The Gore Host
Among those that know of its existence, few names inspire as much horror and terror as that of the Gore Host. Some where created on purpose, others the brutalized and insane remnants of Goretides brutal rampages that he ignored in favor of prey closer at hand to be slaughtered. But, when the more intelligent members of the host an gather these shattered and insane remnants, they form a plague on nearby star systems that spread and kill, hoping to ignite another visit by their lord and master in the pursuit of every greater atrocities and carnage.
Some are under the impression that they can be hired, as mercenary as other Jotun factions or warbands. But members of this host do not accept credits or resources. The only payment these crazed figures demand is blood. They demand that they are thrown into the bloodiest fighting and where the blood will flow. The price of their service is carnage and atrocity with staggering and appalling collateral damage that has all too often ended with Goretide manifesting an Avatar and the worlds to be conquered torn apart.
They are the eaters of worlds, the ravagers of civilizations and the baying hounds of the Blood God sitting on his throne of skulls.
The most common member of a Gore Host is the Goreghoul, a creature that bears an uncanny resemblance to a rakghoul. This is no coincidence, as the Goretide is one of the few living creatures remaining in the galaxy that can call himself an acolyte of Karness Muur. While not taken an an exact apprentice by his master, Goretide was able to learn enough secrets to create his own variation of the plauge and in the ages since his masters passing, has improved it.
As it is, the baseline Goreghoul is a creature notably stronger than the species it was spawned from, but resembles an emancipated and pale version, with an exaggerated muzzle, fangs in place of teeth and clawed hands. The skin usually gains a corpse like pallor as well, and often they look weak and on the verge of death. All of this is absurdly deceptive.
Firstly, every Goreghoul has their biological limiters removed, enabling them to possess greater strength, but damaging themselves in the process. However, this ties into the fact that they cannot register pain. While they can technically feel it, it is noted as unimportant and disregarded in the pursuit of more and more prey. Third, and one of the breakthroughs of Goretides alchemy, is that Goreghouls have two innate force abilties.
The first is the ability to project their own blood as weaponized plasma, coating them in a cloak of their own blood that strikes and burns nearby foes. The second the ability to feed on the pain and suffering of nearby living creatures to heal themselves, allowing them a form of regeneration thanks to this version of Force Drain. However, the average Goreghoul has no conscious control of these abilities, and instead they activate whenever their adrenaline spikes... such as when they are in combat.
There are three main variations of the base Goreghoul.
Gorebrutes; The most common variant, these ghouls have gorged themselves on flesh and have grown to roughly half again their former body mass. As it is, the exact trigger is unknown outside of the host, but is common enough across multiple unrelated species that some have speculated that most of them had latent markers for giantism. Aside from their greater size giving them greater strength, there is nothing outstanding about them.
Gorelurks; While rarer than the brutes, these particular mutants are also much more dangerous. A touch more cunning and blood flowing with a toxin that acts as a paralyzing agent, even if you are not infected contact with their blood leaves most species sluggish and weak. However, their most terrifying additional ability is an instinctive grasp of Force Stealth, becoming extremely hard to notice by organic prey before they strike.
Gorechiefs; They lack the power of the brutes or ambush abilities of the lurkers, but it is the chiefs that are most feared by those that know of them for one simple reason. Unlike the lesser ghouls, they have kept much of their ability to reason and plan intact. While much more aggressive and blood thirsty, they are able to enact strategies and have a rough grasp of tactics, and their granted abilities are to coordinate and compel to a degree lesser ghouls.
The Sanguinary
One of the improvements that Goretide made over his masters work was his own sorcery could infect other force users, transforming and corrupting them. The curious thing however, is that it does not turn them into mere ghouls, but dark side creatures that retain the full breadth of intelligence from their prior life and many of the memories, however twisted and warped.
The only powers they all have in common is an innate grasp of hemokinesis, ability to command Goreghouls and the ability to consume blood to heal themselves. In addition, they tend to resemble their former selves, save with longer and sharper canines and a corpse like pallor. While they are young, inside a year or so of their initial transformation, they tend to be as physically strong as a ghoul, but can learn to disable and control the amount of biological limiters for their muscles.
The most terrifying thing, from an outside perspective, is that this process is effective at transforming latent force sensitives of sufficient strength as well, well below what is considered to be the cut off for the jedi order.
Some are under the impression that they can be hired, as mercenary as other Jotun factions or warbands. But members of this host do not accept credits or resources. The only payment these crazed figures demand is blood. They demand that they are thrown into the bloodiest fighting and where the blood will flow. The price of their service is carnage and atrocity with staggering and appalling collateral damage that has all too often ended with Goretide manifesting an Avatar and the worlds to be conquered torn apart.
They are the eaters of worlds, the ravagers of civilizations and the baying hounds of the Blood God sitting on his throne of skulls.
The most common member of a Gore Host is the Goreghoul, a creature that bears an uncanny resemblance to a rakghoul. This is no coincidence, as the Goretide is one of the few living creatures remaining in the galaxy that can call himself an acolyte of Karness Muur. While not taken an an exact apprentice by his master, Goretide was able to learn enough secrets to create his own variation of the plauge and in the ages since his masters passing, has improved it.
As it is, the baseline Goreghoul is a creature notably stronger than the species it was spawned from, but resembles an emancipated and pale version, with an exaggerated muzzle, fangs in place of teeth and clawed hands. The skin usually gains a corpse like pallor as well, and often they look weak and on the verge of death. All of this is absurdly deceptive.
Firstly, every Goreghoul has their biological limiters removed, enabling them to possess greater strength, but damaging themselves in the process. However, this ties into the fact that they cannot register pain. While they can technically feel it, it is noted as unimportant and disregarded in the pursuit of more and more prey. Third, and one of the breakthroughs of Goretides alchemy, is that Goreghouls have two innate force abilties.
The first is the ability to project their own blood as weaponized plasma, coating them in a cloak of their own blood that strikes and burns nearby foes. The second the ability to feed on the pain and suffering of nearby living creatures to heal themselves, allowing them a form of regeneration thanks to this version of Force Drain. However, the average Goreghoul has no conscious control of these abilities, and instead they activate whenever their adrenaline spikes... such as when they are in combat.
There are three main variations of the base Goreghoul.
Gorebrutes; The most common variant, these ghouls have gorged themselves on flesh and have grown to roughly half again their former body mass. As it is, the exact trigger is unknown outside of the host, but is common enough across multiple unrelated species that some have speculated that most of them had latent markers for giantism. Aside from their greater size giving them greater strength, there is nothing outstanding about them.
Gorelurks; While rarer than the brutes, these particular mutants are also much more dangerous. A touch more cunning and blood flowing with a toxin that acts as a paralyzing agent, even if you are not infected contact with their blood leaves most species sluggish and weak. However, their most terrifying additional ability is an instinctive grasp of Force Stealth, becoming extremely hard to notice by organic prey before they strike.
Gorechiefs; They lack the power of the brutes or ambush abilities of the lurkers, but it is the chiefs that are most feared by those that know of them for one simple reason. Unlike the lesser ghouls, they have kept much of their ability to reason and plan intact. While much more aggressive and blood thirsty, they are able to enact strategies and have a rough grasp of tactics, and their granted abilities are to coordinate and compel to a degree lesser ghouls.
The Sanguinary
One of the improvements that Goretide made over his masters work was his own sorcery could infect other force users, transforming and corrupting them. The curious thing however, is that it does not turn them into mere ghouls, but dark side creatures that retain the full breadth of intelligence from their prior life and many of the memories, however twisted and warped.
The only powers they all have in common is an innate grasp of hemokinesis, ability to command Goreghouls and the ability to consume blood to heal themselves. In addition, they tend to resemble their former selves, save with longer and sharper canines and a corpse like pallor. While they are young, inside a year or so of their initial transformation, they tend to be as physically strong as a ghoul, but can learn to disable and control the amount of biological limiters for their muscles.
The most terrifying thing, from an outside perspective, is that this process is effective at transforming latent force sensitives of sufficient strength as well, well below what is considered to be the cut off for the jedi order.