[X] Moving fast is both really really fun and super useful. So far the Hollows have been pretty slow, even if they have all been pretty big, and you can tell that's going to be the case for most of them. It will also mean you can get back to class quicker. (Movement Arts: Student > Competent)
[X] This power you can feel inside and all around you, that Mai called Spiritual Pressure. You know that she was able to do some kind of magic using hers, and you think that would be useful to know. Even if she doesn't have the time to get you started on the magic that will actually work on Hollows right now, learning to leverage your Spiritual Pressure will be useful no matter what. (Reiryoku Manipulation: Student > Competent)
[X] No no, absolutely not. You'll come to the shop after school, you can make your own excuses and you'd rather just have a normal rest of your day. Probably with a nap, you'll be by as soon as possible, Mai in tow.
[X] Fighting unarmed is your bread and butter, so why fix what isn't broken? You are a black belt, after all. Besides, your sword feels more like an extension of you than any practice or tournament blade you've ever used. (Unarmed Combat: Student > Competent)
[X] Okay… if that's what this mysterious stranger who Mai seems to know wants. She seems like she'll be helpful at least. And it's better than explaining… whatever your initial excuse for getting out of class was.
[X] It seems that you can make yourself stronger by… well, you're not really sure exactly how you can do it, just that you can do it. It's not the same as enhancing your movement speed, and it isn't the same sensation Mai's spell left on you, but it does seem useful fighting the monsters. (Physical Enhancement: Novice > Student)
[X] Not happening, not until tomorrow at least. You want a good night's sleep, without any interruptions. You'll be by when it's convenient, you're the one this Kagami character approached, not the other way around.
[x] You… don't think so. Not until something changes your mind anyway. The offer was nice, and the thought of a Soul Reaper supplier is interesting, but you don't have a need for any of that stuff yet. At least it doesn't seem like you do.
[X] Actually using your sword. You have it, and you can kind of use it, but the katas you're familiar with aren't quite right for fighting monsters, also you're not sure the balance is correct for swordfighting. But that might just be you. (Zanjutsu: Novice > Student)