A Certain Timid Teleporter (Raildex SI)

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Shirai Kuroko isn't a very outgoing girl. She doesn't patrol the city, participate in school events, or chase after a crush. She does, however, have memories of a past life, a life she is reluctant to forget.
Chapter 1
Thank you to TacitSoliloquy, It's Called Borrowing ze~, Intrique_Diablo and Eotyrannus for ideas and encouragement!

I glared at the Gekota plushy in front of me, calculations intended to create a bowl of altered space running through my head. I reached out mentally, wrapping the toy in a field of warped space. The plushy began to tremble as my ability took hold. I smiled; so far, so good.

"Okay, now for part two," I whispered softly.

I slowly shifted the field, hoping to drag the plushy along. A swirling space-time vortex, invisible to all except me, began to form. I desperately tried to lower the intensity of the field, but it was too late. Mr. Gekota gave one final, violent shake before ripping himself to shreds. I waved stuffing out of my face with a cough. Well, that didn't work. I sighed and picked up my pencil. 'Experiment number 13 on using spacial manipulation as make-shift telekinesis. Result: violent failure, another Gekota for the Gekota graveyard. Find a way to lower field intensity even further.'

I removed my headphones, pausing the generic Japanese pop song I was listening to. I threw my headphones off to the side and placed my head in my hands. I hate math, so I'm unsurprised that the universe handed me a math-based superpower. Don't get me wrong, the ability to teleport out of awkward social situations is a godsend; I just wish I didn't have to run several textbooks' worth of mathematical equations through my head before doing so. I lifted my head and looked at the victim of my most recent experiment.

The poor frogs' guts leaked out of multiple tears in the fabric, and several limbs were distorted in ways that would make M.C. Escher proud. I picked the disemboweled frog up off my desk with a slight frown. "I'm sorry, frog-man the 13th; it seems you and your guts weren't meant to be," I solemnly muttered. "Now join your brethren!" And with that, I shoved him under my blanket, where he would join his family in their eternal duty of keeping me warm at night.

I paused. Now, what should I do? Ah, I've got some web fiction to catch up on; I could do that. I moved to flop onto my bed, but stuffing fell in front of my eyes as I did. Right, I should deal with that first.

I turned and began walking to the bathroom, picking fuzz from my hair. I stopped before the mirror and ran my hands through my hair, quickly dislodging the rest of the fluff. With that done, I stared into the mirror; a small, pale young girl with red hair stared back at me. I quickly looked away, power walking out of the bathroom, intent on getting back to ignoring my problems.

I paused midstep as my stomach growled. Right, food, when was the last time I ate? I walked to the door and placed my hand on the knob, pausing as I took a deep breath. What I wouldn't give for pants and a sweatshirt, Tokiwadai's uniform is much too exposing! I wore shorts underneath ever since I saw an upperclassman doing so, but it's not the same.

After taking a moment to sike myself up, I opened the door and stepped outside. The tan color of a Tokiwadai uniform immediately filled my vision. I close my eyes, groaning internally. It's her again.

"What a surprise, Shirai! I didn't expect to see you here today~" An unfortunately familiar voice filled with humor says.

I quickly step back, face burning with shame over my rudeness. I clasp my hands behind my back and look down. "Hello Miss Shokuhou." I say softly.

She smiled at me, starry eyes twinkling with humor, "Oh, don't be so scared! I'm not here to brainwash you or anything… I'm here because you have your roommate worried- apparently, you haven't gone out to eat all day! And it wouldn't do to have my subjects be so worried about someone, after all~."

With each word she said, I sank deeper and deeper into despair. I know that Shokuhou would never intentionally harm me, but overcoming my fear of her power is... not easy. She's been lovely since I started school here, yet I keep treating her like she has ulterior motives.

I turned and gave her a hesitant smile. I may fear her ability, but that's no excuse for being impolite.

She gestured with her hand. "Come on, come with me. We'll get some food into you."

I nodded, following along beside her. She slowed her stride to better match mine.

"Oh, by the way, have you put any thought into it since the last time we talked? Joining my clique, that is~" She asked lightly. "Your roommate is already a member, so there'll be people you know there."

I paused mentally. Shokuhou had made allusions towards wanting me in her faction before, but this is the first time she's come out and said it. I don't know why she'd like me to join; I can't do much compared to her. There's got to be much better space manipulators than I out there. I guess it could be for my teleportation, but she has to have better methods of travel, right?

I looked over towards her and shook my head. She gave a slight frown before continuing as if nothing had happened.

"Well, just think about it, okay." She said. "Anyway, here we are! And look there, it seems someone already got you food!" She pointed dramatically at a tray on an empty table. "Now go eat."

I took a step away before spinning around. "Thank you, Miss Shokuhou," I said quickly before rapidly walking over to the table, body slightly hunched.

I stealthily return to my room, using my spatial senses as radar, carefully avoiding any large gatherings I detect. I make my way to the door to my dorm and send a ping inside. Ah, she's returned.

I burst through the door, startling my roommate. "Ah! Kurok-

"Komaki!" I interrupted with a fake whine. "Why'd you tell on me?"

"Ah, sorry," she offered lamely. "I just thought it'd be good for you; you know Miss Shokuhou worries about you.

"No, I did not, in fact, know that, but it does explain some things. But why?" I question.

I hope it doesn't have anything to do with my memories. The best-case scenario is that Shokuhou just thinks I'm insane. The worst case is she asks questions I don't have answers for. I had hoped to avoid anyone finding out about my memories, but I knew it was a losing battle when I heard of Mental Out. I really should have put more effort into developing a mental shield.

"Ah, that's probably best for Miss Shokuhou to answer." I glance at her out of the corner of my eye. Pestering her for an answer is too much work when I'm sure she'll blurt out the reason sooner or later. I have no plans to ask Shokuhou anything; I don't know her well enough to just go up and talk to her!

I walked to my bed and flopped onto it, quickly burrowing under the covers. Ah, back to my Gekota-enhanced bed. I soft exhale.

"Hey, Komaki?" I call out. "Thanks for caring."

And with that, I close my eyes and begin my long, fitful journey to sleep.
Chapter 2
Thank you to Eotyrannus and It's Called Borrowing ze~ for ideas and encouragement!

My eyes shot open, and I teleported out of bed, full of energy. No class! I have the entire day free to myself! I began stroking an invisible beard. Now, what should I do with all my free time?

I glanced over my possessions. A laptop, some books I've already read, some of them multiple times, and not much else. Huh, I really should get around to fixing that someday. But today is not that day! Today, I continue my slow quest toward telekinesis!

I knelt down and pulled my Gekota box out from under my bed, only to find it inhabited by a lone spider.

"Ah, hi Larry," I said, distracted. I had completely forgotten that I had destroyed my last test subject yesterday. I pushed the box back under my bed and stood back up. Right, I'll just have to go out and buy some more!


Ah, or maybe I could ask Miss Hokaze to buy me some and pay her back? She's been pretty nice the few times Miss Shokuhou brought her along. She wouldn't judge me, would she? I groaned. No, it's bad enough Komaki thinks I like that frog; I can't risk anyone else finding out. I glanced over at Komaki's bed and began to pace.

I can't ask Komaki to do it for me; she's still sleeping. Should I just wait for her to wake up? But what if she doesn't want to go? Should I just leave now and save myself the embarrassment of asking? What if-


I violently flinched, reflexively teleporting several feet away, putting my bed between myself and the rest of the room. I took a deep, calming breath and peeked over my bed.

"Hi Komaki, did I wake you?" I asked shakily.

Komaki gave me a long, sleepy look.


I cringed. "Ah, I'm sorry."

She sat up on her bed. "It's not a big deal; just try to panic more quietly next time." She ran her eyes over me. "What's got you so worried, Kuroko?"

I stood up. "Uh, I need to get some stuff from the store." I paused. "Komaki, would you be willing to..."

Komaki gave me a smile. "Yes, I'll go with you. But you've really got to learn how to talk to people on your own, you know?"

I nodded. "Right!" I turned toward the door.

"Kuroko, we still need to get ready; you're still wearing your uniform from yesterday. Did you sleep in it?"

"... Oh."


Komaki and I walked side by side, the accursed light of the sun beating down on us, burning my poor eyes. I squinted; if only I had weather control. Or the ability to remember my sunglasses; either would be good.

"I don't get what you like about that frog," Komaki commented.

I spotted a crack in the sidewalk and hopped over it, thinking back to my disastrous first experiment. I shuddered. Using a rock had been a mistake.

"I wouldn't say I like Gekota." I objected. "I needed a soft object to develop my powers with, and Gekota was the most convenient option."

Komaki gave me a doubting look.

"A-anyway!" I blurted out, desperate to change the subject. "We're here!"

I quickly teleported the remaining hundred feet to the store, landing directly in the stuffed toy section. Perfect. There were countless different types of plushies, but I was here for only one thing.

I began quickly scanning the shelves, softly pinging my spacial sense. Ah ha, there they are! I reached out, grabbing several of my favorite cuddly test subjects off the shelves.

I popped to the front of the store just as Komaki was walking in. Her face was slightly red; she must have run. Ah, I probably should have brought her along.

I gave her an apologetic smile, holding up an armful of frog plushies. "I found them."

She gave me an odd look, shaking her head. "Let's go get you checked out." She said. I followed behind her as she walked towards the checkout. I dropped my load of Gekota's on the counter before teleporting behind Komaki, sneaking glances at the cashier from behind her.


I started looking around the store, attempting to tune out the social interaction happening right in front of me. This store was the least horrible physical location to shop; it's small and weird. We have so much in common! I looked at the shelf near the checkout; a cheery green package caught my eye. Oh, they have frog candies, that's cool. I leaned a bit closer; made with real frog... less cool.

Komaki nudged me. Ah, right, money. I teleported the money from my pocket directly into her waiting hand. A few seconds later, I heard the ding of the cash register. I scooped up my bag of plushies.

As we were leaving, the employee called out to us. "Have a nice day!"

"You too!" Komaki called back cheerily. I gave a half-aborted wave before hurrying after Komaki.


I walked alongside Komaki, a small smile on my face. I held the bag closely. There is so much potential for power development in this bag, and it was so cheap, too! At least, I think it was cheap; I haven't yet figured out the value of money. Academy City wouldn't give a lot to children, would they?

"Kuroko," Komaki said from beside me, "are you sure you don't like Gekota because you seem awfully happy over there. At least compared to normal. Ah, not that it's a problem if you do! I'm just wondering."

I clutched the bag tighter, attempting to bury my face in it. "No."

Komaki continued, "Miss Hokaze likes Gekota too, so there's nothing to be embarrassed about! I'm sure you two would have lots to-"

My stomach let out a growl. Noooo, I was so close to freedom!

"Miss Kuroko, you told me you ate this morning," Komaki said, voice filled with disappointment.

I thought I had... wait, no, that was yesterday. Oops. I quickly pointed at a nearby vending machine. "Ah, I'll just go get something to eat now." With that, I teleported off to the machine, abandoning Komaki again. Oh, a drinks machine? I know just what to get! I counted out some change and quickly fed the money-hungry beast, making my selection. I stood back and waited. And waited. And waited.

I reached out and poked the machine. Nothing. I looked closer; it was covered in dents, some of which looked suspiciously like shoe prints. I'm not getting my drink, am I?


No, I refuse to accept defeat! I knelt before the machine and gently sent out ripples in space, making a mental map of the interior. Ah ha, there's the obstruction. I carefully wrapped a field of space around the mechanism before sending a quick tap into the field, allowing it to dissipate as I did so.

That should have done it! I stood back up and reentered my selection. The machine made a horrible grinding noise before releasing several cans of red bean soup into the street. I made it worse! I quickly reached down and grabbed a can, teleporting away the instant my hand made contact. I was never here.


Komaki and I parted in front of the school; she was off to do whatever Judgment does while I snuck back to the safety of my dorm. I was more than halfway back, rushing through the long, horrifying corridors of the hallway, when an unmistakable voice called out from behind me.


I froze; why did I forget my spatial radar!? I spun around. Ah, Miss Shokuhou and Miss Hokaze. I wish Komaki was still here; I don't know how to talk to these two! I closed my eyes and raised my hand in a weak wave.

"H-hello," I said, voice nearly a whisper. Maybe I should just teleport away; they'd understand, right? I've already spent so much time in public today; Miss Shokuhou would understand; she's a mind reader! I nodded to myself and reopened my eyes, only to freeze as my brain processed what was in front of me.

Oh, hi Miss Hokaze, you're really close and really, really tall. How do you get your hair like that?

"You're a Gekoer too, Miss Shirai?" Hokaze asked, voice soft.

Huh? I looked down. Oh no, the bag's open, and everyone can see the Gekotas! I slowly looked back up, cheeks flaming.

No. "Y-yes." Dang it!

I quickly reached into the bag and shoved a Gekota into Hokaze's arms.


Kuroko disappeared, leaving a Shirai-shaped vacuum; air rushed in, a slight popping sound the only sign anything was ever there.

"Oh, there she goes. Don't worry, my Queen, I know just how to befriend a Gekoer in need!" Junko said, voice filled with Gekota-fueled determination. She gazed down at the gift from her newest friend.

Misaki let out a soft sigh. "Such impressive anxiety ability." Maybe she should try introducing Shirai to a fellow Gekoter; let her know it isn't as odd as she thinks?


I was curled up under my bed, regretting my choices in life. Why hadn't I triple-checked the bag? Now everyone's going to think I like a children's show! I groaned; maybe I could fake my death?

"What do you think, Larry?" I whispered to the spider sitting on my arm. Larry stared back, motionless. I dropped my head on the floor, "Yeah, you're right, it's a stupid idea."
Last edited:
Social anxiety? Not just a little bit either.

Hokaze, you're up. This child needs more friends. Though preferably gentle ones.
Okay, what's with all the other index authors crediting each other for beta reading/ideas/encouragement? Did someone forget to invite me to the secret writer discord or something?
Chapter 3
Thank you to everyone who helped!

I was lying on my bed, breath slow and steady. My eyes were closed; my body held still.


Two vaguely girl-shaped spatial distortions were down by the pool. They jumped in, becoming almost indistinguishable from the water.


A girl was at the archery range. I paid close attention as she released an arrow; a tiny, nearly undetectable spatial distortion flew through the air before disappearing into a target.


A large group of girls were clustered in a room, animatedly talking about something. A clique meeting? The girl at the head of the room gestured, and the meeting began to split apart.


A rather tall girl was quickly making her way down the hall. I hope she's not coming here. She stopped before my door and raised her hand.

I sat up as she began knocking on my door. Nooooooo. I teleported to the door and opened it a crack, peering out. Oh, it's just Hokaze. I opened the door the rest of the way, eyes focused off to the side.

"Hello, Miss Hokaze."

"Hello, Shirai. May I enter?" Hokaze asked politely.

I nodded, stepping out of her way. The door swung shut behind her with a terrifying 'click.' I clasped my hands behind my back and began to fidget.

Hokaze looked at me, her posture and appearance giving me the impression of some sort of princess.

"Do you want to go to a crepe stand with me tomorrow? They're giving out Gekota figurines!" She exclaimed, an excited sparkle in her eyes.

I froze. Gekota! It was nearly a week ago; I hoped she had forgotten!

She continued. "I know you like Gekota too," I don't! "So I thought I'd invite you along; it'll be fun!" She waved her hands, "Ah, I'm sorry, if you're free to go, that is!"

I closed my eyes and began thinking. I don't want to go, but she's so nice. What if I miss out on something fun by staying here? But if I go, I might have to interact with people, and Larry might get lonely. I cracked an eye open. Ack, my heart! Hokaze was staring at me with a pleading look on her face.

"F-fine, I'll go," I said, defeated.

Hokaze stepped towards me and clasped my hands, a massive smile on her face.

"That's great!" She exclaimed. "We can do other things while we're out, like go to the park! And when we get back, we can watch Gekota!"

I stared at my poor, trapped hands, cursing my weak will. I looked back up at Hokaze with a weak smile. "That sounds great, Miss Hokaze!" You're super nice, but please leave...

Hokaze released my hands and took a step back. "Ah, I'm sorry; what would you like to do, Shirai?"

Mutilate Gekotas. No, wait, she might not like that answer. What do normal people do for fun? Several seconds passed. Ah! She's expecting a reply, just say something!

"I, ah... collect Gekotas!" You had one job, and you blew it!

Hokaze nodded. "Great! We can stop at a store after we get crepes!"

Hokaze's phone started ringing. "Ah, I've got to go, goodbye Shirai!"

And with that, she bolted out of my room. That was odd. I teleported above my bed, flopping down onto it face first. I let out a groan. Why am I like this? She's one of the friendliest people in school, and I can barely talk to her! I wish I could turn invisible.

I rolled onto my side and stared at the empty bed on the other side of the room. I'm bored, maybe I could read? I teleported underneath my bed, placed a hand on my laptop, and teleported back on top of my bed, laptop in tow, all in just under a second.

I cracked the lid open and started jamming my finger into the scanner. Poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, ah, it's done. The screen lit up, welcoming me to the land of procrastination and endless fiction.

Wait! I shot up, placing my laptop to the side. I teleported under my bed and grabbed a Gekota from my stash. I shot up, slamming the Gekota down on my desk. Invisibility! Komaki can turn invisible; maybe I can, too? After all, it's just bending light around an object, and I can probably do that!

I bent space around the Gekota, careful to avoid touching him with the warped space. He vanished without a sound, no sounds of tearing fabric or eldritch screams from beyond. Nothing. I stared at the spot he used to be. I could still sense him, but I couldn't see him. Huh, nothing I've done had ever worked the first time before. I undid the space manipulation, and he popped back into existence, completely unharmed.

I grabbed the plushy and carefully inspected him for any tears or distorted limbs. "Huh," I whispered, "no damage."

I plopped him down on my bed and took up the most authoritative pose I could, i.e., I copied Hokaze. "Sir Frog," I started, "for your contributions to science and the advancement of me; I, Shirai Kuroko, future goddess of space-time, pardon you. You now get to live above the bed!" I let out a soft cheer.

Excited to try my new ability, I quickly warped the space around me and tried to bend light. I held up both my arms in front of me. "That feels so freaky," I said. One of my arms had turned invisible, but the rest of me was still fully visible, occasional distortions of the light the only sign I was doing anything. I waved both arms around. That's so weird; I can see it with my spatial sense but not my eyes...

Egh, I quickly turned it off. My brain did not like that. I guess I still have some way left to go before I can turn something as large as a person invisible. I glanced over at the Gekota and briefly considered resuming the experiments. I shook my head; no, I promised. "You're lucky I already pardoned you," I muttered.

A soft flash from my laptop caught my attention. Ah, I've got a message. I flopped down on my bed and hugged my computer to me. I quickly scanned the screen. Ah, someone needs help with their English homework... why did I sign up for this again?

"The ability to teach others is the highest form of mastery."

I groaned. Right, thanks, teach. Maybe I could just pretend I haven't seen it? I looked at the bottom of the screen, 'Seen!'. You know, computer, no one likes a snitch.

I quickly typed out the quickest possible answer before scanning over it several times, obsessively searching for any mistakes. And sent! I quickly slammed the laptop shut and resolved to ignore it for another few days. My fluency in English is truly a curse.

I froze as I detected another person making their way down the hall. Nope, not again! I grabbed my gloves and teleported away.


I sat on a tree branch, legs swaying in the air. I sent out a quick ping and smiled. I was alone; there was no one anywhere near my tree. I stood up on the branch, balancing with my arms out to the side.

I tilted my head back; only slivers of light made it through the canopy. I leaned back, teleporting to the ground the moment my feet left the branch. I glanced up at where I came from; my favorite branch was roughly 5 meters in the air, the highest I was willing to go.

I sensed a disturbance a few dozen meters away and quickly teleported to a branch directly above it. I peeked over the side of the limb, staring down at the cause of the disturbance. Ah ha, a snake! Hmm, it's striped... and so cute. I wanna touch it.

After several seconds of staring at the snake, I teleported away, having managed to wrangle in my impulses. I need to figure out Tokiwadai's pet policy; I want a reptile. I stopped and gave it a bit of thought. On the other hand, that could be a bad idea; I can barely care for myself.

I shrugged and made my way back up to my branch. I rested my back against the tree trunk and closed my eyes, imagining different spatial warping techniques; all thoughts of tomorrow temporarily forgotten.

Ah, the forest is so relaxing; I wish I could stay out here longer.

Sorry for the extremely late and short chapter, I don't really have any reason, I just got stuck.
Love this, she's super cute like this, her fear of Misaki is presented in an understandable way to making her more realistic than many si characters.
Chapter 4
Thank you to the Shadow Council!

I looked nervously at the balls arrayed before me. Okay, speed test. Just stay calm, and you've got it; don't overthink it. I reached out with a shaky hand and tapped a ball, teleporting it away after nearly a second of concentration. A worried frown appeared on my face as I touched the second ball, teleporting just slightly faster than the first. So slow! I glanced over at the teacher and felt my legs shake as I took in the look of disapproval on her face. I quickly started reaching out for the next ball. J-just ignore her; you know you're better than this. You just need t-

A loud honk blasted near my ear; I violently flinched, teleporting both myself and the ball away. My legs collapsed out from underneath me, and I fell to the ground. I slammed a hand into the ground, fuming. I hate that! I hate it when that happens! I sniffed. I want to go home...

After several seconds of getting my heart rate back under control, I stood up and slowly returned to where I was supposed to be. As I made my way back, the teacher slipped an air horn into her bag and then turned to write in a notebook. "223 milliseconds," she mumbled. "Ah good, Shirai." She turned to me. "Follow me; we're going to test how much mass you can teleport next."

I nodded. "Yes, teacher." I briefly glared at the back of her head as she walked away. Mean! I quickly followed after her, keeping my head down as I walked.

As we made our way to the next test, I looked around, keeping an eye out for anyone I knew. Hmm, I vaguely recognize some of these people, but I don't know their names. Ah, there's the pink-haired girl that tried to get me to join her club! I wonder if she's upset over me disappearing on her… please don't notice me!

I sped up, making sure to keep my face pointed away from Pink Girl. I wonder where Komaki and Miss Hokaze are. Komaki is probably getting tested by some magic tech, but shouldn't Hokaze be around here somewhere? The teacher stopped as we arrived at the next testing area.

The teacher ushered me over to a scale. "Step on; we have to weigh you first."

I shrugged and hopped onto the scale. Ah, 32 kilograms… is that good? The teacher jotted my weight down in her notepad before gesturing for me to get off. She quickly led me over to an upright bar with a single ten-kilogram weight attached to it. "Teleport with this; I'll add weight after every successful teleport. Continue until you can no longer take it along with you."

Okay, seems simple enough. I grabbed the bar, teleported a short distance away, and then back.

"Let go." The teacher grabbed a ten-kilogram weight and slid it on with a clang. "20 kilograms. Continue."

I grabbed the bar and teleported again.


The teacher dropped the small weight into place, a metallic clang ringing out as it collided with the previous weight.

"53 kilograms. Continue."

I'm so bored! Couldn't we have stopped at 50? I grabbed the bar yet again and attempted to teleport. Ow ow, my head. I furrowed my brows and tried again. Ow, nope, nothing. Are we done yet? I think I strained my teleport muscle. I let go of the bar, my arm falling limp to my side.

"Total teleportation capacity: 84 kilograms." She gestured off into the distance. "Your last test is over there." With that, she turned and walked away.

I made a quick series of short teleport jumps, ending up just a few meters from the testing area. I meekly waved at the teacher. I wish I knew their names…

"Ah, Miss Shirai, we'll start at the distance you failed to reach last time."

I slightly shriveled. Did you have to say it like that?

I stared down at the weird tech thing my hand was resting on, trying to calm the butterflies in my stomach. It's okay, Kuroko, it's fine. It's not like they'll demote you for lack of progress, right? I let out a shaky breath and closed my eyes. Using my spatial manipulation and sense in tandem, I marked a spot 75 meters away. Aaand go! The thingy disappeared from under my hand and reappeared at the designated place.

I opened my eyes and looked at the machine. That looks good? I inspected it with my unique sense. Yeah, it landed right where I marked... I hope I marked the correct spot. I crossed my fingers and waited with bated breath for my results to be announced.

"Recording 75 meters. Distance from target, zero centimeters. Go again, aim for 90 meters."

I muffled a sigh and prepared to go once again when the sound of crashing water ripped through the air.

I staggered, almost falling to the ground, before correcting my stance with a teleport. What was that? I looked toward where the noise came from and saw a massive plume of water shooting into the air. I stared intently. Who at Tokiwadai would have that level of power?

A second boom ripped through the air, slightly shaking me. Ah ha! The Railgun! It's probably her. I watched the plume of water slowly fall back down the earth. What an incredible power.

I turned back to my test and, after a moment of concentration, teleported the machine as far as possible.

"Recording 86.7 meters. Distance from target, three centimeters. Overall rating, level 4."



I stepped out of the bathroom, damp hair wrapped in a towel. Sighing, I trod over to the middle of the dorm and plopped down on the floor, flattening my skirt over my outstretched legs. Mentally reaching out towards my desk, I bent space around my phone, creating a primitive Alcubierre drive. The phone shot forward and collided with my side. Oof, oww, why'd I do that?

Rubbing my side with one hand, I reached out and grabbed my phone. Quickly punching in a number, I raised my phone to my ear.

"Hello?" Said the person on the other side, voice crystal clear.

"Mommy!" I cheered.

"My little weirdo! How'd your test go?"

I leaned back on one hand, grinning. "It was scary, but I think I did well! I'm still a level 4, though."

"Did you tell them about your little experiments?" She asked, in a voice that suggested she already knew the answer.


She sighed. "Kuroko, I know you're worried, but you don't have anything to fear. You should tell them before the next scan."

I fidgeted. "I guess…"

"You'll be fine; you're a smart girl. Oh, and your father says hello!"

A soft smile appeared on my face. "Thanks, Mom. And hi, Dad!"

"So, have you been making friends?"

I froze. "Eeeh. Kind of?" I rallied, picking up steam. "I mean, you already know about Komaki, and Miss Hokaze invited me to hang out with her today!"

"I knew you could do it! Just keep at it! And what of this Shokuhou girl you told me about?"

"Ah, she's nice, but a bit much?"

"I'm sure she's just trying to connect with you; you should give her a chance!"

We continued talking for another few minutes when I heard a muffled conversation on the other side of the phone. "Sorry, sweetie, but I've got to go. I'll call you again in a few days."

I nodded. "Okay! Talk to you then, bye!"


I shut off my phone and teleported it back to my desk. I let myself fall backward, lying flat on the floor. What do I do now? Do I just wait for Hokaze to come get me? I began poking at the floor while staring blankly at the ceiling. Bored.

I yawned. Maybe I could just sleep until it's time to go? I was lying there, mulling it over, when I detected a familiar person making their way toward the dorm. I slowly blinked. Ah, Komaki is coming down the hall. Should I get up? … Nah. I spread my arms out and closed my eyes, lying there motionless. I heard the door open.

"Kuroko! I'm back!" Komaki exclaimed. "… What are you doing?"

I cracked an eye open. "Shhh, I'm sleeping. Be quiet."

Komaki put her hands on her hips. "What happened to the quiet, adorable girl I met at the beginning of the year?"

I teleported myself into a standing position and shrugged. "I dunno, people are scary, but you're not scary anymore, which must mean you're no longer a person!" I leaned in and inspected her closely. "Komaki, are you an alien?"

Komaki rolled her eyes and smiled. "Right, if anyone's the alien here it's you!"

I clasped my hand over my heart dramatically. "Gasp, you've figured me out! I'm secretly from another dimension!" I held a pose, one hand pointing at Komaki, the other over my heart.

Komaki locked eyes with me; I raised an eyebrow, and she started to giggle. I managed to hold a straight face for another second before joining her.
For the unfamiliar, that's a type of FTL drive.
Though not at that speed. It's a formulation that allows for FTL transit in principle, yes, but that has plenty of difficulties that aren't technically part of the baseline Alcubierre formulation.

That's just as well. If it had been the same thing, then Kuroko would have been spaghettified, irradiated, exploded, and also might have died.
I suspect launching her phone at speeds approaching/surpassing the speed of Light may cause some minor issues with the...structual stability of the school dorm. Rather explosive issues i would imagine.
Wait, hold on. She just proved an Alcubierre drive works to move things. Isn't that kind of a big deal? Unless another spacial manipulator proved it already…
For sufficiently precise spacial manipulators it's probably pretty low hanging fruit. Someone, at some point, of the millions of espers, probably proved it over the last 50 or so years.
In any event, she didn't prove it works. She only proved that middle-school demigods can warp reality such that it seems to work—which isn't the same thing, esper powers are practically (but not politically) magic.
That's just as well. If it had been the same thing, then Kuroko would have been spaghettified, irradiated, exploded, and also might have died.
Might? Okay, I know Dr. Gekota Heaven Canceller can pull off some bullshit, and she'd be able to escape pretty quickly from radiation and maybe even an explosion, but how would anyone save her from being spaghettified?