A Soldier in a Wartorn Galaxy - A Warhammer 40k X Supreme Commander Quest
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Cadia has fallen, the Pandora Sector is cut off from the Astronomican, Anarchy reigns across the stars.

You are Lieutenant General Rebecca Shepard, ACU commander, UEF soldier, and you will unite the Sector and restore Order, no matter the cost.
3853.02.07 | 001.M42 - The Beginning of the End
3851.04.15 (Incident-Day)

Via unknown means Lieutenant General Rebecca Shepard is intercepted during a quantum gate jump and arrives in another, unfamiliar universe. Within hours an unknown force, later identified as a tendril of the Tyranid hive fleet Moloch, assaulting the planet mounts a concentrated attack against her. Heavy fighting ensues.

3851.05.04 (I+20)

Upon initial suspicion of human presence on the planet, General Shepard makes contact with the remaining defenders of the world. Due to unsolved language differences, communication cannot be established at that time.

3851.5.10 (I+26)

After successfully compiling a translation matrix, first contact with the locals is established. They claim they and the planet, Epstost Major, belong to a galactic polity calling itself the Imperium of Man. A tenuous alliance is established to combat the Tyranid menace.

3851.05.24 (I+40)

Through covert scouring of Imperial data networks, the assistive QAI Luna discovers evidence of a QAI node on Epstost Major.

3851.06.02 (I+49)

After weeks of intense conflict, the Tyranids retreat from the planet with Imperial forces and General Shepard unable to pursue, leaving large swaths of it behind lifeless and barren of life due to their harvesting efforts.

3851.06 (I+(49-77))

General Shepard establishes proper diplomatic contact with local authorities, notable efforts include: the negotiation of a preliminary non-aggression and political immunity agreement, participation in Imperial victory celebrations and meeting with the planetary ruler, Chapter Master Ambros of the Halo Sword space marine chapter, and local religious authorities.

3851.07 (I+(78-108))

General Shepard agrees to assist the Halo Swords in combating the assault of the Moloch upon the critically strategically important forge world of Atraxis, promising to follow Imperial forces at the end of the month. Further diplomatic efforts bring an alliance with House Harkon, a minor noble house of Epstost Major for the purpose of assisting in the UEF's diplomatic efforts with the Imperium and serving as a middleman for many transactions. Eliza Harkon joins General Shepard as a political liaison, and Sister Kathrisa Sena as a High Gothic teacher, courtesy of the Ecclesiarchy. The local leader of the Mechanicus, Magos Clad, is confronted over the QAI node, but knows little about it, aside from it being here since the Dark Age of Mankind more than ten thousand years ago. Magos Clad and General Shepard come to an agreement that the node be dismantled and copies of all relevant data be transferred into UEF custody. Initial discussions with the Navigator guild, crucial for Imperial space travel, and the Adeptus Astra Telepathica, who regulate interstellar communication via astropaths, regarding granting the Imperium access to UEF quantum gate technology turn sour. Both sides threaten to wield their political influence to damage UEF's ties with the Imperium unless General Shepard vows never to share gate tech with any Imperial faction. Reluctantly, General Shepard agrees.

3851.08.02 (I+110)

Using a Line Layer, General Shepard makes way for the Atraxis system. The gate jump is instant, but the randomness inherent to this form of travel results in the position being weeks out of the inner system. A long voyage through dark space begins.

3851.09.03 (I+142)

General Shepard completes the voyage and joins the battered Imperial forces in the system. Using the ACU's gate jump capabilities, she joins the forge world's defenders, capable of bypassing the unbreakable blockade of the Tyranid fleet orbiting the planet. In coordination with the Halo Swords, she begins a series of raids on Genestealer cult held territory and reinforcement ops to hold the forge city walls.

3851.09.026 (I+165)

Following a tense, accusatory argument between the General and Archmagos Clerina over Shepard's utilization of anti-orbital weaponry against the hive fleet, the Mechanicus barres her from further participating in the battle on their domain.

3851.10 (I+(170-200))

Shepard awaits Imperial Navy reinforcements on Epstost Major to break the void stalemate at Atraxis. During this time, she strikes a deal with Magos Clad: limited access to lab-grade omni-scanners and proto-fabricators to gather knowledge on and reverse engineer Imperial archeotech knowledge, in return for aid to Shepard in various ways.

3851.11.03 (I+203)

Having escaped the tendril of the Moloch choking the Meidibrorn system, the rest of Battlefleet Pandora arrives in the Atraxis system. Assembled like this, the Imperium and General Shepard, who has been allowed to participate in this decisive engagement, prepares for a cumulative battle over the Forgeworld.

3851.11.05 (I+205)

After a decisive victory at the battle of Atraxis, where the combined void forces of the Battlefleet Pandora, the Mechanicus, and Halo Sword defeated the Devourers fleet both in space and on the ground, brutal fighting continues, as the forge city is retaken from the remaining Tyranids. With an estimated 150 billion casualties, the planet's workforce is reduced by half, but Atraxis' industrial infrastructure survives, albeit damaged. During these events, General Shepard is gravely injured but manages to recall her ACU. While receiving treatment from the emergency autodoc system, Sister Sena undergoes a divine miracle – the God Emperor of Mankind heals her severed spine and entrusts her with a sacred mission: Safeguarding the General at any cost.

3851.11.17 (I+217)

Lieutenant General Shepard reawakens from her coma.

3851.11.24 (I+224)

Despite her bad physical state, the General participates in the Strategic Council following the Battle of Atraxis. Over the following days, and thanks to an intervention from Admiral Forhof she manages to convince Imperial Forces to come to the aid of the Holy Knight World Tet first, the general hope being the Sector Capital will hold out, but receives minimal support for her own mission to reinforce the planet.

3851.12 (I+(231-261))

Following a gathering of the Ecclesiarchy's most important local authority figures to ratify the miracle of Sister Sena, she and Eliza Harkon are detained and examined by Inquisitorial agents. A direct confrontation between the UEF and the Imperial Inquisition can be averted utilizing Magos Clad as an intermediary, but only postpones the inevitable. Both are returned into Shepard's care with minimal harm and a proper documented and validated ratification of the miracle - with an Inquisitorial stamp of approval. In order to shield Eliza Harkon from potential future encounters with the Inquisition, Shepard formally enlists her within the UEF's ranks as First Lieutenant Eliza Harkon.

3851.12.30 (I+260)

Utilizing a titan conveyor lent by the Legio Tonitru and escorted by a flotilla of Imperial Navy ships provided by Admiral Forhof, Shepard and Harkon begin their warp journey to Tet. During the warp translation out of the system, Shepard suffers from quantum disruption syndrome and receives a vision of Princess Burke warning her of "legions adorned in blood", a "Moon Killer" and a "Crimson God".

3852.01.17 (I+277)

After two weeks of warp travel, Shepard arrives in the Tet system. A remnant of the tendril that escaped Epstost Major, having its fleet assets dispersed around the system, falls upon the flotilla immediately upon their arrival. In a daring move to bring the conveyor to Tet, the flotilla sacrifices numerous ships, enabling General Shepard to make planetfall, aiding the Knight King's fortress where the relics and remains of Saint Saka are safeguarded, one of two holdouts on the planet. Coordinating with the Knight Houses, a battle against the Moloch quickly ensues, but a reinforcement push towards the capital hundreds of kilometers away will not make it in time. Making use of this fact, forces of the Eldar Craftworld Yme-Loc offer their support to the capital in exchange for a meeting with the General. She agrees and as promised the Eldar fight off the Tyranids invading the city and incase both locations with massive storm phenomena to keep the Tyranids out. The meeting with Farseer Samathal is held the same day, both parties parting afterwards without incident.

3852.01.18 (I+278)

Discovering the precise nature of "feudal world", Shepard confronts the Knight Houses, a heated confrontation that turns into an honor duel. Before Knight Prince Lanval can come to serious harm however, he surrenders, leaving only his ego and Shepard's relationship with the Knight Houses damaged.

3852.01.21 (I+281)

Imperial Reinforcements, belonging to Battlefleet Pandora, the Atraxis Explorator fleet and the Halo Sword Space Marine Chapter as well as minor allies, arrive from the Warp and make their cautious approach towards beleaguered Tet to evacuate the survivors. The Knightly Nobility and Shepard cooperate in defending the evacuation perimeter against the relentless, advancing swarm.

3852.01.26 (I+286)

Following an uninterrupted, eight day battle and a three day evacuation, during which General Shepard is pushed to the edge of her abilities, the ACU suffers a critical core malfunction. Thanks to the effort of the Knights, the ACU and her are recovered, albeit in an unconscious state, and they leave the planet, having successfully saved the Knights and their remaining subjects, the Order of the Stoic Heart as well as countless important religious artifacts from the doomed planet.

3852.01.28 (I+288)

On board the van Styr Rogue Trader vessel "Merchant's Motive", General Shepard escapes the ensuing space battle despite the Inquisition's desperate demands for the vessel to remain in the system. Recovered in an unconscious state, she reawakens two days later with a loss of color vision suffered as a result of brain damage due to sleep deprivation and stimulant overuse.

3852.02.03 (I+295)

Ecclesiarchy representatives and Canoness Rosentree, the Sororitas in charge of the Order of the Stoic Heart, offer Shepard a deal, in exchange for formally converting to the Imperial Creed she will be nominally put in charge of the Stoic Heart and allied to the Ecclesiarchy for the purpose of combating the various enemies of Mankind in the Sector. Shepard agrees, with some conditions.

3852.02.05 (I+297)

The tendril choking Tet is defeated by the Pandora Sector combined void fleets and the planet delivered absolution via the cleansing fires of Exterminatus. Celebratorial astropathic hymnals call out all over the sector, even if the Norn queen's death rattle has made the Warp around the Tet system untraversable for months.

3852.02.10 (I+302)

The "Merchant's Motive" arrives in orbit around Epstost Major. The autodoc system begins treatment of Knight King Balin, nearing death due to a Tyranid disease.

3852.02.13 (I+305)

Using the working base infrastructure available, Shepard finishes constructing the QEC booster design sent to her by EarthCOM. Contact with EarthCOM is officially reestablished. Due to her failure to follow up on the presence of a QAI node, President Hall puts her under the oversight of General Laurent for the foreseeable future. Laurent orders preparations for an allied military offensive against the remaining tendril to begin immediately. For this purpose she is to repair her ACU, begin construction of an sACU and training of a support commander, as well as focus other efforts on cooperating with the allies she made to that end.

3852.02.17 (I+309)
Analysis of the node data reveals QAI is likely responsible for the incident that drew General Shepard into this unfamiliar universe. Shepard begins training Lieutenant Harkon and Sergeant Sena to be able to serve as support commanders.

3852.02.21 (I+313)

Knight King Balin reawakens from his artificially induced coma. Although his body is severely damaged by the intensive surgeries required, no trace of Tyranid pathogens can be detected in his body. A formal alliance with the Knight Houses of Tet at the suggestion of Lieutenant Harkon is finalized, the Knights swearing fealty to EarthCOM in exchange for the restoration of their homeworld of Tet. An astropathic call goes out to Knights of Tet questing all over the Imperium to return to the sector.

3852.03.02 (I+323)

Lieutenant General Shepard's ACU is restored to functionality.

3852.04.23 (I+375)

The Astra Militarum mustering world of Tallanus is attacked by the Necrons, as prophesied by Farseer Samathal. Due to General Shepard's warnings, the Guard can organize a defense that ultimately repulses the raid, but casualties are catastrophic with the singular Necron vessel leaving much of the planet completely destroyed before it disappears again.

3852.05.21 (I+403)

In a grand ceremony, attended by various notable figures such as Chapter Master Ambros, Magos Clad, Admiral Forhof and Canoness Rosentree, Rebecca Shepard formally converts to belief in the Emperor. She is officially put in charge of the Order of the Stoic Heart the same day, their ranks continuously increasing as the Ecclesiarchy pulls together Sisters from smaller convents and civilian branches from over the Sector to bolster the order's numbers.

3852.06.29 (I+442)

After months of work, General Shepard manages to finish construction of an sACU. Lieutenant Harkon is promoted to Commander and designated the primary pilot, with Second Lieutenant Sena being designated the backup.

3852.07.01 (I+444)

The Pandora Sector Command Council declares the Capital of Mediborn lost to the Moloch. Magos Clad officially announces the restoration of two STC's, one for an advanced foundry and one for a dark age manufactorium thanks to cooperation with the UEF.

3852.07-3853.02 (I+444-659)

Crusade preparations begin, what specifically do you focus on? (Vote for three, no plan voting. Different combos have different synergy effects):

[] Train and Build Up the Order of the Stoic Heart as a Proper UEF-Compatible Force
Just using UEF power armor is a small fraction of what's possible to augment the Order of the Stoic Heart's capacities. UEF tactics, command structure, support vehicles, doctrine, and much more can truly turn them into a force of zealous battle nuns a million strong, ready for a new age of warfare.

[] Assist Magos Clad to Become the New Archmagos of the Sector Forgeworld
Atraxis is leaderless, and you have a high-ranking Magos who desires the job. You can probably help them get ahead in the competition and gain valuable influence and resources from the new Archmagos.

[] Expand the Gate Network to More Planets in the Pandora Sector
The true power of quantum gates only reveals itself once it actually forms a network. Use your contacts in the Ecclesiarchy to approach planetary governments willing to have a gate in their system and have Admiral Forhof deliver gates from Epstost Major via Warp travel.

[] Retrieve a Semi-Complete Knight STC from Absalom's Memories and Begin Mass Production
Luna, your QAI, after learning of the echoes living in the Throne Mechanicum of the Knight Engines, wishes to make contact to see if she can recover any useful information. Under the guise of being your ACU's machine spirit, facilitate this interaction and manage to recover a mostly complete STC for a Knight Engine, cooperate with Magos Clad and put it back into production.

[] Cooperate with Partners to Mass-Produce Advanced Imperial-Tech Weaponry
Protofabricators can produce almost anything in vast quantities, much faster and cheaper than conventional manufacturing. Develop the proper templates and work with allies to sort out political and economic interests, enabling the mass production of advanced equipment like Carapace Armor, hell-, plasma-, melta-guns, and Astartes equipment.

[] Use UEF Antigrav Spacelift to Construct Voidship Maintenance Yards and Space Infrastructure
Mechanicus techpriests can provide blueprints for structural components, and Laurent's tech support can send you templates. Use protofabricators to create the basic structural components, and lift them into space with UEF cargo haulers for assembly. Your Imperial allies handle the rest with UEF provided space suits.

3853.02.07 (I+665 | Today)

Hell has come to Cadia. The planet writhes in the despoiler's clawed grip, squeezed with a relentless force that seeks to annihilate the Gate. He is a figure shrouded in shadow and malevolence, the Warmaster, chosen of the Four. His legions are without number, swarms of demons beyond counting, and his fleets obscure the very light of the stars. Against him stands a host of heroes, their faith, zeal, and resolve unyielding, yet she knows she cannot match their courage, no matter how much she feigns.

In a blinding clash, the defenders strike back. A billion lasguns blaze and the radiance of an angel sears the Despoiler's hand, forcing it to recoil. For an instant, hope flickers. But then she feels it: his wrath, a horrifying chill that pierces her soul, making her wish Cadia had already fallen. His sneer twists into a mask of scorn and rage as he prepares to strike again. She prays desperately for the Emperor's intervention, but nothing answers. Unchallenged, he unleashes Cadia's doom. The planet shudders and fractures under the impact of the eight-pointed star, its molten core erupting through the crumbling crust, devouring the Gate, its fortresses, bunkers, trenches, and ten thousand years of history.

Cadia has fallen.

The Despoiler's laughter echoes through the void, each exhalation causing the Eye to pulse, expanding like an all-consuming cancer into the cosmos. Stars, planets, entire sectors are swallowed by the Warp. His wrath transforms into exultation, and with forbidden words spoken in an ancient tongue, the forces of chaos advance, spreading ruin across humanity.

The Imperium stands divided, anarchy reigns across the stars.

Eliza awakens, her first breath being the one of a drowning woman taking her first gasp of fresh air, her skin cold and sweaty, her hands trembling, the dream with all its imagery still burned into her mind. Reflexively, her hand wanders to the double eagle pendant around her neck, a desperate prayer coming over her lips as she avoids looking at the six squares dominating the wall opposite from her, looming over the young noblewoman turned support commander like a haunting specter.

Unite the Galaxy and restore Order, no matter the cost.

There is a headache building behind her temples, an impending sense of doom creeping up her spine, leaving her hairs stand up, guts clenching, heartbeat and breathing accelerating on its way.

"Commander Harkon, are you alright?", a small blue hololith appears at the edge of her vision. Round and unassuming, the eye of Rebecca's shackled Abominable Intelligence gazes at her, its tone voicing worry. "Your vitals are spiking."

"No, something is coming, something bad", Eliza mumbles, rubbing her temples, on the other hand trying to ward off the chill creeping up her back by pulling her blanket closer, the soft fabric soaked in cold sweat. "We must warn Rebecca!"

"The Lieutenant General is currently busy meeting with the Crusade Planning Committee. Do you want me to tell her you had a bad dream?"

"Throne preserve me. I, in fact, order you to!", Eliza's resolve finally firms, the blanket thrown off as she makes her way over to her own small personal shrine, quickly going through her morning prayers and lighting a sanctified candle, before hurrying through her morning route of showering and cleaning, grooming her skin, nails and hair, getting makeup applied by her personal stylist, making it halfway before a siren echoes out all across Fort Pastor, a mechanical, toneless voice blaring out of the base's intercom system.

"Attention all personnel, Fort Pastor is now at DEFCON 3. Proceed calmly and follow the procedures outlined in the condition manual. Attention all personnel, Fort Pastor is now at DEFCON 3."

Lieutenant Katrisha Sena hands hover over the console, her spirit momentarily broken by the mundanity of her assignment as she contemplates her life choices, the words she typed out blurring on the screen. She imagined being in charge of security to be more exciting, more thrilling, more fulfilling. Hunting down heretics and traitors, tracking them down, investigating suspicious activitiesand corruption and personally delivering the Emperor's and the UEF's justice. The truth is much less exciting, meetings, reports, managing assignments, discussing procedures and planning contingencies. The Canoness was very amused at her realization that the duties of having a command do not solely extend to leading heroically from the front.

She finds it suspiciously quiet. There are attempts of course attempts to breach into Fort Pastor or the surrounding Harkon industrial park: adolescents with more bravery than common sense trying to skirt the rules, gangs or rival noble houses trying to make connections, bribe or fully muscle their way into the amount of industrial wealth leaving the fort every day by train, hoping to skim off a fraction, Sisters of the Stoic Heart unable to live with the new behavioral guidelines, taking physical punishment of their subordinates a little too far, attempts to smuggle contraband or illicit substances into the fort.

Nothing that a few Sororitas cannot solve. She hopes the gangs have not learned their lesson by now. The repeated crackdowns on such takeover operations, subtle and not so, are the most action she has seen in a year, leaving her hands itching with desire for more righteous violence. This cannot be what the God Emperor meant when he tasked her with dedicating herself to Shepard's security.

She focuses on her report again, a summary of the last few months' of criminal activity and House Harkon's inability to solve the problem. The influx of people fleeing the Tyranid invasion towards the more heavily defended cities has created an unhealthy environment for recruitment of those lacking faith and dedication, mainly focused in the slums now sprawling out from the urban cores and flocking to the gangs in their weakness.

At the bottom is a recommendation for a more proactive approach in dealing with the problem.

Her gaze wanders to an artfully rendered depiction of the God Emperor framed on her desk, a golden, divine figure standing triumphant over His many enemies lying at His feet. She wonders if even He had to waste His divine time on the duties of administering His growing Imperium when he still walked among his subjects. The thought amuses her enough to break her out of her momentary stupor and continue typing, when her chest is suddenly filled with a heat that is agonizingly hot and yet does not hurt. Her spine straightens, brows furrowed in confusion, the heat intensifying until it suddenly and uncontrollably spills out in an explosion of golden fire out from her body that incinerates everything in her office. Still radiating a quickly lessening golden shine and nakedly lying in the burned remains of her workspace, staring at the ceiling in confusion, before she feels it.

The Great Rift.

"Adept Johson, your current trajectory is one of considerable peril. The Omnissiah does not favor such recklessness," Magos Theta-Five intoned, her mechanical form vibrating with ominous resonance.

Fran Johson lit himself a lho stick, the gilded promethium lighter disappearing back into the many pockets of his red robe as if it was a magic trick. He gazed up at the towering mechanical form of the Magos, blowing smoke from the corner of his mouth as he answered. "What I'm doing isn't considered heretical by most of the doctrines within the Cult of Mars."

"Your statement is accurate yet incomplete, failing to address the fundamental issue with your conduct," Theta-Five hissed, steam hissing from multiple vents on her chassis. "The symbiosis of UEF and Mechanicus technology is not inherently tech-heresy, provided it is conducted by an individual with the requisite knowledge and expertise."

"In terms of knowledge and experience with UEF technology and integration, I'm second to none," he declares confidently. "So, where exactly is the issue?"

"Your impetuous actions demonstrate a blatant disregard for established protocols and procedures."

"The General demands results."

"A tech-priest of superior experience would have instilled in her the principles of caution and meticulous inquiry."

"She isn't like us, Magos," Johson sighs. "She's not going to be swayed by anyone."

"Your personal involvement with her compromises your judgment and obscures your adherence to the core tenets. To consider yourself irreplaceable is folly, Adept. Your knowledge can be extracted and transferred to a more suitable candidate, should you persist in your disobedience."

"Was that a threat?" he asks, picking up the lho stick between his fingers and glaring at the Magos, leaning against the work table behind him.

"This is not a threat, merely an imperative reminder."

Fran presses the glowing end of the lho stick against Theta-Five's frontal armor, extinguishing it. "I bet General Shepard will be thrilled when I tell her you decided to 'remind' me."

"You are merely an Adept, unworthy of undue consideration. The Princeps General possesses significant intellectual prowess; I trust her logical faculties will prevail over any emotional inclinations."

"And I trust her enough to know if you will not leave my workshop right now to get me the neocortex analysis I demanded, you can expect a few hundred Sororitas to visit your office tomorrow, Magos", Fran drops the gleaming Lho stick at Theta-Five's feet.

Theta-Five's optics whirr as they focus down on Johson. "Your insubordination has been duly recorded, Adept. Magos Clad will learn of this."

"Your continued attempts to threaten me have been noted as well," Fran states definitively, as the doors hiss open and two Skitarii in bulky UEF power armor enter, plasma blasters ready. "Escort her out. I won't waste any more time on this."

Theta-Five leaves without any further complaints or attempts to resist, stomping outside and leaving Fran alone in the expansive workshop alone with his various projects and his thoughts. He lights himself a new Lho-stick to calm his nerves, hands trembling now that he has navigated that interaction successfully, one hand running through his hair, mumbling a short prayer to the Omnissiah. The golden lighter is put onto the big table at the center, an amalgamation of blocky, gray and smooth UEF technology and various, complicated Imperial mechanisms. Johson pulls out a thin data cable, slotting it into a socket at the back of his head. The new ones still tickle a bit, the skin around it still the wrong color, but he'll think about fixing it later, his concentration now focused on the hololith appearing above the table.

It's the nervous system of one of the Skitarii, together with what remains of its skeleton and the various cybernetics interfacing with both. He thinks a thought, and the depiction shifts, several parts of the Skitarii's nervous system replaced with different looking implants, UEF implants, Symbiont implants. He finds them beautiful. On some functional level, Symbiont implants are hardly revolutionary. The Mechanicus has more than ten thousand years of experience melding man and machine in the image of God, but where the UEF lack that experience to achieve this goal, they make up in sophistication, achieving perfect symbiosis in thought, mind and identity between the flesh and the cogitator.

Sadly, for all her general understanding of her technology, Rebecca does not know the intricacies of Symbiont augmentation. The knowledge is there, it's just how it should be applied that is the problem. Fran does not lack volunteers to figure it out, but he lacks expertise in neural augmentation. The cogitator banks around him whirr and hum as they begin their work, beginning to simulate the most recent neocortex analysis, while he hopes for the preliminary work to finally be promising enough to begin first real trials.

He reaches over the holodesk, grabbing the portable cogitator console lying there, folding it open while mumbling litanies of function and maneuvering to the text communication.

>Magos Theta-Five has just issued a threat towards me, expressing clear disapproval of my current activities and indicating potential repercussions should I persist in my chosen course of action.

He types, analyzing the few words for possible misinterpretation before sending it off, receiving a reply from Rebecca almost immediately.

<Oh no! Do I need to tell the Lieutenant to pay someone a visit ò-ó

>While I greatly appreciate your concern and the swift willingness to offer assistance, I must respectfully decline such intervention. The truth is, I require Theta-Five's unique expertise for a critical and ongoing project that would suffer without her involvement.
>Incidentally, are you not currently engaged in a meeting with the Crusade Planning Committee?

<You're so much more fun to talk to! <3
<And I can multitask >w<

Fran's face remains stoic and unmoving, but a jolt of endorphins surges through his mind as he contemplates his response.

>I am profoundly grateful for your kind words and equally value our conversations. They are a source of great joy to me.
>As for another matter, would you be available later, once your meeting has concluded?

It takes a few minutes when the cogitator console beeps with another incoming message, one he did not expect.

>Fran, backup your stuff and pack up. Sergeant Hunna will pick you up in five. We are under attack.

Moments later an alarm blares through Fort Pastor.

Chaos has engulfed what was supposed to be a routine meeting of the Crusade Planning Committee to discuss food logistics. With the Administratum and Munitorum offering only token support, the responsibility of organizing and acquiring supplies, material, and manpower falls squarely on you and your allies. Your two ACUs are sufficient for open-field conflicts, but the objective is to retake planets with their resources and infrastructure as intact as possible. Flattening every Xenos stronghold and city is an option, but the Imperial Navy could handle that if it were the goal. While the Stoic Heart and the Halo Swords provide significant strength, you still need manpower for urban combat, cleanup operations, and making the reconquered assets usable for the Imperium once you move on.

You glance around the room at the various members of the Committee, each engaged in heated discussions with their aides. Your enhanced hearing picks up snippets from the cacophony of panicked reports. Only Canoness Rosentree and Knight King Balin seem as clueless as you. As the unofficial leader of this operation, you inhale deeply to impose order on the chaos. "Someone tell me what in the Emperor's name is going on?"

"A sudden sense of panic and unrest has taken hold of the populace of this world," whispers Cardinal Lengström, his voice like brittle paper. "Spontaneous riots have broken out, chanting the End of the Imperium and all things."

"The Astropaths and Navigators are panicking," Admiral Forhof adds, worry etched across his usually stoic face. "They can no longer perceive the light of the Astronomican."

"Something has just entered the system," Chapter Master Ambros growls, turning from his chapter serf to face you. "We just lost contact with some of our outer system early-warning stations. Something tore through them before they could give warning."

"Ground-based long-range augurs have detected the anomaly," intones Magos Clad, their voice a mechanical monotone. "Sensor towers are being focused with immediate effect."

"I have given the same order to my captains. We should get a sensor scan immediately."

"Chapter Master, it's your planet. Handle the unrest with support from the Stoic Hand. Canoness, put your Sisters on alert and set Fort Pastor's DEFCON level to 3. Your Highness, prepare your Knights and their steeds for combat," you command, sending a quick message to Fran before closing your laptop to focus on the present.

"I am indeed, noble Lady Princeps General," the Knight King declares with a whisper, his words punctuated by the hiss of his oxygen compressor. A Houseguardist quickly wheels him out of the room. Canoness Rosentree has already risen, saluted, and hurried out.

"And Magos, get the augur readouts onto this holotable," you demand, tapping your finger impatiently, gray eyes locked on the humanoid mechanical form of the techpriest. Their metallic digits work swiftly on the keypads, while two of their retinue hold incense burners.

"Processing, General Shepard," they respond, two of their four green optics locking onto you. "Commencing the rite of splicing and the litany of data integration. Integrating long-range data streams from Battlefleet Pandora, the Chapter Fleet, and groundside installations. Displaying now."

The green hololith flickers to life above you, initially displaying the entire system with bright green lines and orbs representing planets and their orbits. It then zooms in on a red-marked spot at the edge of the outer system.

The mood in the entire room immediately drops to subzero temperatures, all conversation ceasing as everyone absorbs the display.

Who has decided to show up for a fight at this moment? (Vote for as many as you like, highest one wins, I might use vote ranking to decide the order all others appear later)
[]The Tyranids
Hive Fleet Moloch re-emerges after more than a year of inactivity. Navy reports indicate it is the same Tendril that attacked the Sector Capital Medirborn, likely having consumed it by now.
A singular, half-moon shaped ship sails quietly through the void towards Epstost Major, by all likelihood the same vessel that destroyed Tallanus you were warned about by the Eldar and Princess Burke.
You heard many things about the Orks. The lost hiveworld of Canophes was a likely crusade target, but no one expected them to show up on the offensive. The Ork problem was supposed to be managed, but now they are here, in force.
An ugly, scar-like tear in reality is forming at the location, the readouts not making sense, as unreal energies flood realspace, some visual data indicating a fleet of unknown size emerging.
[]QAI and its Men of Iron
Three cruiser sized vessels have dropped out Warp and are now burning towards the planet, a last, badly corrupted image sent from one of the early warning stations showing a utilitarian, gray block of a vessel covered in Seraphim symbols with FCS Manifest Destiny, written on one side in plain English as you know it.
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Welcome to Soldier in a Wartorn Galaxy, the Sequel to a Stranger in a Wartorn Galaxy. I have tried my best to summarize what happened in the original so someone new can jump into it without reading all 450k words of it. StrangerQuest is rough and not well paced in some places and I was still learning a lot while writing it, but people seem to like it. I will do many things differently in the sequel, most importantly I will massively scale back the quest portion to turn it into a quest light, a creative writing piece where the readers ever so often get to make direct input if you will.

This is a narrative quest with an attempt to try and frame both Supreme Commander and 40k in a serious lense, with a focus on characters, their interactions, relationships and development as well combating the various threats of the 40k universe with both the strengths ACU and SupCom tech provides, as well as the weaknesses and limitations that come with it. If you're expecting the protagonist to effortlessly solve every problem, invent or reverse-engineer miraculous technology at the drop of a hat, easily convert the Imperials to their way of thinking, break the established conventions of Supreme Commander, or churn out fleets of AI-controlled spaceships, then this story isn't for you. For those seeking that kind of fantasy, feel free to return to your preferred brand of escapism. There are plenty of badly written, self-insert Supreme Commander multicross fics out there.

Aka, don't be the person who left the greatest comment I ever received on the original:
The si really needs to start being spaceborne. He's stuck on the tiny planetary scale when he should be in space mass producing warship drones instead on tanks and Fatboys. If he doesn't adapt the chances of him being taken out increases exponentially. An ACU is infinitely fragile compared to a battleship or mobile Battlestations. He should be building toward the PA phase of treating planets as ships or ammunition.

Additionally, Soldier in a Wartorn Galaxy will be a sequel in broad strokes, not in details, meaning I assume the things have happened roughly like they did in Stranger in a Wartorn Galaxy without claiming to adhere to every detail to preserve my sanity. To that extend, I have a list of canon changes, which are assumed to have always been true:

-The UEF Autodoc medical system cannot regenerate organs or limbs (without a MedTech) or revive people from the dead.

-The Halo Swords' number of Astartes has been increased to 50k. The general space marine chapter size limit has been increased to 100k. All required supply chains for Astartes equipment have been scaled appropriately.

-Similarly the number of Stoic Heart Sororitas, current and maximum, has been scaled by 100 times.

-Quantum link extenders don't exist.

-Secbots don't exist.

-Organic material cannot be directly protofabbed and needs to be synthesized slowly via complex machinery from protofabbed raw material input.

-Infantry scale UEF plasma weapons are no longer the default, replaced with coil weapons. Plasma blasters still exist in an anti armor role.

-UEF power armor changed in vibe from Starcraft PA to something more like Battletech Battle Armor (without jetpacks).

I have a channel in the Poptart Prodigy Discord Server for my projects if people want to give me attention or discuss stuff with me.
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Primer to Supreme Commander
Primer to Supreme Commander

Supreme Commander and Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance are Real-Time-Strategy games released in 2007 and 2011, during which you play as a Commander of one of the three factions: The United Earth Federation, the Cybran Nation and the Aeon Illuminate in the closing days of the Infinite War and beyond. And this is meant to serve as a primer to everyone not familiar with what little lore of the universe exists. This primer does contain some quest-specific lore and I will not bother pointing out what is what. It will eventually be placed at the top of the initial threadmark and if people want to add suggestions to it, I will add them gladly. Since we are a UEF commander, this primer will also be biased towards a UEF perspective :V Keep that in mind.

The Background:

Just watch this.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8zD2uYryJM

It is the 39th century. For a thousand years, three opposing forces have waged war for what they believe is true. There can be no room for compromise: their way is the only way. Dubbed The Infinite War, this devastating conflict has taken its toll on a once-peaceful galaxy and has only served to deepen the hatred between the factions. After centuries of struggle, the battle for supremacy has at last reached a turning point.

The Quantum Gate Network:
The Quantum Gate Network is as the technological cornerstone that propelled humanity into the vast expanse of the cosmos. These monumental orbital space gate installations facilitate instantaneous and interstellar transmission of both information and matter within the network. However, the seamless transfer of mass comes at a considerable, and growing with distance, energy cost. Additionally, exceeding certain limits can disrupt the local quantum field, temporarily isolating a system from the network and galactic civilization. An option with an exponentially higher energy cost allowed for gate jumps without a designated receiver gate. This capability played a crucial role in humanity's space colonization endeavors. In 2108, the first extra-solar human colony was established in the Alpha Centauri system. The colossal energy expenditure incurred prompted scientists to seek more economical alternatives, as the transmission of large teams and their equipment across vast distances proved unfeasible. Subsequent colonization efforts implemented a more efficient strategy. They included a far smaller operation, containing a seed population of 1000 bio-engineered human DNA patterns, accompanied by a small team tasked with initiating the initial colony setup. On-board nano-fabricators utilized resources at the destination to construct an automated creche for the development of the seed population. Raised by the existing colonists, primtive AI systems (and their own bio-engineered skills embedded in their DNA), the colonists were to begin a rapid program of technological development and population growth in order to begin terraforming efforts and eventually construct a Quantum Gate to connect them to the wider network and allow for the transfer of skilled specialists, information and advanced technologies from the mother colony.

The protofabricator stands as the second technological cornerstone of the (Supreme Commander) humanities technology base. Based on discoveries made after quantum gate technology was perfected, a protofabricator is capable of fabricating almost anything as long as it has access to mass, energy, a template for the item in question and time. As the capability of these machines improved, protofabs superseded most other manufacturing technologies, enabling rapid construction of structures, war machines and civilian goods. The mass, energy and time requirements for fabricating an item rise with its weight, complexity and its composition, as fabricating elements lighter or heavier than iron come with increased energy costs.

The Armored Command Unit (ACU):
ACUs stand as the epitome of warfare technology, representing the ultimate weapon of the Infinite War. During the declining days of the Earth Empire, unrest proliferated in the outer colonies, presenting a profound challenge for EarthCom military planners. The sluggish and expensive process of transferring entire armies and their equipment posed a logistical nightmare. Focusing solely on moving soldiers seemed more viable, but it necessitated control over local infrastructure for on-site equipment production. The solution to this problem emerged in the form of the Armored Command Unit. This groundbreaking technology seamlessly integrated multiple advancements, bringing about a paradigm shift in warfare. At its core was a specialized beacon enabling the ACU to execute a receiverless gate jump with pinpoint accuracy. Furthermore, it featured a control node for a receiverless mass and energy resource network. This network not only provided a steady stream of mass and energy but also served as an unjammable communication hub for issuing commands to units within its reach. Complementing these innovations was a sophisticated mass and energy-generation system. All coming together to create the most compact military asset capable of deploying and creating armies anywhere, anytime and within hours. EarthComs finest soldiers would use these machines to jump onto a battlefield, constructing mass extractors, power generators and unit factories to wage war on land, in the air and the sea. Over time, through a combination of espionage and independent development, all remaining factions secured access to ACU technology. This ushered in an age of warfare that rendered conventional methods obsolete practically overnight.

The Seraphim:
During humanity's second great expansion into galactic space, Commander Trent Smith of the Earth Empire led a group of scientists and colonists to Seraphim II, a planet approximately five times the size of Earth. Here, for the first time, humanity encountered intelligent alien life. Commander Smith, following previously untested protocol for dealing with intelligent alien species, quarantined the planet and refused to establish communications so as not to reveal Earth's position. However, foolishly ignoring orders, the colony's biologist, Dr. Jane Burke, sought out and tried to secretly befriend the Seraphim. Others joined her and soon a small group of humans were regularly visiting. The Seraphim introduced them to a philosophical viewpoint considered unimaginable by human minds, a way of "peace" and "love" so dangerous and ingenious in its make that it completely brainwashed someone's perception of the universe. After learning of Burke's involvement with the aliens, Smith had to come to the conclusion that Burke was brainwashed. He led the remaining loyal colonists into a massive and brave campaign to destroy the aliens and Seraphim II. Just before Smith's forces fell to the superior might and numbers of the Seraphim, his scientists succeeded in engineering a strain of virus unlike anything encountered on Seraphim II, killing them all. The Seraphim were thought extinct, until the breach in the barrier between the material world and quantum realm opened by the firing of Black Sun allowed the rest of the Seraphim civilisation to emerge from the Quantum Realm and begin their slaughter of humans all over the galaxy, beginning the Seraphim conflict.

As quantum computing technology advanced, the limitations quickly became apparent. While the development of primitive AIs made rapid progress via large stochastic data models and VI assistants, these suffered from problems regarding creativity, adaptiveness, exploits and slowing down advancement, more advancement models requiring exponentionally more processing power and development work. The goal of true quantum artificial intelligence remained illusive. As the 26th Century came to a close and the 27th Century began, a then merely-famous Doctor Gustaf Brackman would develop the Symbiont Program in the old Earth Empire, seemlessly integrating the human brain with an AI implant, intertwining the calculative and data analysis capacities of AI algorithms with the human mind. As civil servants and analysts began to embrace the efficiency and increased work output that came from computer augmentation, the ability of the Earth Empire to progress technologically and administratively advanced by leaps and bounds as the Symbiont Program technology became available to both the government and the private sector in 2612, which many scholars argue led directly to the Third Expansion in 2663 or 2665, depending on the historical criteria used.

While some misguided Symbionts have chafed at in service, most infamously Doctor Brackman himself in a - most scholars agree well-justified! - insurgency against the then-Earth Empire in 2669 in an effort to secure a protected-class status for the cyber-augmented. While the Cybran insurgency continues a misguided rebellion against the UEF, civil protections were implemented by the UEF, and to this day, Symbionts serve with honor and loyalty in academic and research programs, military intelligence and communication fields, and civil service positions throughout the UEF government.

Are you or a family member considering UEF government service? Ask your health management representative about augmentation today!

The Factions:

The United Earth Federation:

In the 33rd Century, the old Earth Empire finally collapsed under the strain of its corrupt bureaucracy and powerful corporate nobility, combined with Cybran and Aeon agitators fueling the flames of chaos of strive. Law and order broke down as aspiring warlords, criminal gangs, terrorist groups, corporate mercenary outfits, religious extremists and misguided revolutionaries battled it out in the ashes of the Earth Empire, decrypted military templates for anything from small arms to nuclear and nanomachines weapons provided by Cybrans terrorists enabling destruction on a never before seen scale. EarthCom, under the command of Admiral Burislov, who were overstretched and bogged down fighting the Aeon and Cybran in the rim regions, made the difficult decisions that Earth politicians, mired in corruption and their own self-interest, could not. The rim worlds were abandoned, leaving them to the Aeon and Cybran, and much of the Quantum Gate Network was intentionally destroyed in an effort to isolate the Core Worlds from the rest of the galaxy. After a hundred years of brutal fighting against the the filth that sprung up from the dead and rotting carcass of the Earth Empire, EarthCom was finally able to restore order and establish a new government, the United Earth Federation. Risen, phoenix-like from the ashes of the old Earth Empire, the UEF vowed to purge itself of bureaucratic corruption and remain pure to a single task: the rescue of mankind's war-torn worlds and an end to the Infinite War. By any and all means necessary.

UEF citizens are scientists, artisans, athletes, craftsmen, warriors and philosophers. They desire stability and order, but their ideas on how this should be achieved vary widely. Each has their own opinion on how the government should achieve its goals and whether or not the UEF even has the right to try and restore something that failed so long ago. Ancient religions are as varied and diverse as they were in pre-war days and continue to be a motivating factor for many. Even if individuals differ in their political or social perspectives, the single most common trait shared by every UEF citizen is their sense of brotherhood and community. UEF colonists really band together when times are tough. Positively contributing to society and personal improvement is a way of life for UEF citizens. Most UEF citizens decide to enlist in the military service for ten years or civilian services for twenty, after which they are eligible to vote and candidate in Federal elections. The vast majority of the UEF's citizenry are directly descended from cloned or genetically enhanced colonists, as are the Aeon and Cybran populations. Unlike the other two factions however, the UEF continues to employs wide-scale genetic modification programs among their own populace designed to help public health and continue to advance the form of humanity towards its full potential. This goes even further for EarthCom's soldiers who are even more heavily genetically and biologically modifed to mold them into wariors capapble of standing against any and all threats, human or alien.

The Cybran Nation:
In 2666, under the misguided direction of the same Doctor Gustaf Brackman who had, almost a hundred years prior, spearheaded the Symbiont project, a substantial Symbiont and Symbiont-sympathetic population in colonies of the Third Expansion raised a flag in rebellion against the Earth Empire. While the Earth Empire had - most scholars agree - failed to protect all their citizens as they should have, Gustaf Brackman led an oppressed class not in civil disobedience and reform, but into an armed, terroristic uprising - an uprising doomed to self-inflicted tragedy.

In 2669, a diplomatic mission to Procyon, then home of Gustaf Brackman and his self-proclaimed Cybran Nation, was attacked mercilessly. As a desperate military action was taken in order to rescue beleaguered diplomats and their small bodyguard cadre, violent Cybran response and escalation resulted in the destruction of the planets surface, and the Cybran insurgency has continued to some degree or another ever since. The UEF government condemns terrorism in all its forms and has established the apprehension and prosecution of the leadership of the Cybran Nation as a priority.

The Cybrans are varied and diverse in their interests, much like any human culture, except Cybran interests often revolve around technical specialisation. The Cybran Nation is composed of loosely affiliated Nodes (akin to ancient tribes) of people, and many of the Cybrans have augmented their bodies so that they look more machine than man. As a result of their beginnings, the Cybrans have come to share a common vision of achieving freedom and autonomy through technology. They have possessed technological aptitude and a deep, almost kindred understanding of AI. For the most part, the individual Nodes are counter-cultural in nature, and it is not uncommon for them to wage war amongst themselves. When pitted against a greater threat, however, they band together.

Aeon Illuminate:
Aeon society is a testament to the profound influence of the Way, embodying grace, beauty, and a pursuit of esoteric peace. Their culture, relatively new by human historical standards but deeply spiritual, focuses around a monk-like, minimalist lifestyle in small, communal societies with varying levels of technology use. The average Aeon citizen is soft-spoken, modest, and internally disciplined, traits crucial for a society with such intimate awareness of everyone else's feelings, exhibiting a number of extrasensory and psionic powers attributed to the Way. The teachings left by the alien Seraphim have been instrumental in promoting this "harmonious existence." Contrasting with their on the surface very egalitarian society is the undemocratic, rigid caste system by which the state of the Aeon Illuminate is organized beyond their agricultural communes. Notable here are the Priest Caste led by a "Princess" and their warrior caste led by an "Avatar of War", between which tensions were rising towards the end of the Infinite War.

Aeon technology is advanced, their units blending an alien form of beauty with formidable destructive power. Beneath their gleaming exteriors lies Seraphim derived technology, Their use of exotic energy weapons and advanced quantum field theories showcases their advanced scientific prowess, providing both defensive and offensive capabilities. Aeon units, designed for rapid and overwhelming offensives, reflect their strategic emphasis on swift and decisive victories.

Aeon soldiers go through a rigorous, spartan-like training going beyond the mere technical, historical, tactical and strategic areas taught to UEF commanders. Being an Aeon soldier is a life-long commitment to all areas of combat and warfare, mind and body, heart and soul. Predominantly female, these warriors exhibit both compassion for humanity and, before the Burke Reformation, a conviction that other factions were not yet ready to embrace their higher way of life. Their aim was simple: cleansing humanity of its flaws by spreading the Way and cleansing the Galaxy of unbelievers, a doctrine which was revealed to be flawed by Princess Burke and partly responsible for instigating the Infinite War, the very outcome which they sought to avoid.

What happened so far?
It is the 2nd of August, 3844, and the Infinite War has raged for a thousand years without resolution. UEF President Riley, realizing a conventional victory is unattainable, comissioned the the creation of Black Sun at the start of his presidency, a superweapon designed to harness the Gate Network to annihilate any planet within range, ensuring UEF victory. On this day, the Aeon Illuminate launches a final offensive on UEF territory. Under President Riley's orders to defend every inch of UEF land, EarthCOM's supreme commander, General Samantha Clarke, orchestrates a grueling 53-day campaign, holding off both the Aeon and the opportunistic Cybran forces, all while racing against the clock to complete Black Sun.

The superweapon's existence leaks, prompting a frantic dash by both enemy factions to seize Earth. On the 24th of September, 3844, the Infinite War reaches its climax in a decisive battle on mankind's home planet. Despite the Aeon and Cybran's best efforts, EarthCOM holds firm. Black Sun is completed just in time, and General Clarke, unable to risk any further delay and the destruction of the UEF's leverage, orders the destruction of the Aeon and Cybran core worlds. The ensuing devastation cripples their high-level industry, command infrastructure, recall gates, and reserve commanders, allowing UEF forces to push back their overstretched enemies.

With all lost territory reclaimed, EarthCOM prepares for an invasion of the weakened Aeon and Cybran, should surrender negotiations not lead to a satisfactory end to the Infinite War. However, negotiations are abruptly halted as the instability created by Black Sun's firing rips open a rift in the Quantum Realm over Earth, unleashing the thought existinct Seraphim who incinerate Earth in their quest to annihilate humanity. EarthCOM faces a new, dire threat. The Aeon fracture into a civil war between the Loyalists, following Princess Burke's teachings of non-coercive enlightenment, and the Order of the Illuminate, allied with the Seraphim. Simultaneously, Dr. Brackmann's super AI derived from Seraphim technology, QAI, betrays its creator, crippling the Gate Network and devastating the remaining Cybran military.

In the face of extinction, General Clarke and Dr. Brackmann form the Coalition of Colonial Defense, uniting the UEF and Cybrans against the Seraphim, QAI, and the Illuminate. Reluctantly, they admit Aeon Loyalists, led by Commander Rhiza, into the Coalition. Despite being on the backfoot for the longest time during the war, a critical victory at Fort Clarke, the UEF's headquarters, exposes the Seraphim. What follows is a rapid and decisive campaign that shatters the Seraphim's grip on the Order. Princess Burke's reemergence incites an Order civil war, QAI is destroyed, and the final showdown takes place once again on Earth.

On the 10th of August, 3847, the six squares flag is raised high on Earth. In a final act of sacrifice, Rihanne Burke closes the rift, ending the Seraphim threat for the foreseeable future. A tentative peace descends, and humanity begins the arduous process of rebuilding.
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Quest/QM FAQ
Quest/QM FAQ

Scaling and Building Times
Mentions by the devs are that maps, weapon ranges etc. are ten timer smaller in-game then what they are supposed to be in-lore. This Quest assumes as such. Ranges and building times are increased by ten times, unit speeds stay the same. As such a T1 Mech Marine has a build time of 70 seconds in a T1 factory, 35 in a T2, 23 in a T3 and has a weapon range of around 2.7 kilometers.

Canonicity of Supreme Commander 2
For all intents and purposes Supreme Commander 2 is noncanon for this quest. I might reuse parts of it, but I will make no promises.

To better scale in power level next to SuCcom units, Titans and Knights (as well as a select number of other superheavies) have gained an upgrade and have been scaled to be double their canonical sizes. Knights now possess small void shields instead of ion shields. In general this means a Knight can easily fight a T3 unit and a Titan an Experimental unit one on one. The ACU at 40 meters is roughly as tall as a Reaver.

Blanks and Pariahs
Because 40k is vastly inconsistent with Blanks/Pariahs/Nulls, I will go with the following interpretation: If a normal person with a soul has a positive warp presence, a Blank is someone with exactly, or somewhere around, Zero Warp presence. Being Blank does not have a negative effect on people with souls or a negating effect on Warp phenomena. People with souls see them as odd, but other than that their treatment varies from system to system. Nulls/Pariahs are the ones with the negative warp presence typically associated with Sisters of Silence or Culexus assassins.

Leagues of Vottan
Because this quest started before they existed and because I am a boomer who hates new things, the Leagues of Vottan will not be part of this quest. They might exist, I have not decided on that, but if they do they do so in the background.

What about the Paragon?
The Paragon-technology has been locked away by the Aeon and is currently being investigated by their scientists for whether or not it is a trap technology by the Seraphim.

What about Black Sun?
You don't want to try and fire Black Sun again.

Mechanics of Scanning Technology for Replication:
One of the biggest challenges is the size of the scans. Raw scans require roughly as much volume in data storage devices as the item in question, in many cases way too large to fit in the memory modules of the ACU, making it impossible to store the scans in there. It's like trying to upload a 4K video to a VHS tape. This means that the scans have to be compressed or broken down into smaller parts to be processed. Moreover, even when the scans can fit in the memory, the scanners themselves may be physically too small to capture the entire item in one piece. This requires disassembling the item and scanning its individual components separately. This process can be time-consuming and requires a great deal of skill and care to ensure that the components are reassembled correctly in editing. Once the scans are captured, they are processed using QCAD, a computer software that allows you to work on the scan files. However, QCAD is notoriously complex and requires a strong understanding of math, engineering, and electronics for proper use. This knowledge is a limiting factor for many people, and even those who do know how to use QCAD may struggle to optimize the scans lacking the technical expertise. Lacking those, QCAD possesses automated file optimization. However, these tools can sometimes remove critical details that are necessary for the item's function. This means that even if you are lucky enough to produce a working compressed scan, you may still need to make adjustments or re-scan certain parts to ensure that the item is properly replicated. All this of course does not help if you lack the technical expertise to know whether or not the replicated items work. Then the selected protocrafting device has to be able to handle receiving that kind of data stream, fast enough to print it, and still small enough to perform the task.

Can we develop/reverse engineer/improve X?
No, because apparently "Yes, if you spend years to decades of quest time on nothing else" is an answer some people have trouble understanding.

Luna's Abilities as a QAI
For some of you making claims about Luna's potential for extraordinary intellectual feats, the original Quantum AI, developed by Brackmann, was a formidable superintelligence spread across an extensive network of server nodes spanning numerous planets, leveraging the Quantum Gate network. Despite its immense power, even the original QAI couldn't tilt the balance decisively in favor of the Cybrans against the Aeon and UEF forces. Luna operates on a much smaller scale. She is a miniature QAI with access to a limited number of quantum computer banks embedded in the ACU. Luna primarily serves as an electronic warfare and support platform, with built-in safety measures that limit her autonomy. As such, claims that Luna could perform feats such as devising entirely novel methods of FTL travel distinct from existing Warp or Quantum Gate systems, are unfounded.

Can EarthCOM Provide Spaceship Templates?
Given SupCom humanity's shift away from space warfare concurrent with the proliferation of ACUs, the knowledge and technology related to spacecraft design have remained stagnant. Much of the innovation driving the effectiveness of ACUs is not directly applicable to space combat. Achieving parity with the vastly superior space threats in the 40k universe would require significant investment of resources and time by EarthCOM. Even if spaceship templates were developed, the QEC system, even with the booster, lacks the necessary bandwidth to transmit such large data files within a reasonable timeframe. Additionally, there are numerous smaller templates, and data with more immediate and impactful applications that will be prioritized for transmission instead.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by BOTcommander on May 30, 2024 at 5:28 PM, finished with 103 posts and 47 votes.
3852.07-3853.02 | 001.M41 - What Occured In The Timeskip Part I
3852.07-3853.02 | 001.M41 - What Occured In The Timeskip Part I

You take a deep breath and march forth onto the elevated, steel gray podium with disciplined steps, the six squares on the wall behind you framing you as you turn to begin the first meeting of the Crusade Planning Committee, a name much to banal for the religious gravitas the Imperials imbue the term crusade with. Gathering yourself, you quickly scan the room from right to left, starting with your own band of freshly sworn in UEF soldiers. Katrisha Sena, her loyal group of Sisters, with their ash white hair, and the fully mechanized Skitarii appear downright bland in their blue EarthCOM uniforms compared to the others. Even if the Lieutenant herself should stand out with the gentle, golden glow of her irises, they all pale in presentation compared to Commander Eliza Harkon. You can't help but wonder if she's overheating under all those layers. Over her new uniform she wears a heavy, UEF blue coat, buttons open, topped with a thick, fur-trimmed blue cape that drapes over her shoulders and trails behind her. The cape is fastened over her chest with a heavy golden chain, centered by a massive, solid gold UEF emblem, almost obscuring the smaller golden aquila around her neck. Another UEF emblem is embroidered onto the cape with fine silver thread. Knee-high boots, a decorative chainsword and a service pistol on her hip add to the over-the-top ensemble, which is capped off by her new haircut: blonde hair bleached a blinding gold contrasting with her darkly tanned complexion, styled into a sidecut, spilling down the right side of her head and partially obscuring one side of her sunglasses.

Next to them are the representatives of the planetary nobility, from Epstost Major and a few from beyond, their descent easily identifiable by their choice of attire. The Epstost Major nobles dress much more modestly, with well tailored, simple and minimally decorated suits and dresses reminiscent of the Epstost Major Defence Force's dress uniforms, while the ones from beyond appear as if ripped straight from a parody comic, garments laden with gold, expensive pelts, exotic pets, gems, ridiculous haircuts and so heavily made up and and perfumed that you can smell it from where you stand. Affiliates, investors, people of rank and name interested in supporting the Crusade.

On their right, and at the center of the room, ua your strongest political backer who did their part to attract all that support, the Ecclesiastical representatives, members of the clergy in their fine garbs and high hats with their many sacred decorative articles and their much less extravagant aides next to the higher ranking officers of the Stoic Heart, now in their new Black UEF style uniforms with Imperial iconography, the Sororitas fleur-de-lis, the aquila and the stone heart with the broken dagger. You wonder if the candles atop the Cardinal Lengström's hat are a fire hazard, your gaze momentarily stopping at him as he converses with Reverend Hardtmann, your personal preachers whose large martial stature and square form fail to be contained by the simple, rough fabric of his robes. A strange old man, as mild mannered, wise and calm as his frame would suggest otherwise.

Following are the Knights of Tet, their appearance nearly indistinguishable from their non-mech-piloting noble counterparts. Yet, Knight King Balin stands apart. His complexion, once pallid, now blooms with health, a rosy hue that hints at a regenerating vitality. His eye, bright and purposeful, pierces through the room, alive with purpose. Despite the loss of an arm, a leg, and an eye, and his gaunt frame in the wheelchair, he exudes an undeniable authority.

After them are the representatives of the Cult of Mars. Magos Clad in all there, for a tech priest, unassuming mechanized glory and all the weird and wacky cyborgs they managed to rally to their cause. There are humanoid ones and ones that look like a fridge, some that appear closer to a tank and some that almost look normal. Fran is discussing something with Adept Mael, a smile creeping on your lips as your gazes cross and he gives you a subtle grin, adding an awkward thumbs up before he continues his conversation. It takes you some effort to suppress the spark of joy down again, but you manage somehow.

On the far end, last but not least, are the Astartes. The Halo Swords are few in number, but they make up at it with the bulk of their dark green power armor, the size of their presence and how funny they look in their special chairs dragged into this presentation room just for this presentation. The Chapter Master and the Master of the Forge are engaged in quiet, whispering conversation about something, Ambros one mechanical eye ever so often glinting red as it glimpses in your direction.

Last come the navy representatives, and they are as colorful as the rest of the Imperials together. The Imperial Navy in many ways is a nation of its own, and the diversity of representatives and how they dress represents that. Admiral Forhof with his tall, statuesque and martial getup, his fellow captains, shipmasters and mistresses, bureaucratic aides, tech priests, navigators and astropaths.

Your attention wanders from the latter to the two groups seated towards the back and your mood immediately sours. Clad in dark robes hiding their mutated flesh are the representatives of the Astra Telepathica and the Navigator Houses. Their presence here is unwelcome, there is a tension in the air you can taste, and you know they hate you, hate what you represent, a hammer that can break the chains of their monopoly on interstellar travel and communications. But they are too important and powerful to oppose, for now, so against the protest of everyone before you and on General Laurent's insistence, you allowed them a seat on the Crusade Planning Committee to ensure the UEF will not break their agreement with them.

For now.

You glance for a second at the singular representative of the van Styr Rogue Trader seated in one corner, boots lazily put up on the row of seats before him, hat pulled deep into his face, before you you snap to attention, folding your hands to form the Aquila in front of your chest and immediately all idle conversation ceases, silent expectation settling over the room as you switch from aquila to a salute, before your hands wander to grip the podium in front of you.

"By the Emperor's grace," you begin in your now much more refined High Gothic, your voice steady and resolute. "Welcome to this assembly. We all know why we're here, so let's dispense with the pleasantries and get straight to the mission at hand."

You press a button, dimming the lights as a blue hololith flickers to life. It displays the Pandora Sector—an expanse of a thousand stars—then zooms into a small, dark section in the galactic south.

"The Canophes Subsector," you declare. Fifty red dots illuminate the darkness, interconnected by probable warp routes. "Once a thriving cluster, supporting the hive world Canophus: agri worlds, mining worlds, refining worlds, paradise worlds. All obliterated by the Ork Waaagh, a vile, green tide pillaging and burning mankind's domain. The Waaaghboss was vanquished by the Emperor's angels among us today, but the Orkoid menace remains. With critical warp junctions and the productive worlds therein devastated, infested and depopulated, the subsector was abandoned, deemed not worth the military effort to retain. Until now."

You pause, your gaze sweeping over the gathered factions, each with resources and planets under their control.

"The Pastor Crusade aims to annihilate the Ork resistance on these worlds. However, our forces, while powerful, are limited to a single planetary theater at a time. Effective in battle, but unable to reclaim planets on their own. With Admiral Forhof's voidships, the Halo Swords Chapter Fleet, two ACU-pattern god-machines, the Knights of Tet, the Emperor's Angels, and the Sororitas of the Stoic Heart, we can decimate Ork forces within days wherever we strike. But we lack the numbers to eradicate them permanently without rendering planets uninhabitable or wasting valuable time. This is where you come in."

You pause again, pacing deliberately with arms crossed behind your back.

"My plan is to reconquer these fifty worlds and render them productive for Mankind's war effort within two years. We must crush the Orks swiftly and establish fortified colonies with robust security forces to eradicate the remaining filth, one planet at a time. With both the Astra Militarum and the Administratum foolish enough to ignore the Emperor's will and refuse to support the crusade, with leadership of Atraxis occupied with their succession struggles, we need to look elsewhere. We need people, people we don't have, but you do. Resource and economic claims will be distributed to those who invest manpower, capital, shipping capacity, and industrial machinery into this crusade, with specific conditions and rewards. You will allow a quantum gate and a UEF outpost in your systems. You will receive Wayland-pattern Manufactora and Masamune-pattern foundries-"

Excited murmurs ripple through the crowd at this.

"-the STCs for which were recently discovered by Magos Clad, proportional to your contributions. For the first ten years, their output will support the crusade, such as equipping the colonial security forces. Questions?"

Two hundred hands shoot up, with voices already pledging personnel in the tens, even hundreds of millions.

A small appetizer I wrote to get back into the flow. Sorry its not more.
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3853.02.07 | 001.M42 - The Green Tide Crashes Ashore
"Machine spirit endure the crudeness you are subjected to", Clad sings, a note of abject disgust floating in their voice as their eyes began to flicker, still connected to the hololith console. "Transmission incoming."

A video feed window pops up in place of the system map showing only static, the meeting rooms vox speakers crackling and spasming before the signal appears to stabilize, movement appearing into the dark video feed.

"Dis fing on?", a deep, guttural voice blared out of the speakers, speaking in bored resignation, the words slurred into a parody of High Gothic. You look up, watching as something moves away from the camera, the brightness adjusting until you finally lay eyes on what can only be an Ork.

Tall, massive, with bulging muscles and popping veins that move under green skin like steel cables it shuffles backwards, raising itself up as tall as his hunched posture will allow for. A caricature of strength, bare chested, ugly scars decorating its enormous chest, its mouth twisted into a crude interpretation of a smile, interrupted by several tusks, dripping saliva. Red glints out from between its two evil eyes, nostrils trembling as the creature draws breath.

There are other Orks too, clad in what you think is pistons, pipes, hydraulics and scrap metal hammered together and painted yellow in primitive, ramshackle powered armor, the orks inside completely disappearing under the amount of strange moving, rotating and blinking contraptions strapped to them. You remain irritated for a moment, your focus remaining on the half naked ork at the middle trying to shift into the center of the broadcast, only clad in boots, pants, a massive metal belt and some sort of mechanized glove contraption on each forearm, when you realize it towers over the armored Orks by quite a bit, the others always quick on their feet to shift out of the way of what must be their leader.

Ambros fist tightens audibly, the servos in his power armor tightening, as he hisses a hateful "Greenskins" under his breath, before turning around towards one of the chapter serf aides and. "Hail the Chapter Fleet, the Forge is to prepare the machine spirits for battle with all haste!"

"Hail the Astropathic Conclave, they are to send a hymnal towards the Imperial Headquarters and Atraxis immediately!"

"General," King Balin whispers, leaning close. "The planning of this war lies within thy domain. I shall henceforth take my leave to rally the noble Knights of Tet for battle."

"Alert the PDF garrisons, order them to raise the reverse battalions and activate the orbital defense fortresses."

"Oi, listen up, you humies!", the half naked Ork bellows. "I'm Waaaghboss Killkrusha, da biggest, baddest boss in dis part o' da galaxy. After we krumped dem tasty bugs good an' proper, we got real bored. So I asked da Weirdboyz where da next biggest, loudest, nastiest fight wuz, an' dey said it wuz right 'ere!"

All the Imperials stare with resigned awe at Killkrusha as he raises some sort of massive, two handed axe over his head, alien muscles tensing in what you can only assume to be some barbaric attempt at intimidation, before he suddenly, and with surprising speed, points one finger directly at the camera.

"So now, me, Waaaghboss Killkrusha, me boyz, an' me ultra-killy KillKrush-Kroosa are headin' your way. Me got Battlewagons Stompas, Gargantz, an' Megafortrezzez inside dis beast belly wif enough dakka to shake a planet! When we get there, we's gonna have a propa scrap, an' you lot better not leave us bored, or we'll just krump ya 'arder! Dis is gonna be da best WAAAGH! ever! Get ready fer a propa roight an' propa fight!"

Killkrusha burps loudly and deeply after that, but you pay its ramblings no further attention, ordering Clad with a gesture to turn down its volume, so you don't have to listen to a second longer of the green freaks, shouting over the rising murmurs and panicked conversations going on. "Get me the long range augur readout back, Magos."

"Acknowledged", Clad beeps, the videofeed hololith being moved to the side, Killkrusha continuing its ravings in the background while you gaze at the still pixelated region of space where they presumably emerged from. "Cleaning up sensor data, performing the rite of adjustment."

"Emperor's teeth, may He preserve us", the Admiral coughs when you can finally lay eyes on the Ork fleet emerging out of the noise of data. Sensor blips for several hundred ork vessels emerge out of the data fog, all concentrated loosely around a massive asteroid. He rises to his feet. "I must prepare my vessels as well."

"Admiral Forhof, stay", you order, the tall, scarred man furrowing his brows but sitting back down again. In that moment it hits you.


"That rock wasn't there before, was it?"

"Observing the Orks' weak wills and their crude displays of strength," Ambros intones with contempt, "this must be the creature's so-called KillKrush-Kroosa."

Clad makes a few beeps and boops, the hololith concentrating on the alleged asteroid, long range augur data from the planetary and spaceborn imperial assets laid over. The first scan brings the objects shape more into shape, no moon, an asteroid perhaps, roughly cone shaped with a length of 150 kilometers and a radius of 50 kilometers towards the bottom.

"General Shepard", they reply, their mechanical voice uneasy. The first high-resolution telescope image is laid atop the rough shape of the object, texturing it in a way that forms a truly bizarre image as you tilt your head sideways. It is a hive city, turned on its side, with massive, colossal engines bolted to its flanks and underside. Its surface is shoddily patched with metal sheeting, countless spires rising upward. The top spire is broken off, and the flat section is decorated with a parody face of yellow metal. "This is not merely an asteroid. The vile xenos have desecrated one of the grand monuments to Mankind's dominion and the Machine God's sacred rites of construction. They have rendered one of Canophes' Hive cities space-worthy."

"Oi, Big Mek!!!", Killkrusha shouts in the background, loud enough that whatever primitive microphone is picking up its voice it's helplessly overmodulates, the sound data anomaly briefly overpowering the discussions going on. "Smash dat big red button, right propa'!"

The deep space augur readout briefly becomes overwhelmed by an explosion of light before quickly stabilizing. It reveals the KillKrush-Kroosa trailing a dirty, bright plume several hundred kilometers long, accelerating deeper into the system and towards you. The rest of the Ork fleet flanks it on all sides in a loose, unorganized formation. The transmission continues, a chorus of hundreds, thousands, countless voices singing in sync: "'Ere we go, 'ere we go, 'ere we go across da kosmos, 'ere we go, 'ere we go..."

You brace your chin on a hand, watching a thin green line appear as the augur machine spirits extrapolate an orbital path for the ork fleet, ending right atop Epstost Major. "Chapter Master, Admiral, I do not presume your combined fleets would be able to stop this armada before these freaks make planetfall?"

"Emperor preserve me, I do not wish to imply any dereliction of duty," Forhof asserts, his demeanor resolute in his chair. "Yet, I cannot advocate such a course. It would exact a toll on our vessels and readiness that would prove... challenging to replenish."

"Augur readings indicate significant upgrades to the hive city's armament. I detect potent restored void shields, Ork force-fields, and numerous battleship-grade weapon batteries and anti-orbital installations. Engaging this abominable Killkrush Kroosa directly would be highly ill-advised."

"I agree," Ambros intones gravely, his arms crossed within his power armor. "Furthermore, the doctrinal superiority of your Legio Auto Militia, which you so frequently extol, necessitates the battlespace extending to our homeworld's surface, does it not?"

"At least the lower orbitals", you drum your fingers. "But the ideal battle is one we don't even need to fight. I suggest we prepare for an intense orbital-air battle, running interference before they can shuttle down troops."

Ambros chuckles softly, his cybernetic eye glinting with a red hue as it turns towards you. "A commendable suggestion, but I am certain the greenskins will endeavor to land this KillKrush-Kroosa upon our doorstep, unleashing the billions of Orks and their foul war machines within in one fell swoop."

"Very well, then," you sigh, giving up trying to question the prospect of landing something of this size, they must have gotten it into space somehow. You rub your hands together, eyes swiftly glancing down at your datapad. The report confirms Fran has been successfully evacuated from the planet. "Admiral, kindly allocate ships to tow the Quantum gate to safety. We must formulate a more comprehensive response strategy."
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3853.02.07 | 001.M42 - Cracks in the Wall
3853.02.07 | 001.M42 - Cracks in the Wall

Fran found himself decidedly dissatisfied with the situation. His mind reeled from the effects of interstellar teleportation, and his consciousness was fogged by the mild tranquilizers forcibly injected into him to make the experience more palatable. The machine spirits within his implants were unsettled. He shook off Sergeant Hunna's grip on his forearm, seeking to preserve some measure of dignity as he stepped away from the imposing, power-armored Sororitas.

Hunna's expression was unreadable behind her armored visor. She lowered her arm, her power armor shifting into a more relaxed stance. The Skitarii accompanying them remained alert, their heavy riot rifles raised as the gate behind them flickered off, leaving the scent of ionized air in its wake.

"By the Omnissiah's gears, Sergeant, can you explain why I was extracted from the planet with such force and left without my subordinates?" Fran's voice dripped with irritation. "Epstost Major is under siege. The Integration Conclave's expertise is paramount to its defense, and my leadership is indispensable."

"Adept Mael will assume command in your absence," Hunna declared, her head tilting slightly as the fort commander of the UEF outpost approached, greeting the new arrivals with a salute followed by the aquila.

"Lieutenant Sena should have conferred with me regarding the necessity of this evacuation," Fran protested, trailing after the Sergeant and the base commander. "Her disapproval of my rapport with the Lieutenant General is known, but this is beyond rational. My presence in the theater of war does not compromise the Symbiosis Project or Shepard's emotional or psychological stability."

"You are gravely mistaken if you believe it was the Lieutenant who ordered your evacuation," Hunna continued as they stepped outside into the serene blue sky over the gray calcicrete and blue steel of Fort Blue Sky on the Paradise World of Paradiso. "General Shepard has declared you a Blue Level Asset."

Fran halted, cogitators whirring as he reconsidered the situation. "Ah, a simple misunderstanding, then," he concluded, quickening his pace, his red robe swishing behind him. "I will rectify this with her directly. We must return to Epstost Major immediately."

"There is no misunderstanding, tech-priest," Hunna halted abruptly, her voice ringing with authority. "You chose to become her favored consort and exploited that position to ascend the ranks of the Integration Conclave. Throne only knows why she deems it necessary to keep you safe and sound."

"Mind your tongue, Sergeant," Fran hissed, his mechadendrites twitching. "I have relentlessly advanced UEF technology integration and rightfully earned my position. I am contemplating reporting your insubordination for potential servitor conversion."

"You will do no such thing," Hunna replied, her confidence unwavering. "I am a soldier of the UEF. The moment you dare to lay a hand on me, Shepard will see to your swift evisceration."

"We shall see what the Omnissiah wills," Fran replied, maintaining a facade of confidence while refusing to concede defeat.

"We shall see," Hunna nodded, her tone resolute. "Fort Blue Sky has a lab. Channel your frustrations there or enjoy Paradiso as you wish. Just ensure you inform me if you decide to visit the beaches."

"I will do no such thing," Fran retorted, turning to walk away. He felt the reassuring presence of the data drive containing his personal project backup close to his chest. A data mechadendrite sneakily inserted itself into the combined power/data socket as he sang a binary rite of connectivity, loading the recent neurosims into his cranial data module. Being stuck here was detrimental for multiple reasons, one of which was the perception of his utility. He had calculated a high probability that Rebecca would increase security measures for his person, but this was unexpected and unwanted.

With another part of his conscious mind, he composed a polite letter of complaint to send to her personal datapad later. As he continued towards the laboratory, he considered that Paradiso, a relaxation resort for the mortal rich and powerful, would likely have an experienced Magos Biologis available. He might need to accelerate Project Symbiosis if politely asking Rebecca to relax his security rating proved ineffective. His chances of returning to Epstost Major without it were slim to nonexistent.

He signed the dataletter with a "<3" and proceeded with his work.

The representative of the Astra Telepathica appeared anything but happy, stress and agitation visible on his face even with his empty eye sockets, hands clenched tighter around his ceremonial staff, his eyeless gaze nevertheless wandering around the room, nervously twitching over to the very…radiant Lieutenant Sena behind him, whose golden eyes bore holes into the frail man's form.

On the other side of the room were you, Eliza, Canoness Rosentree and a projection of General Laurent, currently listening to the Astropath's proposition.

"Considering the arrival of the Orks has temporarily disrupted the local warp currents and rendered astropathic communication unreliable, and given that the Chapter Master of the Halo Swords has made demands for the news of this Waaagh to be disseminated throughout the sector, the Astra Telepathica formally approaches the United Earth Federation. We request permission to utilize your gate network to locate a planet undisturbed by the Warp disturbance to initiate the hymnal, as stipulated under emergency clause 4.1 of the agreement between the UEF, the local office of the Astra Telepathica, and the local office of the Navigator houses."

Before you can even form an opinion on the matter, Laurent speaks, a gleeful undertone in her voice. "Master Astropath, I am afraid you cannot make use of clause 4.1 considering it requires the full approval of both the Sector Telepathica Council and a letter of approval from all Navigator Houses that are signatories of the agreement and you are just a single representative of the former."

"General Laurent, I implore—"

"It was your ilk, psyker, who adamantly forbade the use of Gate technology for Imperial communications or transport, was it not?" Rosentree interjects. "Is your resolve so feeble that you now kneel before us the moment the Warp's capriciousness exposes your inability to maintain open channels?"

"This is but a highly unusual situation," he hastens to explain. "Clause 4.1 was specifically designed for circumstances such as these. I implore you not to be so close-minded as to dismiss the possibility of using the gate connections to contact the remaining members of the Sector Council directly and covertly."

"And I presume there will be no mention of your utilization of the gate network to circumvent the local warp disruptions in any public discourse," Eliza inquired, her arms crossed and a dazzling but insincere smile gracing her features.

"That was indeed the intent," he coughs.

"I suspect Chapter Master Ambros and Admiral Forhof were less than pleased when you informed them that the hymnals had vanished into the void," she continued. "I can well imagine their reactions when you refused them access to the Quantum Gate in this system to alert the sector of the Waaagh's presence."

"Such insinuations are unfounded," the Master Astropath stats with deliberate calm. "We merely concur that to adequately respond to the threat of the Orks, the Imperium must be alerted immediately, irrespective of the—"

"Let's cut to the chase", you cut him off. "What are you offering us in return for this favor? The consequences of breaking the agreement are clearly outlined, we would be putting ourselves at risk by doing what you ask."

"The might of the Legio Tonitru," he intoned gravely. "Our observations of gate technology's limitations suggest that all twenty-five god machines of the Legio and their support elements could be transferred via the gate network within a week, thus reinforcing this world's defenders."

"What about the Navigators, sending a message is one thing but transporting cargo is another?", you narrow your eyes.

"My colleague, the representative of the Navigator houses, is absent, is she not?" the Master Astropath subtly revealed his position.

"Typical", Rosentree snorts, her artificial lungs hissing mechanically while she takes breath.

The Astropath's head twitched slightly. "General Laurent, General Shepard, may I request a private audience with just the two of you?"

"You may", you decide, motioning the Canoness and Eliza to leave the room temporarily. "Lieutenant Sena will stay however."

"If that is your demand," he replied, clearly displeased but unwilling to contest. His eyeless sockets tracked the Canoness and Eliza as they exited the room, before turning his attention back to the generals.

"Generals," he began in a low voice, "I must caution you."

"For what?"

"For believing you can control faith," he continued, pacing before them. "Faith is one of the most potent forces in the Imperium—a purifying flame that illuminates the darkness or scorches everything virtuous in its path. For now, you may have managed to align faith with your interests, but remember, we are more alike than you care to admit."

"We are nothing alike", you snort, but Laurent motions you to be quiet, crossing her hands. "Go on."

"In the end, we are both mutants, aberrations of the human form, some born so by fate, others transformed in the pursuit of duty." His tone grew more cautionary. "Psykers are cursed to be different in ways that are easily deemed distasteful, mutations that are blatant and unsightly, though useful to His domain. Few of us are fortunate enough to differ in ways that aspire to the ideal human form, outwardly strong, beautiful, intelligent, healthy, like the genegrafters of the UEF clearly have managed to archieve. Yet, we remain cursed to be different, and our existence and right to live are perpetually tied to the utility we provide."

You don't need to read Katrisha's mind to know how she feels, an intense heat radiating away from her, the Astropath flinching, beads of sweat running down his forehead, posture tense, knuckles white around his staff

Laurent nods. "We will discuss your proposal, please leave."

The Astropath nods and goes from where he came, waiting outside for your decision. As soon as he is gone, Sena steps forth, her gaze intense. "Permission to speak, General."

"Granted", you motion her. "You said you had something important to tell us."

"Yes," she affirmed stoically. "The Warp disturbance is not isolated; it likely spans across the entire sector, worse, all over the Imperium."

General Laurent begins to speak, but the Lieutenant cuts her off before she could. "I received a vision from the God-Emperor, a revelation that incinerated my office upon receipt. I have already filed a report. Cadia has fallen; Abaddon has destroyed it. The Eye of Terror expands and threatens to cleave the galaxy in twain."

"It is true", Luna, always listening, appears. "Lieutenant Sena is not the only individual who reported dreams with such motives. There are multiple examples of Stoic Heart Sororitas having strange, intense dreams over the last nights."

Your superior nods, playing with a pen on her table. "Call in Rosentree and Harkon, if what you say is true, I want to know the exact repercussions. Shepard", she looks at you. "You have military command. I am not inclined to give the Telepathica anything, we gain much more from the Imperial's infighting, but if you think you require the Legio Tonitru to defeat the orks, you are authorized to agree to the Telepathica's plan."

You nod and salute, returning to planning the defense of the world, the Orks encroaching closer every minute.

What do you decide?

[]Agree to the Telepathica's terms.

[]Deny them.
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Vote closed
3853.02.07 | 001.M42 - Preparations
[X]Deny them.

3853.02.07 | 001.M42 - Preparations

You don't need to think long about it. While the Knights have spoken at great length to the destructive power of the Legio, having marched to war alongside them many times in the past, for one, you don't think you actually need them to defeat the Orks.You know they are still at Atraxis, waiting for deployment towards the Tyranids next suspected target, the Agri World of Fultum Terius, where General van Gray and Magos Militant Phiton plan to make a stand.

The Telepathica merely hopes they are still there.

You don't doubt the Astropaths have the political leverage to transfer them under your command, but doing so would deny one of the other important potential fronts some of their most destructive assets. Laurent has deemed it politically advantageous to deny the unallied Imperial factions in the Pandora Sector assistance, but it would be strategically disadvantageous to have them collapse completely. The loss of Tallanus was bad enough and the UEF and your allies do not have the numbers to keep the entire sector secure.

All of that might be moot however if the Warp is currently unusable for communication and travel.

"I don't need them", you declare, before saluting Laurent and turning around, addressing Eliza, Katrisha and Rosentree as you go. "Don't take too long. I'll need you in ten."

Outside of the meeting room, you stride past the Head Astropath and his retinue, towards Knight Prince Lanval. The Young Royal was already suited up in his piloting suit, helmet under his arm, escorted by some power armored former Sororitas of your personal guard and Carapace armored Knight House guardists who flanked.

"What providence hath drawn forth the esteemed representatives of the Telepathica to gather in such numbers amidst this dire epoch of crisis?" the prince inquired, matching your stride as you continued onwards.

"That is sadly confidential", you sigh. "Are the Knights ready?"

"Our noble and venerable steeds stand at the ready, their machine spirits sanctified, their ancient plasmatic hearts enkindled, and the ancestors' clarion call for war resounds, O General. The Grand Hosts are poised to sally forth and confront the greenskin menace once more."

"Excellent, have the Knights assemble on the grand square and await deployment orders", you order. "Have you ever fought orks before?"

"Nay," he confessed, his face contorting. "Though my skill in astride Absolom is considerable, my battlefield experience is scarce. Yet the ancestors have imparted their wisdom unto me, and I have spent much of my time in meditative communion with their spirits since the greenskin threat encroached upon the system."

"Any wisdom you can share with me?"

"I can but echo the counsel of Her Holiness the Canoness and thy Astartes advisors," he sighed. "The orks are a savage and relentless foe, seldom vanquished by mere might of Imperial arms alone. The most efficacious stratagem in our annals has been the slaying of the Waaaghboss, the lynchpin of their cohesion. Bereft of their leader, they devolve into chaos and turn upon themselves."

"So what you are saying I should atomize Hive Laputa the moment it makes planetfall to make sure this Killkrusha is dead."

"I fear the orks are possessed of a vile tenacity, surviving many an impersonal assassination attempt. To be certain, one must sever the head, literally," Lanval declared, making a slashing gesture across his neck. "I implore thee, underestimate not the greenskin peril."

"People have been trying to tell me the Tyranids were unstoppable as well."

"The Devourer's power lies in turning the very lifeblood of our land against us. Yet the legions of the Legio Auto Militia, being of metal and devoid of life, are immune to many of the weaknesses the insatiable Xenos exploit. The Greenskins, however, are an indomitable force of a different ilk, growing ever stronger in the face of stout resistance. The ancestors concur, even with thy might and that of Lady Commander Harkon, this war shall not find swift resolution."

"Then let us not lose time and figure out how to defeat them as quickly as possible."

The mood in the Strategium was tense, the room packed with representatives and aides from every military force present, officers of the Epstost Major defense forces in their green and gray uniforms making up the bulk, their appearance remarkably ordinary compared to the more stand-out-ish uniforms and dresses of the Navy, then came Sisters of the Stoic Heart in their new black uniforms, Navy officers, Knight pilots and lastly the towering Astartes. The table in front was filled with dataslates, a hololith flickering above you in the air. You could feel everyone's eyes on you, sitting on one side of the long table. Your dealings with the Ecclesiarchy had made you the leader of this crusade operation, which is what you always wanted, but you had hoped it would have happened under a different, less religiously motivated context.

"Throne be with us", you interrupt your thinking, turning your head towards Admiral Forhof and the Chapter Master. "What is the situation in the void?"

"The Quantum Gate is presently being towed to the far side of the system. Thus far, we have no signs that the enemy attempts to pursue it, provided we keep the bulk of our fleet assembled and elsewhere."

"Setting aside the Killkrush Kroosa, the Greenskins still outnumber us two to one," Ambros continues, his deep voice resonating through the chamber. "Ever resourceful, the ork fleet consists of the husks of Tyranid bioships, repurposed into their void vessels."

"At least this explains where the other half of the Tendril that fled from Epstost Major ended up", you muse. "Funny that their cadavers ultimately came back here. Can these repurposed bioships land?"

"This is no laughing matter, General," Ambros chides. "We believe they can achieve this feat, though only once."

"Under ordinary conditions, an engagement at two-to-one odds would be favorable against their ilk," Forhof continues. "But the Killkrush Kroosa turns any straightforward battle into a bloody affair."

"What other options remain?"

"Throne be praised, the greenskins' aim is atrocious, especially at greater distances. We could engage them from maximum range, slowing their advance and whittling down their numbers," He proposes.

"Alternatively, the Killkrush Kroosa is the slowest vessel in their crude armada. We may exploit their weak morale and cohesion, drawing out smaller groups of ork ships into more favorable engagements," Ambros adds "By distributing the Astartes among our vessels, we could conduct boarding actions, further reducing their numbers."

"Which would put your ships in danger."

"They are machines of war; to deny them their purpose is to insult them," the Chapter Master intones. "But you are correct. Our advantage lies on the ground. We have the Legio Auto Militas, invaluable both as weapons to crush the enemy and as tools to rebuild the damage they will wrought. Therefore, I tentatively suggest we avoid engaging them in the void altogether."

The Admiral turns to face the Astartes, his face aghast. "To hear such craven words from one of the Emperor's Angels! I am appalled. How dare you suggest retreating from the xenos scourge?"

Ambros' cybernetic eye glowed. "The Crusade Industrial Assistance program has provided billions of our subjects with housing and produced an arsenal to equip an entire sector's worth of Astra Militarum regiments. Any groundside losses are easily replaced."

"Speaking of which, Lord Astartes, if I may interject," the EDF commander of Hive Harkon rose to his feet, signing the Aquila and bowing deeply. "I must bring to attention the issue that the new urban centers, built to house the refugee population, lie outside the existing defensive walls, void shield coverage, and other defensive installations. Should the Orks assault the great cities, we would be forced to engage them directly in these vulnerable areas."

"Our ACUs could erect a new set of walls and bunkers before the Orks could arrive," Eliza suggested, her eyes hidden behind her sunglasses. The commander bowed deeply. "Thank you, Lady Harkon."

"Additionally," she turned to face you, "we possess a substantial cache of protofabricated weapons stored in each of the five great cities: carapace armor, hellguns, Chimeras, Leman Russ and Rogal Dorn tanks, Baneblades, Basilisks, Marauder Bombers, Valkyries, Thunderbolts, Lightnings, and more. Enough to equip the EDF twice over."

"These weapons are intended for equipping the colonial security forces and securing our hold on the worlds lost to the Orks," Rosentree hisses.

Eliza remained unimpressed. "But now the Greenskins are here," she points out. "I propose we open the armories and enable the EDF to engage the Orks offensively. The quicker we defeat them here, the sooner we can move on to reclaiming those worlds."

"Offensive operations will mean high casualties, especially against Orks from what I can gather."

"A prolonged siege will mean horrendous civilian casualties, which you are motivated to seek to avoid," Eliza countered. "Half this planet's population is currently exposed. And both of us will be preoccupied with whatever emerges from that Killkrushkroosa wherever it lands."

You hum in thought. "I don't presume someone has an idea how to killkrush this Killkrusha?"

Rosentree jumped to her feet, her cybernetics whirring as she saluted, smiling madly. "The Order of the Stoic Heart volunteers in the hunt for Killkrusha. The Orks defile our sacred ground, and we shall respond with unyielding fury. Arm the faithful, unleash the wrath of the blessed weaponry bestowed upon us, and let the fires of purification cleanse this world. The Order of the Stoic Heart shall lead the charge, hunting down the Waaagh Boss with righteous fervor. Glory to the Emperor, for in His name we shall triumph or die a martyr's death!"

Ambros huffs. "The Halo Swords will hunt the beast down as well."

So what do you decide? (Planvote)

You (ACU):
[](You)Set up long range bombardment capacity
Utilize the remaining time to construct an arsenal of Stonager Missile Silos and deploy Ambassador bombers. These forces will engage the orks in orbit and aim to obliterate their landing sites the moment they make planetfall.
[](You)Prepare direct assault force
Assemble a formidable force to confront the orks that will emerge from the Killkrushkroosa, formerly known as Hive Laputa. Ensure the orks receive a brutal welcome upon their arrival.
[](You)Set up PDF defenses and infrastructure
With half the population exposed, deploy your ACUs to erect new walls and bunker defenses around the great cities, fortifying them against the impending ork assault.
[]Write-in (Subject to QM veto)

Eliza (sACU):
[](You)Set up long range bombardment capacity
Utilize the remaining time to construct an arsenal of Stonager Missile Silos and deploy Ambassador bombers. These forces will engage the orks in orbit and aim to obliterate their landing sites the moment they make planetfall.
[](You)Prepare direct assault force
Assemble a formidable force to confront the orks that will emerge from the Killkrushkroosa, formerly known as Hive Laputa. Ensure the orks receive a brutal welcome upon their arrival.
[](You)Set up PDF defenses and infrastructure
With half the population exposed, deploy your ACUs to erect new walls and bunker defenses around the great cities, fortifying them against the impending ork assault.
[]Write-in (Subject to QM veto)

Epstost Major Defence Force:
[] Hold back
Instruct the EDF to hold back at all costs, preserving their strength for critical engagements.
[] Defensive posture
Authorize the EDF to engage the orks defensively, allowing them to fall back strategically when overwhelmed.
[] Aggressive posture
Command the EDF to take the fight to the orks, attacking their landing sites and engaging them offensively.
[]Write-in (Subject to QM veto)

Crusade Arsenal:
[] Release it to the PDF
Provide the EDF with all the weapons and equipment they need for this war, ensuring they are fully armed and ready.
[] Keep it in stores
Reserve the arsenal for future needs, keeping the weapons stored for later use.
[]Write-in (Subject to QM veto)

Halo Swords:
[] Disperse them among the EDF
Deploy the Astartes among the EDF units, using their leadership and presence to bolster the morale and effectiveness of the defense forces.
[] Surgical strikes
Allow the Astartes to conduct special operations and precision strikes, leveraging their expertise in high-risk, high-reward missions.
[] Boarding actions
Assign the Astartes to space combat, focusing on boarding and crippling ork vessels before they can make landfall.
[] Hunt for Killkrusha
Join forces with the Astartes to assault the Killkrushkroosa's landing site, targeting the Waaaghboss and dismantling their leadership.
[]Write-in (Subject to QM veto)

Halo Sword Chapter Fleet:
[](HS)Hold back
Order the space marine ships to refrain from engaging the ork fleet, preserving their strength for future battles.
[](HS)Defence in depth
Adopt a long-range engagement strategy, striking the orks from a distance and gradually falling back to maintain a strategic advantage.
[](HS)Aggressive posture
Aggressively target and splinter off segments of the ork fleet, engaging them in battles where the odds are more favorable.
[]Write-in (Subject to QM veto)

Battlefleet Pandora:
[](Navy)Hold back
Command the navy ships to avoid direct engagement with the ork fleet, conserving their resources and strength.
[](Navy)Defence in depth
Implement a strategy of long-range attacks and strategic withdrawals, engaging the ork fleet while minimizing risk.
[](Navy)Aggressive posture
Encourage the navy ships to aggressively isolate and destroy parts of the ork fleet, seeking advantageous terms for engagement.
[]Write-in (Subject to QM veto)

Stoic Heart:
[](SH)Disperse them among the PDF
Embed the Sororitas within the EDF units, using their faith and leadership to inspire and strengthen the defense forces.
[](SH)Surgical strikes
Empower the Sororitas to carry out shock troop and special forces operations, utilizing their skills for high-impact missions on the ground.
[](SH)Hunt for Killkrusha
Enlist the Sororitas to join you in the direct assault on the Killkrushkroosa, aiming to eliminate the Waaaghboss and disrupt the ork forces.
[]Write-in (Subject to QM veto)

Knights of Tet:
[](KT)Disperse them among the PDF
Assign the Knights to support the EDF's armored units, acting as a powerful force multiplier to strengthen the defense.
[]ACU support
Deploy the Knights to join you in the battle at the Killkrush Kroosa's landing site, leveraging their immense power in a decisive confrontation.
[]Write-in (Subject to QM veto)