Vote tally - A Rocky Start

Adhoc vote count started by redfoxdelta on Sep 26, 2017 at 9:43 PM, finished with 10 posts and 8 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
A Rocky Start
Post #1
Post #10


  • [X] Plan Briefly
    -[X] Check ourselves and whatever we're carrying.
    -[X] Go examine the other statue and then touch it ourselves.
    -[X] Gender: Male
    -[X] Where is this tomb exactly and how do we leave? Where are your guardians? What's this about a Witch?
    [X] Have him touch the other statue. For science!
    [X] Female
    [X] Where is this tomb exactly and how do we leave? Where are your guardians? What's this about a Witch?
    [X] Have him touch the other statue. For science!
    [X] Male
    [X] Where is this tomb exactly and how do we leave? Where are your guardians? What's this about a Witch?
    [x] Strategize
    - [x] Ask the kids where this tomb is and how they got here
    - [x] Visit the witch with the kids
    - [x] Ask the witch about the tomb where you came from
    - [x] Ask the witch whether the tomb that you came from had any kind of magical properties whatsoever (e.g. used to seal a demon king / curse / demon?)
    - [x] Convince the witch to come with you into the tomb where you woke up
    - [x] Ask one of the kids to touch the foot of the other statue
    - [x] With you pointing your spear at the statue just in case it tries something funny
    - [x] With the witch behind you to provide back-up support should you need it
    - [x] Ask the kids to escape from the tomb as quickly as possible, and relay the news to the other villagers (if the town has villagers or something)
    [X] Have him touch the other statue. For science! (But do touch it yourself first, for science! as well)
    [X] Male
    [X] Where is this tomb exactly and how do we leave? Where are your guardians?
    [X] What's this about a Witch? What does a witch does? What are her powers?
    [X] Self reflection on what we know about ourselves: Are we strong or weak? Do we know how to use that spear? Do we know how to care for our spear and armor?
    -[X] Check ourselves and whatever we're carrying.
    -[X] Go examine the other statue and then touch it ourselves.
    -[X] Gender: Female
    -[X] Where is this tomb exactly and how do we leave? Where are your guardians? What's this about a Witch?
    [X] Male