Vote tally - A Harry Potter Quest: He who was not

Adhoc vote count started by Nurgle on Feb 14, 2019 at 9:51 AM, finished with 76 posts and 33 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
A Harry Potter Quest: He who was not
Post #1048
Post #1123


  • [X] We need a Hero - Call for Nally while gathering everyone to retreat as you talk. When she appears, ask her to go and quickly gather enough house elves to evacuate our group to the Great Hall.
    [X] Heads or Tails – There is nothing that you can do to kill a Dementor, but to hurt it? Inconvenience it? You have no clue. This would be the testing of a hypotheses that you had never got to write down. Either it was possible, and you would survive somehow, or you would lose your soul here. Stand your ground and fight while retreating back into the castle.
    [X] Heads or Tails – There is nothing that you can do to kill a Dementor, but to hurt it? Inconvenience it? You have no clue. This would be the testing of a hypotheses that you had never got to write down. Either it was possible, and you would survive somehow, or you would lose your soul here. Stand your ground and fight while retreating back into the castle.
    -[X] We need a Hero - Call for Nally while gathering everyone to retreat as you talk. When she appears, ask her to go and quickly gather enough house elves to evacuate our group to the Great Hall.
    [X] Heads or Tails
    [X] Heads or Tails – There is nothing that you can do to kill a Dementor, but to hurt it? Inconvenience it? You have no clue. This would be the testing of a hypotheses that you had never got to write down. Either it was possible, and you would survive somehow, or you would lose your soul here. Stand your ground and fight while retreating back into the castle.
    -[X] We need a Hero - Call for Nally while gathering everyone to retreat as you talk. When she appears, ask her if she can apparate or teleport all of you at once to the great hall, or if she can quickly go gather some more house elves and have them teleport to you to whisk you all to safety. If that won't work, ask her bring Professor Flitwick to protect you.
    [x] Plan Don't Panic