A Hive for The Galaxy (Sci-Fi CK2-style Quest)

Turn 2--Results
Turn 2 Results

Military: You saved some money and looked into something...which turned out to lead to a gang war.

What's With Research?
Rolled: 72

In the end, the base was taken, and the information with it. A lot of it was only useful for tracking down the drug trade, but there was some interesting information on medical uses for several things, and more options in that regard, though for the moment it will take some work to sort through them. More importantly, the Xvorzit involved are arrested and tried along with all of the rest, and for the moment the military no longer has a Research budget, that 50 Wealth folded back in. It costs some money to shut it all down, but it's more than made up for in other gains.

It's a mess, but at least it's done with, for the moment.

Reward: 50 Wealth a turn, Learning Options next turn.

Tanks for Nothing
Needed: 30. Rolled: 39

Until one of them popped up, it had looked like a stunning success. Vorzhan had followed up with a thorough investigation, and dozens were caught up in it, mostly at the lower levels. They might not have gotten everything, but they got most of them, and in the process checked out the rest of the tanks. They were being used properly, and Vorzhan got an invite and accepted it--when she finally had time--to a race involving two hovertanks. It was rather dirty, and being amid a crowd of ten-thousand screaming Xvorzit cheering on the two teams, named by color was interesting, but they had fun.

A lot of fun, honestly. And it allowed you to connect to some rather interesting figures. Including one Bazrith, a tall and spindly Xvorzit who apparently knew a lot about the history of tanks, and as a gift gave you a data-sheet of his book. More pressingly and important--it was reasonably well written but a bit long-winded--it included information and inferences on current tank designs, which at least gives a few ideas.

Reward: 250 Wealth, 500 Wealth a turn, new options to research tanks, because I know how much you all love more options.

(Hazitean) With the Fleets
Rolled: 60, enough for a bonus action because of 'event bonus.'

Hazitean didn't have a lot of time, what with rehabilitation and doctor's visits, and the like, but she did manage to drop something off rather late in the year. Apparently her contact with the fleet, while it hadn't exactly...impressed that many, gave her the chance to check up on them, and the story was...mixed at best. Loyalty was reasonably high, and they were all doing their job. And compared to the rest of the military their budget was rather reasonable. If anything it could have been increased against the rest of the military budget.

Except the hold administration had feared rebellion, war, criminals: things that couldn't really be helped from space, and the fact that they weren't even doing pirate patrols makes the situation worse.

Reward: Info, as below. Options open up.


2 Battleships, both extremely outdated, the Gazinitah and the Prince Hazanit (Upkeep: 150 per ship (per turn), 300 total.)

8 Heavy Cruisers (five are more than thirty years out of date, three have gone about thirty years since last refit. Upkeep is 50 per old Heavy Cruiser, 40 per new, for a total of 370.)

18 Light Cruisers (4 old, 14 new, tends to be in somewhat better shape than the Battleships. Upkeep 10 per new LC, 14 per old)

24 Destroyers (4 old, 20 new. Upkeep: 4 per new, 5 per old)

30 Frigates (3 old, 27 new. Upkeep is 3 across the board. Old ones cost marginally more, so if you turned the three old into three new by magic you might save...one upkeep a turn, so it basically costs the same for purposes.

40 Corvettes (All old because it's an old design. Upkeep is 2 Wealth per turn.)


There is no one Admiral, instead being a matter of prestige and relative position and seniority, as well as just general agreement. In theory they are organized into non-mixed groups that are deployed in battle. In reality there are a number of ad-hoc patrol fleets in which ships of all classes are organized for the purpose of missions.


1800 (Upkeep plus marines, training, supplies, etc)

Diplomacy: The word of they day is 'Communication.' Can you say communication, kids?

Fair, Balanced and Well Funded
Needed: 30, Rolled: 50+10 (Synergy)=60

Ultimately, what it took was some money and some retooling of the brand. Or so Vorzhan was told. New people were hired, it became more professional, and in the aftermath of the 'Gang War', tons of more interest popped up. New sites, new info-feeds, new shows, and the programming rode the wave of that, being the official government voice on the ongoing trials, which would take more than a little time to wind their way through the courts. On the back of that, along with the cultural programs, there is a sizable enough audience that it can stand on its own.

Reward: Lose 400 Wealth, Lose 50 Wealth a turn to pay for it, improved ability to affect the popular mood, options in certain scenarios.

Talk to Sol
Rolled: 63, no major problems with having the meeting.

The meeting is set up with very little in the way of complications. It's all done through back channels, but it'll take place on a station orbiting Earth itself, hopefully avoiding some of the prying eyes involved.

Reward: Diplomacy Turn.

Stewardship: There's much to do here, and very little time. The economy needs all the help it can get, and this year you focused on trying to reform the laws and listen to the people's will.

Colonial Holdings
Need: 40, Rolled: 64

It's not as bad as Vorzhan feared. Only a significant fraction of the companies and individuals are owned by Stendarian or Iashec interests. Not even close to all of them. And the colonies seem to appreciate the attention and the money given towards their recovery, and the higher standards for food certainly don't hurt. All in all, it's rather easy to manage it all, even if the Iashec compounds of course still refuse to pay more than small fees, nothing at all like taxes.

More importantly, the colonies seem rather diversified, in addition to being trading posts, and there's a lot to work with, including some basic hab-doming and terraforming that is going on to a limited extent. Either way, there's a lot of trading that winds up happening, especially now that Gazinitah isn't as much of a pariah in the eyes of the other Xvorzit Hives, though some of the traders complain that Vorzhan hasn't talked to them much yet.

Reward: -150 Wealth, +200 Wealth, starting next turn 250 Wealth a turn in tax and other income/contribution to the intergalactic economy.

Study the Workers Plight
Need: 25, Rolled: 96, huh

Vorzhan needed to know more, needed to see it the way a hungry Xvorzit in a desert might turn over a rock and hope the bugs under it weren't too inedible. Well, it could have been worse, certainly. But the workers were beaten for noncompliance in some cases--a very few as a statistic, but it leapt out to him--and were docked pay for any activity that wasn't productive. Despite that they were paid too low and quit too often to be that productive in many cases, and the hours were simply dreadful even by Xvorzit standards, for whom a 60 hour work-week is considered normal or even low. It was a mess, and a lot of laws would have to be crafted.

And then there was the breaking up of worker-associations, the horrible conditions in some of the mines, which had been…

Here the story got so horrific Vorzhan had had to hold themselves back, remind themselves to be patient. Because the mines and several other industries were make-work. Machines existed to halve or even quarter the number of workers and give them great conditions and reasonable wages. Instead, the poor and those deemed problems--but not big enough ones to be sent to the prison world--were shipped off to work in the mines and in the fields to teach them work-ethic, and get them out of the way, with death rates that are...just terrible.

The rapes get to Vorzhan as well. Rapes, plural. Again, the laws exist on the books, but it's hard to prove since sex doesn't lead to children the way it does for many other species, and genetic evidence can often be scrubbed for. But there is a rash of it occurring in many areas where any one Xvorzit has power over another in the realm of business by being their employer.

Then there's the 'child helpers' who aren't technically children being put to work--poor children, always--but only by the barest of technicalities.

But in all honesty, the worst part was when Vorzhan had told Hazitean this, as she sat in her room at the mental-health-clinic. "I know. Didn't you?"

Vorzhan had known bits and pieces, but now they realized just how bad it all was, and it created a damning picture.

Reward: Vorzhan's actually sorta pissed off (he's Just, after all), -500 Wealth. Veekie, guess what? A lot of options unlocked, like 4-5!

(Hive) Bad Worms, Bad Company
Need: 40, Rolled: 42

They counter-sue. And then counter-counter sue. And then they attack Vorzhan as going too far, which as it turns out is rather bad public relations, and the stories start to well up from the underhive, from the depths of the planet. Thousands have been harmed by them, millions and millions in ways big and small have been harmed by the lack of standards, and the push to make laws to prevent this is strong, as is something far basic. Something that Vorzhan is starting to understand and predict.

Vengeance. Not bloody, not cruel, but the company needs to pay and the people want it done, simple as that. They hadn't fully known it before, hadn't been made aware of just how much this company was screwing them over, but once unleashed, things escalate fast. Huge numbers of employees quit and protest, the markets all but shut them out, and within a few months the entire company is on its last legs, vulnerable and trying to figure a way out of this.

At the mercy of the state, as the new rules begin to be enacted, albeit slowly. There are protests from companies, but at the moment there is little they can do.

Reward: -100 Wealth, worker opinion increased. Will of the Hive now 1 (+5 to all (Hive) rolls, +10 to economy and opinion rolls for the People, -5 to all Intrigue rolls against Vorzhan on the planet.) New options opened.

Sweep The Laws
Need: 30, Rolled: 68

The enforcement of consumer protections is not the only thing that Vorzhan is able to set in motion. They begin talking to judges, making their opinion very, very clear. It's a lot of talking, but that's what the job involves, and after a lot of talking, especially with lawyers, Vorzhan goes on their channel after some pre-talk entertainment by a famous musician in a more synthetic form than Barizitan song-poetry, describes what will be the situation from now on.

"All laws that serve as nothing more than the oppression of anyone the defense forces want dead are gone. Now and forever. The people's will shall be heard, has been heard, and will always be heard! I swear to you that I will use the law as it is meant to be used: towards the good of the entire Hive and all of its members. There are good laws and bad laws. The laws against those who would destroy lives for their profit: they are the good."

The camera panned back to show that Vorzhan was seated at a middling cafe, a plate of Jasiphus worms cooked in a nice brown sauce laying out in front of them. It reminded the people of the things they had done: good PR, they'd been told. Plus he hadn't eaten all day, too busy dealing with certain diplomatic problems. There was an audible cheer as people began to chitter and gather outside of the cafe, and as he spoke, each phrase harsh and certain, hopeful and blunt, cheers whistled out all across the planet, impromptu parades and games and rallies taking place. And the police watch, uncertain what to do. No order ever goes to disperse them, of course none comes.

Reward: -100 Wealth, new options unlocked, workers opinion increased, police are a bit...leery?

Intrigue: You instigate the Gang War, you go after Zaeswin, and you try to get a grips on just what sort of tiger you're riding!

Grubs in the Muck
Rolled: 88

Trials are held, and assets are seized, and though there are plenty who criticize the decision to open fire, in the face of the evidence of a vast and shadowy criminal conspiracy funded by all sorts of revanchist groups and with ties and connections that might prove to be awkward--more than a few of the Ruler Caste members, the lower ones, seem to have met at least once with some of the higher ups, and it's all a tangle there. In the face of all of that, the criticism fades. And a lot of assets are seized. Those gangs that remain have to keep their head down, allowing them to be managed much easier.

Reward: Options, +10 for rolls involving crimes or internal security for the next turn or two while the underworld figures out how to adapt to the 'post-winnowing' state of things, which they will no doubt do. 300 Wealth. -150 Wealth.

Casino Royale
Rolled: 97+5=102, well.

Two things are accomplished in a very, very short time. First, an identity is made, with a huge amount of details. Vorzhan looks up population statistics, demographics, modes of speech, types of expression and so on before crafting Yizitari, a Merchant-Caste female from the famous 'Barsa Confederacy Hive World' Amarin. Vorzhan knew the cultural rituals and so on, and believed they could fake the right sort of person. Their head-wings would be hidden behind a plate, and cover stories were constructed.

Additionally, there was news on the mad monster and the Royal Casino. Zaeswin was seen in a single blurry bit of video that was carefully gathered at great risk, sitting at a table with a set of cards, playing some sort of game that analysis later determined to be the human game 'Solitaire.' So, he was definitely there.

Vorzhan was coming for him!

Reward: Intrigue Turn, bonuses to said turn from good rolls.

The Infernal Archive
Needed: 60, Rolled: 31+5=36, failure.

Amid all of the work, Vorzhan almost forgets to do this, and assigns several people to it. They don't get around to it, despite prodding, and what they do find is contradictory and more along the lines of 'pulling information out of the muck.' Rather than, well, cleaning it up. Vorzhan sighs and has a long conversation with them and ultimately reassigns them, leaving it to be dealt with later.

Reward: Failure, can be taken again next year.

Learning: We don't need no education! +??? + no dark sarcasm in the classrooms!=Something? Plus, Giant-spider Elmo.

Cultural Programming
Need: 30, Rolled: 54

Kikkizit dives into it, personally writing some of the theme-tunes and appearing in several wacky videos designed to teach kids about the poetical arts, and there's a cartoon involving a version of the first Poem, and then a documentary series that winds up being popular...there are rough spots, and in direct competition with some of the other stations out there it loses, but Kikkizit seems to be enjoying themselves, and is in fact a bug of many talents, running the whole station well within budget and with the help of friends, able to pull in top talent in order to keep it going.

And there are a number of cartoon mascots that get thrown around for the children's programs, including several that become quite popular.

The ratings are up, and this only gives them even more ideas of what to do with this new medium. In fact, he comes into the room whistling a tune and doing some sort of skipping dance, talking about how they could open up custom blocks and interactive parts and movies and tie-ins and...well, he does pause and rub his feelers and admit that this would all cost money. A lot of money.

There are numbers, and Vorzhan says, "Well...it's certainly something to consider."

Reward: -75 Wealth a turn. Cultural program! More options! Bonuses for opinion rolls and the like for the people. Some other advantages.

We Don't Need No Education
Need: 15 Rolled: 71+10=81, significant success

It took some talking, but Vorzhan had some time to at least start up some panels. Their knowledge on education left something to be desired in some areas, but Kikkizit had studied the topic, and it was started with several groups getting together, and releasing recommendations, including new websites and activities, as well as new cyber-books, and a total rehauling of dozens of things. Hundreds of things in fact. It's a huge list, and even doing half of them is a lot to do in the middle of education, which is year-round, so it'll always be in the middle of something. So Vorzhan decides that it should just be done and starts giving orders and making suggestions, and things change, faster than one could believe if they hadn't also seen the rising of the revolution from even less impetus.

The panels are kept around, of course, and continue to hash out suggestions and ideas, though it will take some time.

Reward: Reforms started, will take a bit to implement them all. Options will open up in a few turns from the panels. Lose three-hundred wealth. Locked in for now.

No Dark Sarcasm In the Classroom
Need: 40 Rolled: 62+10=72

Some teachers protest these new laws. Others spit at you passing in the street, and one half-assaults you waving a banner that says 'Let Teachers teach' before they are escaped. It's all part of being the leader of a Hive, they decide when they have a moment to reflect on it. But others don't see it that way, and the crackdown is rather thorough, thousands and thousands of teachers let go, many other censured, and teachers put in their place. There are many in the Hive who would love such a vital job as teaching, with its opportunities for interaction, play, and thoughtfulness. At least that's what Vorzhan was told.

And certainly, while some parents Labor-Groups protested, all in all it seems to have worked out exactly as they said. The bad ones had been booted out, albeit with pensions, and student activity has increased, for all that they are still escorted from room to room and monitored in their every action and word within the school. But there are clubs being opened up, and other such groups, including pre-workers-associations, as well as other groups. Now that the teachers no longer have as much power to, well, ruin the lives of their students because one of them turns out to be a spy for the government, a lot has changed, and people are noticing it already.

Younger children are coming back to their dens with stories of teachers playing with them, or of other helpful activities, and of what they learned each day, and while it's too early to tell and some fear negative outcomes, such as rebellious youth, at the moment it's viewed overwhelmingly positively.

Reward: -150 Gold (this is mostly to remind me), options might open up in a while, improved teachers, improved teacher opinion.


Activating Cybernetics
Rolled: 75

The cybernetics are done with, the modifications have been gained, and now Vorzhan is able to link up into communications as well as more fully sense those around him. All in all it was a notable success, and hopefully will help, although the doctors are highly reluctant to do any more than what they have done.

Reward: It's already on your character sheet! Check it out on the front page.

You Need Help Friend
Needed: 30/70/100+ Rolled: 111

Hazitean is checked into a clinic. In fact, she's checked into several clinics and booked for all sorts of tests, though for the moment she refuses to go for a general checkup. But other than that, Vorzhan is able to get their way, and she's off of drugs, at least for the moment. The withdraw was hard, but she managed, cursing Vorzhan the whole time, but the psychological baggage of that remains, and patient confidentiality means that there is little Vorzhan can know.

In theory. In reality there are channels and ways, and they know that Hazitean has been resistant to talking about the past or the present, but has at least been going to the sessions. Similarly, she's at least taking a few preliminary medications, and the whole thing really does seem balanced on an edge, but she's been surprisingly...compliant for the moment, and that's all that Vorzhan can think to ask for.

Reward: +20% chance for that 'Crazy...and Brilliant' option, +5 to all Personal Options next turn involving Hazitean. Increased chance that she'll stick to the 'no drugs' thing next turn. And yes, new options.


Budget and Money Stuff

Turn 2 Starting Wealth: 4640

Expenditures: 700 Wealth a turn (previous turn's stuff)+450 Wealth (Education costs)+75 Wealth (A turn) for Cultural Programming+450 Wealth (Intrigue Options)+20 Wealth (Martial Costs)+400 Wealth (Fair, Balanced, Etc)+50 (Talk to Sol)+150 Wealth (Colonial)+700 (Stewardship Options)=3020 Wealth

Income: 500 (Budgetary)+50 (Military Research is Gone)+200 (Trade)+200 (Colonial first bounty)+300 Wealth (Grubs in the Muck) +250 Wealth (Selling tanks) +30d100 (rolled 1469)+100 (Increased Taxes)=3079

Final Balance: 4694 Wealth

Rolling over Wealth Cost per turn after this turn: 700+75+50 (Fair, Balanced)+50 (Colonial)+50 (Debt Servicing)=925

Pre-fixed Income Per Turn, after this turn: Next turn you get 500 for not having as many tanks, 500 Budgetary, 50 Military Research, 200 (Trade), 250 a turn next turn in Colonial Output+50 (Educator donations)+100 (Increased tax income)+30d100=1650+(Average of 1500)

Debts to be Serviced

((Happens at the end of every second turn of a year)

1000 Wealth was added to the debt sheet, which means the cost of Debt Servicing increases by 50. That'll have to be paid from something, since the Debt Servicing budget is for 1700, not 1750. So, next turn you'll have to pay 50 more. And etc, etc until you are no longer borrowing.


A/N: And so that's done with! Gonna start working on the Kansas City Shuffle update finally! The first thing, the Diplomatic Turn, will be coming after that, and while you are all waiting, lk has another Infodump, this time on naval stuff, and he's also available for questions.
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OOC Question: Too Few Troops?
Reading some of the front sheets isn't this ridiculously low? These amount of soldiers/policemen cost more each year than the education and welfare budget for a planet numbering 15 billion people. I can't see how they'd be effective either at those numbers.

It really isn't that low when there's not much to actually do with soldiers. They haven't been in a war in...well, they might have never been in a war in their entire history. And costs like supplies, uniforms, military equipment, etc etc is included in there, actually. I decided on a cost of one Wealth per every battalion or whatnot of 10k soldiers as a very easy and simple way to calculate it without getting into things like 'costs .793 Wealth' or anything like that. But yeah, the number of troops is relatively low from a percentage standard of a modern nation that has at least some chance of war/being-invaded.

On Gazinitah, they sit around most of the time or bust (or don't, often) criminals and those going against the state, and compete with each other and do wargames and generally...well, aren't that efficacious.

And yes, also more than a few resigned. But it was always underpopulated IF you're judging it by 21st century standards.

If it was the United States, a rich global superpower that has been involved in brushfire wars for the entire length of its hegemony, then (doing the math to come up with equivalents) they'd have just north of 60 million troops, INCLUDING (for Gazinitah) all of the support staff that I'm not counting because I was trying to give a reasonably simple number.

Japan, if blown up in size in this manner, would have 30 million troops.

So you definitely have too few troops by the standards of 21st century nation-states, but if you did call an extra 20 million, what would you use them for? Also, now that I think about it, that 10 million doesn't include naval or special forces, so it's probably higher than that, but hey.

TLDR: Gazinitah has never been in a war in its entire existance, unless you count a few actions against pirates or the like. By 21st century standards they should maybe have double or a little more in terms of troops. Instead, they don't. Luckily, since your budget would be sent crashing into the sea if you doubled your troop size. Also there may be screwy things involving what counts as 'local police' and so on. But until you divide them apart rather than counting them together, that's going to remain a mystery.

@Neptune , I hope this explanation makes sense.
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OOC Info: Castes? P 1 of ???
Hm, that was an exceptionally good turn.

A few thoughts:

Do I understand it correctly that our fleet has no real command hierachy?

At least our relationship with them and the colonies is good.
And I see a good opportunity to increase our revenue if talk to the merchants next turn.

We need to do something about the mines and our workers plight immediately, now that we are informed. If we do nothing breeds that resentment and it is the decent thing to do.

Further we need to continue our reform of the judicacy because clean and stable instituions of that kind are their weight worth in gold or credit cards or whatever we use.

I think we should push the criminal/revanchist network further, we have them on the backfoot, they need to lick their wounds and we can't give the enemy time to evolve.

As I said, just a few thoughts and depending on the options next turn it may be all invalid but who knows.

@The Laurent I don't remember seeing it anywhere but do you have infos on the Castesystem because if I understand it correctly, there are biological castes and artificial castes like the judges, could you elaborate on the system?

Some of this requires the caste research because the question is how much the castes are meaningful, but the typical/general opinion and teaching is that each of the castes is perfectly and specially bred and (over many, many centuries including some with higher standards of science than exist today) raised and trained to be best in their chosen field.

Those who are more learned are often able to get away, in Gazinitah with the term 'artificial castes' to describe one that *can't* be selected genetically. Like, how the hell do you attempt to biologically breed better judges?

Those castes, its very clear that any advantage they have is in two places: the laws set up to make sure they take the lions share of the jobs and power within that field, and the training they often receive from a young age to take over the position.

With the non-artitficial castes, its thought to be a combination of laws, education, and actual superiority, though to what degree is hotly debated.

And those castes that are less politically powerful and/or important might have less laws protecting them, or the need for a position might outstrip or understrip the Caste's ability to provide for it, the former leading to non-caste members getting in on it, the latter leading to a closed circle of elites dominating the job-field for the caste, with a ton of members basically cast out to do non-caste jobs in order to keep the relatively few jobs within the most important Xvorziti-Caste families.

There's more that could be said, but that's a basic, a little bit rough, explanation of the Castes.
In the Sun's Orbit, Part 1: Selection
In the Sun's Orbit, Part 1: Selection

Vorzhan worked as fast as they could, both before and after the Gang War, to get it set up. It was complicated, since whoever went had to both travel in secret and yet arrive in a manner that was fitting of an ambassador. These, though, were all problems that were easily enough managed. Ships could be found, protocol systems could be looked up and desperately loaded into the computer databases, translator modules of good quality could be found for the diplomat, whoever that turned out to be, and more dubious ones for the crew to allow them to go on leave.

Whoever it turned out to be indeed! There was much whistling and indecision over that matter. Who should go? Three candidates rose to the top.

First there was Vorzhan themselves. They were rather diplomatic, and they were the leader of the Hive. Their words would carry weight and authority in a way that didn't allow the possibility that Gazinitah might be bound in another bad deal, another Diplomat Caste boondoggle. Yet they didn't know much about human culture, didn't know the language, and on a more secret note, it would create scheduling complications for the infiltration they planned on doing. And yet the idea of meeting leader to leader was still very tempting.

Second, Kikkizit could go. He knew a lot about human culture, had a gift for gab, and some of his reputation had apparently made it to galactic media, at least enough for him to be known as a 'revolutionary intellectual' or something like that, and thus it wouldn't seem out of place to send them. But they didn't know the diplomatic protocol and while they were savvy with numbers and well-rounded, there were certainly things they'd have to be learning about on the fly.

Finally, Tezthen was a member of the Diplomatic Castes suggested by them. A background check showed few of the troubling qualities that had been seen in others, and she was clever and quick on her feet, if not so charming as Kikkizit. She knew the protocol very well and was something of a policy expert on the Sol Republic, at least in theory, but this also meant she had some associations among Xvorzit with the old organization, and while she checked out in terms of 'not being behind total screw-ups and not being corrupt', it was at least possible she harbored some of the attitudes or policy beliefs of the old government, though it was also clear that she was loyal to the new one. And while an experienced diplomat might show seriousness of purpose, it might also represent a lack of seriousness. Debates rage on both sides of that, as well as towards the previous three choices. Human psychology is complicated and weird, their politics complex and labyrinthean, and only Tezthen, or perhaps Kikkizit has the right knowledge.

Any of the three would be acceptable, but there aren't really any other choices that would work, at least in all of the right ways.

Who Goes? (Will be your viewpoint character, will influence things and rolls.)

[] Vorzhan themselves go. Pros: Possible signs that this is a serious mission, leader gets personal supervision over the deals, potential other side benefits. Cons: Lack of knowledge about diplomatic protocol and human culture and the human languages (though translators do exist). Might complicate the 'Casino Royale' mission.
[] Send Kikkizit Instead. Pros: Very charming, knowledgeable about human culture, somewhat well known, has some knowledge of the most common human languages spoken on Sol. Cons: Lack of diplomatic protocol knowledge, treaties and economic policy *aren't* his area of expertise.
[] Or you could send Tezthen. Pros: Pretty charming, knowledgeable about the politics and such about Sol, knows most if not all of the major human languages and their nuances. Cons: Less well known, associated with the old order and way of doing things, entrenched in certain modes of thinking...possibly. Also not an economist.
Turn 2--In the Sun's Orbit, Part 2
In the Sun's Orbit, Part 2

Kikkizit spent the trip studying. It was something they were used to, of course, but it felt a little like their days as a grub in college--the names of the various ranks one journeyed through towards graduation was far more dignified than that, but everyone divided them out into names ranging from insulting to haughty--studying desperately to advance to the next rank, while trying to run a band. He'd succeeded in the first while failing in the second, but that was life, sometimes.

Kikkizit studied the political parties, or what was known of them, the culture, everything he could get his hands on while mingling with the crew, watching them go about their works. A quick break to study hyperdrives after a whim took them down that road, and he was back to Sol.

Despite being surrounded by crew frequently enough, it was very lonely, the study of the information, and all of the VI programs in the world couldn't make it less desperate. Gazinitah needed all of the help they could get, and Sol was one of the two powers that had reached out thus far. And considering the nature of the other one, Kikkizit was glad that this was the choice. And so they'd pace and think and stew and study, and the hours and days would pass like wind through a canyon, leaving little behind.

Then the ship had exited, hours and hours out from Sol, from Earth itself. Kikkizit was in the cabin at the time, but he'd set up a holo-screen so that he could see the view from the cameras. Satellites surrounded it, and a moon was currently in view, half-covered with stations, though there were parts that were cleared for historical sites, protected by law. Moon landings, mostly. The Xvorzit had not had a similar obsession with their own moon, but they had eventually reached it, way back when, and stepped upon its surface. It hadn't seemed anything special then, considering they'd already worked out satellites and space hab-domes first, but like the wilderness and ancient monuments of Earth, parts of the moon were yet preserved for future generations, despite the heavy population that much of the solar system as well as the others involved, could sustain.

Of course, to a Xvorzit, it wasn't crowded at all. Ships plied this area, and when they checked the list merely of those within view, Kikkizit whistled. It was busy, the list scrolling down and down and down and filling dozens of pages. Every day, Sol got the sort of traffic that some places would have dreamed of getting in a week. The ship approached Sol's orbit, and was hailed. Kikkizit rubbed his arms together, stamping his feet one by one to stretch them, as they turned to get dressed. A tall dark hat went upon their head, in a fashion that was several years old. The hat held nanofibers that allowed it to rework itself into several forms, serving as umbrella, rain-catcher, and a whole host of features as if someone was truly going to be stuck in the wilderness or without anything other than that hat. It was also apparently, as they'd read, part of a 'Neo-Retrovision' movement, some sort of something out of a game, wherein everyone went around wearing bits and pieces of old-fashioned clothing. They wore a long shirt of a material that, on command, clung tightly to their body, a jacket over that, and left their legs free after making sure they were properly dressed.

Ultimately they were going for a basic first meeting, after all, not a direct meeting. The schedule had said that he and a representative of the Prime Minister would set a series of topics and issues to discuss, sounding out what exactly would be on the table. It would be a week, and likely far more, of negotiations, so at this early stage it would be as much making sure they each had an idea of where the discussion would go.

Or so the advice Kikkizit had been fervently reading had said. They watched as the ship continued, calculations running at the bottom of the screen. For of course, the planet itself was moving at incredible speed, as was the large space-station rotating around it, so it required timing and course correction to make sure to hit it on the first pass, docking right onto it. Kikkizit knew that the computers handled most of it, with the Captains primarily--for a non-combat scenario such as this where most of the factors were known and entirely predictable--picking one of several movement plans based on fuel use and how close one wanted to pass to one ship or another. They watched, patiently, shifting their limbs back and forth, thinking.

The party now in power was in charge by a plurality and by a deft series of alliances, but its numbers were very strong, apparently, and it had something close to a mandate for its internal reforms of the state structure in order to reduce calcification and shift budgets around, as well as a more economically active and outward focus. Or so the package said. At the moment it all seemed a bit nebulous, since Kikkizit knew that many of the worst abuses on Gazinitah had come in the name of 'reforming the governmental bureaucratic weaknesses' and military spending was something the PLK was divided on and careful to hedge about, electorally.

Ankit Mutumbo, on the other hand, was a rather known element. The nephew of a famous naval Captain of a reputation that apparently had spread far and wide, he was a paunchy man with dark red-black skin, close-cropped hair, entering--and there they had to be told--his fifth decade alive in good health despite the sturdiness of his frame. It was hard to read a lot from human expressions, they were so broad, almost comically so, a lot like missing the trees for the forest fire. Huge smiles, strange contortions, it was all something that Kikkizit had to adjust for.

Xvorzit subtleties came in the head-wings, the position of their arms and their bodies, and the many, many ways they could alter their voice or way of speech to entirely alter what was being said. Humans had that, Kikkizit known: they'd done studies on that sort of thing back in their 'discovering democracy and disguising it as 'studying foreign policy' days.' But...well, it was nothing to think on, and they were well aware of how much Xvorzith mannerisms could baffle humans.

The ship approached the station, a vast thing, glittering in the darkness of the void, lights everywhere. A dock that could hold a dozen ships attached to a series of huge nodes, entire restaurants and entertainment centers clustered in the limited space, pit-stops on an inter-system trip. It was nearly full as the ship slid into magnetic docking, experiencing the slightest hiccup and then stopping. Or not stopping, since the station was orbiting the planet, but relative to Kikkizit's view, which is what really mattered in terms of physical impact, they stopped.

Kikkizit let out a breath and stepped forward. Keep the negotiations simple, don't act too proud, be aware that one group had the power and another didn't...Kikkizit reminded themselves as they walked out, passing the crew-members, stopping several times to talk to them, the chitter-chatter that eased the minds of most Xvorzit. It was a proven psychological factor, along with presence of other Xvorzit, at least in a majority of cases.

The smooth glide of word upon word, talking about interests and how well the journey had gone and where Nizit was going to go for dinner and whether they'd try any of the strange human foods, or even the more familiar human non-foods that were sometimes served as a replacement. Human worms and grubs were alright, but they just weren't very filling--and yet Nizit was a gourmet, and wanted to see whether the variety of smoked parasites, leeches and worms that the humans had to offer (those few humans who plied the Xvorzit dietary trade) were as good as rumored, but was torn as to whether they should instead try the foods humans called good, spiced curries and rice-noodles, vat-grown meat, vegetables, or the wide array of past and present human cuisines.

They got rather sidetracked telling Nizit what they knew about human 'spagetti' and the history of flat-breads and how that related to a gourmet 'pizza' place that was apparently popular. Nizit said, "Well, perhaps I'll go there...do you think they cater to Xvorzit? I have been told about several types of prey that would be interesting to try, and a friend of mine raved about a custom pizza they made of 'fried porcine, pineapple, tapeworm, seared, and an uncooked dead spider of...'" they paused and glanced at their data-set, "'Night sky spouse who has lost their spouse' variety. Do you think if I asked they'd make one for me?"

Kikkizit could picture it in their head, and could only say, "Well, it wouldn't hurt anything to ask, the worst they can say is no."

With that, they departed, heading for the gang-blank and then down it, to find that there was a tall human in a security officer's light-armor, head shaved.

"Are you Professor Kee-kuh-zeet?" the man asked, frowning as he stumbled over the name.

"I am," they churred, and it translated the words into a vaguely masculine human voice, "And you are?"

"I'm here to escort you, nothing more. It is a pleasure to meet you, however," they said absently, a little gruffly, their face oddly blank.

"Oh? I've studied some about this station, what do you know about it?" The professor looked around the dock at the others coming and going, ships letting passengers go as they must, often for hours-long stops before the next leg out to, say, Saturn for sight-seeing. "It seems an interesting choice for venues, do--"

"One question at a time," the man said, as they turned and began moving towards one of the gateways. The architecture was odd, a bit too open at points, cramped in at others, and very white, nothing like the darker colors often preferred by Xvorzit--little cultural differences like that could become quite noticeable. As could absences. The smell of Xvorzit was subtle and hard to describe, but once it and the sounds and presence was absent one tended to feel very lonely. There was safety in numbers, after all. And humans smelled...odd. Hairy and sweaty and a little like meat, and they looked rather like a number of predators and hairless versions of the monsters that had haunted the older epics. But for all that they could be kind, their governments were fascinating, their culture magnificently varied, their history both strange and familiar at the same time, and they'd befriended plenty of humans before. Even if this one did smell strangely of spice, sweat, and chemicals.

Charming the Guide--1d100+29=64, alright!

The Xvorzith reaction to stress or uncertainty was to talk and make friends, at least that was their first response. Unless it was attacking them, of course. And so they began to chatter, asking, "I hope I haven't detained anyone I was advising someone who was asking what to eat and they mentioned a pizza…" the translator paused for a moment and finally decided on, "Joint. Mama Frezelos?"

"Wait, Xvorzit eat pizza?"

"Well yes, I've had a recreation of it," with Xvorzit ingredients, that is, "Once or twice, and it is certainly very...gnarly and interesting." The translator spent more than a few moments trying to find out the right word to say, and gnarly was honestly just a guess using old slang literally centuries out of date.

The man laughed and they began to talk about pizza, and from there it snowballed until the man revealed that he was a middle-child who felt jealous of his older brother and younger sister and had quit college to marry a spacer who had gotten involved with piracy, only for the man to get arrested leaving them without a path ahead, which had led them to consider police-work, though his mother apparently still nagged him about finding a better job, and it annoyed him that she didn't understand that he took his basic income, he took his salary, and then he didn't ask for more and instead tried to focus on doing what he loved.

It was intensely frustrating to be told that skydiving was too dull and pedestrian a hobby and that his younger sister was an assistant working for the ambassador to the Ilwari, whom he called 'A bunch of furballs', and a number of other revelations came, including several sexual ones that mostly left the Professor having to express sympathy without entirely understanding the hold-up, though the man had a child on the way in an incubator, which led to the professor explaining how the Xvorzit usually had six children minimum in each brood, and so they often raised them in one vast explosion of activity and childcare, and then no more.

Not like humans and their carefully timed and spaced births, or their year by year accumulation of new life.

It was all very enlightening, and before long they had a name, a number, a backup number, a Galactinet profile, a form of social media--an art the Xvorzit had rather mastered faster than humans--and a few others. By the end as they approached another gate, having passed through crowds that almost made Kikkizit feel as if they were in a Xvorzit town. A small, half-deserted town, but that was humans and their strange sense of personal space for one, wasn't it? Something to do with sex and how they did it to both reproduce and have fun, one xeno-anthropologist had suggested when Kikkizit had asked. Or maybe not, who knows! It wasn't Sub-Professor (third rank) Ysehan's specialty, after all.

In Kikkizit stepped, to a huge room, so huge they took a moment to steel themselves before moving towards a glass conference table, the chairs all set out being human-style chairs. Most difficult to sit in comfortably for a four-legged being. A human walked in, short, hair cut short, skin a sort of yellowish color that Kikkizit couldn't quite place, though most Xvorzit were pretty bad at telling humans apart other than the wide variety of their skin color, and sometimes hair color. Male...probably? No lumps on the front of their chest, at least. A closer look confirmed it. Male, well-dressed, likely a functionary.

"Greetings, Professor Kikkizit," the man said in surprisingly fluent words, albeit in a different language than the security guard*, "I hope your trip was enjoyable?"

"Oh, of course--" they begun, as they talked to Junior Minister Miles Fenwick, who was there to try to sound out the ambassador, receive their credentials, and otherwise get the process started.

So, first, set priorities of discussion and focus! (Rank from 1 to 6)

[] Setting up a mutual ambassadorship.
[] Direct economic aid.
[] Trade Deals.
[] Intergalactic Treaty Negotiations.
[] Other forms of help?
[] Galactic Political Information?

With their free-time, when not negotiating or working on negotiations, what do they do (Pick 2)?

[] Where rulers rulered: The White House, Versailles, and other such monuments to now superseded or dysfunctional government are open for tours, and it would no doubt be quite informative on the political history of Sol, at least its more past history. They've always been fascinated with that sort of thing, and it'd make an excellent way to unwind, and might give them a few ideas.
[] Nature in all its splendour: Parks and wilderness have their own beauty, and while Kikkizit isn't the most outgoing and outdoorish, Earth is said to be very beautiful, parts of it still quite wild despite the population levels, and all of it available for round-the-planet tourism. Perhaps it might give Kikkizit something to think about involving parks, wilderness, and land-use.
[] Ancient bones and dank tombs: There are tour packages that instead go to the 'Middle East' and all around the world, to the ancient sites of human battles, life, love and death. It's all very fascinating stuff and is on Kikkizit's bucket-list, if Xvorzit had that concept. Their fascination with ancient forms of Xvorzith culture extends in a similar way to human culture.
[] A Cultural Bonanza: Festivals, plays at the Globe Theatre, food all across the world, dancing, music and singing, this tour package promises to show the full range of Sol culture over a program of a week or three, and is apparently well-regarded. Yet another thing Kikkizit would be eager to do and explore, and it might give them an idea or two...or it might not.
[] Walking the Streets: No need for a guide! Just explore some. Visit cities using a brochure or two for interesting places, walk, shop, see how people live. Where do they go? How often do they recharge their hovercars? What's it like to live on Sol? Something of anthropology, and something of aimless wandering and questioning, it could turn up something, or it might not, but it'd definitely be touristy.
[] You belong in a Museum!: Earth has thousands of fascinating museums, and Kikkizit could choose to go to some of them, whether by category or location. Perhaps they'd learn something important, or perhaps not, either way it'd certainly be a fun enough way to spend a few weeks. (Will vote on what sorts of places you go if this is selected.)
[] The News is where it is: Watch the news. Read the news. Feel the news. Be the news. Absorb all of the political, social, and other news you can find on Sol, about the galaxy at large, about the Solish perspective (at least the perspective of the newscasters) on things. It's not really that relaxing, more a bit of studying, but it could be useful. Or it could teach you nothing except what a Talking Head is. Or something in between. Who knows? This, like all of the options, could lead to something interesting...or nothing much at all.


A/N: And thus the diplomacy begins!

I tried to get across that yes, humans are really, really weird. To a Xvorzit. And that Xvorzit probably come across as weird to a human...however, a translator device that works well can allow that good ol' Xvorzit charm to utterly wrap humans around their little manipulator-digit.

Incidentally, it was not a long walk. Kikkizit got a person to spill their entire life story to a random bug they've never seen before while speaking through a good but slightly buggy translator. Now, even by Xvorzit standards they're unusually good at that sort of thing, but it's not *that* uncommon on the sense that diplomatically focused Xvorzit can similarly pry a person open and rummage around their personal history while somehow coming off as polite and merely curious.

*) As a hint, nobody here is speaking 21st Century English. It's translation conventions all the way down.
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OOC: Warships Guide!

The nature of the gravitic field drive shapes the overall configuration of warships equipped with it. With the reactionless drive eliminating the need for bulky engine nozzles at the back end of a ship, a vessel's bow and stern tend to be almost identical in shape. Also, centuries of experimentation has confirmed that the most efficient way to mount the twin nodes of the drive system is to place one at the fore end of the vessel and the other aft, each mounted exactly on the vessel's centreline, leading there being two sets of engineering spaces at each end of the ship. It is also more efficient for drive field, elliptical in shape, to be significantly longer in one dimension than in the other two- thus most spacefaring vessels are long and spindle-shaped, tapering at each end. The position of the drive nodes exactly on the centreline also precludes the use of any spinally-mounted weaponry- the vast majority of warships carry their main armament along each broadside in a number of gun decks- escorts carry a single gun deck, cruisers two, heavier vessels three or more. However, the fixed broadside mounts of a ship's armament are not as inflexible as they first appear. Graviton cannons and graser emitters can refract the beam up to 45' from the beamline- it is more efficient, after all, to simply shift the emitter rather than turn the entire weapon. Also, even the obsolete missile launchers mounted on Gazinitah's battleships are capable of targeting vessels a long way off the weapon's bore- targets positioned immediately fore or aft of the vessel, for example.

The solid core of every navy in known space, ranging from, say, Gazinitah's pair of creaky, half-millennium-old relics to the brand new, cutting-edge vessels fielded by powers like the Barsamen Confederacy and the Ilwari Union by the score. Battleships have one role and one role alone in naval warfare- deal huge amounts of damage from their bristling gun decks, while soaking up just as much with their hugely powerful shield generators and meters-thick hull armor. Of course, this toughness and firepower comes at the price of a respectable thrust-to-mass ratio- battleships have a lower rate of acceleration than any other category of vessel save dreadnoughts.

A new addition to the naval landscape, known space's first dreadnoughts were the Ilwari Union's Intractable class, the lead ship of the class being commissioned into the Ilwari Navy in 2400, with the type first seeing combat during the Deiah incident 5 years later. At present the Ilwari Navy fields the galaxy's largest number of dreadnoughts, although the Barsa, wary of Ilwari revanchism, have also constructed a number of their own, and the Hexamari are rumored to be working on their own class of dreadnought. If other powers are doing likewise, no-one has yet noticed.
Tactically, a dreadnought is essentially a battleship taken to extremes- even clumsier, but with even heavier protection and firepower, adding a fourth gun deck to the battleship's traditional three.

First seen during the Hexamari Wars, a battlecruiser is essentially a battleship hull with a massively beefed up drive that allows it to achieve the same rates of acceleration as heavy cruisers- although, space and power supply being limited commodities, something must naturally be sacrificed to accommodate the drive. In the case of the first, Hexamari-pattern battlecruisers, it was protection- their shield generators were replaced by less energy-hungry models, and their hull armor pared away to reduce the total mass, resulting in a vessel with the size and armament of a battleship, but the speed and protection of a heavy cruiser- these vessels swiftly became the terror of known space, conducting blazing hit and run attacks against the Holy Empire's foes.
The second type is the Barsa-pattern battlecruiser, which maintains the protection of the battleship hull, but instead strips it's armament down to cruiser-grade guns- although it maintains the battleship hull's three gun decks. Overall, Hexamari-pattern and Barsa-pattern battlecruisers proved fairly evenly matched, although the latter proved more effective in the latter days of the war- given that battlecruisers closely resemble battleships, admirals often attempt to use them as such, and Barsa-pattern vessels stand up a lot better supporting battleships in the heat of the action than the more fragile Hexamari ones do. Although, some of their tactical flexibility is lost- Hexamari-pattern battlecruisers are extremely capable cruiser-hunters and can deal telling damage to even a battleship in a single well-placed strike- something that the Barsa-pattern ships with their cruiser-weight guns (though in numbers more numerous than any heavy cruiser) cannot do.

The most numerous heavyweight vessels in service with any navy, heavy cruisers embody an equal balance of speed, firepower, protection and cost- tougher and more heavily armed than light units, but more agile and cheaper than heavier ones, chiefly tasked with engaging and destroying enemy cruisers. They are also useful in noncombat roles where a battleship would be an unjustifiable expense. Although they vary in size, cruisers always have two gun decks.

Smaller, more lightly protected cruisers with more powerful drives relative to their mass. Light cruisers are chiefly used as escort hunters, and are the heaviest class of vessel to be used in numbers for system patrol duties. Some navies use them as flagships attached to escort flotillas.

The most common form of escort. Possessing the best thrust-to-mass ratio of all ship classes, destroyers are usually used to escort and screen larger vessels, as well as being detached opportunistically for raids against vulnerable targets. They are extremely common in system patrols, and are usually used to chase down and retrieve escape pods in the aftermath of a battle.

Smaller than destroyers, and usually with a less favourable thrust-to-mass ratio, frigates are dedicated escort vessels, whether for capital ships or for supply convoys. They tend to possess enhanced EW systems and more numerous point defences than their slightly larger cousins.

The smallest class of hyperspace-capable vessel, and largely obsolete in this day and age- their small size limits their capability. They are however still in use in some navies, usually those that can't afford better, and they still see plenty of use as system patrol- the Ilwari Union, for example, transferred all of their corvettes from the navy to the border service (essentially the coastguard in space.) Because of the limited internal space available, they tend to lack missile armament.
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Sol and Humanity--Questions?
Also! Questions open in a specific category that Kikkizit has knowledge of.

That is to say, you are free to ask me about Sol and Human culture and basic history. I won't give a full book or anything, but Kikkizit has the basic knowledge, at least, so I can give that to you too.

No questions about spaceships, that's lk's specialty. Fashion can also be asked about a little, or things like that.
OOC: Sol and Civil Rights? Also I talk about how Sol is OP, PLS NERF.
What's the status of civil rights/discrimination?

For which groups? As was somewhat hinted at in the update, gay rights has been an over-and-done thing long enough to be entirely pedestrian, and technology has also advanced enough that most people don't do body births, though they are much safer, enough so that some still do that. Similarly, racial politics are mostly subsumed or eliminated, in favor of more nationalist/galactist sentiments, and there are indeed groups with startling numbers (by today's standards, though as a subset of the population percentage wise they are marginal) who argue against the rights of political refugees as being too broad and against aliens as having too free a pass. At the moment aliens and political refugees (there's a constant flood of the latter, honestly, not all human planets are as rich or...well, non-shitty) can renounce or conditionally-renounce their citizens (IE: "I am no longer a citizen of X until they have a free and democratic government") and obtain the right to vote in a matter of months, a year at the most.

A very fast process, some believe. Too fast.

There definitely is some discrimination against aliens, and plenty of stereotypes about Xvorzit. Some are positive, others negative, and there are a lot of misconceptions among the average person on a lot of that sort of thing, to the point that scholars can hold of the Xvorzit both as proof that collectivism and economic socialism work and (across the hall) write an argument that their hard-work and long-hours are an inspiration...

While down the hall from that someone writes about how their collective nature has made the Xvorzit weak, or how their chitin-grinding hard work is disgusting and shouldn't be a model...

Back to the point at hand: all such discrimination is illegal. There are still class prejudices, though the economic plenty and other factors mean that a BIG is implemented, and compared to some times in Sol's past, let alone pre-Sol earth, it's somewhat muted. Prejudices run along political lines, definitely, and also as to the extent that gene-modding and cybernetic enhancement is acceptable. Or rather, such things above and beyond the usual baseline that has, in point of fact, cured cancer and all sorts of other diseases, and made it so that genetic illnesses are now a shocking rarity.

The biggest cleavage points, socially, are political and in terms of how the in-group is defined. Whether it should extend to all humans, all of the galaxy, and so on.

But yeah, it's written into the laws that discrimination based on race, gender, sex, sexual orientation, genetic profile, planet of origin, species (IE, Aliens in theory=no discrimination), age, sealed or otherwise closed records, political affiliation (though that's one that's broken more often than many would admit)...and probably a few others I didn't think of.

There is more discrimination beneath the table than many would like to admit, but a lot of the problems in that area have at least been mitigated for, and Sol's government serves as either a beacon of how to get things right, or a testament to how lucking into huge amounts of money and revenue basically allow you to say 'Fund It' to anything you want, including a very robust safety net, pretty good education that is free for all, subsidized colleges (which are a little more unfair and uneven), and at least the possibility that most forms of civil rights violation and discrimination are at least theoretically illegal, so there are actions you can take.

There's a reason lk and I referred to some of the Human planets as 'Sol on a Budget.'

Because Sol, well, Sol's the perfect case for 'If you were running it, I would be using Imrx's Influence-Dice system combined with a parlimentary politics navigation mechanic and it'd still be too much of a walk in the park.'

Whereas Sols on a Budget tend to have to make compromises to get all they want and have--in one instance, at least--significant religious discrimination, as well as plenty of other kinds of biases and problems.

Not that Sol doesn't have problems, too. But the nature of these potential problems is outside the scope of this already-too-long answer.
OOC: Trade and the Religious Marketplace of Ideas
I'm curious what's the economic foundation of interstellar trade and travel. What's cost effective to ship via FTL? What gets exchanged between very different species?

Alright, well first, what's not a foundation. Food. Now, inter-system trade has plenty of food trading, from planets that are excess producers to those who barely have enough to make it by (though every planet, even colonies, has hydroponics and the like.) Now, however, there are luxury foods and other such goods that are made exclusively in one place, and there is definitely a trade for that sort of thing, or eccentric Barsa or Xvorzit or Entat ordering, say, a hold full of Pizza from Earth. But even with luxury goods and unique flavors and so on, it's not really foundational.

Raw Resources are a bit closer to it, but many of them can indeed be gotten within most solar systems, though others are somewhat rare, or have been tapped out in a location, and besides that...the Rorrox, in their absolutely uninhabitable and freezing atmosphere have a number of materials and minerals and so on that aren't seen elsewhere that can be very useful for a number of purposes, able to handle cold and incredible pressure with ease. Similarly, Hexamari metal is just better, and there are a few goods like that.

More fundamentally, technology, media, techniques, specialized goods and services...

All of these, from games to holo-videos to music, do have cross-species appeal. They also, more vitally, have interspecies appeal. The largest and surest markets are often from within your own species for obvious reasons, but certain things can definitely catch on.

Slaves. Arms and weapons. Mercenaries.

Ships themselves are a popular sales item, often sent via FTL to the location they are to be bought at as proof that everything is in working order and to get a full log of how it ran to have proof that nothing's going to break or go wrong. And if you happen to also haul some technology and the data for the latest Holo-thriller and some luxury food and the newest holo-vid players...well, that's just gravy.

In one sense, most places are economically self-sufficient in the most basic way possible: if tomorrow the rest of the galaxy disappeared, they wouldn't starve or die, but they'd be losing a lot of luxury goods, there would be materials that wouldn't have a replacement, and their media and technological integration would all suffer. But the internal economy would still be able to manage. Plus colonies make a very good source of both economic exploitation and also as a market.

Xvorzith are generally known for--on other planets, at least--their factories, their salesmen, and their general work ethic and ability to adapt to everything. There are well-known (galactic) Xvorzit actors and so on. Not to go too much on a tangent, but Hollywood doesn't exist anymore as, well, the center of the filming world for obvious reasons, but the...air of hollywood does exist. The rich and famous, the big studios, etc, etc.

A bit short, but I didn't want to turn this into a lecture.

Huh. Another question; what of religion? Are there still recognisable religions, have they been completely replaced or have they melded together?

There are tons of new religions, but the old religions also exist. Now, as a general rule, most of the current religions that exist now probably still exist, but their grip is weaker, they've splintered more than a few times, and excepting some aspects of Buddhism and a few other bits and pieces here and there, few of them particularly interest non-humans.

Christianity still exists, but has splintered over aliens, the stars, etc, etc. Well, splintered further, religions aren't noted to be harmonious and united things, after all. And a decent number, as today, who are Christian pay it lip service. Similarly, many of the old 'Great Religions' have lost some of their vitality and market share, at least as a whole, even though individual sects might be doing very well. Islam still exists, as does Judaism, though the latter is now a very miniscule percentage of the galactic human population. There are computer programs that allow someone even all across the entire arm of the galaxy to be able to know exactly which direction Mecca is. :p

Buddhism and Hinduism are still rather popular, and have even gone through several revivals and reformations, but most of the story is that each of these religions, while it continues on with its existence, no longer has 'captured' a significant share of the marketplace of ideas. Instead, new religions, some of which appeal to aliens as well as humans, have spread and while many are small others are very large indeed. Other religions have been founded that mostly appeal to humans, including some separatist sorts of religions.

Barsa's Way, the Hexamari's Technocracy, and several other alien religions have found a definite niche in human society, Barsan Ways being the most popular by far, probably several percentage points of the total religious population.

Which does mean that, yes, there's a large crowd of people who are unaffiliated, non-denominational, or even atheist. Quite large indeed, though perhaps not so large as some people would predict.

Either way, religion is still alive and well...as a whole, but it's splintered a lot more and is now even more varied than it is today, with no one group really being able to say they're a 'Galactic religion' in the way you can say that Christianity or Islam is, today, a world-religion with countless followers.
In the Sun's Orbit, Part the Second To Last
In Sol's Shadow, Part Second To Last

[X] 1 - Intergalactic Treaty Negotiations.
[X] 2 - Setting up a mutual ambassadorship.
[X] 3 - Other forms of help?
[X] 4 - Trade Deals.
[X] 5 - Galactic Political Information?
[X] 6 - Direct economic aid.

[X] Where rulers rulered: The White-House, Versailles, and other such monuments to now superseded or dysfunctional government are open for tours, and it would no doubt be quite informative on the political history of Sol, at least its more past history. They've always been fascinated with that sort of thing, and it'd make an excellent way to unwind, and might give them a few ideas.

[X] A Cultural Bonanza: Festivals, plays at the Globe Theatre, food all across the world, dancing, music and singing, this tour package promises to show the full range of Sol culture over a program of a week or three, and is apparently well-regarded. Yet another thing Kikkizit would be eager to do and explore, and it might give them an idea or two...or it might not.

The first matter at hand were the treaties. Slavery was a dark and vile abomination against the will of sentients and the sanctity of cloning technology not to be abused in horrific ways for the pleasure of abusive sentients. More than that, being part of the Intergalactic treaties seemed like it was a good start to any attempt to get involved in galactic affairs. And, Kikkizit reasoned further, sitting in a room for a few hours before yet another meeting, this time with a sub-functionary who was an assistant for the Sol Ambassador to one of the several intergalactic bodies.

[Roll: 1d100+28+30 (Priority #1)=88+59=146, hot damn.]

"I come here today because a vow of silence shall be ended, or so I hope," Kikkizit said, poetically.

"Silence?" the woman asked, looking at them for a moment.

"All sentients should have a peaceful voice in the affairs of the galaxy, to let their voices enter into the song and tumult of peace and spreading understanding. To learn not to sing off key, to know when a song must be the same and when it must change. Gazinitah has denied its citizens and itself this joy, and this duty. Its reasons are inscrutible, and they are not our own. Our own are those of all free sentients, longing at last to speak up. For ourselves and those who cannot speak."

"Those who--?"

"Slaves. The oppressed. The weak, the meek, whom some human books once said shall inherit the earth. I read it once, just a blurb in a class, and yet it and your own culture and all that you have done got me thinking. I kept on thinking and kept on raising my voice, and you can see where it got me. Jail, yes, it was the voices of the people raised in glorious song that overthrew a dynasty that had misruled for centuries. Slaves cannot, and often are programmed so that they will not, speak for themselves, and we share the guilt of Gazinitah, of not being part of that treaty. We wish, you understand, to make amends, not only for that but in all of the hundreds of ways we can."

"Then why," the woman asked, shuffling some papers, "Did you… uphold the prior treaties."

"Because at the time we trusted a government to keep its word, had hope that the former ruling dynasty had not bound us to elements so odious as it turned out they had. They lied to us, sang songs whose words were false. Now we come to you asking to share the burden, asking for the responsibilities and the privileges, that all sentients may someday know peace, prosperity, and diversity. There is little we can offer you, truly, we are no richer- and in many ways worse off- than other Xvorzit Hives, but we can offer you our voices, raised justly in righteous song, and we can offer our hands, turned at last towards just labor. Our legs marching towards the words of Sol's founder: "A world where none may fear and all may hope." All I ask is for a chance, a chance to sign onto the treaties, to join the organizations, that we may prove ourselves worthy of the great honor that is to be of service to all the galaxy."

The woman was looking at him strangely, and she nodded once. "And you need my help?"

"Yes, and all I can yet do is ask it, it is for you to decide," Kikkizit said, simply, lowing their arms slightly and dipping their legs in a polite bow before sitting.

"If only half of the people involved took it…" the woman muttered and said, "Come, we have much to speak of."

It was a long meeting, and Kikkizit was glad they had studied their whole case so thoroughly, as there was a lot they had to show, and where rhetoric fell away, legalistic analysis of the clauses and subclauses, the difficulties imposed by the treaties of the Iashec which might make any attempt to join into certain groups flounder were slowly chipped away at and then disposed of, and work continued over the next few days, devouring time and energy, and yet it was worth it. Ultimately the final say was Vorzhan's, despite the power granted to Kikkizit, but they could make the work easy and simple when the time came.

Free Action next turn to join the intergalactic community. Increased chances of success, though not quite 100%. Sol's mighty impressed with you. +5 to all other negotiation rolls after this one.


[Roll 2: 1d100+28+20 (Priority #2)+5 (Crit Success (and not just because of bonuses))=102, crit success, very good. ]

After that, setting up an ambassadorship is pretty easy. There are a few difficulties, since the building that had been in use by the ambassador before as a secondary meeting area away from their official office had been sold, but another was found, and credentials were exchanged, the information sent, everything ready and needing only Vorzhan's stamp of approval, though only Kikkizit knew that it might be a while before the leader saw it.

Free Action next turn to set up embassies. The Good times continue to roll in terms of their overall opinions of Kikkizit.


[Roll 3: 1d100+28+10+5=115]

Compared to that, Kikkizit stepped a lot more cautiously in terms of actually asking for help directly. It felt like it could backfire, and their sense of the political pressures was incomplete, and thus he hesitated a long time before bringing it up in a message, just a hint that this was a direction they'd be willing to expand the talks towards. It was very subtle, and they weren't entirely sure whether it would bear fruit.

The professor was honestly a little startled by the strength of the response. And so they followed it up, for the moment focusing on education. Sol promised to send some educational advisors, and mentioned the potential of technology sharing, though they were careful not to promise too much. Certainly, though, any help at all would be appreciated, and their circumcision seemed to be respected, as did Kikkizit's focus on less material or obvious forms of aid.

+5 to the other 'Aid' rolls. +10 to all Learning rolls next turn. Increased chances for certain technological actions you already have unlocked. No new options at this time, maybe later.


[Roll 4: 1d100+28+0+5+5 (Other Aid Crit)=87, pretty good, of course.]

Trade, on the other hand, was far more complicated. As it turned out, there wasn't, as Kikkizit had feared, much for Gazinitah to offer Sol in terms of trade. However, there were things they could offer their immediate neighbors, and Sol could help to set up such trades. It was all rather complicated, and Kikkizit had to rely on programs and looking up information on the very day of each discussion in order to get any sense of things, and the trades were complex and multifaceted, careful deals that were perhaps a little too fragile, but would work at the moment. While for Sol these were small deals and small agreements, the amount of money involved staggered Kikkizit, and it'd certainly impress Vorzhan. And of course, diversifying the trade would make them less reliant on Iashec sources.

200 Wealth in trade income per turn. In 3-4 turns, if the economy doesn't pick up, the deals might fall through, however. But for the moment, it's golden.


[Roll 5: 1d100+28-10+5=48, huh, there we go.]

On the other hand, no matter how hard they tried, requests for information didn't seem to be getting anywhere. Perhaps Sol didn't want to admit whatever the situation was, but Kikkizit was getting rather tired of going to meetings with nothing more than platitudes, especially since it wasn't something Kikkizit was focused on. He had gotten back from another stage of his tour of landmarks when he'd made his big push, and all he'd gotten was a basic rundown of the various states in relation to Sol, and even that honestly felt a little deceptive. Or perhaps they were pressed by time, working with him around the clock and also having to deal with his desires- honestly his need considering how stressful the whole thing was- to play tourist.

Ultimately they got out what they put in, in terms of effort. Which, as it was, wasn't much.

+5 to Diplomacy Rolls involving non-Sol human powers next turn...yes, this is really specific, and limited.


[Roll 6: 1d100+28-20+5+5 (Other Aid Crit)=87, pretty good!]

The oddest blessings are those that aren't expected. They hadn't even asked about it, instead being offered by a dark-eyed man in a meeting, all of a sudden.

"Say again?" Kikkizit chittered, leaning forward.

"The Prime Minister is willing to offer direct economic aid to Gazinitah if you want it. It'll come from the aid we had sent Evlon 6 after the earthquake. It's small, a pittance," they said absently, "But it's all he can shake loose at the moment without agitating for it, and you've proven surprisingly undemanding in that regard, so he has decided not to use the political capital needed to expand it. But he still wishes to offer you what help he can, monetarily."

"We will be grateful for anything at all we recieve," Kikkizit said honestly.

"It's not much," the other ambassador said, absently, "Only [500 Wealth] a year, and it'll probably run out in four or five years unless we top up the funds."

Only? Kikkizit very carefully said, "We thank you for-"

"Well, there's a bit more. It can't be spent towards the security state, and it can't be spent on debt-servicing, and until...well, until your regime separates its police from its military, it cannot be earmarked towards those matters either. These restrictions will be upheld as best we can, and if you don't wish to accept them, that is perfectly fine.

I suspect I know the answer, but a vote is required: accept the deal? It'd be 250 Wealth a turn.

[] Yes.
[] No.


[Where Rulers Rulered: 1d100+27=93]

With all of this, it seemed incredible that they had time to galavant around the world, and yet they found the time. They made it. They were used to making time, to allowing their life to exist when it could be buried by studies and paperwork, and as it turned out, it was completely worth it.

Earth was beautiful up above, and down below, and everywhere in between, so vibrant and full of life, and at three places they learned something truly significant, and at many more they thought deeply and studied closely. The history of Sol was a history of systems of thought and control, progressing and changing and being overwhelmed, and yet bits and pieces of them surviving.

There was a place in Sol for Versailles, and the Kremlin, even though nobody had ruled from there in over six-hundred years. Kikkizit skittered about the opulent if strange wealth, identifying the painting styles from an online guide they'd gotten, taking notes for a colleague of theirs. In fact, a lot of what they were doing was just that: helping out their fellow faculty members, even now. He also had time to think about the palaces of the Ruler Caste. They shouldn't be destroyed, but should be preserved, as part of history, that much had occurred to them when looking at these buildings, now so much more important than any 'revenge' against the past. But that, similarly, the Ruler Caste couldn't be allowed to hold onto the public funds, they should be cut off in order to wither on the vine.

In muggy India they thought more about this and started to think about how these systems broke down. They worked for a time to a certain definition of working, and then they fell apart. Their systems oppressed, they enslaved, they changed and fell apart almost constantly. In that regard, over five hundred years of Ruler Caste rule, and of mostly the same dynasty at that, was far too much to expect to be any good. Systems which didn't allow for change or allowed them only violently; these systems were of great interest, if only for what didn't work, and Kikkizit would definitely need to talk to Vorzhan about perhaps setting up some method of succession. It would be too easy for things to get bad, otherwise. At least they didn't have children- though there was still time for that to potential change- to increase the risks of something like what was just eliminated creeping back in…

It was a lot to think of, and a lot of data, and then they'd seen the White House, and several other buildings, and he'd seen that there was an art to certain things. An art to knowing when to let go. There was no longer any President of the United States. No longer any United States, at least as a discrete governmental institution. But they hadn't lost, had they? Instead they had adapted themselves towards a better future, had understood that few governments last forever, and if the happiness of its citizens and the world was the goal, they'd won.

It was a lot for the professor to take in, honestly.

A few thoughts, ideas, and other things that will eventually (not for a while) become options. Potential other bonuses at end of Diplomacy turn.

[A Cultural Bonanza #1, Learning: 1d100+27=55]

Learning about human art forms could have gone better. They did pick up a little, and the styles of artwork, especially in the old monuments, all things that they could tell their friends who were studying such things. Helping out others was a gift in itself, and he couldn't say it wasn't a worthwhile time, even if he hadn't come across any great revelations in the world of art other than that human art was as varied as Xvorzit art, and as fascinating, if in a strange and unfamiliar way.

[A Cultural Bonanza #2: 1d100+28=67]

Making contacts, on the other hand, is rather easy. Meeting holonet stars and musicians, artists and game-makers of all sorts, and turning them into friends after only a meeting or two, even an incidental meeting… it's a talent that a sufficiently clever Xvorzit can use to great effect. While most Xvorzit were in earnest, that didn't mean they didn't know something about social psychology, and even with their official status obscured, kind words and careful hints allowed them to meet people who would normally avoid contact with the average bug… or human for that matter. The contacts would need to be followed up on, but it was something. Or perhaps it could be, with work.

And honestly, talking to actors and painters and other such people about their lives and works was worth it in the first place.

Potential gains, right now mostly just possibilities. Possibly something at the end of the Diplomacy turn.

Just as pressingly, a meeting with Prime Minister Ankit Mutumbo was approaching. It would be the end, the final step of the negotiations, the last chance to make a good impression or get more out of the meeting. A lot rode on this, and they were already trying to work out how best to go about it. And what to talk about.

What sort of meeting does Kikkizit push for?

[] Beer Summit?: An informal sort of meeting in which the two parties have a drink (though Xvorzit don't drink alcohol) and talk through a few things, it might be too informal, or it might be just right.
[] Bottled Poetry: On the other hand, you could go to a fancy restaurant or pushing for a formal state dinner, more time to talk but in a more formal setting
-[] Restaurant (Any preferences? Just know that all of the cuisines that existed now exist then, and more, complete with tons of new fusion options and intergalactic forms of eating.)
-[] Formal State Dinner
[] No fighting in the war room: A formal conference is best. Long tables, official times, schedules, this formality is a shield of sorts, and it makes one look less like a thief scurrying around in the night, perhaps.
[] He will see you now: On the other hand you could slip into the capitol building and talk to them in their office, between meetings and work. It'd be a little quick, but there is something to be said for the idea.
[] Other: Got an idea? Share it and I'll tell you if it's possible.

What are his priorities? To note, the higher a success already, the more a topic is already tapped out in terms of gains, though depending on the topic bringing it up might or might not give a bonus or penalty to other things, depending. Things that weren't a great success have a chance to be tried again via this. (Pick one Primary and one Secondary, this isn't a long meeting, after all!)

[] Setting up a mutual ambassadorship.
[] Direct economic aid.
[] Trade Deals.
[] Intergalactic Treaty Negotiations.
[] Other forms of help?
[] Intergalactic Political Situation?

Kikkizit has time, or has made time, for one final bit of leisure-activity before they must return to Gazinitah. Where do they go?

[] Nature in all its splendour: Parks and wilderness have their own beauty, and while Kikkizit isn't the most outgoing and outdoorsish, Earth is said to be very beautiful, parts of it still quite wild despite the population levels, and all of it available for round-the-planet tourism. Perhaps it might give Kikkizit something to think about involving parks, wilderness, and land-use.
[] Ancient bones and dank tombs: There are tour packages that instead go to the 'Middle East' and all around the world, to the ancient sites of human battles, life, love and death. It's all very fascinating stuff and is on Kikkizit's bucket list, if Xvorzit had that concept. Their fascination with ancient forms of Xvorzith culture extends in a similar way to human culture.
[] Walking the Streets: No need for a guide! Just explore some. Visit cities using a brochure or two for interesting places, walk, shop, see how people live. Where do they go? How often do they recharge their hovercars? What's it like to live on Sol? Something of anthropology, and something of aimless wandering and questioning, it could turn up something, or it might not, but it'd definitely be touristy.
[] You belong in a Museum!: Earth has thousands of fascinating museums, and Kikkizit could choose to go to some of them, whether by category or location. Perhaps they'd learn something important, or perhaps not, either way it'd certainly be a fun enough way to spend a few weeks. (Will vote on what sorts of places you go if this is selected.)
[] The News is where it is: Watch the news. Read the news. Feel the news. Be the news. Absorb all of the political, social, and other news you can find on Sol, about the galaxy at large, about the Solish perspective (at least the perspective of the newscasters) on things. It's not really that relaxing, more a bit of studying, but it could be useful. Or it could teach you nothing except what a Talking Head is. Or something in between. Who knows? This, like all of the options, could lead to something interesting...or nothing much at all.