Will this end up like the last playthrough?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • Is this a rhetorical question?

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • Dess!

    Votes: 12 37.5%
  • No.

    Votes: 1 3.1%

  • Total voters
The setup.


Call Gespenst!
Alright gentlemen, made some more adjustments to keep it up to date with the map mod. Previous testing didn't give me any major headaches beyond the ones that come with this country sucking more than Spain.

So, as I said, the main difference are the added possessions (Cape Verde and Timor), to match at least some of the actual Portuguese possessions in the beginning of the 20th century. I also reviewed the ship names file and left it somewhat more organized.

This playthrough will follow the logic of the last one, so that's medium fleets and variable tech at 20% research. Let's try to avoid screwing the pooch like last time.

Once again, on y va!

João Quintanilha woke up with the telltale signs of a bad hangover. Of course, said hangover only got worse when he realized he was sitting on the desk of the defunct Admiral of the Armada... and he had been caught at if, if the First Lieutenant looking at him was any indication.

There was also this strange feeling of dejá-vu, for some strange reason...

Well, this is... different. Maybe not. Compared with the original playthrough, I got 70k extra to cover the extra area to cover. How nice of them.
Either way, the plan is the same as the first playthrough, only with less DD in the colonies and a couple of colonial cruisers to make tonnage. So, meet the S. Rafael class:

And to guard the colonial possessions, the Mondego class:

Now that I think of it, I kinda overdid it when it comes to torpedoes, it's not like they're meant to be used as fleetboats.

Timor has no base capacity at all, so I spend some money improving capacity there, as well as all other possessions that aren't in the Central Atlantic, as Algarve is listed as a possession there, and thus borrowing it 100 base capacity. Frankly, it does the job. As it is, sustainign more than a minimal presence anywhere implies needing to improve bases.
And now we get to the interesting part... sort of. I'm not going to bother with anything above CLs in the legacy fleet.

The Lima class DDs are slightly faster than their colonial siblings, but their loadout is much lighter... they're somewhat of a gunboat design to counter DDs... not that it will do much, given the accuracy ratings at this point in the game... 12 of them will be stationed in the home area to support the cruisers.

Since I'm not going to build anything bigger than CLs for now, I'll go for my usualy stategy and push a max-sized cruiser with 6in guns and some armor protection. Since this is a 20% game, I expect they'll be around for quite a few years before the Light Cruiser armor configuration tech is researched. The Adamastor is still different from my usual designs, with the 1-2 turret configuration forward. I also removed the torpedoes, and left it ready for a future CDF refit. I can (and will) build... 3 of these, which is the maximum I can fit with my current funds.

Now, minesweepers. I'm going to go ful derp here. 12 will be built.

Isn't this the derpiest thing afloat? :V

11 million left. I can proceed to the next phase and keep them, and I have no further stuff that I see the need to build before the actual game starts, so, time to get to ships under construction.
Right now, my main fleet is a ratio of 4 DD to 1 CL. I'll try to build up my fleet keeping that in mind, so for now, I have the credits to make another little group of those. Not much remains of my budget, unless I want to start with my balance in the red. So... I guess this is it, for now. All that remains is starting the game and setting up research priorities, and I'll call it a day for now.

This is it. Not a very complicated start, or a refined explanation of strategies, mostly because the tactic is pretty much the same as last time: try to survive in the middle of the wolves drooling down at us, and hopefully, avoide getting booted again.
Ta-ta for now!
Here I am again. Just like last time, I'll try to cover 2 years per chapter.

As I said on the fleet setup, my balance was pretty low due to the ships I have under construction at the start of the game. Raising the research budget to 10% actually made it drop into the red, though I'm not too worried about it (-10k is not critical, and in 4-5 months it will go away as my ships are completed. First things first, let's improve our shipyard capacity. If I'm lucky, I can get several dock improvement events as I go, but I don't want to rely on them if I decide to build a bigger ship at my dockyards on the lategame.

January, February, March, April, May... nothing happens. June comes, and with it the first completed ships. 4 DDs I had under construction are finally done. And the Spanish decide to get a bit too curious.

Usually, I just let them get away with it, but since this is the very early game and tensions with spain aren't that high, I'll just call them out to get that sweet budget increase... hopefully, since a (+) seems to indicate a chance for a change, but it is not certain.

Well, looks like i got 190k monthly out of it, not bad. I also realize that I seemingly set up more DDs building up than I thought I did, thought I'm not complaining, as the ration is easy to fit. I order another cruiser and a DD. Will be in the red for a couple of months, but one of the cruisers is coming out on the next three months, so there's no danger of emptying my coffers from this.

My scientists are baffled by hydrostatic valves. They were pretty solid last time, let's hope they don't get a case of incompetence this time.

Hmm... why does the top option raise tensions? In fact why does it have the exact same changes as the previous event? Well, either way, I'll make a gamble here. Bottom option it is, and I hope I get lucky.

Could have been better. Could have also been nothing at all, so I'm not to bothered about the results. What bothers me a bit however, is the next event.

I have a battleship? Where? Anyway, a gunboat will suffice. Spain got angry, unsurprisingly. At 5 tension with bother Spain and Italy, I make some espionage efforts to see if I get a feeling out of them.

*sigh* The bloodsucking commences. I'll pick the middle option to play it safe. Fortunately, the first CL that was building at the start is also complete, so my balance is back in the black.

1901 begins with the dock expansion complete, and not much else to talk about...

[EXPLETIVE DELETED] dich Willy! And the horse that rode you too!

... this kind of events seem to have an attraction to me or something. Again, middle option, since I have no interest in the others. Well, I do, but with Germany at 8 tension, I don't want to risk pissing them off further, no matter how much that prestige point would come in handy.

And my scientists come with a dead end in the research of Double Bottom... I'm afraid it's one of those games...

August, another snag on research for Hydraulic Recoil. Yep, I got all the idiots this time!

I have no interest in the top option. The bottom option is the safe one, but mediating might trigger an event that gives me prestige instead of taking it away... I'm going to risk it...

No luck. The tension drop didn't affect Germany either, and in the past months tensions raised to 10. That Kaiser is an asshole.

Reduce tensions now, it's a fair trade off for the budget hit. Tensions dropped to 8. Still too high, but at least I'm not risking a war in two months.

... dammit Willy, do my guys look like your cousin or something? Stop being a prick! Middle option can go both ways, bottom option will be bad for me.

The game is trying its hardest to screw me over this. Top option will raise my tensions, but it is the best option I have that doesn't involve having even more people wanting my head on a platter. At least I get some money out of it.

Finally some good news! And my scientists got their heads out of their arses and did something useful as well, though it wasn't enough for a new tech.

And with this, we reach 1902 and the end of this chapter. Here's how things are on my end:

Spain lost quite a bit of money there, for me to be that close to catching them. Still, a pair of battleships are a pair of battleships...

... no matter how flapping stupid they might be.

So this is it for now. Tune in next Tuesday to see if the Kaiser manages to keep confusing me with Great Britain and triggers the war I don't want.
Sitting at 18. Lost one point with that mediation attempt, since nothing happened. The good thing with having my home base in the Med is that tensions with Germany won't trigger the prestige loss due to insufficient forces, which was one of the factors that made my prestige plummet.
I forgot to threadmark this one.
I had once chapter ready, but the latest win10 updated decided my trackpad should be enabled again, and the update got eaten beyond recovery. Shit. I don't quite recall everything that happened either.

Long story short, ended up coming to punches with Germany, since tensions were too high and I got yet again the gunboat/cruiser/battleship event. Since any of those would get me into a war, (maybe not the gunboat, but that one would eventually get there in 1-2 turns), I slapped a pair of wide logs in one of my minesweepers and called it a battleship. Germany did not find that funny.

They invaded Algarve, but never managed to conquer it. Meanwhile, my sea battles were more or less 'run away from the big battleship', or 'zigzag with my DDs to scare their ships away from my convoy'. Eventually, I got tired of it and chose to end the war before I started to actually suffer losses. The result was as follows:

Yeah, they were too busy chasing my warships instead of getting points by sinking my merchants. Still, I end up this chapter better than I begun in the first place. Tensions with Germany are way down, and I ended up with a bit more prestige than last chapter, too!

So, see you guys Thursday, and let's hope my computer doesn't decide to eat my chapter again.
Peace, again.
Right, it's Thursday. time for a new chapter, going from 1904 to 1906. Not really much to say, after the silliness of the war against Germany...

So... I don't have a lot of monthly income available. Right now, I have my minesweepers on a blank rebuild (to avoid getting them outdated) and a cruiser coming out in 6 months, as long as there aren't any delays. This, coupled with the budget cut that comes with the end of the war with Germany, means all my budget is tied up with this handful of ships. I have quite a bit of money stashed away, so I spend a bit of it in bigger docks and some base upgrades. After all, I don't want the assholes in the government to suck my funds off and spend it in parts unknown.

Excellent! I had around 50k in my monthly balance, it got up to 243k. Pretty nice!

Bottom option reduces tensions and raises prestige. I'm not hurting for funds, so let's go with that.

A couple of months pass, and my minesweepers finish their rebuilds, only to be sent to the reserve fleet. Meanwhile, I got a pretty nice surprise!

I can work on a new DD now, and hopefully send some of my current fleetboats to help their colonial brethren.

The Coura-class is basically a slightly bigger Lima with an extra gun and normal engines, instead of speed-tuned ones. Still not much in terms of torpedoes, but I'm not expecting them to be willing to fire them, and more guns mean more potential holes per minute. I do get a -10 to my ROF due to having too many guns, but I'm not too worried about it.

Going to dig into my pockets to build four of them for now. Of course, once that cruiser is ready I'll be back to a positive balance, so I'm not that worried.

And unexpected advances in hull construction, unlocking Improved riveting techniques. I'm sure a lot of people were pinned down by the news. And if they weren't... well, guess what? Unexpected advances in AP Projectiles, and Hardened AP penetrator unlocked. It's a deeper feeling!

Spain, behave. Bottom option, I can take the tension raise.

My cruiser is finally ready, and my tech agreement with the US leads to developments in Torpedoes, unlocking Improved hydrostatic valve. Sadly, they also report that they cannot into 900t destroyers. Bummer. :(

Sorry, but the cruisers you have, while interesting, don't really impress me. My fleet cruisers are faster, and the half inch advantage they have in their armour belts could be easily matched if I made a repeat class, taking advantage of the tech improvements (not to mention that their recent cruisers are around 3200t). Bottom option, gaining 1 Prestige and raising tensions with Spain to level 2.

"If they were doing their jobs instead of munching pasta, we wouldn't see any shameful displays like this one!" said an irate admiral, eliciting angry mutterings from a certain group of people with their mouths full of spaghetti.

Tensions with Italy raise to 4. Also, advances in gun manufacture thanks to the tech agreement with the USA. Oh, and Ireland is rebelling. As usual.

Next month, another advance courtesy of the tech agreement shows up, and this time it unlocks the Heavy secondary battery. I don't find a lot of use for it, since I don't pack heavy secondaries, but it's nice to take another little step forward.

Next month, more advances in ship design, but no new tech. There's also the news of a dead end on Lyddite bursting charges.

I want to avoid a war, but extra Prestige and a bigger budget would be perfect. I can always run damage control in tensions with Italy from now on, too. Their navy has some battleships in the order of the 15k tons, but their cruiser forces are smaller, their armoured cruisers have 10 inch guns in single turrets in 8k tons of displacement, and they're the biggest vessels in their navy that aren't battleships. Tensions with Italy on level 6.

Unexpected advances in damage control, but no tech unlocked.

Get out of my boats, Commies. I didn't take risks to have some more budget for you to start slashing it again. Also, unexpected advances in explosive shells, but no prize.4

Since Italy wants to nip at my ankles, I'll sketch up an armoured cruiser design.

It's kinda fat, I know. I didn't actually order it, I want to see if more technologies that it can use show up, not to mention it will take a while to build, and it costs quite a bit.

This also gave me another idea. Remember when I said I didn't have a lot of use for bigger shipyards/heavy secondary batteries? I was wrong.

I completely forgot I had 11 inch guns. Also, it is cheaper than the armoured cruiser! :V Again, going to hold on it for a bit, maybe some new techs will show up and improve it. Either way, come 1907, I'll order one of these designs. What do you think?

Crud. Review design and reorder them later to see if I can get rid of this speed penalty.

Waiting for new stuff is already turning out to be a good decision... :)

Yup, a good decision. Accepted, of course.

A couple months later, unexpected advances in armour development, but nothing to show for it. Oh, it's also time to start another base improvement spree, the government is mooching off funds again. Again, another dock expansion and bigger bases everywhere! Oh, and coastal batteries, else someone will have the bright idea of invading my possessions again.

More budget pretty please. And since I'm pretty comfortable money-wise, I do that repeat of the Coura class. 2 tons of free space seem to have mysteriously appeared on the design, let's see if I can get a better batch this time. Now that I think of it, the Coura has a good thing: its actual speed is the same as my colonial destroyers. If the new improved ship is... well, actually an improvement, I can send these four ships to provide support outside my home waters right away, and with time supplement them with the Lima-class DDs, as the new ships replace them in the main fleet. Time will tell.

More unexpected advances in machinery, with no new techs, and advances in Lyddite bursting charges. Looks like they managed to get their heads on straight. Next month, another 1000t for my docksize.

Top is Budget+, Tension+. Bottom is Prestige+ Guess what?

The readers of the morning newspapers were in shock, as the words "STEEL INDUSTRY DEFENESTRATED!" showed up in the first page. Of course, said representatives of the steel industry were safe and sound, thanks to the pile of hay that the First Lieutenant, knowing how his superior reacted at times, ordered ahead of time.

I never noticed how more prestige led to immediate budget increases. This explains a lot. Anyway, more advances, this time in torpedo technology, with nothing to show for it yet again.

And as the end of the chapter comes, the game decided to give me a last minute gift:

I never understood if the middle option brought more than a smaller budget increase. It seems to suggest so, but... Anyway, I'll let the Prestige increase of the first option go away and pick the second option. It's basically free money, and I don't risk all that tension increases going straight to Italy. Oh, and there was another gift: research teams finally unlocked the Lyddite bursting charges tech.

As we close the chapter, here's the sitrep:

Spain overtook me again in the budget race, but I ain't even mad. Overall, this chapter was pretty generous to me, my prestige is sitting at 24, and if things go well, building a couple of battleships might even be a thing!

So, stay tuned next as I approach the point where my previous game met such an ignoble end! See you next Saturday!
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose...
Caturday is bote time. So, fasten your seatbelts, it's time for another ride!

So, how were we last chapter? Oh yes, building another spree of bases/docks. Anyway, this chapter begins with unexpected advances in explosives, or so my research teams say, as they have nothing to show for it. A very slow month, with nothing happened. March, besides the news that the CF were finally finished, brought something unwelcome...

Spain's getting a bit too handsy. I'm not that interested in picking a fight with them for now, so I'll go with the middle option and hope that's enough.

Hrm. Pretty ballsy of them to do something like that. At least no Prestige was lost. Also, research teams bring me news that they got the Face hardening process now. New tech, and relevant for last chapter's capital ship plans, too! They also had advances in turrets and gun mountings, but not enough to have a breakthrough.

What a nice surprise, coming from Germany too! Of course I get it, I'm close to needing to refit my ships and this will be a great improvement. And as usual when we talk about tech from other countries, my eggheads bring something, namely Active mine warfare. Pretty nice, even if it isn't one of the most valuable techs at this point in time.

June brings us a lot of news! Out of nowhere, the researchers come through again and do a double strike with Cockburn safety valve and Early coastal submarines! I order five of them to start with right away.

It's not Christmas and I'm getting showered with presents, as right after this event I get the Power rammers technology. There were some advances in hull construction, but not enough to reap the rewards.

?!? This is some seriously bad luck. Maybe the third time is the charm? But this time, I'll only build one and see what comes out, if it's good, the other three will follow.


DAMMIT SPAIN! The only thing that prevents me from reaping the extra budget/prestige from the first option is the need to refit my forces in the near future, meaning I'll have less ships on the Med in a time where tensions are running high. Second option it is, and I need to see to those refits pronto.

As I have six fleet cruisers, I'll rotate them two at a time. The colonial ones will go last, but since each refit is three months if no delays happen, it should be done pretty quickly.

It's not a great gun. Still I have the cash on hand, and this purchase means one less gun that I have to research for myself.

Again, not the time to escalate. Bottom option to keep things under control.

Another tech offer. This kind of event becomes really important in low tech games like this one. Accepted, of course.

Buy. I think my battleship plan can use this technology to save a bit more weight as well? As a matter of fact it can. Will all the weight savings, I managed to squeeze in another knot of speed. And as if my research guys read my mind, they manage to get the Quality control armour tech.

... are my intel guys on the fritz?

Ugh... gave it a shot, ended up losing 1 Prestige. Should've stayed nice and quiet in my place. On the other hand, I got a hull weight-saving technology unlocked, so not everything went wrong this month.

Also, the second repeat of that 600t destroyer class came out with no speed penalties. About time, if you ask me. I order three more to keep that one company. The others were quietly sent to the Central Atlantic and West Africa to reinforce the boats there.

On the meanwhile, all my cruisers are now refit, my subs are complete, I started yet another base/dock improvement spree... lots of things to do during otherwise completely boring months. I also unlocked Reliable bursting charges, so AP rounds got slightly better.

As usual, yes please. Even better, it is a torpedo technology.

Buying techs is one thing, as I can spend the money. I'm not interested in getting money at the time, so I refuse their proposal. Also, I unlock Q0 9-inch guns, and order the construction of the Minho-class battleship, to close this chapter.

As is usual in my games, here's how things go as of January 1908:

Not really happy on that Prestige point lost there, but that kind of events is a gamble anyway. Still, could have gone worse, and I finally managed to lay up a battleship, even if it will take more than two and a half years to build.

Next chapter will be either tomorrow, if I'm too bored in the afternoon, or next Tuesday.
One extra knot, and double turrets for secondaries. It lowers their RoF, but it saves on armour. As it is, I think I'm good for a couple of FC refits.
Infinite Salt Works.
As I said, I would post today if I had nothing to do. Given that I'm bored, here you go, two more years. :D

... this is the first thing I got, right out of the bat.

Once again, a chance for Prestige will slip away because tensions are already at a level that doesn't make me feel comfortable. Also, my spies managed to filch information on the latest Spanish battleship design.

That's faster than my battleship, but I don't know if that speed would come in handy to catch up to my ship or to run away from them... other than that, a slightly lighter main battery, lighter armour... I expected more from a ship this large.

There's also more unexpected advances on torpedoes. Reliable pendulum mechanism is unlocked.

I'm not going to antagonize Germany. Middle option, with no effects. Also, the dreaded (O) is showing up on my destroyers, so it's time for refits. A blank refit will suffice for the fleet DDs, since there's no great breakthroughs that can be applied to destroyers that small. The colonial destroyers, on the other hand, can use some adjustments. I move the wing torpedo mounts backwards, and remove one of the central mounts. This allows me to install two guns on CDF configuration. Hopefully they're a bit more adequate for gunfights now.

My spies have woken up this chapter, as I get information on an Italian battleship:

It has 12 inch guns, okay... but it looks like a slow, oversized armoured cruiser to me. Of course, they have quite a few of them, and quantity has a quality of its own. It is their latest design, but it doesn't convince me as well.

By now, my destroyers are coming out of their refits. My dockyards will also be complete next turn, which means another base improvement spree. I've got to sink that money somewhere, and as it is, the idea of being in the red for a couple of years to get another captial ship is stating to look quite attractive.

Yay, free money! :D

This could have showed up a bit earlier, but beggars can't be choosers. Time to send my bigger ships into the yard again, to refit fire control. I also noticed I had a bit of free space on my cruisers, so I placed four 4 inch guns in single turrets. They'll probably be removed later, but for now it's just additional protection against nosy DDs.

Hmmm... sorry but no deal France. try again in a few months. Also, people seem to get really twitchy every time I sent my ships for refit, tensions are raising across the board. Seriously, does their intel suck that much?

This event again. Middle option, especially with the recent increases. It's like the game wants to screw with my head. Also, scientists came with Safe fuze arming devices, an Explosive shells technology. Also, Italy is up to no good:

Yup, everything is obsolete now, I'm screwed if I go to war with them... sort of. I can try to build a design to match theirs, and see how high the monthly bill is. As a consolation prize, I unlock the Basic weight control tech (Hull construction).

Out of the countries with nonzero tension, France is the lowest. Just this once, and because I'm sodding tired of throwing away Prestige opportunities for the sake of low tensions, I will take the prestige choice and damn the consequences.

My people also managed to understand the mystery of periscopes. How clever.

Yes, of course. Scientists also report advances in fleet tactics, but no results.

Middle option reduces tensions and has no prestige loss attached. Sounds like a good opportu-

WHO'S THE LOSER? I'M THE LOSER! ffs game, if you're going to sodomize me, at least get some lube and a nice dinner.

Since I suddenly have a lot of budget available, I build 10 subs and CB on all my possessions that are not my home base. Scientists also figure out preheater, but I'm still salty over that sodding treaty.

Not even going to bother on comments on this shit. I'm starting to get saltier than codfish at this farce.

No reason to allow this, especially at this time. They went central firing, they can damn well research it by themselves.

Middle option is the neutral one, so I'm going with that one for now.

Tensions at zero with the US, top option, if it is automatic war, at least I get read of that treaty. Tension went to three, I got prestige and some extra money, so everything all right.

It seems that I lost track of time, and ended up already in February of 1910. Time to end the chapter.

Top option takes some of my budget, again, but gives me prestige, so I'm cool. My coastal batteries are also done, so I'm back in the black for my monthly income.

As I said, I'm saltier than codfish right now, so I'm not going to bother with comments. Next chapter Tuesday.
I was thinking this was the event where a successful mediation give you 1 Prestige... I can't say that I wouldn't pick the same option if I knew this could happen, but it was a bitter pill to swallow, mainly because once the battleship was complete, I was thinking on building a battlecruiser to keep the Italian's at bay.

Now I recall that I didn't unlock three centerline yet, so it would suck. Still either the CA project or another battleship, both were doable with my budget at that time, no problems.
The treaty isn't that bad, it gives you time to tech up, build up your ports and focus on CL's and DD's. You were lagging behind anyway when it comes to big botes.
Last edited:
you should go for treaties when you aren't building any Capital ships, because it will most likely hurt the AI.
Budget Sisyphus
Tuesday, time for 1910 to 1912. What will happen this time, I wonder?

As it is, I'm pretty comfortable with my dock size. I'll probably find something to spend my surplus until the subs are done in 8 months.

Well, actually, I still haven't ordered that 600t DD fleetboat design, so there's something to do! I also relaized a slight oversight: with the number of guns I have in those destroyers, I can redesign them for, you guessed right, CDF. It's another gun per broadside!

Oh, nice.

I gain absolutely nothing with these options. Top one is Tension++, middle is Tension+, bottom has no effect whatsoever. I think it isn't on the same seazone as Timor, so I go for the third option.

... and I learn that letting the enemy getting territories burns you one point, even if you don't even have possessions there, and regardless of whether the event window says 'No effect' or not. Crap.

Sod off. First choice, I don't care about tension for now. As much as I wanted to pick the mid option, chances are that nothing would come from it, as it usually happens when I'm actually looking for a sodding treaty. Improved signalling is also unlocked.

My destroyers also come out from their refit. Improved annealing is researched.

Mid option again! What's the worse that can happen? A treaty extension?

Yup. 5 more years of treaty, all for a reduction in tensions. Also, Diving Planes were researched. I wonder if it affects subs already under construction?

Anyway, subs done, and I get a business proposal from the USA:

Ok. My torpedoes can now blow their l-pffffffthahahahaha. I can't say this with a straight face.

Well, they really want my money. Sure, I guess.

While there are bigger ships, right now good enough would probably do. This is a simple CA design with enough speed to keep up with the light cruisers, all within treaty limits.

With my destroyers almost completed, I can start building this one... and can't do much else on the meantime. Speed breaks your bank anytime, everytime.

Ugh... I really really want to take this and see if I'm lucky, but at the same time... I don't know that well the mechanics behind this event, and there's a chance I lose Prestige in an outcome that I see too often for my liking. Ultimately, and given that there are no ships on that seazone, I give up on the idea.

Next month, The Maldives start a rebellion... and said rebellion continues in the very next event, in the same month? What. Also, longitudinal frame is researched.

I can take it. BRING ON THE PASTA!

Dammit Britain? Don't you have a rebellion in the Maldives to look to? Raise tensions, because I'm not about to throw the point I just gained away.

Ah yes, I heard about their results (or lack of them) in Africa. I supposed it's good for us to give them a hand...

Read: They need that income to plug a hole in their accounting somewhere. Too bad I can't start a war and send them all to the frontline, or something.

Eeeeh, only the Mondego-class uses that caliber... I can get it, if only to get this particular caliber out of the way. Also, researchers unlock the Control tops tech.

Pffffthahahahahahaha. Looks like I'm not the only one getting screwed by the game.

Uhhhh no.

Oh nice, one of these! Bottom option to spend a little money in exchange for less tension and more Prestige, of course! Scientists are also on their way to getting 900t destroyers, but they aren't there yet.

A couple of months later - at last - Three centreline turrets are researched. Was wondering when something like this would show up.

No, get out. They didn't like the refusal, and their tension increased a bit, it seems.

Hero, I say, HERO, just to spite the Spaniards!

I was conflicted on this event, which was pretty much the last of the chapter. I don't want to sell anything, but they sold me a lot of stuff. Ultimately, I settled the issue with a coin toss, and ended up selling the tech to them.

As usual, here's how stuff goes:

My shipyards fell a little behind on this chapter, but it isn't impossible to overcome, and for now, the treaty is in force. I just can't get a break on budget issues, though. Still, by now we're past the endpoint of my last try, so it's going pretty well, or at least as well as it can go. See you Thursday for the next stretch.
Might be better to just wait and see if you can make a Dreadnaught once the Treaty runs out. Also, what Kinda government does Portugal have? Because some government types can... exceed treaty limits a bit.
'We're almost there!' 'We're almost there!' 'We're almost there!'
So, let us proceed into the next chapter of this tale.

So, I just realized I made a mistake here: My government type, Limited Democracy, does allow me to cheat on treaty tonnage. I usually don't think a lot about those extra 10%, but they would be very handy.

*inhales sharply*

... well, they can't really cut on my budget if tensions are high enough, can they?

Wahahahahahahaha- I don't know a word of Greek. Tensions with France raised to 7, Italy is right behind at 6. Still, this is fine... apart from the fact that my current budget is lower than my starting budget. Strangely enough, those tensions drop on the very next turn. Huh. I guess they're not too worried, since I have to run between the two of them if I want to reach my new colony.

Money is good, but having powerful(ish) friends is better. Accepted.

Pretty nice, though I'm still in the red.

It's not like I love Spain anyway, so let's make some noise.


As months pass, my scientists report advances in various fields (submarines, fleet tactics, turrets and gun mountings), yet it's never enough for a new tech.

IIRC, CAs and maybe CLs require another tech before they're able to mount superimposed turrets, but to let this chance slip away is foolish.

Let me guess, that's a...

... British holding, check! Also, my scientists say they're close to 900t destroyers, but they aren't actually there yet. Bummer.

That's the second possession they lose. Are they secretly the sick man of Europe? On the other hand, it's the AI, so it probably just sucks at the colonial boat dance.

Eh, nothing to gain from pointing fingers, let's just use a generic line and get everyone pissed anyway. Also, my scientists finally managed to take something to the end and unlock Steam turbines, a Machinery tech! (Their jobs are now safe for a little while.)

I'm going to twist the knife a bit and say baguettes float really well. :V My scientists say they're close to 900t destroyers, again. I only wish they actually showed them instead of saying 'we're close!'

My first CA of this game is finally completed! I'm so proud! (not, especially after my tonnage gaffe. I really though all democracy types couldn't cheat on that!)

The Prime Minister said what? Why, he's absolutely right! Also, Pneumatic Recuperator is researched.

Well... an alliance means we also have to hold up our end of the bargain, so... Tensions with Spain are now at 10... and dropped to 9 in the very next month. Well, I still got something out of it, so it's all good. And my scientists did, guess what?

You would be right, they announced they were close to getting 900t destroyers. =/

I usually wouldn't, but the last event helped my get a bit more money, so I let them purchase this tech.

No ship of mine uses this calibre right now. Bugger. I could take advantage of this in a next generation of armoured cruisers, but the way things are, the endgame might come with no advances in that front.

Yes please! This will help me a lot!

And after a long time of tellign me they're 'almost there' they finally unlock the 900t DD tech.

About time you guys finished that! This is my project for the next destroyer:

I was conflicted between adding another centreline gun/torpedo mount, or just make them a bit faster. Since 4 inch guns are the first ones that have non-zero penetration, I picked another gun. Here's hoping I don't regret it.

November brings me anti-torpedo nets technology and the Destroyer screen technology. Looks like all those 'close, but no cigar' are starting to pay off!

... but nothing happens until January 1914, and the chapter ends with no further news. Here's the status report:

My budget recovered somewhat, but Spain keeps getting farther away. While they're liable to hit a wall sooner or later, I'm more concerned about any walls that I might hit instead, as the repeated budget cuts made a pretty mess out of the possible options I could take. I don't want a repeat of that little joke.
You have Britain on your side. Spain has North Atlantic as home area right? That's gonna be a big, fat 《B》right there.
It's a cheap way to get another gun to add for the broadside, but that's it. Firing arcs across the deck are limited, and you're better off with centreline guns when the corresponding techs start kicking in. IIRC, they are also slightly lighter than wing guns? Take this last one with a grain of salt, it's been a while since I did that kind of design.
War, again.
So, next chapter time, is it? :D

So, it's 1914, and right off the bat the British start selling their wares.

Well, torpedo defense tech is always good to have, even if it is just a matter of playing it safe.

As in March, the US seem to have a few ideas about expansion.

Yeah, no. International force it is. Not that it does a lot, as they basically ignore us and go ahead anyway.

More technology! Accepted, of course. And then my science guys go and 'oh, if you have better pumps, then we just make torpedo warheads bigger!' And that's how we got bigger warheads on our torpedoes.

Well, it's not like tensions aren't already running high. On this same turn, the range of coastal submarines is enhanced as the tech is researched.

Once again, I opt for the Budget+ option. In this turn, two of my new destroyers are also finished with no debuff events. This also means they outrun every other ship on my fleet. In the meanwhile, I've been working on a new armoured cruiser design. Well, it's not exactly new, merely a bigger Lisboa-class that takes advantage of those extra 10% I can add in tonnage to the treaty limit, which also allows me to install the TPS and the +1 9-inch guns that I got last chapter.

I order one of these, which will take around 26 months to complete. As if everyone was waiting for this to happen, both good things and bad things happen.

Well, that's good, since the Évora's construction leaves me with in the red when it comes to the monthly balance.


You know what? Bugger it all, if the AI wants a war, I'm going to oblige them.

Seriously, you were waiting until I got that one on the yards to do this to me?

Yup, you're definitively mocking me.

Well, this was expected. 'All hands, battle stations!' and all that jazz.

Yikes! Time to hone my running skills, I guess!

Not quite, you see...

*The wild Italian Navy appears!*
*The wild Italian Navy flees!*

Free VPs. What's not to like?

That's... not the Med. (wtf)

This time, the Italians want to fight. What forces do I get? One single light cruiser. Yup, time to 180º and G T F O!

If these two cruisers are the only forces in this battle, and given their design...

I can't outrun them, and the two of them added outweight me. However, they're lightly armed. I outgun them, so it's time to see if I can make them bleed. They will be able to control the flow of battle, but...

As the battle goes on, I score the first hit, but eventually see my speed limited to 22 knots from a hit in the uptakes. However, I also managed to jam the rudder of one of their cruisers.

This guy will be my prey for now. I just need to tread carefully, in case he tries to fire one of his torpedoes at me. Sadly, gunnery is crap, and I can't punch him a ticket to the seafloor bottom club before he unjams his rudder.

Still, he is heavily damaged, and limited to 10 knots. Unfortunately, gunnery is proving itself to be a major headache. My guns are basically empty, and the guy is still steaming along. Burning to high hell, but steaming along. His buddy bailed out as soon as he could, so that's not a problem.

Nightfall... could be a problem. My secondaries can't hit squat, as expected, and being out of main ammo means I need to get very close to get results. The guy's speed falls down to 5 knots, but he refuses to be a chap and just sink!

Eventually... I ran out of secondary ammunition as well. Still, my enemy's fate has been sealed, as he slows to a burning halt.

This battle is, for all effects, over. Unable to do anything else, I set course northwest and wait for the time to run out.

Once the fight turned into a mano-a-mano, I was pretty sure I could win, save for any lucky gun or torpedo hits. Still, gunnery training is a must, as my accuracy sucked, to say the least. Unfortunately for them, their accuracy sucked harder.

This also allowed me to take a few peeks at their stuff. Their 5 inch guns are at Q0, while their 4 inch are Q1. They do have a slight advantage in the case of the latter, but this will only be a real danger in the case of destroyer fights. My minesweepers aren't enough to cover CP duties, so I put some of my older 500t destroyers helping them. This will mean less forces available, but the 900t model is meant to replace those, so it's all good in the end.

I'll end today's chapter here, because I've hit the image limit for SV postings. As usual, here's the state of the art:

This was was unexpected. I've managed to get a nice, early victory, but I can't be too cocky about it. The main fleet is still out there, not to mention that if luck was on their side, my ship could have been the one sleeping with the fishes right now.

Let's see how things go in the next chapter, shall we?
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