Name: Maria
Titles: Lady Maria Of the Astral Clocktower
Gender: Female
Height: 7 ft
Weight: ???
Age: ???
- The Rakuyo - Trick Weapon that starts as a double-bladed sword, but the hilt can be split off to become a dagger for duel wielding. The user requires a lot of skill to use it. It is Lady Maria's personal weapon, though she discarded it when she "could no longer stomach using it".
- Evelyn - A special pistol used by the Cainhurst Vileblood Knights. It uses the power of their cursed blood to empower it's bullets. It fires Quicksilver rounds that don't do much damage, but are perfect for catching a foe off balance. Can't be used when Vileblood Lineage is active.
- Personal Hunter Clothes - Clothes specifically created by and for Lady Maria. Like many hunter outfits, it is light and focuses on giving the wearer speed and agility rather than blunt defense.
- 14 Blood Vials
- Hand Lantern
- The Hunter's Mark
- 20 Quicksilver Bullets (May add 5 more by injuring yourself to a max of 10)
Special Traits/Abilities (Combat/Normal):
- Vileblood Lineage - May coat your weapons in your own cursed blood to empower them. Increases Range, Damage, and Speed of attacks. May further empower them to increase Range and Damage even further, and set the weapons ablaze dealing Fire Damage. Each use causes damage to user, increasing with each empower.
However, due to Maria's intense hatred of her lineage, she will not use this ability willingly. She will only be open to using it when she either has no choice, is brought down to the wire, or must defend something with all her might.
- Old Hunter - As one of the Old Hunters, you know the Art of Quickening and may disappear from sight for a few moments to disorient your foes. It only last for a short distance, however.
- Poison Resistance (Max) - You have an innate resistance to poison of any kind. Poison either has a lesser effect on you, or is completely ineffectual in lesser amounts. In Lady Maria's case, almost all poison's are ineffectual against her.
Special Abilities/Traits (Non-Combat):
- Blood Sight - As one of the oldest Hunters and a distance Vileblood relative, you can "see" the quality of others blood. This does not go beyond surface level for the most part. Without a sample of the target's blood, you can only tell their immediate health and whether they have some minor ailment (Common Cold, small Infection, etc). You will require a sample of someone's blood and time to examine it to be sure.
- Beast Sense - As a Hunter, you and Beast are drawn to each other. Whether you are aware it or not. If a Beast is near, or something/someone has been infected with the Beast Plague, you will know immediately.