Vote tally - A Light from the Shadow (Tolkien CKII)

Adhoc vote count started by ganonso on Nov 2, 2018 at 4:57 AM, finished with 2121 posts and 5 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
A Light from the Shadow (Tolkien CKII)
Post #1
Post #2121


  • [X] Songs of Power: By music the world was made and by music is it changed into something other. This is the first rule of magic, be it fair or foul. In that way all the lore of the Orcs is to be forgotten for they ever learned only the Discord. Yet a love of beauty has been reawakened in them and with it a taste for what could be potent healing lore. Their old discordant melodies, once brought to harmony could serve for healing. It is simply a matter of changing the source of the power and of course to work how to make them resound with the wider Music of the World.
    [X] Ring of Durin (Special): You've learned by Galadriel of the existence of the Rings of Power and the terrible strength they possess. One of these infernal contraption is in your reach, to the finger of Thrain in truth. You learned that Dwarves seem to be more resistant to the corruption than the other races but you are still eager to learn of the secrets of this artifact. In your experience, nothing created by Sauron is without danger or aftereffects and these rings seem to be no exception. You would also learn about their workings to better destroy the One if it came into your reach. [Try to study Durin's Ring]
    [X] Mourner's Delight : Of Nienna that led you to redemption and brought your light out of darkness, it is said she mourns for all and offers compassion for all. Rarely was she worshipped even by the Eldar for they dared not invoke she who is Mercy in their wars against the creatures of the reign of Melkor. Yet Nienna is no stranger to penance and demands redemption be sincere. Her worship would definitively turns your charges and yourself into defenders of the weak, which while having no consequences for the moment would mean new duties as you gain in power and understanding.
    [X] The Warriors of Heaven: Orome and Tulkas are the warriors of Arda and Nessa the wife of Tulkas is no less fierce than them Orome is the mighty hunter who teach both the respect of the prey and the art of the chase, while Tulkas is the warrior that defend the weak and laugh while in battle. If you want to make your flock warrior for the light, these three are perhaps the most appropriate to teach them about. Unfortunately teaching both violence and the need to restraint is very difficult and could perhaps backfire. Yet war is a part of Arda Marred and none should ignore those who weave it in the Music.
    [X] Blasting Powder: In your dreams you see a strange mixture of minerals you could use to create miracles. A powder that could be used to blast obstacles, destroy walls and break mountains. The potential for such an invention are unlimited but must be reined by concern for the Music. While an explosive could be useful and is born from the natural world it must be used with precaution. Indeed, while your dreams will help you to identify the elements needed you have no idea of the exact proportions of the mélange and his efficiency. Well Eru didn't forbid experimentation in the possibilities of the Music. Not this kind anyway. [Develop black powder]
    [X] Lady of Healing: Of Este, it is said she's the source of all healing and that the waters of her spring lifts all disease and all pain from those who drink it. She's the mistress of all these plants and poultices used against wounds and every spell used against plague. Aren't the Orcs sick, for the poison of Morgoth runs through their veins, twisting their countenance and ravaging their bodies with pain. Not only your worship of Lorien's spouse would enhance knowledge of the mundane healing arts, it will also turn your new society to the path of healing pain rather than causing it
    [X] Sights from Afar: To one who hear the Music of the universe, sight needs not to be impeded by stone or metal. In addition to the Palantiri of Féanor you understand that many of the good people of Arda were able to see things coming from afar. This is a skill you can teach. By teaching your charges to imitate the song of Irmo lord of Dreams and visions are difficult to decipher but even Orcs have reason and thus are able to understand what they see and hear. You hope such arts will enable them to perceive evil before it raises its head.
    [X] Tapestry of Fate: Vaïre and her handmaidens weave a tapestry depicting the history of all that transpired in Arda. Such weavings are no mere works of beauty for Vaïre sang the memory of the past into being. It can seem strange that works of thanks for her would be such tapestries but something tells you it would honor her and sate a little of your charges' new appetite for beauty. Also you wonder what secrets will be thus revealed. Yes Orcs know of their history only legends and feats who are not worthy of glory, yet Elves have assured you that in acts of devotion, the hands of the Valar sometimes act through the mind of the celebrant.