Thank you to Eotyrannus and It's Called Borrowing ze~ for ideas and encouragement!
My eyes shot open, and I teleported out of bed, full of energy. No class! I have the entire day free to myself! I began stroking an invisible beard. Now, what should I do with all my free time?
I glanced over my possessions. A laptop, some books I've already read, some of them multiple times, and not much else. Huh, I really should get around to fixing that someday. But today is not that day! Today, I continue my slow quest toward telekinesis!
I knelt down and pulled my Gekota box out from under my bed, only to find it inhabited by a lone spider.
"Ah, hi Larry," I said, distracted. I had completely forgotten that I had destroyed my last test subject yesterday. I pushed the box back under my bed and stood back up. Right, I'll just have to go out and buy some more!
Ah, or maybe I could ask Miss Hokaze to buy me some and pay her back? She's been pretty nice the few times Miss Shokuhou brought her along. She wouldn't judge me, would she? I groaned. No, it's bad enough Komaki thinks I like that frog; I can't risk anyone else finding out. I glanced over at Komaki's bed and began to pace.
I can't ask Komaki to do it for me; she's still sleeping. Should I just wait for her to wake up? But what if she doesn't want to go? Should I just leave now and save myself the embarrassment of asking? What if-
I violently flinched, reflexively teleporting several feet away, putting my bed between myself and the rest of the room. I took a deep, calming breath and peeked over my bed.
"Hi Komaki, did I wake you?" I asked shakily.
Komaki gave me a long, sleepy look.
I cringed. "Ah, I'm sorry."
She sat up on her bed. "It's not a big deal; just try to panic more quietly next time." She ran her eyes over me. "What's got you so worried, Kuroko?"
I stood up. "Uh, I need to get some stuff from the store." I paused. "Komaki, would you be willing to..."
Komaki gave me a smile. "Yes, I'll go with you. But you've really got to learn how to talk to people on your own, you know?"
I nodded. "Right!" I turned toward the door.
"Kuroko, we still need to get ready; you're still wearing your uniform from yesterday. Did you sleep in it?"
"... Oh."
Komaki and I walked side by side, the accursed light of the sun beating down on us, burning my poor eyes. I squinted; if only I had weather control. Or the ability to remember my sunglasses; either would be good.
"I don't get what you like about that frog," Komaki commented.
I spotted a crack in the sidewalk and hopped over it, thinking back to my disastrous first experiment. I shuddered. Using a rock had been a mistake.
"I wouldn't say I like Gekota." I objected. "I needed a soft object to develop my powers with, and Gekota was the most convenient option."
Komaki gave me a doubting look.
"A-anyway!" I blurted out, desperate to change the subject. "We're here!"
I quickly teleported the remaining hundred feet to the store, landing directly in the stuffed toy section.
Perfect. There were countless different types of plushies, but I was here for only one thing.
I began quickly scanning the shelves, softly pinging my spacial sense. Ah ha, there they are! I reached out, grabbing several of my favorite cuddly test subjects off the shelves.
I popped to the front of the store just as Komaki was walking in. Her face was slightly red; she must have run. Ah, I probably should have brought her along.
I gave her an apologetic smile, holding up an armful of frog plushies. "I found them."
She gave me an odd look, shaking her head. "Let's go get you checked out." She said. I followed behind her as she walked towards the checkout. I dropped my load of Gekota's on the counter before teleporting behind Komaki, sneaking glances at the cashier from behind her.
I started looking around the store, attempting to tune out the social interaction happening right in front of me. This store was the least horrible physical location to shop; it's small and weird.
We have so much in common! I looked at the shelf near the checkout; a cheery green package caught my eye. Oh, they have frog candies, that's cool. I leaned a bit closer; made with real frog... less cool.
Komaki nudged me. Ah, right, money. I teleported the money from my pocket directly into her waiting hand. A few seconds later, I heard the ding of the cash register. I scooped up my bag of plushies.
As we were leaving, the employee called out to us. "Have a nice day!"
"You too!" Komaki called back cheerily. I gave a half-aborted wave before hurrying after Komaki.
I walked alongside Komaki, a small smile on my face. I held the bag closely. There is so much potential for power development in this bag, and it was so cheap, too! At least, I think it was cheap; I haven't yet figured out the value of money. Academy City wouldn't give a lot to children, would they?
"Kuroko," Komaki said from beside me, "are you sure you don't like Gekota because you seem awfully happy over there. At least compared to normal. Ah, not that it's a problem if you do! I'm just wondering."
I clutched the bag tighter, attempting to bury my face in it. "No."
Komaki continued, "Miss Hokaze likes Gekota too, so there's nothing to be embarrassed about! I'm sure you two would have lots to-"
My stomach let out a growl.
Noooo, I was so close to freedom!
"Miss Kuroko, you told me you ate this morning," Komaki said, voice filled with disappointment.
I thought I had... wait, no, that was yesterday.
Oops. I quickly pointed at a nearby vending machine. "Ah, I'll just go get something to eat now." With that, I teleported off to the machine, abandoning Komaki again.
Oh, a drinks machine? I know just what to get! I counted out some change and quickly fed the money-hungry beast, making my selection. I stood back and waited. And waited. And waited.
I reached out and poked the machine. Nothing. I looked closer; it was covered in dents, some of which looked suspiciously like shoe prints. I'm not getting my drink, am I?
No, I refuse to accept defeat! I knelt before the machine and gently sent out ripples in space, making a mental map of the interior. Ah ha, there's the obstruction. I carefully wrapped a field of space around the mechanism before sending a quick tap into the field, allowing it to dissipate as I did so.
That should have done it! I stood back up and reentered my selection. The machine made a horrible grinding noise before releasing several cans of red bean soup into the street. I made it worse! I quickly reached down and grabbed a can, teleporting away the instant my hand made contact. I was never here.
Komaki and I parted in front of the school; she was off to do whatever Judgment does while I snuck back to the safety of my dorm. I was more than halfway back, rushing through the long, horrifying corridors of the hallway, when an unmistakable voice called out from behind me.
I froze; why did I forget my spatial radar!? I spun around. Ah, Miss Shokuhou and Miss Hokaze. I wish Komaki was still here; I don't know how to talk to these two! I closed my eyes and raised my hand in a weak wave.
"H-hello," I said, voice nearly a whisper. Maybe I should just teleport away; they'd understand, right? I've already spent so much time in public today; Miss Shokuhou would understand; she's a mind reader! I nodded to myself and reopened my eyes, only to freeze as my brain processed what was in front of me.
Oh, hi Miss Hokaze, you're really close and really, really tall. How do you get your hair like that?
"You're a Gekoer too, Miss Shirai?" Hokaze asked, voice soft.
Huh? I looked down.
Oh no, the bag's open, and everyone can see the Gekotas! I slowly looked back up, cheeks flaming.
No. "Y-yes."
Dang it!
I quickly reached into the bag and shoved a Gekota into Hokaze's arms.
Kuroko disappeared, leaving a Shirai-shaped vacuum; air rushed in, a slight popping sound the only sign anything was ever there.
"Oh, there she goes. Don't worry, my Queen, I know just how to befriend a Gekoer in need!" Junko said, voice filled with Gekota-fueled determination. She gazed down at the gift from her newest friend.
Misaki let out a soft sigh. "Such impressive anxiety ability." Maybe she should try introducing Shirai to a fellow Gekoter; let her know it isn't as odd as she thinks?
I was curled up under my bed, regretting my choices in life. Why hadn't I triple-checked the bag? Now everyone's going to think I like a children's show! I groaned; maybe I could fake my death?
"What do you think, Larry?" I whispered to the spider sitting on my arm. Larry stared back, motionless. I dropped my head on the floor, "Yeah, you're right, it's a stupid idea."