A Rocky Start

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As your senses slowly return to you, you begin to sway from your stance. It has been…...
Chapter 1


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San Diego, CA

As your senses slowly return to you, you begin to sway from your stance. It has been… an eternity. A frozen, gaping maw. Nothing. But now… something. You can feel the sturdy wooden shaft of your spear, its grains rubbing against your tightly clenched fist. The air is stale and choked with dust, prompting you to cough. Your ears ring loudly, almost covering your own coughing. You almost collapse from the sudden influx of senses, only able to remain standing by resting your weight on your spear's thick crossguard.

You rest like that for about a minute before you finally open your eyes. Your eyelids are crusty and stinging from disuse, but you force them open. Your wince as your eyes adjust to the seemingly incandescent lighting of the room.

Before you sit two small children - a boy and a girl if their clothes are any indication - staring up at you wide-eyed. You blink the dust out of your eyes, and look around the room. There's not much to see at a cursory glance besides dust and rock, and the room is actually rather dimly lit. A flickering torch lay on the aged stone beside one of the children, but it was the only source of illumination in the entire room.

You open your mouth, and attempt to speak. The result is more coughing. You clear your throat loudly. "You should probably pick that torch up," you advise. You really didn't want to have to find your way out of this place without the aid of any light.

They stare at you for a brief moment until the girl starts clapping, turning to the boy. "Wow! You turned a statue into a real person!"

It takes you a moment before you realize they're talking about you. Your mouth opens, but no sound comes out.

A statue. I was a statue. How? Was I always a statue? No! I was a person… wasn't I? Yes, I've always been a real person. I have to. Why don't I remember? Who am I? Was I ever human? Why don't I remember it? Did this child truly just create me from a statue? What am I?"

"Are you okay?" the boy's voice breaks you out of your thoughts. You're hyperventilating now, you notice. You slow down, and take a deep breath. You run your free hand through your hair, and dust tumbles down onto your shoulders. You close your eyes, and clear those panicked thoughts away.

There's another long moment in silence before you open your eyes again. The boy is covering the girl's mouth- he must have started doing so when he'd seen your reaction to her prior outburst. Unusually perceptive, especially for a child. His other hand holds the torch, following your suggestion.

"No. No, I'm not okay. I'm really not okay. I don't know who I am, or where this is. I don't know why I was a statue, and I don't know why I know the things I do." You sigh. "I don't suppose you kids have any ideas?"

The kid nods. "So Isabel and I were exploring some old tomb. That is, this one. We saw a statue, and she dared me to touch your foot. I did, and there was a weird noise, and suddenly you were a human."

The girl manages to get his hand off her mouth. "Right!" she exclaimed, annoyingly chipper compared to the boy's seriousness and your own somber attitude. "So I was thinking that Jake here must be some sort of magician, right? I mean, how else could he turn a statue into a real person? I wonder if he could turn a person into a statue!" You flinch and back away slightly at that idea. You don't remember what it was like to be a statue, and that scares you. You may have just been made into a human, but you wouldn't give it up for anything.

"I don't think he likes that idea," the boy… Jake comments. "Still, we should figure this out. I didn't do anything unusual, just briefly touched him. I've heard that mages really need to concentrate or whatever when they do their stuff, and I wasn't thinking about it at all."

"Oh!" Isabel exclaims, bouncing in the air with excitement. "There was another statue in the other room, remember? Try touching that! People are way cooler than statues!"

You can't help but agree. Fuck being a statue. You don't remember it, but you somehow know that it really sucked. Come to think of it, you know a lot of things that you don't remember ever learning. Curious.

Jake scratches the back of his head. "Maybe we should go back to town," he suggests. "Miss Claire might be able to help us." He looks at you. "Claire is the town's witch," he explains. "She knows pretty much everything, and she's really nice."

What do you do?
[ ] Visit the town witch. You might as well learn more before doing anything, to be safe.
[ ] Have him touch the other statue. For science!

Write-ins are always encouraged.

Who are you, exactly? (More details in next update, but feel free to post images of what you think the character looks like now.)
[ ] Male
[ ] Female

Any questions for the kids? (I'll take anything that gets at least 3 votes)

[ ] Write-in.
Adhoc vote count started by redfoxdelta on Sep 26, 2017 at 9:43 PM, finished with 10 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Plan Briefly
    -[X] Check ourselves and whatever we're carrying.
    -[X] Go examine the other statue and then touch it ourselves.
    -[X] Gender: Male
    -[X] Where is this tomb exactly and how do we leave? Where are your guardians? What's this about a Witch?
    [X] Have him touch the other statue. For science!
    [X] Female
    [X] Where is this tomb exactly and how do we leave? Where are your guardians? What's this about a Witch?
    [X] Have him touch the other statue. For science!
    [X] Male
    [X] Where is this tomb exactly and how do we leave? Where are your guardians? What's this about a Witch?
    [x] Strategize
    - [x] Ask the kids where this tomb is and how they got here
    - [x] Visit the witch with the kids
    - [x] Ask the witch about the tomb where you came from
    - [x] Ask the witch whether the tomb that you came from had any kind of magical properties whatsoever (e.g. used to seal a demon king / curse / demon?)
    - [x] Convince the witch to come with you into the tomb where you woke up
    - [x] Ask one of the kids to touch the foot of the other statue
    - [x] With you pointing your spear at the statue just in case it tries something funny
    - [x] With the witch behind you to provide back-up support should you need it
    - [x] Ask the kids to escape from the tomb as quickly as possible, and relay the news to the other villagers (if the town has villagers or something)
    [X] Have him touch the other statue. For science! (But do touch it yourself first, for science! as well)
    [X] Male
    [X] Where is this tomb exactly and how do we leave? Where are your guardians?
    [X] What's this about a Witch? What does a witch does? What are her powers?
    [X] Self reflection on what we know about ourselves: Are we strong or weak? Do we know how to use that spear? Do we know how to care for our spear and armor?
    -[X] Check ourselves and whatever we're carrying.
    -[X] Go examine the other statue and then touch it ourselves.
    -[X] Gender: Female
    -[X] Where is this tomb exactly and how do we leave? Where are your guardians? What's this about a Witch?
    [X] Male
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Welcome to A Rocky Start.

This quest will have mystery, discovery, social things, and, yes, combat. Having discussion and active voting is highly encouraged. Please do that.

I'm tentatively saying that this quest will have no dice whatsoever. I'll simply judge your plans by their merits against whatever the obstacle is and go from there.

Write-ins are always allowed.
Adhoc vote count started by redfoxdelta on Sep 26, 2017 at 6:09 PM, finished with 8 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Plan Briefly
    -[X] Check ourselves and whatever we're carrying.
    -[X] Go examine the other statue and then touch it ourselves.
    -[X] Gender: Male
    -[X] Where is this tomb exactly and how do we leave? Where are your guardians? What's this about a Witch?
    [X] Have him touch the other statue. For science!
    [X] Female
    [X] Where is this tomb exactly and how do we leave? Where are your guardians? What's this about a Witch?
    [X] Have him touch the other statue. For science!
    [X] Male
    [X] Where is this tomb exactly and how do we leave? Where are your guardians? What's this about a Witch?
    [x] Strategize
    - [x] Ask the kids where this tomb is and how they got here
    - [x] Visit the witch with the kids
    - [x] Ask the witch about the tomb where you came from
    - [x] Ask the witch whether the tomb that you came from had any kind of magical properties whatsoever (e.g. used to seal a demon king / curse / demon?)
    - [x] Convince the witch to come with you into the tomb where you woke up
    - [x] Ask one of the kids to touch the foot of the other statue
    - [x] With you pointing your spear at the statue just in case it tries something funny
    - [x] With the witch behind you to provide back-up support should you need it
    - [x] Ask the kids to escape from the tomb as quickly as possible, and relay the news to the other villagers (if the town has villagers or something)
    [X] Have him touch the other statue. For science! (But do touch it yourself first, for science! as well)
    [X] Male
    [X] Where is this tomb exactly and how do we leave? Where are your guardians?
    [X] What's this about a Witch? What does a witch does? What are her powers?
    [X] Self reflection on what we know about ourselves: Are we strong or weak? Do we know how to use that spear? Do we know how to care for our spear and armor?
Last edited:
[X] Plan Briefly
-[X] Check ourselves and whatever we're carrying.
-[X] Go examine the other statue and then touch it ourselves.
-[X] Gender: Male
-[X] Where is this tomb exactly and how do we leave? Where are your guardians? What's this about a Witch?
[X] Have him touch the other statue. For science!
[X] Female
[X] Where is this tomb exactly and how do we leave? Where are your guardians? What's this about a Witch?
[X] Have him touch the other statue. For science!
[X] Male
[X] Where is this tomb exactly and how do we leave? Where are your guardians? What's this about a Witch?
[x] Strategize
- [x] Ask the kids where this tomb is and how they got here
- [x] Visit the witch with the kids
- [x] Ask the witch about the tomb where you came from
- [x] Ask the witch whether the tomb that you came from had any kind of magical properties whatsoever (e.g. used to seal a demon king / curse / demon?)
- [x] Convince the witch to come with you into the tomb where you woke up
- [x] Ask one of the kids to touch the foot of the other statue
- [x] With you pointing your spear at the statue just in case it tries something funny
- [x] With the witch behind you to provide back-up support should you need it
- [x] Ask the kids to escape from the tomb as quickly as possible, and relay the news to the other villagers (if the town has villagers or something)
[X] Have him touch the other statue. For science! (But do touch it yourself first, for science! as well)
[X] Male
[X] Where is this tomb exactly and how do we leave? Where are your guardians?
[X] What's this about a Witch? What does a witch does? What are her powers?
[X] Self reflection on what we know about ourselves: Are we strong or weak? Do we know how to use that spear? Do we know how to care for our spear and armor?

Hey, just building on top, thinking this is basically the same but with a little extra. I will be happy even if the original wins, anyway :B
-[X] Check ourselves and whatever we're carrying.
-[X] Go examine the other statue and then touch it ourselves.
-[X] Gender: Female
-[X] Where is this tomb exactly and how do we leave? Where are your guardians? What's this about a Witch?
Chapter 2
You nod to yourself, having decided what to do. "Let's just test the other statue while we're here, okay? Do you mind if I ask some questions along the way?"

"Fine by me," Jake shrugs. Isabel seems to bounce as she leads the way through the tombs to reach the other statue.

You start with the essentials. "Where is this tomb, exactly, and how do we leave?"

"We're about half an hour's walk downriver from the town of Slate, where we both live. This tomb is basically a big winding series of dark tunnels, so we just took a left turn whenever it was an option. So to get back out we should just be able to take a right on every turn, instead."

Isabel turns to you. "I would have just turned randomly, myself. But Jake here has no sense of adventure, and made us do it his way." She pouts. Jake rolls his eyes, clearly not dignifying that with a response. Well. You certainly know which one is the responsible one of the two. Although, speaking of responsibility...

"So do your parents know that you're out here? This can't be a safe place for kids to be running around."

The boy winces. The girl turns to you with a scowl. "My parents died three years ago." Her blunt speech seems unusually bitter. "Which means that the entire town raises me. Everybody who has extra space in their house passes me around between them, to lighten the load. When everybody in town is responsible for you, though, it really means that nobody in town tells me what to do."

"Which makes it my job to watch out for her." Jake crosses his arms. "If she wants to go exploring the tombs, I make sure that she does it right."

"Right. Got it." You frown. "So what's this about knowing a witch?"

Isabel seems to be glad to be off the previous topic. "Oh! Claire is the town's witch. She's really nice, although some of the people in town say she's bad. They're just scared of her, though."

"What does she actually do, though?" You have a vague feeling that towns don't usually allow witches to practice within their borders.

"She does all kinds of things," the boy explains. "She installs these runes in people's houses where it cools the house down on hot days, and she makes a bunch of different potions."

"She also can blow things up really well!" Isabel interjects. "Once, a bunch of Lamia tried to attack the town, and she stood on top of the watchtower, raining all sorts of fire and lightning on them from above. She looked really mad. They ran away real fast after that!"
The conversation peters off, and you take the time to reflect on yourself, particularly your possessions. You have a bronze-tipped spear, with a thick crossguard. If somehow feels comfortable in your hands, and you are somehow certain that you know how to use it. You also are dressed in armor- including a bronze breastplate, greaves, and gauntlets. Aside from that, you feel like a helmet should complete the set, but you have none.

Finally, you reach the statue. It's a slightly cracked statue made of what looks like granite. It depicts a man, kneeling with a sword and shield. He's tightening his sandals, it seems, and his armor is in a state of disarray.

When you look at his face, you recognize it. Jevran, you think.

Wait, how do I know that? I don't even know my name, how do I know his?

You shake your head to clear those thoughts. "Before you touch it," you suggest, "maybe I should give it a poke."

He nods, and you put your hand on the statue's shoulder. It feels very… rocky. And statuesque. And it definitely isn't turning into a human. You sigh, frowning.

The girl comes up next. "Ooh, can I try?" You nod, and she does. Nothing happens.

You gesture to the boy, and he walks up, frowning. He pauses, and puts his hand on the statue's head.

For an instant, nothing happens. Then there is a sharp cracking noise. The stone fades out of existence, being replaced by living flesh. Finally, the statue finishes its transformation.

The man has a sharp intake of breath…

And his blood gushes everywhere. Massive crimson gashes appear where there were cracks in the statue, leaking blood from his body like a sieve. He gurgles, choking up blood, and thrashes around on the ground like a fish out of water. A crimson puddle begins to grow around him as he abruptly bleeds to death.

You recoil backward, and the children scream. They run into the corner of the room, huddling together and crying.

You sigh, rubbing the back of your neck. You now have two traumatized children, one exsanguinated ex-statue, and no idea what to do about them.

What do you do?
[ ] Rush them back home.
-[ ] Visit the Witch, immediately.
[ ] Comfort them.
-[ ] How?
--[ ] And do what after?
[x] Comfort them
- [x] Calmly explain to them that the cracks that the statue had before it turned into a human were equivalent to its wounds, and fingers crossed hope that the kids would like a logical explanation as to what had happened
[x] Visit the Witch, immediately
Farewell, Jevran, we hardly knew ye. May your death further the cause of Science!

[x] Rush them back home.
-[x] Visit the Witch, immediately.
[x] Comfort them
- [x] Calmly explain to them that the cracks that the statue had before it turned into a human were equivalent to its wounds, and fingers crossed hope that the kids would like a logical explanation as to what had happened
[x] Visit the Witch, immediately
Ouch... I don't know, but no vote seems to be a "good" outcome =X Besides, do we know if the witch will be friendly to us? She may know something about us that we don't, so information good, but... Yeah, after this small action led to such bad outcome, I think seeing her might not be so safe.