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The year is Federation Calendar 490, and a great peace reigns throughout the world of Modun. It has been five years since the last great war between the nation-states of Modun, and a time of rebuilding and recuperation has just slowed down. Borders are now permeable to trade and diplomatic ties between the three great nations - the Goliatun Necessity, the Iliad Federation, and the Beliale Hegemony - have been opened. Each nation, however, protects its secrets, strengths, and weaknesses developed in the isolation of peace immediately following the war. Few internal parties to the nations wanted to take the steps towards reaching out to their neighbors, but economic interests within the Iliad Federation pushed them to be the first to extend olive branches outwards.

The leaders of the Federation call it a great peace, a Pax Iliad, brokered by the united human peoples. The scholars of the world call it a new war, a cold one. Diplomacy and subterfuge are two sides of the same coin offered in trade. Which one will win out?

You are Kythe, Federal diplomatic consul. The bright young eyes of Kythe will be your portal into the intertwined magical, social, political, and economic facets of the world of Modun. Numerous tools are at your disposal and it is up to you how to use them.
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Chapter 1.1

Chapter 1

Prudence Before, Courage During, Kindness After, Strength and Stoicism Always.

You wrap your goat wool cloak a little tighter around your body, chilly despite the furs and cloth insulating the interior of the carriage. The wool, originating in the heartlands of the federal states, isn't suited for the frigid wastes of the Necessity. You hiss out a little ill fate upon the households of the quartermasters who supplied the ambassadorial expedition to the Goliatun Necessity. May they be befallen with the flu or the shits. You catch your tongue midway through the familial curse. Your creche mother would not approve.

The Ambassador Extraordinary insisted that you ride in the carriage on your journey back towards the Goliatun-Iliad border. You wanted to march alongside your - well, former now - men, but you felt the eyes of the diplomatic staffers in the carriage with you drilling into your skin. You may now be their superior, but these citizens reported directly to the Ambassador just only a few days ago. You are now Consul, and according to Ambassador Valt, it does not befit your station to pound earth to any destination. Be it these frigid wastes or the golden fields of the heartland. You sometimes miss the countryside of Arcadia, raised in rurality as part of a creche of foundlings. But you've been part of the Guard for long enough – four years now – that the memories have begun to fade into the fog of your pubescence. You'd thought you'd be seeing them soon. Before you got this assignment.

Despite your new rise in position, your studies persist. You uncross your arms from around your abdomen and pull out a book from your bag. Upon its cover is a gem of moderate size, purplish in its slumber before you flick it a few times to wake it. It turns a bright iridescent blue as it activates. You reach out – without moving a muscle – towards the crystal until your mind touches the soul inside it. His – you assume – name is Jarrod, the secretarial soul bound into the cover of your journal. He silently takes record of your voice as you read from your notes from Sergeant Tack's lecture on northern Iliad geography. Despite this being the third time you've read out loud the same notes on this subject, you know that repetition builds mastery. You may no longer be a probationary third lieutenant, but you must continue your studies.

You wonder what kind of person Jarrod must have been in life. Certainly, he must have been wretched to be condemned to such a fate as being bound to a soul gem. For sure, he did not volunteer his soul to act as secretary to a foundling Testaross - and a former soldier at that. The only Ilium who volunteer their souls for soul gem binding are heroes who wish to persist on the battlefield as a Li'shan Century. Jarrod must have been a wretched criminal, indeed, for his soul to not be allowed to rise to the heavens to join his ancestors.

You deliberately put certain stresses and accents on your words, practicing speaking in the northwestern Iliad dialect. It will subtly help in building relations with the people living in the borderland reach instead of alienating yourself with your distinct heartland accent. Your former unit of Guards, now your own consular guard, spoke in many different accents and dialects, being from different parts of the Federation. At some point, they merged into the unique Federal Guard vernacular and accent, but your Arcadian tongue had persisted despite that. You were teased constantly for it, for sounding like a heartlander and not one of their own.

Eventually, the carriage rolls slowly into a full stop. You're here. One of the consular staffers in the carriage opens the door for you.

"After you, Master Kythe."

You hesitate, unsure of protocol here. In the Guard, as a lieutenant in charge of a small unit of men and women, you wouldn't stop a moment to think about going first. A leader must always take the first step forward. How else can one lead if they do not go first?

The staffer rubs his arms and shivers as you step out of the carriage. He too wears a goat wool cloak. Blasted quartermasters.

The men and women of the consular guard have formed a loose circle around the carriages. Their weapons are sheathed or at rest, but ready to protect the federal officers disembarking from the carriages. The convoy has stopped in front of a wooden gate nestled between a stake fence, both the gate and fence standing twice or twice and a half as tall as an Iliad man. Two Goliatun sentries stand to watch at each side of the gate. Some of the Guard protecting you are old enough to remember fighting the Goli. They stand two heads taller than most Iliad men, three heads taller than some Iliad women, and maybe twice as thick as any strongman.

You set down your bag in the snow, having stowed away your journal and put Jarrod to sleep. You pull a scroll from within and stride forward. A knot in your throat takes a few swallows to get down, but you attempt to move with confidence and speak loudly to the sentries, unfurling the scroll for them to see.

"I am Kythe Maxxon Kiara, Testaross of the foundling line, Diplomatic Consul of the Iliad Federation to the Goliatun Necessity. I come to pay a courtesy visit to your lord."

The sentries pound the shafts of their spears into the snow-covered earth then speak in unison.


One of the sentries' teeth are filed to points.

"Very well," you say. "I shall wait."

You try to stand tall as possible, a lone figure in the snow between the convoy, and the gate and its sentries. You think you do a good job, despite the immense stature of the Goli before you. You wait for a quarter of an hour, standing resolute there before the gate opens on its own.

You don't hear or see a mechanism. The Goli that strides through the gate does not touch it as he comes forward to meet you. He stands a head even taller than the sentries. He takes a deep breath and bellows from within a fur-lined hood, his chest puffed out in a ceremonial but seemingly functional chest piece of armor.


"Milord, I am Kythe Maxxon Kiara. Testaross of the foundling line. Consul of the Iliad Federation to the Goliatun Necessity. Our main diplomatic mission having paid a visit to your Necessary King, I come to pay you a courtesy visit!" You say, looking up at the Goli lord – or as you assume they are.

The Goli lord looks down at you then speaks softly.

"You come to my hall and do not introduce yourself properly? What is a 'courtesy visit'?" He asks.

Trying not to panic, you throw your mind backward towards the diplomatic staff.

Tell him you come to dine in his hall and share a bowl of milk with him. Introduce yourself by your father's profession. One of the staffers thinks at you, seemingly comfortable despite the situation and the unfamiliar touch of your mind.

You are a foundling Testaross, not bound to the great House Testarossa of the Iliad Federation. You grew up in a creche among other Iliad children, raised by foster parents and sustained by the capital city-state of Arcadia, by a fund administered by the Lord Chancellor himself. Who is your creche father?

[]Your father is a Forgesinger from the College of Artificiers. He taught you what was possible of the forge magicks and craft, despite you not having licensure to practice magicka.
[Gain Strong Aptitudes for Agility and Crafting, and Moderate Aptitude for Magicka.]
[]Your father was a hero of the Federal Guard. He taught you everything you know about fighting and leadership. You hope to meet him again someday. He was killed in the last Imperial War and passed his soul onto a Century of Li'shan. [Gain Strong Aptitudes for Strength and Martial, and Moderate Aptitude for Leadership.]
[]Your father is a scholar and magister of the Synod of Magi. He taught you everything he knows about the world and the magicka that abounds in it. [Gain Strong Aptitudes for Intelligence and Magicka, and Moderate Aptitude for Knowledge.]

[X]Your father is a Testaross sailor and telepath, a man of the people, the sea and the ships that sail upon it, and the peoples of the world. He taught you how to move people and your own body. [Gain Strong Aptitudes for Agility and Social, and Moderate Aptitude for Telepathy.]
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>[D] Your father is a Testaross sailor and telepath, a man of the people, the sea and the ships that sail upon it, and the peoples of the world. He taught you how to move people and your own body. [Gain Strong Aptitudes for Agility and Social, and Moderate Aptitude for Telepathy.]
Kythe's Journal - Races of Modun - Ilium & Testarossa
The Ilium
Demonym: Iliad (singular), Ilium (plural, collective)
Adjective: Iliad
Language: Aphalone

My own people, yet not my own. The Ilium make almost the entirety of the population of the Federation. We are a proud people, strong of muscle and bone. We work the fields and march for the High Monarch, the People, and their Charter. I grew up among them and know little of the other races. Yet they treat me differently when they see my slightly pointed ears, and I had to learn to hide to touch of my mind from the common people at a young age.

The Ilium speak a common tongue amongst wider company, a great unifier even in the most remote marches of the twenty federal states. Vernacular and dialect may drift geographically and in certain social groups, but Aphalone has facilitated trade and transmission of knowledge throughout the Realm.

While the Federation claims that the men, women, and demyn of the Nadarn Free States are Ilium as well, the Nadarnese reject such a label and claim to belong to greater humanity, bigger than the Ilium alone. This is silly. Ilium is humanity and humanity is Ilium. The words are the same.

The Testarossa
Demonym: Testaross (masculine), Testarossa (feminine, plural, collective)
Adjective: Testarossian

The Testarossa say they are Ilium and official doctrine confirms such, but Iliad commoners sneer at being grouped with the noble House Testarossa. "Look at their pointy ears, their sharp features. They touch our minds. We cannot do that to each other. They're clearly different. We must classify them as such," one might hear in a foral debate of Arcadia. Harsher words might be said in less civilized company. Nevertheless, taxonomists do not differentiate the Testarossa from the Ilium race, keeping with the official word.

Most Testarossa belong to the titular noble House. Foundlings such as myself are rare and far in between. My crechemates look upon me as one of them, but I learned to tough out discrimination and prejudice from Iliad men and women, and even from my own "racemates". The noble Testarossa shun me as a loner who doesn't know his own heritage. So where do I belong, really?
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>Your father was a hero of the Federal Guard. He taught you everything you know about fighting and leadership. You hope to meet him again someday. He was killed in the last Imperial War and passed his soul onto a Century of Li'shan. [Gain Strong Aptitudes for Strength and Martial, and Moderate Aptitude for Leadership.]
>[C]Your father is a scholar and magister of the Synod of Magi. He taught you everything he knows about the world and the magicka that abounds in it. [Gain Strong Aptitudes for Intelligence and Magicka, and Moderate Aptitude for Knowledge.]

>[D]Your father is a Testaross sailor and telepath, a man of the people, the sea and the ships that sail upon it, and the peoples of the world. He taught you how to move people and your own body. [Gain Strong Aptitudes for Agility and Social, and Moderate Aptitude for Telepathy.]

Don't think the vote tally's going to pick things up if you do it like that as opposed to with [x]'s, though if you're counting by hand it's not really an issue. Are we allowed to vote for multiple options, if we like more than one?
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>[D]Your father is a Testaross sailor and telepath, a man of the people, the sea and the ships that sail upon it, and the peoples of the world. He taught you how to move people and your own body. [Gain Strong Aptitudes for Agility and Social, and Moderate Aptitude for Telepathy.]

Don't think the vote tally's going to pick things up if you do it like that as opposed to with [x]'s, though if you're counting by hand it's not really an issue. Are we allowed to vote for multiple options, if we like more than one?

I'll be counting by hand.

You're allowed to vote for multiple options yes, if you like more than one, but for this choice, only one option will win out, simple majority prevailing.
>[D]Your father is a Testaross sailor and telepath, a man of the people, the sea and the ships that sail upon it, and the peoples of the world. He taught you how to move people and your own body. [Gain Strong Aptitudes for Agility and Social, and Moderate Aptitude for Telepathy.]
>[D]Your father is a Testaross sailor and telepath, a man of the people, the sea and the ships that sail upon it, and the peoples of the world. He taught you how to move people and your own body. [Gain Strong Aptitudes for Agility and Social, and Moderate Aptitude for Telepathy.]
Chapter 1.2
Virtues give me the character to stand up to this giant.

You take a deep breath to try to match the volume of the Goliatun lord Kell. You match the style of his greeting as well.

"I am Kythe, creche son of shipmaster Maxxon One-Eye who came before him! We come to visit your hearth and dine in your hall!"

The giant places a hand on your shoulder, his thumb brushing the muscles of your neck. You look up into his hood to see a wide, white grin peeking at you from between a ruddy beard.

"Creche son?"

You remember your childhood suddenly.

Maxxon whittles at a piece of wood by the central brazier of your household as you peek through the entryway at him. He angles his knife to strip away wood from the soon-to-be totem, to be hung around the chimney. You wonder who it is to be dedicated to.

"Pa?" you call out to him.

Maxxon doesn't stop at his whittling, deftly carving the totem without even looking at it.

"Oh? Kythe? Home so early? Where are the triplets?"

He refers to your three sisters, not actually triplets. They all arrived on the same day from the state nursery, so Maxxon just calls them that. Sara, Diana, and Ephesia, the Tarn triplets. They take Ma's last name because Pa married into Ma's household. As a Testaross, you, however, take both their first names as part of yours. Kythe Maxxon Kiara, Testaross of the foundling line. A foundling Testaross just like your father.

"They're still outside chasing each other with stick 'spears'," you tell Maxxon.

"'Spears', huh? Guess they're at that age. Promachos worship,'" he says, speaking of the women's warrior lodges in the Federal Guard. "Of course, your mother will encourage it, as a former Promachi herself."

He rubs the tip of his pointed ear and whispers his last sentence; afraid your mother will hear. Pa is liable to sleep in the barn if she gets a whiff of him speaking like that about the Promachos. She'll chase him out of the house with whatever's at hand. A cast-iron pan, most likely, given that she's preparing supper now.

Maxxon touches his mind to yours, keeping any further exchange silent.

Why didn't you join in the spear chase? He thinks towards you.

You relax the walls around your mind just enough, as he taught you. Just enough so that he can hear you speak to him telepathically, but not enough that he can easily peek into your deeper thoughts.

You think back at him.

[] I want to use a real spear already! You need to teach me. I'll ask Ma if you won't. [Gain Moderate Aptitude for Martial.]
I got bored of playing. I want to hear stories of when you were shipmaster! How you shouted orders at sailors from the rudder! [Gain Moderate Aptitude for Leadership.]
I was going to help Ma with preparations around the house. She might need help cooking, no? Since you're being lazy and whittling a totem. [Gain Moderate Aptitude for Stewardship.]
I don't know how to relate to my sisters. Will reading their minds help? [Upgrade Moderate Aptitude for Telepathy to Strong Aptitude.]

[] Write-in [Suggest an appropriate Moderate Aptitude, we're playing loose with the system for now. Feel free to discuss with each other as well as the QM.]
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>[D] I don't know how to relate to my sisters. Will reading their minds help? [Upgrade Moderate Aptitude for Telepathy to Strong Aptitude.]
>[D] I don't know how to relate to my sisters. Will reading their minds help? [Upgrade Moderate Aptitude for Telepathy to Strong Aptitude.]
I'm happily all in on the Telepathy train.

However: Would a moderate appitude for Magicka be acceptable? How exactly does it function in this setting, or do we only find that out over time or by picking it as an option?
>[D] I don't know how to relate to my sisters. Will reading their minds help? [Upgrade Moderate Aptitude for Telepathy to Strong Aptitude.]
I'm happily all in on the Telepathy train.

However: Would a moderate appitude for Magicka be acceptable? How exactly does it function in this setting, or do we only find that out over time or by picking it as an option?

Picking a Moderate Aptitude for Magick would be acceptable but not for this choice of dialogue. Pa Maxxon wouldn't know anything about teaching you magick, so it wouldn't be appropriate to get it from him.

Formal magick and the innate talent of telepathy are completely unrelated on Modun.

You'll find out more over time about it and/or by picking it as an option. Similar to the Informational threadmark I made earlier, I'll be posting excerpts from Kythe's journal over time for subjects too exposition-heavy to fit into the main thread of the story. The next one within a few hours will be on what Kythe knows of magick and telepathy, but beware that Kythe is an unreliable source of canon lore as he is an unreliable narrator/expositor.
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>[E] Write-in [Suggest an appropriate Moderate Aptitude, we're playing loose with the system for now. Feel free to discuss with each other as well as the QM.]

"Tell me of the world you have seen. What is out there?" [Moderate Aptitude for Worldliness]

If we are to be a diplomat the customs of others will be our bread and butter, learning from a young age about them should help us with picking up on traditions faster than usual.
>[E] Write-in [Suggest an appropriate Moderate Aptitude, we're playing loose with the system for now. Feel free to discuss with each other as well as the QM.]

"Tell me of the world you have seen. What is out there?" [Moderate Aptitude for Worldliness]

If we are to be a diplomat the customs of others will be our bread and butter, learning from a young age about them should help us with picking up on traditions faster than usual.

Seconding this.
Kythe's Journal - On Magicka & Telepathy
Some magisters call Magicka the lifeblood of the world. According to them, it's everywhere and it's what makes everything function. If the world were planks of wood, Magicka is the glue that keeps them stuck together. Maybe not the best of analogies, but it's what I was told and I guess it works to explain. But who would use glue to stick planks together? We have metal nails.

Magister Tommen is quick to rebuke the common people when they ask if we Testarossa are magickal.

"Just because they do something normal people cannot, does not make them magickal. Telepathy is an innate talent of the Testarossa. Magicka is something learnable by anyone. Maybe with lesser or greater effort for some, but learnable nonetheless."

Magister Tommen used to work with Pa before settling down in our sleepy rural town of Valla. His specialty is the evocation of air, to push at the sails of ships even when the winds are not favorable and the seas too choppy to row. He calls this Moder, a blessing of the Banquet of Heaven.

Ma told me of her time in the Guard when she would travel alongside magisters like Tommen. They too evoke the blessings of the Banquet of Heaven, she says. She recalls a battle at the Belial border when a warmagi, or Magister of War as I learned is their proper title, called down a star from the sky to fall upon the enemy. The conflict of that day ended there as the goat-horned searched for their dead.

Like the Magister, Pa tells me that our telepathic talent isn't something learnable. He tells me of the One Drop Rule, something that I shouldn't tell others. One drop of alv blood makes a human a Testarossa. One drop makes a human telepathic.

"All it takes is one drop to rule," he whispered.

A saying of the noble House, the House that neither of us belongs to. He then rubbed me on the head.

"We're not to rule, we're to serve the Monarch and the People. Don't listen to those snoots."

I still don't know what a snoot is.

In the Federal Guard, I'd learn a lot more about Magicka. We had a magister attached to our unit, a student on loan from the Synod of Magi. He was doing his dissertation on evocation and abjuration and how it's used practically in the civil services, namely the Navy and the Guard. His name was Ergard.

Ergard was a bit of a loner, especially among other magisters when we traveled among the towns. Most magisters of the Synod view esoterically and magisters who do practical studies are thought of as weird. They're more alike to the College of Artificiers, who use Magicka for craftsmanship rather than academic study.

The schools of Magicka practiced by Iliad magisters are primarily those of transmutation, divination, evocation, and abjuration. Magicka usage is controlled by Federal law, requiring a license through the Synod of Magi, College of Artificiers, or the Federal Guard. Unlike the College, which practices and researches Magicka for practical means, the Synod's goals are more esoteric.

Evocation is a basic magical art in the Federation, used by the College to power forges, as the basis for magical learning in the Synod, in war by the Guard, and to push the sails of ships when hired by the Boater's Guild and the Navy.

The College practices transmutation through their crafting arts, the pinnacle of which is the creation of artificial life, the Li'shan.

The rare seers and prophets of the Faith, the Banquet of Heaven, use divination to predict the future of the Realm.

Abjuration magic is practiced by Guard warmagi, as their primary goal is to protect their assigned infantry, as well as by the Silver Hand's witch hunters.
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>[D] I don't know how to relate to my sisters. Will reading their minds help? [Upgrade Moderate Aptitude for Telepathy to Strong Aptitude.]
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Chapter 1.3
You close your eyes for a few seconds and try to give him a gestalt through the opening in the barriers of your mind. It's a trick Pa has been teaching you, to convey ideas in a single thought to the one you are talking to.

Disconnection. Lack of understanding. Femininity.

Things changed when your sisters entered the town's scholam, the one run and administered by the Faithful. You'd known they were different physically, but now they're different socially and culturally.

Exclusion. Shame.

The triplets asked Ma about her time in the Guard and the Promachos. They idolize the Promachos now. You were told by them to go play with other boys your age and not them anymore. The bruises and scratches you came home with before were not from playing rough but from stones thrown by the other boys.

Pa rocks on his stool while absorbing your gestalt. He leans back a bit too far and barely catches himself in time, just before falling over backward.

"Overwhelmed me a little bit there, child. Could have warned me." You're the only one he talks to telepathically nowadays, besides Ma. But when she feels something strongly, she verbalizes it. They only argue when they think you and the triplets are asleep.

"You're getting better at gestalts. A bit too good." He rubs the tip of his ear again. "Hmm. I see."

"Do you think I could relate to them better if I read their minds a little bit?"

He starts a little, his knife slipping a little and nicking him in the other thumb. He hisses then sucks on the cut.

"No, no, don't do that. For many reasons you'll understand as you get older. For some reasons that you already understand now," he says. "You fear being different. That'll only compound upon it."

"I'm adopted, lord Kell. It is the state policy of the Federation to ensure the care of orphans. We are sent to live with foster parents in a creche," you tell the Goliatun lord.

His grip on your shoulder tightens and his other hand goes up to scratch his beard.

"Your words are…hard. I do not…know… 'creche', 'adopted', 'orphans'," he says, his voice softer in his confusion. The Aphalone words roll off his tongue weirdly, stressed and emphasized in the wrong places.

You gently reach out to touch his mind, only to find a fortress of a mind as hard to your mental probe as your fingernails would be to a gemstone. You try to slip the concept of adoption and orphanhood into his mind anyway.

Say to him these words.

A mind speaks to you, telling you the words to say to Kell. You try not to startle visibly at the unfamiliar feel of the mind. There's another Testarossa in your convoy? You didn't see anyone with pointed ears among the diplomatic staffers. Certainly not one of the consular guards. You know them all well, having been one of them until recently. One of the guides you hired on the Iliad side of the border?

Who are you? you think.

You didn't notice my pointed ears because I have none. Just say the words. Trust me.

The words are recognizable from the Goliatun tongue, consisting of many rough, clipped syllables and few vowels. You just don't know most of the words told to you.

[] Trust the stranger and repeat after them word for word.
[] Attempt to use your very rough Goliatun vocabulary to speak with the lord.
[] Try to probe the mind of the stranger. You need to know more before trusting what they told you to say.
[] Gently repeat your attempt to convey the concepts of your upbringing to the Goliatun lord via telepathy.
[] Repeat your attempt to convey the concepts, but through a probe with brute telepathic force.

[] Write-in
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>[x] Trust the stranger and repeat after them word for word.

We are both telepaths, I don't think this person would fuck us over. Even if they do fuck us over we can just brush it off as us being bad with a strange language, at the very least we will know more about this persons intentions.
>[x] Attempt to use your very rough Goliatun vocabulary to speak with the lord.

>[X] Attempt to create a visual representation of the concepts. Eg. Draw in the snow.

I'd like to make some kind of visual representation by magic or by physical means that convey the concepts. It shows he is a resourceful character who can think outside the box when necessary.

I wouldn't want to just repeat words that are meaningless to him. He could be insulting the other guy for all he knows.
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>[x] Attempt to use your very rough Goliatun vocabulary to speak with the lord.
>[X] Attempt to create a visual representation of the concepts. Eg. Draw in the snow.
Request via thought to the stranger that they need to convey the general intent or meaning of their message to us before we blindly repeat it.
>[x] Trust the stranger and repeat after them word for word.

Best case, it all works out and we figure out we have an ally for now, worst case we make a diplomatic miss-step, but since we got first impressions over with, we can explain it as a poor grasp of the language.
Chapter 1.4
You probe lightly at the mind that reached out to your own. You grasp at the wisps of a telepathic trail back to the originator and try to feel the intent of the telepath. There's not a hint of malice to be detected before you're repelled away from their mind. They disappear into the mental landscape of the convoy before you can grasp at the astral wisps again. But you're able to glean imagery from them.

Fur-lined robes. An arrow notched in a bow, staring down at a moose with frost on its antlers. A warm fire, hands rubbed together. A village, alight with red and clash of metal. A child's hands and feet scrabbling through blood-stained snow.

You blink several times at the flash of memories that you touched. You hadn't probed that deep. Memory is in the recesses of the mind, only accessible by brute force or deliberate consent. Whoever that was, they let you see those.

Having sensed no ill intent and left with few options, you decide to trust them and access your own memory to repeat the words perfectly. While speaking, you attempt to understand the words with what little you know of phonemes and roots.

"I am…abandoned…child. Left…to die…in the snow…Survived…reared by strangers as their own."

The strange grimace of the Goli warlord's mouth does not disappear as you slowly enunciate as best as possible. It morphs into a frown then into a sharp grin. He speaks back to you in rough Aphalone.

"Oh! You are strong one to survive as child, left to die in snow! I welcome you to Mansion Hussa!"

You feel the convoy release a collective breath. A mental wisp of relief escapes from the hidden telepath. You pay it no heed for now.

The hand previously scratching his head in confusion proudly gestures at the proud, looming stone walls of the Goli settlement. The cresting peaks of what must be a great hall peek over the walls. So close to the gates?

Kell scratches again, this time his chin.

"Reared by strangers, though. You will tell me more. Come!"

The gates, having shut behind him without a creak, open with another of his gestures. Curious, that. As your convoy is ushered through the walls, you check the other side for sentries that had to have opened the massive doors. None.

Not long after, you are seated in a chair too large for a human frame at a similarly sized head table in the great hall of the Goli…Mansion. Yes, that's what they call their towns and cities, as you remember from your brief. You haven't been let to settle down in quarters, Lord Kell having commanded moose to be slaughtered for a feast in honor of you, the foreign diplomat. Domesticated moose, corralled in pens near the walls as you walked in.

A bowl of what smells like fermented milk is set on the table before you. The bowl is as large as your head. Are you meant to drink while waiting for the moose to be cooked? That could take hours. Will they continue serving this…kurnis, you know it is called, until the food arrives?

You are seated next to Kell at the head table as he raises up his bowl of kurnis to the heavens and chants together with the Goli assembled in the hall.

"Welcome, men of Ilium!" Kell says in Aphalone after chanting in the Goliatun tongue.

Before you attempt to mirror the gesture, you tap your fingernail on the bowl's side. Stoneware. It's heavy as you lift it up likewise to the heavens.

"Thank you, my lord Kell for the warm welcome! Thank you to the Goli of Mansion Hussa!" You attempt to mirror his greeting.

In a show of cultural exchange as part of your mission, you also say a prayer in High Aphalone, bowing your head as you keep the stone bowl raised. Your convoy raises their own bowls and recites honors to the God King, his saints, and your collective ancestors.

The lord Kell takes a long draught from his bowl of kurnis, downing its entire contents before slamming the container down on the stone table and cheering, arms raised as if in victory. His people do the same. You nod to your own people to follow along. You take as long a drink as possible from your massive bowl before sputtering and setting it down. You whisper thanks for the drink to the ancestors.

Oh that's strong.

Even the fumes of the kurnis make you a bit dizzy.

Kell lets out a hearty laugh, his chest thrusting out with his laughter. He slaps you on the back. The force sends you bowing over the giant table.

"Good show, human!"

Your bowls are refilled and refilled as you drink in anticipation of the roast moose. You salivate as fumes waft into the triangular-framed hall, having not eaten a proper meal after days in the convoy, avoiding fires for fear of raiders. The drink just keeps on coming. You try to drink as little as possible to keep your head about you, but they even refill your bowl until it overflows. There's no end to it.

You are seated buck straight in your chair, trying to stay as alert as possible while Kell speaks to some of his own. The Sergeant raises his brow at you from another table and nods in sympathy. Kell turns to you eventually while munching on a slab of moose cheese.

"Now, tell this one. How did survive snow as child?"

Was it really snow? You close your eyes and pore back into your own mind.

Pick one:
[X] Yes, the memories of the other telepath are similar to your own. You were found in the forest outside a burning village, attacked by Goli raiders, near the border. You were saved by a troop of Federal Guard.
[] You truly cannot remember, even with your mental powers. You were found by Pa on the docks of Nang Tolemani as a small boy, trying to fish what little you could to eat. He brought you back with him when he found you still there after returning from his retirement voyage.
[] You remember waking on the doorstep of a state nursery the day of your birth. Left by parents who could not take care of you, born out of wedlock to a highborn Testarossa and an Ilium man.

[] Your original parents were both Federal Guard and you were left with the state as they left for war with the Belial Hegemony. You've had a hatred for goats and bats ever since you gave up on them never coming back.
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[x] Yes, the memories of the other telepath are similar to your own. You were found in the forest outside a burning village, attacked by Goli raiders, near the border. You were saved by a troop of Federal Guard.
[X] Yes, the memories of the other telepath are similar to your own. You were found in the forest outside a burning village, attacked by Goli raiders, near the border. You were saved by a troop of Federal Guard.