A Dirge for the Light (A Destiny Quest)

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[0.1] THE BEGINNING I [Ghost]
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You are a...


Verified Moonman
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[0.1] THE BEGINNING I [Ghost]
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You are a wandering Ghost.

In the beginning there was only completion. Then a hundred thousand blades tore into perfection, and changed everything. Awareness dawned as everything shattered and Light flooded the world. You and your siblings were born then, from the death of the Traveler. With your new life came purpose, and you knew, all of you, that you were charged with a sacred duty.

You are a wandering Ghost, yet to claim a name or a soul of your own. Your purpose remains unsatisfied and unfulfilled.

How long has it been, you wonder. How long has it been since the Traveler created you and other Ghosts like you? How long have you traveled the lost worlds of humanity, searching grave after unmarked grave for a single soul? You've searched for years, decades, centuries. But you know it's out there. You can feel it, somehow, tethered to your very essence deep inside of the Light-forged machine that you are. You were meant to find it. No, not only that. You were created to find it.

Every once in a while, you encounter other Ghosts in your travels. Some are wanderers, unfulfilled just like you. Others, though… others have found their partners. Whenever you come across these siblings of yours, you find them happily talking to their partners, who have been given new bodies forged in Light. They call themselves Risen, and they wield the Light as easily as they draw breath. You can't help but be jealous of these partnered Ghosts, who find themselves with renewed purpose and resolve. They chat excitedly about a safe place for humanity under the corpse of the Traveler, about a glorious calling. A dream, a vision for the future: a City, unlike any other. You bite down on the yearning that you feel, to have what they have. It doesn't matter to you, you tell yourself. Not yet. Not without a Risen of your own.

Still, these encounters have given you some things to think about while you wander. When you were still young, you were all simply Ghosts. The only thing you all knew was your purpose. When you needed to communicate, it was through transcendent Light and pure intent. Now, Ghosts speak aloud for the benefit of their Risen. The first partnered Ghost you met talked with a low, gritty voice akin to gravel. Imagine your surprise when the next one you met had a soft, high voice, almost like wind or song! You and your ilk are now not simply Ghosts, but brothers and sisters in arms. Gender, it seems, can be important for Risen - and humanity at large, as you've since learned.

It occurs to you that your Risen, when you find them, might also appreciate you having an identity of your own. You ponder this as you continue your search.

(Choose one.)
Ghost identifies as:
[ ] Male

[ ] Write-in: Describe Ghost's voice. (10 words max.)
[ ] Female
[ ] Write-in: Describe Ghost's voice. (10 words max.)
[ ] What does it matter? You're a Ghost.
[ ] Write-in: Describe Ghost's voice. (10 words max.)

You've also encountered many a hostile presence over the years. Creatures that crave your Light - or despise it - are common in these dark times, and you've had to learn to deal with them in one way or another. You've learned your lessons well, surviving against these servants of the Darkness.

(Choose one.)
Ghost favors:
[ ] Stealth. Ghost has learned to rely on escaping the notice of others to survive. Enemies can't hurt what they can't detect, after all. (Boost to espionage and stealth)
[ ] Guile. Ghost has learned to rely on cleverness and skill to survive. Enemies can't hurt what's quicker and smarter than them, after all. (Boost to hacking and tech)
[ ] Cooperation. Ghost has learned to rely on fellow Ghosts and their Risen to survive. Enemies can't hurt a stronger, more coordinated force, after all. (Boost to logistics and cooperation)
[ ] Write-in (50 words max. Follow the general format above, please.)

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QM's Note
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Welcome to A Dirge for the Light: A Destiny Quest!

Hi there! I'm Lutris. I'm new to running Quests, but this is something I've wanted to do for a long time. So I hope you'll bear with me as I experiment and learn what works for me and what doesn't. Please help me be a better QM and writer, and I'll do my best to improve.

Destiny's a really, really fun game (most of the time, if you're able to not get too invested in the loot grind and have some half-decent friends to play with), but I've always found the story a bit lacking in substance. Still, the Grimoire and the lore contained in it is effing superb despite the lackluster storytelling in the game proper. There's so much waiting to be told, and I'm particularly fascinated with the history of the Last City. I want to explore the world of Destiny as it must have been, years before the games, and I'm hoping that some of you do as well. So!

Dirge will be a story-focused quest in which you'll be thrown head first into humanity's struggle for survival with only a Ghost to guide you - who is almost as clueless about things as you are! I don't want the quest to be bogged down by numbers and dice rolls, and would prefer to prioritize good storytelling and character development over other considerations. Still, there are some areas that are just more manageable with concrete values - friendships and faction reputation, as examples. I don't quite know how I'll deal with those yet, so I reserve the right to change any quest rules (such as they are) if something ends up needing fixing down the line, especially while I'm still figuring things out.

You'll take control of a Risen during the early City Age, a short while after the Battle of Six Fronts. Humanity has just proven that we can hold our own, and hope is in the air. The Vanguard is still young, the Walls are still being built, and legends still walk the Tower. You can choose to do anything, be anyone. Your Light is yours to use as you see fit, whether to help further establish the City and further Humanity's cause, or for your own personal gain.

There will be two primary characters in this Quest: the Risen (your Player Character), and your Ghost (an NPC, but one who you'll generate during chargen and mould over the course of the game). The first leg of the Quest will be dedicated to character generation, and by the end of it all we'll have locked down at the very least: your name, race, gender (and Ghost's), appearance, what elemental subtype your Light tends towards, as well as yours and Ghost's primary motivations and personality traits.

You'll take control of Ghost for now, until you manage to find your Risen and raise them from the dead

I'll try to update at least once a week - hopefully I can keep to that schedule. You guys can post once I've reserved a couple of posts for things.
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(Choose one.)
Ghost's voice is:
[4] Soft voice
[2] Dinklebot getting his lines right.
[2] Aloof - low, calm, controlled; tries to conceal any sweetness.
[ALL OF THE VOTES] Morgan Freeman. Enough said.

(Choose one.)
Ghost favors:
[4] Stealth. Ghost has learned to rely on escaping the notice of others to survive. Enemies can't hurt what they can't detect, after all. (Boost to espionage and stealth)
[1] Guile. Ghost has learned to rely on cleverness and skill to survive. Enemies can't hurt what's quicker and smarter than them, after all. (Boost to hacking and tech)

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[0.2] THE BEGINNING II [Ghost]
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The first time you encountered agents of the Darkness, you hid in the shadows. Where other Ghosts would have rallied their allies or made use of the technology around them, you found it best to avoid confrontation altogether.

You remember. It was on Earth, in a ruined town a few days' flight out of Old Chicago. You could see the shining towers and once-pristine white spires of the city from where you were that day, and you remember thinking that humanity in the prime of its Golden Age had created true wonders. But those wonders also attracted scavengers, and not all of them human. Old Chicago was a prime target for those interested in plundering the ruins of one of the Old American Empire's great cities for precisely that reason. Still, it was a major population center back in the day, so it was worth taking a look through.

You'd heard rumors from other Ghosts that a village had sprung up near Old Chicago, some time ago.

The survivors of humanity's Collapse had, for the most part, found each other in the wilderness. They clung to each other, and struggled to eke out a living as their ancestors might have long ago. Some were farmers. Others were hunters. Still others scavenged nearby ruins when they could, so that they might find something useful. The farming village of Little Chicago was home to a small band of such scavengers. If you were going to continue your search in the city, and you were, they would know where to start.

You clear the dense woodlands that had long since reclaimed the land surrounding Old Chicago just as the sun began to set. The village, little more than a ring of ramshackle cabins surrounding an ancient gas station, came into view awash in beautiful orange sunlight. The cabins themselves look to be mostly made of locally cut trees and reclaimed blocks of concrete and stone; you notice a wide patch of stumps on your way in. You see several figures working some fields, while others mill about town.

"Hey Amber, look! It's a Ghost!" You hear a voice call out as you approach the settlement. You turn your eye towards the speaker, a boy, you supposed, who is lanky to the point of being spindly. He is perched in the crook of an old tree, a well-aged hunting rifle slung from his shoulder. He gestures wildly to a girl - Amber, you assume - who groans audibly even at a distance. She props herself up with her own rifle, and strides her way to the base of the tree.

"Oh shut it, Harrison. You're probably just seeing things. Ghosts aren't real." Amber scoffs. "C'mon. We've been on watch all day. I'm tired, and you're seeing things. Let's go home."

"No Amber, not that kind of Ghost. You know, like that one Old Frank said he saw a couple years ago. I'm telling you. I saw it. It had this glowing eye and it was floating somewhere over... there." Harrison counters, pointing towards the trees that you'd flown out from.

"...Sure, Harry. Whatever. Floating eyes are creepy, it's getting dark out, and I'm hungry. Let's go."

Harrison jumps down from his perch on the tree, and the pair began to trundle off towards the village. You glide towards them, so you could make yourself known. You speak when you were right behind them.

//Oh, I can assure you. I'm very real.// You say, as softly and as quietly as you could. It wouldn't do to alarm these children. //Would you be so kind as to take me to your leader?//

It took a while before they calmed down enough to stop screaming. And shooting at you, for that matter.

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Amber and Harrison, once they'd stopped panicking, had warmed up to you quite quickly. Once introductions were through, they cheerfully brought you to the Little Chicago village hall - the old gas station building - where the rest of the villagers had convened for their evening meal.

"What were you damn kids thinking!?" Raymond barks at the children. He seems to be the village leader, and is a gruff, bearded, beast of a man. "Shootin' your rifles willy-nilly, wasting bullets like that. Had us all in a panic - I ain't gotta tell you we have to be careful. I'm startin' to regret giving you kids those guns in the first place-"

"They only meant well, Raymond. Look at them. They've learned their lesson, don't you think? Let it lie. We need every man we can spare this season, you said it so yourself." A woman, skin bronzed from long hours in the sun, interrupts him. "Besides, the kids brought home a guest."

"But Martha..." Raymond huffs. After a few moments, he sighs in defeat. "Well, I'm glad you kids were safe. But be careful, for chrissakes. We don't have much ammo left, and Davy's team isn't back yet. Be careful with those guns, y'hear?"

Amber and Harrison, suitably chagrined, nod silently. Raymond turns his scruffy visage towards you. "And you. It's been a while since we've had a Ghost floatin' through town. I suppose a welcome is in order."

//I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause you any distress.// You apologize profusely. He waves you off.

"Bah, it's fine. Don't worry about it. Last Ghost we had passin' through wanted to take a look in the city. I'm guessin' you do too."

//That's right.// You confirmed. //It would be helpful if you had any maps or data about the city. Failing that, I would appreciate a guide into town.//

"We don't have any maps, or any tech aside from what we use to farm." Raymond levels a baleful stare at you. "And we don't have the manpower to spare right now, what with our plow broke."

"We're a farming town, Mr. Ghost. We've only got a handful of people who know much about tech, and all of them are on a scavenging run into town right now. We've been expecting them home for days now, but I'm afraid that with the harvest coming up we really can't afford to spare anybody. I don't think we can help. We're hard-pressed to help ourselves as it is." Martha sighs, sympathetic in tone.

"We'll let you stay the night either way, Ghost." Raymond grunts, before reaching for a bowl of soup.

//I see. Thank you. I'll give this some thought.// You respond with a bob of your eye.

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Hours later, after the rest of the village is asleep, Harrison comes to you with an offer.

"Hey, Ghost? Raymond doesn't want me talking to you, but I think I can help." Harrison whispers. "There's an old radio tower a mile out from the village - I can take you there if you help me look for Davy's crew. I know there's got to be some computers there that might help."

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(Choose one.)
Help the villagers of Little Chicago by offering to:
[ ] Take a look at Little Chicago's broken plow. If the plow is fixed, maybe they can spare you a guide into town.
[ ] Take Harrison up on his offer. Davy's scavenging crew is sure to be able to help you if you can find them.
[ ] Write-in. (50 words max.)

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QM's Note
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I'm so sorry for the delays! BUT I DID IT. I GOT AN UPDATE OUT WITHIN A WEEK. AW YEAH.

Holy bajeesus am I hyped for Rise of Iron though. I'm really grateful that we get to learn more about the Iron Lords in the next DLC, in all seriousness. More material to work with! It seems like we've got confirmation that the Last City is somewhere in Old Russia though, from what's already been revealed about RoI. So I'm trying to work that into the quest at the moment. Also, Little Chicago is totally a Dresden reference. You got me.


You guys have... let's say the vote is open until 24:00, Wednesday, June 15 JST (GMT+9hrs).

I'll gladly answer any (well, within reason) about the situation Ghost's in right now, and heartily encourage the Write-in option.

No worries there. Good things are worth waiting for!

;w; You're too kind.

Eh. What the hell? With Rise of Iron my interest in Destiny peaked again after like 7 MONTHS. And you seem motivated to make a good quest. Plus there are so few Destiny threads to begin with.

I know, right!? My iron's rising all up in this biatch. And I'll try my best!

This quest has promise to grow into something spectacular also am I assuming that the players knowledge of future events will not be aloud.

All of you are too kind! And uh, I guess it depends on the knowledge? Like, I'm not planning on anything that takes place during the games being really relevant, unless you guys somehow go into the Vault of Glass, or somehow get yourselves on Eris' fireteam, or whatever. And Twilight Gap's not going to be for a while, so foreknowledge there isn't going to be very useful. But as a rule, unless your character learns about it in-game, they're not going to be able to act on it. Does that help?
(Choose one.)
Help the villagers of Little Chicago by offering to:
[3] Take a look at Little Chicago's broken plow. If the plow is fixed, maybe they can spare you a guide into town.
[2] Take Harrison up on his offer. Davy's scavenging crew is sure to be able to help you if you can find them.
[0] Write-in. (50 words max.)
As a result of the vote, changes have been made to [Ghost]'s character sheet!

[Ghost] Personality Trait: Good Samaritan gained!
When given the option, Ghost will always want to help those in need, even at cost to himself. (QN: The other option would've given Ghost an independent streak - he'd care about himself and his own (i.e. your Guardian) above all else.)

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Shortly after midnight you fly out of the Little Chicago town hall, which Martha kindly offered for you to stay the night in. You would have taken her up on her offer and stayed in the once-dilapidated gas station if Harrison hadn't come to you with his offer. The boy had his heart in the right place, you supposed, but you weren't about to go off into the night on the word of a teenager who'd shot at you in a panic, especially if there was something else that you could do to help the people of Little Chicago with. Who were you to abandon them during these dark times, especially when you had the power to help?

The conversation you'd had with him made you more keenly aware of the troubles that the villagers here faced, especially in light of what Martha and Raymond told you earlier in the evening. Little Chicago was, as they said, primarily a farming town despite their proximity to what must have been golden scavenging opportunities in Old Chicago. Though scavenging must have been an important source of secondary resources, their first and most important resource was food.

Raymond had said that the village's plow was broken. If the villagers didn't have the technological know-how to fix it, the only conclusion that you could draw was that their "plow" was in fact a piece of complicated machinery. If the device was made with even the smallest bit of ancient machinery, they would be hard-pressed to figure out its inner workings. That the plow could be used even in its broken down state meant that it was likely designed to for rugged use, without the need for regular maintenance. Still, a century or two of entropy was sure to take its toll.

The fields and woodland outside are pitch black. Moonlight and starlight shine in the sky far above you, and not for the first time you wonder what was, is, and could be. There was a certain poetry to night time, you supposed. The world was dark and nothing was visible in the visible spectrum of light, but there was endless light far in the distance just out of reach.

Soon, you've arrived at a shack at the edge of Little Chicago's fields.

You're a Ghost; while it may be too dark for human eyes to see, your visual receptors are far more advanced than anything evolution has come up with. Sight wasn't the only sense that you possessed either: you were created with a suite of impossibly advanced sensors that let you observe the world through heat, sound, EM waves of all kinds, and most importantly, Light. The Traveler's Light represents raw, unmitigated potential in its purest form. The use of Light enables paracausal effects - laymen might call it magic. You'll never run out of energy, as long as the Traveler's Light can reach you.

A quick scan inside the shack reveals that yes, Little Chicago's plow is contained within. The doors appear to be latched shut; you find a small gap in the wooden walls just big enough for you to pass through, and shimmy your way in.

A large, wheeled machine rests before you. Dirty, well-used, and rugged, it reminds you of the countless tractors and pickup trucks that you've seen abandoned by roads overtaken by the wilderness in both shape and size. It looks like it must've been painted a pristine, shining white at one point in the distant past, somehow both rugged and sleek at the same time. What looks like a giant rake is attached to its rear, covered in dirt and grime, marking the vehicle as a plow.

Your scans reveal that this machine is no simple plow, just as you had surmised earlier. Deep scans revealed that this was indeed a relic of a bygone age, able to convert matter into Glimmer and use the resulting programmable matter and a twist of Light to automatically synthesize the best possible growth conditions for crops. In addition, "seeds" of Light would have been implanted into the soil, which would have further increased crop yields and produce highly viable crops of impossibly high nutritional value. However, these advanced functions have long since broken down.

The Plow ran on solar power, and so the villagers of Little Chicago must have been able to use it as a regular powered plow despite its low-functioning state. That they were able to get it moving at all speaks of their ingenuity in the first place - everything was lost in the Collapse.

You can fix the Plow, you decide. It would be child's play to get it up and running again - the current problem seems to be a simple case of a faulty connection in its power generation systems. Without parts, it would be difficult to fix... but you are a Ghost, empowered with the Traveler's Light. You had a small store of Glimmer hidden away in your Transmat storage space, and an application of your own Light would be enough to flash-forge the parts necessary for the job.

But why stop there? It would be cruel to keep Little Chicago from greater prosperity, not when you could make things better. You could restore the Plow to full working order if you spent enough of your Light - and you would recover any Light that you spent soon enough. You weren't likely to leave the planet any time soon, after all, so the Traveler's Light would be sure to reach you.

You have unlocked the ability to use Light!
You have unlocked Transmat Storage!
You have unlocked Forging!

New Mechanics said:
Light: Ghost, and later, your Risen/Guardian, possess personal reservoirs of Light that can be spent to perform impossible feats. Ghost is able to flash-forge materials in the field provided you have access to Glimmer, greatly improve the effectiveness of his scans, connect to and communicate with other Ghosts over great distances, and perhaps most importantly, resurrect his Risen. The Risen will be able to do, well, anything a Guardian from the games is able to, and perhaps even more, like infusing Light into their own body or their gear for great boosts in ability, use esoteric and paracausal abilities, forge and smith gear of their own, and much more. Light will recharge as long as you are not within a Darkness Zone - an area suffused with Darkness or cut off from the Traveler's Light.

Transmat Storage: Transmat Storage is an extradimensional pocket where you may store items and gear. You will require Ghost's presence to access it. Storage space will be affected by the amount of Light you are able to bring to bear. The exact mechanics (and therefore values) of inventory space are still undecided at the time of this post.

Forging: Forging is this Quest's main crafting mechanic. Ghost and the Risen may use Glimmer and Light (as well as Experience Points - XP) to create new items and improve upon old ones.

Ghost said:
Ghost currently has:
-10/10 Light
-100 Glimmer

It will cost 100 Glimmer to forge the parts necessary to fix the Plow (You must attempt to fix the plow, as you have already committed to this action in a previous vote). The forging will require Light. Each point of Light spent will add +3 to a dice roll of 1d100 that the QM will make. The thresholds required are as follows:

10/100 (1d100) will restore the Plow's basic functions; no paracausal functions will be enabled.
30/100 (1d100) will restore the Plow's basic functions and some of its paracausal functions.
50/100 (1d100) will restore the Plow's basic functions and most of its paracausal functions.
80/100 (1d100) will restore the Plow's basic functions and all of its paracausal functions.

How much Light will you spend?

(Choose one.)
[ ] Spend 1 Light
[ ] Spend 3 Light
[ ] Spend 5 Light
[ ] Spend 10 Light

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The next morning, the villagers of Little Chicago are overjoyed to discover that their plow is working again. Raymond crushes you in a massive bear hug - at least, he tries to. You're too small for him to hug, so he settles by grabbing your chassis and shaking you up and down. Martha thanks you profusely, and immediately gets to work wrangling the other villagers so they can get to work on the fields.

"Well, it seems like we'll be able to spare someone to help you inta the big City, little Ghost!" Raymond grins at you, and then beckons Harrison and Amber forward. They were bickering and arguing the entire morning, and they're bickering and arguing now. They'll probably be bickering and arguing until the Traveler awakens.

"These two volunteered to go help you - thick as thieves, these kids." He smacks both of them on their backs, making them stagger. "Both of'em know the way to Ole Chicago, so I figure one of'em can tag along with ya. Which'll it be?"

Who will you choose to guide you to the city?
(Choose one.)
[ ] Harrison (better rolls to actions that draw attention to himself)
[ ] Amber (better rolls to actions that let her stay in the background)
[ ] Both
[ ] Neither

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QM's Note
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So this update introduces a few new mechanics. Feel free to ask any questions about how things work - I'll be updating the Character Sheet and Rules sections of the Quest over the weekend as well, to clear a few things up. I'm still working out how character progression and skills and the like will work, but I thiiiink I'm starting to get a better idea of what I want to do.

Ask away, and I shall answer!

Also, I think I'll go for a simple majority rules for any vote with 10 or fewer unique voters from now on - so please try to convince each other of any options you want to take!

You have until 24:00 on Sunday, June 19 JST (GMT+9) to vote.
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How much Light will you spend?
(Choose one.)
[3] Spend 5 Light
[2] Spend 10 Light
[0] Spend 1 Light
[0] Spend 3 Light

Who will you choose to guide you to the city?

(Choose one.)
[3] Amber (better rolls to actions that let her stay in the background)
[2] Both

[0] Harrison (better rolls to actions that draw attention to himself)
[0] Neither

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[0.4] THE BEGINNING IV [Ghost]
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Ghost Status said:
Light: 5/10
Transmat Storage: 0/100
Glimmer: 0
Misc. Items: None​

You chose to take Amber with you to Chicago. She seems like she has a good head on her shoulders, and didn't shoot at you like Harrison did to boot. "Aw, come on!" Harrison cries, a betrayed look on his face.

"Back to work with you then, kid!" Raymond guffaws, smacking him on the back. Harrison grumbles, and trundles off. Raymond hands Amber a pack full of provisions, and the two of you depart minutes later.

You quickly discover that Amber likes to chat, once you leave the boundaries of Little Chicago. Apparently, she's enough of a chatterbox that Martha has repeatedly forbidden her from "yapping her gob" while she works. The two of you make an odd pair; one a girl with long, reddish-brown hair with a rifle and a pack full of dried food slung across her back, and the other a floating, robotic eye encased in a white shell of Light-forged metal.

"So, what's it like being a Ghost?" Amber asks, a slight bounce to her step as she hops over several tree roots protruding from the ground.

//What's it like being a human?// You respond in kind, your tone conciliatory and jovial. Amber smirks, evidently appreciate of your attempt at humor. //I don't know. How do I describe something so fundamental to my being? It would be like... trying to explain what breathing is like.//

"Well, I think breathing's fine and dandy. Like Auntie Martha's apple pies! They're tasty enough and keep me alive, so... they're just fine and dandy." Amber muses.

//I see. Well, in that case... I suppose being a Ghost is like...// You pause, trying to collect your thoughts. //It's fine, and it's dandy. It's like waking up one day, and realizing that someone special, somewhere out there, is waiting for you to find them. And they're depending on you to do it. Until I... until you, find that person, it's fine, and it's dandy. But you know you will, some day. Some day.//

//Yes, that's what it's like, I think. It's hope for the future, and a bit of sadness that that future isn't here yet.// Hope keeps you going, and despite the many Ghosts that you've encountered in your travels so far who've already found their Risen, you know that you'll never stop until you do as well. You know that the future will be better - you'll make it better, and part of that future will be your Risen. Your partner, the one for whom you were made.

"...That's romantic." Amber sighs. "I think I know the feeling. I know there's someone out there for me. Someone for me here, actually. I just wish he wasn't such a dick at times."

Amber kicks a loose stone off into the distance, before stalking off. She seems frustrated. You've been around enough humans to know when not to press.

//So!// You exclaim, //How are we getting to Old Chicago?//

Seemingly grateful for the change in topic, Amber gives you a small smile. "Well, I was thinking that we'd take the hunting paths down for a day or so, until we get to the old highway. And then it's just following the highway for another day until we get to the city."

//I see. Do you foresee any trouble?//

"Maybe some wildlife. Some deer. Maybe some wolves. There haven't been any really scary things here since I was little." Amber adjusts her rifle's strap. "But that's what this is for."

//You do cut an imposing figure.//

"Damn straight I do."

Soon, you come to the top of a hill clear of trees. Just as Amber said, there's a highway visible in the distance. At your current speed, you think the two of you could make it there in about 20 hours. You cast your gaze around though, and see a large structure what looks to be an hour away from your position. The large dishes on its roof mark it as a radio tower building - it must be the same one as Harrison mentioned the night before.

//How about that building over there? I might be able to get some good scans if I can get into the computers. I can get us a map of the area.// You voice your thoughts aloud.

"I... I mean, I can take you there. It's just... I know the area. With me around, we won't need a map." Amber tentatively works out. "I'd rather not take you there. Me and Harri... there's some memories there. Don't get me wrong, nothing bad happened, but... wouldn't you rather get going?"

What do you do?
(Choose one.)
[ ] Follow Amber's plan. Keep going on the path to Old Chicago.
[ ] Ask Amber to take you to Harrison's old radio tower.

Decision made, the two of you set off in your new direction. Hope and anticipation fills your being. Time is still of the essence, but you have a good feeling about this excursion.

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QM's Note
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I've made some updates to the character sheets! And gonna type some more stuff up. I've finished planning out the rest of the Prologue, so we should be having a smoother ride from here on out. At least until we get to the next Arc.

We've been getting the majority of our votes in within 24 hours of an update, so I'll set the next deadline to 24 hours from now.

You have until 17:00 on Thursday, June 23 JST (GMT+9) to vote.

Be wary! We might be seeing some action very soon...
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What do you do?
(Choose one.)
[4] Ask Amber to take you to Harrison's old radio tower.
[1] Follow Amber's plan. Keep going on the path to Old Chicago.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[0.5] THE BEGINNING V [Ghost]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

Ghost Status said:
Light: 6/10
Transmat Storage: 0/100
Glimmer: 0
Misc. Items: None

"Well, here we are." Amber says, a bit out of breath.

The radio tower is at the top of a rocky hill, trees popping out of various nooks and crannies. A winding path looped around the hill, zigzagging up from the bottom of the woodland to the complex's entrance, but it was covered in underbrush and trees that must have fallen long ago.

In short: while you had an easy climb up, Amber had to clamber over enormous logs, rotted bushes, and rusting cars the entire way up.

//Thanks for agreeing to come here.// You offer. Amber did seem strangely adverse to taking you to the radio tower, after all.

"...Don't mention it." She sighs quite audibly, before checking the various straps keeping all of her gear in place. She hefts her rifle so that she holds it comfortably in her grip.

"So? Are we going in or not?"

Adverse to coming here or not, you decide that Amber isn't one to dwell on things she can't really control. You bob your chassis in confirmation.

//In we go.//

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

The radio tower is a decently sized building of four stories. A foyer greets you as the two of you enter, and various signs point the way to various rooms. You're here to take advantage of the facilities here - that is, the series of radio dishes that adorn the roof.

//There should be a control room somewhere.//

Amber nods, and takes a right into one of the side corridors. You hover behind her. A quick glance at a facility map printed on the wall suggests that she's right - you're to keep following this hallway, and then up a couple flights of stairs to the top floor. Most of the floor is supposed to be control and maintenance for the facilities here.

"Harrison and I used to come here to... well, to spend time together." Amber keeps talking. Martha was right. She does like to chat. "That was until Raymond found out about what we were doing and kept us grounded in the village. Harrison was a drifter, when he was a kid. Tried to steal some of our food before we took him in. He's more than repaid the favor since, but... Raymond's a bit strict, y'know? He lost some people a long time ago, even though he never talks about it nowadays."

"But he's a good man, Raymond. A good dad. He found me when I was a baby, down in the big city, raised me as his own ever since. My... parents, I guess... they just left me. I guess they just didn't see the point in keeping an extra mouth to feed. Sometimes, I wonder if they would have kept me if they'd known about Little Chicago. We've got a good thing going, you know? Food, shelter, guns. Sure, we go a bit hungry sometimes, and it gets a bit dangerous too, but it's a lot better than anything else out there."

"...it's going to be hard, surviving. I know that. That's why I used to love coming to this place, with Harrison. We were alone, and there'd be nothing to worry about. Just us, and the future. Safe and sound."

//...I see.//

You wonder if you should tell her about the rumors you've heard from your fellow Ghosts - rumors of a great City, being built underneath the Traveler, protected by its remaining Light. All you have are rumors and hearsay, heard secondhand from Ghosts and some of their Risen. You've never seen this City, and you don't know what, if any of their claims are true. Still, what harm could there be in giving this girl some hope?

Vote 1 said:
Will you tell Amber what you know about the Last City?
(Choose one.)
[ ] Yes. Tell her everything you know, and then some. Invent details about the City to fill her with hope.
[ ] Yes. Tell her everything you know, and be completely honest. You've never actually seen the City - it might not even be real.
[ ] No. It's better not to give her false hope. You've never actually seen the City - it might not even be real.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Before long, you arrive at the control room.

There is a massive series of control panels lining the walls, and several giant, mechanical pillars reach from the floor to the ceiling. You surmise that these must be the roots of the radio dishes you know rest on the roof.

The computer systems are powered down. You'd be able to access the databases contained within if there was electricity available...

//I'll take a look around, see if I can get the power up and running.//

Amber nods in understanding.

It doesn't take long for you to find the master control interface, and... you're in luck! The computer systems here seem to run on an emergency backup power supply, disconnected from the rest of the building's power systems. It only takes you a moment to reactivate the electronics systems in the control room.

The whir of machinery and the chirping of computer systems fills the room. Everything feels alive!

//All right. Let's take a look...//

G.A.E. Army Signal Station//Chicago Area Relay//Master Control Module said:
-Logged in as: $%^!#@ -Terminal Position (Control Room, 4th Floor)
>Facility Energy Status
>>Primary Power Generation System (Facilities Room, Basement Floor) [OFFLINE]
>>Emergency Power Generation System (Control Room, 4th Floor) [ONLINE]​
>Facility Function Status
>>Relay Systems [OFFLINE]
>>Offices [UNLOCKED]
>>Cafeteria [UNLOCKED]
>>Armory [UNLOCKED]
>>Garage [UNLOCKED]
>Signal Relay Status
>>Relay 1 [OFFLINE] <Damaged, extensive repairs required>
>>Relay 2 [OFFLINE] <Damaged, extensive repairs required>
>>Relay 3 [OFFLINE] <Additional power required>​

Inventory Changes said:
You have gained:
x1 map of the Great American Empire Army Signal Station: Chicago Area Relay
x1 outdated map of Old Chicago and surrounds (100x100 miles)​

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Several loud crashes come from downstairs, just moments after you finish parsing the data.

"What was that?" Amber calls out.

The crashes have stopped, but you think you can hear a steady, repeating pattern. Several seconds later, you notice what has you on edge: the source of the sounds are coming closer.

//Something's coming. I don't like this.// You can't help but allow a note of fear into your voice.

"I don't either, Ghost." Amber replies. "We came here for a reason though, right? What're we gonna do?"

Vote 2 said:
What will Ghost do?
(Choose one.)
[ ] Go alone and scout out the other rooms of the radio tower, to find the source of the noise. (+5 from Ghost personality trait: Stealth)
[ ] Use your Light. (Write-in amount. Each point of Light will provide a +3 bonus to your scan's outcome, but may make you more noticeable.)
[ ] Activate Signal Relay 3 to scan the entire region. Use your Light to power the scan.(Requires 3 Light. if you're lucky, you could gain a detailed, current scan of the area up to Old Chicago, potentially beyond.)
[ ] Use additional Light. (Write-in amount. Each point of Light will provide a +3 bonus to your scan's outcome, but may make you more noticeable.)
[ ] Write-in (max. 50 words)

Vote 3 said:
What will Amber do?
(Choose one.)
[ ] Go alone and scout out the other rooms of the radio tower, to find the source of the noise. (+5 from Amber's personality)
[ ] Stay together. This way, you can cover each other's weaknesses.
[ ] Write-in (max. 50 words.)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
QM's Note
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I was going to update on Friday, but came down with a godawful fever. Runny nose, sore throat, shitty everything. The works. Got to the doctor's yesterday morning, have been in bed and on medication since. BUT I DID IT. Any success is success, right?

For future reference, here are some ground rules that I reaaaaally need to update in the masterpost like yesterday:
-Unless otherwise specified, assume that only 1 ingame hour will pass between updates.
-Unless otherwise specified, all rolls are rolled with a 5d20.​

You have until 12:00 on Tuesday, June 28 JST (GMT+9) to vote.

There's a lot to think about, though I know I haven't offered a whole lot of information for you guys - especially since there's no lore to draw on yet. I will say that, in-setting, the Battle of Six Fronts is about a week away, so make of that what you will!

I'll try to be quicker on the update next time. As always, I'm always available for questions if you need anything cleared up.
Guess who's back?

Sorry for disappearing and making you guys worry. But I'm back for good!

Vote 1 Result:
Will you tell Amber what you know about the Last City?
(Choose one.)
[7] Yes. Tell her everything you know, and be completely honest. You've never actually seen the City - it might not even be real.
[3] No. It's better not to give her false hope. You've never actually seen the City - it might not even be real.
[0] Yes. Tell her everything you know, and then some. Invent details about the City to fill her with hope.

Vote 2 Result:
What will Ghost do?
(Choose one.)
[8] Activate Signal Relay 3 to scan the entire region. Use your Light to power the scan.(Requires 3 Light. if you're lucky, you could gain a detailed, currentscan of the area up to Old Chicago, potentially beyond.)
[2] Go alone and scout out the other rooms of the radio tower, to find the source of the noise. (+5 from Ghost personality trait: Stealth)

Vote 3 Result:
What will Amber do?
(Choose one.)
[5] Stay together. This way, you can cover each other's weaknesses.
[3] Amber is to remain silent, no matter what, not to attract attention. scout the rooms to find the source of the noise, BUT avoid detection and combat. (+5 from Amber's personality)
[2] Go alone and scout out the other rooms of the radio tower, to find the source of the noise. (+5 from Amber's personality)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[0.6] THE BEGINNING VI [Ghost]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ghost Status said:
Light: 4/10
Transmat Storage: 0/100
Glimmer: 0
Misc. Items: None

You've gained a map of the area - now that you know what the region used to look like, you decide that the best plan of action is to get a better idea of what it's like right now. You and Amber still have to travel to Old Chicago, after all. At the same time however, the crashing noises that came from below have only come closer, even as they've become quieter. A sense of unease enters your mind, but you need to get to work. As a human, and a young human from a farming village at that, Amber can't operate ancient computers quite the way you can.

//I'm going to initiate a scan of the region; that should tell us more about what's going on around here. That's our first priority.// You tell her. //I'm worried though. Whatever that thing is, it's coming closer, and it's trying to be sneaky about it. I'll have my hands full rerouting the power, so...//

"...I'll handle it." Amber nods. She hefts her aging hunting rifle so that she's ready to fire at a moment's notice. Readying her weapon seems to have helped calm down, and the only evidence of her previous fear is a slight tremble in her fingers. Still, you sense fear in her.

"I think it'd be better if we stuck close. I don't want to be caught alone without you."

//...You're the one with the gun, Amber.// You gently tease, eliciting an indignant huff. Tension deflated for the moment, it's time to act. //All right. I'm going in. Be ready for anything.//

Beams of photonized data stream out of your central eye and into the console, and you work your magic. It shouldn't take too long...

[size=3 said:
G.A.E. Army Signal Station//Chicago Area Relay//Master Control Module[/size]]
-Logged in as: $%^!#@ -Terminal Position (Control Room, 4th Floor)
>Signal Relay Status
>>Relay 1 [OFFLINE] <Damaged, extensive repairs required>
>>Relay 2 [OFFLINE] <Damaged, extensive repairs required>


//Interesting... there's a lot to unpack. So much to... wait, the scan's picking something up.//

[size=3 said:












- - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

The doors to the control room slam open, and a person-shaped thing barrels in, limbs flailing before it points a gun towards you. A warning shot whizzes past your chassis, only narrowly missing the console you're interfacing with.

"DON'T!" The thing - the man - yells out as the doors to the control room slam open. "Whatever it is you're doing, stop! You'll bring them right to us!"

The instant the doors opened, Amber was already swerving to face the threat - her finger on the trigger, ready to squeeze. Recognition stops her from following through.

"...Derek?" Amber lowers her rifle.

"W... wait, Amber? What are you... why are you with that thing?" 'Derek' lowers his rifle, but still appears wary and ready to shoot at a moment's notice.

Derek is a black-haired man, darkened by the sun and covered in grime. His face is covered in scraggy facial hair, and his eyes are wild with panic. His disheveled attire, a dark, tattered cloak and dirtied hiking clothes, only add to the fear he projects. He carries a pack on his back, also disheveled and tattered.

//It's a long story.// You decide to speak up. //But I'm afraid we don't have much time. We've got ships inbound; the system doesn't recognize their design.//

"...Oh shit. Shit. Shitshitshitshitshit. FUCK!" Derek yells. "This is your fault, you... you idiotic piece of outdated tech!"

You decide to not respond to the insult.

"Derek, calm down. What's going on?" Amber asks. "...Where are the rest of the Scavengers? Weren't you guys in Old Chicago?"

"...They fucking got us, Amber! That's what's going on! Fucking four-armed freaks just showed up and started shooting!" Derek continues to shout. "Wanted our shit. They got Andrew and Marie. The rest of us... I don't know who else made it. Maybe Frankie got away... shouldn't have gone to the shipyard, salvage be damned..."

He shakes his head, as if to refocus.

"Shit! So I figured... if they were already in Old Chicago... what's stopping them from finding the radio tower? It's got tech, it's got loot. And if they find the radio tower... what's stopping them from finding home? So I came here. And the door's wide open. And then YOU!" Derek turns to face you, spittle flying from his mouth.

"YOU had to turn on the power! We're fucking screwed, and it's all your fault!"

He's right, you realize. It IS your fault. Guilt threatens to overwhelm you, but you clear your mind. Panicking never helped anybody make decisions, and without your help, people could die.

You let your thoughts race. Ships that the G.A.E. systems didn't recognize. Aliens, with four arms, interested in salvage.


You'd fixed a Golden Age farming device - and fixed it damn well. There was no way the farmers of Little Chicago weren't making use of it. If its exotic nature didn't attract Fallen pirates scanning for salvage, your activation of Signal Relay 3 most certainly did. And one of their ships is coming here. Now.

//...I'm sorry. I know it's not what you want to hear, but what's done is done. We need a plan.//

"Why you little...!" Derek points his rifle towards you, only to be stopped by Amber. Her presence seems to be the only thing holding Derek back.

"Ghost's right, Derek. Let's listen to him." She walks up to him, and gently pushes his rifle barrel away from you.


You take Derek's silence as (resentful) acquiescence.

//Did your party have a place to meet up in case of emergencies? A rendezvous point?// You call up your map of Old Chicago, and display it on the console. Two red blips are moving closer to the dot marked "Little Chicago"; another approaches your position.

"...Yeah." Derek grumbles, and plants a finger on the screen. "Here."

You reexamine the updated scans from the Signal Relay, and compare it with the original maps you'd downloaded.

Ghost Analysis said:
BOGIES 1 & 2 ETA to Little Chicago: [2 Turns]
BOGIE 3's ETA to the radio tower: [1 Turn]

GHOST & CO.'s ETA to Old Chicago: [3 Turns]
GHOST & CO.'s ETA to Little Chicago: [3 Turns]
GHOST & CO.'s ETA to Rendezvous Point: [2 Turns]

Travel time from Old Chicago to Little Chicago: [3 Turns]
Travel time from the Rendezvous Point to Little Chicago: [1 Turns]
Travel time from Old Chicago to Rendezvous Point: [2 Turns]

With Amber and Derek's combined experience, bolstered with up to date topography and weather conditions, you can cover more ground. (-1 to travel time this Turn)

Vote 1 said:
Where will you go?
(Choose one.)
[ ] Stay here. There might be something you can do from here. There are still many rooms you've yet to explore, after all. (Spend the next Turn in the radio tower. Significant risk of encountering the Fallen. Secondary vote to follow if chosen, to decide what exactly to do.)
[ ] Head to Old Chicago. There's a reason the Little Chicago scavengers and the Fallen were there. (Spend the next 3 2 Turns traveling to Old Chicago. Minimal risk of encountering the Fallen.)
[ ] Head to the Rendezvous Point. The surviving scavengers might be there, and they'd be sure to help. (Spend the next 2 1 Turn traveling to the Rendezvous Point. Minimal risk of encountering the Fallen.)
[ ] Head straight to Little Chicago. There's no time to waste. You have to warn the villagers. (Spend the next 3 2 Turns traveling to Little Chicago. Moderate risk of encountering the Fallen.)

Vote 2 said:
Suggest a course of action for Amber. (She may refuse.)
(Choose one.)
[ ] Come with you.
[ ] Move separately.
[ ] <Location name> (Choose a location from the above list.)​

Vote 3 said:
Suggest a course of action for Derek. (He may refuse.)
(Choose one.)
[ ] Come with you.
[ ] Move separately.
[ ] <Location name> (Choose a location from the above list.)​

Please format your votes in Plan format, e.g.:
[ ]Plan Lutris
Vote 1
[ ] Head to the Freedom Lounge.
Vote 2
[ ] Go with the flow.
Vote 3
[ ] Refuse to go with the flow.
[ ] Go home instead.​

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -​
Your course of action decided, the three of you prepare to move.

//Amber. Are you scared?// You ask, knowing the answer. She nods, without looking your way. You decide to tell her of the City that you've heard of so much. You don't want to give her false hope - you don't even know if the City is real, but you know that humanity has always needed hope to push forward. Just a little bit - just enough to survive.

//I don't know if knowing this helps you. But know that there is hope.//

//The other Ghosts... they spoke of a City, beneath the Traveler. Safe, protected. A new cradle for mankind. If we make it out of this... if your village makes it out of this...//
You trail off.

A few moments of silence pass. Amber smiles, just a little bit.

"...Fuck that, man. It's still your fault we're getting hit." Derek interjects. Before you can respond, he shoves something at Amber.

"Here. This was Andrew's. It's yours now. Take care of it. Got you some ammo too."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Inventory Changes said:
You have gained:
x1 Up to date and real-time map of Old Chicago and surrounds (100x100 miles)

Amber has gained:
x1 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle
x25 Sniper Rifle Ammo

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
QM's Note
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

So. That happened. I'm uh, alive? Life is now stable! Life is now good! Time to Quest! Also, fuck Gary!

To recap, since it's been so long:

You're a Ghost without a Guardian, before Guardians were a thing, currently in the vicinity of the city of Old Chicago with a girl with a hunting rifle named Amber. You're investigating a broken down radio tower that used to belong to the Great American Empire before the Collapse, and fixed the scanning array to get a detailed, up to date map of the region. But guess what! Fallen pirates! On a ship! Headed right for Little Chicago! Also right at you! Wat do!?

As far as what happened as far as rolls went:

You guys chose to have Amber stick together with Ghost, which helped her to relax and not panic (i.e. 0 chance of panicking). Had she gone alone, she might've spooked when she ran into Derek, though the likelihood that she would have fired her weapon was pretty low (if you guys had brought Harrison, on the other hand...). So Derek's not shot, which let you learn about the rendezvous point and what the scavengers were doing in Old Chicago.

Some notes about mechanics:

Ditching the arbitrary "1 hour between updates" thing. It's too shitty to manage. Instead, I'm using Turns.

Turns are a way for me to keep track of events in-game. Think of them as standardized units of game time.
Regardless of what choice you make, the next update will feature Ghost's next actions. Whether you choose to go to Little Chicago, Old Chicago, wherever, the next update will begin with Ghost arriving at whatever destination you chose. Time will have passed while you traveled however.

I've got the next campaign almost ready to go, so let's get this game rolling again!
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Ninja interlude, away!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

Eramis sat in the Captain's pod at the head of her Skiff, but she was no Captain. She was not some pitiful dreg - she would rather die than be reduced to a two-armed speck once more - but she was also a far ways off from true glory.

Her mask and cape were strewn about the hermetically sealed chamber, while the glowing white of ether scented the air. A number of holographic data screens floated around her, but the projector pods they relied on were old and faulty. A broken line rifle lay in pieces across her meager work bench, waiting to be repaired. Neither the pods nor the rifle could be salvaged. She simply didn't have the parts. But she would make do as she must.

"Return with essence and bounty. House Devils masses." The Priest had commanded her Captain. It had been a task from their Servitor, and good Eliksni would always serve its elucidated purpose. And so they departed from their stronghold and headed towards the sunrise.

The first city they found was across a narrow sea, protected by the thieving dead. Their eight Skiffs had become three. The Captain challenged their champions, filled with purpose and courage. But courage meant death, and death was foolhardy. Eramis assumed command; she was the oldest, and the largest, though in a crew filled with two-armed pests this was not an achievement. They turned away as dregs, and fled across an ocean in search of easy pickings. Her pride bled, but it was better than the alternative.

They passed city after city; some had worthwhile bounty, but other Devils had laid claim on them first, and Eramis was no Captain. She would not challenge her betters. She was no fool.

Eramis breathed in the ether, and it made her more. It permeated her very being, soaking into the deepest parts of her soul and filling her with strength. She would be Captain, one day. She would grow - she would grow large, and strong, and mighty! She would take ships, essence, and glory! She would -

Abruptly, the ether dissipated. There was no more. Eramis chattered in frustration, and cursed her poor fortunes. She tossed her sup aside; it was no use to her empty. Return with essence, and bounty. The directive was clear, and yet all Eramis had found were meager pickings - some salvage, useful only to be rendered down into base components for later use.

Three ships, where they once had eight. Her pride stung. But there would be more cities to raid. She would endure. She would gain glory. The Barons of House Devils would reward her handsomely in the end. Sooner or later, her luck would turn, and so too would she rise the ranks. More ether. More power. But not yet. She turned her attention back to her rifle, to fix it as best as she could. Her lower arms held the frame, and her upper arms her tools. It would function, just as she would, and that was all that was needed. Dreg strength would carry her through.

She sat this way for hours more, working silently. Patience would avail her. Her concentration only broke when the comms crackled. "Eramis." A dreg burbled. It sounded excited. "City ahead. Scans promising. Docks and ships. No Light-Thieves. Orders?"

Eramis smiled.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
QM's Note
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
We currently have 4 unanimous votes - hopefully this Interlude provides some more clues without giving away too much. Let me know if anything's weird or inconsistent - writing from an Eliksni perspective was a new experience for me.

I'll keep the vote open for another 24 hours!
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Vote 1 Results:
Where will you go?
(Choose one.)
[1] Stay here. There might be something you can do from here. There are still many rooms you've yet to explore, after all. (Spend the next Turn in the radio tower. Significant risk of encountering the Fallen. Secondary vote to follow if chosen, to decide what exactly to do.)
[ ] Head to Old Chicago. There's a reason the Little Chicago scavengers and the Fallen were there. (Spend the next 3 2 Turns traveling to Old Chicago. Minimal risk of encountering the Fallen.)
[ ] Head to the Rendezvous Point. The surviving scavengers might be there, and they'd be sure to help. (Spend the next 2 1 Turn traveling to the Rendezvous Point. Minimal risk of encountering the Fallen.)
[3] Head straight to Little Chicago. There's no time to waste. You have to warn the villagers. (Spend the next 3 2 Turns traveling to Little Chicago. Moderate risk of encountering the Fallen.)

Vote 2 Results:
Suggest a course of action for Amber. (She may refuse.)
(Choose one.)
[4] Come with you.
[ ] Move separately.
[ ] <Location name> (Choose a location from the above list.)

Vote 3 Results:
Suggest a course of action for Derek. (He may refuse.)
(Choose one.)
[4] Come with you.
[ ] Move separately.
[ ] <Location name> (Choose a location from the above list.)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

Amber and Derek are skilled navigators and hikers, and make excellent time. With your updated regional scans letting you know which paths were impossible to take, you might as well have traveled in a straight line. Before long, you've returned to the outskirts of the village. Still, your human companions are out of breath as you come up on Little Chicago.

"We made it!" Amber pants out. You don't know if it was you talking to her about the City that gave her a boost, but her voice conveys a sense of optimism. It seems that the Light of the Traveler has favored you today; the Fallen have yet to arrive.

"Thank god..." Derek breathes, and the tension in his shoulders leaves for a moment. But then his muscles bunch up, and his caution returns.

There are just under 100 residents of Little Chicago living within its boundaries. Your companions and Derek's scavengers are the only ones not accounted for. There are a few farmhands out in the fields - you count 12 villagers working the crops. For all that your repair of the village's Plow is what attracted the attention of Fallen raiders (and wasn't it interesting that they were here in the old American Empire, when last you'd heard most of Earth's Fallen population stuck to Old Russia?) you suppose that with the Plow fully operational, fewer farmhands were left defenseless out in the fields. You decide to take that as a silver lining.

The rest of the villagers are working inside the village, either indoors or out in the open. Thankfully, it seems that they'd be able to find shelter quickly.

//The Fallen could be here any minute. Let's go.//

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As you approach the village, Derek fires his rifle into the air a few times - you have to admit that it's definitely attention-grabbing. It doesn't take long for a few startled villagers to come running.

"What's going on?"

"Is that Amber and Derek?"

"There's that Ghost too..."

The villagers seem at a loss.

"Guys!" Amber yells out. "We don't have much time! There's -" Derek cuts her off.

"We have raiders incoming! Fallen! Two ships, at least! NOW GET THE FUCK TO COVER, AND SOMEBODY GRAB RAYMOND AND MARTHA!" He bellows, and fires off another two rounds to make his point.

Well. There's no arguing with results. As the villagers scatter, shouting at everyone else they come across, you and your companions move towards the village square. It only takes a couple of minutes for Raymond to stomp his way to you, screaming orders all the while, rifle in hand and a face reddened with effort. Martha follows close behind, a stony expression plastered firmly in place.

"You kids better be sure 'bout this." Raymond barks. He's not angry; just fearful for his people. You decide to speak up.

//Yes, quite sure. I initiated a scan of the area using the radio tower up north and picked up the signatures of a few ships - most likely Fallen.//

Fixing the Plow may have been the cause for the pirates' attention on Little Chicago. This whole thing might be your fault. Do you admit it?

Vote 1 said:
(Choose one.)
[ ] Come clean.
[ ] Stay silent.

"Well, shit." Raymond sighs.

Martha then turns to Derek. "...Derek, that you? Where's the rest of the scavvers?"

"They fucked us bad, Ma. Hit us in the shipyards. Thought we might find parts for the Plow. Fuck." Derek bites out. "Andrew and Marie are dead, or worse. The rest got away, maybe, but we got separated."

"They'll be alright, son. You'll see." Raymond plants a hefty, reassuring hand on Derek's shoulder. "All right. Call's gone out either way. We're gettin' everyone inside and in their cellars, should be safe underground."

"Everyone who knows how to use a rifle's gone to get their guns. They'll be here soon as they can," Martha says.

It doesn't take long before a group of villagers arrives at the village square. Some are armed with rifles (2d6 = 9), and you see a few shotguns in the mix (2d3 = 6), Harrison among them.

In the distance, you hear the distinct humming roar of Fallen engines. You swivel in midair, and focus your eye on them. Two Skiffs. Without warning, their main guns glow with the bright blue of Arc energy, and let loose a barrage of explosive fire somewhere out in the fields. Screams and agonized cries follow.

//They're here.//

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You can hear the Fallen howl and chitter in the distance as they leap out from their Skiffs. This isn't the first time you've seen Fallen, but you don't think you'll ever get used to them. It's something in the way they move - even though they are a humanoid species, their utterly alien origins and subtly insect-like gait is discomforting, even for a machine intelligence like you.

If you remember correctly, each Skiff can house 24 individuals - hopefully, the ships aren't full. (Roll for total number of Fallen: 48 - 2d6 + 1 = 48 - 9 +1 = 40). All of the Fallen are small in stature, and most are of the two-armed dreg variety, you notice. In fact, only three appear to have four arms.

They open fire on the fleeing villagers. Arc bolts sail through the air almost lazily, but you know that looks are deceiving. Though the vast majority of the village have made it back to relative safety, the 12 farmhands still out in the fields were not so lucky. (Roll for casualties 2d6 = 8)

You count several heavily damaged corpses out in the fields where they stood; they must have died to the initial bombardment. Others lie motionless, dotting the dirt path from the fields back to the village, and appear to have been shot down from behind as they fled.

Of the farmhands, only 4 have made it back to the village unscathed.

"No..." Amber has tears in her eyes, clearly pained by their deaths. It speaks volumes of her strength that she has readied her sniper rifle despite this.

There is no time for grieving however, as it appears that with the fields empty, the Skiffs' cannons turn towards the village itself. Arc energy builds up, and-


Cannon fire thunders nearby. Some people are hit, though thankfully there don't appear to be any deaths. Amber, Harrison, Derek, Martha, and Raymond are unscathed. Those who've been injured seem to have been taken out of commission, however. (1d100 = 27. 1d6 = 6. 1d6 = 3.)

Combat Report said:
9 - 3 = 6 Riflemen remaining!
6 - 3 = 3 Shotgunners remaining!

The disembarked Fallen vanguard advance their position.

"GIVE THOSE FUCKERS HELL! FOR CHICAGO!!" Raymond bellows, and the villagers open fire.

Amber's sniper rifle (DC20, crit 70 = 71) finds its target, killing a dreg and releasing a burst of white light from where its head used to be. Derek (Rifle, +5 skill modifier, DC75, crit95 = 22) misses as his shot goes wide, and he curses loudly.

Raymond and Martha fire their rifles (DC75, crit 95 = 42, 47), but miss.
Player Dice Rolls said:
Let's see how this goes. Please roll for the villagers' volley.

At this distance, regular rifles are [Moderately Accurate], and shotguns are [Inaccurate].

I need 9 dice rolls of 1d100 in total, first come first served. Repeat rolls are allowed, but no doubleposting please. Try to let everyone who wants to roll have a go!

The first 6 dice will roll for Riflemen (DC75 for hits, DC95 for critical hits).
The next 3 will roll for Shotgunners (DC90 for hits, DC100 for critical hits).

To everyone's surprise, Harrison lets loose a wild roar and charges forward with his shotgun.

Harrison's Shotgun Charge said:
Roll for charge success: 1d100+5 (bonus to reckless and attention-grabbing actions from personality), DC70 = 36)
>Charge failed!
Roll 1d100+5 (thresholds: 10critfail, 30, 50, 80crit) = 72

Harrison barrels forward, screaming the entire way - and the Fallen quickly turn their attention towards him. They open fire, and it seems as though he'll be successful for a while as he dodges several shock pistol rounds. The next instant however, he is forced to backpedal when a shock grenade lands near him, and as he hastily turns around. A pistol round finally punches a hole through his leg as he tries to run away., and he yelps in pain. He collapses bleeding profusely, but manages to crawl behind cover.

At this, Amber can't hide her panic.

"HARRISON!" She screams, and it takes Raymond physically holding her back to prevent her from rushing out.

"Goddamn fucking idiot!" Derek curses loudly.

"Harrison! HARRISON! We need to get him!" Amber screams. "Let me go!"

The Fallen, undeterred from their losses, continue to advance. But a small group of 4 individuals splits off from the main force, and falls back. The vanguard continues to advance, while the splinter group heads back towards the field.

They must be heading to secure the Plow, you realize. It's what drew them here to begin with. But there is little guarantee that the raiding party would leave after obtaining it. They're pirates after all, and pirates take everything. In fact, it's exceedingly unlikely that they would.

The defenders are dug into their position, for now. But the Fallen are an even deadlier threat in close quarters, where they can make full use of their Arc-empowered blades. It's only a matter of time before they advance enough to get up close and personal...

Vote 2 said:
Lives are at stake, and they are your FIRST priority (from Ghost's personality). What should you, Amber, and Derek do? Note that Amber and Derek will have their own motivations, and may refuse to comply.
(Choose ONLY one.)

[ ] Join the rest of the defenders and hold position. Over sixty defenseless villagers depend on you! You can't afford to risk any fighters. (Abandon Harrison, Fallen take the Plow)
[ ] Go grab Harrison, then fall back to the defensive line. There aren't many kids in Little Chicago, and he's one of them. He also has a shotgun that could be extremely useful. (Significant risk to you and your party. Fallen take the Plow.)
[ ] Sneak away and go for the Plow. It'll distract the Fallen, giving the villagers an advantage - and you might deny them their objective. (Some risk to you and your party. Abandon Harrison.)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
QM's Note
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So, first Turn of the Battle for Little Chicago! Please discuss your options - I'm around to answer questions.

Vote 1 will affect the opinions of any survivors after the Battle. Vote 2 has a direct effect towards the outcome of the Battle - people can and will die, so choose carefully. Don't forget to make a dice roll!

As a sidenote, Eramis is not personally involved in the battle yet. Make of that what you will!

I'll close the vote once all dice rolls have been made, and there is a clear consensus with 7+ votes. Or when the weekend rolls around, whichever comes first.
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Vote Results said:

Vote 1:
(Choose one.)
[5] Come clean.
[0] Stay silent.

Vote 2:
Lives are at stake, and they are your FIRST priority (from Ghost's personality). What should you, Amber, and Derek do? Note that Amber and Derek will have their own motivations, and may refuse to comply.
(Choose ONLY one.)

[0] Join the rest of the defenders and hold position. Over sixty defenseless villagers depend on you! You can't afford to risk any fighters. (Abandon Harrison, Fallen take the Plow)
[0] Go grab Harrison, then fall back to the defensive line. There aren't many kids in Little Chicago, and he's one of them. He also has a shotgun that could be extremely useful. (Significant risk to you and your party. Fallen take the Plow.)

[5] Sneak away and go for the Plow. It'll distract the Fallen, giving the villagers an advantage - and you might deny them their objective. (Some risk to you and your party. Abandon Harrison.)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

Villager Defense Rolls said:
28, 88, 6, 24, 60, 88 = 2 hits, no lucky kills.
78, 73, 72 = 0 hits, no lucky kills.

The villagers' volley missed wildly. It was a desperate defense, undertaken by untrained farmers. Of course they would miss. Still, it was fortunate that two of the villagers with rifles managed to land their shots. In the distance, you see their victims - a pair of dregs - screeching in pain, and being dragged to the Fallen rear line by their compatriots.

They're not dead, but at least they're out of commission. For now.

More pressing is Harrison - he's still out there, hiding behind a stack of conveniently placed boxes and bleeding from the leg.

"Help!" He's still healthy enough to scream, panic now setting in after his rash action. "I can't... I can't get up! Help!"

Amber is still being restrained by Raymond, but kicks and screams as she tries to break free. "We have to go! Let me go! Harrison! HARRISON!"

//Amber.// You float over. //We can't risk it. He's too far out.//

No, no! It's Harrison! We can't leave him out there! We have to... I have to go!" She bucks against Raymond's strong arms.

"The Ghost's right, Amber." Derek chimes in. "There's too many of them - we'd just be cut down."


//The Plow.// You interrupt her. //The Fallen are here because I fixed the Plow - it's technology from the Golden Age, from before. We need to go after it.//

Amber remains silent.

//If they manage to figure it out - and they will - it could mean a surge of Fallen. We can't let that happen.//

//We have to separate from the main defense here. Try and cut off the Fallen moving the Plow. They're not moving that quickly - as long as we avoid detection, we should be able to stop them.//

//Will you help me, Amber?//
(DC70 = 98)


"Amber. Listen to the Ghost, y'hear? You leave Harrison to us." Raymond gently releases her.

"...Okay." She mumbles, then shakes her head. "But if he's not safe when I get back..."

"Don't you worry about a thing, child. He's a child of this village, just like you. " Martha affirms.

Derek takes a potshot at the Fallen, then grunts (DC40 = 51) "All right, you've convinced me, Ghost. What's the plan?"

//Well, there's plenty of cover. We just need to sneak off and avoid detection, and we need to be quick.//

Then what're we waiting for?"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

The villagers let out a ragged battle cry and let loose another coordinated volley as you, Amber, and Derek break off from the defense and begin making your way towards the fields. (1d100+10 (from Ghost) +5 (from Amber), DC70 = 112)

The three of you manage to completely avoid detection while you duck and hide behind the shacks and cabins that comprise Little Chicago. It appears that the village's defenders are putting up a ferocious fight and the Fallen can't afford to divide their attention. Whatever the reason for your good fortune, you quickly find yourselves at the fields.

"Look." Amber whispers. She looks through her sniper rifle's scope, then points to some figures in the distance. Now that she's had a few minutes to calm down and focus, it seems that her worry for Harrison has been channeled into determination to complete your mission. "There they are."

There is no cover on the field, and the Fallen are too absorbed in their work to notice you just yet. They're gathered around the Plow, but appear to not be ready to transport it yet - the only one standing guard is a four-armed Vandal with a large rifle in hand.

There are 4 Dregs, armed with Shock Pistols, and 1 Vandal, armed with a Line Rifle. Two of the Dregs are occupied with preparing the Plow for transport. The other two are standing guard, but are distracted.

None of them have noticed you.

Battle Conditions said:
At this range, Amber's sniper rifle is [Very Accurate] (DC30 for a hit, DC50 for a disabling hit, DC70 for a kill). Derek's hunting rifle is [Accurate] (DC50 for a hit, DC70 for a disabling hit, DC90 for a kill.

"We won't have a better chance at this. Amber, take the shot." Derek suggests, as he readies his own rifle.

"Ghost?" She whispers, asking for your opinion.

Vote 1 said:
Which target should Amber aim for?
(Choose one.)
[ ] The Vandal.
[ ] One of the Dregs standing guard.
[ ] One of the Dregs preparing the Plow.
[ ] Write-in.

Vote 2 said:
Which target should Derek aim for?
(Choose one.)
[ ] The Vandal.
[ ] One of the Dregs standing guard.
[ ] One of the Dregs preparing the Plow.
[ ] Write-in.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
QM's Note
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

Man. These rolls. Sneak for the win!

Vote open for a day or so. I might get busy tomorrow though, so the update might take a bit longer.
Sorry to keep you guys waiting! Was a busy week. Also, didn't bother formatting the vote tally as it's unanimous.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[0.9] THE BEGINNING IX [Ghost]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

"Take the shot." Derek breathes, and Amber obliges. She slows her breathing and gradually stills to until you swear she's turned into a living statue. An instant passes.


Amber's sniper rifle thunders. In the distance, the four-armed Vandal seems to twitch as if it noticed the gunshot. But this could just be a trick of the light. You'll never know the answer, and nor do you care to, as in the next instant the sniper round finds its target (1d100+5 sneak bonus = 98). The Fallen pirate's head disappears and explodes into a font of glowing white gas without ever getting the chance to return fire. The gas – ether - bursts into the air from the base of what used to be its neck. Headless, the Vandal collapses in a heap, its red cape crumpled and its line rifle still loosely held in dead fingers.

The remaining Fallen scream their terrible, high-pitched screams, sounding somewhere between starving coyote and strangled cat. Them being Dregs, none of them can quite manage a roar, but the effect is chilling nonetheless. At least it would have been, had Derek not immediately followed Amber's kill up with a smart shot (1d100+5 = 81) that tears through the shoulder of one of the scrambling raiders. The dreg's arm falls limp to its side, and this time its screams are of agony.

"That's for Harrison!" Amber triumphantly yells. You might've been worried that she would be preoccupied with her successful kill, but she's already ejected the old bullet casing and slotting in a new one.

//Good shot.// You comment, approval finding its way into your voice.

"Good? That was fucking awesome." Derek lets out a bark of laughter. He's right – the shot was rather spectacular. "We've got this."

Amber beams.

Meanwhile, the Dregs – minus the one that Derek shot - have somewhat regained their bearing. Even losing their nominal leader hasn't shaken them for long. Ignoring their sniveling companion as it rolls around on the ground screeching in pain, they hop to it. Of the remaining three Dregs, two start firing upon your position the instant their shock pistols can be drawn, but at this range the Arc weapons aren't terribly accurate. One of the energized bullets comes dangerously close and whizzes by you, but neither of the Dregs can land a shot (1d100 x2 = 67, 4).

A small explosion of Arc energy alerts you to the fact that one of their pistols has apparently exploded – and it's taken the hands of the Dreg holding it with it.

"Get them while they're down!" Seizing the opportunity, Derek turns his gaze down the sights of his rifle and takes aim. He opens fire once more, and Amber follows suit (1d100+5 from aiming at downed targets. A = 90, D = 43). Amazingly, Amber's rifle finds its target yet again. The deafening sound of her rifle is accompanied by another burst of ether as the downed Dreg with a shoulder wound is put down for good – its head turned to alien mush. Derek isn't as lucky as Amber however, and his shot ends up being a near miss.

The remaining Dregs are still extremely rattled from their casualties. They've dwindled in number in what must have only been a minute or so, going from five pirates – one Vandal and four Dregs – down to two Dregs who can actually fight, and one with a ruined pair of hands. Panic apparently sets in, and the Dregs screech in fear.

They flee, running back towards their Skiff. Their injured comrade – and the Plow - lie abandoned nearby.

//Well. There they go.// You intone, unable to hide some of the good cheer your successful assault has brought about. You turn towards your companions. Derek has relaxed somewhat, but Amber still has a focused look about her. Unbidden, Amber slots a new round into the chamber of her rifle, and takes careful aim at the fleeing pirates.

She fires (1d100=58). A fleeing Dreg screeches as its foot is shot out from under it. She quickly reloads, and fires again (1d100=72), and its friend loses its head.

"…Remind me to never piss you off." Derek mumbles.

"What?" Amber turns to face him, a quizzical look on her face. She reloads, without breaking eye contact. "They were gonna get away. Besides, why would I be angry at you? You're not the one who shot Harri." She continues, oblivious to Derek's suddenly squeamish smile.

You turn your gaze towards the Plow, and the two Skiffs floating in the air above it. You initiate an active scan of the area, and there doesn't appear to be much of an enemy presence left on either Skiff, though their shielding means you don't get much more than that. You'd be right to suspect that the Fallen have another trick up their sleeves – they're clever devils – but still, it's actionable intel. The scan also reveals that a pack of Fallen have broken off of the main group besieging the villagers, and is heading in your direction.

//We need to secure the Plow before more Fallen arrive. They're on their way right now.// You remind the pair, and float off. //Let's move up.//

The three of you advance. Derek, as if to compensate for his earlier miss, puts a bullet in each of the injured dregs' skulls as you walk past.

It's not pretty, but survival comes first.

The Plow rests on freshly tilled soil. It's big, shiny, and white, but blemished by streaks of dirt and a few splatters of Fallen body fluids. Still, it gives off a comforting sense in the Light. You take a moment to touch its Light, and you get the distinct impression that it is a kind soul, devoted to helping others grow and thrive. You would like to take the time to interface with it later – when you were fixing it, you were only trying to restore it to what were effectively 'factory settings' – but there must be decades, maybe even centuries' worth of data logs remaining inside it. Perhaps even of the Golden Age, if you were lucky.

But it's also a machine that could be made volatile, given its heavy use of Light. If you were to set up a cascading failure in its inner workings…

Wrapped around the Plow is a net woven of the plasteel cords that the Fallen favor. The net, though resting comfortably around the Plow, appears to be unsecured. Your sneak attack must have meant that the Fallen couldn't finish their preparations. A blinking light secured to the net catches your eye, and you glide around to get a better look.

It's a transmat harness. Of course. It must have been the only way they could transport the Plow, due to its size. You look up at the Skiff – yes, there was no way they were going to be able to fit the Plow into the ship through any of the openings along its underside, or anywhere else. The incomplete preparations on the part of the Fallen means that there's little stopping you from simply asking the harness' operating system to fork over sensitive information, and it doesn't take long for you to gain what amounts to a guest password for the systems that the transmat harness is patched into.

Namely, the Skiff right above you.

It would only take a minute or so to force your way into the Skiff's systems. You're suddenly reminded of the third ship that your scan at Signal Relay 3 revealed. If it's on its way…

The shrieking cacophony of Fallen cries marks the arrival of more of the pirates, as a gaggle of Dregs come rushing out of the village's main road. Shock rounds come flying your way, their impacts leaving scorched pits in the ground around you.

Another Fallen warcry sounds from the other Skiff, and a Vandal – clearly larger than the one Amber killed – leaps off of the ship, a pair of three-foot long shock blades in two of its hands, and a line rifle secured to its back.

"Shit!" Derek swears, and slides behind the cover that the Plow provides. He begins laying down cover fire. "Now would be a good time for you to do something!"

"You better do it quick, whatever you're gonna do!" Amber yells, and aims down at the group of Dregs coming up the field.

Vote said:
You only have a few seconds to decide. What will you do?
(Choose 3.)
[ ] Transmat the Plow onto the Skiff.
[ ] Convince the Plow to self-destruct. (Counts as two actions)
[ ] Transmat yourself onto the Skiff.
[ ] Transmat Amber onto the Skiff.
[ ] Transmat Derek onto the Skiff.
[ ] Activate the Skiff's guns.

[ ] Shoot at the Dregs. (Counts as a second action)
[ ] Shoot the Vandal. (Counts as a second action)
[ ] Run. The treeline isn't too far away.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
QM's Note
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Had some difficulty writing this one. The words kept feeling mechanical and flat as I was writing it.

Anyway, according to the dice gods, apparently all the villagers suck at shooting but Amber is a fucking ace. Jesus, man. For the vote, I'll just take the three options with the highest number of votes, so don't worry about plans and such. If there are conflicts, I'll take the most sensible combination, so don't worry too much about that either!

As always, feedback and commentary is much encouraged. Also, question-asking!
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