Easy, Medium, or Hard?

  • Easy

    Votes: 9 52.9%
  • Medium

    Votes: 5 29.4%
  • Hard

    Votes: 3 17.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
[X] Send Carme after the Alchemist
[X] Flor - Make more venom.
[X] Carme - Investigate and find a library (opens up these options)
-[X]Investigate the legal bureaucracy
--[X] Especially how to get a shop
[X] Oriol - Investigate basic Demon types, especially the ones in the area
[X] Narcis - Investigate the terrain
[X] Pere - Scavenge materials from the nonhuman dumps- maybe wood or some other materials (possibly weapons or makeshift shelter) can be found?
[X] Send Carme after the Alchemist
[X] Flor - Make more venom.
[X] Carme - Investigate and find a library (opens up these options)
-[X]Investigate the legal bureaucracy
--[X] Especially how to get a shop
[X] Oriol - Investigate basic Demon types, especially the ones in the area
[X] Narcis - Investigate the terrain
[X] Pere - Scavenge materials from the nonhuman dumps- maybe wood or some other materials (possibly weapons or makeshift shelter) can be found?

I have Nothing to add So I wil bandwagon
Vote locked.
  1. [X] Send Carme after the Alchemist
    Number of voters: 6
    veekie, Tew, Orisha91, Dylan Bailey,Plasmid, Lizard Knight
  2. [X] Flor - Make more venom.
    Number of voters: 6
    veekie, Tew, Orisha91, Dylan Bailey,Plasmid, Lizard Knight
  3. [X] Carme - Investigate and find a library (opens up these options)
    Number of voters: 6
    veekie, Tew, Orisha91, Dylan Bailey,Plasmid, Lizard Knight
  4. -[X]Investigate the legal bureaucracy
    Number of voters: 6
    veekie, Tew, Orisha91, Dylan Bailey,Plasmid, Lizard Knight
  5. --[X] Especially how to get a shop
    Number of voters: 6
    veekie, Tew, Orisha91, Dylan Bailey,Plasmid, Lizard Knight
  6. [X] Oriol - Investigate basic Demon types, especially the ones in the area
    Number of voters: 6
    veekie, Tew, Orisha91, Dylan Bailey,Plasmid, Lizard Knight
  7. [X] Narcis - Investigate the terrain
    Number of voters: 6
    veekie, Tew, Orisha91, Dylan Bailey,Plasmid, Lizard Knight
  8. [X] Pere - Scavenge materials from the nonhuman dumps- maybe wood or some other materials (possibly weapons or makeshift shelter) can be found?
    Number of voters: 6
    veekie, Tew, Orisha91, Dylan Bailey,Plasmid, Lizard Knight
Small personal emergency; may have to delay until Monday. Unsure as to which, but will know by the end of the day, and will post again if the situation changes.

Monday is still the latest I will post.

Personal emergency over, although I'm a bit tired. I should be able to post on Sunday.

New and more realistic edit: I am not announcing a set time to finish writing by anymore. Even when I try to plan for the planning fallacy, reality has shown an ability and a willingness to kick me in the teeth. I have no intention of giving up on this quest, and I'll try to finish before the week is up, but no more promises. This isn't getting embarrassing, it started there, and I need to grow up and accept my fallibility. I apologize if my newest failure affected you negatively in any way.
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Good news! Next post should be out by next Thursday, at the very latest. I'm aiming for this Th, and was aiming for last Tuesday, but Stuff Came Up. As it is, though, ADiY is kicking off again!
boo600 threw 12 20-faced dice. Reason: ADiY Reincarnation! Total: 136
11 11 10 10 2 2 4 4 8 8 11 11 15 15 10 10 20 20 11 11 16 16 18 18
Partial. Will release more continuously.

[X] Send Carme after the Alchemist

[X] Flor - Make more venom.
[X] Carme - Investigate and find a library (opens up these options)
-[X]Investigate the legal bureaucracy
--[X] Especially how to get a shop
[X] Oriol - Investigate basic Demon types, especially the ones in the area
[X] Narcis - Investigate the terrain
[X] Pere - Scavenge materials from the nonhuman dumps- maybe wood or some other materials (possibly weapons or makeshift shelter) can be found?


As the Alchemist strolls through the marketplace, Carme slips into the shadows. The little Dimoniet wasn't nearly as stealthy as he would have liked to be, but the feet of a scorpion don't make enough noise to overcome the sound of a Demonic Marketplace, and he was fast enough to complete his Master's orders...


Paernult sighed as yet another Adstatus attempted to eat him. Even if the marketplace was vaguely crowded, such a breach of peace might be looked at as an attack-by-patsy from one of the rival Lords controlling this city, and the truce was far to important to the Lords for them to allow such an insult to stand. Stretching as best as he could within the sinew of the Flesh Golem, he wondered if the stupid thing felt any pain when his Nematomas knocked it to the ground. Maybe there was something going on here...

"????سيد، أليس من الغريب أن القانون قد تم كسره ثلاثة عشر مرة اليوم في خمس عشرة دقيقة، ومع ذلك لم يظهر أي مفهرس؟

"Yes, yes, this is highly irregular. Still, if our master had offended someone powerful enough to get around the alliance, we would not be attacked by mere Adstati. Certainly, it would not be one at a time. We wo- oh." The absent-minded AHG fished out a small crystal tree. "So that's what Nga'sklen meant when he said' "It will inspire desire in sins demons are not foolish enough to indulge! My word, you'd think he could've been clearer. Still, this shouldn't work with named Demons, even a specific breed..."

Talk Later. While Such A Great Artifact Shows Potential, We Are Still Being Followed By A Possible Spy.

he. is. merely. a. talent. scout. for. a. more. beneficial. party. let. us. commence. with. contact. once. he. introduces. himself.

Overall, Paernult was inclined to listen to his Nematomas. The whole point of having the stony little guys was their advice; any bodyguarding capacity they offered was merely a bonus he'd managed to add from the research of Klah'Gas the Dementedly Singing (some Lords insisted on the strangest titles).

ADiY Reincarnation: Luck 2+14, Difficulty 17

However, he'd almost reached the alley where he was supposed to meet his "official" Ykeeth bodyguard (who obviously couldn't enter the marketplace without breaking the peace treaty), and he just plain didn't need to get attacked by an aggrieved messenger infuriated by casual dismissal- he couldn't possibly leave Therklados' service yet! He'd just started on the Thyleronian Growth Formula, and with the venom he'd purchased, he could figure out how to create food for an entirely new creature!

"No," he decided. "I should probably get on with work. After all, Therklados is quite impatient when it comes to projects that are this important, and I shouldn't need any more venom for quite a while."

if. you. believe. it. to. be. a. wise. decision. then. do. so.

Paernult shrugged, and continued towards his destination.


Carme was pleased. The alleyway the AFG had gone into was largely empty, which meant it would likely be easier to make contact once something interesting had been observed. Of course, if there weren't many Demons about, there probably wasn't a publicly known portal in the area- but as long as the ascended human wasn't here to use some sort of magic item, some knowledge seemed inevitable- although hoping for a secret portal seemed overly optimistic.
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