback. Very obvious targets."

His remaining green eye narrowed. "From the collections of Princess Sansa, that would be probably House Glover. Threat assessment?"

The elf's lips quirked. "Negligible. The danger lies in a few escaping to tell their masters of our presence. The second wave and third wave should be able to come within an hour and establish ourselves here before any mustered forces can arrive decisively. Orders?"

The mercenary assassin knew that one way or another, their appearance might have sparked this reaction. Giving in to the inevitability that sooner or later contact with these Westerosi will come, the Ardanian Expeditionary Force were given a rough guide to the North by Princess Sansa's recollections of her homeland, Princess Arya too young to remember and had not been interested in her early lessons beyond the basics of House Stark.

"Have the rangers and sharpshooters execute Plan Delta. I will and the Foxhound Band will attempt to parley. The veteran rangers are to provide support in case of hostility, with nonlethal disarmament and captures, we will not spill the blood of our princesses' kin without just cause." Facing Fiana the one-eyed mercenary boss said, "Defend this area and send for reinforcements. Now where is the bread and salt?"

With a few hand signals from Fiana the bodyguards dispersed throughout the clearing into defensive positions. The elf herself went to the orb and gave a short update. "Landfall success. Encountered multiple scouting forces, attempting to parley. Send reinforcements."

Another elf then rushed in, "Riders coming in from the south. Estimated fifty troopers bearing a sigil of a grey wolf on a white field, corresponding with House Stark symbols. Time of arrival two hours on current speed, half if they go on full gallop."

David cursed. The probable Stark men were the priority and needed to secure their non-hostility. "Additional orders. Have your sharpshooters and rangers provide support to us while I and my men will stall them with a parley as planned, for our cutthroat appearance and demeanor will not inspire confidence with the Stark party. Instead, Guard Commander Fiana will be the envoy to these Stark riders and ascertain if they are genuine."

The Princess Guard commander nodded and snapped new orders. "You heard the Fox, time for first contact and remember your duties. We will not reveal the princesses until these riders have proven true. Watch our backs battle-sisters! For the Princesses!"


She saw David and his merry band of professional cutthroats riff through their pockets and take on elixirs of speed and luck, which they also distributed to her group also. But perhaps the most interesting was the banner an enterprising Foxhound man brought as they unfurled the banner to reveal a golden direwolf on a field of deep blue and the Crown of Kings atop the direwolf.

The man reverently gave the banner to one of her archers who accepted it with a solemn air. She then with a firm push drove the end of the vexillum into the ground to mark the clearing as Ardanian land symbolically.

The banner of the Stark Princesses now fluttered in their homeland.

She and a select group headed towards the general direction of the supposed Stark horsemen, while 30 elves of the guard were assigned to the clearing.

David then uttered a short prayer to Lunord, even if it was a clear day. "May the moonlight guide my will to victory, and the shadows of the night protect us. Give your favoured blessing in this endeavour of the Royal Family who restored your rightful place and revealed the truth of the rebellion. In your name."

Removing his eyepatch to reveal a gaping void on his right eye socket, he riffed through his pockets and took a glass eye (that was weaved with illusion magics to look like and act like a natural eye) and inserted it in.

It was time.


Southwest of the Wolfswood clearing

As the group of riders approached, Fiana pondered the marvel that was the Princesses' blood father, Eddard Stark. Appearing so much like her own King yet, if Sansa spoke true, very much different. With her sharp senses and elevated position, she could already pick out the man near the front of the host but protected on all sides. Not a fool then.

With a simple tilt of her head, she gave an order to her second. A sharp whistle then resounded through the woods. She could see the riders immediately respond, grinding to a halt and quickly moving into a formation. Those that have been on the sides quickly rode ahead to the front, which had stopped, while the rest gathered moved to fill a circle around their liege, facing outwards, wary and at attention. Impressive for a group of backward humans.

"Greetings Lord Stark," she sounded out while stepping forward to the ledge that overlooked the party. "We have been expecting you."

Already, she can see some begun to see heads swivelling around and murmurs filling the air. A fidgety lot. Though none, it seems, have picked out where she was.

"We're over here," she called again. "Where the spruce gives way to the pine."

To her mild frustration, it seems they are still lost with some beginning to draw their weapons. And they are just looking at the trees instead of at her.

One of the riders, not the Stark, then shouted out, "Who is this!? Show yourself, in the name of Lord Stark!"

Fiana could feel a headache coming on.

"Over here riders," she replied with a hint of annoyance. "Upon the outcropping where spruce meets pine, sunward."

Now the men were looking aimlessly up as well as around. She was beginning to feel that she should retract her initial opinion.

Just then, Fiana's second walked up to her and whispered, "Milady you are using the Big, Echoey Voice of Impressiveness again."

Ah. Oops. A flush crept up on her. Her old habits always seem to embarrass her.

Turning the cantrip off and this time lighting up a will-o-wisp to be sure.

"Up here, men of the North," she said now without the Voice. "Can you see me now?"

Finally, she got their attention with most turning in her direction. Wide eyes and jaws agape greet them, for the beauty of an elf was ethereal.

"Once again, greetings Lord Stark, we have been expecting you," Fiana reiterated.

This time it was Eddard Stark who replied to her, "To whom am I speaking to?"

Fiana couldn't help but smile. Even his voice is similar.

"Who I am, I believe, is less important than who you are," the elf continued. "We have come here to find out."

"You dare!" One of the Stark men screamed.

Fiana simply held her smile and took out a folded handkerchief from Sansa and a pendant from Arya. With a wave of magic, she floated the objects gently down towards the Wolf Lord.

At first, the men seemed to back away, no doubt by her obvious show of the higher arts, but Stark seemed to recognise her gift.

RIding forward through his cohort, he grasped the objects in his hands and looked in shock.

"This is..." the father muttered his breath. "Sansa... Arya..."

He looked now directly at Fiana. "You... you! Where did you get this!? What have you done to my daughters!?" the Stark raged. "If you've harmed one hair on their heads!"

Already she can see arms being drawn, bows being nocked, by the Stark men, moving forward to their lord. Some already forming up to move towards their position. Eddard Stark himself seems too wroth at her to care though.

To that Fiana felt a sense of approval and relief. She needn't worry about her Ladies then. With another silent gesture, her second began communicating with their encampment. The Lord of the North passed the first test, now let's see how he deals with the rest.

"Why Lord Stark," she tittered. "I don't know what you mean..."


Meanwhile, David the Fox and his merry band of professional ne'er-do-wells were preparing for a parley with the Glover host. Armours and gear fit for an assassin are shucked out and replaced with brought in fine apparel that would be respectable back at court. Handclaws and push daggers were left at the clearing with a trusted fellow in favour of bastard swords, crossbows, and shields (though the stilettos were hidden just in case).

And to his pride, David prepared their own banner, a smiling fox on a purple field. Looking at his men and women he said, "This will be our first parley alongside Commander Fiana, and Ardania expects every being to do their duty. Should it go to hell, rest assured that our brother and sister rangers are watching us. We will not bring shame to our sworn liege Princess Sansa, for she knows that we would be the best of the best. Move out!

And with a short jog and help of the elixir of speed they made good time to intercept House Glover. Slowing down as soon as they reckoned it was safe (and concealed from the band in front of them) they stood in readiness and in formation.

Inwardly David was confident of his prospects. He knew that the veteran rangers were there, lurking in the shadows.

As the band of men under the Glover Banner approached the Fox called out.

"Hail rider and well met, I am Lord David Volkpes of Highlandia, Baron of His Royal Majesty King Richard of Ardania and I wish to speak to the lord of this land. What say you?"

Taken, it seems, by surprise, one of the riders held up a hand and the column ground to a halt. From the distance, David could make out the man as a fully-bearded, red-headed man clad in an armour of red and grey. Possibly Lord Glover, he speculated.

Another rider, this one also clad in Glover colours but with face bare and hair black, rode up to the first and began a heated conversation. David took it as a good sign. Finally, the discussion seemed to end and the lead rider approached them and spoke out.

"I am the Lord Galbart Glover of House Glover lord of this land, speak your purpose foreigner." replied the wary man. "And from where did you come?"

The ruse seemingly effective, the Fox continued, "We are escorts, sent by His Majesty King Richard, for his diplomatic delegation to the North." He gave the man a smile. "As for where we come, why fair Ardania of course. Where there is nary a dull moment," he finished to the chuckles of his men.

Allowing the lord Glover some time to digest this, the second rider from before approached again, this time accompanied by another older rider in leathers and brown-greying hair, and another discussion began anew. When they were done, Lord Glover called out again.

"Indeed? I have never heard of a land called Ardania nor do I know how or why a delegation such as yours arrived in the middle of the Wolfswood without news," he accused. "And you lot do not have the look of escorts about you, do you now?"

Sensing the mounting hostility, the Fox replied, "I assure you, Lord Glover, we bare no ill intent. We are indeed from the lands of Ardania and our purpose true. Allow me to show you."

Reaching for one of his many hidden pockets in his vest, he noticed some of the opposing men tense, but he held up a free hand in assurance. Slowly, he pulled out a single gold coin, held it up for them to see and tossed it over. With deft hands, the third rider caught it with ease after riding up in front of his lord.

As the rider inspected it, David continued, "That is Ardanian gold, minted in the capitol itself. You will find that if I am a liar, I must be comically elaborate one to fake a gold coin of all things to fool you."

The leather-clad rider rode back and passed the coin to his liege to inspect while the second rider shouted back, "it could be a trick or forgery."

"Again, a very elaborate ruse just to fool you," he plucked another two gold coins and tossed them over. "We are Ardanians, Lord Grover, though you may doubt my words. Coin can be a harder truth."

"This still doesn't explain how you arrived," accused the same man.

"That, I believe," David said glancing to his left, "will be resolved soon."

A new rider rode frantically up to the Glover host announcing to all, "Lord Glover, Lord Stark calls for your presence to the south."

"What's the news messenger?" the Lord asked.

"Lord Stark's daughters have been found sire, Ladies Sansa and Arya has been found!" he replied to the host's astonishment.

As if having an epiphany, the red-haired man looked towards the Fox, "The delegation..."

"Indeed," David said with a smile. "Shall we proceed, Lord Glover, we shouldn't keep our Lords and Ladies awaiting."

A/N: A thousand thanks to Poliamida, DayDream, and SharkGlue for being idea boards and plot checkers, whose help had made this chapter possible.
Yes. They are hard boss-level motherfuckers that will burn your kingdom down if you are not careful and have sufficient defenses.

Two campaign missions Tomb of the Dragon King and Vendral have deal with them.

What would happen if one of those dragons entered GOTverse? Would that bring magic back since from I remember, in order for magic to return the dragons must return.
Nah, it was never stated what brought the magic back. Whether it was the dragons reborn, or if the resurgence of magic allowed for the dragons to come back.
World of Ardania: Treasure Chests
Nobody knows why treasure chests are littered throughout the land. Was it from clumsy monsters? Forgetful billionaires? A blessing from the gods? Nobody knows.

- From the collected works of His Majesty's advisor.

Treasure Chests (or lootboxes for the simple-minded and rogues) are the third most common feature in Ardania, following cockroaches and rats respectively. Unlike those vermin that have been the enemy of the larders and cleanliness of every home, these mysterious chests have been naught but beneficial to those that have found them, or have the bravery to open the chests and take the riches therein.

There are many records of family heirlooms and legacy weapons of today that have their origins from their founders getting it from treasure chests.

Ever since the southern portion of Ardania started to civilise faster and move away from the nomadic and hunter-gatherer lifestyle that Krolm and his worshippers had favoured in the North, due to embracing the four young gods and godesses (Agrella, Krypta, Dauros, and Fervus) more and more as Helia and Lunord gave way, treasure chests had started to appear throughout the land.

None knew why during those early days, but the peoples of Ardania had accepted it as part of the landscape and carried on with their lives.

While it would have been a done deal to just go to such lootboxes and take everything in it, treasure chests have always been found on the wilds, dungeons, abandoned ruins, and monster lairs. Prime locations where various monsters roam and are happy to have curious (and willing!) human interlopers as free snacks that come in without expending any effort on their part.

This might have discouraged the majority of the people that inhabit Ardania, but not for the heroes and subsequent royal kings and queens!

The heroes of Ardania, already a hardy and brave bunch, had the will and the equipment to remove the unofficial guardians of the treasure chests and take their well-deserved extra reward aside from the King's Bounty and what they could scavenge and loot from fallen enemies.

But credit must be given to the Sovereign who had instituted the law that codified all the unofficial traditions and customs into a coherent and legal piece that persists to this day.

Called the Finder's Keepers Law*, it was promulgated by royal announcement in 10 BAU (Before Ardanian Unification) in order to bolster the treasury of the kingdom, streamline and reform the new tax system that had replaced the tribute payment, and cut off problematic disputes and issues that surrounded treasure chests those times.

The law stated that should gold coins be the content of the treasure chests, a flat ten percent of the amount was to be given as a one-time tax to the government, with the rest belonging fully to the primary opener of the chests. Proximity-profiteering (wherein greedy souls would also claim the bounty or a share of it by dubious claims of having the said treasure chests in their property or being just there when a hero opened a chest) which was a serious problem at the time, had the law state that those within exactly 10 meters of the chest and person opening it were the only ones entitled to such rewards witn a flat limit of 5% of the gross amount.

But if the treasure chests contained artifacts, weapons, armours, and the like then it would solely belong to the hero that opened it, with some exceptions, like a relic belonging to the Royal Majesty or items belonging to a wrong class. After all, what use is a mithril plate armour for a rogue when his warrior companion can use it?

Nonethless the wisdom of the Sovereign had been seen when the systematic and regular application of the law had benefited both parties. And the treasure chests were still plentiful and around the continent 510 years after the fact.

Though rumours of the existence monsters that could shift into treasure chests in order to eat the unwary adventurer that opened them persisted, a longitudinal study by the Wizards Guild and the Royal Academy lasting for 220 years have put paid to the rumours and concluded that it was nothing but superstitious fear. Out of the near 10,000 chests that have been opened, none have transformed into a Chest Monster or Mimic as they have been called.

*Originally called "The Royal Proclamation regarding Proximity-profiteering, content ownership, and reforms regarding treasure taxes." Mouthful, isn't it?
Chapter 4: The Royal Family
Chapter 4: The Royal Family

Meanwhile in Ardania...

A hush had fallen over the field of the Royal Magical Testing Center as everyone had watched the first wave go fearlessly onto the swirling blue vortex of the newly-constructed Worldgate.

Sansa released a breath she didn't know she was holding. Thankfully Lady was there to provide support as her sides were stroked absentmindedly.

Nymeria too got the same treatment.

So both sisters made small talk to pass the time.

"So how's little Jenrila and Darla?"

The queen gushed. "Oh the twins are so cute! They've just learned their first archery lessons and have enrolled already at the Academy. Those two will just be like their big sisters."

"What about Kaylen? I've heard our little brother was already being a scamp and learning to harness his arcane potential with Miralbus the Hat."

"Oh yes he is. While his magic potential is to be cultivated, he wants to become a Battle Mage just like his big sister Sansa also."

Gods above, but the princesses loved their siblings as their own. More so that Nymeria and Lady treated them as their own pups and fiercely guarded them. Velena knew that while both her adopted daughters had siblings in another life, her children filled in the void that left them when they thought about their long-lost brothers.

It caused some half-remembered and quietly painful memories to surface. Memories of an old life that seemed distant as the Northern Realms of Ardania.

Would Robb, Bran, Rickon and even Job Snow remember their sisters after a decade? Would their blood father and mother already commissioned their tombs in the crypts of Winterfell? Had they already moved on?

The queen however was perceptive. Holding the hands of her daughters she gave a somber smile. "It is about your family, isn't it? You fear that they have already moved on."

Arya was quiet. Sansa however was not. "It's not only that mama. If we return back would our family even accept us? Or even think that we are their daughters? We are now Princesses of the Realm and Duchesses of our own prosperous and growing demesnes. We had faced both men and monsters and prevailed against all odds. We have done deeds and gone on adventures that will echo down in the annals of history. And yet I feel that there is more to be done."

Lady whined and nuzzled her head on the lap of her partner and packmate. Nymeria too did the same, bring comfort to the sisters.

Richard smiled. "I do not know what the future holds, and even seers can be wrong in their interpretations, but if your Stark family loved you yhey would accept for who you are. That is, after they adjust to the shocks that is."

And as the King and Queen were giving emotional support to their daughters in all but blood, something interested a few sensitive magisters and one floating skeleton.

For a few minutes as the portal was still open, Flemming the ancient Lich was staring intensely at the portal, and then made some gestures with his fingers. It must've been time spent with the undead and King Lich during their exile, but Sansa could feel interest from the skeletal being.

And she was thankful that there was something new to move them away from the gloomy topic.

She would bet his phylactery that something interesting already had happened and caught his attention.

"It seems that Flemming is interested in the workings of the gate."

Arya rolled her eyes. "Undead or living, any mage and wizard worth their mana staffs are like magpies that see a shiny thing: they see knowledge that interests them, they single-mindedly focus on that until another inyeresting thing comes to mind. Just like what happened in the Academy right?"

Richard grinned and Velena covered her mouth with her hand to stifle a giggle.

Bot Nymeria and Lady chuffed and rolled their eyes.

Sansa's cheeks blushed. THAT had not been one of her finest moments, especially now that it had been something of a legend in the Academy.

"You promised never to speak of that incident ever again."

Arya just gave her a beatific smile. "Talk about what? Any events that I have oh so obliquely referenced can be anything that has ever happened in the Academy. Only you would jump to conclusions." Her grey eyes shone with mischief. "Are you so conceited to think that everything revolves around you sister?"

That little-!

Before anything could be said, they felt the aura of the ancient Lich approaching them.

"Ahem. Your Majesties, I have discovered something of great importance. Perhaps another addition to this monumental event even now."

(Sansa was keenly interested in how necromantic magic was harnessed by these ancient liches to speak fully without vocal chords and tongues. Too bad the Lich Guild were a secretive lot and you had to be dead and raised to unlife with your magic intact just to get in.)

Their interest peaked, King Richard was the first to speak. "Well then, Flemming speak out. Has there been something to affect the bridge between worlds?"

Flemming shook his head. "Yes, maybe no? Are you aware of Magister Milliner's Corollary?"

Princess Sansa raised a delicate red eyebrow. That was one of the rules any practitioner worth their salt took in. "Nature abhors a void, and so does magic, where it allows mana to rush in magically-starved areas, barring extraordinary cases."

Her eyes widened and her mouth formed an O, thunderstruck. "You don't mean?! Ardania's magic is leaking through the gate to Westeros! Magic is supposed to be a dead and long gone myth as we have been told again and again."

Arya was quick on the uptake. "The consequences will be... Interesting. Magic returning to our homeland will cause an uproar." She sighed. "More complications."

Flemming nodded. "Indeed. Interesting would be an understatement. I've noticed the mana in the aether winds have been transferring to the Worldgate. The pure mana of the center is rushing in to Westeros similar to how a river flows after being dammed for so long."

Queen Velena now added in her opinion. "Wouldn't that cause mana depletion short of building Mana Trap Generators? Mana recovery rate is different for some places and still an unexplored field of study despite the repertoire of spells available and being researched now."

Flemming shook his skull. "None as to cause concern Your Highness. The Royal Magical Testing Center we are in is built on a magic field that has a prodigious amount of mana being generated and regenerated when used. Why, I think the Artificiers and Arcane Mechanics Guild have proposed a concept of an industrial mana power plant that could power everything and anything supposedly."

Arya put a hand on her chin. "Something that will greatly interest our intellectuals here to doubt. I am not confident about our fellow Westerosi however."

"But my bones are tingling with giddiness. So much things to do for Science and Magic!"

The Royal Family could sense the giddiness of the floating skeleton. They had witnessed him doing figures of eight flying manuevers once, when a Koatl Warlock showed him and a group of arcane researchers how to make those magical tablets the Koatl use, even though it was an earlier model but doable by Ardanian industry.

King Richard hummed in agreement. "We live in interesting times. Well, more so than what Ardania always produces but then, all of us move on and do great things."

His elven wife kissed him for that. It was known througout the realm that both married for love and already had a very fruitful union. Both the Princesses and their direwolves were thankful for magical and mundane soundproofing on their quarters and that of the Royal Children too.

Then the prototype manastone beacon that was with them then glowed, and a quick look at the portal showed that yes, it was still active, and a voice belonging to Fiana Nightvale came through.

Landfall success. Encountered multiple scouting forces, attempting to parley. Send reinforcements.

Oh Gods Yes.

Arya let out a breath she was holding. Sansa's tense shoulders dropped a little at the attempt of peaceful contact and prepared herself for the real diplomacy to be done.The direwolves whined in agreement of their partners' judgment.

They were brought precious time.

The Sharpe's mouth gave a crooked smile, green eyes smiling and gave a pithy statement. "Fiana Nightvale and David the Fox are to be commended on their initiative to commence diplomacy and make a good impression on your kinsmen dear daughters."

Sansa smiled. "Not to disparage our lady commander, but would it be so hard to have David the Fox commence diplomacy? He is my sworn man and he is my shadow where I cannot reach, but as Baron Volkpes is versed in courtly manners and customs as to give a much better impression."

She wrinkled her nose. "The Gods only know that her penchant for "

Arya was already checking herself and her equipment. "Perhaps they are too close to the landing point that they had no choice. We have to go in now!" She and Nymeria already rushed to the rally point in front of the Worldgate.

The queen stood up and was barking orders. "Prepare the second wave to depart immediately. The Princess Guard has encountered the kinsmen of the Princesses and have done parley. Send in the princesses and the diplomats with their escorts now! The success of the expedition lies with the time brought by our scouts!"

Flemming used magic to enhance his speaking volume. "The gate has been open for 25 minutes, you have only 13 minutes left before it closes and wait for another hour."

Thankfully the professionalism and readiness of the expedition made things smoother. It was composed of a couple of magister-scholars willing to know the state of their princesses homeland, a party of diplomats, carefully selected and vetted to work for the interests of the crown, a troop of fifty knights of the Order of the Black Rose, and two full-strength warbands numbering a total of 500 soldiers along with their logistical support in tow. Not to forget the two horse-sized direwolves that were always there with their partners.

Of course, all of them were to support their beloved princesses and give their unconditional support by any means.

Once the princesses and the entire second wave marched into the blue vortex King Richard's face became unreadable.

With a gesture Flemming weaved in subtle illusions and a field of silence to ensure privacy.

Looking to his wife and the ancient lich he spoke. "There is something suspicious with the way Westeros has been taught about magic. Magic gone and dead? Impossible, as a preponderance of evidence suggests, you need to use mana in amounts not seen since the gods have walked the earth to deplete it to such levels. Then you have Milliner's Corollary suddenly happen when we just connect the Worldgate to our daughters' home? Something is afoot."

Velena took a cold expression. "And the probable culprit could be these so-called Maesters? Being the sole institution of education and knowledge since the foundation of their kingdoms? And there was nothing to create other similar organisations? Sansa told me they were often told by their tutors repeatedly that magic is an unknown evil and they should be thankful it is gone."

Flemming cut in.

"Even during the Thousand Kingdoms Era each and every polity had their own archives and institutions, the information was oft contradictory but diverse and sometimes unique. I know this for that is the reason I am what I am now: knowledge is power. I have personally witnessed the Sovereign and his Advisor take great pains to centralise and codify the disparate information and archives into an accessible and centralised body across the enlarged and united realm. Yet it rankles me to see that this order has already been as is already."

It was a matter of secrecy that plagied the thoughts of His Majesty and trusted people. Westeros was unbelievably too stable and stagnant for the last 8000 years if Sansa and Arya's recollections were even accurate. How the hell has dynasties and kingdoms not even changed needed further study.

The elf queen ran her thumb across the side of her jaw, a habit her husband found to indicate her vexation. "Baron Volkpes is a competent and able man, yet he is only one man. Once our daughters have made a foothold in their homeland, we send more help, both public and covert. I have well-maintained ties to the Shadows and you being the Favoured of Lunord has access to the Assassins."

For the love of their daughters, both would do everything to secure their safety and happiness.
Awesome chapter.
Hey question, does Majesty have spells to check bloodlines aka determine who is a person's parents?
DnD Spells? Those don't look like DnD spells...

Still, what's a warlock in majesty?

Warlock: Master of the Arcane is the continuation of Majesty 2, and is more of a 4X Civ-type game.

Short story is, the Majesty 2 King disappeared going North and in the succession crisis that followed, the Archmages were the ones that could overcome such problems and reunite Ardania.

The problem is, there can only be one.