A Prototype that Will Destroy You. (Incomplete)

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Welcome to this abomination
I don't pretend that this will be pretty story, there will be...
Chapter 0
In a workshop, prototyping a story.
Welcome to this abomination​
I don't pretend that this will be pretty story, there will be errors. I'm new to creative writing, progress will be slow since I have others things in my life. I'm looking for a beta, if anyone wants to be a beta for me, please direct message me.
Chapter zero: selections

There is a male and female walking in a hall. The hall has endless doors.

The male said in a questioning voice, "Are we sure we can convince the others that this is a good idea, multiverse conquests? I mean, altering universes to our whim and we're taking children from a low level species, to make them into weapons of war. "

The female replies, "Well, they're from a species that is only good for war, so let's have them be 'not normal' children."

"This still doesn't justify this, and the in end if they are successful, knowing you would send them out, first to destroy their homeworld and other universes," he states and continues. "You're paranoid so you'll make them able to conquer planets in hours at full potential, galaxies in half a year, and universes in one year. Wait, you'll make them able to kill us." The male sounds very sarcastic.

The female responds to the male: "You doubt me, but you are correct about what I'm going to make."

"We haven't convinced the others about this yet, so don't get too excited," he states, in a smug voice, mocking her.

"Oh, it's going to work," she says in smug voice.

"Oh look, we're here, and watch how this doesn't work." The confidence in his voice is palpable.

The male and the female stop at a double doors, with a holographic plate on the door that reads: Director of the department for questionable projects. The male opens the door into a room. The room has a long conference table at the end with a man sitting behind it.

"Greetings my two favorite mad scientists. What outlandish project do you have for me this time?" The man greets them warmly, sitting at long end of a table.

"Modifications of a lower species children, make them war machines and conquering other universes. They will be commanders in our forces," the female states bluntly.

"Tell me more about what modification we are talking about," the director says. He sounds semi-genuine about this.

"Total body overhaul," the female responds in a toneless voice, and with a blank face.

"We plan to make them self sufficient, no need for outside help, no outside reinforcements." The man also has a toneless voice, and looks very sure of himself at the female.

"You can't do a full brain overhaul. You can add some modifications to the brain but not devices that can control them completely." The director sighs, and continues, "If you follow that rule and I will say approve the project."

"WAIT WHAT!?!!!!!?!!! HOW?!?!?" The male shouts/screams.

"Oh come on, this isn't like you. She would do it anyway even if I said no. I thought you that you knew that? Aren't you married?," the director asked in a mocking tone, and laughs.

"No, not yet." As those words were said, the female whips her head around.

"Oh is that a confession that you love me?" She pounces on the opportunity to make fun of him.

"Why did you allow this?" He quickly tries to move on.

"Multiple reasons. We're being shut down for the obvious reason that there isn't as many people who actually use your kind of ideas of experimentation of lower life forms, and other things I dare not say. There hasn't been a war of expansion for long. Let me guess the lower species are human?"

"Correct, humans are always at war with one another." "We could give them an higher purpose, for their irrelevant lives." The female takes a more serious tone.

"Hmm the children of that species would make excellent test subjects, any special categories?"

"I was thinking n—-." That's all she could say before she was cut off.

The male interjects. "Good Test subjects would be children that will abused socially, giving them more reason to end humanity or subjective it." A quiet silence took hold.

Quiet lasts for a minute until director speaks up: "Well that makes sense, it makes them doubt humanity, and the environment make a person that questions the good in each other really cynical."

"Oh, I didn't know that you are capable of those ideas. Usually I'm the one with the death and destruction suggestions."

The director grins. "That's what I like about you, play the overly concerned, the opposite of your colleague who could be all over the place, but when it comes down to it your abilities to work the problems the down effecanty."

The director sighs, stands up and says, "Ok, I will speak to head of the Universal Licensing Organization to see if this is allowed. This is not may or may work, so don't get your hopes ups." The director gets up and starts to leave. "Don't leave, this might be short." After that statement he disappears.

The male and the female stand in silence for a moment. The female turns to the male and has a wide grin, and is about to say a snarky comment. When the director reappears, and says, "Good news, your request has been granted but…"

A woman appears behind the director. "You will make the subjects into replacement for the current leader of universal expansion force." The women say in a manner of a order.

The director speaks up, again "This is Carter Jenna, head of house fate and head of the ULO." As soon the name was said both of the male and female stand at attention. They both thought that it was strange that she would appear here of all places, she was the leader of the their nation. She would have more important matters to attend to than a couple of mad scientists.

"At ease, We have your project to discuss". The two visible relaxed. Carter continues, "If the experiment is successful, you will be dead." As soon those words were said the two were visibly confused.

The male responded first, "May I ask why?" Visibly confused and concern, at the fact they will be dead if successful experiment.

Carter responded with, "The current leader of the Ather Combat Force wants to retire." She stated. "It's the belief of the leaders of the Ather Combat Force, Manufacturer conglomerates, and Laws and Logistics to try something new."

The male asks, "Why is he retiring and why all the change?"

"That is information is need to know and you don't need to know," Carter responded coldly with a stare.

"What kind of changes is the leaders suggesting?" Asked the male, tilting his head ever so slightly.

"Well we're looking at different bids, one is cloning, training a new leader and your using lower species and modifying them." She states with a monotone voice. "Others may doubt your bid for new leader, but myself with the modification that your probably thinking of will be great for a leaders or shock troops."

The female starts speaking: "Back to my soon to be husband, whoops I'm mean associate asked why do we have to die?"

Carter responds in a even voice. "Would prove that you were successful in creating subjects that can kill beings like us." Carter makes a waving motion and a pen and a sheet of paper appears. "You will be given s small multiverse for your subjects to conquer. Take your time, start with three subjects, the third subjects doesn't have to be activated right away. If they don't kill you within a requisite time frame, it is a failure and you can try again one more time." She finishes writing something done on the piece of paper. "Congratulations you can start you experiment now, BUT I expect updates every two months." She says as she had the piece of paper which turned out to be a contract. Carter get up and say good luck before leaving.

"Well, this is new and interesting, but let's get started." The male says as the two colleagues start to leave the room. The two start conversing quietly before leaving. As soon as the two left, Carter reappears.

"What do you think of their project?"

"It shows promise, but it those two so I don't know."

"I should see you if have anyone with project that seem to have promise for our nation." She disappears, leaving the director to wait for the next person to enter the room to discuss the projects.
Maybe a bad chapter but please respond for feedback.
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