A Galaxy of Stars [IC]

Meanwhile, out on the street, Vanessa started tuning in. She could sense little bits and pieces of magic here and there. Nothing too out of the ordinary, until she looked closer. There were folks concealing some fast, dangerous spells and enchantments, like people who chugged energy drinks to stay alert, or perhaps were taking something a little worse. There was more dangerous, twinges of ne'er-do-wells concealed and hiding out in the smaller boutiques or the less popular cafes. Green Dragons? Street toughs? Hucksters, the enchanted equivalent of the brazen bootleg peddlers selling fake Louis Vuittons for ten bucks right outside the real deal store? That warranted looking a little closer. She had a sudden pang of foreboding, that this would be a bit like bothering a rattlesnake, only biting if it felt threatened. However, it'd be the easy path - there was a chance that a bit like that snake, there would be a way to get it to slither along without incident...
Vanessa hummed silently as she slowly digested the situation. The odd spells sent up more than a few red flags, but she alo didn't know if she could act on them yet. No, best to observe for the time being.

Turning around, she headed back into the boutique and found Ayame. Tapping her on the shoulders, she relayed her finding

"There are people with dangerous magic." She said, pointing toward the oddities. "And danger. Getting a closer look."

@Tada Taro

The potential troublemakers weren't something she was used to dealing with, primarily because the "potential" adjective. So, she defaulted to her usual strategy: wait.

Vanessa walked toward them slowly, sizing them up. Her magical sense reached out, searching for any sign of a power that could threaten her. So far, she saw no reason to put the pressure on them, forcing their fight or flee instinct, but there cannot be too much discretion.

Question: How can I get the best advantage here?
munchkinomatic threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Survey Total: 8
2 2 6 6
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Callisto, had just left one of the stalls, eating a bowl of chili, and began walking off of the crowded streets, and started walking into the more interesting sections of the district. It was time to see what kind of shops and people were hanging out in the alleys and less visible shops out here.
Looking up to you with wide eyes at the question, the horned girls whole face seemed to burn up, turning bright red as her cheeks radiated warmth and she fumbled a bit more with the camera, letting it nearly slip out of her shivering hands, before she got the right button, the two of them getting greeted by the tell-tale snap of the camera – not a moment too late as it nearly fell out of Auriane's hand afterwards. Catching it and biting her lips in embarrassment, the envoy girl turned it around to you with still burning cheeks, letting you see the image of you in all your puffed-up glory…with a bright red Auriane holding the camera behind you, just in the moment it fell – trying to quickly catch it with her hands again. Actually, it came out quite perfect for it being a nearly mid-fall photo.

Giving you a nervous smile, your red eyed classmate quickly opened the messenger service and send the photo over to your phone too, smiling a little more assured after a few moments: "So – do you think it is any good?", she asked hopefully and as the photo wasn't half bad even with her fumbling, she seemed to perk up a little the longer she looked at it.

Tilting her head she slowly reached up and tenderly wrapped an arm around you, as if not sure how to make that sort of contact, but soon gave you a slightly untrained one armed hug, trying to smile as she patted your shoulder: "Don't worry – I am sure most people didn't know we existed outside of some archive and routine contact – I'm sure there are lots of worlds out there that are too small and quaint to really make ripples in the wider universe."

With that said, she instead playfully poked your side, slipping her finger past the jacket through its front and against your belly, smiling as if to test if you were tickly: "And? What do you think of the Jacket? Is it going to be the first thing that we buy? Jessica said we should try to get ourselves a bag or something, so we can put everything we find in it when we carry it home – the more bags the merrier or something like that~"​
Joan noticed Auriane's embarrassment, her face turning almost as red as the jacket she wore. A slight smirk grew on the swordwoman's face seeing her classmate be all flustered. At least Joan wasn't the only one. She held her pose until she heard the click of the camera. Her instincts kicked in as she lunged forward to try and catch the horned girl's phone as it nearly dropped from her hands. Thankfully Auriane caught it but, that left Joan leaned over arms outstretched. As the phone was turned so she could see the picture she nodded her head. It was very good considering the fact it was taken in the middle of a fumble.

"Looks good." Joan commented, a slight blush of her own coming to her cheeks. Off in the distance the chime of two steel swords clashing sounded. That was her alert for receiving messages. "I'll take a closer look a little later."

The blush deepened as Auriane put an arm around Joan's shoulder. The swordswoman turned slightly so Serithtial's hilt didn't dig into the other girl's hip. It was awkward for both of them it seemed. But, the words spoken were genuine, forgiving Joan's earlier misstep. Joan returned the hug pulling Auriane a little closer and patting her shoulder.

"Thanks," she replied nodding her head and stepping back, "I might see if I can find out more about these smaller worlds." Joan looked away tucking a few loose strands of hair back behind her ear. "You've got me curious."

A smile and slight giggle left her chest as Auriane poked her middle tickling her a little. It broke the heavy feeling that had lingered between them, adding much needed levity.

"Yeah." Joan replied looking at herself in the mirror. "I think I will take the jacket. And the cashier will put it and anything else we buy in this store into a bag for us. If we visit another store they will do the same." A image half appeared in her mind of her arms loaded with bag after bag of clothes and other items as she walked around. She shook her head putting it behind her, this was about spending a little time with her classmate, and friend.

She made her way back to the changing room removing the jacket before entering.

"You find anything you like?" Joan called from the other side of the screen. As she took off the dress taking note of the price and item name for future reference. She cringed a little, it might be a bit before she could complete this look but, she believed she would, one day.
Vanessa hummed silently as she slowly digested the situation. The odd spells sent up more than a few red flags, but she alo didn't know if she could act on them yet. No, best to observe for the time being.

Turning around, she headed back into the boutique and found Ayame. Tapping her on the shoulders, she relayed her finding

"There are people with dangerous magic." She said, pointing toward the oddities. "And danger. Getting a closer look."

@Tada Taro

The potential troublemakers weren't something she was used to dealing with, primarily because the "potential" adjective. So, she defaulted to her usual strategy: wait.

Vanessa walked toward them slowly, sizing them up. Her magical sense reached out, searching for any sign of a power that could threaten her. So far, she saw no reason to put the pressure on them, forcing their fight or flee instinct, but there cannot be too much discretion.

Question: How can I get the best advantage here?

"Understood," Ayame nodded her head, feeling a frown slowly form on her lips. It was hard to tell, but up to this moment, she was having a pretty good time with people she considered friends. Even if her expression was as blank as always. "I'll help."

Moving towards the target, while still keeping some distance between her and her friend, Ayame tried to search for any clues. She wasn't as sharp as Vanessa, but the very least she could was to try. Using her own powers, she started to listen.

"Oh, what's this?" a voice echoed at the back of her consciousness. A voice that unquestionably belonged to a man. That creature's voice. "What in the world are you trying to pull off, girlie? Spying on me? No, it doesn't seem so. Snooping around, then. I see."

Feeling her brow furrow in silent anger, she tried to stifle this hateful sound.

"Look who's got all pissy. You think I like having a brat like you in my head," that man – no, that creature – mocked her. Nonetheless, Ayame tried to concentrate on her target.

1. Who and what here is useful to me?
2. Who or what here isn't what it seems?
3. What's about to happen?
Suzu threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Survey Total: 11
5 5 6 6
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"You find anything you like?"

The expression on Auriane's face soured for a moment as Joan pledged her renewed interest, but she did her best to quickly smoothen it again and banish these darker thoughts from the rather nice afternoon they were sharing. "I'm sure there are far too many worlds out there to properly get to know – but I am quite sure that there are many people in the envoy program who would like to talk about their homes if you want to ask them: from stuck up princesses carrying their heirlooms into the school to cast adrift teenagers that were roped into protecting their world. We have all kind.", she said with a renewed smile, keeping her kind of envoy out of her examples.
The heavier thoughts fly away as she sees and hears Joan laugh, smiling herself as she teasingly feigned to poke her once more: "Didn't know you were ticklish~", she cooed to the blonde, before smiling happily at her verdict on the jacket: "Well I am happy you like the jacket, it reminds me a bit of what the huntress in our village wore at the festivals – when she didn't have to be one with the forest and could afford to stand out as much as she wanted."

With another wistful smile the horned girl looked around herself and hummed "Wouldn't it be easier to put everything into the same bag, instead of getting new ones all the time?", she asked innocently, before she watched Joan head back into the changing rooms, making her look around herself for a moment – smiling as she grasped a new pair of loose but comfortable looking pants and headed for a changing room of her own:

"I think I have something~", feeling the dark blue fabric under her fingertips, enjoying its softness and the accurate and nearly perfect stitching that all clothes in this shop seemed to have. It was surely going to be less of a show than Joan's dress, but it was going to be comfortable, necessary and most likely also smell far better than the clothes she had brought here from home.
Slipping into the cabin a strange feeling came over her, the pants getting dropped on the stool next to her as she looked around the small cubicle, pursing her lips lightly in thought as she reached out…
Simpli threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Skill Test - Mind 15 Total: 5
4 4 1 1
The expression on Auriane's face soured for a moment as Joan pledged her renewed interest, but she did her best to quickly smoothen it again and banish these darker thoughts from the rather nice afternoon they were sharing. "I'm sure there are far too many worlds out there to properly get to know – but I am quite sure that there are many people in the envoy program who would like to talk about their homes if you want to ask them: from stuck up princesses carrying their heirlooms into the school to cast adrift teenagers that were roped into protecting their world. We have all kind.", she said with a renewed smile, keeping her kind of envoy out of her examples.
The heavier thoughts fly away as she sees and hears Joan laugh, smiling herself as she teasingly feigned to poke her once more: "Didn't know you were ticklish~", she cooed to the blonde, before smiling happily at her verdict on the jacket: "Well I am happy you like the jacket, it reminds me a bit of what the huntress in our village wore at the festivals – when she didn't have to be one with the forest and could afford to stand out as much as she wanted."

With another wistful smile the horned girl looked around herself and hummed "Wouldn't it be easier to put everything into the same bag, instead of getting new ones all the time?", she asked innocently, before she watched Joan head back into the changing rooms, making her look around herself for a moment – smiling as she grasped a new pair of loose but comfortable looking pants and headed for a changing room of her own:

"I think I have something~", feeling the dark blue fabric under her fingertips, enjoying its softness and the accurate and nearly perfect stitching that all clothes in this shop seemed to have. It was surely going to be less of a show than Joan's dress, but it was going to be comfortable, necessary and most likely also smell far better than the clothes she had brought here from home.
Slipping into the cabin a strange feeling came over her, the pants getting dropped on the stool next to her as she looked around the small cubicle, pursing her lips lightly in thought as she reached out…
"Um…" Joan looked away a little, Auriane's words stuck a cord with her. It wasn't the spoiled princesses but, the ones forced into protecting their homes, where they even given the chance to accept, did they have a choice in coming to this place. She felt a sort of kinship with them. She never asked to have this sword, never wanted to take up the mantle of her fallen Aunt. Was it the same for these other envoys? It would be interest her to find out, see if there were others like her. Maybe then she wouldn't feel so out of place.

"Well," Joan continued, "I don't know about learning about all of them, just some, so I'm not so ignorant. So I don't assume they are all like your world. Surely there must be some variance between them." While Joan may not have liked magic, that didn't mean she cut herself off from learning more about it. As much as she didn't want it to be, it was part of her world now, it made no sense to keep herself ignorant of it.

The swordswoman shrunk away from Auriane's hand, pulling the jacket close to shield her. A playful smile grew across her face.

"You've found my weakness." she said, turning away. "Now I just have to hope none of my opponents bring a feather duster to a sword fight."

She nodded hearing more about the horned girl's village, it seemed a quaint place, more quiet than bustling metropolis Joan had grown up in. That only brought more awkwardness thinking about the final fate of Auriane's home. The time for that had passed, the past was past, she couldn't change it. It was time to move on. "Thanks." she said simply, accepting the compliment, worried to add anything more than that.

"Umm..." Joan replied to the girl from another world, "It's a little hard to explain that one." She slipped into her comfortable jeans and picked up her shirt thinking of what to say. "It's so other people know you bought from that store, mostly. It's a type of advertising…" she stopped for a moment to ponder if that word meant anything to Auriane. "It's like telling people to shop at the store because the person holding the bag shopped there. It doesn't work on everyone, and not all the time but, stores still do it on the chance that it'll convince one person to step through their doors. It is a bit wasteful and, cumbersome but, everyone just goes with it, like an unspoken rule."

"Oh really what is it?" Joan called out strapping Serithtial onto her hip.
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Ellie found that "kind of a run" was missing the "kind of" part, but it wasn't anything she couldn't handle. It almost looked like an NFL player dancing in between defenders, passing between people like she was a breeze. If people weren't there to see it with their own two eyes, it'd have looked like some video that was the result of post-processing to all hell and back.

She'd made it to the fitting rooms! Finally, time to try out these jeans, see how they felt in peace and quiet...well, relative peace and quiet. Was...was that muttering? Was somebody using the fitting rooms for a call or something? Seriously?

Vanessa got the feeling she was dealing with some very big, scary...minnows. Intimidation and acting big sounded like the order of the day. How far she'd let that go was up to her.

Ayame could feel like her best strength was the more skittish-looking of these chumps, plus the presence of Vanessa. That would certainly be both their best weapons before any actual fighting started, if it had to happen at all. Thing was, why would these guys just be sitting out here if they were already on edge? You wouldn't do this kind of thing unless -


They could just be gofers. Something was going down here, and it wasn't an attack or a move for turf or anything like that.

This...looked like a deal.

Auriane felt the way someone would feel when passing right by someone dropping a silent-but-deadly. This was hideous. Something was around, but...no idea what, and all she had was a general area to work with. A little more probing might pinpoint it, for sure.
Callisto had finished eating, and continued to look around the less visible sections of the district to see what was going on. Here's to hoping that it was something interesting. Maybe Callisto could find one of those old antique shops Nellis loves.
SplicedHunter threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Plus 8 Mind bonus Total: 9
6 6 3 3
Vanessa got the feeling she was dealing with some very big, scary...minnows. Intimidation and acting big sounded like the order of the day. How far she'd let that go was up to her.
The young Luminary decided that she was very uncomfortable with this.

Vanessa isn't one to take the initiative and incite aggression. She let enemies come into her frozen domain, where her supremacy reigns, and grind themselves on her blizzard.

Then again, no one said aggressively defending isn't a valid move.

Cold wind started to blow and the temperature took a sudden dive as Vanessa entered. She walked tall and imposing, grey hair flying in the breeze. Her magic pulsed and throbbed brazenly.

Without a single word, she sat down not eight feet from the malcontents, crossing her legs and placing her arms across her laps. Her eyes stared straight at them with laser focus, and the cold wind gathered all around.

The message was obvious: I am here. I am watching you. Challenge me if you dare.
"Oh really what is it?" Joan called out strapping Serithtial onto her hip.

Letting out a little snort at your words, she repeated them bemused: "Some variance? That's The understatement Joan – I'm not even that exotic compared to some of the others.", she said easily and playfully held up her hands in the manner one would use to mime horns – only of course that her index fingers were now aligned with her real pair. Holding the pose for a moment, she dropped it soon again, smiling back at her friend as she shrugged simply:

"Well~ I ought to be silent and promise that I shall never tell that particular weakness to one of your enemies – just image the embarrassment of having to cross Serithtial with overly large and maybe even fluffy pink feathers the size of a sword! What might such a venerable weapon even think of that~", she cooed with a large grin and then quirked an eyebrow at the explanation given to her:

"So we are acting like criers or pitchman, in the way that we go around and show people that we bought articles from this ship and that there are things worth buying and carrying back home with? Weird. As if we are carrying around their shield or something.", she concluded with a smile, giving Joan a small shrug and disappearing behind the curtain to the cabin.

Just about to start slipping into her choice – Auriane felt something was…off? Closing her red eyes for a moment she tried to think of what it could be, the pants forgotten as her hands formed into fists around the fabric and she got the impression of something unnatural – something that send shivers down her back as she looked around – unsure what it was or where it was coming from. Guess…

"…we need to try that another time…. Joan!", she said loudly and opened the curtain, gesturing for the blonde to join her inside the cabin, hopefully conveying the sense of urgency that came with that. Whatever it was, was already around and make the rest of the mall was jammed in a way to hide it – while the cabin wasn't? Or maybe the cabin served as conduit? In any way, it would be quite better to have the sword wielder close enough to help her in the worst case.​
Letting out a little snort at your words, she repeated them bemused: "Some variance? That's The understatement Joan – I'm not even that exotic compared to some of the others.", she said easily and playfully held up her hands in the manner one would use to mime horns – only of course that her index fingers were now aligned with her real pair. Holding the pose for a moment, she dropped it soon again, smiling back at her friend as she shrugged simply:

"Well~ I ought to be silent and promise that I shall never tell that particular weakness to one of your enemies – just image the embarrassment of having to cross Serithtial with overly large and maybe even fluffy pink feathers the size of a sword! What might such a venerable weapon even think of that~", she cooed with a large grin and then quirked an eyebrow at the explanation given to her:

"So we are acting like criers or pitchman, in the way that we go around and show people that we bought articles from this ship and that there are things worth buying and carrying back home with? Weird. As if we are carrying around their shield or something.", she concluded with a smile, giving Joan a small shrug and disappearing behind the curtain to the cabin.

Just about to start slipping into her choice – Auriane felt something was…off? Closing her red eyes for a moment she tried to think of what it could be, the pants forgotten as her hands formed into fists around the fabric and she got the impression of something unnatural – something that send shivers down her back as she looked around – unsure what it was or where it was coming from. Guess…

"…we need to try that another time…. Joan!", she said loudly and opened the curtain, gesturing for the blonde to join her inside the cabin, hopefully conveying the sense of urgency that came with that. Whatever it was, was already around and make the rest of the mall was jammed in a way to hide it – while the cabin wasn't? Or maybe the cabin served as conduit? In any way, it would be quite better to have the sword wielder close enough to help her in the worst case.​
Joan giggled just a little seeing Auriane pantomime horns, alongside her actual horns. Though her statement did get an eyebrow raise out of the swordswoman. More otherworldly, than a girl with red eyes and horns sprouting from the sides of her head. Joan had to admit that she was a bit curious, and just a little leary of meeting them. However asking to meet them would be a little forward and possibly out of line.

"Well, I will keep that in mind when I meet more people like you."

Her cheeks reddened imagining the scene, an opponent standing across from her dressed in all black drawing a large pink ostrich feather from a scabbard at his hip. The light of the sun glinted off the edge as if it was sharpened steel, or maybe it was the rhinestones set into it. She would probably die more from embarrassment than anything else.

'I would slice through it without issue.' Serithial replied, 'I see no reason why you should fear. It would be very silly yes but, nothing to feel embarrassed about.'

Joan did not reply to her sword merely speaking to her classmate.

"Don't put that image in my head...I'm worried someone might try it." She said with a slight nervous laugh.

"Yeah...I guess that's a good analogy." Joan continued nodding her head. "Except bags from clothing stores are generally lighter than a shield." She imagined herself and Auriane lugging around three or four different shields from the shops that had visited on this excursion.

Joan turned in surprise HEMA bag on her shoulder the clothes she tried on in her hands looking for a place to return them. The swordswoman could tell something was wrong, something had spooked Auriane.

"Uh…" Joan started stepping into the smaller space careful to avoid bumping into the other woman, or her horns. She kept her left hand around the scabbard of her sword pulling it back preventing the hilt from digging into Auriane's hip. It wasn't claustrophobic but, it was confining. The swordswoman was afraid to move lest she be gored or have Serithial's hilt jab her classmate. "What is it?"

Her gaze swept across the space looking for something anything she thought might have given Auriane a start.
Her gaze swept across the space looking for something anything she thought might have given Auriane a start.

"I do hope you won't meet too many people like me.", the other girl quipped back bemused and tilted her head lightly as her lips quirked upwards into a sharp smirk, before she shrugged and looked to the side "Maybe I wouldn't be that interesting in comparison anymore then." – before Joan could worry about those words, Auriane did smile at her again, letting out a small giggle she could barely hold in as you voiced your worries, nodding simply: "I shall then promise not to tell this information to your enemies – I wouldn't want you to be distressed like that."

Saying not much more than a few acknowledging mhhs and mphhs as she listens to you, while bustling around inside the cabin, things only seem to change when the blonde ends up sharing the small cabin with the silver haired girl, whose eyes are a bit unfocused as if she was attempting to see something that was too close, but at the same time too distant to simply look at. With her lips moving ever so slightly, she continued to stare away for a few more seconds, before blinking and quickly looking into Joans eyes once more:

"Can you feel that?", she brought out slowly – not a whisper, but close enough as she looked around, turning her eyes to the roof and back again: "It feels…hard to say: slimy? Oily? The way a town smells after the plague caught all of its inhabitants in their homes? Something hideous is around here – close but I am not sure where.", shivering lightly she bit into her lips and whispered: "I'm not sure if it's closer if we are in here or if its presence outside of the cabin is muted. What shall we do now?"​
"I do hope you won't meet too many people like me.", the other girl quipped back bemused and tilted her head lightly as her lips quirked upwards into a sharp smirk, before she shrugged and looked to the side "Maybe I wouldn't be that interesting in comparison anymore then." – before Joan could worry about those words, Auriane did smile at her again, letting out a small giggle she could barely hold in as you voiced your worries, nodding simply: "I shall then promise not to tell this information to your enemies – I wouldn't want you to be distressed like that."

Saying not much more than a few acknowledging mhhs and mphhs as she listens to you, while bustling around inside the cabin, things only seem to change when the blonde ends up sharing the small cabin with the silver haired girl, whose eyes are a bit unfocused as if she was attempting to see something that was too close, but at the same time too distant to simply look at. With her lips moving ever so slightly, she continued to stare away for a few more seconds, before blinking and quickly looking into Joans eyes once more:

"Can you feel that?", she brought out slowly – not a whisper, but close enough as she looked around, turning her eyes to the roof and back again: "It feels…hard to say: slimy? Oily? The way a town smells after the plague caught all of its inhabitants in their homes? Something hideous is around here – close but I am not sure where.", shivering lightly she bit into her lips and whispered: "I'm not sure if it's closer if we are in here or if its presence outside of the cabin is muted. What shall we do now?"​
Joan's face blanched, she couldn't feel, couldn't see what Auriane could but, it panicked her all the same. The small space felt even smaller, constricting, crushing her, she could hardly breathe. She shook her head slightly still very aware of the classmate's horns. She didn't want this, she pointedly avoided Callisto to avoid anything like this. Did misfortune follow her? Was she fate's favorite punching bag? The girl couldn't take it, her heart was racing her hands turning cold. She was preparing to run, to just leave this place and everyone else to whatever fate waited for them.

Her hand gently wrapped around Auriane's shaking and clammy.

"Uhh..." she swallowed hard keeping the knot in her throat down. "We should leave...this...this isn't our problem." she continued gently pulling the horned girl towards the exit. "We can call the cops let them handle it. We're just students, we can't be expected to handle stuff like this right?" Her brown eyes wide with perceived fear look to Auriane, hoping for some agreement, some validation.

'You cannot possibly think of running,' Serithial chastised the swordswoman, 'Leaving these innocent in the clutches of shadowy entities. I will not stand for it.'

'Not now.'

'You bring shame to your aunt, to your ancestors.'

'I never asked for any of this. I just wanted to live a normal life.'

'Stop thinking of only yourself.'

'Now is not the time.'

'If not now, when Joan...When will you finally accept who you are.'

'Not now.' She gritted her teeth fighting back against this guilt trip. A slight growl left her chest as she continued to softly lead Auriane out of the changing room, out of the mall and out of this canyon.
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'Not now.' She gritted her teeth fighting back against this guilt trip. A slight growl left her chest as she continued to softly lead Auriane out of the changing room, out of the mall and out of this canyon.

Taking Joan's hand into her own, the Envoy Child looked up into her eyes and squeezed it ever so lightly as she gave a quick nod: "You are right – the city watch is most likely going to be able to handle it or call in a trained team if we call this in. It would be most unwise to engage and unknown and most likely hostile Entity on our own. Please do not charge off to hit it with your sword without me Joan – I might get scared all alone otherwise.", she said with a hint of humour, squeezing the hand tighter as she did her best to put her classmate at ease – or at least make her laugh.

In truth the horned girl seemed quite calm, especially now that she wasn't alone anymore and had another magical sword between her and whatever was haunting or hunting these grounds. Tilting her head from side to side as she followed the blonde out of the changing room and through the shop, she could only purse her lips lightly and ask: "Do we go onto the streets and call out Guards! Guards! Or how does one call upon the city watch in this town? I might have forgotten that part of my briefing for your world I fear…."

Overplaying her embarrassment at forgetting this a little to make Joan think of other things once more, she stumbled after the taller girl and only absently continued to ping for whatever presence she had felt – it would be quite better not to be jumped without a moments warning and if things came down to it, she would have to look out for Joan too after all…it would hardly do to loose her first other friend after Jessica bullied her into giving friendship a try.​
Simpli threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Skill Test - Mind +2 Total: 6
2 2 4 4
Taking Joan's hand into her own, the Envoy Child looked up into her eyes and squeezed it ever so lightly as she gave a quick nod: "You are right – the city watch is most likely going to be able to handle it or call in a trained team if we call this in. It would be most unwise to engage and unknown and most likely hostile Entity on our own. Please do not charge off to hit it with your sword without me Joan – I might get scared all alone otherwise.", she said with a hint of humour, squeezing the hand tighter as she did her best to put her classmate at ease – or at least make her laugh.

In truth the horned girl seemed quite calm, especially now that she wasn't alone anymore and had another magical sword between her and whatever was haunting or hunting these grounds. Tilting her head from side to side as she followed the blonde out of the changing room and through the shop, she could only purse her lips lightly and ask: "Do we go onto the streets and call out Guards! Guards! Or how does one call upon the city watch in this town? I might have forgotten that part of my briefing for your world I fear…."

Overplaying her embarrassment at forgetting this a little to make Joan think of other things once more, she stumbled after the taller girl and only absently continued to ping for whatever presence she had felt – it would be quite better not to be jumped without a moments warning and if things came down to it, she would have to look out for Joan too after all…it would hardly do to loose her first other friend after Jessica bullied her into giving friendship a try.​
A smile bloomed on Joan's face as Auriane followed her agreeing with her idea to leave this for someone else. Her heart had settled a little though she could almost feel the disappointment of Serithtial radating from her hip. The swordswoman disregarded it, this wasn't her fight, wasn't her job to deal with the darkness. It wasn't that she didn't care it was just...fear. Fear of getting hurt, fear of others getting hurt, fear of failing to do what was laid before her.
The weak smile returned feeling her classmate grip her hand a little tighter.

"No worries, I don't plan on rushing into battle until it is absolutely necessary." She returned the grip though not with as much conviction as her classmate. "I wouldn't leave you alone out here. Not with whatever it is skulking about." She was thankful that the horned girl was coming along without a fight, not putting that promise to the test.

As her feet moved unabated, eyes still on the lookout snapping back and forth. That was until she stopped in her tracks. It was slightly worrying that her classmate didn't know how to get help when she would need it. It wasn't anyone's fault this was just a learning curve when entering a new world.

"Well, shouting for the police, that is what we call the guard now, could work. The best way to get ahold of them..." She pulled out her smart phone, from the back pocket of her jeans, an older model on a pay as you go plan. Holding up she brought up the number pad. "Is to dial 9-1-1." she pressed the buttons in time with her words pressing the cell phone to her ear.

She would not give her name, just wanting to warn the cops then wash her hands of the whole situation.

She saw the exit in her sights, she was almost out of the store, almost to freedom.
@Tada Taro, @munchkinomatic

There didn't seem to be much space to run at first, but the more Ayame looked, the more she thought that maybe these guys here were waiting for someone, definitely not herself or Vanessa. These guys were going to prepare to run if they smelled enough trouble, and they were just waiting around to receive...something.

The silence is deafening and awkward, only broken by a halfhearted "...what are YOU looking at?!" from one of them. There were a few of them now, all hiding stuff that radiated magic of all sorts.

Definitely illicit trading, then, of magic items they weren't bothering to hide as the tension mounted.


There was one, an antique shop that specialized in one of a kind items and interesting collectibles. From the bright Canyon in the sun, it looked pretty dark inside. Dark, but warm, like an old, beloved study or sitting room.

Sure looked like a lead.

@Simpli, @Vagabond422

Joan was directed to the cops during the 911 call, and they said they'd send a car right over. Until then, she was advised to sit tight - they'd be on their way and the cops needed to know who they needed to see before they could effectively intervene.

The same feeling washed over them all - this was not gonna end without a brawl.


Ellie could overhear a cell phone conversation. Perhaps her first thought would have been "who the hell ducks into a dressing room to have a cell phone call," but it made itself sort of clear when she could hear how animated and angry the guy on the other line was. It was hard to figure out exactly what he was talking about, but he was sure angry about it, whatever it was. Stuff about waiting for him, things about sitting tight and gathering...something, it was vague and he was going too fast for her to make out all the details. Wow, that guy sounded mad.
@Simpli, @Vagabond422

Joan was directed to the cops during the 911 call, and they said they'd send a car right over. Until then, she was advised to sit tight - they'd be on their way and the cops needed to know who they needed to see before they could effectively intervene.

The same feeling washed over them all - this was not gonna end without a brawl.
"Shoot." the word fell from lips without her thinking about it. The cops wanted her to say, and she'd already given her location. There was a tension in the air, like the last time she'd run into the Green Dragons, or before her first match at a competition. Violence was brewing and she didn't want to be there. She cast her eyes around seeing families, girls her age and younger with their parents and friends. They didn't know the danger that was around them.

Though she wanted to leave, wanted to wash her hands, part of her understood what that would mean. The police would have no idea what was going on, wouldn't know what to look for and all these people would be at risk. The weigh settled on her shoulders, the weight she had tried her best to avoid had caught up with her. These people were her responsibility now. No matter how much she didn't want it, she was the only one that could protect these people.

Or at least until the cops showed up, which she hoped was soon.

The swordswoman swallowed hard looking back to the horned girl.

"Auriane, stay close," Joan said, her voice serious, with a slight twinge of fear, "the police are on their way but, they need us to stay put...Right now we're the only ones that know what is going on." Unconsciously her right hand ball up into a fist.

Curse this sword, curse this place, curse magic, and curse her heart. If she was a worse person, a heartless person, she would just leave, dooming these people to their fate.

Her right hand unfurled and drifted closer to her blade, ready to draw it at a moment's notice, her eyes sharp for anything coming near to her and Auriane.

"Whatever this is, it's coming closer, I can feel it."

'Do not fret Joan, you are doing what is right.'

'Then why do I still want to run.'

There didn't seem to be much space to run at first, but the more Ayame looked, the more she thought that maybe these guys here were waiting for someone, definitely not herself or Vanessa. These guys were going to prepare to run if they smelled enough trouble, and they were just waiting around to receive...something.

The silence is deafening and awkward, only broken by a halfhearted "...what are YOU looking at?!" from one of them. There were a few of them now, all hiding stuff that radiated magic of all sorts.

Definitely illicit trading, then, of magic items they weren't bothering to hide as the tension mounted.
The cold wind howled louder and louder as the sight of illicit contrabands became clear. Temperature took a steep dive from a slight chill to teeth clattering. The heavy veil of fresh snow fell over the gathering, bathing Vanessa in its white embrace.

Then, the miniature blizzard exploded outward, revealing Vanessa. Her pose remained unchanged, yet she was garbed in her Luminary outfit. Once grey hair was now the color of fresh fallen snow and flew freely in the artic breeze. The Silence of Frost looked upon the target of her ires with two sapphires coldest blue, and spoke.

"Winter is here. Submit to me, or be subjugated."

As she spoke, ice trailed up the length of her limbs, encasing her form in glacial plating.

The wind howled through it all.

munchkinomatic threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Standing Strong +5 Total: 4
2 2 2 2
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@Tada Taro, @munchkinomatic

There didn't seem to be much space to run at first, but the more Ayame looked, the more she thought that maybe these guys here were waiting for someone, definitely not herself or Vanessa. These guys were going to prepare to run if they smelled enough trouble, and they were just waiting around to receive...something.

The silence is deafening and awkward, only broken by a halfhearted "...what are YOU looking at?!" from one of them. There were a few of them now, all hiding stuff that radiated magic of all sorts.

Definitely illicit trading, then, of magic items they weren't bothering to hide as the tension mounted.

"A smuggler," the girl cut sharply, her voice betraying none of her emotions. Summoning her powers, she felt the magical light envelop her body. Her transformation wasn't as flashy as her friend's and basically amounted to a new set of clothes to wear. Nonetheless, the sudden increase of power that lay dormant to this moment was noticeable.

"Behold the truth," she said. Her regular chant was far too long and wordy to use in such a situation, and she immensely thankful that the abbreviated version worked as well. Then, she pointed at one of trouble-makers with her finger, mimicking a gun, and simply said:

Suzu threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Magic Strike + 2 Total: 4
3 3 1 1


There was one, an antique shop that specialized in one of a kind items and interesting collectibles. From the bright Canyon in the sun, it looked pretty dark inside. Dark, but warm, like an old, beloved study or sitting room.

Sure looked like a lead.

"Now, what do we have here?" Callisto had noticed a shop that reminded her of some of the ones Nellis went to. At least she wouldn't have to carry several boxes full of stuff this time. She decided to check her wallet to see how much cash she had, and saw that she had a decent amount. Meredith walked inside the antique shop to take look at what was available. Maybe she could find some enchanted items.
It all happened practically simultaneously. If someone could see it all at once they'd know the big picture, but anyone else would be forgiven for thinking that a good chunk of the Canyon had suddenly exploded in unrelated incidents of crazy.

@Tada Taro, @munchkinomatic

(Vanessa gets +1 Armor for the rest of the fight.

Ayame takes 2 damage.)

The smugglers instantly saw the two girls crashing their party spring to life. First, it got unseasonably cold as the wind howled and the Silence of the Frost was covered in ice, coldly threatening them about what would happen if they didn't give up. They weren't in a giving-up mood, though, and got into fighting stances as they pulled out a variety of dubious-looking casting implements and magic energy flared as a fight was about to kick off...

...and kick off it did, when Yato no Hime struck first with a burst of light, except she didn't quite strike first, the blast going over more like a warning shot going right into the ground in front of them. One of them fired back with a shot from a casting device that looked like the result of a one-night stand between a candelabra and a pepperbox revolver, all tarnished brass and old wood. There was a burst of brassy sparks as light was answered with light and the Princess of the Night Blade was inelegantly konked in the face, and the fight was on in earnest.

One or two of the other smugglers weren't convinced. They tried to bolt.

@Kensai, @Dex

Ellie stopped hearing things from the angry cellphone guy, and then suddenly, he was yelling again. The urgency was impossible to hide; he practically crashed out of the dressing room and down the store in a hurry like his life depended on it. Past Ellie, past Rico, making a big damn spectacle of himself. Both of them could get the feeling that they had to RUN.

@Simpli, @Vagabond422, @SplicedHunter

At that point, the cops were arriving, and on the way there they could see sparks of magic energy flying from a nearby side street, so they poured it on. They were impossible to ignore, really, and it was definitely time for Joan and Auriane to motor, especially as another guy bolted out of the store like a man possessed. They all had somewhere else to be right now.

Their path meant they roared past Callisto,too, sirens wailing. Something was going way wrong - for Callisto it was a sign to either get in the fight or look for some kind of advantage.

(Okay, it's fight time! For now, as you can see via the narrative, all of you guys can show up to the fight when you want, 'cept for Vanessa and Ayame who are already stuck in, with individual players taking turns trading blows with the bad guys. I'm gonna say there's...let's make it four dudes, these street toughs with magic weapons, and that's all you can tell by looking at them. Three are there, one's on the way.

Now then, @SplicedHunter, I will make you a deal. I don't want the magic items thing to go nowhere, so I'll give you a choice: join the fight right now, or take a moment or two to find a magic item; we'll do a little thing with the management deciding to offer the Luminary in their shop some help. Up to you what to do.

@munchkinomatic, @Kensai, @Dex, I want Grace Under Fire rolls, pick a stat and justify its use in-character. This will be to get after the runners and make sure you keep the fight contained.)
Hoshino Yumemi threw 1 4-faced dice. Reason: Smuggler Return Fire vs Ayame Total: 2
2 2
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(I assume that means you're "meeting it with grace" so you can add your Mind bonus to that...making it a 9. OK, write what you intend to do, and then I'll give you a choice to make.)
(I assume that means you're "meeting it with grace" so you can add your Mind bonus to that...making it a 9. OK, write what you intend to do, and then I'll give you a choice to make.)
[Nah I just mean rolling for Grace under Fire. I'll use my Body stat, so 8+5=13. Don't mind the 3rd dice, my machine changed network halfway through.]