[x] Plan: This will be the day
-[X] First Block: Meeting with Adaptionists: trying to check who is doing what and which solutions are not mutually exclusive, seeing who is the leading voice among us and if there isn't one, try to become one if only so other factions may see adaption and teamwork between different ideas as something that can be done, try to gather information about their general situation. Ask about their general opinions of Major Craftworlds and other factions. Be cordial and respectful.
-[X] Second Block: Meet Survivalists, try to get to know them and leave a good impression, and talk about the possibility of using the fact that this is the biggest gathering of Aeldari since the fall to form multiparty committees to deal with a few universal problems that lessen the chances of survival of Aeldari (Seers, scarcity, and need for new/adapted war doctrines, among others). If a topic comes up, get their opinion on other Craftworlds of note and who could be beneficial to the committees.
-[X] Third Block: Meet Saim-Hann & Exodites & the Conservationists, give them the respect they deserve, see how the fall impacted them, how they are adapting their plans with most of the gods' dead, try to have a pleasant last meeting, gather their opinions of notable craftworlds and their general plans for the moot, give Saim-Hann a forewarning that we probably will try talking with Iyanden about Biel-Tan being an asshole relatively soon.
[X] Plan: Plan for the Future
-[X] First Block: Meet with the Adaptionists
--[X] Try to forge a united front and a somewhat coherent faction about what we agree on.
--[X] Promise vindication for their views, and hint at hope, despite the situation.
--[X] Inquire about their current situation, and offer help.
--[X] Compare notes about their plans
-[X] Second Block: Meet Ulthwe
--[X] Ask about how they would go about how they would go about marshalling the other craftworlds against the Great Enemy.
--[X] Ensure that Eldrad and Draylin have time to talk shop.
-[X] Third Block: Meet Saim-Hann
--[X] Discuss keeping our people (spacebound and planetbound) safe.
--[X] Could they see a coalition of independent craftworlds and planets working out?
[x] Plan Friends Come First
-[x] First Block: Assemble the Adaptionists. Agenda: get to know them better, show off our bling and allies, establish ourselves as the faction thought leaders.
-[x] Second Block: Meet Durran Fellwinter of Samm-Hain. Agenda: affirm them as the favorite Major Craftworld for us, find out what it'd take for them to enter a mutual defense pact.
-[x] Third Block: Keep a slot open for people who are our friends or want to be our friends. If Harlequins want to take this slot of shove someone in this slot, prioritize them. Agenda: let's find out how we can help each other
[X] Plan Cordial Exchanges and Laying Groundwork.
-[X] Block 1 : Meet with Iyanden. discuss mutual interests and the effects of the fall. discuss Soul Stones and share the viewpoints of a forgemaster and Seerlord. Discuss the aversion of Meros's doom and difficulties since the fall, as well as how you've overcome them.
-[X] Block 2 : Meet with the Adaptionists and Radicals. Identify craftworlds and individuals of significance among their number. find points of common ground and try to convince them of the importance of cooperation and maintaining contact for the sake of information sharing. Introduce Irsfeial and hint at promising news to come.
-[X] Block 3 : Meet with Saim-han and their exodite allies. greet them cordially and respectfully before inquiring how things have gone for them since the fall, relaying your own difficulties and triumphs. discuss common ground they share with some of the other factions and the possibility of mutually beneficial cooperation. Invite the warriors among their group to visit the shrine of last hour should they find the time.