A History of the World Redux

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New game new hope.

Intro: A History of the World Redux is, at least at the start, going to be...
New game new hope.

Intro: A History of the World Redux is, at least at the start, going to be a game where the goal is to tell an interesting story. You can choose one civilization to be powerful above all others. You can also set a more realistic (but still alternate) path for world history to take.

So here's what I need you to do:

Pick an amount of time to pass. The game will start in 3000 BC.

Next, create at least one major event or series of events to happen for each nation. These events can be anything that could conceivably happen in this time period in the world. This will be easy to start with, as there are only 4 playable nations right now, but the civilized world will get much, much larger. As a result, collaboration on your guy's parts will probably be needed. For now, just post your ideas for what will happen as plan (something) and the other players will vote on which plan they like the most.

You can also provide omakes if you wish, but it won't be at all necessary for the game to continue.

My job will be to provide the stats, and tell the why and how of your events, through what will probably be a multitude of narrative formats. And the maps.

Ask if you have any questions

Update 0: 3000 B.C.

Zeitgeist is, for the purposes of this game, a marker to tell us how advanced a civilization is in terms of its era.



Zeitgeist: Ancient Era
Military Might: Strong
Infrastructure: Undeveloped
Resources: Bountiful
Technology: High
Culture: High
Population: 1,000,000 (approx.)
Prestige: High
Wealth: Above-average
Stability: Stable
Virtuousness of Government: Slightly above-average
Virtuousness of People: Average
Happiness: Average
Standard of living: Average
Life Expectancy: Slightly low.

City-States of Minoa:

Zeitgeist: Ancient Era
Military Might: Low
Infrastructure: Above-Average
Resources: Average
Technology: Slightly Above-Average
Culture: Above-Average
Population: 2,000
Wealth: Slightly below-average
Stability: Somewhat low
Virtuousness of Government:Average
Virtuousness of People: Above-Average
Happiness: High
Standard of Living: Average
Life Expectancy: Average

Kingdom of Ebla

Zeitgeist: Ancient Era
Military Might: Average
Infrastructure: Average
Resources: Plentiful
Technology: Slightly Above-Average
Culture: Somewhat Low
Population: 100,000
Prestige: Average
Wealth: Average
Stability: Stable
Virtuousness of Government: High
Virtuousness of People:Above-Average
Happiness: Average
Standard of Living: Average
Life Expectancy: Average


Zeitgeist: Ancient Era
Military Might: Average
Infrastructure: Highly developed
Resources: Semi-Plentiful
Technology: Advanced
Culture: Rather high
Population: 100,000
Prestige: High
Wealth: Average
Stability: Stable
Virtuousness of Government:Somewhat above-average
Virtuousness of People: Average
Happiness: Somewhat above-average
Standard of Living: Above-average
Life Expectancy: Average

I'll give you an example:

[ ] Plan Placebo

Minoa: Gain new benevolent ruler
Egypt: Gain evil ruler
Sumeria: Develop writing
Ebla: Increase military might.

You can also be more detailed if you want.
[X] Plan Fuck the Timeline
[X] 100 years

Minoa: Send out boats and begin scouting out the area around them
Egypt: Develop writing and basic mathmatics
Sumeria: The priesthood of all the city-states simultaneously announces that it is the will of the gods that the people of Sumer to increase their land and conquer those poor non-Sumer peoples in order to bring them into the greatness that is Sumer.
Ebla: Increase military might due to conflicts with the nearby tribes
@TimeshifterGuy The plan looks good but, Minoa is the island nation and Elba is landlocked.


[X] Plan the First Stone was Throw REDUX
[X] 50 years

Egypt: Begin build boat for King/Pharaoh and exlpore Mediterranean Sea...

Minoa : Priest Rulership has seen better days... Warlord seem be winning but Priest try cling on to power and we start to trade with this boat people (Egyptians)

Sumeria : Expand Our mighty nation need more land, FOR SUMERIA

Elba : Look around these land near by us
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3 People have voted so far. Although I want to ensure that almost everyone who wants to vote gets the chance, I also want to move things along. At this stage in the game, which is more important?
3 People have voted so far. Although I want to ensure that almost everyone who wants to vote gets the chance, I also want to move things along. At this stage in the game, which is more important?

Move thing along... People like have stuff to do and bigger than game right now people think active and things like that
Update 1 3000-2900 B.C.



Zeitgeist: Ancient Era
Military Might: Strong
Infrastructure: Undeveloped
Resources: Bountiful
Technology: Very High
Culture: High
Population: 1,040,000 (approx.)
Prestige: High
Wealth: Above-average
Stability: Stable
Virtuousness of Government: Slightly above-average
Virtuousness of People: Average
Happiness: Average
Standard of living: Average
Life Expectancy: Slightly low.

City-States of Minoa:

Zeitgeist: Ancient Era
Military Might: Low
Infrastructure: Above-Average
Resources: Average
Technology: Slightly Above-Average
Culture: Above-Average
Population: 2,100
Wealth: Below-average
Stability: Somewhat low
Virtuousness of Government:Average
Virtuousness of People: Above-Average
Happiness: Rather High
Standard of Living: Average
Life Expectancy: Average

Kingdom of Ebla

Zeitgeist: Ancient Era
Military Might: High
Infrastructure: Average
Resources: Plentiful
Technology: Slightly Above-Average
Culture: Somewhat Low
Population: 10,500
Prestige: Slightly Above-average
Wealth: Somewhat below-average
Stability: Stable
Virtuousness of Government: High
Virtuousness of People: Above-Average
Happiness: Average
Standard of Living: Average
Life Expectancy: Average


Zeitgeist: Ancient Era
Military Might: High
Infrastructure: Highly developed
Resources: Semi-Plentiful
Technology: Advanced
Culture: Rather high
Population: 120,000
Prestige: Very High
Wealth: Slightly-Below Average
Stability: Stable
Virtuousness of Government: Average
Virtuousness of People: Slightly-below Average
Happiness: Somewhat above-average
Standard of Living: Above-average
Life Expectancy: Average


Zeitgeist: Ancient Era
Military Might: Average
Infrastructure: Slightly above-Average
Resources: Average
Technology: High
Culture: Somewhat Low
Population: 10,000
Prestige: High
Wealth: High
Stability: Slightly Low
Virtuousness of Government: Rather High
Virtuousness of People: Average
Happiness: Slightly above-average
Standard of Living: Slightly above-average
Life Expectancy: Average


Excerpts from The Foundation of the Foundation: A History of the Ancient Mediterranean

It has often been said that no man lives on an island. While this may be true, the people of the late prehistoric Mediterranean did not often venture outside their cultural boundaries. At around 3000 B.C., however, there is evidence of people from the island of Minoa going doing just that, exploring the lands outside of their tiny island and occasionally staying there. By the end of the 31st​ century B.C., artifacts that would be rediscovered thousands of years later appeared all across the islands and coastlines of the Eastern Mediterranean.

Meanwhile, the Eblan kingdom, also explored, but did not have as many happy meetings with its neighbors. As a result, there was an increase in the amount of weaponry produced during this time. Local legend tells us that a wise king ordered the increase of military might. However, as there wasno such thing as writing for the Eblanese at this time, his name has been passed through orally, and as such, has been corrupted and varied in such a way to make almost any guess of his name as good as another.

Egypt's explorations during this era were not of actual lands, but of human achievements. Many inventors attempted to win favor from the Pharaoh by creating things, but only two inventions were useful enough to survive the test of time. Hieroglyphs, first developed by the inventor Tabu, and basic mathematics, developed by his son, Ankkhor.

2990 B.C., Winter, Uruk, Priest Ibranum's Home

"You may be wondering why I have called all of the high priests together like this. Well, the answer is that I have found a way for us to gain even more riches." Several priests were seated along the wall, with the King's priest Ibranum in the middle. The room was dark, save for a small fireplace that only slightly illuminated the faces of the priests.

Ibranum continued after the short pause, "As you know, we are in communion with the Gods. We tell the people what we know of the Gods and their commands, and in return we are cared for by the people. However, a sudden revelation came to me last night. Since we are the only ones who in communion with the Gods, the people have no way of knowing whether what we say is truth or lie." A grin spread across the lower half of Ibranum's face, combining with the dim lighting to produce a frightening image. "My friends, what if we just tell the people our desires as well as the Gods'?"

"Madness!" Shouted a voice in the darkness, belonging the High priest Rish-Shamash, "The Gods will surely smite you for this!"

"Will they now?" Answered Ibranum, "In that case, we shall give them extra sacrifices to appease their wrath. These sacrifices will come from the surrounding areas that will surely be conquered once we tell the people that the Gods demand it."
Rish-Shamash stood up and said, "It will certainly benefit us priests and the noblemen of Sumer, but what about everyone else? What about the men who will die in those wars and the women and children they leave behind. My friends, the Gods are cruel. They give those who are born the sweet nectar of life, just for them to go to Kur, that dreary place from which there is no return. And you would choose to make those people whose lives are lower than us suffer more than they already do? I shall have none of this! I-" CRASH! A spare pottery jug was broken across Rish-Shamash's head. As he went down, the attacker, a fellow High Priest proceeded to repeatedly stab the prone Rish-Shamash until he was quite dead.

The murderer got up, turned to Ibranum, and said, "There will surely be an investigation upon the death of the well-respected Rish-Shamash. Can I count on you, King's Priest Ibranum, to protect me?"

Ibranum smiled, and with that, the first priests' meeting came to a close. Sumeria would expand greatly over the next few generations.

[X] Plan The New Dawn
[X] 100 years

Minoa: Strange Land are around us, see we can make colony somewhere around here

Egypt: Epypt need expand, living-space is required.. gib clay

Sumeria: Make Trade with citys states that inland... to introduce fellew civllized people our ways

Ebla: Look for the east, rumors of another city state lies in east

Mari : Look for the west, rumors of another city state lies in west
[X] Plan The New Dawn
[X] 100 years

Minoa: Strange Land are around us, see we can make colony somewhere around here

Egypt: Epypt need expand, living-space is required.. gib clay

Sumeria: Make Trade with citys states that inland... to introduce fellew civllized people our ways

Ebla: Look for the east, rumors of another city state lies in east

Mari : Look for the west, rumors of another city state lies in west
We don't even know if we are voting yet. Considering that we didn't get results from what happened in Sumer (Did they succeed? If so, how much? What problems did they run into?) I would not be surprised if there is more coming.

And we got literally no fluff on Mari, just some stats. On top of that, orginally, Mari was built as a trade city between Sumer and the Levant area (where Ebla is) so they probably already know about Ebla. However, with both areas at war with their neighbors, I don't see trade developing how it did, since warzones tend to reduce trade. Thus, I am curious how Mari even came to exist in this timeline.

In conclusion, we need to wait for a GM response
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Yeah you can vote. Once an update is done you can always vote. I thought it was pretty clear that Sumeria expanded. As for Mari. I just felt that it popping up wasn't important enough to delay the update.
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[X] Plan: We need more!
[X] 100 years

Minoa: From Egypt, you learned mathematics and writing, but you advanced mathematics even further, to create geometry. At the same time, to increase your trade goods, you expanded to other isles.

Egypt: Expand along the Nile and the coast. The waters of Osiris will provide!

Sumeria: Look to the East, where there is tales of people who have never known the glory of Sumer. This must be corrected.

Ebla: Conquer the tribes on your way to the coast. The trade along the sea would make Ebla powerful.

Mari: Expand and increare your military might. For now, Sumer is expanding East, but trading with them as taught you their danger. They will come for you, eventually.

There is no way that Mari and Ebla don't know about it each other. Mari was literally built on trade between Sumer and the area Ebla is in.
And I'm back. Don't worry, I won't start a new thread, I've had enough of that. I'll start working on an update shortly. But I do want to ask you guys, if you're still interested in playing, would you guys have any suggestions on reforming the game's rules while still keeping it's spirit intact. I feel there isn't enough room for personal investment in outcomes.

EDIT: Maybe, the grand strategy forum would be better suited for a game like this
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I wasn't aware that there was any rules.

Although, GS might increase personal investment