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You are a Slime. That much you knew. At least not until now. You couldn't really remember. Not...
Skills, places, lore.
  • Voracious Eater: Eat Corpses! Yummy Corpses! (You get a little fuller by eating corpses)
  • Energy Slime: Change into a Slime filled with Energy at will! (absorb Energy based attacks)
  • Amplification: GET HYPE (Skills are boosted while in human/humanoid form)
  • Radiance: You're bright! So bright! Not the smart kind though. (Slay Undead Efficiently!)
  • Fleet Foot: Fast Slime! Fast as furry doggies! (+10 Agility)
  • Among the Dark: You are... the Edge. The daaarknesssss (You are now less likely to be detected during the night.)
  • Beast Sense: Track down Prey/targets with ease.(Pinpoint areas of interest or traps better. Tracking improved. )
  • Alpha: You're the Slime Poi. Greatest Slime in Maple Acres. The Boss. (Lesser Wolves will now succumb to your will.)
  • Light Blade lvl 1 (Send sword of light towards your foes!)
  • Plasma Cutter lvl 2(For Dismembering things!)
  • Powder Snow (Call upon a fierce Blizzard to assail your enemies!)
  • White Frost (Manifest an Ice Sword)
  • Beast of Mankind lvl 1 (Call upon the Phantom of a War God *Makes you critically hungry*)
  • Mimic lvl 2 (Imitate Dinner Table sized objects)
  • Phase: (Become energy itself and go through objects like a ghost!)
  • Life Drain: (speed up Mass regeneration by taking another being's energy.)
  • Transform lvl 2 (Become a Slime imitiation! Less oozing. Less hunger!)
  • Hydro Pump lvl 1 (Send a pressurized blast of water and cut stuff up!)
  • Kerberos lvl 1 (Partially transform a part of you into two vicious wolf-heads. You can eat through these heads too!)
  • Jack-o-Bombs lvl 1 (Drop explosive pumpkins!)
  • Devastator (Manifest bone spike all around the area.)
  • Strong Bones (Raise Strong Skeletons to do your bidding! Faster, stronger, and they can play guitars!)
  • Holy Breath. *Bonded Skill* (Available only when in Slime Dragon form. Unleash a holy breath that can easily kill lesser Undead)
  • Lancing Rapids. *Bonded Skill* (Available only when in Slime Dragon form. Unleash numerous high pressure jets of water in a wall of liquid spears.)
  • Angelica's Summon Stone: Summon Angelica's Specter to Help you! (*works only in Dark Cotton Forest Area)
  • Flare Gun (Shoot into the Sky to call for Help)
  • Dark Cotton Forest: Angelica's Home! Filled with swamps and a dense sea of dead trees. It's comfy here.
  • Rough Plains: Filled with wild animals and plants. Good for beginning your toughness.
  • Lazy Rivers: Home to the Anemone and Naiads! You don't know how water reacts to your body.
  • Maple Acres: Forest of Eternal Autumn. Is near a human settlement. Lots of smart food!
  • Crypt: Old home of a vanquished Lich. Said to hold many treasures pertaining the Necromantic arts. The Dead do not Rest here. Angelica called the Lich here a dick.
  • Soushun Village: Home to the Water Spirits. They improve the marine capability of mechanized soldiers and sell jewelries. Lucy's home.
  • Solomon Village: A quaint Village at the very borders of the three factions occupying the Northern Region. Very Cold. Has a pest problem.
  • Old Solomon: Previous village abandoned by the villagers after the activation of the Pool of Power beneath it and interrupted all magical activities that occurred. Ghost town. Creepy.
A Slime Quest (Roleplay) - TV Tropes
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You monster!

This is the sick type of person who wants to talk to the humans instead of eating them.

Don't support pattern breakage, vote yes on eating the humans.
Ah, but that would break the current pattern! Peace would not be found, nothing would be gained! Nothing but Dead! Humans! That's it, unless there's some dogs or cats around, it's a village, could be a few. Never know, could be. So Dead Humans, dogs, cats, and other various, domestic, animals!

Edit: and vote count Ninja comes flying in, BAM!
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[X] Say Hi to the humans.

You'd say hi of course. It's only polite. And you are a slime. A polite slime at that. Not rude at all. Maybe ask them to feed you? You are hungry. Humans seem tasty. But you have manners.

You slid (or was it crawled?) to the village. You see no humans (slimes have eyes?) but you still figured you should say hi. There were many houses. They seemed tasty but humans will get mad. You were really hungry though.

You found a human. He's not moving though. Stupid human, he'll catch a cold in the middle of the day like this. Were humans always glowy? Strange, you always thought humans were capable of speech. Anyway, you decided to say hi.

"Hi!" you greeted.

The human only continued to glow. Man, that's a lot of flies on him.

"Hellooooo!" you greeted again.

Weird. Oh. He's standing up. Hello there~!


"I am a Slime."


"No. I am a Slime. Hello Human!"

This doesn't look like it's working out.

[] Eat him.
[] Go look for another 'Human'.
[] Transform
-[] (LOCKED)
-[] (LOCKED)
-[] Slime Dragon Thingie.
[] Write in....
[x] Go look for another 'Human'.

I guess our slime is dealing with zombies, no?

EDIT: On second thought, changing vote.

[x] Eat him.
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