Zygerrian Goretide Omens
Begins One Month Before Stormfall
The omens, such as they are, are lost at first, as the population of the resurgent Zygerrian Slave Empire cheered and celebrated their return to the ancestral ways that the hated Jedi had forced them to publicly abandon, of the unnatural ways the republic had forced on them. Then again, the omens, such as they were, started off as subtle things, only the most sensitive able to hear the howling in the peaks, as the shadow of a great beast breathing, panting as it strained at chains.
As the month progressed, as the empire moved onto Kiros to make good use of its inhabitants in the education centers and slave markets, the omens grew in strength. In their pens beasts stampeded and bellowed in terror, in the wilds predators began to attack with suicidal and berserk fury, slaves dreamed of hands reaching into their chests, tearing out their hearts to fashion weapons as they are asked to join something, a vast and terrible figure that is coming closer.
Near the middle of the month. fear grips some of the less educated and the lower classes as they see the sun start to change, weeping and turning a baleful crimson, the very color of hearts blood. They can all hear it, even as the masters and nobles sneer and deny it, the heartbeat and breath on the back of their necks, the sensation of wrathful eyes on them.
The weak willed and those more open to the whispers and guidance of the force scream and thrash in their sleep, even as they move eyes wild as they scream and stab and call for blood to spill and spill and spill, their voices cracking, as cults of blood and death form, as murders and wild acts of bloodletting and carnage spread, as forces turn from plans of conquest, as they abandon the Confederacy, as their focus turns ever inward, as they fight and try to hold on, as slaves rise up against the masters.
It is with terror, as the final day dawns, storm clouds gathering as blood falls instead of rain. Yet, in that storm a million slaves raise their voices and arms as one, crying out in horror, terror and welcome. And then, stepping from the force as he has walked for a month, a figure places an armored foot onto Zygerria, as the force ripples and quakes to the music.
The figure stands at four and a half meters tall, and is surprisingly humanoid at first glance. And then, as a voice roars, less in the physical world and more in the soul, reflected in the maddened howls and screams of the ones to greet him, there is a moment of awful clarity. What else can you call a figure drenched in the collective gore of civilizations for armor, that wields the very concept of Carnage in one hand and Slaughter in the other (a pair of voids in the physical sense of sight, as the mind both knows and rejects the reality). It is a simple command, a singular word that sends the gathered horde screaming towards the imperial centers, the cries for blood and death on their lips, that terrible figure at the head of the pack.
For while the Warchief had gathered many of the Jotun, there were some figures he had the sense to stay away from. And yet, it had heard of the younglings quest, and so was lured from its campaigns in the most distant and brutal stars of the galaxy. Now, in Zygerria, one of the few remaining first-born of the Jotun wages war.
Beware the Goretide. Beware the old blood.
The omens, such as they are, are lost at first, as the population of the resurgent Zygerrian Slave Empire cheered and celebrated their return to the ancestral ways that the hated Jedi had forced them to publicly abandon, of the unnatural ways the republic had forced on them. Then again, the omens, such as they were, started off as subtle things, only the most sensitive able to hear the howling in the peaks, as the shadow of a great beast breathing, panting as it strained at chains.
As the month progressed, as the empire moved onto Kiros to make good use of its inhabitants in the education centers and slave markets, the omens grew in strength. In their pens beasts stampeded and bellowed in terror, in the wilds predators began to attack with suicidal and berserk fury, slaves dreamed of hands reaching into their chests, tearing out their hearts to fashion weapons as they are asked to join something, a vast and terrible figure that is coming closer.
Near the middle of the month. fear grips some of the less educated and the lower classes as they see the sun start to change, weeping and turning a baleful crimson, the very color of hearts blood. They can all hear it, even as the masters and nobles sneer and deny it, the heartbeat and breath on the back of their necks, the sensation of wrathful eyes on them.
The weak willed and those more open to the whispers and guidance of the force scream and thrash in their sleep, even as they move eyes wild as they scream and stab and call for blood to spill and spill and spill, their voices cracking, as cults of blood and death form, as murders and wild acts of bloodletting and carnage spread, as forces turn from plans of conquest, as they abandon the Confederacy, as their focus turns ever inward, as they fight and try to hold on, as slaves rise up against the masters.
It is with terror, as the final day dawns, storm clouds gathering as blood falls instead of rain. Yet, in that storm a million slaves raise their voices and arms as one, crying out in horror, terror and welcome. And then, stepping from the force as he has walked for a month, a figure places an armored foot onto Zygerria, as the force ripples and quakes to the music.
The figure stands at four and a half meters tall, and is surprisingly humanoid at first glance. And then, as a voice roars, less in the physical world and more in the soul, reflected in the maddened howls and screams of the ones to greet him, there is a moment of awful clarity. What else can you call a figure drenched in the collective gore of civilizations for armor, that wields the very concept of Carnage in one hand and Slaughter in the other (a pair of voids in the physical sense of sight, as the mind both knows and rejects the reality). It is a simple command, a singular word that sends the gathered horde screaming towards the imperial centers, the cries for blood and death on their lips, that terrible figure at the head of the pack.
For while the Warchief had gathered many of the Jotun, there were some figures he had the sense to stay away from. And yet, it had heard of the younglings quest, and so was lured from its campaigns in the most distant and brutal stars of the galaxy. Now, in Zygerria, one of the few remaining first-born of the Jotun wages war.
Beware the Goretide. Beware the old blood.