A Galaxy of Stars [IC]

Hoshino Yumemi

A Few Bulbs Short Of A Planetarium
OOC Thread Here

Sunrise Point wore the middle of autumn the way most other places wished they could wear late spring. Just warm enough that showing some skin was comfortable and just cool enough that dressing up more wasn't sweltering. The latter quarter of the year was a fashionista's dream, and it made the district everyone knew as Silk Canyon a dream for the style-obsessed.

It got its name for starting as the city's fashion district, using the street's wide, multi-lane road, split between the coming and going lanes by islands with trees growing out of them to add occasion just to being there, and to give pedestrians somewhere to stop when the crossing signals slapped them with a Don't Walk light. However, that didn't last long as the designer outlets and ritzy boutiques were joined by chains, shops, eateries and just about anything else that a shopper or tourist would want on a day there. Kids and young adults flocked to window shop and take pictures in tight cliques and groups. Parents tried to talk kids out of fancy digs that matched absolutely nothing they wore.

There was more to grouping up these days, though. There were odd rumors of strange things that happened if someone wandered into boutiques, sitting areas, second-story restaurants and other little places that were off the beaten path and nestled in between the bigger shops. There were people who came back from a day in Silk Canyon's more bohemian places drained and totally wiped out, wanting nothing but to sleep afterwards. Other rumors are starting to pop up of enchanters nobody's ever heard of before...and from similar effects and problems, nobody'll ever want to hear of again. People bunched up as an insurance policy, or in the hopes of catching people stinking up the Canyon. Cops ran a few more beats around the Canyon after a fight broke out late one night over a case of mistaken identity. It didn't stop the shoppers and tourists, but it definitely gave the locals something to think about, and the upstarts from the Swords something to prove.

Odd magicks flickered in the air.

It was going to be an interesting Friday afternoon.
Rico was standing on a street corner, biding her time.
"Where the hell are they? Even Ayame's late, which is weird of her. Am I in the wrong place?"

A few men tried to catcall her, but all they got in return were zaps in the arm. She listens to a song on her phone and waits.

@Kensai @Tada Taro @munchkinomatic
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Callisto was walking down one of the streets of the busier sections of the Silk Canyon as she looked down at her to do list for the day.

Check out some of the more out of the way shops, get lunch, look for places that sell really weird dishes, maybe get into another fight with Green Dragons, look for cooking ingredients for later. "I wonder if there's a place that sells cherries?"
"Have you heard?"

At first glance, Vanessa showed no sign of acknowledging her roommate's words. Her eyes remain fixed upon the little marble black before her. Her slender arms are blur of motions as they meticulously chiselled away at the white stone. However, if one look close enough, they can just notice how her head tilts just a fraction to the left and one of her brow raised ever so gently
"The Silk Canyon Succubus!" Josephine elaborates, knowing that she has the attention of her roommate. "Like, there's all these spooopy things going on down there! They said someone's been goin' about enforcing mainstreaminity all dogmatic and stuff. If you do something that isn't main stream, she's gonna SUCk YOU DRY!"

The sentence is punctuated with loud, slurping noises.

Vanessa's hands cease their task. The white haired girl looks over her shoulders at her roommate. Both of her eyebrows are raised now, one slightly higher than the other.


The sixteen year old snorts, waving off her companion's remark and proceed.

"Thing is, people's been leaving the Canyon even more half-dead than usual. Like, three-quarter dead! And it only happen if they go off the rails too. Someone's been messing around in my Canyon, I tell you."

"Uh huh."

"This cannot stand. I won't allow harm come to my precious Silk Canyon" The blonde declares imperiously, bringing both arms across her chest. "But, since the doctors no hero-"

The rest of her sentence is cut off by Vanessa's raised palm. With a soft smile, she stands up and retrieve a white hoodie from its rest on a coat hanger before heading for the door.

"Okay." Vanessa declares curtly, locking the door behind her as she head for Silk Canyon.

Ayame was looking at a brown envelope that contained a few crispy banknotes. She knew the exact number – five – since she couldn't stop herself from checked them from time to time. It was quite a sum, and that made the girl nervous. Of course, her appearance betrayed none of her inner turmoil.

"Hey, those clothes," her grandmother told her this morning, pointing at the clothes Ayame prepared for the shopping meeting with her friends. Normally, she would only share her opinions with them without actually buying any clothes herself. This wasn't a normal occasion, however. "They are quite old, right?"

"They still fit me," the girl pointed out, already preparing to leave. She felt uncomfortable talking about this topic, or to be more precise, talking while her grandmother had this mischievous sparkle in her eyes.

As someone raised by her grandparents almost from birth, Ayame knew when there was a problem approaching, and the way her guardian was smiling was a very clear sign of incoming shenanigans.

"I didn't say they don't," the old woman replied and pulled out an envelope out of her kimono's sleeve. Tossing it at her granddaughter, she lighted up her smoking pipe and added. "Yamada-san came earlier this morning. He was quite pleased with your exorcism of his house."

"Y-Yes," Ayame said, uncertain and slightly afraid. She remembered the balding man next door had some spirit-associated problems that he wanted someone to solve.

"I want you to buy three sets," her grandmother said. "Any style would suffice, but do try to find something cute."

Lost in her thoughts, Ayame didn't notice a street sign, hitting her head. The incoming pain made her snap out of her musing. Gently rubbing her forehead, she muttered under her breath. "Cute, huh?"

Finally, she noticed her friend – Rico – and approached her in her usual manner, in complete silence. When they were close enough, she gave the girl a polite bow and said: "I'm sorry for being so late. Were you waiting long?"
@Tada Taro

Rico bowed in return and started up:
"No, not too long. I almost thought I was in the wrong place! heheh...."

Nobody knew why, but this was more awkward than expected...
This was not how Joan saw her afternoon going. Her plan was to leave school, head straight to her HEMA club and practice for a few hours, then head home. Simple easy and keeps her far from anywhere there could be danger. However Auriane seemed insistent that they make a visit to the so-called 'Silk Canyon'.

Now she found herself being dragged along, HEMA gear in a duffle bag hanging from her shoulder, backpack still on her back, and finally Serithtial, her sword, bouncing off her hip with every step. It wasn't heavy, all the things she was carrying, it was just getting cumbersome. Thankfully it wasn't hot so she wasn't sweating under her simple clothes. Small mercies.

Her eyes caught sight of pretty clothes, the shiny trinkets that sat in the windows of the trendy shops. It was well out of her income, and not really her style. How could people move in some of these things? And really it costs that much for just a slim piece of fabric? This whole place confused her and screamed that she was out of her depth.

That was before the creepy rumors, the people feeling drained, the shady enchanters, and the fights that break out over a simple mistaken identity. Joan did not want to be here, not now with cops patrolling everywhere.

Then out of the corner of her eye she spotted a girl, a little older than her with tanned skin and green eyes.

'Oh no.' she thought

'What,' Serithtial replied over the soul bond.

'I think I just saw Callisto.'

'Oh her...she is a fine warrior, would she not be a good ally to have around should trouble arise?'

'No, nononono, trouble follows her,' her eyes snapped around looking for signs of the Green Dragon Syndicate. A group of people wearing shades of green, spray painted dragons on the exposed walls, or green glowing marks somewhere on the sidewalk. She'd internalized this signs, learned to recognize them over far too many run ins with them. Now her mind was reeling searching, hoping that she would find nothing.

"Uhhhhh…." she started, "Auriane, this is nice and all but...I think I got things I need to do."

'Very far away from here.'

'You would leave these innocent to suffer the demons that roam this street?' Serithtial chided her.

'If it involves me avoiding another fight with the Greenies...yes.'

@Simpli @SplicedHunter
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"Uhhhhh…." she started, "Auriane, this is nice and all but...I think I got things I need to do."

In contrast to her classmate, seat-neighbour and maybe friend, Aurinae was moving around with a smile on her lips, bright red eyes going from one shop to another as she walked on Joan's side, trying her best to keep out of the way of the lightly swaying sword, favouring the blondes other side as best as possible. Seemingly a bit more petite, next to her more athletic friend, she was only wearing the light and functional garments she had from back home or made in their image and was looking just a tad ill placed between the state of the art fashion the Silk Canyon could boost with.

Keeping an eye on a few trinkets and dresses presented by the shops, she did her best to commit them to memory for later use in one illusion or another, but for the most part she was looking less like the trickster she was known as and more like a simple wide-eyed girl, never having seen such a mass of fashion and glitter in one place. "We had no place like this in our village~", she marvelled lightly as she let her eyes roam over the street, before returning her attention to Joan.

"Ohhh?", having no idea of the internal monologue going on next to her and doing her best to politely ignore the increasingly skittish glances that Joan was sending in each direction they were walking to, she pursed her lips and tilted her head lightly, making sure not to hit the blonde with her horns:

"Are you doing something for class or for your swordsmanship?", she asked curious, stopping their walk as the tore her gaze away from the shops and back to her friend, blinking a few times before waiting for an explanation, ready to change direction either way: "I mean, I did hear that you were allowed to enter these shops and try out clothes – and that they produce many of them in different sizes so you don't have to wait for a seamstress to make one for you from scratch."​
"Are you doing something for class or for your swordsmanship?", she asked curious, stopping their walk as the tore her gaze away from the shops and back to her friend, blinking a few times before waiting for an explanation, ready to change direction either way: "I mean, I did hear that you were allowed to enter these shops and try out clothes – and that they produce many of them in different sizes so you don't have to wait for a seamstress to make one for you from scratch."
At first Joan arched her brow a little forgetting for the moment that Auriane was not from here, not even from this world, if her horns weren't enough of a give away.

"Yeah...you can they keep a lot of stuff for people to try on and buy, it's beneficial to everyone. The buyer gets to see how they look in the item and can buy it that day, and the shop can do more business, not having to make each item on site. Though I think there might be a store that will do special orders, I wouldn't know where it would be..." She may have over explained but, Auriane was still new to this world and might have some more questions, best to answer a few of them right off. "...but, yeah I've got a competition coming up, want to be ready for it."

'Don't lie to the girl,' Serithtial snapped, 'it is unbecoming for a warrior to deceive her allies.'

'It's not a lie, I do have a competition coming up.'

'Yes but, not for two months.'

'Practice is important, need to get as much in as I can.'

'Is not the protection of the innocent more important than your own glory.'

'I never chose to be the 'defender of the weak' that was your mission.'

All through this Joan was quiet, standing nearly still, silent, looking off just over Auriane's shoulder. The swordswoman's hands clenched into a fists as she continued to mentally argue with the blade at her side.

'You are the next in a line of defenders. I cannot go to another, you are my wielder, and you are the Blade of Justice. You cannot flee from this task.'

'Like hell I can't.'

'Language young lady,' the sword chastised her, 'It is uncouth for a Lady of your station to speak like a common sailor.'

'I'm not some 'Lady of Station', and can you stop it with the young thing.'

'I am over 500 years old, I have seen and experienced more than you will in a lifetime, more that five of them to be exact. So no matter how old you get you will still be not even a child in my eyes.'

'Thanks for the pep talk, can we go now.'

'No not until this darkness surrounding the area has been dealt with.'

'Can't you let it go just this once.'

'I was made with one purpose, to banish darkness. I have never failed in that regard. And I will not let you fail your Aunt and all your Ancestors that have wielded me in the past.'

A long sigh left Joan, breaking the intermitable silence, as aquessed to the intelligent sword.

'Fine, we'll stay. Happy.'

'Yes I find this outcome quite agreeable.'

'I'm sure you do.'

'Sarcasm is beneath you.'

A weary smile graced her lips as she forced it on her face.

"You know what, the competition isn't for a few months, so I can skip practice for today." She dropped the smile looking around keeping aware of the Green Dragons, and this darkness that prowled the streets. "So where would you like to start?" She looked a little nervous hoping that her classmate didn't find her spacing out too weird. Joan often wondered what it was like when she got into these drawn out arguments with Serithital. It must be strange right, suddenly finding your conversation partner checked out, or only replying with half a thought, the other half taken up with another conversation they couldn't hear. It must leave her looking like a total space cadet.
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Noises. Colours. Motions. The Silk Canyon was a stew of all these concepts and more. The recent troubles going on just out of sight did nothing to dissuade the great mass of humanity here. Perhaps even encouraged the thrill seekers amongst them.

Vanessa had heard many opinion combined din of Silk Canyon. For some, it's an abominable noises. Others, like her roommates, crave it like a drug, deriving some strange euphoric energy from being apart of it. Personally, the grey haired girl found it soothing, much like the beatings of a heart. The sound of a healthy metropolis.

It took effort to not become lost amongst them. She made a habit out of that whenever she needed to stretch her limbs, simply losing herself into the veins of men that ran through Sunrise Point and and let the flow take over. It wouldn't do to relax now though, she had a mission, after all.

She had been purposefully going off the beaten paths, hovering around lesser known boutiques, taking detours through alleyways and even spent half an hour sipping an excellent espresso from a second story cafe. Aside from discovering a new favourite hangout, she hadn't made much progress. Certain no one had try to suck her dry yet.

A green head of hair caught her attention between thoughts. Ayame, that Japanese priestess from the shrine. She was talking with some other redhead girl who Vanessa distinctly recalled seeing in passing at the Swords.

Three Luminaries in near vicinity. That usually spells troubles outside of the Swords.

Changing course, she moved silently through the crowd toward the pair.

@Tada Taro @Dex
"Jessica said it wouldn't be the same without a friend to go window shopping – strange idiom, how do you call it if you really go shopping for windows instead of using those words to describe just looking around?", with a small shrug at the strangeness of the English language, she did her best to hide the hint of disappointment on her face. Leaning forward to take a closer look at the lines on Joan's face, she feel silent for the moment, observing the inner – or not so inner- struggle that was going through the blonde.

Shifting her eyes from the girl to the blade on her side she couldn't help but shiver ever so lightly as she felt its presence once more, doing her best to stay a comfortable distance away from the rather magical weapon. Waiting patiently for the conversation she wasn't privy to, to drawn to an end, she could only quirk an eyebrow as she watched Joan sigh and then wear a rather tense smile.

Not that she did comment on it, magical swords…reminded her of the invasion and with a small shudder, she easily replied with an easy going smile of her own, gesturing down the street as she happily hummed: "I'm not sure – I am quite sure the funds allocated to me through the envoy program wouldn't allow me to really buy anything here. So we are just looking? I think there was something about trying out the clothes presented here, showing them off to your friend and then treasuring the best of it as you saved money over the following months…or was that in a show?"

Pursing her lips a little unsure she tried to remember what Jessica had said – at the same time confused, slightly regretful and glad that her roommate hadn't decided to pull the two along to one of her shopping tours. Tilting her head lightly to Joan once more, she hoped the blonde knew the answer.​
Callisto had started looking at some of the stands to see if there was one that was selling stuff like cherries or peaches, when she noticed a familiar face and a familiar sword in the crowd. It looked like possibly getting into a fight with the Green Dragons could be crossed off her to-do list. She couldn't remember the last time she had seen Joan. Callisto started walking towards Joan, and waved at her. "Hey Joan. It's been a while since we've seen each other."

A loud, husky but definitely feminine voice split the air.


This was followed by the mildly terrifying sight of Ellie Cheon barreling down the street -

whoops -
'scuse me -
pardon me -
my bad -
sorry ma'am -
sorry sir -

towards her friends, skidding to a sneaker-shredding halt just before she actually ploughed into them.

"Hey! You guys weren't planning on going shopping without me, were you?" she said, before she followed their startled and - perhaps - horrified gazes downwards.


"Uh... I guess the first place we need to go is someplace I can get a pair of pants."

Knew I forgot something getting out here so fast....
Not that she did comment on it, magical swords…reminded her of the invasion and with a small shudder, she easily replied with an easy going smile of her own, gesturing down the street as she happily hummed: "I'm not sure – I am quite sure the funds allocated to me through the envoy program wouldn't allow me to really buy anything here. So we are just looking? I think there was something about trying out the clothes presented here, showing them off to your friend and then treasuring the best of it as you saved money over the following months…or was that in a show?"
"Um...I think that's how things work. I've never been shopping like this before." Joan said rubbing the back of her head. "It might be in a show...maybe...I don't really watch too many things like that." She thought about it for a moment longer. "Well my dad always says if you find something you want you should save up for it...and how do you know you want clothing unless you try it on?" She left unsaid her father's reminders of Wants and Needs and fancy clothes like these were most definitely wants. "It could be fun, you know...hanging out with..."
Callisto had started looking at some of the stands to see if there was one that was selling stuff like cherries or peaches, when she noticed a familiar face and a familiar sword in the crowd. It looked like possibly getting into a fight with the Green Dragons could be crossed off her to-do list. She couldn't remember the last time she had seen Joan. Callisto started walking towards Joan, and waved at her. "Hey Joan. It's been a while since we've seen each other."
Joan's face blanches seeing the green-eyed girl coming closer. It was Callisto, this was bad, very bad.

"Uh...Hey Callisto, yeah it's been a long time." Joan replied with a nervous waver in her voice.

'Not long enough.'

'You should be more kind to her. She has helped you many a time.'

Joan ignored the sword this time.

"Wha...what brings you out here?"

'Are you not going to introduce Lady Tourneur.' Serithial said reminding Joan of proper etiquette.

"Ahhh..." Joan said wrinkling her nose a little. "Um...Auriane this is Callisto, Callisto this is Auriane." she gestured to the magic caster before her, then to the horned woman to her side. "We met a while ago...ummm how we met really isn't important." She said shaking her head. The swordswoman was hoping Auriane didn't dig too deep on how Joan met the Sand Wraith, and hoped that Callisto didn't say anything either. It would be hard to explain how she had run ins with a dangerous street gang, and that was an explanation she didn't want to make. "And Auriane is my classmate, at the Swords."
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Joan's face blanches seeing the green-eyed girl coming closer. It was Callisto, this was bad, very bad.

"Uh...Hey Callisto, yeah it's been a long time." Joan replied with a nervous waver in her voice.

'Not long enough.'

'You should be more kind to her. She has helped you many a time.'

Joan ignored the sword this time.

"Wha...what brings you out here?"

'Are you not going to introduce Lady Tourneur.' Serithial said reminding Joan of proper etiquette.

"Ahhh..." Joan said wrinkling her nose a little. "Um...Auriane this is Callisto, Callisto this is Auriane." she gestured to the magic caster before her, then to the horned woman to her side. "We met a while ago...ummm how we met really isn't important." She said shaking her head. The swordswoman was hoping Auriane didn't dig too deep on how Joan met the Sand Wraith, and hoped that Callisto didn't say anything either. It would be hard to explain how she had run ins with a dangerous street gang, and that was an explanation she didn't want to make. "And Auriane is my classmate, at the Swords."
Callisto laughed a little as she heard Joan mention Swords. "What are the odds? I'm also a student there. I'm just here to do some food shopping and a little bit of exploring. Maybe this will turn out like the last few times we met." She turned towards Auriane, and spent two seconds looking at her horns. "Nice to meet you."
"Ellie... where... are your pants?"
Rico says through her palm.

She knew exactly what happened, but she wanted to make sure she wasn't going nuts.

Rico turns to Ayame.
"Ayame, are you seeing this? I want to make sure I'm not going crazy."

@Kensai @Tada Taro @munchkinomatic
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"Ellie... where... are your pants?"
Rico says through her palm.

She knew exactly what happened, but she wanted to make sure she wasn't going nuts.

Rico turns to Ayame.
"Ayame, are you seeing this? I want to make sure I'm not going crazy."

@Kensai @Tada Taro @munchkinomatic

Ellie grinned sheepishly.

"I was in a hurry, okay? I was working out, and I forgot I was supposed to meet you guys, and then I just threw on a hoodie and ran here. Not my fault I'm out and about in these. Okay, I know it is my fault, but youknowwhatImean. I mean, I know they look like undies, but they're lifting shorts! I swear!"

Then her eyes opened wide.

"Oh sh- I had my wallet in my cargo pants! Uh, I guess I'm gonna need to borrow some money from one of you... again."
Rico sighed, but the grit in her teeth made it sound more like steam exiting from a machine that has just overworked.

"Fine. Now let's go get you some less revealing pants."

Rico set off for the nearby clothing store- She hadn't seen Vanessa show up yet, but she planned on coming back. She motioned for Ayane and Ellie to follow
"I have money." Vanessa spoke up, eyes still focused on the newcomer. Her sheer incredulity expressed through slightly parted lips and raised brows. "And spare pants."

Luminary invulnerability didn't include non-transformation clothes, not for her anyway. While clothing damage weren't common, the few occasions were annoying enough for her to plan for it.
Callisto laughed a little as she heard Joan mention Swords. "What are the odds? I'm also a student there. I'm just here to do some food shopping and a little bit of exploring. Maybe this will turn out like the last few times we met." She turned towards Auriane, and spent two seconds looking at her horns. "Nice to meet you."
The swordswoman nodded hearing that Callisto was also a student at the acclaimed magical academy, she didn't feel ashamed, it was a huge school, to know everyone there would be next to impossible. The Sand Wraith could be an upperclassman or just not have any classes with Joan or Auriane. Then she had to mention their last few meetings.

A pained expression crossed over Joan's face. Of course this would happen, how else would this turn out.

"Well I certainly hope not," she said voice wavering a little, "Our last few meetings haven't been what I would call fun." Joan gave a glace over Callisto's shoulder expecting a squad of thugs coming up behind her. "Well, uummm..." Joan continued, "I think we were going ahh...This way." She took a step in an arbitrary direction, hoping Callisto wouldn't follow. "See ya' later Callisto." She said with a curt wave that was half an urging for her classmate to follow her.

'Leaving already...That's terribly rude.'

'Didn't ask your opinion.'
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"Neither was I~", the horned girl chirped easily, not wanting to let Joan's mood drop, even as she skirted away from the scary sword at her side: "Well – so my roommate and your father seem to be both of the opinion that we should go into those shops and try something out~", she said more secure, clapping her hands together happily as she nodded ever eagerly: "Spending time with friends ought to be treasured activity."

Pausing as she saw Joan stiffen next to her once more, Auriane could only look quite curiously at the girl approaching them, wondering if she was an enemy or rival of Joan – or why else she was getting nervous like this? Maybe they were in the same club and Joan was afraid of being found slacking off with her? A small frown slipped over her own lips, before she schooled her features into a pleasant smile once more upon being introduced, half bowing in greeting:

"A pleasure to meet you too Callisto, it's always nice to meet friends of Joan – or are you just in the same club? I'm terribly sorry if you think Joan is slacking, she has just been nice enough to accompany me around the shops – I am not yet used to the way business and commissions are handle in your world.", she said earnestly and smiled a little more – or tried to do so without making her mouth too wide: "Please don't be too hard on Joan, I'm sure she will be ready for the next challenge anyway~"

"I think we were going ahh...This way."

Blinking lightly at the quick goodbye's she kept to Joan's side and could only look at the blonde oddly as they moved down another street, pursing her lips as she asked carefully: "Is Callisto your sparing partner or trainer? She isn't being too hard on you in your last meetings, is she?", the red eyed girl said a bit worriedly as she tried to keep pace with her classmate and friend.
Blinking lightly at the quick goodbye's she kept to Joan's side and could only look at the blonde oddly as they moved down another street, pursing her lips as she asked carefully: "Is Callisto your sparing partner or trainer? She isn't being too hard on you in your last meetings, is she?", the red eyed girl said a bit worriedly as she tried to keep pace with her classmate and friend.
"Wha...No." Joan stuttered out, "it's...it's just that...Uuuggghhh." She nearly pulled her hair out trying to find the words to use. She didn't want to admit what was really going on, how she really knew Callisto. Because that would mean admitting to be wanted by the Green Dragon Syndicate, and that was something she didn't want anyone to know, especially Auriane. Though Joan wouldn't want say it, the girl from another world was her guide, the one that led her through this strange and confusing world she found herself in. As much as the mundane world wasn't Auriane's, the world of magic wasn't Joan's.

'I think speaking the truth would be the best solution here.' Serithtial added unhelpfully.

'Don't need that right now...what if she gets scared, or thinks less of me.'

'You'd rather leave her confused and thinking you are mad? Are you not worried that would drive her away?'

Joan's face soured, should she just lay it all out and take the consequences or just keep obfuscating possibly to the detriment of her relationship with the only lifeline she has. She stopped turning around quickly to look at Auriane's shining red eyes.

"Look," she started looking away a little ashamed. "Callisto is not part of my club, and I wouldn't really call us friends. I don't want to go into the details but, I know that she is trouble...well..." yet again the blonde's words fail her, "she's not trouble it's just that trouble has a habit of following her..." Joan paused, replaying the conversation in her mind. "What I mean to say is that when I see her, bad things happen. And I really don't want to deal with that right now." Another weak, broken smile bloomed on her face. "Sorry for acting weird, I just really wanted to get away. With all the rumors going around I'm just on edge I guess."
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Seeing your light, Auriane moved a bit closer, even if she was still throwing some skittish looks towards the blade at Joan's side and gently linked arms with the dark blonde, smiling ever so encouragingly at her: "Deep breaths Joan – try to calm down and maybe listen to the sword you are lugging around all day – it seems to either make you even more nervous or calm you down.", squeezing her friends hands lightly, Auriane looked to the side, leaving her to the small conversation playing out next to her, trying to make it appear as normal as possible as her eyes stayed on the shops and her arm made sure that Joan remained upright and next to her, even when she started to argue silently once more.

Tilting her head and peering back with bright ruby red eyes, she smiled: "I'm looking and listening.", she said earnestly, before looking a bit puzzled as the following words put her working theory on the relationship between Joan and Callisto under a new light…which to mean: showed that they were quite useless so far. Tilting her head once more and angling the curved sides of her horns to give Joan a little nudge, she hummed slowly:

"Don't fret – I can understand if you want to have a more…peaceful life.", the small shudder going through her, easily went over into Joans arm, before she smiled brightly: "And if Callisto has a penchant for stirring up trouble, she is surely also able to deal with it as student – or it will be large enough of a trouble that we can hear it from wherever we are going…..just what are we heading towards actually Joan?"​
@Dex @Kensai @munchkinomatic

It was quite something, Ayame thought, as long as something means anything. Honestly speaking, seeing one of her friends come here without wearing clothes this revealing made the girl stupefied, completely at loss of words.

Instead, she simply felt her eyebrow rise a bit, stay there for a few moments and go back to where they belong. She wasn't talkative person, and the situation she found herself in affected her even more.

For now, Ayame simply decided to move along. Before that, she gave Vanessa a silent thumbs-up for her foresight. It was a nice gesture that reminded her what a nice person her friend is.
Seeing your light, Auriane moved a bit closer, even if she was still throwing some skittish looks towards the blade at Joan's side and gently linked arms with the dark blonde, smiling ever so encouragingly at her: "Deep breaths Joan – try to calm down and maybe listen to the sword you are lugging around all day – it seems to either make you even more nervous or calm you down.", squeezing her friends hands lightly, Auriane looked to the side, leaving her to the small conversation playing out next to her, trying to make it appear as normal as possible as her eyes stayed on the shops and her arm made sure that Joan remained upright and next to her, even when she started to argue silently once more.

Tilting her head and peering back with bright ruby red eyes, she smiled: "I'm looking and listening.", she said earnestly, before looking a bit puzzled as the following words put her working theory on the relationship between Joan and Callisto under a new light…which to mean: showed that they were quite useless so far. Tilting her head once more and angling the curved sides of her horns to give Joan a little nudge, she hummed slowly:

"Don't fret – I can understand if you want to have a more…peaceful life.", the small shudder going through her, easily went over into Joans arm, before she smiled brightly: "And if Callisto has a penchant for stirring up trouble, she is surely also able to deal with it as student – or it will be large enough of a trouble that we can hear it from wherever we are going…..just what are we heading towards actually Joan?"​
A deep sigh left Joan, this was getting tiring, dealing with her sword, running into Callisto, and explaining everything to Auriane. It was refreshing to hear the other girl's comforting words. Joan's mind quieted enough to pick up on the subtle shutter that ran through her arm from Auriane. Was she scared? Looking closely she saw a few glances to the Serithtial, a slight wrinkle of worry, was something going on?

"Oh..." she started, "You picked up on that did you. The talks I have with my sword...Yeah, I'm sorry for checking out like that. She," Joan's left hand came to rest on the mouth of the scabbard, "She tries to be helpful but, can sometimes get in the way."

'It does take some time to acclimate to the Soul Bond.' said blade added, the sudden intrusion showed on the wielder's face in a slow blink.

"I'm trying to get better but, it can be hard when you got a voice in your head that wasn't there a while ago."

The tension had released from her shoulders as they slumped forward in a shameful display of poor posture. "I was just trying to get away really, I don't know where we're going." she looked around and saw a row of shops just off the main street. There didn't seem to be as much traffic back, a good place to just wander for a bit, to unwind. "I see some clothing stores over there." she pointed to some storefronts just a little ways away. "You mentioned wanting to try on some clothes right. Might be a good place to start." Before walking away Joan shifted her HEMA bag to the left shoulder, her right one getting tired of lugging the gear around. The bag rattled the sword on her left hip, as she extended her right hand to Auriane.

"Don't worry about Callisto." Joan started once they began to walk, "She can handle herself, I've seen it first hand." the swordswoman paused, "Ummm...Auriane" she began again a little worried, "Is my sword...um Serithtial, off putting to you? I mean, I just noticed that you've been giving her a wide berth. If she's bothering you I can...well I can put her in my bag." The last thing Joan wanted was her classmate to feel uncomfortable and felt a little ashamed that she hadn't noticed until now. Too wrapped up in her own thoughts.