Vote tally - A Fantasy Isekai That Is Played Straight

Adhoc vote count started by Levelgap on Mar 25, 2023 at 11:08 AM, finished with 43 posts and 17 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
A Fantasy Isekai That Is Played Straight
Post #2
Post #44


  • [X] Killed by an incident due to the Goddess' mistake (Reincarnated)
    [X] (IMPOSSIBLE) No wish. The Goddess decided to bless you with a strong body, which is just slightly better than a normal average man. You must survive the other world with your own knowledge.
    [X](NORMAL) Four wishes. There are no bonus or perks that will be given on those wishes.
    -[X] High Magicka Regeneration
    -[X] Special Knowledge Of Pocket Dimensionsal/Space Creation
    -[X] Talent For Spacial Magic
    -[X] A Familiar Egg
    [X](EASY) Five wishes. The Goddess might even give a bonus or put some very advantageous perk on those wishes.
    -[X] High Magicka Regeneration
    -[X] Special Knowledge Of Pocket Dimensionsal/Space Creation
    -[X] Talent For Spacial Magic
    -[X] A Familiar Egg
    -[X] A Invocation Goddess Summoning Ticket (To be used as a last ditch "Oh Goddess Our Asses are Grasses So Save our Precious Ass!" Option.)
    [X](HARD) Three wishes. It is limited to very powerful abilities or items. Things or powers that can destabilize the whole civilization are not allowed.
    -[X] High Magicka Regeneration
    -[X] Special Knowledge Of Pocket Dimensionsal/Space Creation
    -[X] Talent For Spacial Magic
    [X]Swept up by some magical incident that reaches the other dimensions like your world (Transported)
    [X](NIGHTMARE) One wish. It is only limited to a powerful ability or object. The ability should only equal people who are also strong, but musn't exceed legendary figures like heroes or dragons like being capable of slashing concepts or something.
    -[X] Quick Learning/Barest Limitation - With even limited instruction rapidly develop skill and associated knowledge in essentially any field and retain it with minimal effort, including magical and physical capabilities
    [X] Serene Lopez: Professional Spy, and doublecrosser. Her talents weren't in assassination, but in getting in places, through the weakest point of any security system the human element. Excels in Disguise, and She's a lesbian.
    [X] The background character of a slice of life comedy that were set in a highschool, being the Arts teacher you have good knowledge of drawing,painting, theater and sculpting. (something like Nichijou, Azumanga or Asobi) Accustomed with absurd situations you were quick to adapt.
    [X](NIGHTMARE) One wish. It is only limited to a powerful ability or object. The ability should only equal people who are also strong, but musn't exceed legendary figures like heroes or dragons like being capable of slashing concepts or something.
    -[X] Compelling Sound: Our voice has the ability to weaken the mind and willpower of anyone listening, gradually turning them into puppets obedient to your will. It isn't anything instant; while people with willpower much weaker than you might be instantly compelled, everyone important in this world are stronger than you, so you have to play smart.
    [X](HARD) Three wishes. It is limited to very powerful abilities or items. Things or powers that can destabilize the whole civilization are not allowed.
    -[x]A reserved wish, to be used on acquiring a superpower relevant to our current situation after we Isekai.
    -[x]Chromatic Aberration from Rihaku's A Simple Transaction
    -[x]Omnilinguistic Capability.
    [X]Sena Wight: A reasonably successful writer of a nebulously defined Xianxia Biohorror series, who gardens as a hobby.