A Game of Crowns (Mafia)

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The barbarians are at the gates. Treachery most foul has left the great city of Merovis open to...
Opening Post


Flame Dragon Princess
The glorious Pacific Northwest
The barbarians are at the gates. Treachery most foul has left the great city of Merovis open to invasion, and invade they have.

Homes burn and civilians flee in panic as the black-clad legion of Reim advances into the city.

Brave defenders are butchered and their bodies ground beneath iron boots, as the Royal Palace is breached.

The court magisters work in hurried desperation as their king stands guard with his most loyal knights.

The door shudders, buckles, shatters, and the final words of the Working are nearly fumbled.

The knights fall.

The king falls.

The swords fall.

The magisters fall.

And the Veil falls, obscuring all.

The Hidden Crown Protocol is now in effect.

Long live the King.

The Faceless Veil, a mystic Working originally devised to throw enemy forces into disarray, and later adapted into a defensive failsafe in case of hostile conquest.
A mental interference effect, obstructing the afflicted's ability to distinguish and recognize individuals, thus rendering chains of command impossible and sewing paranoia and distrust.
The people of Merovin, taught from youth the proper procedures for operating under the effect, hold a distinct advantage. After all, anonymity is an insurgency's best friend.
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Welcome, Rules, & Player List
Hello, and welcome to A Game of Crowns, a mafia game for 15-17 people (though I can probably adjust that up a bit if we have a ton of sign-ups).

The Rules are as follows:

  • All roles will be randomly assigned.
  • The game will be separated into Day and Night phases. Day phases begin at 7:00 AM PDT (UTC -7) on Sunday, and end at the same time Thursday. Night Phases begin at 9:00 AM Thursday and end 5:00 AM Sunday.
  • Always always always post at least once per Day Phase! It'd be nice if you did it once every 24 hours.
  • Conversely, never post during night phases, with the exception that you may post at night if entitled to a final lynch post. Failing that, don't, with allowances for posts consisting purely of announcements that it is night so other players know not to post (such as if the GMs missed the day's end)
  • Lynches happen at the end of the Day phase, whereupon the player with the most votes is lynched. Ties will be resolved by mystery methods, though I assure you it is not likely to be advantageous to town to cause one.
  • When you vote for someone, vote for them by like so: [x] Lynch [player name]. To rescind your vote, vote [x] Null.
  • Do not write illegible, hidden, or coded messages. Invisitext isn't as cute as you think it is.
  • DO NOT DISCUSS THE GAME WITH OTHER PLAYERS OUTSIDE THIS THREAD. Only talk to another player elsewhere if there is something in your role that allows it. If you're talking elsewhere, impersonating other players is not allowed.
  • DO NOT EDIT YOUR POSTS. If you gotta fix something, doublepost.
  • DO NOT QUOTE YOUR ROLE PM. If you must refer to it, paraphrase.
  • When you die, you stop posting. The only exception is if you are lynched, in which case you get one final post.
  • @Pawn Lelouch is the Assistant GM. If he tells you to behave, listen.
  • If you've got a question, or you're confused about something, ask us.
  • Finally, do not act against the spirit of the game. This is a nebulous term, but includes such things as "Taking your ball and going home". Always keep fighting for yourself, always be trying to win. Don't give up, basically.
  • If you want to know more about Mafia, our Megathread has a number of useful posts.
Player List:
  1. @mesonoxian
  2. @-Rosen
  3. @Look to the Left
  4. @Cyricubed
  5. @PyrrosWarrior
  6. @Est
  7. @QTesseract
  8. @InterstellarHobo
  9. @1KBestK
  10. @Nanimani
  11. @ComiTurtle
  12. @Nictis
  13. @Happerry
  14. @DimensionalGuy
  15. @BanTheFairyKing
  16. @Absum
  17. @Evenstar
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I'd like to play a mafia game, but it depends on how many players they are. The big games we've been having lately scare me, and I want no part of an 18+ player game when I'm this busy.
I'd like to play a mafia game, but it depends on how many players they are. The big games we've been having lately scare me, and I want no part of an 18+ player game when I'm this busy.
I agree with this statement, which is why I pointed out that the description specifies being made for 15-17.
a mafia game for 15-17 people (though I can probably adjust that up a bit if we have a ton of sign-ups).
I'd like to play a mafia game, but it depends on how many players they are. The big games we've been having lately scare me, and I want no part of an 18+ player game when I'm this busy.
I marked you down on the list, if you decide to drop out just lemme know at any point before the game starts.
This looks interesting from a lore perspective, but doesn't seem to have much in the way of functional set pieces... Lemme watch this.
Stuff in the greater universe that could be used to figure out important players in the game, as the Faceless Veil hides everything about the players from one another. Something interesting I'll note is that this almost seems like a reverse Mafia.
Ah. Those exist, they're just, uh, in the role PMs, because if I left that stuff out in the open for everyone to see y'all would have the roles list by the end of the first day phase.
Ah, thankfully that EoD time makes this decision a lot easier. Looks like a fun game, I'll be watching, but I need a break.
Ah. Those exist, they're just, uh, in the role PMs, because if I left that stuff out in the open for everyone to see y'all would have the roles list by the end of the first day phase.
Huh... *Works evenings now* crap, I don't think I can play anyway, the major active phase is when I couldn't be on.