Earth Bet is a terrible place, full of tragedy, false heroes, larger than life villains, and very little hope. Maybe, just maybe, you can be the kind of hero that this world really needs. But first, what kind of hero are you, exactly?
[X] An ordinary person who has just had enough.
+No shackles to hold you down.
-No chains to drag you forwards.
You can make a difference because you
-[X] Were in the wrong place at the right time.
-[X] Have deep pockets.
[X] The survivor of a terrible tragedy.
+The niftiest of consolation prizes.
-Trapped in a cycle of conflict
Your approach to heroism is to fight evil
-[X] Head on.
-[X] When you're paid to.
-[X] Wherever you find it.
[X] Experimental escapee.
+Better, stronger, faster.
-Alpha release bugs.
The memory that drives you is
-[X] Childish laughter.
-[X] Steep walls.
-[X] Nothing, actually.