[X] Retinue - You may designate up to five members of your Retinue. Each reduces your rate of Progression by 25% multiplicatively. Each advances in their primary area of specialization with Progression one-fourth the potency of your own. Needless to say this is an outrageous and irreplaceable boon. Retinue companions are easy to add, costly to remove.
[X] The Sword That Ends the World - Access to the Praxis, the fearsome supernal art of the Accursed himself. Only access, no immediate power. Given the obstacles arrayed before you, even if you choose optimally at each juncture, there is a between 1/3rd and 2/3rds chance you will die within the first few fights. Thread participation will not be able to change this, but you are free to take this risk. No one can say I have not repeatedly warned you.