A Light In The Dark (Worm/Deeds Not Words)

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Earth Bet is a terrible place, full of tragedy, false heroes, larger than life villains, and...

Bailey Matutine

(Verified Pooka)
Pelican Town
Earth Bet is a terrible place, full of tragedy, false heroes, larger than life villains, and very little hope. Maybe, just maybe, you can be the kind of hero that this world really needs. But first, what kind of hero are you, exactly?

[X] An ordinary person who has just had enough.
+No shackles to hold you down.
-No chains to drag you forwards.
You can make a difference because you
-[X] Were in the wrong place at the right time.
-[X] Have deep pockets.

[X] The survivor of a terrible tragedy.
+The niftiest of consolation prizes.
-Trapped in a cycle of conflict
Your approach to heroism is to fight evil
-[X] Head on.
-[X] When you're paid to.
-[X] Wherever you find it.

[X] Experimental escapee.
+Better, stronger, faster.
-Alpha release bugs.
The memory that drives you is
-[X] Childish laughter.
-[X] Steep walls.
-[X] Nothing, actually.
Character Sheet
Francis Nathaniel Stein
Civilian Name: Francis Nathaniel Stein
Cape Name:
Race: Human
Origin: Experiment
Class: Adventurer
Fame: 2 Reputation: -5

(STR)ength: 18
(DEX)terity: 15
(CON)stitution: 16
(INT)elligence: 12
(WIS)dom: 10
(CHA)risma: 8
HP: 80/80 PP 70/70 HERO: 1
Fort: 10 = 3+5+2
Will: 7= 0+5+2
Reflex: 9 = 2+5+2
AC: 21 = 10+2+5+1+1+2
DR: 1 BDR: 1
Move: 30
Initiative: 4 = 2+2
BAB: +7/+2 Melee: +11/+6 Ranged: +9/+4
Lasting Shame- They know
Nemesis: Villain- She's coming
Bizarre Area Effect- Why is it so cold?
Ostracism- What is that thing?
Quirky Systems- That was an error
Powers and Feats
1: Dodge
3: Alertness
5: Combat Reflexes
7: Improved Unarmed Strike
7B: Defensive Awareness
9: Dirty Fighting

Light Armor, Medium Armor, Trauma Weapons, Handguns, Rifles, Thrown Weapons, Improvised Weapons, Edged Weapons

Life Drain- Steal HP on a touch
Energy Absorption- Regain energy from energy attacks
Entropic Touch- Dissolve touched objects
ECM Suite- Jam communications
Cybernetic Eyes- ROBOT EYES
Data Core- Store data
Internal Communications Suite- I'd like to place a call
Class Abilities
Fabled Luck- Make any three rolls more lucky
Instincts- Better Saves
Field Experience- More Skills
Jack-of-All-Trades- Roll trained only skills without training, cause a disaster on a mishap
Lucky Trenchcoat- Draw upon trenchcoat's luck for a bonus to a roll
Evasion- Get out of the way
Extra-Lucky Trenchcoat- Trenchcoat is more lucky
Will to Live- Resist instant death
Power Skills:
Life Drain (CON) 16 = 3+13
Entropic Touch (CON) 16 = 3+13

Class Skills:
Bluff (CHA)
Climb (STR)
Craft/Repair <Tailoring> (INT) 14 = 1+13
Computers (INT) 14 = 1+13
Drive/Pilot <Car> (WIS) 2 = 0+2
First Aid (INT)
Gambling (WIS)
Gather Information (CHA)
Knowledge <Business/Finance> (INT) 14 = 1+13
Knowledge <Fashion/Culture> (INT) 14 = 1+13
Listen (WIS) 8 = 0+46+2
Move Silently (DEX)
Profession (INT)
Ride (DEX)
Search (INT)
Spot (WIS) 8 = 0+46+2
Streetwise (WIS)
Sportcraft (DEX) 6 = 3+3 Roller Blading, Bicycling, SCUBA Diving
Swim (STR)
Wilderness Lore (WIS)

Other Skills:
Animal Empathy (CHA)
Appraise (INT)
Balance (DEX)
Command (CHA)
Computers (INT) 7 = 1+13/2
Concealment (WIS)
Concentration (CON)
Demolitions (INT)
Diplomacy (CHA)
Disguise (CHA)
Escape Artist (DEX)
Forgery (INT)
Handle Animal (CHA)
Hide (DEX)
Innuendo (WIS)
Interrogation (INT)
Intimidate (CHA)
Jump (STR)Defeat Security (INT)
Perform (CHA)
Pick Pocket (DEX)
Read Lips (INT)
Sense Motive (WIS)
Shadowing (WIS)
Tumble (DEX)
Use Rope (DEX)
Resources: 10
Leather Trenchcoat
Biometric data on your own trigger event
No Shoes
Jacqueline Norris
Civilian Name: Jacqueline Norris
Cape Name:
Race: Human
Origin: Baseline
Class: Champion
Fame: ? Reputation: ?

(STR)ength: ??
(DEX)terity: ??
(CON)stitution: ??
(INT)elligence: ??
(WIS)dom: ??
(CHA)risma: ??
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