A Princess Fairy Tale in the 41st Millenium (40k Narrative quest)

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A Princess Fairy Tale set in one of the cruelest of settings.
Trigger Warning: Violence, Gore and Attempted rape.

Once your life had been simple. A mindless drudgery that you once loathed. Twelve hour days. Day after day toiling away for 5 years since the age 12. Once you had dreamed that you were a secret princess or that you would join the sisterhood and become a mighty sister of battle. But life and work had slowly beaten that out of you.

[X] You had gotten lucky and your father had secured you an apprenticeship at the city Space Port that transitioned into a full mechanic job after you turned 16. (Gain Trait Basic Star Ship knowledge and Trait Basic Mechanical skill)

[X] Your first job was at a local corporate Warehouse pushing your small child feminine body to its absolute limits over and over until eventually proving you were smart and trustworthy enough to handle paperwork instead. (Gain Trait Strong Body and Trait Basic Logistical Knowledge.)

[X] You're first job was on a factory floor. It should have been a short life crawling into small dangerous places to clear jams. You were lucky to overhear several coworkers conspiring to steal from the workplace and tattled like a good girl and were promptly rewarded with less dangerous holes to dig through, some treats on the side and a new duty to spy on coworkers. This duty culminated in you being chosen as the foremans personal assistant once you grew too large to crawl into small spaces. (Gains Trait Basic Espionage Skill and Trait Basic Administrative Skill)

You're grandmother on the other hand had stubbornly held onto the beleif that you're family had once been some kind of nobility generations ago until the day she died. A fairly tale but one believed by a full grown adult. As you sit here packed with other men and women like sardines into a lightly armored bus, the smelly stained ass of a corporate soldier manning the turret top pushed into your face, you began to understand how she could hold onto such childish fantasizing. Sometimes you want to escape everything around you and pretend to be someone more important. Especially when everything around you reminds you of that day a mere couple months ago when your whole life changed.

A literal mortor shell through your window was how it happened. You had no idea how it happened. Supposedly one noble insulted another and now their various house guards and private armies were fighting each other across the whole city. For an insult you had to watch a mortar shell land in your hab houses common room. For a petty insult you had not a thing to do with you had to watch you're parent get turned into pureed meat while you remained merely lightly cut up and bruised.

Now every day you must travel to and from work packed into an even more uncomfortable transport that was a very reminder of the situation you found yourself in. As the transport came upon you're hab block and you disembarked the reminders were all more ever present. The hab watch men normally armed only with brightly colored clubs now openly carried handguns and were further reinforced by the occasional Corporate trooper.

You passed by them all with only the occasional wave and approached your unit. Except it was not yours. You're was a shattered ruin. This was the hab unit of a nice old couple a floor down who had allowed you to stay after what had happened to you. They were out as their Job ran later than yours. They likely would not be back until after you went to sleep.

Hobbies were hard to maintain with so little time especially after you had lost everything with you're unit and parents. But you had managed to save one hobby

[X] An old light gun game that has apparently been passed down in you're family for generations (Gain Trait Basic Shooting Skill)

[X] A two person Strategy board game that you use to play with you're Father a lot. Nowaday youbonly play against yourself. (Gain Trait Basic Strategic Skill)

[X] A toy sword you used to play with as a kid a lot. Every once in a while when you're alone in the unit you swing it around and pretend to be a kid again. (Gain Trait Basic Sword Skill)

After exhausting yourself mentally or physically playing around you drifted off to sleep.

To be awoken to the sound of an explosion once more going into your hab unit. You would rush out of you're room of the two room unit to find history repeating itself. The room was a mess of debris both material and human. Both you're kindly neighbors who had taken you in were dead or dying. Some kind of Mortar or rocket or something had hit the room.

[X] Upon snapping out of the horror of what you were witnessing and the flashbacks it was triggering you're first instinct was to rush over and check them over. You discover that while the woman was already dead the old man was still just barely hanging onto life. You held his hands while he died so that someone was there for him before you fled the hab unit. (Gain Trait Compassionate)

[X] After getting over the horror of the situation before you ypu quickly realized that while there was nothing you could do for their body's there was something you could do to aid their souls. You bent over the dead or dying couple and gave a robust prayer to the Emperor to ease their souls before you fled the room. (Gain Trait Faithful)

[X] After snapping out of the horrible flashback the sight before you was causing you realized that you could not afford sentimentality. The old couple may have helped you when few would and you would not forget that but you had to prioritize your own safety. You fled the hab unit immediately without a second glance. (Gain Trait Pragmatist)

After exiting your unit into the block hall a chill ran down you're spine as you realized you could hear shooting and explosives on floors both above and below you. Several others had wandered out of their units into the hall.

A burst of gunfire cut a couple of them down and others dived back into their units. You tripped as you did the same. You looked back and saw rather than a squad a single corporate soldier had climbed the stairs and gunned down you're neighbors.

The soldier began approaching you with a crazed look in his eyes. "Emperor forgive me for I am sinning" he mumbles to himself before his gaze focuses on you. "Please young lady! Help me forget the horrors around us. Together. We can forget together."

You're Body freezes in fear. He reaches down and grabs your shirt and begins trying to pull it off. You desperately will your hands to move. To push him away. But they won't.

Until a series of nearby explosions shakes you out if it and you force him back with all your Strength. You're already dirty and disheveled shirt rips and his hand clutches a piece of it. His eyes flash with anger and he raises the gun in his hand to you.

Your ears barely register the a dozen loud clangs that sounded death's march. Your nose barely noticed the sulfuric scent of the air itself burning. You're eyes did however fully register the glorious final vision of the man who assaulted you splitting horizontally in two as an angel appeared behind him.

Surely this was the Emperor granting you knowledge and surety that the man who killed you will not have a pleasant death. What else could what you saw before you be but a death vision? His angel is here to assure your soul and bring you peace before guiding your soul to the afterlife.

[X] You saw a Green angel. A brilliant emerald green armored angel. His pauldron was marked by a silhouette of a golden reptilian head of some creature. In his right hand held the flaming sword that cut the wicked man in two. In his left hand he held the still living torso of the man which he had caught before it could fall over. He flexed his Armored gauntlet and the man's torso burst into flames and began to scream before being unceremoniously dropped to the ground as the angel turned their attention to you.

[X] You saw a Blue Angel. A snowy grayish blue angel. A bright yellow pauldron bearing a canine-like animal silhouette marking it. In his right hand a glowing blue sword was held. On his left is the still living torso of the man who had assaulted you. He would violently slam the torso into the hab hall wall several times reducing the man into a mangled meat and wall pieces which was unceremoniously dropped before the angel let out a hallway shaking howl and turned their attention to you.

[X] You Saw a Red Angel. A deep crimson red. The angel wore no helmet like was so often depicted in the art. They had the most beautiful and downright angelic face you had ever seen on a man before. Of course they were no man. You were quickly reminded of this. In their right hand they held a cold steel sword that was almost certainly actually something far stronger than steel and somehow still unmarked by blood. In their left is the still living torso of the man who had assaulted you. They would bite down on the screaming dying man's throat, tearing it open and silencing his screams before holding him and the air and letting blood flow from the wound into the angel's open mouth. Once satisfied the angel dropped the corpse unceremoniously and turned their attention to you.

The Emperor's angels attention on you almost felt as if the Emperor himself was gazing upon you in judgment. Every single white lie, indulge and sin you would remember played back in your mind as the angel began to approach you. Each clang of their footfalls a ring of the bell of judgment.

To your astonishment the angel would stop before you and kneel. A voice rumbled out. "My Lady, do you have any orders?"

[X] You attempt to stand before them but your legs give out and you end up sprawled out at their feet. You wanted nothing more than to leave this place. To be done with this entire day. "Please. Just take me away from this place" You manage to mumble out before darkness takes you. (Effect ?????)

[X] You glance at the blood still covering their right hand. The blood of the man who had assaulted you. The man who was fighting alongside the men who had killed the elderly couple that took you in. The man who served the same people as the men who took your parents away. Anger fills your eyes as you crawl to you're knees and look the angel in the face. "Please make them pay for what they've done! You have to make them all pay!" You force out before darkness consumes you and you sprawl out in front of their feet. (Effect ?????)

[X] As you pull yourself up onto you're knees and gaze upon the angel you can still hear the sounds of gunfire on floors below you. Memories of your parents, of the elderly couple, of your neighbors body's still cooling on the hallway floor. You just want it to stop! You want it all to stop! "Please just make the fighting stop! I just want it to stop!" you yell before you're body gives out and darkness consumes you. (Effect ?????)

[X] The mere sight of the angel kneeling before you and uttering those words Is enough to send you into unconsciousness. Nothing but a strained croak exits you're lips as darkness consumes you. (Effect ???)

AN: Plan votes only. Name the plan what you want to name the player character. First name only. Female names preferably. On this planet commoners don't get last names. You'll get one later trust me.
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[X] Shiva
-[X] You had gotten lucky and your father had secured you an apprenticeship at the city Space Port that transitioned into a full mechanic job after you turned 16. (Gain Trait Basic Star Ship knowledge and Trait Basic Mechanical skill)
-[X] A toy sword you used to play with as a kid a lot. Every once in a while when you're alone in the unit you swing it around and pretend to be a kid again. (Gain Trait Basic Sword Skill)
-[X] After snapping out of the horrible flashback the sight before you was causing you realized that you could not afford sentimentality. The old couple may have helped you when few would and you would not forget that but you had to prioritize your own safety. You fled the hab unit immediately without a second glance. (Gain Trait Pragmatist)
-[X] You saw a Blue Angel. A snowy grayish blue angel. A bright yellow pauldron bearing a canine-like animal silhouette marking it. In his right hand a glowing blue sword was held. On his left is the still living torso of the man who had assaulted you. He would violently slam the torso into the hab hall wall several times reducing the man into a mangled meat and wall pieces which was unceremoniously dropped before the angel let out a hallway shaking howl and turned their attention to you.
-[X] You attempt to stand before them but your legs give out and you end up sprawled out at their feet. You wanted nothing more than to leave this place. To be done with this entire day. "Please. Just take me away from this place" You manage to mumble out before darkness takes you. (Effect ?????
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[X] Shiva
-[X] You had gotten lucky and your father had secured you an apprenticeship at the city Space Port that transitioned into a full mechanic job after you turned 16. (Gain Trait Basic Star Ship knowledge and Trait Basic Mechanical skill)
-[X] A toy sword you used to play with as a kid a lot. Every once in a while when you're alone in the unit you swing it around and pretend to be a kid again. (Gain Trait Basic Sword Skill)
-[X] After snapping out of the horrible flashback the sight before you was causing you realized that you could not afford sentimentality. The old couple may have helped you when few would and you would not forget that but you had to prioritize your own safety. You fled the hab unit immediately without a second glance. (Gain Trait Pragmatist)
-[X] You saw a Blue Angel. A snowy grayish blue angel. A bright yellow pauldron bearing a canine-like animal silhouette marking it. In his right hand a glowing blue sword was held. On his left is the still living torso of the man who had assaulted you. He would violently slam the torso into the hab hall wall several times reducing the man into a mangled meat and wall pieces which was unceremoniously dropped before the angel let out a hallway shaking howl and turned their attention to you.
-[X] You attempt to stand before them but your legs give out and you end up sprawled out at their feet. You wanted nothing more than to leave this place. To be done with this entire day. "Please. Just take me away from this place" You manage to mumble out before darkness takes you. (Effect ?????
[X]Plan: Tyrava
-[X] You're first job was on a factory floor. It should have been a short life crawling into small dangerous places to clear jams. You were lucky to overhear several coworkers conspiring to steal from the workplace and tattled like a good girl and were promptly rewarded with less dangerous holes to dig through, some treats on the side and a new duty to spy on coworkers. This duty culminated in you being chosen as the foremans personal assistant once you grew too large to crawl into small spaces. (Gains Trait Basic Espionage Skill and Trait Basic Administrative Skill)
-[X] A two person Strategy board game that you use to play with you're Father a lot. Nowaday youbonly play against yourself. (Gain Trait Basic Strategic Skill)
-[X] Upon snapping out of the horror of what you were witnessing and the flashbacks it was triggering you're first instinct was to rush over and check them over. You discover that while the woman was already dead the old man was still just barely hanging onto life. You held his hands while he died so that someone was there for him before you fled the hab unit. (Gain Trait Compassionate)
-[X] You Saw a Red Angel. A deep crimson red. The angel wore no helmet like was so often depicted in the art. They had the most beautiful and downright angelic face you had ever seen on a man before. Of course they were no man. You were quickly reminded of this. In their right hand they held a cold steel sword that was almost certainly actually something far stronger than steel and somehow still unmarked by blood. In their left is the still living torso of the man who had assaulted you. They would bite down on the screaming dying man's throat, tearing it open and silencing his screams before holding him and the air and letting blood flow from the wound into the angel's open mouth. Once satisfied the angel dropped the corpse unceremoniously and turned their attention to you.
-[X] As you pull yourself up onto you're knees and gaze upon the angel you can still hear the sounds of gunfire on floors below you. Memories of your parents, of the elderly couple, of your neighbors body's still cooling on the hallway floor. You just want it to stop! You want it all to stop! "Please just make the fighting stop! I just want it to stop!" you yell before you're body gives out and darkness consumes you. (Effect ?????)

[X] Marian
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[X] Marian
-[X] Your first job was on a factory floor.
-[X] A two person Strategy board game that you use to play with you're Father a lot.
-[X] You held his hands while he died so that someone was there for him before you fled the hab unit.
-[X] You saw a Green angel.
-[X] "Please just make the fighting stop! I just want it to stop!"
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[X] Marian
-[X] Your first job was on a factory floor.
-[X] A two person Strategy board game that you use to play with you're Father a lot.
-[X] You held his hands while he died so that someone was there for him before you fled the hab unit.
-[X] You saw a Green angel.
-[X] "Please just make the fighting stop! I just want it to stop!"
[X] Marian
-[X] Your first job was on a factory floor.
-[X] A two person Strategy board game that you use to play with you're Father a lot.
-[X] You held his hands while he died so that someone was there for him before you fled the hab unit.
-[X] You saw a Green angel.
-[X] "Please just make the fighting stop! I just want it to stop!"