[X] Topic: Ask about what history he knows of for his homeworld, and for any similarity to the worlds he has seen.
More Talky With Trobror
"Well yes, I would assume as much from your bulk and stature." You point out, gesturing to his towering form. Even out of his armor, the Krogan was more massive than all but the burliest of Nords and even they didn't have a large hump on their backs. "If someone was foolish enough to hire you for a task related to stealth, they should be prepared to be disappointed."

Grunting as he picks up his tools and returns to work, Trobror shook his head. "Don't get me wrong, human. I can do subtle if I need to, but sneaking my way onto a space station or through a place full of smaller aliens is impossible. Hell, at my age I'd stick out among Krogan."

"I find an elderly appearance quite useful for blending in. It helps that my people tend to show visible signs of age faster than other humans, wrinkles in particular." You argue as you watch him shift some portions of his armor around. With most of the suit's plating being made of some sort of ceramic plating over fabric, he is forced to settle for cleaning up the damaged area and redistributing emitters rather than replacing anything. "I cannot tell you the number of times I have been passed by as a potential threat due to my appearance."

"Maybe for you, but not many Krogan reach old age. Word gets around after a while and those smart, skilled, or lucky enough to last more than a couple centuries start to build up a reputation. Good for finding jobs, not so good for keeping old enemies from finding you." Chuckling to himself, he adds, "Only ones I know older than me are Okeer the Immortal and that reckless old Nakmor."

While useful information, most of it is irrelevant compared to one part. "Immortal you say?"

"As good as." He shrugs. "He was old when I was still fighting clutch-mates for scraps of klixen. Fought in the tail end of the Rachni wars before becoming a warlord in the rebellions. One day I'll tear off his head and put it to the test."

"What are we testing?" A young female voice called from outside, causing you to turn and see Cattleya entering.

The young woman waves cheerily and walks over to poke at Trobror's armor, but finds herself easily rebuffed by the big lizard-man. Her clothes are caked in a layer of grime and her hair is a mess, even having a few bits of dead foliage stuck in it. More important than whatever irrelevant hardship she may have put herself through is the fact that she is almost glowing with excess magicka.

"Just two old men plotting, nothing for you to worry about." You tell her, leaving no room for argument. "What I would like to know is where you disappeared to for more than an entire day."

"I went out to the Glowing Sea to find a suitable animal like I proposed in the meeting. I didn't find any useful ones, though that place is absolutely wonderful.There are little puddles and ponds of water so full of power that I'd almost assume they were liquid magic... And the air... it's so thick with magic that I could hardly breath! I made a golem almost three times the size of anything I've ever made before and still had Willpower to spare! It's bigger than most of the building here!"

"Really? You failed to mention this ability before, perhaps you simply forgot?" You ask with a raised brow.

While the ability to produce giant constructs that don't rely on daedric control or weeks of development is valuable, the woman's findings on the Glowing Sea could be much more valuable. It sounds like a useful place to investigate, to occasionally harness the ambiant magicka for larger projects if nothing else. Putting that aside for now, since geographical features rarely move too quickly to investigate at your leisure, you continue with the next obvious question, "Something that large must weigh a tremendous amount, yet I felt no signs of an approaching giant. Were you forced to dispell it for some reason?"

Shifting awkwardly, she answers slowly, "Oh... um... well-"


Standing watch on the wall, one guard turned to the other and stated, "I don't remember drinking, but I might be drunk."

"What makes you say that?" The other asked, staring out over the land with unfocused eyes.

"Oh, I don't know... maybe the giant rock monster that's spying on us?" The first shouted, throwing out an accusing arm toward said rock monster, who was poorly buried in a layer of dead vegetation. "WE CAN SEE YOU, YOU KNOW?!"

Said rock monster didn't show any sign of hearing his words. The second guard shrugged and continued staring at nothing. "You weren't with us when all the crazy started... you'll get used to it. Just ignore it, I'll bet good money that either Cynric or Cattleya have something to do with it and getting involved with them or Louise is never good."


"I didn't want to cause a panic, so I made it crawl for the last few miles? It's sitting behind a hill so nobody wastes powder shooting at it."

In other words, there was no limit to the duration of the spell... or at least not one that mattered in the short term. Perhaps you could reverse engineer the spell, it would be a good replacement to similar ones you know but don't use due to technical limitations making them impractical.

"Well at least you thought one thing through." She frowns at your words, but doesn't say anything to the contrary. "Leave it where it is for now, we can send someone to properly hide it from our enemies later. While this creation of yours could be helpful, even if you returned without finding what you set out for to begin with, there is still the matter of you leaving on your own. Without even bothering to tell anyone when you left or take your armor, I might add."

Crossing her arms, Cattleya shifts her stance to extend a hip outward in a confrontational posture. "Well excuse me for being eager to do more than transmute dirt... and I did so tell people I was leaving! I spoke with the gate guards and the peasant woman manning the food stockpile."

"Give the female a break, I'd have done the same in her place." Trobror laughed, slapping you on the back hard enough to knock you down if you hadn't caught yourself on the workbench. "I've had some bad jobs, but you tell me to be a farmer and I might cripple myself to get out of it after a few days. Just the thought of plowing fields for hours on end is boring enough, I don't know how you people can stand it."

Testing your aching shoulder blade, you briefly consider using the rest of your werewolf blood on him in retaliation, but decide against it. He would probably like it, completely defeating the purpose of revenge. "I have done unsightly tasks for ungrateful employers, this is a different story altogether. For example, an Imperial woman once hired me to reanimate her husband and children, only to turn around and hire assassins to kill me for 'desecrating their memory'. As if it was my fault she provided poor quality bodies that needed replacement parts, she was lucky enough I let them return to the afterlife with her rather than keep them around after I killed her."

"So no, this is not the same." You say to the Krogan before turning to the pinkette. "An army of automatons or undead could easily maintain a normal field, but we need to build up a good enough supply of food to make up for both a siege and incompetent fieldworkers. Hence why we need you to do the boring work, Cattleya."

Letting her arms fall to the side, she sighs, "Fine, but I want compensation!" Motioning for her to continue, she says, "You still need to teach me your Reach magic and I want to learn that healing spell you taught Louise."

Status: Light bruising
Magicka: (590/650)

Choose a response for Cattleya:

[] No, you don't have time now that the Brotherhood is an issue. She can wait until her sister is back and learn from her.

[] Accept, you will have less time for personal projects, but learning to heal and gaining Hircine's blessing could make her useful in a direct conflict.

Choose 1:
[] Stay and talk with them.
[] Ask about what history he knows of for his homeworld, and for any similarity to the worlds he has seen.
[] Write in.​

[] Leave to check on the Sigil tower and engage the barrier.

[] POV Switch:
[] Cattleya
[] Louise​

[] Write in.
A/N: Cattleya interrupt! I was planning on this happening this chapter, but that doesn't mean the Trobror part has to end just yet if you don't want it to. No super important thing for either pov switch, just throwing the option out there.

one of the older 3D zelda games has one of the most powerful and versatile things you can get in this quest.

I had a little more to the guard's conversation, but I edited it out 'cuz I felt it ruined the flow.
"Cattleya... she's the pink haired chick with the huge tits, yeah?" The first asked, trying not to think about the 'stealthy' hill. "She got a boyfriend?"

finally turning to his companion, the other guard said in a hushed voice, "Her little sister can and will feed you your balls if you try, ask Espinoza from Strike One."
Too bad we can't just send Louise out to gather stuff from the Glowing Sea. I suppose if the impossible happens and this team is able to reproduce the powers of someone like Othala or Velocity from Worm then her misadventure will be well worth these issues.
Too bad we can't just send Louise out to gather stuff from the Glowing Sea. I suppose if the impossible happens and this team is able to reproduce the powers of someone like Othala or Velocity from Worm then her misadventure will be well worth these issues.
You can always just summon her and Hinata back, leaving everyone in Brockton Bay flipping their shit.
I'll bet good money that either Cynric or Cattleya have something to do with it and getting involved with them or Louise is never good.
Hey! I detest that Cattleya part! What did she ever do to anybody? I thought she was the popular one among the normies.

[x] Accept, you will have less time for personal projects, but learning to heal and gaining Hircine's blessing could make her useful in a direct conflict.

She is long overdue for a proper training. Can her capacity for mana be increased through genetic means? Or magical ones? What makes Louise so exceptional at storing it?

We also should teach her Invisibility. It's an extremely versatile tool, be it for defense, infiltration, or overwhelming offense.
Last edited:
[X] POV Switch:
- [X] Louise

- - -

The Taylor friendship route~ (...then kidnapping).

Hopefully Taylor watched the PHO video clips of Louise's bully slapping speech. (also hoping Hinata was stalkin.... ummm... protecting Louise at the time to see her defend and heal common people)
Hey! I detest that Cattleya part! What did she ever to to anybody? I thought she was the popular one among the normies.

[] Accept, you will have less time for personal projects, but learning to heal and gaining Hircine's blessing could make her useful in a direct conflict.

She is long overdue for a proper training. Can her capacity for mana be increased through genetic means? Or magical ones? What makes Louise so exceptional at storing it?
1: She is, but getting involved with her inevitably means the other two will show up at some point.

2: The Cattleya vote is separate from the rest, it's to decide general policy for the near future.

3: Void mage + good genes + years upon years of constant struggle to produce a spell. Cattleya has the genetics, but nowhere near the same amount of time put into 'exercising' her magic. There's a few ways to permanently increase capacity other than years of practicing the same spells over and over, but none are gene-moddable or available enchantments, they are items/consumables/rituals/skills from other worlds. Soul Reinforcement is one you've discovered, but there are plenty of others, including the one hinted at in the note at the end of the last chapter.
The Cattleya vote is separate from the rest, it's to decide general policy for the near future.
I know. I want her to be under kind Master Cynric's tutelage (and with her being an adult, it probably wouldn't affect her the same way it did Lulu), but I do not have a strong opinion on how to progress the story.

Well, except that I am fairly set on downing the BoS ship, but that one requires preparation and is thus hardly a subject of the immediate vote.

I am fine with getting back to Louise, her adventures were pretty fun.
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[X] Accept, you will have less time for personal projects, but learning to heal and gaining Hircine's blessing could make her useful in a direct conflict.
[X] Leave to check on the Sigil tower and engage the barrier.
More spells makes her more versatile and useful, and we should finish the barrier before doing another POV
[x] Accept, you will have less time for personal projects, but learning to heal and gaining Hircine's blessing could make her useful in a direct conflict.
[X] POV Switch:
- [X] Louise
[X] Accept, you will have less time for personal projects, but learning to heal and gaining Hircine's blessing could make her useful in a direct conflict.

[X] POV Switch:
- [X] Louise
[x] Accept, you will have less time for personal projects, but learning to heal and gaining Hircine's blessing could make her useful in a direct conflict.
[x] Accept, you will have less time for personal projects, but learning to heal and gaining Hircine's blessing could make her useful in a direct conflict.
[X] Accept, you will have less time for personal projects, but learning to heal and gaining Hircine's blessing could make her useful in a direct conflict.

[X] POV Switch:
- [X] Louise
[x] Accept, you will have less time for personal projects, but learning to heal and gaining Hircine's blessing could make her useful in a direct conflict.
[x] Accept, you will have less time for personal projects, but learning to heal and gaining Hircine's blessing could make her useful in a direct conflict.
[X] Accept, you will have less time for personal projects, but learning to heal and gaining Hircine's blessing could make her useful in a direct conflict.

[X] POV Switch:
- [X] Louise
[X] Accept, you will have less time for personal projects, but learning to heal and gaining Hircine's blessing could make her useful in a direct conflict.

I prefer Cynric over Louise

Also I did want to vote to summon her back, so that we can go as a group next time. But what I have found is if the option is not in the chapter, chances are few will vote for it.

Edit: On GM advice I switched my choice to a write in

[X] Summon Louise and Hinata back for a report on their situation.

The reason i choose this because Louise can be resupplied and treated. Heck if you guys want more canon worm shenanigans, you can put her back when we have resupplied and taught her more magic to practice along with her sister.

Also could you imagine the look on their faces if Louise told them that she was summoned back for report, and experimentation by that evil German doctor to remove those nano-bots.
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I prefer Cynric over Louise

Also I did want to vote to summon her back, so that we can go as a group next time. But what I have found is if the option is not in the chapter, chances are few will vote for it.
Well, five of those who voted didn't choose a secondary option, so there's still a chance to convince them to join your side. There has been quite a few times where write in options have won by a landslide.
[X] Accept, you will have less time for personal projects, but learning to heal and gaining Hircine'sblessing could make her useful in a direct conflict.

[X] POV Switch:
- [X] Louise
Almost Three Days
Welcome to the Parahumans Online message boards.
You are currently logged in, Glory Girl


♦ Topic: The Bakuda Problem
In: Boards ► News ► Events ► America

Posted On Apr 24th 2011:
As we all know by now, Brockton Bay has suffered a blow comparable to a visit from the S9. The fact that it was caused by a single cape in under a minute has sparked concern throughout the country over whether or not the US is going to end up in a similar state as Europe or even Africa. Debate is ongoing over the issue of Parahuman rights in the wake of this tragedy.

Some are calling for increased oversight, a mandatory registration process for parahumans, and a zero tolerance policy toward those not under the PRT's aegis. This party, led by Senator McCallistor of Georgia, cited groups such as the Slaughter House Nine, Nilbog, The Fallen, and now the Azn Bad Boys as signs of a growing trend. The Senator has gone on record stating, "The fact that a single individual can devastate a city with a box of scraps is worrying, but hardly the first such incident. Over the years the number of Parahuman murders has continued to rise and entire groups have formed with that as their goal. Why have we not put a concerted effort into hunting them down? Why is a small group like the Nine left to run roughshod over our country rather than put down with a cruise missile like the rabid dogs they are? If we do not step forward and put a stop to this upsurge in super powered, murdering psychopaths, then we may as well surrender ourselves to total anarchy, because that is where we are headed right now. The first step is knowing who is who and ensuring that the good ones have the training to know what is acceptable."

Those against McCallistor's proposal deride the senator as being too extreme, claiming him to be too heavy handed in his approach. It's no surprise that many were quick to point out Nilbog and the Siberian as evidence that such an approach would not only be futile, but lead to escalation as more turned to villainy due to persecution.

EDIT: In an unprecedented turn of events, Narwhal has stepped forward in public opposition of the Senator. For those who don't know, Narwhal is a Canadian cape who leads not only the Guild, but also her local Protectorate branch. While not a resident of the United States, her various positions lend a heft amount of weight to her words. "What happened was a tragedy, there is no doubt about that, but to let fear dictate how you treat others is no less tragic. Heroes, Rogues, and inactive parahumans should not be forced to do something against their will. Even many villains go out of their way to avoid causing too much harm during their crimes, which is more than can be said for most unpowered gangs. How would you feel if your government labelled you a criminal for not giving away your freedom to live your life as you see fit? The PRT and Protectorate are already bordering on being too controlling in some aspects, to add more restriction on the lives of parahumans will cause nothing but trouble.

So I ask you to look toward your independent heroes, those who spend their days fighting for you and helping wherever they can. Would you turn your back on them because of the actions of relative minority?"

I personally think the idea has merit.

(Showing page 97 of 98)

Replied On Apr 24th 2011:
If they want to help, why not join the PRT and have a support network to be more efficient about it. Like I keep telling you, there's no reason to not want to implement this unless you're already doing things you know you shouldn't.

Replied On Apr 24th 2011:
Wait, what? How is this the first I've heard of this? Why did she blow up the city? Why aren't more people dead if she did? How did she escape without a kill order? I'm so confused right now.

►Miss Mercury (Protectorate Employee)
Replied On Apr 25th 2011:
I think we can all agree, the ones who can think anyway, this is nothing but trouble. We are already outnumbered by villains and making them desperate will get a lot of people killed. If this comes to pass, I don't see the Protectorate lasting as a group. To those thinking of attacking the senator for this, please don't give people a reason to believe him.

►CatnipCantrip (Verified Cape)
Replied On Apr 25th 2011:
Wow, I'm surprised so many government types are against this. I've even heard rumors that Epoch actually got a statement from Legend about how he won't enforce it.

►Rukavitsa (Krasnaya Perchatka)
Replied On Apr 25th 2011:
Russia has tried the same. It was good for my people.

►Glory Girl (Verified Cape)
Replied On Apr 25th 2011:
After everything we've done for BB, New Wave better not be forced to roll over and join the Protecctorate. I know mom would rather disband, especially after our last meeting with Armsy.

@ Rukavitsa: Yeah, but didn't you pretty much defang the government over there? I mean, your group kind of controls everything between Belarus and China.

@Catnip: Fuck yeah, Legend's always awesome. Keep fighting for us independents.

Winged_One: Uh... It's hard to justify a kill order on someone who's dead? Assault took her down, but she had a killswitch, so the bombs went off anyway. My sister and a friend of ours healed a bunch of people that would have been dead otherwise.

►Plasmatic (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Apr 24th 2011:
@Kaldomo: And I'm telling you, we shouldn't poke sleeping dragons. Do you want cape warfare in the streets? Seriously, why are there so many morons supporting this idea?

Replied On Apr 24th 2011:
I thought there was only one 'healer' in Brockton Bay. Can anyone tell me more about this friend of Glory Girl's?

►HindenburgerWithCheese (Verified Cape) (Topeka Regulators)
Replied On Apr 25th 2011:
Hey GG, what did the Tinman do to set off Carol? I know she isn't the warmest personality, but I doubt she would make a statement like that for no reason.

Winged_One: Take it to PM or find a relevant thread.


Losing interest after checking to see who tagged her in the thread and not wanting to say too much, Victoria returned to one of the threads she had been trying to keep track of. Not that she spent all her time on PHO or anything, she was just the designated social butterfly of New Wave, so it was her duty to keep on top of the family's internet fame.


♦ Topic: Aggressive Anti-bullying
In: Boards ►
(Original Poster)
Posted On Apr 25th 2011:
So get this. I was walking the halls of the pristine institute of learning known as Winslow when a little girl with pink hair approaches me. Sound familiar to anyone?

She was asking about another girl, so I told her where to go and followed shortly after. I figured she was just trying to find a friend, but maybe there was more going on, y'know? Yeah. you know you'd be interested too, don't lie. What I didn't expect was to walk around the corner and see her stomp through a crowd of older girls and slap down the queen bitch herself.

Turns out pinky saw them picking on the weird loner chick and doesn't like bullies very much.


Edit More videos: [Close-up bitch cam] [Another angle] [Slapdown.gif]

(Showing page 1 of 3) ►fizzledrops

Replied On Apr 25th 2011:
Good job, I wish she would have kicked that bitch in the face while she was down. And that rant. So awesome!

►SpecificProtagonist (Cape Groupie)
Replied On Apr 25th 2011:
I can't believe she went to my school and I missed it! Why do I keep barely missing her?! I step on a nail and go to the hospital to see the new cape and she goes to my school instead? It's not fair!

►Glory Girl (Verified Cape)
Replied On Apr 25th 2011:
Do you mind blurring out her face, I know it's not much considering how unique she looks, but it's the spirit of the matter. Anyway, do you know where she went afterwards? She went missing and we were all getting worried.

►OmniscientBisquit (Not a cookie)
Replied On Apr 25th 2011:
Worried for a friend or maybe something more? Come on GG, there's money riding on this, the masses need to know.

►Glory Girl (Verified Cape)
Replied On Apr 25th 2011:
No damnit, she's way too young for me or my sister, stop asking about that! She's been through some terrible stuff and I just want to make sure she's alright.

►Turtle_Hurdler (Original Poster)
Replied On Apr 26th 2011:
@GG: No prob, I should have thought of it earlier.

►Attila the done
Replied On Apr 26th 2011:
So does anyone know what happened to the boy she kidnapped? I feel like that's a bigger issue than some harmless school bullies.

Replied On Apr 26th 2011:

I know it's basically an open secret, but you still shouldn't speculate on identities or out capes. Even if everyone knows already, try not to outright state it by saying the cape name about there civilian ID or vice versa. I'm doing this for your own safety, not every cape is friendly or understanding.
- IronMaiden

►Bagrat (The Guy in the Know) (Veteran Member)
Replied On Apr 26th 2011:
@Attila: There has been no word about why she picked him up off the street, but I sort of knew his dad and saw them both at the boardwalk the next day. I assume she wanted to ask for directions or something away from potential crowding and dropped him off when she was done. Bakuda blew up their apartment when she killed Velocity.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3 (Showing page 2 of 3)


Replied On Apr 26th 2011:
That sucks. At least she's dead though, right?

More on topic, has anyone else noticed the fact that the pink one who shall not be named hasn't been seen flying since she switched out that armor for her new princess themed costume. In fact, do we even know why she switched? Was it a PR thing or did the armor break? Got any info GG?

Replied On Apr 26th 2011:
@Attilla: 'Harmless school bullies'? That's the school where some kid was shoved in a locker full of used tampons, I wouldn't call that harmless.

Jesus, someone could have died. I hope that she knocked some sense into those kids.

Replied On Apr 26th 2011:
This is disgusting. A parahuman attacks a bunch of children in school and nobody does anything. Not the PRT, not the police, not New Wave, and not even the teachers. So what if she healed a few people and is friends with New Wave, she shouldn't be allowed to just do what she wants.


This is exactly what they're talking about on the news; parahumans abusing normals and getting away with it. What if Panacea decided tomorrow that she wants to rob a liquor store, should we just let her because she's occasionally helpful. Not to mention the doctors who're out of work thanks to the two of them.

Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Dear Puddlejumper,

First of all, no. Secondly, shut the fuck up. Thirdly, what kind of drugs are you on that makes you think any of what you just said makes sense?

Panacea would never do something like that and if she did, the owner would probably just give her the booze or money because she likely saved his life for free at some point. Free. She's been spending 10-40 hours a month at minimum saving people's lives for no reward, that's absurd and she's a saint.

The pink haired girl, who is in no way related to the new healing cape, didn't even use her nonexistent powers on the bullies, she just slapped one in the face when it was completely unexpected. If she was somehow the mysterious new healer, it only shows how committed she is to helping people that she would stand up for a complete stranger at the drop of a hat.

If you want to keep spouting nonsense in the hope of passing some moronic law, just wander into the traffic and get fucked.

Sincerely, the internet.

P.S. I'm a nurse at South Brockton Medical and no one here has lost their job because those two can heal terminal cases.

Please be civil or, at the very least, be more subtle when encouraging others toward violence or suicide. Enjoy an infraction. -IronMaiden

►Vista (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
@Puddlejumper: Fuck you, you piece of shit. I hope you get cancer and Panacea doesn't have time to heal you.

Please refrain from comments like this, it's unbecoming of you, Vista. -IronMaiden

►Maximized (Veteran Member) (Banned)
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:

Death threats are serious business and are not allowed, enjoy your ban. -IronMaiden

►Kintama (Banned)
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:

What did I just say to Maximized? -IronMaiden

Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Uh... Vista... please calm down, you're scaring me.

See what you did, puddles, you upset the girl who can bend reality over her knee and spank it... You shouldn'a dun that. She's kind of idolized around these boards, so maybe don't log in for a while?

►Skree (Banned)
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:

Someone was wrong on the internet, I get it now stop dog-piling or I'm locking the thread! -IronMaiden

Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Not to put a target on my back or anything, but am I the only one who noticed the part of her rant where she told the bullies that killing their victim was fine? I mean, we know she can do more than heal after the bank incident, so who's to say she hasn't killed anyone already?

End of Page. 1, 2 (Showing page 3 of 3)


Replied On Apr 27th 2011:

Threatening a different target doesn't make it okay! -IronMaiden

Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
@NewtHampster: I didn't even say anything about Vista, why are you mad at me?! Besides, that's not physically possible anyway!

►ThurrowBread (uncooked toast)
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:

This is ridiculous, I'm locking the thread. -IronMaiden

End of Page. 1, 2, 3


Private message to Bothad:
Glory Girl:
I don't remember if the armor thing ever came up. Sorry, a lots happened lately.
Glory Girl: I can ask her tomorrow if you want?
Bothad: No don't worry about it if you don't know, I was just curious. Thanks anyway.
Glory Girl: NP.

Private message to Vista:
Glory Girl:
Thanks for standing up for Amy. Are you alright?
Vista: What?
Vista: Oh the bully thread? I'll probably get in trouble for that but its whatever. My parents are throwing a fit over this whole regulation issue and Im just so sick of hearing about it.
Glory Girl: That sucks, they're not pulling you from the Wards are they?
Vista: Dad mentioned it but mom says that'll just make me look like a criminal or something. Its stupid.
Glory Girl: Well I hope they think about it carefully before making any decisions, at least wait to see what happens first.
Vista: They don't really care about it they just found an excuse to fight.
Glory Girl: Are you sure? I've never met them, but they have to care a little right? I mean, they're your parents and this is kind of a big deal.
Vista: Look I already said I dont want to talk about it.
Glory Girl: Oh... right, sorry.
Vista: Its fine. I gotta go. bye.
Glory Girl: Ok, bye I guess.

Staring down at her phone, Vicky frowned. Whatever was going on with Vista was more serious than her cute little crush on Dean. She'd known the younger girl for a while now and yeah, Vista had talked about how her parents were always at each other's throats, but she never let it get to her like this.

"What's wrong?" Her mom asked from the couch. They were trying to have another movie night, but between Louise's insistence on bringing that girl she rescued, Blockbuster being blown up by Bakuda, and the TV refusing to show anything good... it just wasn't working.

"Nothing, just talking to Vista." She deflected, putting away her phone. Currently they were ignoring some old western while waiting for Louise to show up. "I'm gonna make snacks, want anything? Amy?"

Her mom shook her head and Amy seemed too out of it to to respond. Vicky wasn't sure why her sister was being so strange just because their mom was being more huggy lately. She just had this confused smile on her face every time and it was really weirding the blonde out.

Mom's been having a hard time lately, you'd think she could be a little more understanding. Being used as a teddy bear isn't the worst way to comfort somebody, why's she have to make a big deal about it. I swear I'm the only one in this house that's sane.

Grumbling to herself, Vicky floated around the kitchen and prepared some popcorn. Hopefully their guests would show up soon and they could all avoid a repeat of the last disaster.


Louise stood in the dirty room and stared at the growling demons that were slowly trying to encircle her. All three were getting bigger and spikier with each second. On the other side of the room was a familiar set of teenagers as well as the person she had come to collect. Having Recalled into the middle of some sort of meeting, Louise was about to call out in greeting when she was rather rudely interrupted.

"How the hell did you find us?" Taylor asked from outside the ring of demons as the black skeletal creature tensed for a fight.

Status: Healthy
Magicka: (14000/14000)


[] Explain that you used Mark on her at the hospital.

[] Her request for information is unimportant, you're missing this 'movie night'. Grab Taylor and fly to the Dallon house.

[] Dictate the terms of the Undersiders' subservience.
-[] Benevolent benefactor.
-[] Strict overlady.
-[] A little of both.

[] Write in.
A/N: As the title says, this is the night of the 27th of April. You went to Winslow on morning of the 25th. Al
Since Cynric is technically the main character, summoning Louise back to Fallout is a write in option at any time.​
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Louise stood in the dirty room and stared at the growling demons that were slowly trying to encircle her. All three were getting bigger and spikier with each second. On the other side of the room was a familiar set of teenagers as well as the person she had come to collect. Having Recalled into the middle of some sort of meeting, Louise did what?
Think you missed the end of that sentence
[X] Explain that you used Mark on her at the hospital.
[X] Dictate the terms of the Undersiders' subservience.
-[X] Benevolent benefactor.
-[x] Will heal Tattletale if she apologises for reminding us of our mother and insulting our height.
Replied On Apr 24th 2011:
Wait, what? How is this the first I've heard of this? Why did she blow up the city? Why aren't more people dead if she did? How did she escape without a kill order? I'm so confused right now.

Since Louise is from outside of the Worm-verse, perhaps she's messing with the Simurgh's precog just by existing? I really like the idea of the Simurgh being legitimately confused and having to get info about Brockton Bay from PHO due to Louise's ongoing interference.

►SpecificProtagonist (Cape Groupie)
Replied On Apr 25th 2011:
I can't believe she went to my school and I missed it! Why do I keep barely missing her?! I step on a nail and go to the hospital to see the new cape and she goes to my school instead? It's not fair!

I thought SpecificProtagonist was Madison?

Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Not to put a target on my back or anything, but am I the only one who noticed the part of her rant where she told the bullies that killing their victim was fine? I mean, we know she can do more than heal after the bank incident, so who's to say she hasn't killed anyone already?

Leave it alone Lisa, lest Louise see fit to punish you again!

Her mom shook her head and Amy seemed too out of it to to respond. Vicky wasn't sure why her sister was being so strange just because their mom was being more huggy lately. She just had this confused smile on her face every time and it was really weirding the blonde out.

This is nice. I like this.

So many good options for this vote, I don't think there's a bad pick for going forward, so:

[X] Her request for information is unimportant, you're missing this 'movie night'. Grab Taylor and fly to the Dallon house.

And oh jeez, it's been three days an no Hinata? Yikes. I hope it's not because she and Louise are still fighting. Maybe it's something like, in a few turns we'll get a Hinata POV, and it'll turn out that through a series of increasingly unlikely events, she has accidentally assumed control over the ABB.