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This is a star wars empire building game heavily relying on turn based CK2-style action...
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Corporal Cannonfodder
This is a star wars empire building game heavily relying on turn based CK2-style action mechanics and a home-style jury-rigged battle and production system. It takes place a little less than 1000 years after a Battle of Ruusan where even Bane and the Coruscanti Jedi die. The Republic has fallen. So with a galaxy so long divided … it must then unite.

Hello everyone! Welcome to another rendition of "Killerflood attempts a long-term creative project but inevitably loses interest and fails." I'm your host, Killerflood! So with nothing else, let's get started and see if I can get beyond two chapters this time!


The Galaxy is in Chaos! It has been nearly
a millennium since the disastrous battle of
Rusaan and since then the Republic has
fallen without a successor! The Jedi Order
and the Sith have both been annihilated
and petty realms now rule pieces of what
had once been a united galaxy!

For centuries, myriad powers have
attempted to gather enough power to break
the cycle of lawlessness. Sadly, none of
them have been able to succeed. And so
the galaxy remains in disarray.

But a galaxy divided for long must soon
reunite! It is inevitable that some power
rises high enough to reclaim the nearly
forgotten crown and become the new
galactic order!

You were weaned on stories of old. Stories that were once history but now have passed into legend or even myth. The idea of a united galaxy is not yet one of them. Growing up you grasped onto that idea with both hands. The galaxy is large and filled with millions of such beings. Yet you worked, you struggled, you suffered, and so it has come to pass that you have taken the reign of one of the contenders.

There are worlds aplenty in this galaxy and just as many have the same dream as you. Where does your dream truly start?

(Pick One)

[ ] Core Worlds
(Densely Packed and heavily industrialised. Be wary, independent powers abound.)
-[ ] Dying Ember (Corellia): The Calls of Republic have died over the centuries but there still a few who proclaim it from pride, if not in spirit. Corellia is now ironically the last bastion of the Republic. Fiercely proud and independent, a fluke of fate has seen it become the last embers of the once proud Republic. Might those embers become a spark to light the fire anew?
-[ ] Call for Empire (Empress Teta): Empress Teta is the grand power of the Core. During the early stages of the Crisis, it jockied for power over Coruscant but was unable to overcome their opposition and was defeated. Now though it has come to claim the Deep Core as their own. With a stable foundation, will the Empire bring order to the rest of the galaxy?

[ ] Mid Rim (Nexus of the galaxy. Both the Core and Rim are open … but don't get caught in between.)
-[ ] The Nexus (Moorja): A simple agriculture world, this world should have been simply another resource for greater powers. Somehow it has instead gained control over the important intersection systems of Haarn and Yag'Dhul. It is able to sustain itself off of trade but can it use that trade to grow stronger and further its influence?
-[ ] In the Shadows (Bothawui): Bothawui has been quiet since the Crisis. It hasn't done much openly but Its spies are capable, its information network top-notch, it's ability to manipulate? Well, there's a reason why it has gone unconquered by other powers. Maybe it's time to manipulate the galaxy into uniting?

[X] Outer Rim (Sparser, fewer powers but also small resource density)
-[X] Break the Chains (Korriban): Long in decline, the Sith Empire hasn't had a Sith on the throne in a long, long time. A cutthroat council of lords sits as "regents". Well, they used to until you came along. Will you break the Empire's chains and lead it to dominion? Or are you just another so called "Dark Lord of the Sith."
-[ ] Blue Tidings (Dac): Dac is a planet of two separate peoples that has only united again recently. Finally allied once again, maybe there are further opportunities for alliance amongst the stars? Or maybe , even if the pleasure cruisers of yesterday are gone they can be used for something else?

[ ] Write In? (Choose wisely. GM keeps the right to refuse.)

How long will your journey be and how far will you go?

Author's Notes: Please vote by plan unless told otherwise. Next stage will be character creation.
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[X] Outer Rim (Sparser, fewer powers but also small resource density)
-[X]Break the Chains (Korriban): Long in decline, the Sith Empire hasn't had a Sith on the throne in a long, long time. A cutthroat council of lords sits as "regents". Well, they used too until you came along. Will you break the Empire's chains and lead it to dominion? Or are you just another so called "Dark Lord of the Sith."
[X] Core Worlds (Densely Packed and heavily industrialised. Be wary, independent powers abound.)
-[X] Call for Empire (Empress Teta): Empress Teta is the grand power of the Core. During the early stages of the Crisis, it jockied for power over Coruscant but was unable to overcome their opposition and was defeated. Now though it has come to claim the Deep Core as their own. With a stable foundation, will the Empire bring order to the rest of the galaxy?
[X] Write In: The Black Sun will Rise! (Mustafar): A Vast Criminal Syndicate the Black Sun has existed since the days of the Old Republic. Be it Piracy or Smuggling there is no criminal enterprise which they would not engage in. But now as the galaxy is in Chaos the Lords of the Black Sun have decided to reach for heights no seen since the rise of the Hutt Cartels, they seek to carve out their own personal kingdom within this galaxy.

Hopefully the GM would permit this write it.
Fair enough. It will likely be intrigue heavy at the start and characters would be on the darker side much like Korriban.
Oh I am well aware, but I wanted to go with something different for a change and trying to make a Criminal Empire grow into a territory holding power sounds like fun. Not to mention we'd be able to have a lot of fun and interesting scenarios by utilizing our criminal resources, such as coordinated Pirate attacks that seem isolated and random but in reality are designed to pull away ships from a specific planet before we invade with some help from criminal elements on the planet.
[X] Outer Rim (Sparser, fewer powers but also small resource density)
-[X] Break the Chains (Korriban): Long in decline, the Sith Empire hasn't had a Sith on the throne in a long, long time. A cutthroat council of lords sits as "regents". Well, they used too until you came along. Will you break the Empire's chains and lead it to dominion? Or are you just another so called "Dark Lord of the Sith."
[X] Outer Rim (Sparser, fewer powers but also small resource density)
-[X]Break the Chains (Korriban): Long in decline, the Sith Empire hasn't had a Sith on the throne in a long, long time. A cutthroat council of lords sits as "regents". Well, they used too until you came along. Will you break the Empire's chains and lead it to dominion? Or are you just another so called "Dark Lord of the Sith."
[X] Outer Rim (Sparser, fewer powers but also small resource density)
-[X] Break the Chains (Korriban): Long in decline, the Sith Empire hasn't had a Sith on the throne in a long, long time. A cutthroat council of lords sits as "regents". Well, they used too until you came along. Will you break the Empire's chains and lead it to dominion? Or are you just another so called "Dark Lord of the Sith."
[X] Outer Rim (Sparser, fewer powers but also small resource density)
-[X] Break the Chains (Korriban): Long in decline, the Sith Empire hasn't had a Sith on the throne in a long, long time. A cutthroat council of lords sits as "regents". Well, they used too until you came along. Will you break the Empire's chains and lead it to dominion? Or are you just another so called "Dark Lord of the Sith."
[X] Outer Rim (Sparser, fewer powers but also small resource density)
-[X] No More: your world is one of refugees. Long ago the frist colonists came fleeing the ravages of the Sith. During the republic more came fleeing the growing corruption consuming it's halls. During the clone wars they fled from the CIS's cruelty. Now no this age of chaos a battle cry raises against the fear that drove your ancestors to this world: No More!
[X] Core Worlds (Densely Packed and heavily industrialised. Be wary, independent powers abound.)
-[X] Call for Empire (Empress Teta): Empress Teta is the grand power of the Core. During the early stages of the Crisis, it jockied for power over Coruscant but was unable to overcome their opposition and was defeated. Now though it has come to claim the Deep Core as their own. With a stable foundation, will the Empire bring order to the rest of the galaxy?
[X] Outer Rim (Sparser, fewer powers but also small resource density)
-[X]Break the Chains (Korriban): Long in decline, the Sith Empire hasn't had a Sith on the throne in a long, long time. A cutthroat council of lords sits as "regents". Well, they used too until you came along. Will you break the Empire's chains and lead it to dominion? Or are you just another so called "Dark Lord of the Sith."
[X] Outer Rim (Sparser, fewer powers but also small resource density)
-[X]Break the Chains (Korriban): Long in decline, the Sith Empire hasn't had a Sith on the throne in a long, long time. A cutthroat council of lords sits as "regents". Well, they used too until you came along. Will you break the Empire's chains and lead it to dominion? Or are you just another so called "Dark Lord of the Sith."
[X] Write In: The Black Sun will Rise! (Mustafar): A Vast Criminal Syndicate the Black Sun has existed since the days of the Old Republic. Be it Piracy or Smuggling there is no criminal enterprise which they would not engage in. But now as the galaxy is in Chaos the Lords of the Black Sun have decided to reach for heights no seen since the rise of the Hutt Cartels, they seek to carve out their own personal kingdom within this galaxy.

Looks fun.
[X] Outer Rim (Sparser, fewer powers but also small resource density)
-[X] Break the Chains (Korriban): Long in decline, the Sith Empire hasn't had a Sith on the throne in a long, long time. A cutthroat council of lords sits as "regents". Well, they used too until you came along. Will you break the Empire's chains and lead it to dominion? Or are you just another so called "Dark Lord of the Sith."
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[X] Outer Rim (Sparser, fewer powers but also small resource density)
-[X] Blue Tidings (Dac): Dac is a planet of two separate peoples that has only united again recently. Finally allied once again, maybe there are further opportunities for alliance amongst the stars? Or maybe , even if the pleasure cruisers of yesterday are gone they can be used for something else?

Probably won't win. But I'd pick either this or Corellia. Both have extensive shipyards. Both have their own quirks in ship building. Corellia is highly modular and allows extreme customization, Dac with the Man Cals have multi purpose ships and civilian vessels that can be rapidly refit for combat duty and rely on powerful and redundant shields instead of heavy hulls.

Both should also have respectable military, though Corellia is likely more militarized.

Dac should have less immediate enemies while Corellia will be in the thick of it.

I also frankly dislike Korriban start unless we plan on purging the Sith.
[X] Outer Rim (Sparser, fewer powers but also small resource density)
-[X] No More: your world is one of refugees. Long ago the frist colonists came fleeing the ravages of the Sith. During the republic more came fleeing the growing corruption consuming it's halls. During the clone wars they fled from the CIS's cruelty. Now no this age of chaos a battle cry raises against the fear that drove your ancestors to this world: No More!

First off, the clone wars never happened. Please read the introduction again if you don't understand. Ruusan happened 1000 years before the battle of Yavin.Secondly, you need to actually give a planet. I'm not taking no name planets or backwaters. No bland agricultural worlds like Moorja if they hadn't lucked into controlling their little intersection. Use this for help: Star Wars Galaxy Map It's what we'll be using as the galaxy map when I get around to it. I suggest voting with one of the given ones though unless you have a really good idea.

Please vote by plan like everyone else. Otherwise, your vote will not counted. Thank you.
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Well that's just fucked up. Committing mass genocide like the Jedi and Republic did. Jesus.
How is it messed up when the users of the Dark Side, unless they are hilariously self controlled and have a will of iron will inevitably become cruel, sociopathic, opportunistic, egotistical jack asses that see nothing wrong with slavery and casual murder and other stuff?

The Sith as a organization and ideology has been a repulsive pile of BS since the beginning.
Actually I just realize something the entire Jedi order would not die on Ruusan. Because most of them were not even members of the army of light. It was made up of primarily hereditary Jedi lords of the outer rim, A number of temple Jedi who went with lord Hoth the battle master of the temple to fight against the brotherhood of darkness.
How is it messed up when the users of the Dark Side, unless they are hilariously self controlled and have a will of iron will inevitably become cruel, sociopathic, opportunistic, egotistical jack asses that see nothing wrong with slavery and casual murder and other stuff?

The Sith as a organization and ideology has been a repulsive pile of BS since the beginning.
I'm not saying that the Sith are okay. Hell they deserve a good genocide, but you can't wipe out the sith unless you get rid of the force. Plus you know what they say, an eye for an eye makes the world go blind.
Also there are sith that don't out right do the things you mentioned above. Not all of them are bloodthirsty savages, plus most of the sith simply believe in power or survival of the fittest, so the things above won't really be done by true sith.
A List of such Sith:
Revan - I generally don't know of any instance where he was a sociopath, egomaniac, or cruel. (There is nothing wrong with being an Opportunist)
Marr - He wasn't a Egomaniac or a Sociopath and didn't just perform casual murder or really allow it.
Jadus - He wanted to end slavery and reform the empire.
Vectivus - Really was the nicest of the sith and had no evil in his heart. None of the above apply to him as faults.
Didn't Vectivus create a technique that allowed him to enslave the spirits of that extinct species where his space station is.
Almost positive he developed technique that allowed him to create phantoms of that that species I don't think that is a very pleasant experience for those things