A cyborg in the Wasteland [Fallout] [Self-insert]

Fair enough. When I read "the Institute" I thought it was something AT the Institute, not something FROM the Institute. Maybe replace that with "the synth component" to make it clearer?
Okay, I changed it to:

The suits were interesting. They used technology to, through electrical induction, interact with the all the nerves inside your body. It was similar to the Institute brain-computer that she had discovered in the body of the synth woman Natalie. It was interesting, but it was also kind of a stupid and dead-end technology. VR in her past life started in similar methods, but why would you wear a suit when a simple brain interface can render fully immersive virtual worlds to include sight, sound, smell, and taste?
Lily: Yeah... how do I tell you that you are too late?
It's a chance for her to practice her stealthy diplomacy, which she's so good at. Probably 'lose' a space drone plan in the hopes he'll build them snd deplete the antisat weapons, but also bake a recording into the firmware by mistake that is just twenty minutes of Lily muttering about how stupid his OS is and how ugly his moustache is.

Diplomacy between them would be funny if only because they're both divinely convinced they're smarter, and would both have wildly mistaken assumptions about the other. Shit, if they end up with a diplomatic relationship he'd probably pay her to deal with the NCR by remote. Wants no progress and a frustrated NCR? Here's a specialist. It'd be infuriating for them.
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Does Lily remember the Mothership Zeta DLC? Because the Postapocalyptic Jesus managed to take it practically on their own and, at the end, turned it into their private base and spaceship. Obviously, that didn't mean much due to game limitations, but you'd think a chance to get a fully operational alien mothership and all of its tech (as well as an emergency base that nobody on Earth could reach) would be of great interest. And wouldn't you know? There's a handy-dandy signal that is supposed to be sent when it arrives.
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Does Lily remember the Mothership Zeta DLC? Because the Postapocalyptic Jesus managed to take it practically on their own and, at the end, turned it into their private base and spaceship. Obviously, that didn't mean much due to game limitations, but you'd think a chance to get a fully operational alien mothership and all of its tech (as well as an emergency base that nobody on Earth could reach) would be of great interest. And wouldn't you know? There's a handy-dandy signal that is supposed to be sent when it arrives.
Yes. She's a little concerned about the aliens though, judging from her experience with Psyker-Gary, but she would definitely like her own space yacht.
Dr.house in new Vegas is quite simply too smart for his own good. Capitalist dictatorship operates in the same way an objectivistic Republic does. By focusing on an economy first ideology with gross assumption that everything would operate better has no idea the depths of greed that mentality involves.

Both paradigms function on the assumption that humans act as a quantifiable variable that is easy to plug in to an algorithm. People, by their very nature, are far too complex for something so simplistic. Capitalistic based governments reward profits directly, not innovation like dr.house and Andrew Ryan seam to think.

Communism is similar in that it rewards loyalty directly and not the collective good. Democracy rewards rhetoric directly rather than public service.

However, it is usually hybrid systems that have the ability to adapt that work as governments. This is predicated upon said hybrid system take the better aspect of many forms of government in order to make the best possible situational policy for the citizens of all economic statuses, and the services provided by the governmental entities, such as police, military, health, welfare, infrastructure, and emergency response.

Otherwise, you are putting so many eggs in one basket and then justifying why you have to break everyone of them because your ideology omelet is more important than the eggs you are supposed to care about.

Ohhhh...damn it. I did it again. Fuck socio-political science! It is like a PTSD flash back.
She directed a question to her muse: [Does that voice pattern, cadence and speech pattern match any previously recorded samples?]

[Affirmitive. 95% match to Robert Edwin House, PhD.]

Dr House?!
Lily be like: "Husbando?!" Vegas aside, seed vault is quite a catch. Was expecting, you know, plant seeds, but animals too? Hell, won't be surprised if there's a GECK or few in there
Lily NEEDS to get her New Vegas memories back, and soon! There's... a lot of interesting shit all over that gamespace.

Also her memories of reading through the proposed plotline of Van Buren, and the various attempts to remake it in other engines that the other her presumably played! Lots of space stuff there!
Yay an update! This fic is on the shortlist of stories that make me happy when it updates! I also agree with krahe. No need for deus ex info out of nowhere. She has a fairly strong foundation plus some decent plans going forward. Let her find her own way. Just saying.
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Lily need to discover stuff herself in an organic story way and not being granted knowledge out of nowhere. She has her tech and a solid foundation under her that she built over the fic, she does not need no deus ex machina
I tend to agree with this perspective. Memories of the world you've been isekaied to is an immense advantage. That can be a useful and interesting "golden finger" from time to time but it has the risk of turning the story in a list of check boxes, in some way. Lily already has such impressive advantages including close to automated manufacturing, including automated resource gathering, and potentially global reach eventually once she reaches orbit that it is better that she just goes in blind for everything else in Fallout.

Lily NEEDS to get her New Vegas memories back, and soon! There's... a lot of interesting shit all over that gamespace.

Also her memories of reading through the proposed plotline of Van Buren, and the various attempts to remake it in other engines that the other her presumably played! Lots of space stuff there!
She should be able to find most everything just from using her brain and the records available in DC, like Repconn's locations and similar things. But a lot of that she might not even be TOO interested in. She wouldn't really be too interested in the Flash Gordon looking rocket ships REPCONN has, unless she can find a crashed alien ship she'd probably just rather continue her own space development.
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All caught up now. Which is good and bad.

Had Mandy just selected the highest grade perk available on the list?

Is that really the first time we've seen the name of the "first set" of memories? I don't recall seeing it before, and I binged the story.

Also... I hate to put it this bluntly, but the last few chapters have been significantly less interesting than the prior ones. A time skip was absolutely necessary, but watching Lily deal with government issues and large-scale alliances is not all that much more fun for me to read than it is for her to have to do it. Macro-economics isn't what I read scifi for!

I know it can't stay a story of one woman doing daring raids on vaults or whatever, and tech buildups tend to be exponential, but hopefully the larger scale stuff can be more interesting than it has been so far. Up until the time skip I'd give the story probably 8.5/10, but after it's varied from 6-7.

I think Lily needs another major goal. The VSS building raid was her main goal from the start of the story, but right after she did it there was the time skip and the focus has been missing since then. What's her next big goal? What's the threat that keeps it from being easy?

At this point she already has almost all the tech and infrastructure that she wanted, so it feels like the story has gone from Fallout to Sim City, and I never liked those games. MC needs something to strive for, and at the moment I don't know what that is because I'm not sure even she does. She has all the tech she needs RIGHT NOW to nuke the shit out of Raven Rock, so not even that can be the next big challenge. She's on par by herself with any of the major factions one usually sees in Fallout games, and superior to most, so where can the story go from here? You've mostly negated the plot of Fallout 3, since it wouldn't take much effort for Lily to finish Project Purity in her spare time. Just taking over and/or fixing more of the world isn't really all that exciting, and anything that can actually threaten her can also insta-kill her (e.g. cruise missiles, alien mind control, etc.), which leaves the story in a really weird place. I hope you have a plan where to go from here.
This may be ridiculous sounding considering my fondness for the main character, but is Dr House trustworthy? I know nothing about him besides someone in comments mentioning narcissistic tendencies, which I know tend to cause hypocrisy and blindness towards reality not fitting their views
Mr. House is stuck-up, stuck in his ways, and and always thinks he is the smartest man in the room. The worst part is that he is right, as he is basically the Fallout equivalent of Tony Stark or Reed Richards. Dude basically invented, or at least reinvented, the household robotics industry, and the OS he made when he was a TEENAGER is used in literally every terminal, robot, and other computerized device in every game. Seriously, the floating brains in the Big MT use RoboCo OS.
All caught up now. Which is good and bad.

Is that really the first time we've seen the name of the "first set" of memories? I don't recall seeing it before, and I binged the story.

At this point she already has almost all the tech and infrastructure that she wanted, so it feels like the story has gone from Fallout to Sim City, and I never liked those games. MC needs something to strive for, and at the moment I don't know what that is because I'm not sure even she does. She has all the tech she needs RIGHT NOW to nuke the shit out of Raven Rock, so not even that can be the next big challenge. She's on par by herself with any of the major factions one usually sees in Fallout games, and superior to most, so where can the story go from here? You've mostly negated the plot of Fallout 3, since it wouldn't take much effort for Lily to finish Project Purity in her spare time. Just taking over and/or fixing more of the world isn't really all that exciting, and anything that can actually threaten her can also insta-kill her (e.g. cruise missiles, alien mind control, etc.), which leaves the story in a really weird place. I hope you have a plan where to go from here.
This is a pretty fair criticism. I've had a rough outline of the entire plot of the story since about chapter 25 or so, but this is definitely an issue with some of the tension at this phase. There doesn't specifically NEED to be high tension at every phase of the story, but I do take your meaning, generally speaking at this phase in a story (3/4 done or so) the tension would be racheting up not the latter.
I never understood why people complain when the story evolves beyond personal violence beeing the only source of entertainment.

Because clearly the only thing a protagonist in a fallout universe, with goals of transhumanism and rebuilding civilization needs is someone to play fisticuffs with.

Because the only conflict and goals to overcome and strive forwards in a story are defeating their superior opponent harder again the odds.

Oh no, John Snow found a lightsaber, quick, give the night king a death star before the story gets boring.

Sigh, sarcasm aside, I enjoy how this story is evolving and how it is triggering PTSD in polsci graduates.

There is plenty of places to explore and attend to and just her giving House or Cesar conniptions would allow for dozens of chapters of my personal enjoyment. Heck, I really want to see the traditional snake politicians in NCR trying to even comprehend what she is doing.

I like how Lilly is their equivalent or superior intellect, without being a douche bag like those two are.

Even if I see why Cesar resorts to crude sledgehammer psychology and why House is resigned to playing civ: New Vegas from his corpsicle basement with whatever factions spawned in.
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I like how Lilly is their equivalent or superior intellect, without being a douche bag like those two are.
I mean, Lily is a douche. She will kill you, plan to kill you or disappear you the moment you become a threat to her plans, it's just was not an issue for readers so far because her targets were: insane clones, giant ants, raiders, a british, mercs and a bunch of egocentric techno barbarians
Because the only conflict and goals to overcome and strive forwards in a story are defeating their superior opponent harder again the odds.

No... but if there is any conflict or goal currently or anything to overcome and strive towards, I don't see what it is. It doesn't have to be yet another face to punch or Gary to murder, but right now there are no actual conflicts or goals present. Lily has won! As far as I can see, the story's over, with every credible threat being fairly negligible to her current power base. Everything Lily was striving towards is hers now and quite a bit more, so what's left?

Once a story runs out of conflict and goals, all that's left is "and then s/he won EVEN MOAR" and that's dull. Far too many Game of Thrones SI fics go that way, with the MC starting out slowly and then "modernizing" Westeros entirely, curb-stomping everyone in their way with superior tech/magic/etc... and then just doing more of that because the author doesn't know when to stop. Which is why I hope that the author of this story has a plan to add new believable goals soon, with threats or conflicts that get in the way, ones that require the MC to actually struggle and even fail rather than "and then she printed out 50 gazillion more heavily armed robots and terraformed the entire galaxy", because that's what it looks like it's heading toward. It's difficult to write believable conflict for a wildly OP character, but "win more" isn't a plot.
I enjoy that she managed to transition from the accumulation of personal power to state power. We were there every step of way. I don't mind the current building up phase, I enjoy reading the rebuilding of civilization.

I assumed the scope will slowly change towards geopolitics. Not everything needs to have a grim derp villain where nothing will get better.
I enjoy that she managed to transition from the accumulation of personal power to state power. We were there every step of way. I don't mind the current building up phase, I enjoy reading the rebuilding of civilization.

I assumed the scope will slowly change towards geopolitics. Not everything needs to have a grim derp villain where nothing will get better.
Geopolitics is definitely where this story is heading, probably with some alien-allied international alliance that the Enclave is just one member of, and is the one maintaining the anti-orbital system and making sure things stay fucked up, as the final villain. We also have hints of a potential multiverse, so we could have Lily exploring other worlds, learning new technologies, discovering and sciencing the shit out of magic, and even uncovering the mysteries of the soul and what happened to MeiMei and Mandy to produce Lily.
Geopolitics is definitely where this story is heading, probably with some alien-allied international alliance that the Enclave is just one member of, and is the one maintaining the anti-orbital system and making sure things stay fucked up, as the final villain. We also have hints of a potential multiverse, so we could have Lily exploring other worlds, learning new technologies, discovering and sciencing the shit out of magic, and even uncovering the mysteries of the soul and what happened to MeiMei and Mandy to produce Lily.
The Enclave are genocidal, fascist monsters with a bunch of WMDs. Coexistence with them is essentially impossible.
The Enclave are genocidal, fascist monsters with a bunch of WMDs. Coexistence with them is essentially impossible.
I mean, Autumn wanted water purifier as a soft power to his power armored hard power and generally didn't had much qualms with shooting people that are not 'his' people, a tribal way of thinking, which, honestly, follow most factions in the Wasteland. It's Eden who was crazy and genocidal