A History of All Existence: A Time Travel Quest

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Welcome to my Newest and Most Creative (For me anyway Quest) A History of All Existence! The...
Introductory post
Welcome to my Newest and Most Creative (For me anyway Quest) A History of All Existence! The point of this quest is to have your character, whoever he/she may be to travel to different points in history and change certain effects. Unlike most Time Travel stories, any time you time travel, a new universe will be created based upon your actions. So let's say you wanna time travel to stop the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Well nothing's gonna change in the time you originally came from, but things will definitely change in the timeline you just created. If it helps, think of DBZ time travel rules.

At any Rate, Character creation time. Sv's task is to write up a short biography of a more or less normal person in our world, with 10 skill points to distribute. What to distribute them into? That's up to you! You can put a maximum of 4 skill points in a skill. 4 points in a skill means that you are really great at the skill. To give an example, Bruce Lee had 4 skill points in martial arts. 3 Points in a skill means you're an expert, but by no means legendary. 2 points means you're good at it but by no means an expert, 1 skill point means you're a novice, and no points represents a layman's average ability to do the skill. So 0 points would be most people's martial arts score.

Example skills:

Basic Social
Historical Knowledge
Martial Arts

These are all examples, you are welcome to use them and welcome to ignore them.

And before anyone asks, yes I did get inspiration for the mechanics from FATE.
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If no one posts, I'll make character creation a little more simple for you guys. Note that your character is from the modern era.
[X] Plan SV...
-[X] Engineering - 4 point
-[X] Historical Knowledge - 4 point
-[X] Deceive - 1 point
-[X] Basic Social - 1 point
-[X] Biography: A twenty something male Russian astronomer. Has a tatoo of an emperor penguin on their left leg. Close knit circle of friends, with a few unique people in there. Named Peter Geffsky.
[X] Plan SV...
-[X] Engineering - 4 point
-[X] Historical Knowledge - 4 point
-[X] Deceive - 1 point
-[X] Basic Social - 1 point
-[X] Biography: A twenty something male Russian astronomer. Has a tatoo of an emperor penguin on their left leg. Close knit circle of friends, with a few unique people in there. Named Peter Geffsky.
Despite me being lazy, the urge to create is within me once more. So here I am. Before we start I should ask a few questions. These aren't going to be voted on but I'd appreciate hearing the thoughts of anyone who comes across this thread.

1. Should I continue character Creation? If so, should I cancel the two votes from before.
2. Do you like the character creation mechanics or would you have them altered?
3. Do you require background about the world our hero is from or should we start in media res?

Here's to success and an attempt where my work ethic does not fail me!
Huh, I wonder why veekie wasn't here?

@Bobalo 18 I don't know if you should continue character creation, or not. I'd recommend not to continue keeping the vote open, close the vote, use the winning vote, and update with 1500 - 2500 words or more. It has been months after all, and you only attracted two votes.

The character creation mechanics are different from what I'm used to. There were no [], but that was character creation. Maybe the rest of the quest will be different?

And yes give us some history about the world our hero is from.
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