A Shin Megami Tensei Inspired Setting

2383, Common Era/AD, AKA 300 AOW (Age Of Wrath)
So, in this idea for a setting inspired by @Sandy River DL 's Rebellion Against A Cruel God setting, as well as Shin Megami Tensei, an "omnipotent" God has seemingly gone insane. Most of the world has been destroyed, and there are only a few semi safe population centers left around the entire world. Monsters are roaming the world's surface, and I've yet to decide what to call the "demons" of the setting. I wouldn't call them demons, as the word seems to lack originality, and doesn't capture the essence of the world's themes like it does for SMT. New York, Tokyo, London and Paris are among the last population centers in the entire world, and are important to the setting and plot for what I'm planning. God, or maybe "God's" reasons for devastating the Earth are unknown.

Cults, for and against God are located around the world. Some believe in appeasing him. Others believe in rebelling. Themes of the setting would include an Anti-Grimdark aesthetic, where things may seem hopeless, but aren't. Think, less like Warhammer 40k, and more like Deep Space Nine in Star Trek. Although it's hard to tell when the protagonists and other important people can manage to rise above their adversities and struggles.

Some people manage to preserve Humanity with exceptionally advanced technology. Others delve deep into magic and the arcane, and others still yet keep turning to faith. Somehow there are still a few large population centers left after the Cataclysm, also known as God's Wrath. Attempts to colonize outside these designated areas are almost always a failure.

If you'd like to join the Discord of mine to discuss this, That would be great! Here's the link...

I would like to eventually rp in this and/or gm it.
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Coming Up: Large Population Centers
Work In Progress Post.

New York:

This city is still one of the largest and most powerful cities in the world. However it, and the other large cities of the world have seen better days. New York City is interestingly well kept and orderly. In a weird reversal of reputation, New Yorkers pride themselves for belonging to one of the most safe and secure cities in the world. For one of the most powerful cities in the world, New York is basically in the middle, as far as power, etc, but it's rapidly growing in many ways.

This city is undeniably huge for a city these days, but it's only a fraction in size compared to how large it was before the Cataclysm. Tokyo is an absolutely vast city with one million Human inhabitants, and Human coexistence with non Humans are almost as developed and friendly as Paris'es. It's one underdeveloped area is Human magic. However, Tokyo is perhaps more advanced than even London in sheer technological innovation.

London, just maybe, is the most prosperous and powerful city, by a little bit in almost every way. It has the largest number of Human inhabitants. London has combined magic and technology to be at the top, and has many powerful magic users and brilliant scientists who are partially responsible for London's continued existence and prosperity during these dangerous times.

If London has the most inhabitants in the city, Paris probably has the most peaceful coexistence of Humans with non Human people and monsters. Other than that, Paris still has many catacombs and subterranean locations where it's many secrets sustain and protect the city. There are even portals to a Nether Realm in these under ground places, and Paris is supported by it.

Los Angeles, AKA Hollywood:
Interestingly, Los Angeles is one of the most powerful cities in the world, and is also located in the former United States in America. Los Angeles is actually ran by monsters, literally. However, Humans live just as well here as anywhere else, despite being second class citizens. There are Humans running for office here and they might actually win. Ironically, the monstrous people here are big fans of Hollywood movies and American entertainment. Here in Los Angeles, there is said to be two major ways to get ahead. Hollywood, and Holy Wood, which means acting or joining the Church.

Salt Lake City:
This is one of the only unique few that's grown significantly after the Cataclysm occurred three hundred years ago. Salt Lake City is tied with a few other cities as the most religious society, despite of, or maybe because of the same Cataclysm. Pre-Cataclysmic Mormonism is followed here, as are others. There are six hundred and fifty thousand Humans here.

Hong Kong:
Hong Kong, due to it's location on the coast, is basically seen as "China" by much of the world, since so much of China was devastated, and is still recovering from the Cataclysm. Hong Kong has a different system for getting along with non Human species than the other powerful cities in the world. Apart from government sanctioned species, such as Humans, most of them are not allowed within Hong Kong's city limits. Hong Kong nonetheless has a legal, but anti-religious culture for the most part, due to the Cataclysm. However, magically, commercially, and technology, Hong Kong is strong.

An important city in Europe, now that Romania has had centuries to recover from The Cataclysm. Targoviste has a total combined population of six hundred thousand citizens, including Humans. These Humans are ruled by a council of Humans, and Vampires. Now, despite Paris being much larger than Targoviste, Targoviste has just as much success of peaceful living between Humans and non Humans. The important location of Targoviste and the rest of Romania allows for the people to enjoy the fruits of an opulent trade network, the people enjoy powerful magic, and a peculiar tolerance between the religious establishments and the rest of the population.

Vestiges of the Catholic Church reside in Italy, and more specifically Rome. The power of Rome lies in trade, ecclesiastical magic and an attempt to keep up with the times technologically. Rome acquires pilgrims, offerings, and tithes from the entire Italian peninsula, in addition to enjoying trade from around the world. Relations with non Humans are only so so, in some regions in Italy, while they are wholeheartedly assimilated in others. Italia is not exactly unified but it avoids in-fighting like the plague.
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So for ideas of character vocations, and the reasons why they are located in certain areas, I've considered the following:

Any other ideas? Consider that the world is enormously dangerous. There has to be a reason why the characters can travel outside their designated locations.
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If God (or well a better term is Demiurge I guess) is omnipresent and presumably omnipotent, what allowed Humanity to survive against such a powerful Demiurge?

Or is the entity not able to affect the world so easily? Touching directly crumbles the sand castle sort of thing and thus needed proxies to do fine tuning of stuff.

Also are you gonna do the SMT thing where there's a Heaven vs Hell thing but it's grey cause it's more of a Order vs Chaos scenario or nah?
If God (or well a better term is Demiurge I guess) is omnipresent and presumably omnipotent, what allowed Humanity to survive against such a powerful Demiurge?

Or is the entity not able to affect the world so easily? Touching directly crumbles the sand castle sort of thing and thus needed proxies to do fine tuning of stuff.

Also are you gonna do the SMT thing where there's a Heaven vs Hell thing but it's grey cause it's more of a Order vs Chaos scenario or nah?

I could probably go with he's more the most powerful or penultimate character in the setting rather than being actually omnipotent. Also yeh, there'd be alignments like dark, light, order and chaos. Maybe balance in the middle.
The Cataclysm(s):
In this iteration of the universe, the seemingly righteous and holy deity Elohim, through eons of eons existing, has gone insane. Three hundred years ago, he drove monsters to massacre most of the Earth's population, and is responsible for wiping out most of the mortal populations of the entire universe. Elohim has managed to compose himself briefly, allowing for centuries of rebuilding, although monsters are roaming the world. Mankind is still rebuilding, yet he, like a cobra, is rearing his head to strike once more. There are signs he is about to go mad once again.
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The Elohim (Antagonist)

Elohim, creator of the universe, is seen as the most powerful being in the universe. He has existed since eternity's past and still exists now. As stated, Three hundred years ago, a mysterious event called The Cataclysm caused him to lose his sanity. As a result, he unleashed hordes of monsters on the universe, wiping out most intelligent life. Now, three hundred years later, there are signs he is losing his sanity once again.

There are now many deities from around all the world's cultures walking with the mortals and monstrous beings coexisting with Humanity. Most side with Humanity to survive the coming onslaught of Elohim's wrath.

Unfortunately, the zealots of Earth's remaining societies are building their forces for the final eradication of Elohim's enemies.
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