A Formless Path to Shape One's Soul (Jujutsu Kaisen Self-Insert/SI [But Closer to an OC SI])

Chapter 21 || New Routine
Chapter 21
New Routine

Tuesday. Twenty-Nine. Or something. I had gotten permission to skip Monday, so after collapsing in my dorm at two in the morning after helping Hoshi settle down in one of the many, many empty rooms, I passed out on my bed with my uniform on. Which means I'm almost presentable to be the first to arrive at class at nine in the morning. I slept like trash. I felt like trash, and most importantly: I was trash. But now, I was trash that mattered to someone, so I at least combed my hair and washed my face to pretend I didn't die in a car accident yesterday.

"What the hell? What happened to you?" Shigure, the only other person in class besides the sleeping trench coat wearing teacher, makes his shock known not with a greeting after not seeing each other for weeks, but with a traumatized expression. Typical.

I yawn, commenting idly as I sit on the empty table close to his: "I didn't sleep well."

"No, I mean, the marks. On uh…" He points to his neck running up to his chin and eye. I notice him eying my arms, and legs too. Not because of taking them in or whatever. But I guess the square grafts of skin are pretty obvious. So that's what he was referring to.

"Didn't Kirua tell you?" He shakes his head. She didn't. Well, she's probably the best connected out of the entire class. It'd make sense she was more focused on "I fought a speeding truck."

"Did you win?" He questions, not missing a beat as I run a hand down a seam. The non-replaced skin is a bit more even. More porous. The other patches aren't. They're smoother, almost like the skin of a young child. A gentle reminder of my one-sided match with the leader of that cult.

"No." It's not entirely a lie to claim I lost against someone. "But it was worth a shot, right?"

"..." He seems unsurprised. Rather than try to actually comment something against me, he rummaged through his bag, producing a framed watercolor picture and placing it on my desk, sliding it forwards. "Everyone else already got theirs so… here you go."

"Well, this is rather nice." It's a moon. Or a painted moon, in watercolor. There's clouds sparsely around, and there's a circular rainbow around it. It's a rather welcome sight. The only other person that did things for me was my grandfather, when he was still around. This isn't anything carved, but it's pretty regardless. "Did you make it?"

A small nod is his reply.

"Thank you. You probably should have saved it, you dingus." I playfully punch Cyrano on the shoulder, and he pretends to fall off his chair in utter agony, clenching his arm and miming the motions of death, falling onto the floor as if in slow-motion, twitching in an exaggerated manner. "My birthday is in a couple of days. Because now I'm probably going to want another one."

I've never received a painting before. As a gift, I mean. There were a couple of prints I had gotten from my grandmother, and some others I helped my mother buy so our living room wouldn't look so sparse.

But this one? This painting that was made exclusively for me by someone I knew? It belongs in my room now. Nobody can take it away from me. I'm hanging it on my wall and it's staying there until I'm forced to leave campus or I drop dead. Talking about which… I have to say something to the guy pretending to be dead on the floor right now.

"I'm serious, Shigure." He turns to look at me, taking his seat again after a short delay. "I like this a lot."

He opens his mouth, as if to speak, but it's another voice, the one that fills the room as the clock turns one minute to nine. Atsushi makes himself known instantly, swinging into the classroom followed by a silent Kirua. "You fought a speeding truck?"

"Yes." I answer at the same time as Shigure does, and I try to stare him down to let him know that the question was addressed to me, no need to nose in, thank you very much.

"You really look like it." He nods, walking over to the seat closest to the window. Practically at the other end of the room. Kirua sits silently in the spot that remains, in between Atsushi and Shigure.

That's all that needs to be said, I think. I was considering keeping my sleeves on for the rest of my life, but the summer heat made me change my mind. I wonder how the sleeping teacher manages to keep his trench coat on at this time and day. Except he really wasn't, he was just wearing a white shirt, but I still saw him wearing a trench coat every once in a while. Was it his technique? I was actually willing to bet it was something I was willing to call shut-in syndrome. Can't go too long without it or he'll burn like a vampire.

And then, in a moment, the sleeping teacher wakes. It's easy to notice when his body posture tenses up, and he shuffles awkwardly back onto his feet. It's almost as if he was never asleep at all. There's a bounce to his step. An odd, practiced flow to how he walks around the back of the class, making a point to exaggeratedly count each one of us on his fingers.

"Alright, that's all of you. Who offers themselves up to be class president?" He finally recites, looking us over. No one moves. One person is scribbling away. "No one?"

Indeed, no one raised their hand. Or stood up. Too much responsibility I reckon. Anyone would go mad with power. Even cool-headed Atsushi I reckon. No way I'm better suited at this role than him, so I'm just going to wait and wait some more…

"Class president gets extra credit." Oh I'm so fucking sold on this idea. I raise my hand instantly. Free credit? Sign me up please. I'd give up a kidney and a liver to never repeat a year. "Miss Wada?"

"Yes. Me. I'll be the class president." My offer goes real well if only one person has an objection. I already know who it is, but Atsushi is giving me the stink eye to confirm it to me. "I've never wanted anything more in my life."

He objects. Loudly. Stands up too. "She's lying."

"Exaggerating." Kirua corrects.

"Whatever." He grumbles.

Shigure looks pleased with his drawing of leaves blowing in the wind.

"Does anyone else want to be class president? I've been hearing a lot of complaining, but so far, Wada is the only one who's presented herself for the position." Mister trench coat (lacking a sword for some reason) asks. I agree with this line of questioning, 'cus it means I'm the only, and thus, best, candidate.

Atsushi takes this as his moment to shine, standing up as if to give an ovation, he begins."I w-"

"No you won't you melancholic pansy ass bubblegum man." If someone asks me to elaborate on that insult. I won't. I have no idea what I just said. I'm just as surprised as everyone else by what just came out of my mouth.

This same amusement leads to a somewhat stammered word with undertones of bewilderment: "What?"

I clear my throat, and stand up. I am important, or will be, so I have to present myself as such. I fix my poorly folded tie, even out the wrinkles of my uniform and begin my speech, "You're only presenting yourself because you're scared that I'll be good at my job…"

"The opposite, actually." He mutters under his breath.

"...and that my success will carry me through an early career in politics towards becoming the first president of Japan!" I slam my desk with both hands for emphasis.

No one applauds. No one looks even remotely impressed. Shigure doesn't even look up from his drawing of a misty bay.

Mister trench coat clicks his tongue looking over to Atsushi. "Right, I'm inclined to have the role…"

I interject quickly, "Leave it to a vote!"

He purses his lips. Then, after a moment, he gives his judgment. "Fine. Who votes for Miss Wada to be class president?"

I gently nudge Isoda and he raises his hand without knowing why. I know Kirua is already on my side, so with my vote, that should be a majority! Three out of five! I win!

"You can't vote for yourself!" Atsushi interjects. I don't think I've ever managed to irritate him this much last term.

"Totally can," I glanced at him with a pleased smile, "also if you would have voted for me, it would have led to the same result."

"I wasn't going to vote for anyone…" He mutters, crossing his arms. And it seems our teacher mirrors that sentiment. Not like it would have made much of a difference. I still won!

"Polite tactics like that are the reason why you're a schmuck, and I'm the Class President!" Outsmarted, outclassed, and outcompeted! I'd laugh more if I could without looking like a nutcase. Actually, who cares? I'll laugh anyway.

"Resuming back to our regularly scheduled class…" the teacher stands up in front of class, dragging a chalk on the board and writing a name, his, probably. "Kusakabe Atsuya is my name, and I'll be your tutor for this year. This mainly goes for the tardy student who skipped class yesterday at the behest of one Mister Gojo."

Seems about what I expected so far.

"Assisting me will be Wada Azami, who joined late last year." I nod. My presence within this class pleases me. I'll pride myself in never repeating a year until the day I die. "I'll be in charge of delivering materials from other subjects, as well as helping you along with your Physical Education and Cultivation classes."

"By the end of the year, I expect all of you capable of using Cursed Energy to have a counter to Offensive Barrier Techniques or have the knowledge on how to escape one should the situation arise." Seems reasonable, even if I'm pretty sure he just made those terms up.

"However, due to a busy schedule, I will not be around the classroom to help with your General Courses." I nod my head to that. Yes, yes. Jujutsu Tech seemed to have a thing for overworking their teachers. This is something I noticed with Gojo too.

"Such tasks will be handled by the Class President." Wait. What? Huh? No, I'm not sure I heard that correctly, mind if you— "I'm sure she'll do her best, right miss Wada? I'm sure we can all agree extra credit only comes with good performance on the roles you volunteered to do."





This blows! This sucks! I want to warn my prior self I'm basically being a stand in teacher! Gahh… I can't believe this! Everyone's already looking at me as if I grew a second head already. Atsushi was the class president last year and thus the person in charge of handling class materials— but this sucks! I hate this. I'm not going to back off, though. This is everyone's problem now. You made this monster. You voted for me, and I'm going to make my ignorance everyone's problem.

My answer comes out in a stupor, "...yeah. I'm prepared."

Just not mentally. I thought being class president was an honorary title. Just a fancy badge I could use to whack people over the head with. Just another tidbit to prove my lack of megalomania and inherent superiority to the masses.

But now?

I'm not sure I thought this one through…

Chapter End

Post-Chapter Notes:
Epic prank backfire.

I just realized I've been writing Atsushi's name wrong all of this time. Also, apologies for the slight delay! I got stuck on this chapter for some time in the planning stage.

Next chapter is exciting, though. For me, at least.
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collapsing in my dorm at two in the morning after helping Hoshi settle down in one of the many, many empty rooms, I collapsed
Repetitive word choice
his shock known not with a greeting after not seeing each other for weeks, but with shock.
Repetitive word choice
One word
focused on "I fought a speeding truck."
Flow is weird. Next sentence implies she said this, but this sentence sounds like she said it in the past? Did you just cut a sentence off by mistake?
One word
One word
One word
One word
Not sure what you mean here
One word.
There was one more quote I grabbed but I removed it by accident and I'm too lazy to reread the chapter to find it again. I think it was probably the trench coat, so whatever.
Interlude 7 || Time Flows Like Sand
Interlude 7
Time Flows like Sand
Her birthday was on the thirteenth. That came off as a nasty surprise. Nice one, because her own birthday was around the corner. Seventeenth to be exact. Now, as for what Wada wants… probably soda. She rations her cans of soda so they last super long. Leaves them in the fridge, doesn't even care if they go flat as long as she is able to drink that sickeningly sweet stuff. So buying a six-pack of Doctor Pepper or those big bottles of the stuff ought to work.

But she also seemed to really appreciate that picture Shigure made for her. Carrying it around like some sort of stuffed animal before finally hanging it in her room.

Honestly, it seemed the longer she spent as a student the less impulsive and short-sighted she became. Which made her glad, because she was part of the reason why that change had happened. On the other end, it left her with the confusing dilemma of what she was going to get her friend for her birthday.

Well, maybe something like a watercolor kit? She liked the picture, right? Somehow, Azami didn't look like one to enjoy drawing.

Maybe a set of disks with old movies, but where would she play them? She openly mocked anyone for being too cheap to go to the movies. Although, given how she always drank a fresh can of soda and made popcorn, Kirua was beginning to suspect she was doing so out of a desire to be a contrarian.

That, and annoying Atsushi.

Lowering the priority of the soda in place of something more concrete…

She's never seen Azami as much as glance at a computer with anything other than envy. Maybe she could rally the rest towards gathering enough money to buy her a laptop? But that may be too much, she knows how she reacts to debts that cannot be repaid. Maybe she should settle for a phone case and she'll get one in return for her birthday. Nothing extravagant, but it'll make do.

Now the real question became if it counted as bribing the class president if she was going to extend special treatment because of said gift…

Gojo looks at the two students of this group. To be completely frank, neither impresses him. One has a math-based technique, and while those tended to be strong, it's relyance on getting hit by an enemy makes the technique little more than useless in his eyes. The other is too timid to ask for help. He assumes he has issues with self
Perception of some sort. Their technique has incredible potential… but they're too depressed to do anything other than the bare minimum.

Well, if there's anything that he's good at, is cheering his students up. Slamming the tami door open, he leaps inside with the best cheer he can muster.

"Well, hello classroom!"

Deafening silence is his answer. Neither lifts their vision up from their phones. One puts in more effort to tune him out. The other does so to prevent social interaction.

"Tough crowd." He scratches his clean-plucked chin. "Do you two even know each other's names?"

"Yup." one speaks up, immediately trying to hide the fact they said anything at all behind a phone screen.

At least with the troublemakers last year he could wave yen around and get them to change. He really had his work cut out for him last year. Time to actually find a way to make these two bother putting any effort into becoming worthwhile.
r my awesome prank. It'll be totally wo-

That's more like it.

Now. I had someone I wanted to meet. In the coffee shop. And the time should be just about right. I turn to the left.

"Hello, new friend." I smile with the muscles of a girl as I look at this forty year old woman. Her brain surgery must have been recent. Fresh stitches run across her forehead as she looks down upon me. We both sit on a small bar, drinking iced coffee, as we look to the sea. "Pleasant day, is it not? How are the old, wrinkled neurons holding up?"

"Rather well," she rests an arm onto her leg where she proceeds to lean her face on. She looks on, at the waves, and continues, "considering you leaked parts of my plan to the key pieces."

"But do you plan, really?" I sip my drink greedily, the first I've had in over ten years. "I always viewed you as more of an improviser."

"That I am! I am." The walking carcass giggles, her bob cut moving in such a way where it's painfully apparent it's two halves of a head barely sticking together. "Now, there must be a reason why you're meddling with Geto and making him relay a message to all curse users in the area."

"Oh, there's the plan." A hastily written piece of paper is tossed over. I watch it get unfolded. Read over carefully with a judgemental eye. An amused giggle is given over, no doubt due to the absurdity at preserving the appearance of continuity with a few hiccups here and there.

"Now let's get this vow going if there's no objections to it. I'm sure I thought everything through. If anyone eavesdropped on the conversations I had with the Cultie, they wouldn't realize shit is going to hit the fan with enough of a spin to spread everywhere."

Hands are shaken. Cursed energy is intertwined, and subsequently carefully brushed to make it seem as if everything was normal. And as Azami's body walks over to the train station again, I fade into nothingness again.




He's not sure if that's what he'd call what he shares with the other second years. Tolerated may not even be the proper word for describing how he interacts with the others, but he uses it regardless. He tolerates adrenaline junkie because she is a stickler for the rules in missions. He tolerates the psycho because she's a good sparring partner. He tolerates the artist because he shares his pains.

He parries an expertly thrown punch that feigned heading elsewhere. He decides spontaneously that no, comrades don't try to bash each other's faces in. So this feeling he's getting may be closer to something else.

Regardless. He had to figure out when she stopped thinking so much in the midst of practice or fights. He doesn't think he'll be able to keep the fight on the backseat of his mind if he loses his skill lead.

But he wanted to. He really wanted to. He doesn't want to be left behind. Giving in to Elder Someya's and Gojo's request…

He doesn't want to die, but being a window is to be mere eyes. Dead weight. Part of the mass of shamans that went in droves to be cut as such. He's not scared of dying, dammit! He just wants…

Everyone looks at his younger cousin. Do this. Do that. Don't say this. Don't ever say that. Obey, but never say those three words.

They always looked at him like he was about to say them. As if the kid was going to bring back the Heian era of the Inumaki clan having a fanatical slave army. He just wants people to leave the kid alone. And if he can manage to be at least a grade two before calling it quits… they'd have to listen. They'd have to. Pathetic people always said that 'might make right.' Well, if he proved mighty, they'd just have to listen to him. They'd have to. He'll prove even his first year teacher wrong if it means they'll leave the kid alone.

Anything is better than having two people constantly looking at him wait for his parents by the door of the compound. A kick manages to leave him without air as he realizes that the Panda, surprisingly, did wonders for morale.


It's always lonely here, Tsumiki thinks to herself. Sure, she has friends at school and Megumi shares a roof with her, and that girl showed up a while ago but she didn't really stay or do much other than boss everyone around. And she didn't stay. That's the key denominator of importance.

At least she made Megumi cook, which was nice. She could almost pretend that, like Gojo, she's an elder sibling, always out to watch over her wellbeing, not putting her on a pedestal like Megumi did or expecting her to handle everything like Gojo had. So that's nice! Really nice. But now she's gone, and she feels lonely again. Megumi is sitting out detention, so she's left alone again.

Her friends… well, Ryo moved away during the summer and Yuko got her new friend group that she kept hanging out with. It's not that they're no longer friends but she's in a different class now, so she's alone again.

One long sigh later, and she finds herself opening her diary again. Hidden inside her mattress, the nature of writing her thoughts down came all too naturally to her. The student counselor of her first school had told her it'd help with the absence of her parents, and it had. It's just that when she got her friends, she found herself writing less and less. It's some of the few times where she feels she can just be. No strings, no expectatives to care for anyone. Just write and allow the thoughts to stop boiling up, to take some shape in letters and the occasional drawing so that the world doesn't feel as overbearing, and the self placed expectations of perfection meld away.

Spontaneously, she decides the first thing she'll allow herself to vent is the presence of her latest stress induced hallucination of a boneless person organizing towels in the bathroom.


Heh, that's funny. It's really funny. Think anyone got a laugh out of that?

You know, dear reader.

Or at least, I hope I'm talking to someone here. I have no way of knowing. But I'm in a fictional world, so for that very reason, there must be someone reading this, right? Just like the time before, when I discussed why flying fish are the worst animal. And the time before, when I ranted about not the different types of not feeling anything, or a quick recap on those, flying fish are the worst animals because being hit by one hurts, and they taste awful, and for the other one, here's a nice little quote I've been letting ferment in the bowels of my mind.

There's several types of "feeling nothing" that I'm aware of. There's the dissociated kind, where feeling nothing is merely a result of not being all there. I felt it pretty often around the first two years of my un-life. Being stuck in someone else's head, forced to merely experience thoughts and nothing more and watch it all slowly crumble away. That's gotta be a fantastic way to spend one's time, just feel nothing.

There's the meditative kind of feeling of nothing. At peace with the world. Just slowing down one's thoughts so much as mindful observation does its job to the point where everything just goes through. No vacant echo, just as able to be back when needed. This is my least common kind of nothingness. Turns out, I'm terrible at meditation! Who'd have guessed? Every time I tried I ended up digging holes in my arms out of boredom. Hey, remember that? I'm sure that was amusing.

Then there's the "crisis" type of feeling of nothing. If meditation is a white void, and dissociative is just pushes everything away from the center, this one is feeling nothing because all the thoughts and experiences meld together into a seething, cringing black ball where there's just too much to feel, so instead of crushing dread or anxiety or regret or misery there's just nothing at all! But the jumpiness and aggravation remains.

That is the most common kind of nothingness I felt after my un-life started. So many days of just too many thoughts.

Bit longer than I was expecting. But meh, how many words could that have been? I certainly wasn't keeping count.

Regardless, finally something to look forward to, I'm a player now! I mean, not really in the carnal way as much as I'd like to feel someone else, but in the other way. Scheming, planning, improvising. I have no clue how negotiations with Geto went, but I can guarantee the brainworm liked my way of thought. Still, I cannot betray Azami. Cus, that's the funny thing. Just as easily as I could subsume her, she could smother me. That's the thing about coexisting in a body: the rejection of souls slowly gets reduced to the point where they sort of get murky and sappy and sticky and whatever. So the vow is there for her protection just as much as it's about mine, and even then bleed throughs happen all the time. I've caught her using my name for her technique several times, and nowadays I can't think of myself as anything other than "Hag". Awful name.

Unfortunately, it skews away from me. I gotta guarantee her safety, I can't act against her, yada yada yada. Little to no loopholes, past me made sure of that.

Damn her, the scrawny sentimental crybaby twig bitch. What would I have lost just taking over the body of a toddler? Nothing, that's what. Now I barely remember my body and it's all her fault and the fault of the idiotic li-


Hunted. They were being hunted. He wasn't sure of it before, but now he's certain. Someone must have tipped the humans off. Typically, humans don't scare him. Pathetic things as they are, they all burn easily enough. But whatever it is that is following them is no human, that much is certain. First it was Rie, then it was Chizo. Sure, he didn't feel much for the torso with arms. After all, it came from a human, but knowing his fellow curses are being eliminated with this ease… unnerved him. He's never seen a single shaman put up much of a fight, so it must be another curse hunting their own. And for what?

That's what this meeting is all about.

Wishing it was elsewhere didn't alleviate the fact he was going to have to see the freaky tree thing again.

Chapter End

Post-Chapter Notes:
Had a minor mental health crisis. But I'm good now! I actually meant for the following chapter to release with Season's 2 Premiere, and then this chapter when it became clear I wasn't progressing at all, and then not even this one. But I'm good now! Which is great. I feel great (complete lie I suffered through three different mental health crises. But I lived out of sheer spite and love of passion fruit alone.)

Next chapter is exciting, though. For me, at least. Time will start speeding up since there's not much to see in this year. Does one chapter for two months sound good enough? I'm not really used to skipping over time like this, but I figure it'll do the story some good.
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Chapter 22 || Kindling Growth
Chapter 22
Kindling Growth

I never really "got" coaching. Maybe because I've never been coached before. Gojo gave tasks and fucked off, and it generally worked, but I know it wasn't coaching, not really. Ever since I started my second year of Physical Cultivation, that's all I've ever gotten from Professor Kusakabe. Working to eliminate tells, better channel cursed energy, and even trying to figure out why my cursed energy in particular appeared to "pop" when stressed too much. Because apparently, that wasn't meant to happen! That's without going into the basis of Barrier techniques such as curtains and simple domains that, apparently, I was meant to learn last year. Everyone else knew them, but not me. Thus, it all boiled down to pestering the Hag so I could merely pass as stupid rather than ignorant. Not the best of feelings.

That's how the first week was spent. The first Monday of the third week, though, he had an answer.

"Cursed Energy Property," he states, firm, once he's done giving pointers to Kirua on something regarding the shadows of one of her Shikigami.

I have no idea what that is. For some reason, my silence happens to be seen as annoying.

He squeezes the bridge of his nose, letting out an aggravated sigh, "the issue that plagued your reinforcement. The thing you kept asking about. That's what's making your progress stagnate. Why your puppets even explode rather than dissipating. That's the reason."

"I still don't know what that is."

It became a staring contest, I'm sure. Both trying to make the other's bravado crumble away through. I'm sure that's how it goes. I'm not entirely sure that's how he views it, though. Maybe he's trying to see if I'm telling the truth or playing stupid. There may be something else. He definitely looks analytical. Like my old teachers trying to figure out how I managed to answer the board question without paying attention, or if I cheated in the exam for answering all math questions without process, or some other thing of the sort. Eventually, he relents.

"Your cursed energy is in a constant state of tension. Like a rope about to snap. Put too much pressure and it's forcibly released. Popped like a balloon."

Perking up as I catch that thread of logic, I make sure to make my thoughts known, "so I'm technically a magical cripple?"

"While it's not unheard of for cursed energy properties to not always be beneficial, there's always ways to make them work to your benefit."

"Alright. But I'm still a magical cripple, right?" I do my best finger guns, as it's the best time to try and do my pitch, "Can I apply for a fund or something?"



There it is: the stare of disappointment.

I hate to say it, but I miss Gojo. He enabled me. And he didn't stare a hole through my skull.

I can't take it anymore. I break eye contact, shouting, "Fine! Ok, what about it? I suck and it's innate. How do I fix it?"

"You can't."

A charged breath escapes my lips, "criiiipleeee…."

"You're going to learn to harness it," he lectures, as if that'd change anything. He pulls a bundle of bamboo poles with one hand, shaking the stack in front of me. They're quite dry, and I can tell they've been thermally treated, like the floor of my Grandpa's home. "See those sticks you're holding right now?"

I stare at him, wondering if he's checking to see if I'm stupid. I nod, regardless. "Ok, so what do you want with them? Build a tower?"

"Let. Me. Explain."

Alright. I shut up.

"You're going to break them." Alright! That's more like it! Raising the bundle over my head, I heft my body to send them flying towards the floor and onto the waiting hand of Kusakabe. He pushes the sticks back onto my chest. "And not by hitting them around or blasting them to oblivion."

I tap my foot on the ground impatiently. Why isn't there a skip button in real life? It'd make hearing conversations I don't want to hear so much easier…

"Each segment, starting from the top, must be a clean cut." He uses a bamboo that escaped the bundle to illustrate his point, his finger stopping at each segment, "you got coached by Gojo on how to imbue cursed energy into objects, right?"

"If you're talking about mister slugger, yeah. I learnt to keep him calm."

Another aggravated sigh. I noticed people do that a lot when I'm around. I wonder why? I can't be that breath-taking, right? Maybe it's carbon monoxide poisoning. He resumes not long after rubbing both of his eyes, "You're improving upon that very same thing. Reinforce the sticks first, then purposefully snap your cursed energy in the marks. You'll be working on that until you manage to get ten in a row."

"Ten marks?" Sounds easy enough.

"Ten sticks, Wada."

"Whu- that sucks! This sucks! Bamboo reeks! You stink! I don't wanna do this!"

"You will."

"Counterpoint: this sucks, and I don't believe in authority higher than mine. As the class president, I declare I don't have to follow any commands that bring me out of my comfort zone!"

"Counterpoint: I'm in charge, and I command you to stop complaining if you don't want extracurricular activities."

My eye twitches, but I shut up. I'm not sure my sobbing convinced him at all. I wipe away the crocodile tears as I consider if to bail.

"Get started already."

And that's how the week went.

"This is the last thing I'm teaching you."

I wonder just how many times I came here before, dressed in garbage bags and paper masks. I cannot remember them. It's all within how the Girl's technique works. Full autonomy, but memories aren't shared. Did Geto figure it out already, or is he in the dark about this? I hope it's the latter. I did promise I would kill his kids if he messed with the girl again, but unless he figures out that the Vow will disintegrate alongside the body that made it he has no room to doubt my judgment.

I wonder how the original is doing. The jealousy must be eating at her. I have a body, but for a week, nothing more. Afterwards, it's the sweet bliss of death.

"I figure that's more than enough," the priest politely responds, "what you have discussed so far will do wonders for the longevity of my curses."

"You need a domain."

He catches his snorted laugher in a most literal way. The way he wipes under his nose on the sleeve of his robe indicates some of the tea must have traveled upwards and spilled out. Not a dignified look, but I don't mind too much.

"I'm serious, you can't rely on curses for their domains. Even if you're excluded from them, that mindset is stifling your growth. Only your own domain will continue to grow, the one of your curses will remain stagnant."

"And you think I am capable of a Domain?"

"Well," I stir some of the tea I've been served, downing it all as it scalds my tongue and throat and mouth. The pain is a nice reminder that this is, in fact, real. "You're able to cast Simple Domain well enough, even use curses as a proxy for the technique. You figured that out quickly enough."

"But a Domain Expansion is an entirely different affair, you see."

"I know. In addition to keeping in mind the flow of Cursed Energy around yourself to the environment and back, you also have to generate a barrier strong enough to be tangible, and infuse it with a technique afterwards. But of course, it's easy enough to say that, but for techniques like yours, you're most definitely wondering just what does that even mean?"

He smiles pleasantly. I figure my prior selves must have been pleasant to talk to, but if they're not here they probably died to him. Or maybe eating glass. I always wanted to figure out what that tastes like. Maybe burnt plastic may prove more appetizing? Or maybe… nevermind. Robbing a store would attract too much attention. Dumpster diving, as always, becomes a reliable friend. I realize he must have been waiting for me to continue, and the rolls his free, right hand just makes this clearer.

"Well, it's a bit more nebulous, right? There's no physical component, and using curses to build the barrier still doesn't imbue it with a technique. It's a bit like multiplying Cursed Energy, it's inherently hard to explain. Even with pictures, it doesn't paint a clear image of what's to be done. It's just words. After all, much like Reversed Curse technique, it doesn't even make much logical sense. If multiplying two and two is four, shouldn't increasing the output make it more rather than less efficient? And I have to agree. At face value, it doesn't make much sense. Even by understanding the mechanisms of it, it's not any easier to explain

"But I'll try anyway, because that is what was promised."

It's only later that very same day, Seventeenth of May, when Kabutoya Kirua realizes why despite enjoying the print she got for her birthday and promising to give something back that she didn't show up to the Skating Rink for her own birthday. She did go. She has proof of that in the form of Azami's gift; a set of earrings and a printed shirt, messily wrapped in A4 paper and held together with duct tape and a post-it reading "I'm sorry. I can't. Don't hate me- Azami". She just didn't stay. She feels stupid, partially, because she never considered that someone without friends may have felt out of place surrounded by friendly faces. She found the original note discarded in a nearby bin before it was tossed out with the rest of the trash: "Thank you for tolerating my existence." The signature was the same.

Kirua doesn't linger on it, however. She knows better than to blame herself for things she does not know or control. After all, Azami isn't the only friend she has who cannot tolerate crowds. Senji Ao is always the first to leave when things get hectic. She doesn't blame them. Not everyone enjoys social gatherings. For some, a quiet outing is more than enough.

Quiet. That's what she noticed. When they were first copied, her shikigami often spoke too much. Too loud, too disorderly, not enough of her within them. But as time passed, even the rotted, disgusting thing became quiet.

That's the answer to the question she was asked at the start of the year.

Ten sticks. Should have been easy with my incredible skill. It wasn't. I kept breaking them mid process. Too much Cursed Energy. Then too little. Too much and it breaks at my fingertips, splinters more often than not embedding itself on the floor or the walls. The hag refused to help on grounds of it being "important to my growth". Whatever that meant. She helped me with math, didn't she? What's so different about this? I don't think I can find any difference, really.

Day one faced absolutely no progres. Nada. Blasting the sticks proved cathartic up until the point where Kusakabe revealed he had expected as such, and had a spare set ready.

I wanted to blast that one too. But cleaning the toilets for detention work did not appeal to me.

Physical Cultivation quickly flipped around to being my least favorite subject. While Kirua was over there learning how to blast holes into low-level curses (flyheads, those are flyheads, weaker even than a Grade Four curse, my mind reminds me) with a flick of her hand, I was stuck with the boys inside of a classroom. One tried to figure out how to re-make their binding vows to be more efficient and the other was learning to store cursed energy, and here I was, blowing up sticks by accident.

Day, after day, after day. I celebrated every day for even making it through, especially since the Principal's living dolls got involved to keep watch over me to prevent me from skipping class.

On the first day of the second week, after I got compliments over my organization of the pre-recorded classes, I got the nasty surprise of being left behind by Shigure. He managed to create two different sets of floods in succession. Apparently, something worthy of praise. And here I was, producing litter.

It made my blood boil.

I should be the one being praised. Didn't the professor see how hard I tried to improve? The hag didn't even mock me. She just suggested I ask for help. Imagine. I can't consider that. She said there must have been something wrong with me, because my throat always seemed to close up around the words "Help" and "I'm sorry".

It stung. So I just furrowed my brow, closed my eyes, and got berated after blowing up another stick for not orienting myself properly.

Another day wasted, and the one after that?

On the Twenty-Fourth of May is when I had my first success. Three whole weeks of ripping apart bamboo sticks and helping the overgrown get pushed ever so slightly closer to extinction. And then? A clean cut. Not clean, exactly. It's more akin to ripping it apart right at the seam.

The shout snapped everyone's eyes towards me. Even the Hoshi kid from first year came along to see if anything was wrong.

But I felt great. I screamed and shouted and hopped and…

I admit it, I did look undignified, but it was worth it. I did the thing! I broke the wand just as asked. Now I could go and— do it all over again. Ten times in a row for each stick, and ten more sticks for a grand total of one-hundred. One-hundred marks. Suddenly my celebration fell through, and I just walked out of the classroom.

I can always succeed again tomorrow.

"So that's how it works?"

"The theory of it, at least. Practice is completely different." I explain, making sure to eat the tea-leaves as I empty the kettle's contents down my throat to replace the irritated pain from speaking with the scalding pain from burns. It wasn't worth it. I make sure to heal it before I continue. "Although I suspect my explanation was redundant."

"It was, but I hadn't received confirmation on the mechanisms of a Domain beyond what Satoru had explained." He stands up, straightening out his robes. "Nothing is ever easy or pleasant, in this life."

"Use an enclosed room first. A large one. A stadium or coliseum," I mirror him, but I don't bother straightening out anything. After all, garbage bags are meant to be crumpled and ugly and black and messy. "Then start pouring energy into building a barrier. Focus on keeping the dimensions the same until you successfully manage to build one, as incomplete as it may be."

"Then I focus on explaining the interior dimensions."

"Or the exterior ones, but don't crumple it too much. It'd be a shame to have your organization crumple because you turned yourself into a paste."

He laughs. It's a strong, hearty laugh. It's entirely unbefitting of a mass murderer, painting a picture closer to a father. I know better.

It's the last day of the week I promised to visit him. It's less progress, and more making him see what was always there. He'll improve, no doubt.

I won't know if he succeeds.

I hope he won't.

June first. Today, I witnessed something I thought impossible: a man parrying lightning and a girl pinning. Jealousy feels like an old friend I never wanted to see again. I do not want it. It made sense before it makes less sense now. Although it still makes some sense. Because while the other two are learning to work together with their techniques, here I am, breaking sticks like a cavewoman.

'One day' I keep telling myself, 'one day I'll finally get more than two lines in a row.'

And when that day comes, I'll happily gloat for refusing Professor Kusakabe and the Hag's help more than one-hundred times.

It'll be worth it.

Maybe I'll believe it this time.

Chapter End

Post-Chapter Notes:

One month goes by. Maybe I should have done a full chapter with Azami's birthday, but I figure it wouldn't have had enough material for even a chapter. Even if a birthday was thrown for her, she would just take the food and run back to her room. She may love being praised and posturing, but she's really not one for social gatherings where she's the center of attention. I may write it later on, as a flashback. Also, sorry for the two day delay! It's still far better than a two month delay so… good job me!
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Azami is on her grind, I'm really hyped for her Domain Expansion.
Ooof, that's a long, long way off. If it even happens at all. Most Sorcerers don't even get domains. She's going to try and brute force one if they ever discover they exist, which is why it's an unspoken agreement amongst the second years from preventing such knowledge from reaching her too early. At her current stage, it'd be akin to a newly practicing martial artist trying to break bricks. They'll break something for sure, but it won't be a brick. (._.')
Chapter 23 || Steady Burn
Chapter 23
Steady Burn

Physical cultivation. My favorite subject. Today marks over one month of little to no progress: June Second. My friends may have messed around yesterday because Sunday is our free day, but now they're back to what they're doing.

Except not really.

And I haven't been doing much of anything at all. So no cultivation and no physics. At least I could run well in physical education but here? Nothing. I sit here, stare at a stick and hope it breaks in the way I want it to. The missions are boring, and the professor claims we're doing Grade-Appropriate missions he'd be able to save us from rather than whatever Gojo was doing. I'm not sure which one I prefer. These sorts of methodical exorcisms kind of remind me of just cleaning up. Like cleaning a bathroom or a bedroom or whatever. There's no giant worms or angry swarms of bats or anything of the sort that I saw in my two months as a first year.

What's worth more, my pride or my will to live? Uh… that's a rhetorical question actually. I know the answer.

It's neither.

I'm asking for help.

Maybe I should have done it earlier. I don't know. I shouldn't have grown to loathe one of my favorite subjects if it wasn't for it. Benched until I can prove I will have a barrier that won't implode when sneezed on hard enough. Don't know why that was an issue. I could handle myself just fine, but professor Kusakabe "isn't Gojo" and thus, just sends us on "Grade-Appropriate" missions. They seemed boring. The only way to have made them more engaging would have been if I could bloody participate in them.

He's got to know the answer to this stupid problem if I was suffering from it in the first place.


"We're being hunted."

"I thought that part was obvious," the bands of paper taking a somewhat humanoid shape vibrates sounds into words. Eyes, when they do appear, blink once along the dotted line following the collected bands and then vanish, only to have other bands open up to reveal their own eyes. "What's less obvious is why or who."

The idea that it may have been a human hunting them never crossed their minds. Only a curse can manipulate another curse, they believe. As the true expressions of humanity's repressed fears and desires and loves, it stood to their reason that only a similarly true feeling could control another. The humans they fought, if they were fought at all, were always children or teenagers, or well dressed adults with even less in the way of standing as a threat. This is why a fake truth took hold within the disconnected minds of these entities that any human, including the ones spoken about in reverence, must be weak. No one bothered to correct how big of a mistake this was because no curse within the group knew better.

"I he-heard it's a thi-thing taking the ski-skin of a human." Kyōko, the lone vengeful spirit of the group, manages to stutter out as she calms her stitched-together jaws.

"Of course you'd be the one to know that, wouldn't you?" The crystalline ice sculpture mutters loud enough for the insult to be apparent, "First Rie, then Koroko, then Ouru last week."

Just because she's a curse now doesn't mean the rest of the cursed spirits collecting here forgot her very human origin.

The tree-thing says something in a language utterly incomprehensible. Tall and muscled, hiding a blacked arm and flower bud emerging from a very human-like shoulder under a softly woven arm sling. Despite the language's incomprehensible nature, the meaning comes across clearly: that knowing the order that they have vanished does not help with why a curse capable of controlling others is hunting the ones capable of speech and thought.

Jogo speaks up, only to tell someone else to quiet down, "Shut up! I can't understand you, but I hear the meaning inside of my head! It's creepy!"

"She has a point," Fuyu, the name of the curse taking the form of the fabric bands with eyes interspaced erjects, "we have no clue to why they're even doing this."

"It may have started as far back as Akari, three years back. Maybe they have gotten a taste for strong curses since then." An immobile clay doll says, a medium for a very distant curse residing within a mountain. Its hollowed body echoes a hollow voice.

Silence spreads out, only to be interrupted by the wailing of what appears to be a child.

It couldn't be further from the truth.

The stitched up child giggles mischievously with its interruption, going back to playing with its dolls. Everyone here would call them something else. Carcasses, ex-humans, chew toys. They may be the size of a hand, but they're all weary. It could have been them. It only took a touch. That cursed womb with the shape of a human infant is the reason why they're holding out hope on some day being able to overtake humanity one day. It's why Jogo reigns in his abundante pride despite his ability to incinerate humans with a touch. He can only destroy. This infant can change.

"Going back to the conversation at hand…" the doll, the avatar of the curse born out of landslides and sinkholes, skema ups yet again."What if they just want to do it? Just for the hell of it. What then?"

The silence spreads out again.

To be a Cursed Spirit, as they understand it, is to be unburdened by hiding aspects of their personality. Not bothering to hide them like the humans they originate from. The distilled forms of the human emotional spectrum know this. It's why they find this possibility so uncomfortable. According to their own philosophy, they shouldn't do anything. This spirit is not bothering to hide their intentions and is acting as they truly desire. Worries are interrupted when they turn to look at the stapled up body of the once-woman now known as Kyōko as she speaks up.

"We'll kill-killss the monk" she says, holding one of her mangled jaws still enough for it to speak, "put an end-end to him. Cut his scalp off and fingers and-and eyes. Make him regret turning his gaze to-towards us."


"What'd you mean you don't have an answer!?"

"Well, the libraries were pretty clear in the fact that Cursed Energy traits are rare Miss Wada." Professor Kusakabe repeats, folding yet another photocopy retrieved from the library.

"Tch. They can't be rare if I'm stuck being a magical cripple."

"I repeat this again, you're not a cripple. Cursed energy traits are a-"

"Boon, bleh bleh, bleh bleeeh." I blow a raspberry at… no one in particular. Professor Kusakabe hasn't earned it. I shouldn't have done that. "Boon to my fucking ass. I'm probably failing this class by now. Class President! Failing a Class! AAAAAAAUUUUUGGHHHHH—!"

He stares down upon me with a stern, stony gaze. I find myself looking away.

"Do you want me to help you?"

"Yes!" I have to stop myself from shouting again. "Anything to get to do missions again."

"Alright, then listen clearly:" he dictates firmly, "allow yourself to be helped. You need to accept there's some things in life you just can't do on your own."

My lips scrunch up. "Gojo does it. He does almost everything by himself."

"Gojo is different." He says, as if it means anything.

But it doesn't. Not to me, so I ask. "How? How is he different?"

"Are you seriously asking that?" He pauses before squeezing the bridge of his nose, regretting his earlier choice of words, "Look, kid, don't compare yourself to Gojo Satoru."

I still don't follow. My scrunched up, pensive expression must show this, because Kusakabe continues.

"It doesn't matter if you're blessed by heaven itself or spontaneously develop a second cursed technique and sufficient reserves to rival or surpass his own." Bit specific there, but he doesn't appear to notice. "No shaman has even been able to catch up with Gojo Satoru."

"That…" I lose my train of thought. I can't tolerate this line of reasoning. That's looser-think.

"But if you want to even get close to where he was when he started studying at Jujutsu tech, then learning to harness this trait of yours is your first step."

Frustration builds up, I blurt out something before I have a chance to stop myself, "I think this is just wasting my time."

"Look, there's… two parts to being a good shaman." He extends to fingers, tapping his right index with his left, then running it down as he speaks along to his middle finger. "One is drive: your desire and will to keep pushing forwards in spite of all odds. The other is talent, how much room can you grow."

"Alright." I fiddle with my fingers and avoid the gaze. "Where is this going? What are you trying to say?"

"I regret saying it, but you and me? We're not as talented as people like him. I'm not telling you to stop trying, I'm telling you to curb your expectations. Even if I were to teach you the New Shadow Style, you wouldn't be able to even come close. The gap between first and special grade isn't a gap, it's a chasm. Normal people can't reach it."

He doesn't continue. I don't reply either. It's just both of us, sitting in the gymnasium, waiting for the other to say something. Anything. I don't want to speak right now. I can't risk insulting the teacher to his face because I've grown beyond that and he's trying to help me. I really want to. It'd be so easy to slip back into old habits like that. Just open the faucet and let the old insult generator flow.

What's he even thinking? Gauging my reaction? I know I'm a problem student, despite being class president. But I'm really trying, y'know. I didn't sign my life away under threat of death with the expectative I'd be stuck like this forever. So what do I say? How do I break his stare?

Let anger stew for a while?

I breathe it out instead. Regardless, I find myself spitting out, "Well, I think you're wrong."

"Don't say I didn't warn you. So do what you can to try and prove me wrong." He exhales pent up frustration to focus again on the pile of broken sticks. "Focus on what I was trying to teach you earlier. There's no straight answer, but we can deduce one based on how we know it behaves. It snaps against itself, right? And against foreign intrusion. It's reactive."

"Yes. It does that. I- Well, I haven't noticed because I don't have an eye for these things, but Kirua and Gojo told me in the past it forms a thinner barrier."

"Can you layer it?" The question seems to come out of nowhere. It's something I've never really considered. I always imagined cursed energy reinforcement as a sort of… water. You can't layer water on water. Water on ice isn't the same thing because the ice is not water at the given moment. So it doesn't really make sense.

Just to check, I play dumb, "huh?"

"I am guessing it's likely based on the first mission you took this year, but I'd like to make sure whether to focus on pure control, or move onto other practices." Kusakabe states off-handedly, leaning onto the walls of the gym as he pulls out one of those lollipops he always carried around. I never pointed it out because it never seemed to matter before, but… that sort of approach towards getting me to quit my so-called 'bad habits' would really make a lot of sense if he was a recovering smoker.

Just a thought.

Still, I have a question to ask: "Wait, what do you mean like layering? Do you mean like… the pancakes covering the bean paste of a Dorayaki?"

"If you're going to use food," he corrects, raising a finger and sparing me a side-eye, "I'm going to say that the rice paper surrounding a Vietnamese Spring Roll would be a more apt example of what I'm referring to. Try to create a second layer against where you want the stick to break. Maybe that'll work."

"Alright," I dust my shorts as I stand up, grabbing one of the bamboo poles and focusing on it, "that makes sense. I mean, I can try."

I focus on how cursed energy doesn't really flow but more or less… condolences. It originates from the abdomen and pools everywhere, concentrating in all of the body at once. Then there's the property the professor mentioned. Onion skin snapping against itself, crashing out into the world like waves upon a coast. I allow it to seep into the pole much like I've been doing the past months. Not too quickly as to not shatter it, not too slowly as to invite it to snap against itself.

There. It's covered. Now a second layer… how would I do that? Maybe… I guess I could try—

Splinters fly everywhere as the bamboo stick becomes zero bamboo sticks. I'm only spared the discomfort of picking out splinters off my hand by my cursed energy blasting everything away.

Sawdust settles. Kusakabe looks at the scattered pole and hands me another one.

So I tried again. I really tried. To his credit. It did seem possible. I shouted in elation several times as a second layer started to form before abruptly exploding out. I just couldn't do it. I got frustrated, swore a bit, and when it seemed to work, it fell apart on me. I went back to the exercises the old fashioned way.

To my credit, I managed to get one full stick out of the ten I needed to break in the neat-ish segments I've been asked to do. That's ten 'perfect' snaps. Screwed it up on the eleventh and stormed off after that.

So I guess Physical Cultivation will be more of the same for the foreseeable future.

Well, there's always the dorms.

While the other two were on a trip, I was here training with Kirua. But outside of that, the dorms held my most appreciation of all of the people in this place. They allowed me to partake in my favouritest activity of all time: bullying (in other words: bothering. I'm not as mean as my former classmates) the first year students. I never got to do that before! Or, well, to appropriately aged juniors. I was always the youngest. Now I feel appropriately aged!

"Hell—ooo first years! How are my favouritest people"

"I'm doing quite well, free soda dispenser." There's just one person in the shared living room provided for the dorms. This one is my least favorite first year by default. They're not funny, they're annoying, antisocial, and downright sociopathic. In other words, I'm just projecting my worst qualities onto them and hope they stick because they got along well with everyone on the first week of arriving here. But I otherwise think that's cool! She's cool... "Although I don't know where Hoshi went. Probably locked up in his room again."

"Um, excuse me." I correct with a judgmental squint of the eyes. "I don't provide free soda. You should respect your senior students!"

"Uh-huh." She responds nonchalantly, twirling her curls as she checks out yet another set of clothes through the web. "So what do you call losing a numbers game ten times in a row? Soda dispenser? Loser machine?"

"Look," I declare the following: "I'll beat you this time. I'll prove it!"

Two to four to seven to eight to eleven to twelve. Again! One to four to five to eight to nine to twelve. No! I can't lose again! One more time! With sp–

"Hey Azami I was refusing to tell you this because admittedly it was kind of funny in a pathetic sort of way but the game is rigged." Kirua butts in as soon as I return with one of the six-packs gifted to me on my birthday.


Kirua nods as my junior watches disinterestedly before going back to her phone. Kirua explains: "As long as you start first, she'll always get the last piece. It's counting by fours, since each person can increase by three. You take one, she takes three, two to two, three to one. That's how 'Nim' works. I used to play it in school. Pretty sure I almost lost all my friends that day. Almost. I won them back by ripping off the rest of the class and buying their friendship back."

I got ripped off?

Oh that is so uncool. I think I actually hate one of my appropriately-aged juniors now.

"Oh you sly bitch! GIVE ME MY SODAS BACK!"

"Nuh-uh. They're mine now! Won them fair and square. Maybe you should have called it quits after losing your first six-pack."

"I waited a year for those! Give em back!"

"But Doctor Pepper is my favorite soda. I can hear it speaking to me. Listen." She pulls out the half-drunk can from her side, putting on a squeaky voice that reminds me of a stuffed animal trying to talk. "Hey. Keep us with you. Don't allow the ration girl to drink me across the course of a month. It's torture. We can smell the mold of the dead when she opens her m-"

"Bullshit! Doctor Pepper LOOOVES me!" I take out one of the cans from the recycling bin to prove it. I don't even need to put on a silly voice to prove how much my appreciation for the carbonated fluid goes. "Hey, take us with you, this idiot doesn't appreciate us enough to ration us. We love you Azami! You're so cool and value us so muc-"

"Even if I could…" She interrupts, finishing and perfectly tossing the can overhead into the recycling bin, "which I don't. I couldn't have. I dranked them all."

"That's not a real word! Dranked them. What the hell does that even mean!?" I complain, "You're disrespectfuL, dumb, downright sociopathic, and you totally don't respect soda enough if you use made-up words like—"

"Doesn't tasting water feel better anyway?" Kirua interjects, raising a finger as she does when reading a passage off a page for group work. "Healthier too."

"You deny your liver its purpose." My junior and I both reply to her at the same time, before turning to look at one another.

Her eyebrow twitches. Mine does too. I hope this is the last time we agree on something. Sharing an opinion with Adachihara Chikako fills me with shame.

I'll calm down. Maybe.

She's my junior after all. I should be better.


There was a feeling from one of his younger siblings that evening. Someone had entered the room where he was kept. That must have meant they had eluded the looping barriers holding all of the cursed objects here.

Cursed Storage. It almost makes it sound as if it were a mere storage room, just cursed into something else. In truth, the only real malice here is isolated and stored away by barriers upheld by cursed energy. These Cursed Objects, holding the possible incarnation of long-gone shamans, curses, or aberrations like himself were kept here to "prevent harm from happening to those incapable of defending themselves." Hence, the name.

Choso, refusing his birth surname, knew it was so. He also knew that one of his siblings had been in danger and vanished from the barrier. One of the young ones. Too young to be incarnated without dying. More a cursed cadaver than a cursed object holding a will.

That was two weeks ago, when he suspected someone to have entered the lavishly decorated halls that withheld jars containing both his father's work and the byproduct of other people's accidents.

Last week, it happened again. Shōsō disappeared the week before, and now it was Kotsusō the one that went missing. He feels himself panic. Within his jar, held within his form by barriers and with his technique, there's nothing he can do but wobble from side to side, hope the jar falls to the ground, and hope they won't be incarnated. They're too young, he knows. If they were to be eaten by anyone, they wouldn't survive being incarnated.

Mother… he was too young to remember what happened to hear. It was several years later when he had overheard Shamans talking about what had happened to her after she had given birth to his siblings. The bones pushing out of her face, too many mangled limbs failing to form. He'd like to not loose one of his siblings because someone decides to incarnate them and they fail to form completely. Just a half-formed body, bleeding out on the ground, wondering why they couldn't be whole. Why they couldn't be a normal human. So he must move as well as he can, and hope his bindings are loose enough for his tiny body to break free before he loses his youngest siblings. He needs to stop this figure, however they may be.

He's the eldest, it's his duty to protect his younger siblings.

Chapter End

Post-Chapter Notes:

Plenty of butterflies flying around this chapter, hidden in plain sight. There's one less obvious one tying to the curses here that was slightly mentioned earlier, having to do with the involvement of a certain hot-headed teenager in a sewer drain and an old lady talking over tea to a certain figure. There may also be an incredibly big one at the end, depending on how Azami handles things.

Just a reminder that while the story has the tag "Self-Insert", I am not Azami, nor the hag. The hag may have had the same mind as me at one point, but isolation and constant rejection by the sole person they could speak to for several years drove her mad. Azami is just flat-out not me.

Also, sorry for the several week delay. Been trying to keep a consistent Saturday afternoon schedule and failing miserably D:
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r my awesome prank. It'll be totally wo-
Cut off at the beginning
One puts more effort to tune him out
In more
when I ranted about not the different types of not feeling anything, but or a quick
Ranted about the different types of not feeling anything, or a quick
yours,you're most definitely
Yours, you're
"Thank you for tolerating my existence".
"The theory of it, at least. Practice is completely different." "Although I suspect my explanation was redundant."
Merge the quotes
These sorts of methodical exorcisms sort
Second sort is extraneous
insult to be apparent,"First Rie, then Koroko, then Ouru last week."
Apparent. "First
Fuyu, the name of the curse taking the form of the fabric bands with eyes interspaced erjects
They may be the size of a hand, but they're all weary
some day being able to overtake humanity one day
Awkward phrasing
Jogo reigns in his abundante pride
the avatar of the curse born out of landslides and sinkholes, skema ups yet again."What if they just
Speaks up
"No shaman has even been able to catch up with Gojo Satoru. "
Bothering. Me
"So what do you call losing a number's
"You're disrespectfu, dumb,
Unless you're referring to the ancient art of disrespect-fu, of course.
"prevent harm from happening to those incapable of defending themselves".
He'd like to not have one of his siblings because someone else does that.
Meaning not clear
Cut off at the beginning
Oh this one cut off is totally intended. Everything else isn't. One may notice the amount of spaces matches a similar cut-off in a previous chapter. Put those two together and... wait a second.
So I should be able to get ketchup fo
r my awesome prank. It'll be totally wo-
And similarly at the end of the segment...

Not entirely happy with how that flowed or fit in within the story though, revealing what happened with that large empty block of text earlier in the story when Azami met Hoshi.

As always, thank you so much for helping me find the typos. I really can't thank you enough for it.
Chapter 24 || Live in the Moment
Chapter 24
Live in the Moment

July 18 Last day of school before summer break. Not like Jujutsu Tech has those. One can ask for one at a cost to score on one's courses, so there's no way I'm doing that, I'm the class president! I should be a role model. And thus, I solemnly vow to be one against my better judgment.

Good news, I'm starting missions again starting next week! Bad news: it turns out I just had to repeat what I did against the Cultie head. That snapping. The redirection. That's what Kusakabe was trying to get me to look after all this time. And all that time spent trying to mold something inherently volatile?

I hated to admit it, but he still had a point. I could dispel my puppets without having them spontaneously explode on me now. That and apparently imbuing the property into my blows, even if they didn't feel that different (seriously what was that meant to mean?). This all in addition to… well, better cursed energy control, which he claimed was foundational to barrier techniques. He apparently also wanted me to try and use the force generated by the snaps to boost my blows or movement or something, but I didn't pay much attention. Not on purpose. It was an accident. I was too busy celebrating over being given the go on going back to abandoned houses to kick the shit out of ghosts.

It really did feel like a return to form. Like I was revisiting the past activities I took while out on the streets. This required celebrating.

Well, the fourth year was out, and Kirua and the others were going to return at night time once their mission was over. So that only left the first years. One was recovering in their room, and the other one was out on a mission too.

Apparently, Summer is quite the busy season for Shamans.

Well, I guess it's time to recruit Hoshi for one of the few situations that actually merited sharing my special soda reserve. Why not even buy some snacks off the vending machine too? I got a stipend from the school. I could afford it. Life is meant to be lived after all. Money is meant to stimulate the economy (or is it? All my knowledge of it is from videogames. Why haven't I been able to game the system yet?). I think while I rationally knew I could end in the street any second now, this was something that merited risking financial stability over.

Movie night! I haven't had one of those since I usually spend all my time (very legally) watching movies on my phone while not practicing, but there's got to be one I haven't watched yet. What about this one? Circuit. Released 2001. Seems interesting! I bet no one will be traumatized. After all, reality beats fiction whenever it comes to supernatural horror.


Out of all the students in Jujutsu Tech, there's only three that stayed for summer. Me. Atsushi, and Hoshi. It's only natural that two weeks into the Summer Break, August 11, we'd be just lazing around while trying to not die of a heat-stroke inside of one of the many empty classrooms that had air conditioners.

Just… laying on a table, wearing shorts and a shirt, trying to not look too closely at the skin that was too pale to be my original skin, before an idea strikes me for impressing Hoshi with how much of a superior Senior I was over the other dude.

"So! Hoshi," I start with a clap to murder the silence and stand above the ambiance of the air conditioner working facing in the direction where my junior was busy looking at their phone," between me and this other dude, who do you think is a more productive member of society?"

"I'm more surprised you're able to function as a human being at all." Atsushi rudely (and flatly) interrupts from his corner where he's resting on a throne made out of stacked chairs..

"Oh shut up."

"I'm serious," he clarifies with a tone that may be interpreted for almost concern, "even when you promise not to, you always return to have Miss Ieri patch you back together. You're way too unbothered by seeing your own insides become outsides. You're the person that ends up packaging their lost fingers with raw beef and pretending nothing is wrong."

Hoshi squirms in discomfort in the background. They wanna leave. I gotta salvage this somehow from the tyrannical usage of poor analogies.

"Mean." I stick out my tongue at him. Him and his bitter, bitter sense of humor. "Also totally a lie. I'm super cautious. You'll never see me being careless."

I stand up to get a glass of water and end up knocking the chair tucked under the desk. Oops. Well, it's not mine, so… it's not my problem. Just gotta check under the desk before I actually go to the water cooler in the corner of the room. No use in being careless with being thorough in making sure there's no ghosts underneath the desk waiting to eat me. Those two are whispering about me. No doubt relating to the totally fantastic movie I introduced to the pair a couple of weeks back. I'm all too eager to ask smugly about once I get back to the teacher's desk.

"So you always check under the desks?" Hoshi asks, actually leaning forwards from their corner in front of the closet.

I nod enthusiastically, I can't help but admit to the world I've probably won her over already.. "Yeah! See? Not careless at all. I'm super cautious."

"After your movie night you mean." He nonchalantly explains, rolling a hand around before he leaps off his mountain of chairs and lands with barely a sound. "You've checked to make sure there's no Vengeful Spirits you're not able to sense under your bed and–."

"S-SSHUT up." You… you… "That's not true! Slander! Lies!"

Hoshi giggles. Why? I mean, I guess it's good that they're smiling…


Okay. So these were too weak to incarnate correctly. Which means I picked out the wrong ones. But alas… My memory isn't that good.

If the masses of poisoned-looking flesh and misshapen bone spurs were any indication, aren't on a pathway to death, I wonder what is, really- Limbs almost-emerging from the back or shoulders, fingers too babylike but too big to be practical. Only one is alive after twenty minutes of observation, and that's the one who has their entire right swollen to a point where pinkish red flesh oozes blood plasma and corrosive pus in equal measures.

I can safely call my curiosity and experiment resolved, even if it did not go the way I wanted.

Now… I dial a particular number. This phone is stolen and I'm thrashing it anyway. Nothing of value is being transmitted through the call anyway.

"Moshi mosh? Who is calling this number?"

"It's me. I know you hate revisiting old projects, but I think you may be interested in doing your own research on species resembling a Panda. I'm leaving my notes on site."

"And where is this place? A Panda you say? Oh my!"

"Oh, y'know, the sewers have a room close to the school. You know where. It's where you met up with friends, once or twice. You'll be pleased to know that there's no accident at all, when regarding th–"

She hangs up. I think that piqued her interest. It's a discarable in how I stole it. Crushing it barely hurts. Healing the hand of the girl without leaving residuals is a bit harder.

Oh, well, time will tell if she does something with the info. I have to write down notes on Abrupt Mutation Cursed Corpses. This body doesn't have long to live, anyway. Could be curious to see what the techniques of these three are, if they keep them through being a cursed corpse in the future.


August 30

Two days before the end of summer break, Gojo comes and asks me if I'd be willing to help Megumi get some hands-on experience exorcizing a school. Clean the bad spirits and such. Apparently, Megumi had plenty of experience doing this sort of thing, but I have my suspicions as to why I'm being asked to lead this one time. He wants me! As a shining example, no less. Because after summer, there's a lot of curses, and shamans are in high demand or whatever.

Thus, I'm beating the tar out of grade four and grade three curses while two oppositely coloured dogs pick apart anything that's left. Black and white. I wonder if he's named them.

"So… those dogs got names? Divine dogs this, divine dogs that, but do they have names?"

"No." He answers too quickly to not have thought of an answer in advance.

"Hmm…" that leads to only one conclusion. There's two kinds of people who pre-prepare answers. The deviously prepared, and the "liars. I mean liar. Whatever."

A response isn't humored. Curses are thinning out, at least. Maybe it's a trap, but it's not like we can't handle it. Just sixteen (wow! I never believed I'd live this long!) and a sassy, borderline antisocial eleven year old going through the motions of… just. Crushing bugs. I mean there was a big one earlier but it kind of popped like a tick held over a matchstick once I started going wild on it.

Thank the heavens that curses evaporate. I would have had to take a bath otherwise.

"So! Clean the whole school. I think this is like… stuff only Jujutsu Tech students go on, right?"

He shrugs. "Not really."

"Whut. What?"

"Children with valuable techniques in big clans are taken to watch exorcisms from as young as they're five."

"What!?" "Who'd… you know, I don't wanna ask."

He hums in response. Hummm with a lot of 'm's because, well, it's a very long hum. Hummmmmmm. That's how long it was, I imagine, should I have to put pen to paper. It does little to dissuade this train of thought. Dogs tearing into curses and when I was this age I was sending off inflatable puppets to do the same thing, and for what? Finding a way to live I could be guilt free from?

I never even realized he was doing the same thing as I until right now. There's no need to conserve curse energy to blast apart the rabble that gets close. Just ejecting curse energy like a ball of choleric window-shattering because this conversation is more important, because… "Actually, this is just as fucked! You're what, eleven?"

"I'm turning twelve in December…" he mumbles, as if it made that big of a difference that he's twelve rather than eleven. Wow. Such an amazing difference. It's rather impressive.

"That doesn't make it better, you know!" The curses around us lose importance, I really gotta make Megumi understand this before we get to the futsal field. That's the end of the school, after all. No more curses left to exorcise when we get to that point. "I realize my upbringing is fucked because I did a good third of it, but you shouldn't…"

What. Shouldn't what? Shouldn't there not be this sort of current giving me chills when I open the doors to the futsal field? Wouldn't it be better if I had bait when I see what's cocooned in the center, folded upon layers upon layers of discarded skin and paper and who knows what else? It emerged from the ground recently. Dirt clinging to it still as it had just ejected itself from the center of the field, leaving a perfectly sized hole for a would be buried Hitobashira, though it could have never been practiced in this location and certainly not in a futsal field of a middling school, but that's the image conjured to mind anyway.

Shouldn't Megumi not have to see this?

"Oh shit." It's my voice. It escapes the confines of my mouth as something barely above a whisper.

It's dormant, at least. I have that to be thankful of. I grimace as I think back to having possibly used Megumi as bait. He's looking at me, expectantly. That same look plastered onto his face. A perfect poker player he would be if he was into gambling and maybe not eleven turning twelve in December.

I'm the senpai, no? The upperclasswoman. Or will be. He's studying Jujutsu tech, right? I'd be a graduate of one year by then. Gotta be a good example.

Appear aloof, unbothered. That's what upperclasspeople are good for. I put on a brave face, and do my best at trying to explain this in a way only a kid should understand.

"I'm sorry, Fushiguro. I guess here's where we both die if Gojo doesn't arrive." Rule number one of being a shaman: is to know when to fold your cards. Megumi ought to learn that rather than furrowing his brow at everything. He'll have forehead lines before he's twenty like that. "Let's just leave it before it dares wake up and cordon the field off."

He furrows his brow even further, deeper in thought. He seems discontent with this assessment. I would be too, if I had learnt I was going to die before I even reached puberty for being too loud and full of energy. I gotta explain myself further, I think.

"That cursed womb is at least Semi-Grade 1. At least. But… I don't know if it'll hatch. Chances are Gojo knew about it and wanted us to clear it rabble so he could focus on the big curse without annoyances. Now let's leave very carefully before it hatches and…"

Ca-crack. Spiderwebs made out of cracks from all over the cocoon. I have no need of knowing what is inside of that thing to know it's bad. Really bad.

Yup. I spoke too soon. Grabbing Megumi's hand, I do my best to bolt it out of this place. Maybe I cleaned up too quickly. If Fushiguro was alone, maybe he'd have taken close to two hours cleaning up the rabble and mooks and the…

He pulls free just before I slam the door behind us… not like it would have done much. I can spot less ominous curses slowly crowding up the hallway. I mean, I guess we could fight through them but…

Fushiguro is thinking of something. He's carefully deliberating. The kid is too much. He thinks too much. Self-sacrifices at a moment's instant if it'll make his angel of a sister happier. It's bad for him. He's going to refuse to go unless I force him to. I can't let him throw his life away even if Gojo has claimed this should be easy for us.

Section: Left Forearm (Four Different Times)

Two pieces of skin. One's the payload, one's the grabby. Squeeze them together between my palms after ripping them off, and shoot at the suicidal eleven year old to pull him back. With a massive clap as cursed energy collapses outwards, the tatters of an almost-person shoot out, wrapping around the pre-teen (and associated dogs) before I heft them through the doorway.

Pretty sure the way he rolls to a halt while wrapped around skin and bouncing once off the tiled floor qualifies me for the abuse of my senior privileges. I don't care. Whatever he was planning, I won't see it or let him carry it out or even speak to me about it. He's already tearing himself free. I guess that makes sense. I didn't make that one to last.

Section: Right Forearm (Three Different Times)

Fun fact: I learnt a thing or two about biology class, which is a miracle given I generally struggle to pay attention to those pre-recorded classes. If I wrap the skin sheets I just took out, I can have them focus on different roles while making a single entity. One for the muscles, push and pull and all that. One for the flesh, since skin isn't dense enough for bones, and one as a protective layer. In other words, skin made out of skin reinforced with cursed energy. Something I've taken to calling Imperfect Almost-Human Projection. It's almost as fast and agile as I am, even if it lasts one third of the time as a regular puppet. Five minutes or so. Should be enough to get him out of here.

"Make sure he doesn't come back to the Futsal field. I don't want Tsumiki to get pissed at me for letting her brother die."

Now, that terrible curse will likely chase after both of us if someone doesn't stay to stall, and as much as I'm proud of my newly minted abominations, I doubt they'll be able to do much of anything against this thing, whatever it is. Fushiguro will likely come back unless I clog the path somehow, thus…

Section: Right Shoulder (Two Different Times)
Section: Left Shoulder (Two Different Times)

The fleshly bubbled and humid mangle of stretched out almost-people clogging up with way should be enough to stop him from taking the fastest available route. They're filled mostly with air, but their limbs are well braided together and all holding the door shut… and he has those other curses to deal with, alongside the Imperfect Almost-Human Projection trying to drag him outside the curtain.

Now then… time to die in sty-

Wait. No. I can't die. I promised Hoshi I'd back them up whenever they decided to exit the…. and Tsumiki, Kirua, and Shigure would be sad. Especially after how lame my birthday gifts were… I don't want to be remembered as the lame gift-giver…

Ugh, what an annoyance.

Hag, you got my back?

I'd rather, but you know how it is.

Good talk.

Now… this cocoon… after the initial cracking, it really hasn't done much. Perfectly froz- wait.

Clouds are meant to move when it's this windy. A quick tilt of my entire body reveals that, yes, this entire thing is some sort of… frozen snapshot? Frozen picture?

Oh fuc-!

It's instinctual to deflect the feeler when it shoots out, by now. Class upon class of staring at sticks and it flies next to my face, and I don't even feel it carving into the side of my head.

The floor holds the top of my right earlobe and warmth and twitching and pain run down with it.

That part of the ear isn't necessary to hear, right? Right!?

I could grow it back for you.
I'd rather keep you as far away from Fushiguro as I can, I'm sure you'd understand.
Same with your other injuries.
Fuck off.
Do as you please.

A chitinous hand grasps onto my face and I keep it away just in time to receive a double palm strike to the abdomen. Everything spins. Crash through a wall, onto an office desk, and roll out of the way as the month-person-thing tries to follow up with a curb-stop.

I got distracted. Talking to the hag.

Four arms and they all try to beat me to the tar at the same time. Block one and three more come to the exposed areas. Jaw, chest, boob, abdomen, leg. One failure after another aches through my flesh and blood from my exposed skin and each one makes the nausea grow further and further and–

Four arms? I can do that, too.
Section: Lower back(Two Different Times)

Folded into themselves, the auxiliary limbs don't do much in the way of actually stopping the blows which come one after another and force me out of the ruined office onto the school hallways to the back. Deflection is crucial, keeping my body aware and auxiliary limbs at the ready and popping my reinforcement just as things hit will ensure my survival. I always gotta keep my distance. No way of knowing if the feeler can shoot out again but I'm entirely willing to bet it can. I only have to hold out for… what. Twenty minutes? That's good, right?

Only eighteen minutes to go then!

I should have noticed something was wrong when it stopped moving. This thing the height of the hallway and with wings the size of me on a good day and built like a steel beam into muscles that shouldn't exist because neither chitin nor bugs work like that and they specially shouldn't when the head of the thing is perfectly identical to a moth's, rising above a sea of fluff that hurt to touch because I had tried going for the neck a bit earlier.

By the time I realize this, I'm already flying from a punch to the face into a classroom and having glass and broken up desks dig into my back as I skid to a halt next to a wall. The otherside of the wall. Outside the school. Because concrete sure isn't enough to stop me.

Oh. Hey. Gojo is there. Did he enter through the hole I left in the wall? That was considerate of me. Just gotta stand up. Twitchy pained legs. Everything looks red. Hearing is weird. Stumble and flop and look around fine.

"Oh hyeeey…" I try to smile. I think a front tooth fell out as I did that. It hurts too much to tell.

"You don't look too good." Hey may have commented or maybe I just imagined that because his lips moved but sure as hell no sound came out.

"Naaah… nonsseenese…" I flap my arm about awkwardly, splattering blood that stops mid air as my dismissal causes my entire left side to ache. Everything hurts. Breathing hurts. It's less painful than being broken by the river thing or being skinned alive or whatever… It's good, really. "Hee's' yiour po-prooblem naow, suckerrr."

Two more steps and the world goes dark.


August 31

I only spent one day in the infirmary today. Apparently, I arrived with my injuries already healed. This did not, in fact, heal me from my sudden onset vitiligo. Scars are forever, I guess. My ear is back! And so is my nose. Shame about my hair. It looks like I shaved an entire side of my head. It's… bad. I look like one of those delinquents they're always showing in the news… The entire left side of my head apparently got sheared off and healed back. And hair does not heal, even when the hag does things.

To sigh and wait outside a long, drawn out summer day… at least someone is visiting today. Not me, mind you. But I can still hang out. I asked and they said so. Through the group chat. Because apparently, Atsushi doesn't mind it that much…? I mean, Gojo did say he viewed me as a friend…

"Hey Shigure."

"Azami! Did you fight a truck again? You just came out of the infirmary." He rushes up the stairs, like some sort of eager puppy, sketchbook in hand. I swear he never leaves that thing behind. I should ask him what he's drawing nowadays. Maybe I can coax him into getting another painting from him… later.

"Nah…" Not that I'd ever admit to fighting Geto. That was an embarrassing showing. If I could have that fight scrubbed from the internet again I'd do it. "just a semi-grade one curse."

"Did you win?" Hope flashes across his eyes. He's a semi-grade one shaman, right? That curse is supposedly at a level he could have exorcized…

I gotta save face. Look alike. Pretend shaving the side of your head was intentional rather than having it scraped against a fist. "Totally."

"Are you getting paid for it?" He plops right next to me on the stone bench as he follows the direction my eyes are pointing at to admire a bird climbing up the side of a tree with tiny little hops. "That'd be great. I heard grade one shamans get paid a whole lot. As in they get triple what a service worker makes per curse of their grade exorcized, or something. Not that I'd now. They only ever pay students a stipend. The fund is for when they graduate."

"Naaah." I wave my hand around, not splattering my blood and loose muscles around since they're nice and contained. "Sure wish though. That's a lot of money. I could afford another movie night with everyone."

His interest is deeply philosophical. Almost incomprehensibly profound. Words do not exist to describe the "ooo" sound he makes other than, perhaps, it sounds like a seal. "Any interesting picks? Can I suggest something?"

"Yeah. But we're totally watching all of Sailor Moon, if I'm given the choice. I made a mistake picking a horror movie to begin with."


September 8.

Today is the day where I think I will die. I don't think anyone else has noticed, but there's a group of shamans entering the school ground, and there's no alarm bells ringing. I'm the only one who seems to have noticed this, too. Gojo is off doing… whatever, the others are stuck watching those pre-recorded classes, and I… I'm here, frozen mid-break, by noting whoever these fools are. Wearing student uniforms mid-school season, talking amongst each other like good friends… do they really think it's enough to fool me? Pretending to be an entire student delegation at a school supposed to be secret?

They won't know what hit them.

Chapter End

Post-Chapter Notes:

Kill your darlings is probably the best writing tip I've ever heard. I scraped the prior version of this chapter and suddenly the words started flowing once I took the story in a different direction. Also I'm totally going to have to go back to edit who healed Azami after the Geto fight… ah. Who's not had their technique revealed in the Geto group yet? Manami Suda? She seems like an asshole… damn. Welp, serves me right, trying to guess the technique of someone whom I totally didn't know wasn't going to reappear again.

Next chapter is something I've been looking forward to since I started the fic. Well, not the scene, but one of them. Azami's first exchange event.
The growth comes from learning to evolve "it is what it is" to "fuck it we ball".
Okay, I binged whole story, and I have few negative points:

I literally can't tell from whose view are thoughts flowing periodically... Especially in newer chapters, when pow's are jumping more often inside the chapter. The only one who I can recognize from the start, - Gojo. But he, mostly has his own chapters... with title that states that this is Gojo Interlude

The only one whose technique is showed clearly, is our dear MC. And in such big amount of thought jumping in the text, and non-cannon characters... It's hard to keep them in mind when they're needed in the scenes.

And I can say, that I don't understand plot not because It's convoluted, but because I literally can't see it periodically.

Considering that the newest chapters are more confusing then the previous ones...
I don't know what exactly are you cooking here, but I think that you need to stop and reread your own work.