A new home for us... (a repost from SB.com)

Now wich one do you choose ??

  • Star Trek

    Votes: 16 55.2%
  • Star Wars

    Votes: 6 20.7%
  • Halo

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Warhammer 40k

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Macross/Robotech

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Marvel

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • DC

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Anime-verse

    Votes: 7 24.1%
  • Your selection: just name it

    Votes: 5 17.2%

  • Total voters
Let´s just say in the very near future a catastrophy happen (enviromental, chemical accident, just let you imagination flow) and our Earth will become uninhabitable and everything dies painfully within a few years.
Now ROB/Q/ASB/Hyperadvanced Alien Race/Whatever sees this and has mercy with us. We will be offered a new home in one of Universes we´ve created (i will come to the details a little later)
We will be given a Solar System with 60+ Planets/Moons (basically Firefly Solar System plus Cyrannus System) plus we will recieve some upgrades:
New Bodies: Mental Model/Infomorph(aka. Capsuleer) Hybrids
Spaceships and Stuff: Everything Eve Online but vastly improved (Impulse Engines (up to 90 PSL), improved Firepower, Weapons Range is now 1 AU, a Supcom style Energy-to-Matter converter system, 2 FTL Systems (an improved EVE Warp drive with 50 AU/s, an NBSG Jumpdrive with no cooldown))
1 Planet per Continet: Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia gets 1 ready made Planet (including Planetary Infrastructur aka. Cities) to settle, the others are terraformed but have to be colonised.

Now for our new possible Home Universe

Star Trek: Based on the Edge of the Gamma Quadrant to the Alpha Quadrant, hidden inside a very large nebula.
Star Wars: Based in Unknown Regions, also hidden inside a very large nebula
Halo: Based in the Sagitarius Arm, also hidden inside a very large nebula.
Warhammer 40k: Based in the eastern Edge of the Galaxy far away from any imperial or xeno Empire, also hidden inside a very large nebula
Macross/Robotech: Random Position in an not explored Region.
Anime-verse: Anime-verse of your choice
Marvel: Random Position in an uncontestet Region
DC: same as above
Your selection: just name it.

And now, as the representative for Humanity, wich one do you choose ??
If I had to choose, and I thought there was a real chance of peaceful relations? Most likely the same 'verse as the culture. If I didn't think there was a good chance of peaceful relations? Maybe the Lost Fleet universe or Stargate.
If I had to choose, and I thought there was a real chance of peaceful relations? Most likely the same 'verse as the culture. If I didn't think there was a good chance of peaceful relations? Maybe the Lost Fleet universe or Stargate.

IIRC, the guys and gals from the Stargate-verse didn´t react quite well to a Nano-Machine Based Race.. *coughAsuranscough*
BTW, what is the Lost Fleet Universe ??
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IIRC, the guys and gals from the Stargate-verse didn´t react quite well to a Nano-Machine Based Race.. *coughAsuranscough*
BTW, what is the Lost Fleet Universe ??
After the replicators? Of course not, there's good precedent for them to not be trusting of them. Though that is just precedent.

And Lost Fleet is a hard scifi series of books that follow a large fleet of ships cut off and far away from home being lead by a legendary leader to their...group or government, I guess, who is forced to live up to his legend in some form or another when he's not even close to that. All while trying to get his people home and maybe even win a war that's been going on for about a century. Also there are aliens that show up later. Some friendly, some omnicidal, some spies.
And Lost Fleet is a hard scifi series of books that follow a large fleet of ships cut off and far away from home being lead by a legendary leader to their...group or government, I guess, who is forced to live up to his legend in some form or another when he's not even close to that. All while trying to get his people home and maybe even win a war that's been going on for about a century. Also there are aliens that show up later. Some friendly, some omnicidal, some spies.

Ahh, i see, thanks for the info.
I realised that this thread belongs into a different subforum, could a friendly Mod either close this, so i can repoen it in the correct subforum ???

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Let´s just say in the very near future a catastrophy happen (enviromental, chemical accident, just let you imagination flow) and our Earth will become uninhabitable and everything dies painfully within a few years.
Now ROB/Q/ASB/Hyperadvanced Alien Race/Whatever sees this and has mercy with us. We will be offered a new home in one of Universes we´ve created (i will come to the details a little later)
We will be given a Solar System with 60+ Planets/Moons (basically Firefly Solar System plus Cyrannus System) plus we will recieve some upgrades:
New Bodies: Mental Model/Infomorph(aka. Capsuleer) Hybrids
Spaceships and Stuff: Everything Eve Online but vastly improved (Impulse Engines (up to 90 PSL), improved Firepower, Weapons Range is now 1 AU, a Supcom style Energy-to-Matter converter system, 2 FTL Systems (an improved EVE Warp drive with 50 AU/s, an NBSG Jumpdrive with no cooldown))
1 Planet per Continet: Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia gets 1 ready made Planet (including Planetary Infrastructur aka. Cities) to settle, the others are terraformed but have to be colonised.

Now for our new possible Home Universe

Star Trek: Based on the Edge of the Gamma Quadrant to the Alpha Quadrant, hidden inside a very large nebula.
Star Wars: Based in Unknown Regions, also hidden inside a very large nebula
Halo: Based in the Sagitarius Arm, also hidden inside a very large nebula.
Warhammer 40k: Based in the eastern Edge of the Galaxy far away from any imperial or xeno Empire, also hidden inside a very large nebula
Macross/Robotech: Random Position in an not explored Region.
Anime-verse: Anime-verse of your choice
Marvel: Random Position in an uncontestet Region
DC: same as above
Your selection: just name it.

And now, as the representative for Humanity, wich one do you choose ??

you really like the idea of being hidden inside a nebula, don't you?
you really like the idea of being hidden inside a nebula, don't you?

Well it reduces the chance, that if a enemy forces discovers us after we´ve just arrived, destroys us.
In all those universes there are intelligent races who are highly territorial and don´t really like intruders. Without the nebula the chances are pretty high that we´re been either enslaved or destroyed, if we should come across such a race. So the chances of our survival increases with a nebula, don´t you think ? Many Races would think: hmm, just a regular nebular, nothing special, maybe a sample of the gasses and we move on.
There is Battletech, because come on, we can do fucking better than the usual leaders in that universe...

There is so many others too, just have to go find them after I sleep...
Your selection: just name it.

Hm, putting us in the Skolian universe would be interesting... well, as long as we were near Earth or the Skolians. The tech given is enough to trade for Skolian tech, and 60 worlds is enough to help tip the balance of power the right way a little, I think.

Grand Central Arena's fun. It kinda nullifies the benefits of having multiple FTL drives (all FTL drives go the same place), but there'd be a ton of species to trade with right off the bat.
Hm, putting us in the Skolian universe would be interesting... well, as long as we were near Earth or the Skolians. The tech given is enough to trade for Skolian tech, and 60 worlds is enough to help tip the balance of power the right way a little, I think.

Grand Central Arena's fun. It kinda nullifies the benefits of having multiple FTL drives (all FTL drives go the same place), but there'd be a ton of species to trade with right off the bat.

TBH, i really don´t know this Skolian verse, so can´t say how they are gonna react to a non-biological semi-immortal Race of Machines in Human form, made out of very advanced Nanomachines.
TBH, i really don´t know this Skolian verse, so can´t say how they are gonna react to a non-biological semi-immortal Race of Machines in Human form, made out of very advanced Nanomachines.

They will be impressed with the immortality and want it, probably.

They have fairly high tech cybernetics themselves (though some find it unnatural, there are people who are heavily cyborged), and life extension is currently good, but new enough that they don't actually *know* their max life span. The oldest person is 200 some, but medical technology has improved since her youth.

Hm... though scratch the Grand Central Arena one. It's not a good place for non-biologics.
They will be impressed with the immortality and want it, probably.

Ok, here are some informations about our new Bodies and the abilites:
We are a non-biological semi-immortal Race of Machines in Human form, made out of very advanced Nanomachines, whos members are strong enough to rip easily a MBT (or bigger) with their bare hands apart, can survive in Hard Vacuum, can take ridiculously amount of punishment, produces forcefields that can be used for offence and defense and other uses (walking on thin air or water, creating platforms to sit or walk on), can create physical objects with those nanomachines, the ability to modify our appearance, equiped with mental power that rival great quantum computers, and with the agressive mindset that of the late 20th century. And in the unlikely case of our destruction we just jump/download into a new Nanomachine-Contruct. We control our Technology (Ships, Weapons etc.) just with our mind. Oh, i forgot to mention that we can communicate with each other vocal-less (think sort of wi-fi) and we have acces to a sort of virtual reality world.

The secret to our advanced Nanomachines is a extremely highly guarded and cannot be traded, but we could trade with them pretty advanced medical Nanomachines, who can repair virtual any damage (even a ripped of head, crushed into paste body etc...)

Hm... though scratch the Grand Central Arena one. It's not a good place for non-biologics.

Care to explain why it´s not a good place ?
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Yea, that'd be very valuable tech to the Skolian verse. Physically that's much more impressive than their cyborgs (though gun-wise, Skolian jubblers are rather strong and could still take 'em down).

Care to explain why it´s not a good place ?

Non-biological intelligences doesn't work in the Arena, they'd just fall over inert til removed. All FTL goes through the Arena. You can see the problem.
Yea, that'd be very valuable tech to the Skolian verse.
Thought so...

Physically that's much more impressive than their cyborgs (though gun-wise, Skolian jubblers are rather strong and could still take 'em down).
I don´t know what sort of weapons they use but here is some info about the weapons we can use, see here and here.
In case we have no other choice we can call down an orbital strike.

Non-biological intelligences doesn't work in the Arena, they'd just fall over inert til removed. All FTL goes through the Arena. You can see the problem.
I see...
Is this some sort of EMP´ed area ??
I don´t know what sort of weapons they use

Jubblers shoot small amounts of anti-particles. Anti-matter tends to work on most things!

Skolia's pretty strong in space too, lots of high relativistic maneuvering, some ftl short jumps, and a form of stasis as defense (which sufficient impact can overwhelm, but a lot of their weapons are anti-matter, so it's pretty nice).

I see...
Is this some sort of EMP´ed area ??

More 'super-advanced equipment alter space to decide what can and can't work.'

Like, for example, in one's own territory of the Arena, nanites can work (though lack of AI control and higher levels of automation limit them), but in the common areas, nanites stop working... when separate from someone's body. So medical nanos would work, but nano construction not. Programs work just fine until they reach a certain level of intelligence, then just... stop.

The technology that pervades the place and sets the rules is... mind-bogglingly advanced.
Well it reduces the chance, that if a enemy forces discovers us after we´ve just arrived, destroys us.
In all those universes there are intelligent races who are highly territorial and don´t really like intruders. Without the nebula the chances are pretty high that we´re been either enslaved or destroyed, if we should come across such a race. So the chances of our survival increases with a nebula, don´t you think ? Many Races would think: hmm, just a regular nebular, nothing special, maybe a sample of the gasses and we move on.
It was a joke, but now you mention it, that *could* be a good place to hide. on the other hand, certain raced could have realised that a nebula was in fact the perfect place to hide, and would search them when they came across them...
It was a joke, but now you mention it, that *could* be a good place to hide. on the other hand, certain raced could have realised that a nebula was in fact the perfect place to hide, and would search them when they came across them...

I´m sorry, sometimes i´m having hard times to realise a Joke or Sarcasm in English (German is my native language).
If we were to pick Star Trek, what era would we be in? ENT, TOS, or TNG/DS9?
The culture obviously.

There is no reason to pick anything else.