A Mother's New Fate (Dragon Ball Z X Fate: Grand Order)

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For the world in which she was born; her life, dreams and name would be forgotten in history; only barely remembered because of who she gave birth.

But under the premise, that there are infinite numbers of constants and variables influencing the flow of reality, there is one where a certain woman's fate doesn't end when it was supposed to.

But fate, won't allow this story to carry on in this world. Instead, she will find herself in a place and time that weren't supposed to exist at all.

And there, the story of Gine, the mother of Goku, will continue.
Chapter 0: Lifes that defy Fate
La Serena, Chile
For the last 3000 years, the world has been covered in an eternal winter. The oceans and seas are covered in ice, while the lands are so by a blanket of snow. And in most places, there are blue flames that never spread but also never end.

Life continues to exist in this world, either by living where snow and ice can't reach, or in specially created safe heavens in which life can bloom. It is in those places where the last human villages exist to this day, for beyond their walls they wouldn't survive. Either by the lack of resources, or being hunted down by the likes of Giants and Ice Beasts.

In any case, humanity continues survival is all thanks to the last Scandinavian Goddess; Scathách-Skadi. The Queen of Ice and Snow, the Mother of Humans and Giants, and the King of this Lostbelt. But, despite her absolute power over the land, she was limited by the powers granted to her in her birth, and the flames that threaten to burn everything that exists.

That's why she needed the help of the last Valyries to create the villages, and from them, she would create lesser replicas called Envoys to enforce her authority and keep the dangerous Giants on check. And as the last of her kind, she was forced to accomplish all of this right after Ragnarök, the war that was supposed to pave the path to humanities grow beyond the God's rule, went absolutely wrong and threaten to destroy all existence.

But at least, after the first chaotic centuries, her job was completed. And the world was finally at peace. One that has lasted for three millenniums, without an end in sight. For as long Skadi lives, humanity will live on.

Nurtured, protected, loved by her. For she is the mother of all living beings.

And during all this time, the status quo created by her has not changed, and that it was good.

But in her heart, she always knew a horrible truth. A truth she would always reject, ready to fight to the bitter end for the sake of preserving everything she knew and love.

That her world, her history, her very life, weren't supposed to ever exist.


"Current date under the Gregorian calendar: November 21, 1998"

As the eternal winter continued outside the palace walls, Scathách-Skadi, the Goddess of this Land, "slept" in her throne made of ice.

To say she was sleeping would be inaccurate. While she dreamed of the world that once was, she could see and feel everything that happened across the world, for the all snow and ice was magically connected to her.

From the layer of ice that covered all the oceans, to the smallest snowflake being carried away by a gentle breeze.

Has there been anyone in the throne room alongside her, they would see the most beautiful and royal individual. She wore a purple fur lined gown, leggings of a similar color, and wearing a small crown. And if she were to open her eyes, they would see the red eyes filled with wisdom and tenderness, if a bit cold and distant.

But for now, the last goddess and queen rest, knowing nothing significant has happened in the last months, nor anything particular should happen in the near future. For the world is an extension of her physical being.

But then, she frowned, for she felt when something just passed the upper clouds. And while small meteors have crossed the sky many times in the past, this one doesn't feel natural.

At that moment, Skadi opened her eyes and walked to the balcony that was connected to the throne room. Opening the door, she barely paid attention to the beautiful and never-ending sight that was her domain. Instead, she looked up to the skies, knowing exactly where the object was going to appear.

And then, it broke through the lower clouds.

From where she was standing, Skadi could see the object was spherical, with a metallic shell and what looked like a circle made of red glass. Soon, the mysterious object crashed deep into the forest west of her castle, with the sound of it impacting the ground reaching her ears a few seconds later.

"A mysterious object falling from the heavens...must be some kind of sign from Almighty Father" Skadi murmured to herself.

Deciding to investigate the crash site immediately and personally, she contacts mentally her Envoys, ordering them to surround the area of the crash and recover anything that looks out of place.

Using a spell to cross large distances quickly, Skadi is surrounded by a men-size snow storm. Soon, her figures disappears and becomes one with the snow, flying with the wind to reach her destination.

Less than 3 minutes after the crash, Skadi materializes near the new crater, finding both a familiar sight, and something that shocks her to her core.

In front of her, a pack of four Ice Beasts lay dead, with signs of blunt damage being the cause of their death. Around the corps, she counts two other packs of Ice Beasts and three Giants. All of them surrounding a figure that is laying on the snow.

Knowing that she needed to act quickly to find out what or who that being was before it was mauled by the creatures, she unleashes a fraction of her Divine Authority, and gives a simple command:

"Stop. Leave" Soon, all the Ice Beasts run off, followed by the slower Giants. Not even looking back at the being, they were ready to attack a moment ago.

While approaching the figure, some Envoys arrive to the scene. Skadi instructs them to look into the crater and recover whatever is in it. Naturally, they comply.

While they are busy with that, Skadi reaches the mysterious figure. They are face down, with what looked like a strange set of pink armor. Their black hair was long and wild. But what truly caught Skadi's attention is two things: This figure is clearly humanoid. In fact, pretty much Human-like, with just one important difference, the presence of a tail.

Using her wand to analyze the figure without touching them; she finds nothing that could be considered dangerous, nonexistent magical resistance to her magecraft, and that they are certainly alive, if very weak.

Deciding that what, no, whoever they are, are not in condition to be a threat to her person, turns them around to have a better look.

Right away, her facial structure and the presence of mammals on her chest marked her as a female. If she didn't know better already, she could be confused as a human female. Thanks to having direct contact with her, Skadi realized how supernaturally identical her body was to a human's, with the tail being the only anatomical difference.

Besides all of that, Skadi realized that this woman was in a terrible shape, with signs of malnutrition and fatigue. Clearly, something went wrong with her.

Now, as the Ruler of this world, it is her responsibility to ensure life's continuous survival. But, ever since the end of Ragnarök, nothing has ever appeared that could pose a threat to her charges or herself, but now...

"Could this woman be a threat to my children? Her body and armor would indicate she is at least a soldier." Thought Skadi while watching the face of the mysterious woman.

"Maybe she was sent to invade my land, or maybe she is a scout to learn about my defenses and weaknesses" For a moment, Skadi toyed with the idea of summoning a spear and thrust it through this woman heart.

"And yet, maybe she is here by accident, or she was trying to escape from something. Oh Almighty Father, please give me a sign to understand your will" Once again, her thoughts are left unanswered. But after seeing how weak and vulnerable this woman is, Skadi couldn't help but feel pity for her, and the desire to take care of her.

"Uff. I hope I'm doing the right call" Says Skadi while lifting this woman off the ground. "At least I'm sure I can keep you under control with my magecraft"

At the same moment, the envoys sent to the crater rose up.

"My Goddess, with have all the pieces left of the strange contraption. What would you have us do with them" Says the envoy with their natural emotionless voice.

"Good job, my child. Bring everything back to the palace. There I will proceed to investigate the remains and figure out everything I need to know from them" Skadi says to the envoy, who only nods in acceptance.

Right away, all the envoys fly to the castle, carrying the strange remains of whatever crashed into their world.

"Guess you will be under my care for the foreseeable future." Says Skadi while looking at this woman face, who became at ease within her arms.

Smiling, and using her cape to cover the woman. "I can't sense any ill intent from you, nor I would be able to forgive myself if I left you here"

Activating her fast-travel spell, Skadi says one last thing to the woman she carries, "I'm looking forward to meeting you well". And after thinking for a moment, she made a decision that would change the future.

"My daughter" And in the next moment, both women are gone with the wind.

A/N: Hello to all readers who reached this point. This is an idea I have been thinking a lot about for the last months, so I decided to finally publish it to test the reception and feedback. This is the second story I have ever worked on, omakes not counting, so most likely it will be notice that English isn't my maternal language.

In any case, all reviews all highly appreciated. And while short, I hope you enjoy the prologue.
Finally, just letting you all know that this work is on its "childhood", and alongside me being a very new writer, updates will be slow.