Vote tally - A Force, Undying (New Jedi Order CK2 Quest)

Scheduled vote count started by Voikirium on Oct 27, 2020 at 11:14 PM, finished with 9 posts and 7 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
A Force, Undying (New Jedi Order CK2 Quest)
Post #273
Post #281


  • [X] Plan Jedi Alliances
    [X] Plan: Lay To Rest
    -[X] Campaign-The Twelve Systems: The Galactic Alliance Military is pushing towards Etti IV, the capital of the Corporate Sector, with the hopes that ripping out their beating heart will end the war, decisively and quickly, in your favor. (50%, 3 Successes) (2 Dice)
    -[X] Looking for Allies: The Jedi Order is independent in large part because a number of your members either are, or come from families which are, wealthy. But having more resources will allow you to be more independent, and get more done at the same time. (60%, 1 success) (1 Dice)
    -[X] What the Hell Ahsoka: What is the meaning of this? To seek to sabotage a war to free slaves? Has she fallen to the Dark Side? Taken all leave of her senses? Meet with this wandering quasi-Jedi, and determine why she would seek to cripple the war. (1 Success, 60%) (1 Dice)
    -[X] Finding Ahch-To: Once the Order's Graveyard, Ahch-To has been lost to you for many centuries now, after being taken by the Sith. However, a wandering vagabond, smuggler, and mercenary, Explar Erandal, has reported finding star charts leading to the missing world and requests an escort to find them. The risk is real; but, if it is truly Ahch-To, you have not choice but to take it. (1 Success, 12 Jedi, 1 X-Wing Squadron, 60%) (1 Dice)
    -[X] Imperial Angst: You've trusted hutts more than you trust Jagged Fel, Mr. "Military Men making Hard Decision ought to have all the power in the galaxy." Further, even if Master Solo is correct, and you can trust the Emperor, no Empire is built on one man. No doubt there are those in the Empire who would have a return to the 'good old days'-- seek them, so you will be ready for them. (???) (2 Dice)
    -[X] Saber to Staff: Rather than a whole bombing run to kill one woman, you will send a single Jedi. Ideally, to turn her from this ignorant, self-destructive path; if not, to send her tout suite to her destiny, such that it is. No doubt the captain is protected by a small army from any would-be assassins; even more fortunate, then, even a single Jedi is more than enough for these wanna-be Stormtroopers. (1 Success, 50%) (2 Dice)
    -[X] Take the Field: They want the Jedi to contribute more to the war effort? Fine. You, and your Padawan, will personally take to the field. It will be good practice for the both of you. (100%, 1 Success) (1 Dice)
    [X] [Jedi] The answer to what is the duty of a Jedi has repeatedly changed over time, but at their heart, the Jedi are a religious order. We seek to understand the Force and, having consistently determined it to be benevolent, to carry out its Will. Traditionally the Jedi have sought understanding by distancing ourselves from material focuses. And traditionally we have determined the Will of the Force to be to act to the benefit of sophonts everywhere, preferably in a manner that preserves the sanctity of life. Thus, our first duty as Jedi is to study the Force and ourselves and to determine our own place in it. Learn where your own thoughts and desires end and the Force's begin. Our second duty as Jedi is to aid sophont life wherever we may find it. We do not shy away from violence or death because both are a part of life, but neither do we seek them out. Phasma is certainly a problem, but she has already made herself many enemies who seek her destruction. Meditate on these questions, please. Where and how can you personally do good, padawan? Where have calls for help or justice gone unheard? Who has been forgotten by the galaxy or even by us? And, finally, are those the answers you have heard or merely the ones you want to hear?
    [X] What the Hell Ahsoka (1 dice)
    [X] In Shadowed Repose (1 dice)
    [X] Take the Field: (1 dice)
    [X] Saber to Staff (2 dice)
    [X] Finding Ahch-To (2 dice)
    [X] Jedi Negotiators: (1 dice)
    [X] Plan The First
    [X] Looking for Allies: (1 dice)
    [X] Campaign-The Twelve Systems: The Galactic Alliance Military is pushing towards Etti IV, the capital of the Corporate Sector, with the hopes that ripping out their beating heart will end the war, decisively and quickly, in your favor. (50%, 3 Successes) x2
    [X] Seeking Wisdom (Mystic): You thought this might be the case-- but one of your texts, when compared with a text from the Grandmaster's personal library, has revealed a hidden treasure-- what, you could not say. (60%, 3 Successes) x1
    [X] Saber to Staff: Rather than a whole bombing run to kill one woman, you will send a single Jedi. Ideally, to turn her from this ignorant, self-destructive path; if not, to send her tout suite to her destiny, such that it is. No doubt the captain is protected by a small army from any would-be assassins; even more fortunate, then, even a single Jedi is more than enough for these wanna-be Stormtroopers. (1 Success, 50%) x1
    [X] Where Are They?: As surely as do the Jedi, the Sith have their places of power. Korriban, Dromund Kaas, Ziost, -- all places the Sith have long walked, have marked as their own, like some beast claiming its territory in the jungle. It is where they will go, to hide and to hunt. Find their location, hunt them down, and bring this to an end. Insomuch as you can, anyway. (70%, 3 Successes) x2
    [X] Seek the Jal Shey: An order of diplomats, scholars, and intellectuals, the Jal Shey seek to understand the Force from a more-- scientific perspective. They seek to sew peace, order, and justice where they travel, and would leave the galaxy a better place for their having been in it. Seek to learn more from them and of them. (60%, 2 Successes) x1
    [X] Expand: The testing centers you established on Javin, Hosnian Prime, and Belsalvis are prime candidates to be further improved into fully functional Enclaves; not temples, not yet, but quite functional as centers of Jedi teaching and recruitment on those worlds. You need only put forth the credits. (4 Successes, 50%) x2
    [X] What the Hell Ahsoka: What is the meaning of this? To seek to sabotage a war to free slaves? Has she fallen to the Dark Side? Taken all leave of her senses? Meet with this wandering quasi-Jedi, and determine why she would seek to cripple the war. (1 Success, 60%) x1
    [X] Industrial Independence pt1. Resources: (1 dice)