Vote tally - A Hellfish flys again! ( a Simpsons X DVV CK2 Quest)

Scheduled vote count started by Ranger65 on Aug 31, 2023 at 11:24 AM, finished with 45 posts and 30 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
A Hellfish flys again! ( a Simpsons X DVV CK2 Quest)
Post #599
Post #643


  • [X] Plan Building The Foundation
    -[X] National Actions
    --[X] Martial: Release The Hounds (DC 40) (Jasper Bonus)
    --[X] Martial: Capture Mutant Animals (DC 45) (Fat Tony)
    --[X] Diplomacy: Work With Union Members (DC 45) (Flanders)
    --[X] Stewardship: City Reconstruction: All Districts At Once (DC 50) (Wilhelm)
    --[X] Intrigue: Look Into Burns (Mona Simpson)
    --[X] Learning: Research Magic (DC 80) (Frink)
    -[X] Personal Actions
    --[X] Abe
    ---[X] Hire Apu
    ---[X] Talk with Mona
    ---[X] Get The Hounds To Like You
    ---[X] Spend time with your son
    --[X] Flanders
    ---[X] Spend Time With Your Sons
    --[X] Jasper
    ---[X] To the last man
    --[X] Frink
    ---[X] Give Kaiser A Checkup
    --[X] Fat Tony
    ---[X] Find The Don
    --[X] Wilhelm
    ---[X] Get A Checkup
    [X] Plan Breach Containment
    -[X] (Martial) Block Off Access to the Cemetery. (DC 50) (Fat Tony)
    -[X] (Martial) Release the Hounds (DC 40) (Jasper)
    -[X] (Diplomacy) Hire Outside Workers for your Company (Flanders)
    -[X] (Stewardship) City Reconstruction - All Districts at once (DC 50) (Kaiser Wilhelm)
    -[X] (Intrigue) Look into Burns (Mona Simpson)
    -[X] (Learning) Upgrade the Plant Waste Disposal Methods (DC 45) (Frink)
    -[X] Personals
    --[X] Abe
    ---[X] Hire Apu
    ---[X] Talk with Mona
    ---[X] A Test of your Own Medicine 2
    ---[X] Spend time with your son
    --[X] Flanders
    ---[X] Spend Time With Your Sons
    --[X] Jasper
    ---[X] To the last man
    --[X] Frink
    ---[X] Spend some time reading the scientific forums
    --[X] Fat Tony
    ---[X] Look for the Don (MAFIA action)
    --[X] Kaiser Wilhelm II
    ---[X] Get A Checkup
    [X] Plan Past and Future
    -[X] (Martial) Upgrade Security Force 60 - Fat Tony
    -[X] (Martial) Block Off Access to the Cemetery 50 - Jasper
    -[X] (Diplomacy) Work With Union Members 45 - Flanders
    -[X] (Stewardship) Support city reconstruction - All districts at once 50 - Wilhelm
    -[X] (Intrigue) Look into Burns ??? - Mona
    -[X] (Learning) Upgrade your Power Reactor 80 - Frink
    ---[X] Talk with Mona
    ---[X] Practice your lying skills
    ---[X] Spend time with your son
    ---[X] Hire Apu
    ---[X] Spend some time with your sons
    ---[X] To the last man
    ---[X] Spend some time reading the scientific forums
    ---[X] Look for the Don
    ---[X] Get A Checkup
    [X] Plan Dogs ,"Cowboys" and Reconstruction
    -[X] National Actions
    --[X] Martial: Release The Hounds (DC 40) (Jasper Bonus)
    --[X] Martial: Capture Mutant Animals: (DC 45) (Whilhelm)
    --[X] Diplomacy: Work With Union Members (DC 45) (Flanders)
    --[X] Stewardship: Stewardship: City Reconstruction: All Districts At Once (DC 50) (Fat Tony)
    --[X] Intrigue: Look Into Burns (Mona Simpson)
    --[X] Learning: Upgrade The Plant Waste Disposal Methods (DC 45) (Frink)
    -[X] Personal Actions
    --[X] Abe
    ---[X] Hire Apu
    ---[X] Talk with Mona
    ---[X] Get The Hounds To Like You
    --[X] Flanders
    ---[X] Spend Time With Your Sons
    --[X] Jasper
    ---[X] To the last man
    --[X] Frink
    ---[X] Give Kaiser A Checkup
    --[X] Fat Tony
    ---[X] Find your men
    ----[X] Legs
    --[X] Wilhelm
    ---[X] Get A Checkup
    [X] Plan: Dealing with threats
    -[X] National Actions
    --[X] Block Off Access to the Cemetery. (Fat Tony)
    --[X] Work with Union Members (Ned Flanders)
    --[X] Reconstruct Olden Springfield (Jasper Beardsley)
    --[X] Upgrade Springfield Prison (Professor John Frink Jr.)
    --[X] Investigate Sideshow Bob's Breakout (Mona Penelope Simpson)
    --[X] Study Maps of the lands/areas near you (Kaiser)
    -[X] Personal Actions
    --[X] Abe
    ---[X] Talk with Mona
    ---[X] meet the general
    ---[X] Hire someone for the power plant (Apu)
    ---[X] Spend time with your son
    --[X] Flanders
    ---[X] Go to Church
    --[X] Jasper
    ---[X] To the last man
    --[X] Frink
    ---[X] Spend some time reading the scientific forums
    --[X] Fat Tony
    ---[X] Look for the Don
    --[X] Kaiser Willhelm
    ---[X] Look out for your horse
    [x] [X] Plan Breach Containment
    [X] Plan Bozo Hunting
    -[X] Martial
    --[X] Block Off Access to the Cemetery (DC. 50) (Fat Tony)
    -[X] Diplomacy
    --[X] Work with Union Members (DC 45) (Flanders)
    -[X] Stewardship
    --[X] Support the city reconstruction effort (DC: Varies)
    ---[X] All the districts at once: (DC 50) (2 income) (Kaiser)
    -[X] Intrigue
    --[X] Look into Burns (DC ???) (Mona Simpson)
    --[X] Investigate Sideshow Bob's Breakout (DC 100) (Jasper Bonus)
    -[X] Learning
    --[X] Upgrade the Plant waste disposal methods. Dc 45 (Frink)
    --[X] Personal Actions
    --[X] Abe
    ---[X] Hire Apu
    ---[X] Talk with Mona
    ---[X] Figure out this damn control panel
    ---[X] Get The Hounds To Like You
    --[X] Flanders
    ---[X] Go to Church
    --[X] Jasper
    ---[X] To the last man
    --[X] Frink
    ---[X] Give a check up
    --[X] Fat Tony
    ---[X] Visit your cousin fit tony.
    --[X] Kaiser Wilhem
    ---[X] Get A Checkup
    --[X] (Martial) Block Off Access to the Cemetary (Fat Tony)
    --[X] (Diplo) Work With Union Members (Flanders)
    --[X] (Stewardship) Pay Your Damm Taxes (Kaiser Wilhelm)
    --[X] (Intrigue) Look Into Burns (Mona)
    --[X] (Intrigue) Investigate Sideshow Bob's Breakout (Jaspers)
    --[X] (Learning) Upgrade the Plant Waste Disposal (Frink)
    --[X] Practice Your Lying Skills
    --[X] Meet the General
    --[X] Talk with Mona
    --[X] Hire Apu
    --[X] Attempt blind dating
    --[X] To The Last Man
    --[X] Give a checkup
    --[X] Find your men: Louie
    --[X] Recieve a checkup